THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 16, 1916. TO EXCHANGE BE 4L ESTATE. WITH 40 COWS lOUNG CAT- TLJS. 7 mi' from W&ihoucal Wash SI i t, u cuit, mood soil, 7rxn. house, big barn. l silo. line spring. iar Mnfd iq hauM. barn. 4 horM. hogs, a, k.nda farm latp.tments, fee! for "Winter. Cream c net it ovtr Ht per jr.onLi. Price SlLuU). nic IJuo iocs lime. Exch. for one or mure good cer residences vmlue of equity. &. Ji 2s Star k it. HAftTMAA THOMPSON' 12Q ACRF ovtr i in cultivation, fair build ing, abandane "ef wa er. plenty of fruit and for wcl.aoge for Portland property or t acrafe. mil is a spienatn iiocd mom , ai l very low prtea and a real bargain. SAMUEL DOAK 3C03 Northwestern bank Bidg. I'OH EXCHANGE J40u'j Kjuny in Eastern Oregon rauca for house, umber or what pave your r urngoniio. TO AX1LNGE Ml St ELLAKOta. DIAMONDS. ETC. BACK I KICK riAMO.ND KING tGfclNT'S), .-CAKAT, VALUE 4OU; DIAMOND RING, LADY'S. ALOL'T 1 U CARAT. V00; fcL NBUfrST" DIAXOND Bit OUCH, VALUE . m - MAKE OKFER, CASH OR TRADE ALJ0 AStiOKTMENT i'I'T GLASS, VALUE 7S: WANT PIANO, GROCERIES, ETC.; make offer. ADDRESS OWNER, H UREGOMAN. POOL OR BILLIARD TABLE. Will trade a good upright piano lor either In good condition. Reed- ranch. 10th and Stark at- I'OK b ALE cheap French bevel mirror. Ix 40. iu frame, or will trade t,r go-cart; mutt bo in good condrt on. Call Wood'awn 3153 alter lQjJO AM. a NEW "five-book" fumed oak library ta ble for four full book of S. A 11. U4H turnpi, owner want larger iabe. Aauur l.'Ctw. 1 li H- P. MARINE engine to trade for 5 to 30 II I. stauonaruy engine. rana bmlth. i:'o6 Taylor ave.. Astoria. Or. WILL, txcwnsd gold pendant Eastern Star pin for second uuid fura. Hi 341. ore- guaiun. . . (OWNER leaving city, will trade f.?r five room iur oregonn WANTED To trade diamond cluster brooch fnd elrriDK- for furniture. i 33, Orego- nian. 'm i i Ti va Ar incumbrances, 5 mlies f.ranta Pass, for runabout. Woodlawn iti'7 KtW 12-horse as tractor far orcuaru. work; casn or auto. M 3u, Oregoniati. i.ifiHT set double driving harness; will swap for kitchen range. B S31, Oregoniaru 1DB SALE. " H orw, Vehicles, Harness. Etc. ViR KS Turn matched bar mares, 2650 ii. c ar snnrf rntia workers and ha' bevn brad late; altfQ set heavy breeching i.apn. Mil lik new at one price oi MARES Team 2f0-lb. mares, fat and handsome and suitable for any business; i seal browns, with the best of feet and If ; true pullers and gentle; set heavy wed trace narneas, au at one price uirrHRn TilPPI.E GRAYS. S90O lbs. hors'e and mare, extra well matched and dad down puiiera in any spoi or ptc ;iriM nr sois or worn out street team, hut a team anyone will be proud to own or drive; act hand-madw harnesa and three collars at low price ox HEAVT DRAFTERS. 5S00 lbs., matched bae home and mare, both have two wmre hind legs and flowing mane and tails- heavy bone and the best of, feet; ; and T years old; set hand-mad extra heavy harness made to order at one low puce. i-ao ; a ibu ntavy waguu vut chafer's option. TEAM EM ALL BLACK MULES, go grenti woraars, set harness, all at one price of TEAM COAL BLACK MARES, 240f lbs., are good workers and gentle; grain fed and shod; set good harness; ail at Call Jt K. Hth it., opp. North Bank ueput. iaJti 'a- streetcar. PUBLIC AUCTION. AT THE GAMBKINUS PLANT. 14 head of horses and intra. 7 sets of double harness will be sold to the highest binder on Wednesday, Jan. 19. '16. at 10 o'ciock sharp. ?4th and Washington i GOOSE-KECK WAGON. Three-ton waoa in good condition far sai very cneap. EDWARDS COMPANY, 6ih and Oak. ALL kinds of sleighs and cutters and box for wagon. Anueisoa iiros., id and.Jer- ferson. Wr A NT ED Runabout, rubbed-tlred buggy, juujt be good and cheap for cash. Tanlols, Marshall bHia, halweo 1 and A Sunday. Jf'OK tALE Studebaker seih, drst-c;aas 4 ondiUQU. Ceutxal Stable, AT and Alder sta. ONE cutter, with bells. In eood condition. $13 Inquire between a and U, 12-1 and o-tf st -n. jin si. WILL trade a good farm delivery horse for a cow. AJ Jt, Uregoman. iJOHSfclfl for hire by day or month. C W. Towniead Co., SP Front. Main la 7L ONE borse and wagon by day, $1.25. J. Co hen. b4i Front st. Main .'uS, Main 6y3. XE AD horses and cattle taken away i b!! day or ntht. Tabor i'J'.'U. Fl K fiALE 3 sets bo ; lens, 3-ton capacity. H. Neu ken, Marshall luZ. li')rtt:s for aale cheap. Inquire 300 SlW ton it. FOtlRENT Doubts-seated sleigh. &4G Front street. Furniture for taie. OFFICE DKSKS. SR-lnch typewriter desk I...S1O.0O n flat-top desk 12.0 42-lnch roll-top dusk H.J 4S-inch roll-ti-p otk is. 31 72-Inch standing desk 11. 