The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 16, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 24

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    16, 1916.
AMBITIOUS men are- not quit aatiafied.
They desire more progreaa and pro parity
and want tt improve their conditiona.
Are you in. a position where you can
advance by honest eiforta and hard
it rwivarnmrat decisions In rail
road and traffic businese have creawd a
e and uc crowd ed. profession, that oi
traffic management.
Traffic managers who taava been trained
practica.Iy, ajatematlcaliy and acienuf
Irally are In gr?at demand; they earn
lrom tlW to $j'M or more per month.
Get our Traffic Boole It is gratis and
will interest you. It explain" bow you
can become a Traffic Manager In your
a pare moments, while in your present po
sition, enabling YOU to secure a larger
permanent income here and now. Address
I7 Board or Trade Bids-, Portland. Or.
i'KEE LE6SONS 10 TO 12, 2 TO 4.
Ar Intelligent person, either sex, of good
education aud business ability; must be
able to handle correspondence and write
a good business letter: an opportunity
to start a sxnaU but profitable mall order
Business in your own nome or on ice; gooa
- for $100 a week when established; can
be managed In spare time, evenings, or as
a si a line at Iirst; grows rapiuiy; aena
for particulars. Heacock Co.. bu7 Heacock
oiag., Locaporr. . x.
loung men seeking employment in com
mrc:al, clerical or technical lines are tn-
- v 1 1 in Mnaiiir Ih. F!mtiinvmnt Secretary
Service of this department free to all
members. To non-members a special mem
bershin is issued, costing So per annum.
. giving service of the department for a
er two moniar tun (irivue mu
fund of membership fee if satiatactory em
ployment is not secured.
Day and night ciaases; expert training
tn repairing, driving and machine work.
Including forge, lathe, shaper, drill presa
etc: time unlimited. Secure pass at Educa
tional office, Y. M. C A. bldg.. to inspect
our shops and methoas. COMPEi ENT
DRUG CLERK, for second man; must be
familiar with fountain and of good char
acter; one who thinks he is worth 0
per month and is willing to earn it; give
all references and particulars in first let
ter; small town in Washington, not far
from Portland, Or. Address AV &W. Ore
gon lan. .
Men, buy upstairs where you escape
high-rent profits; I sell you $20 suits and
o' coats for $1. 75, all ready to wear.
Jimmy Dunn. 316-I-17 Oregonian bid.
Elevator to 3d iioor.
LOOK HERE, ambitious men. $10 to $-5 a
day distributing little article mounted on
display cards to merchants; new, meri
torious unique, enormous demand with
quick easy money: grab this; write now,
more particulars free. Little Wonder Mfg.
CORLISS engineer, sawyer and filer, ma
chinist, loader engineer, stenographer ana
Invoice clerk, oyster and meat man, wagon
tock foreman, blacksmith. At different
times we need all kinds of skilled saw
mill men; get with us, future opening
. .. 1 A rlr
WANTED Ambitious workmen; your work
on actual jobs pays for teaching trade of
automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying;, only
few months required; 7o students last
four years: write for information. Brims
Contracting Trade School, 24 AIIso. Los
WHOLESALE lumber company wantsirlght.
energetic young man stenographer; must
be accurate at figures; good position for
the right man and chance for advance
ment; reply in own handwriting. S 339,
SECRET SERVICE Exceptional oppor
tunities Orient, South and North Amer
ica; detectives also, reliable inexperienced
persons prepared by leading world's ex
pert. Asiatic-Pacific Agency, San Fran
cisco, OU KKNilKNT POSITIONS in postoffice,
railway mail and other branches are
good; prepare, "exams" under former U.
S. civil service secretary-examiner; book
let H-3 free; write today. Patterson
MvH Service School, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED In office of expensive Jobbing
house and assistant credit man. Give de
tails as to former occupations and qualifi
cations for the position, with references
and phone number. AM 315, Oregonian.
The only automobile school on the PA
TORS IN THE SCHOOL. 445 Hawthorne.
MIDDLE-AGED and lderiy men make
money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna
mental and fruit stock: cash weekly; part
expenses provided. Washington Nursery
Co.. Toppenish. Wash.
CALIFORNIA. 20 motion picture com
panies; easy to write plays; highest prices;
no school: we revise, sell. Send for free
details. Photoplay Bureau, - 3i Sta. C,
Los Angers.
fcAl.EsMEN calling on furniture and depart
ment stores, to sell on commission, a man
ufacturer's line of Axmlnster rugs; com
miMMon S rer cent; line weighs 3 pounds,
Kerd Werner fc Sons Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.
MEN for railway mall clerk Jobs: rums,
soon; 0O to $lso0 yearly: act qutckly;
time limited; "free book" and information.
Pacific States School. McKay bldg., city.
Must be 18 years, under 35.
LADY or gentleman, fair education, to travel
for old-established firm; no canvassing;
ia try, $1K6 per 3 ear, payable weekly, pur
suant to contract; expenses advanced. G.
M. Nkhois, Philadelphia, Pa.. Pepper bldg.
YOl can learn to be an optician and
optometrist. Do Keyser Institute of Op
lumetrv. the most progressive school In
the WVst. Day and evening classes. In
quire Columbia bidg.
WANTED A saiea representative at Port
land and In every county of Oregon for
popular pro-German paper. Better than
good wages easily earned. The Father
land. 525 .Market St.. San Francisco, Cal.
WANTED An experienced person to care
for a rooming-house out of the city; As
toria; must have references and no chil
dren; state virm. AV 641. Oregonian.
1 WILL pay any honest man up to $00
monthly for part of spare time; no can
vassing; no capital. Write today. Voor
hus dek l.Vl, Omaha. Neb.
WANTED Names of high-class men desir
ing sa'.arled positions in South America.
' Postace for application and particulars.
V A A. Co.. box 1424. Los Angeles, Cal.
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept.
7k. Parsons. Kan.
f ALRSMEN' wsnted. Write us for our new
snd special commission offer. We propose
to do the business. Address Capital City
Nursery Company. Saiem. Or.
WANTED Man to manage eating and
drinking pla; married man preferred;
E ive experience and salary wanted. AF
SiS, Oregonian.
3BE detective: earn $50-$1O weekly; travel
over wor'd; experience unnecessary. United
States Detective Adjusting Agency, 107
t'hemical. St. Louis.
$n0 MONTHLY and" expenses, travel. dis
tribute samples, take orders. appoint
a Ren is. Permanent. Jap American Co., Chi-
' WANTED A dentist to locate in a live
town of ttoo inhabitants where thers la no
dentist. Call on. or write, or phone L. A.
.lackjon. Cornelius. Or.
V NTED Men to try examinations for
Government Jobs; $70 month; common ed
ucation sufficient. Apply immediately. AV
40. Oregonian.
T A 1 LOR-M ADE suits, overcoats. $5 down.
month; reliable local tailor. D.
Simmons, merchant tailor, at Clyde Ho
tel. Main 2:2$.
1AK.E engineering course, steam, gas, auto
or electrical ; courses to suit a;; ; work
done helps pay tuition. Seattle Engineer
ing School. Roy St.. Seattle.
.WANTED Men to buy overcoats, and rain
coats, $2 50 to $10; rare opportunity.
Stein's shop. S6 North gth.