60 iJ-liich mshogany roil-top dekk Si.iO GEvuKi'i ix'RN issuing co., lSi-i.7 First. Near Yamhill. 4 VERY handsome mahogany settees a ft. tn. wide by ft. higu; spring aeat and back nphorstered In th finest srade buck ser.uir.e leather; baoks hiahiy polished; splendid for htel lobuy, billiard hall or any public place. Tii4 four cost $30t; . me as nc-. We will sell the four for ,'.. Mit!i Furniture Co.. IS Fust st. Moey back if not satisfied. frK .OND-H.VND Eclipse range. 10; second hand Nsuonai ranee, $14; second-hand To 1'Qi), with coil, 4-u; second-hand South Her.d maileable It Inch door, in perfect condition, cot new $2, a bargain for $J7 50. GCVURTX FtTRNIBHINO CO., l--lS7 First st. LINLKl'M About 10 yards very thick roik linoleum, coat per square ar.l. This is nsvd, but good as new; oris in el c0t, S5n J so. v will s'l this 1 r c per square yard. Marry if you want this MoB-lay. plione Main 7iiS. Mitn Furniture C.i.. li4 First u Money kck if pot tat iaf ied. 101NING chafrs. ice up; rockers, 75e up; go Iron beds. 75c up: ppr.nps, 50c up; cook stoves, up; dining tables, $l.&d up; drsers, ii M up. No matter how in expensive or luph-c.s second-hand goods yeu want see us and pave monev. GEVL'KTZ FL'HMHH 1NG CO., lSi-147 Flrt t. k. FIN E little dining set consisting of 2-ln. solid oak din:ng table, b so:ld oak chairs 11 manh and very hanriome polld eak mot veneered bulft wuii Frs.nci plate mirror nd (lui front cupboard below. The set coat Our price This Is In handsome black oak (infh and very rlca looking. M:h Furniture Co., )i4 First st. Money back if not ti9fied. FLAT fr rem, furniture for sale; win sac rifice nearly new furniture a-room fiat, close in. West Side, excellent localiou. ''hone Main eiTS. Jt'R SALE Fine five rooms v?ry clean and new. ci'St $7t0. for 5 cah. a;. i'reonian. FC K SALE cheap, high-clus fumauie. in c',ui;rc piano, in modem a -room Syt. M.l:i SS18. Fl'F MirBB of (-room modern a'e very cheap. SI N. J 7 th i W ajitr.gton St. t for X1J FRENCH E T0L Wilton rug, almost new. FfRNITI'RS tor 1S1. for sa.e. 1031 Pacific st, T i'FMTL'RE f'r !.ild, 5-rojim houM for rent, reh. Fast Bnilwy. r,A? hosiers to clear at cents api;c M.h Furniture- Co, IS First st. f?KE :. g-hole range, good as nw. fr $13. st H E. flrtth. tr Neher. 267 E. S2ii. ONE sldebosrd7'"$tTT brass' bed.7rforsale. n. 3 1st st., eity Dec. Birds. Ps eck. IRISH TTRRIERS KP home burglar proof; get one of these dead-game, fear Lass terriers: crand house guard, faMhful to d-ath, Coajt Native JCenneis, Tacoma. Tram. a;HEDaI.B stud, feti Sid: pedigree'! puppies eh- p. Mar. b(SSi or kmre. MKepna ave ir.1 Lombard it, fit. Jchns car. THREE din does, 1 buck, Und d" Iff sale cheap, w y. eel 1 wcxd 20". 1 New Zo Owner going t-T TMS VERT BEST IS AIREDALE. LADDIX KENNELS. E5TACADA OR. BARTZ Mount singers) for sale cheap. WmUs Jt)R SALE. Furniture for Hale. rURXITCRE 8PECTAL3 FOR THIS WEEK. Modern dining-room suite, consisting f round rdfefti uble. buffet and four chairs, for $-o; extension Uibles. U: drop- leaf tables. !.&" to JJ.bO: library tables. fine seiectien. slightly damaged, prices rook stoves. 15 to S1J: ateel ranges. $15 to $-o; gas ranwts, with. lower ovens, $6 to $7 -SO; gas ranges, with upper ovens. $10; some of the best makes, such as irianu. ueugier, .vew itocum antx otnor. gaa water heaters, $4 to $7.