EARN $10-$ 15 weekly mailing circulars,
spare time. Psrticulars. instructions. 10c.
Kirbyson. Dept. 14B. Upper Lake, CaL
MIDDLE-AO ED man to chore for room and
board; must be nest and clean: good home
to right person. Box 16. Can by. Or.
EARN $-0 weekly writing names. addrt-sst-A.
No canvassing. Information stamp. G. O.
Smith. Little Rock. Ark.
AT once; competent cleaner and dyer; re
plv. stating -experience and where gained,
also salary required. AV 64$. Oregonian.
MrTN. learn drafting; personal instruction
at tome: Mr salary when finished; book
fre. t'htef Engineer. 4."S Cass. Chicago.
-MAKE monev writing stories or articlea
Big pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
United Press Syndu-ate. an Franc wro.
-ADVERTISING solicitor, experienced. Apply
room 431. K!U Hotel. Sunday and Monday
after 7 P. M.
t-XPFRIENCFO shoemak-er, single man
preferred. J 3 miles from Portland. AV
5 , Oregonian
J'HOTO agents, something new: extra com
mission paid. Psrooy Ftudlo. Royal bldg.
iVAVTBn Amateur first tenor for vaude-
Uls act, Oregonian,
A competent automobile driver,
A real gas engineer, or a man
Experienced with handling the gas
Tractor on the farm
Call Employment Dept..
266 11th si., Portland. Or.
Msn, i ave you money on pui
tigh-rent profit tacked on. Come up. See
me pilots i sen at v. a.uu
Jimmy Dunn, 315-1SV-1 Oregonian blag.
Elevator to 3d fiocr.
COME? Kverv ambitious man In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho outside of Port
land can double their Income by devoting
their spare time to our work. Drop a pos
tal for full particulars.
Homefurnishers on Credit.
Portland. Of.
WELL - ESTABLISHED automobile firm
wants a good salesman; prefer one who
can buy nis own car ior demonstrator.
state your experience, whether you can
buy your demonstrator, and any other
data to show that you are a live one; our
line Is a sensational one; we aid you to
make sales; big advertisers. E 34s, ore
largest and best established automooue
concerns in the city, dealing in popular
priced motor cars, wants two real sales
men; automobile experience not necessary;
what we want is live-wire salesman; in
In answering, tate age, selling experience
an-i references p 34b. uregoman.
A man who can take charge of carding
end spinning; also spinners ana cara
tender. Apply now. Davis fc Furber ma
Stayton, Oregon.
WANTED Two men to flit responsible out
side position: between the age of 23 and
ou, oz neat appearance ana noi sartua
work; proposition strictly commission and
absolutely no advances made ; interview
will be arranged by giving your telephone
number K. 347, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class logging superinten
dent, capable or handling rir operations
with output of over 100. 000.000 feet per
annum; give full list of past employers,
age, salary wanted and when services
would be available. Address AV 664, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED automobile truck salesman
in position to finance himself can find a
lucrative position with old-established
dealer; give details with qualifications for
position with references and phone num
ber.. B 334, Oregonian.
SALESMAN, acquainted with (cutlery) drug
ana n a raw are iraue in western uregon "a
Washington; best article in our line; prices
the lowest; liberal commission: excellent
side line; made In Portland. W 301, Ore.
BOY abbout 16 to IS years with wheel, for
errand and office work; S25 a month;
permanent position, with chance for ad
vancement for boy not afraid of hard
work. Apply room 712 Electric hldg., b
A. M. Monday.
LEARN auto trade In most practical school
on coast; course includes everytntng worm
knowing about auto business; no time
limit; positions secured. Board and room
while .earning. Catalogue free. National
School of Engineering, Los Angeles. Est.
Said article being well advertised
and in demand. Call Room 9U3
Chamber of Commerce.
HUSTLERS $20 to $30 made weekly dis
tributing circulars, samples, tacKing
signs, etc. Advertisers National Agency,
Dept. C202, Chicago.
WILL pay $23 per week for a few good.
live agents ; must nave experience
ability; chance for advancement. D. J.
Ellis. 427 Worcester bldg.
WANTED Japanese boy to do general
housework. Call 171 King St., apartment
Help Wanted Agents.
$1000 FOR YOUR NEXT 100 DAYS Spot
casn ; new xnoney-maamg in vcmiun wr
agents, general agents, managers; recent
ly invented; 1,000,000 already sold; 200
more salesmen wanted at once; amazing
automatic compressed air washing ma
chine; washes tub clothes six minutes; no
cranks to turn or levers to push, no rub
bing; works like magic; price only $1.50;
makes sale very house; 200 per cent
prolit. L Palber, Glen Allen, Ala., put out
on trial 108 machines, sold 107; profit
$107. Write today. Wendell Co., 2& Oak
St., Leipsic. O.
AGENTS Resident-collectors wanted, both
sexes, to look after our interest! in inis
vicinity. Permanent employment, good in
come. No goods to peddle. Better than
regular agency work. Send for particu
lars and application blank. Address the
Rocky Mountain Sales Co., 702 8th at.,
Laramie, Wyo.
MEXICAN DIAMONDS Exactly resemble
genuine; SAME KA1.BUVV Jritmi; stand
tests: sell at sight; LIVE agents wanted;
pro tits $r0 WEEKLY up; write sample
case offer FREE. Mexican Diamond Im
porting Co., box A-3. Las Cruces, N. Met
$0O WEEKLY easy; sell our new house-
nold articles: experience ucuBuewa ,
women delighted, eager to buy; sample
furnished active workers. Write "The Pop
u!ar," 442 Minna, San Francisco, Cal.
AO E NTS for burglar-proof key fastener.
Quick seller. Necessary in homes, noieis,
etc. Big profits. Sample luc At hazel,
325 Consolidated Realty bldg., Los Ange
les. Cal.
AGENTS, either sex, have fastest selling
household article ever miroauoea; women
buv on sight; absolutely new and novel.
Particulars free. Coast Specialty Sales Co.,
572 Liberty st San Francisco, Cal.
AGENTS tfaiary or commission; greatest
seller yet; every user pen ana ins pu)i
on sight; 200 to 50O per cent profit; one
agent's sales $620 In six days; another
$o2 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X44,
La Crosse, Wis.
A 1-CENT postcard will put you in touch
with an $M)-a-week proposition selling
aluminum utensils and specialties direct
to the consumer, don't let 1 cent stand be-tu-Kon
vou and nrosneritv. Div. 40SO.
American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont. III.
AG ENTS Large manufacturer wants relia
Die men. women, iu en kuii buiwu -ierv.
underwear, shirts, direct to homes.
Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 5b$
U 1 ..- - Yaw Vnric
ACT quick; automobile gasoline going up;
sell gaso-tonic; equa!s gasoline at 3c gal
lon: eliminates carbon. Dollar an hour
profit. Sales guaranteed. "White Mfg. Co.,
AGENTS make $5 to $25 daily; no expe
rience; free catalogue, samples; new goods,
quick sales, big profits, world's beaters.
Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell, Chi
cane 111.
SALESMEN on commission or straight sai
arv basis; splendid article, easily carried;
descriptive booklet and terms, free. Write
Northwest Supply Co., S2J S. Monroe St.,
t-pokane, w asn.
lit 10 s SENSATION 11-piece toilet article
set selling like biases. $1; $1 carving set
free: enormous profits; tremendous hit;
Enele made first week; write quick.
Pierce Co., 20 Fierce Didg.. cnicago.
ASTONISHING money-maker; new, original,
fascinating- plan. Introducing home sup
plies, factorv to consumer; $25 weekly
easv; write t?rms, free goods, offer quick
lv. !der Mfg. Co., Dept. 40O Coshocton.O.
FREE SAMPLE: :No-spIash water strainer
sell themselves, no talking experience
necessary; profits big. Send 2c (mailing
cost. A. G.. Union Filter Co.. N. Y.
ADVERTISERS 5c a word pays for your
advertisement in 100 monthly magazines;
particulars froe. Empire Advertising
AGENTS make big money and become sales
mgr. our goods; fast office seller; fine
profits. Particulars, sample free. One D1d
fen (JO., iji Lauy necom, zstti uinorc, su.
l'ta new p Hint, a , n -
stuff. 100 per cent profits. Sample, full
lavout free. Write quick. Lacassian Co.,
Dept. 2. St. Louis. Mo.
AGKNTS wanted for article which no house
wife can resist; sell at almost every
home. C. A. German & Co., 1401 Bur
rage sL, Portland. Or.
500 PER CENT profit: free samples gold
sign letters store and office windows,
anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co.,
43o iarK, inicagu.
MAGAZINE solicitors, get my new maga
zine proposition, fast seller and money
getter. Write W. E, Filler, OS East 81st
st. North. Portland, Or.
RED-HOT SELLER 100 live agents wanted
Immediately: absolutely new, repeats sure;
particulars free. Ellsworth Company, St.
Helens. Cal.
415 MADE first day by 13-year-old boy
with Shomescope; woman made $6 first
hour. Particulars free. Shomescope Mfg.
Co , 540 West 15th St.. Kansas City, Mo.
AGENTS; We have the best seller on the
market today; everybody buys on eight;
150 per cent profit on every sale. Call 409
Fenton bldg
WANTED -Live agents for new proposition;
experience not necessary: chance for ad
vancement; write for particulars at once.
li 355. Oregonian.
NEW laundry necessity, constant repeater;
200 per cent profit: free samples. Kodo
Products Co. Div. 1. Philadelphia. Pa.
TOU can learn about profits supplying per
fumes to families by addressing Leffler A
Co.. St. Louis, Mo. .
EITHER sex can make 80c an hour with
our household necessities; big demand.
Freed, 185 Third, Monday morning.
WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs
BO mora, 101 Board, ot Trade bldg.
Help Wan tea Agents.
EVERY household, farm, small town, sub
urbs wbers oil lamps used, needs, will buy
wonderful Aladdin mantle lamp; burns
common coal oil (kerosene); gives light
five times bright as eiectric Awarded gold
medal Panama-Pacific Exposition. Farmer
cleared over $000 stx weeks ; hundreds
with riga making $100 to $300 monthly,
acting as agents. Business men have
given up less profitable lines take advan
tage of money-making possibilities we
offer. Farmers, ministers, teachers, pro
fessional men, men with trades, laborers
no experience selling goods all grateful
for opportunity we give to make money.
Phillips. Ohio, has steady business nets
him over $3oO monthly, every buyer so
pleased thev help htm sell others. Man.
district Missouri suffering from agricul
tural, industrial depression sold 14.- lamps
30 daya, profits $302.50. Ex-railroad con
ductor sold 16 three days, out lit left on
trial took back one lamp. Mr. Poling.
sm-Ul Oklahoma town, landed church,
barm, every store, office in town. Back
of lamp guarding from attacks unscrupu
lous competitors manufacturers unsatis
factory lighting devices. Is guarantee,
which Is published broadcast, offering re
ward $1000 gold to person who can inow
other oil-burning lamp equal to Aladdin
mantle lamp1. 2d important features, such
strength, quality of light, simplicity of
operation, absence odor, smoke, noise De
tails reward offer given circular will be
sent on request. Made entirely brass;
doesn't get out of order; easily cleaned.
Many Jn use after five years constant
wear. Made several styles suit all pur
poses. Written indorsements by scores
satisfied agents. No capital required, sell
on time. Selling of Aladdin mantle lamp
has brought financial independence thou
sands men and women agents. To rel-a;
ble men (do cot want agents who will
misrepresent), sell on credit, enabling to
do business without Investing money.
While selling lamp they are in reality
business for themselves, few hours work
will satisfy any man ordinary common
sense can make more money selling our
lamp than can be made in other line or
work. Any one who sees lamp In opera-
lion uecr Bai.iBj.ivu w i
lamps. "Show and sell" is the slogan of
agents, any man wim i.g ""-' ......--
to work can make $25 to $100 weekly.
Write quick wholesale prices, territory,
sample lamp free trial. Mantle Lamp Co.,
&B Aiaaam X1UKm rurvmuu. "
making house-to-house proposition adver
tised these columns; N. R- G. Little VV izard
Labor Saver washes clothes 10 minutes
absolutely without rubbing; contains no
paraffin, wax; there is nothing like it on
market; sells 15c, enough five family
washings; supply you with all free sam
ples vou need; all you do is leave free
sample with housewife, when you call
afain la waiting to become stesdy, per
manent customer; Is positively most scien
tific, wonderful labor saver of age; you
will make great mistake if you do not
secure territorial rights at once; postal
card brings full Particulars. Farquhar
Moon Mfg. Co., -Dept. C-0. 140 W. Van
uren St., sjnicago.
NEW household invention; Just ready; a sale
. - i i Kn iuipfP ahpnr ana
at every uuuw , -, : ,
kitchen knife sharpener; needed In ve
home, every day; nothing else like it; 100
per cent profit; grinds perfect edge In 10
seconds; works like magic; child can u e
It; women buy on sight; no talking, $400
a month,; territory now open; county iree,
business supplies capital; biggest oppor
tunity ever offered to agents, general
agents and managers. Write today, feend
postal with name and address for com
plete information; Quickedge Sharpener
Co, Dept. 562, at 215 West Schiller St..
cnicago, in
THE "Little Wonder" mechanical starter
ior i"ora auiomwun to u - -
markable achievements ever made in
progressive automobile equipment; just
imagine, a 20-lnch lever pull ' 'spins your
engine from the seat." It's revolutionizing
the starter world; has an instantaneous
back-fire release ; absolutely fool proof ;
weighs only 10 lbs. Sells on sight. Agents
wanted everywhere. For quick action,
specifv territory and order starter C. J.
r. today on our positive guarantee; price
$18.50. Sample starter $13.50 The Lit
tle Wonder Starter Co., 220 S. Lasalle St.,
$50 TO $250 per week, easy, agent's lad
ing to buy this wonderful new invention;
easy wringer mop. keeps woman s hands
Mr. Paaschi cold 3 dozen in 12 hours,
profit $20.00. Mr. Munger, Mich., made $-8
three days; agent's profit 150 per cent;
risk a penny to bring a flood of success.
Send postal for agency, full description
Don't wait.' The U. S. Mop Co., 300
Main at., loieao, i.
MEN and women mako 5O0 per cent Profit
selling for only &uc my iarKe ciwlu-u
..mii7. mA.itai Knnlt of over 1000 pages;
this grpat book is illustrated with colored
lithographs, contains chapters on mar
riage question, sex relation, children, ba
w... v...(AnA anA all HiRPnses First appli-
mnt. cet exclusive territory. Address
Postoffice, drawer ?6, Buffalo, X. Y.
191t WILL be the banner year for aluminum
agents; aeu mummum , . I
that are needed in every home: $100 to
$:u;00 a year easy with our assistance;
deal direct with manufacturer; write
quick for territory and free agents' maga
zine. Div. 3045. American Aluminum
ADJUSTABLE burglar alarm; highly nickel-
sized door knob; no wires, batteries, or
i -4 i nUAt a rant mnkft
1O0 per cent profit; sells on sight ever
home; 30 sales day easy: no competition;
write terms of free sample. Keyless Lock
air: t hli-rl f""V Irn trn
BIG Kansas company will start ambitious
peopie ist-siu ' ,
anv locality: make $3000 yearly, spare
time, no canvassing, no experience; we
furnish everything; new unique elltng
i i- V-otiT President. 40 .
nteiuuus nee
7th. Pittsburgh, Kansas. r ,
START you in business, furnishing every
thing: men, women; $30 to $200 weekly
operating "New System Specialty Candy
Factories": home, small room anywhere;
no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime;
booklet free. Kagsdalo Co., Box S, Last
Orange, N. J.
AGENTS Hustler wanted in every county
to sell our 15 up-to-the-minute house
hold articles: women delighted, eager to
buy; experience not needed. Sell like not
cakes; samples furnished active workers;
get busy. Writ M. E. Murphy, box 635,
portiana, ur.
loO PER CENT profit selling new easy
wringer mop; every home buys; Martin
sold f'M in two days; Randal sells 18 in
4 hours: Baker made $9 in 2 hours; one
man's orders $20Ti0 in one month; get tie
tails. U. S. Mop Co., 3G2 Main St., To
ledo. O. -
WANTED Lady agent, 100 per cent profit
selling our brand new sanitary drawers;
everv lady will buy; first time offered by
agents; not sold in stores; send postal for
particulars. Moss Co.. 42 Moss bldg.,
Rochester. N. Y.
BEATS "EM ALL Absolutely sell on sight;
biff winner; grab today; unlimited field;
particulars free. Hays Splcer Co., 711
freneca. Seattle, Wash.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
GENTLEMAN or lady wanted to act as
cftv salesman for large Eastern hosiery
and underwear mills; line awarded grand
prise at Panama Exposition; position per
manent and good for $150 per month; In
answering, address P 331. Oregonian, and
make appointment; $100 required.
VACANCY Jan. 20, experienced any line, to
sell general trade in Pacific territory; un
excelled specialty proposition; commission
contract, $35 weekly, expenses. Continen
tal Jewelry Co., 0-3 Continental building,
Cleveland, Ohio.
SALESMEN An old established concern
manufacturing one of the strongest lines
of advertising specialties on the market
has a vacancy in Oregon for 1916; good
proposition for experienced specialty man.
patent Novelty Co., Fulton. 111.
SALESMAN, capable specialty man for Ore
gon: staple line on new and exceptional
terms; vacancy now; attractive commis
sion $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F.
Blxl'er Co., 22ft-3 Carlin bldg., Cleveland,
SALESMEN, improve your Income and op
portunity. Two producers wanted. Prod
uct with marked superiority. High com
mission. Mail credits. Sales advance.
Mfrs., 10703 Quebec ave., Cleveland.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our check pro
tector; it sells to every person who writes
a" check; circulars and information free;
sample. 25c. Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton
bldg.. Toledo. O.
SALES MGR., something new; business ne
cessity ; retails $6 to $100 ; enormous
profits ; no competition ; exc. territory;
free samples. Sayers Co., 450 Wainwrlght,
St. Louis.
SALES MANAGER wanted for exceptionally
high-class business; unlimited possibilities;
want live wire who will back his ability
with some cash. This is your opportunity.
Replies conf identiaL J S21,Oregonian,
LIVE aide line: something new; nine min
utes' time pays $9; pocket samples;
prompt commissions; state territory cov
ered. Elwood Mfg. Co., 1118 Michigan
ave,, Chicago
RELIABLE man to sell stock In Portland
corporation; exceptionally promising and
high-class business proposition. B $27,
O regoman.
SIDELINE SALESMAN to sell on commis
sion, premiums, furniture, department
store specialties; big proposition, live
wires. S. Franklin & Co., 1210 S. Mor
frnn. Chicago.
OCT own hair; remarkable invention; send
25c for samrle: make money fast. Som
merfield. 14 Traders' bldg.. Chicago.
ENERGETIC salesman visit school; $100
salary and liberal commission. R. O,
Evans & Co., 110O Wabash, Chicago.
WANTED Salesmen, hustlers only. Call
Monday, room 403 Behnke-Walker bldg.
SALESMAN who ran figure on printing.
Cail afurnooB, Z&Z E, Couch i relax-encea.
Help Wanted riaaeanien.
LARGE FACTORY selling low-priced gaso
line engines, cream separators, washing
machines and farm tractor, desires to cor
respond with salesmen now making smalt
towns who have spare time to call on im
plement and hardware dealers, appoint
ing them as agents and selling machines;
no canvassing among farmers; line exten
sively advertised, liberal commissions paid
monthly, exclusive territory given; to men
now traveling as above this connection
wfll mean a good income ach month
without extra expense; full time contracts
also made, ' by which high-class salesmen
can make good living. Address box L,
station 7, F. B. L-, Waterloo, la.
backed up by successful sales expe
rience, will find most remarkable "
prospects for prompt advancement.
Original and successful sales plans.
Proposition pays generously from
start. Give record first letter. Dept.
20. National Aluminum Works, EI
nilra, N..'Y.
SALESMEN WANTED Men experienced In
nlacing development bond and stocks;
positively no advances will be made; first
mortgage sinking fund 6 per cent bonds
with bonus in shares; large income in it
for high pressure men oi gooa cnar&cter;
now operating in Washington and Mon
tana; will consider territory allotment
there and elsewhere. Address The under
writer Company, 403 Tacoma bldg., Ta-
coma, vv asn., postoince dox34.
SALESMAN' Large corporation requires
salesman covering Oregon and adjoining
states to sell heavily advertised popular
artic.e, devoting either whole or part
time: tne product mis a long-xeit neea,
sells exceptionally well In quantities.
pays a Aanasoma commission ana re'
orders bring big profits; no samples nec
essary; nig nest ciass creaentiais requireu.
Address, giving lull particulars, av at
largest and best established automobile
concerns in the city, dealing in popular
priced motor cars, wants two real sales
men; autcmobiie experience not necessary;
what we want Is live-wire salesman; in
In answering, state age, selling experience
ana reierences. i 343, oregonian.
ExDerlenced aelllne oronrietarv medi
clnes to grocers and general stores; salary
and commission; give names of firm repre
sented in first letter. Confidential: Crane
Medicine Co., 314 West Superior St., Chi
FIVE more men for Jan, 25 to represent
us mi western states; no samples or col
lecting; call banks, manufacturers, whole
salers, retailers, doctors; experience helps,
not essential ; pay weekly ; full instruc
tions insure success; write, exclusive ter
ritory, secure splendid income. i. u
Jones, 793 Schwind bldg., Dayton, O.
EXCELLENT opportunity for man between
5 ana 3o to quaniy as salesman ior one
of largest food product concerns in world;
experience selling consumer essential;
position of responsibility if qualified; ref
erences and bond required. Salary and
commission. jewel Tea to., a.
Grand ave. ,-
WANTED Good salesman now calling on
electric or hardware dealers, to handle
our washers as side line on commission
no samples necessary; good opportunity
for live salesman to utilize spare time
and make good money. Addresa Grinneil
Washing Machine Co., Grinneil, ia.
TRAVELING salesmen who will accept
clothes made to their measure in payment
for placing with merchants "the line that's
different," all-wool tailoring line, quoting
six special prirs; no extra charges. Write
for particulars. J. W. Jones & Sons, 501
saia-city nana Piag., unicago.
POCKET eide line: new live pro position:
all merchants towns 100,000 under want
it; pays $o commission each sale; no
collecting, no risk to merchant: take back
unsold zoodg; easiest, biggest paying side
line orrerea. caniieia Mtg. co., ao mgei,
EXPEDIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big
pay; write for arge list of openings op
portunities to earn from $100 to $500 a
month while you learn. Address, nearest
office, Dept. 311, National Salesmen's
Training Association. Chicago, New lorK,
San Francisco.
AUTOMOBILE tires and accessories; $100
per month and advance expenses to ngnt
man. Desk 407, S. E. Co., 502o-35 S.
Wabash ave. Chicago.
THREE first-class hiirh-grade salesmen
who are willing to work and want to
make money. Address a 8f, uregoman.
WANTED Girl for general housework; ref
e rentes. Apply apt. zu., mgniana (Jourt,
22d and Glisan.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Company, 423
Pittock block, 3S5 Washington.
Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies
only; make yourself independent with good
trade. 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Wash.
WILL give home to school girl in exchange
for light services. Apply between 1 aud
2 P. M., 3f(2 Stanton st.
SCHOOL girl to assist for room and board;
, good home. Phone B 152o. SOV E. Mill,
GIRL for general housework. Phone East
2707 or call loi) Halsey St. Broadway car,
near 22d st.
RELIABLE girl, experienced with baby, to
assist general housework; Japanese pre
ferred. Telephone East 4926 after 10 A. M.
GIRL to assist light housework, for room
and board; $5 per month and carfare; no
school girl. K 336, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; references. 257 42th st. morn
ings. Main 2150.
STENOGRAPHER and general office duties,
give experience and salary expected. AM
345, Oregonian.
WANTED Young woman whose health de
mands she sleep outdoors. Address M 59,
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
general housework. 051 Irving st., near
20th St.
WANTED A young girl for housework in
email family. Phone East 3538. 721 E
WANTED tDlning-room girl, light work
and good home; must have some experi
ence Doris Hotel, Woodburn, Or.
GIRL or middle-aged lady for housework;
must be capable; small family; no wash
ing. Tabor 600
GOOD millinery makers, perament posi
tions; none others need apply. LOWEN
FIRST-CLASS girl for general housework;
small family. Call Sunday afternoon, 7oo
Kearney st.
EXPERIENCED waitress, out. Family 2d
girl. Howe's Agency, room 35, 270
LADIES and girl to learn trade, special rates
to those enrolling before Feb. 15. Portland
School of Millinery, 502 L'nion.ave. N.
MAKE money writing stories or articles.
Big pay. Free booklet tells hod. Address
United Press Syndicate. San FranciBCO.
HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 502 Or
pheum bldg (Empress). Individual In
structions; positions when capable.
FOREIGN girl for housework in apart
ment. $15. Apply 303 Franklin Court,
Vancouver, Wash.
GIRLS, 17 years or older, to learn compto
meter, 3 months course $45; terms; only
wide-awake girls wanted. 820 Morgan bldg.
SALESLADIES, call between 8 and 12, 1015
Broadway building. Rapid seller; large
LINOTYPE OPERATOR Lady; state expe
rience and wages wanted first six months;
suburbs. G 354, Oregonian.
SCHOOLGUtL to assist with light house
work. Must sleep home. Call Sunday after
1 P. M. 714 Glisan St., Apt. 6.
YOUNG LADIES for chorus, traveling mu
sical compan" State age and experience.
AM 344, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework, family of 2.
737 East Madison St.; take Hawthorne car.
GIRL for general housework, 3S2 E. 12th
st. North. Phone East 4187.
FIRST-CLASS millinery designer and trim
mer; call Tuesday at 389 Alder st.
AN experienced girl for general housework
and cooking. 3 in family. Marshall 1925.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
B 1090.
MISS OSTBYE. Stock Exch. b.d., teaches
stenography In 2 to S months: terms.
GOOD home for lady, exchange for cara of
two children; small wages. 610 E. 26th st.
typewriter, $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893.
WANTED Girl for general housework. S24
E. salmon st.
SAN1TORIUM nurse; give phone number.
WANTED Refined young lady to
apartment. Phone Marshall 4155.
GIRL wanted, general housework; fond of
children. 420 East 45th at. North.
GIRL to assist with general housework. Ap
ply 706 Flanders St.
WANTED Woman for plain housework;
Russian or foiisn. J ouin ta st.
GIRL for general housework. 295 East 11th
at. North. Take Irvlngton car.
LADY to learn beauty culture. 307 North
west bldg., 6th an,d Washington sts.
GIRL for general housework, sleep at home.
A nply P-- Northrop. Apt. D.
LERV beauty culture. Winter class. 50fc-3
.Columbia bldf Oraduate arfs BerUn
COME? Every ambitious woman in Ore
gon. Washington and Idaho outside of
Portland can double their income by de
voting their spare time to our work. Drop
a postal for full particulars.
Homefurnishers on Credit.
Portland. Or.
WANTED immediately, business woman with
snap and brains who can talk something
besides bard times; must be trained m
business and social world and be prepared
to devote full time: good salary and rapid
advancement to a real constructive worker
Call In person Monday or Tuesday.
Northwestern Bank bldg.
MAN AND WIFE to take charge of small
up-to-date apartment house in exchange
for apartment, heat, pnone and light
Unnecessary for man to be there all the
time. Apply Monday forenoon, &18 Abing-
ton bldg.
WANTED Several well educated, refined
business womeu to engage in a high
class profession; good pay; permanent position-
must be filled at once. Call, Mon
day, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M-, at Benson HoteL
Grace S. Rhorer.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men Is now located at room 303 new Po
lice Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance given to women and girls.
Interviews confidentlaL .
CALIFORNIA, 200 motion picture com
panies; easy to write plays; highest
prices; no school; we revise, sell; send for
f rv:e details. Photoplay Bureau, 335 Sta. C,
Los Angeies.
WOMEN as Government clerks; $70 month;
Portland examinations coming; - sample
questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
03 L, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED A girl for cooking and general
housework to come in the day; several
children in the family; wages $20. Call
t07 Overton. Call today.
FIVE bright, capable ladies, travel, demon
strate, sell dealers; $25 to $50 week; rail
road fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company.
Dept. 511, Umaha. Neb.
WANTED Experienced nurse to care for
children and assist with second work; ref
erences required. Phono mornings. Max-
shall 3300.
WANTED Competent woman for general
housework ; good home ; one-half mile
fiom town; $10 per month. Box 15 Wells
$18 WEEK Expenses advanced; women to
travel, appoint agents, concentrated food
flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., 102
EARN $15-$20 weekly addressing, mailing
circulars spare time; circulars, instruc
tions 10c. Mailing Service, 210 Holllday
hlil'"-.. Indiananolls. Ind.
GIRL for general housework, family of 3,
1-. K-.nA- a-nartm ont fail af tPf ft Mfin-
day morning at 403 E. 16th st. North
Apt. S.
THE best proposition on the Coast for
deputy organizers for a sick and accident
fraternal order. Call between 2 and 5
P. M-, 711 Oekum bldg.
and women to learn the trade; tuition re
duced; paid while learning; diplomas la
sued to graduates; 32 colleges; 22 years
in business. Write for catalogue A, 48 N. 2d
6VEGON"Barber College, 23S Madison. Fall
term begins now; men and women to learn
the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions
guaranteed; tools free; paid while learn
ing; tuition reduced; expert Instructors.
PRACTICAL experience given amateurs in
dramatic work. Acts coached and ar
ranged for vaudeville. Give phone num
ber. X Hi, Oregonian.
WANTED Good deputies for the best fra
ternal insurance order admitting both men
and women; under my plan you can make
at least $100 per montn. iu aai. uregwiiau.
EITHER sex can make 80c an hour with
our household necessity; big demand.
Freed, 3S5 Third, Monday morning.
WHY spend from 7 to 10 mo. to learn
STENOGRAPHY when you can learn it
in 2 to 3 mo. and for 1-5 the cost by my
hold vou back: the faster you work the
sooner you finish. NIGHT SCHOOL three
evenings a weetc i-iijia oisim
H. SCHOOL. 515 Stock jsxenangs, oiog.
DO you want $75 month T Thousands U. S.
Government lobs now obtainable; steady
work; common education sufficient; write
immediately, free list of positions. Frank
lin institute eumiuer o. iitn-ncoi-i. '
UNUSUAL opportunity; become first-class
stenographers; big salaries under direction
expert; best system, small cost. Address
.Box a, college .foint. isew l or.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
mMXfissARV manager. -lO vears successful
experience as manager and buyer, against
catalogue ana bliil iucli luuiclh.v ,
rwririi KnonkR for itself: bear any investi
gation; salary based on net profits if you
nir- v reaoonaiyic. uuueoijuuu-
ence' solicited. Address N 335, Oregonian.
t--,i-ik nn-ni xonihl. Af itmt ailing
LArQAl (,i.uuiuo.iii.i . -- -
Systems ior ail .i"U3 "A n-uu."e..
the latest and most up-to-date manner.
Educated under one of the best C. P. A.a
of the day. Wants position with reliabla
firm State particulars first letter. Ac
countant. AV 544, Oregonian,
vnrvft Tnan steadily employed, but at
small salary, would like to keep few sets
of books, issue statements or other sim
ilar work to help make a living. What
h a ve you? AR 337, uregoman.
YOUNG married man, aged 2, American ;
good stenographer, bookkeeper and col
lector; salesmanship experience: local ref
erences; make me an offer; want work.
R 35. Oregonian. "
YOUNG man, attending evening school,
wanta Hav work to Day expenses: experi
ence gen. merchandise; will take any-
tning. I uregunmu.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office
man wants permanent, mmiioa ; er
best of references; reasonable salary. G
34 4. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, good education and appear
nnr wants nositlon of any kind; knowl
edge of bookkeeping and typewriting. L
338, Oregonian;
WANTED Position in credit department of
wholesale house ny young man woo na
had several years experience as credit
man and collector. w 34v. uregoman.
YOUNG man, 19, wants position, typewrit
ing or shorthand; small wages.
WANTED By expert bookkeeper, set of
DOOKS to aeep ovbuju."' -.".
Koora ia.
HOTEL manager or clerk, 33 years of age,
j.v years tcn-in--, ' ,
habits above reproach, w uregoman
BOOKS opened, audited; accounts rendered
by expert; reasonaoie. x aao, mcgumau.
TRUCK or delivery car driver; good re
pairer; lb a WWK. oui aiu iu .nut
6941. , .
POINTING, paperhanging and tinting; all
"work guaranteed; cheap prices. Phone
East ltfii,
OUNG married man, with family, wishes
position as collector, whole or half day.
AJ 347, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, good cook, wishes position In
family wnere secona neiy s hl, iue.
. ..n.ia-AA to- a.T Orp-nn i An
EXPERIENCED supt. of construction, civil
. nfontt nn.ftinn with r rIV en
WANTED Job baker or pastry cook
willing to help Cher.; city or country, ao.
351, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 22, wants outside work. AR
347, Oregonian. f
Al COOK wants position in hotel or restau
rant; city or country, a.n aai, uregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants job in family; good
. woo rofnorncpi v 35R. Oreconian.
JAPANESE desires position as house work
er in tamily. M. aw, uregunmn.
YOUNG -Japanese wants position as school
boy. 86 N. 3tn si. weoa.
A PROSPECTOR wants work; understands
all about steam, n jjq, ure.nmn.
POSITION in dry goods store; 4 years' ex-
jenence; gooa reien?:n-w. ianur .-.-.
CARPENTER, concrete work, painting and
tinting; reasonaoie. eeuwoou ivv.
POSITION as candymaker; 5 years exoeri-
ence. L 3 !. uregoman.
EXPERIENCED cardwrlter wants work. In
quire HOX l. jaotei Armur.
YOUNG mechanic would like any kind of
work. S 844, uregoman.
A-l GARAGE man and mechanic wants
position; references. a uregonian.
WILL do cement or plastering work in ex
change Tor tailoring, r-eu joav.
SECOND YEAR law student desires position
during tne nay, urc.omnu.
YOUNG Japanese wants short hours work of
any Kina jod. v vicgi.
BOY 1$ years, would Jlke work; inside pre-
ORCHARD man, 35 years old, wants a po
sition as foreman or manager on a large
or small orchard (including agriculture! ;
have 15 veara of exDerience in orchard,
agricultural and garden work; expert
pruner ana turkey raiser; nest oi revei
ences; will consider share proposition on
a plaoe where everything is furnished.
Address AV 565. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by a high school boy
willing and anxious to work. If you can
use auch a boy. phone the Jerrerson xiig"
School Kmnlnvmnnl "Rurii! We need
your co-operation ; boys graduating this
month want positions February 1, and sev
eral boys to remain In school must have
work arternoons and Saturdays. ooa
lawn 2603.
YOUNG man wan is nermanent place with
progressive, efficient dairyman needing a
neiper; capaoie ot assuming responsibility.
Am experienced, energetic, have initiative,
clean in habits and can deliver the goods.
I want a trial. Give full particulars and
proposition in first letter. P. S. Whit-
comb, Corvallis. Or.
around printer, 20 years' ex p., mechanical,
business and writing ends, wants situa
tion: rapid and neat on make-up. ads.
job work; reasonable wages; first-class
rers. ti uregoman.
BOY 18, capable and reliable, experienced,
wants porter work in wholesale house . or
off bearing on sander in furniture factory;
references. Call Monday, Main 7051, A
EXPERIENCED janitor, married, wishes
position in apartment-house; understand
any kind of steam neat and hanay at
around; have A-l references. M 337, Ore
YOUNG married man, 24 years of age. ex
perienced in meeting the public, wishes
position of any kind. Phone Ralston,
Broadway 4381 Mon., bet. 10-12, or P 32,
POSITION wanted by pharmacist, young
married man, good habits, 14 years' exper
ience, capable of managing; prefer WU
. lamette Valley. Frank L. Shaffer, St.
Maries, Idaho.
YOUXG man with best references, speaks
six languages, eight years In shipping
business ' abroad, desires position with
chance of future advancement. H 358,
MOVING picture manager and operator
wants a theater on the 50-50 plan at once;
references. Call Monday, Main 7051, A
PRACTICAL male nurse, middle age, wishes
position, invalid or mental case; win
leave city: moderate wages, best refer
ences. Marshall
FLORIST Professional greenhouse man
and a good propagator and grower, de
sires position in commercial or private
place, .box a v oo i. uregoman.
SOBER, reliable man wants position as
shipping or delivery clerk; well acquainted
with transportation lines of the Pacific
Coast, o 340, uregoman.
ENGINEER, construction, mechanical and
trouble, familiar with mill, mine (ore)
and clay-working machinery: references.
Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517.
MAN with sellina and executive ability and
experience wants position; salary or share
proms; can invest smaii capital. u ao,
WORK wanted by married man, 30 years
old, 10 years' experience in dry goods, car
pets, etc. Give me a trial at anything.
References. Tabor 2618.
BRIGHT, energetic boy 16, wants delivery
work so that he may help his sick mother
and go to night school; Al references.
Call Aionaay, aiam iuoj, a ian.
YOUNG man. speaks five languages, desires
position in automobile business with chance
of advancement; very best of references.
H 357. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want apartment-house to
manage and do janitor work. AM S3S
BOY 18. experienced in delivery work,
wants position; has wheel; Al references.
Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants any kind of
nursing; will do some nousewor aim
sewing. Doctor's references. Phone E. 3737.
YOUNG couple want to care for umall
apartment or rooming-house. AM
SITUATION wanted as clerk, assistant
bookkeeper or driver. Reply C 339, Ore
gonian. .
JAPANESE young man desires work in
morning, evening, as cook, waiter or gen
eral housework. 650 Washington st.
YOUNCTman, single, wants janitor work; can
repair gus and electric fixtures; ?30; ref
er enceCalMondayMan
YOUNG MAN, hustler, neat appearing,
wishes employment 2 hours a day for
board or equivalent. East o02.
HIGH school boy, 17. desires place to earn
board and room while attending school. i!U4
U St. .YJ11II1 li'fi.
SALESMAN with years of experience, well
acquainted with city trade, would like a
position. AIN oof, uregonmn,
EXPERIENCED painter, paperhanger and
calsominer wants work; reasonable. Call
Monday, Main 7051, A 1517.
YOUNG married man wants work badly;
well educated; accept anything. Phone
Marshall 1932 or write D 347, Oregonian.
DRAKE (experienced elevator) accept any
work, wages, keep two. 111 Selling, Mar-
snan nno.
$10 REWARD to anyone who can get nw a
job in a warehouse or other inside work.
AO 335. uregoman.
EXPERIENCED hardware or cigar clerk
or wm taK auyming. ah a", .
JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A
1670. Jap. Assn. of Or.. 218 Henry bidg.
Boo kkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, somewhat
out of practice, desires position with
plenty to do; hours 10 to 4:30; $tS.i!5
week; can spell and punctuate correctly.
Phone Woodlawn 47.
YOUNG LADY, bookkeeper-stenographer, ex
perienced lumber, insurance, etc. Thor
oughly competent. Local and San Fran
cisco references, desires position. Tabor
EXPERT law stenographer, trained as pri
vate secretary, desires position; first-class
bookkeeper, university education, also ex
perienced lumber, grain, railroad work;
excellent references. J 348, Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper open for position, lum
ber, insurance or any other kind, some
knowledge of stenography; will go out o
the city. V 348. Oregonian.
AX EXPERIENCED girl wishes a position
as cook or general housework; $3o-$40 a
month. 42 Freemont st. Woodl. 4:i.
REFINED young lady, with invalid mother,
in need of position; exp. tel. operator, and
clerk. Marshall 2703.
all or half day position; experienced, com
petent. Marshall 5833. p
COMPETENT stenographer desires perma
nent, half-day position or piece work. Ta
bor eoooJ t ,
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
desires position; reasonable salary. Phone
CAPABLE and experienced (Stenographer
desires position. K 848, Oregonian.
TOUNG girl desires position aa stenographer;
some exp-erieiicc. c ooo. w..vm-...
EXPERT bookkeeper can givo part of a day
to keeping dooks. v o.j. uics'--
STENOG RAPHE R, law experience, wnts
position, any Kina, i .ecu.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
.... U...1.D11 r.37.
BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST wants position, city
references. Marshall 1950. Room 320.
A SEAMSTRESS, reliable, would like a
place in a family to Bew and oversee chil
dren; home considered more than wages.
AH 353. oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, English, wants
main sewing; 20c hour; references. Call
Monday, Main 7051. A lo!7
DRESSES, suits, alterations; quick service,
moderate prices; work guaranteed. 171
v. "arK
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable,
home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main
YOUNG woman wants very plain sewing or
mending; 1 a day and carfare: references.
Call Monday, Main tuoi. " jq.i.
DRESSMAKER can copy design style be-
comes you, if"-"- -
DRESSMAKER New Ideas: designing and
remoaeuug . uy
"WANTED -Sewing by day; experienced.
Call jqarsnmi
DRESSMAKING, 12.50 a day; satisfaction
guaranieeo, jtuv
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants more en-
gagementa by day, $2. East
GRADUATE nurse, experienced in mission
work desires position in similar or social
service work. B 346, Oregonian.
IAVE you an invalid In your home? If so.
you want a nurse who can wear a smile
under all conditions. Phone Main SOUL
HOUSEKEEPER, practical nurse, child's
nurse, a Christian Scientist: references. L
250. Oregonian. .
PRACTICAL nurse, patient with lp valid or
lcki f-e-kff0Oabli fX8. Marshall 4ti2.
LADY of f-ducation and refinement, age S.
seeks position ; unincumbered, capable of
directing nigh -class home: would care
for widower's home, happy disposition, ta
fectionate toward children, excellent cook
and economical; small town or country.
APS J. Oregonian.
REFINED young woman with 2-year-old
baby wishes position as housekeeper in a
respectable gentleman's home or elderly
couple; good cook, best references; wages
JO;uotriflera. F 3-9, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman with two children, 4 and 6
years, desires position as housekeeper in
city for widower or bachelor; no objection
to children; references exchanged. Ca.l
Monday. Main 7P.M, A 1M7.
YOUNG woman with girl 7 years wishes
position as housekeeper where she can
keep child; prefer widower with children;
small wages. T S3 2, Oregonian.
WANTED 5 y German woman, position as
housekeeper to widower with one or two
children. 80 w. Sumner st.; ti. John
car to Denver ave.
RELIABLE woman wants to care for chil
dren afternoons or evenings; 50c and car
fare: references. Call Monday, Main 7051.
A ir.17.
MARRIED lady, unincumbered, wants work
for doctor, housekeeper or assistant. Ad
dress B 3:13. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wauts position as
housekeeper for widower or small family;
good home, small wages.VoodlawnJo4K.
YOUNG woman desires position as house
keeper for widower or bachelor. AN 33a,
YOUNG woman with baby wishes position
as housekeeper to widower or bachelor.
AN 33t. Oregonian.
A REFINED woman desires a position a
houMjkt-epr for elderly lady or couple.
Phone East 4104 or Q 343. Oregonian.
LADY alone would like position as house
keeper for bachelor or widower. 122 l'.'ih
st., room 2.
CAPABLE, middle-aged woman wants po
sition as housekeeper In widower's family.
S-.4 Main, room S. Phone Main 7ft0V.
POSITION as housekeeper by lady with ex
perience ; hom-e baking, etc. ; references ;
will leave city. G 355, Oregonian.
WANTED To take charge of rooming
house by experienced lady: very reason
able C 347. Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady withes position as house
keeper for an elderly gentleman. Ad
dress AV WDJ. urfsmnnii.
WANTED Position as housekeeper In
widower's family by widow, SI, unincum
bered. BF 343. Oregonian.
YOUNGladvT with 2 boys, wants position
as housekeeper; small wages; more for
a home. Phone East 4012.
POSITION wanted as housekeeper for wjd
ower, with family; reference. F S46, ore
gonian. ---
WANTED A deBlrable young lady wlh a
5-year-old boy. wants position as house
keeper on farm. M .is. ireg'".
EXPERIENCED housekeeper, single, 8&.
wants posftion. AP 337, Oregonian.
GOOD" housekeeper. 34. wishes P0-1'!0",1
widower's home. 435 Alder. Marshall ,T1.
NET woman wants position as housekeeper
to widower. Phone B 5313. .
POSITION as housekeeper, child's nurse, or
companiontolady.G 343.Oregonian. ,
LADY wants rooming-house management or
will keep a home. Marshall 1737, room I-
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housekeeping
in country or city. Phone East oQHi.
Pom et Ics.
REFINED young woman, Scandinavian,
with 2-yeaV-oId child, wlshe P"ion "
rook-general in family adults; good cook,
best of references. P 337, Oregonian.
GOOD girl wishes homelike place to assist
with light housework, care of 1 chiia.
main 41 J monniia.
NEAT, experienced middle-aged woman cook
for boarding-house, small hotel or insti
tution. A ii-tO. un.uu'"'
YOUNG woman wants day work, cooking,
cleaning or laundry; references. Main
TWO young Irish girls desire position with
children; well educated, refined, musical,
moderate salary, ruunn
EXPERIENCED nurse girl wishes a position
in well-to-do family; competent and re
liable. F ure.uinmi.
CAPABLE woman wants work day or hour.
cleaning or ironing, -gam
RELIABLE girl desires housework ; ref
erenc;xpeenced. AEJ.J)regonian.
NURSE MAID, well raised, age 33, refer
ences, fnone r.a.-i
YOUNG lady desires position as nurse maid
and haluer. D 345. Oregonian.
SWEDISH girl, plain cook. 835 East 2Sth
st. fnone oeuwuuu. av-.
RELIABLE widow with small child
housework or noiei woi.
care of old people, city or counto. Ad
dress Mrs. A. Paddock, care Mrs. T. Mil
ler, R. R. NO. 3, nooa nivcr, vi.
SEVERAL girls graduating this month want
positions February 1: also a number of
girls In school want work afternoons and
Saturdavs. Jefferson High School Employ
ment Bureau, w uoumw u -.-vu.
YOUNG couple with three small children
want work on farm; thoroughly experi
enced (can mllki; references. Call Mon
day. Main 7051. A 1517. 411 Commercial
YOUNG lady would like light place for
board and pocket money where I could
go home nights. E. 104t. Mrs. Kirkpat-
WANTED Position by experienced re
liable woman cook for hotel or cafe; no
objection to leaving city. B 34S. Orego-
LADY of good experience, can give good
- nniitinn to take chance
of apartment house or rooming house. AL
3it, ureguinnii.
A-l PIANIST with flrst-clas Eastern ex
perience, wisnes posmuii i .--.
Jure house, eafateria or dances. Call East
5260. -a -c-aai. iBfiw.
REFINED, industrious lady, competent, tidy
worker, would like employment where Bha
can go home nights. A-l references. AO
STRONG, experienced want.
tnis ween, .inn -...ja
GIRL to assUt with housework; prefer"
tunnysine ur
Tabor 3665
REFINED voung lady, experienced, de.lre
position as governess; reasonable wages
expectea. u w-e.--""-"
WANTED By mlddle-aBed woman, on.
housekeepinfc rmm r
preierrea. o'.
YOUNG couple want lurnished rooms; wife
i.T work for rent; Al references. Cail
Monday. Main 7051. A ri.
HIGH SCHOOL. Klrl graduate desires em
ployment. OICIOI a UC.I..M.V-
lerrea. o-hj, w..... ......
prrvCH Wanted, an adult to Join another
. . nnll. WinnftT. ICR I W n
in ciaws, i-v
daw. Main Din.
EXPERIENCED Christian girl wants geo era.
i ouse work ; gooa piain coon.. w
REFINED lady, employed part of the time.
... ... i an1 Mftfll. Ad
Will give .Civile. AV. .uwu
33o, uregoman.
LHII..' ' uaivcij. -.v..
and grocery; -ery Tena,u.uio " a ...
wood 230.
GRAMMAR grade and high school studies
taught; backward pupils specialty. Main
5721. , :
SWEDISH girl wanta position, second work
or general housework. Phone Marshall
EXPERIENCED woman, good cook, wan''
position, housekeeper in widowers or bacn-
elor s ramiiy. nwuw.ii m.-.
EXPERIENCED woman, good rook want,
housekeeping for family. Woodlawn 810.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Tabor 5J17.
YOUNG lady wants to take care ot chil
dren Dy gay or num. ""
CHILDREN- carfd tor four hours for 60
cents and carfare.Tabor.iij.
COOKING" for parties, dinners. lunche or
any kind cooKing. mu ...
GIRL wants general office work and oppor-
tunltv to advance. E .137. Oregonian.
BUNDLE washing hand laundered- expe
rienced; eameq mr.
LACE curtains nana launueieu, .....c
Phone Main 5009. ,
WANTED Chamber work. Telephone A
iio'ss. .
WANTED Management of apt. house br
Wip.nrlady.y337. Orogonlaj.
ruiT.nnEX cared for evenings or aay
work: references.
Tabor 632.
STRONG experienced woman wants day
work. Main GtitW:
ATTENDANT to Invalid. Phone East 2718.
RESPONSIBLE- party wants to rent pliino;
best of tare. H iH7. Oregonian.
IF you have a house to rent or a nice G or
6-room bungalow, phone our rental de
partment at onre, as we have a number
of unfilled orders. Ered A. Jacobs Co..
104 iUh st.
Yot'Nir c.Minle. no chililrer., would like 4
or Vroomcd furnished houtc; beat of care
takea. 418 . iiiU t, S. Tuber su.