&': lieatrs, ait reduced ; we guarantee all our wtQves and ranges; you tak no chance v lien you buy trom us; dressers and t'hilronitrs of all kinds, price range from up to $-'; ItxlJ art rugs, to H-Mr, Pxia business rugs, $ti to $10; fine used 9x1:1 axminister rugs, $13 to $14: also several large carpets; remnant of linoleum, aSc yard : linger eewing ma t-nine, i' ox top, o; aropnead euiger, mou eni, lH.0u; iron and brass beds, pew and used, in large variety. ft.Uo ana up, nit-tal bed eprlnga, $l..0 to $o; wpvei. wire bed sprint, wood frames. &oc to SL.OU: rocker. 1 and uu: nommon chairs. iuc; dining chairs, 7oc Up; American fiber set for sitting-room, large rocker, two armchairs and center table, for $Uu. We sell on the easy payment plan; deliver all our Koods to miv nart of the city. Tills la our 11th year lit this business ana our many eatiaiiea customers m tell you "why." Our new store, we think, is one of the best. If not the best, in our lin id the city; plenty of light, lots oi room und the advantage of low rent and. best of all, lots ol goods nt tue right prices and service unequaled. Don't think that we carry only second hand goods. Wa can furuish you with tiie beat new goods to be had In Portland of Eastern or Oregon manufacture. We have all the jobbing houses and factories in our line to draw from, you doing the selecting yourself. However, we have some very fine ued furniture from same of the best families in town; also job lots of alightly damaged goods from factories and railroads, but everything is sold on its munis. Al our gooda are marked in plaiu figures. Come and look around; it costs you nothing to look and perhaps you can get some valuable in oi mutton lor your trouble. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. D01-5 Washington, Corner 17th St. P. S. Free delivery. Installments If you desire. So iutereat charged for time. NEW GOODS. USED ONLY A FEW MONTH. AT aECGND-HAND FRIOEiS. $3.50 warm blankete, $1.75; $3. SO com forts, $l.Ao; $3.1.50 felt mattresses, $3 0; J. 75 feather pillows, 80c each; two tl'i.&O mattresses, three-quarter sixu, sheets, :(.!; pillow slips, IJSc a puir; child's iron bed and spring, $2.50 and $3.40; full-sue iron beds, $l.-u. $J.70 and $3.3d; 3 yards velvet earpt, oOc a yard; 14 two-thirds yard regular $C.0 velvet carpet at 60o a yard; ;:7 yards of beat all wool ingrain carpet, regular $1 a yard, at frGu: 45 yards $1.50 inlaid linoleum, 75c a yard, good as i;ew; kitchen treasures, $J.5j stove boards. 5c each: S14 20-inch wood heater. $7.50; $21 coal heater, $10; drop head ginger sowing machine, $14; J0-lneh re' Tolvmg counter stools at $1 each J II 24-inch tools. Sac each, your credit Is good. EDWARDS COMPANT, Fifth aud Oak fct- FINE SETS Earlv Enaiish dminx-room set. consist Inv of solid quartered oak buffet, with 10 x.; French plate mirror and beaded glass doors, ehina oluset to match, o-tt. exten si on tabttj and si fine genuine leather seat cnairs to match; cost new $1-5. our nrir. SA.i. Fumed oak llving-roem set, consist ing of quartered oak library table, massive cuvenuurt witn togse cuenmns ur gnuim leather flee desk, one rocker with auto mobile seat and one wood-seat rocker. This is a well-matched set. In tnod condition; cost new Slou: Price now Z7J.oO. Complete set of Clrsassian walnut bed room furniture, lneiudina wood bed witn De Luxe coil spring and Ostermoor mat trees, princess dresser, with oval French plate mirror and cane-seat chair and mcker to match; good as new; cost new i.o; price, complete. sd-'.;u. GEVL'BTZ FURNITURE CO.. 18o-lH7 First St., near Yamhill. OFFICE furniture: 4 -drawer Y. 4 E. ver tical file in golden oak. cost $5. lor 4-5. Many other bargains In desks, chairs. etc. Single flat top typewriter detk In solid oak, cost $2'. 50, or 1L50. 6-tU solid oak mavsive oiflce table, cost ti. for $8.50. S4xo0 flat top office desk in goiaeu quarter-sawed an perrect cesic, tame a new, cost $o, for $40. Mlsh furniture Co., IS First St. pianos, O.gans and Muiuil instruuents. STANDARD PLAYER PIANO. NEARLY NEW, REALT1 F L L UUItL-WA LN U T CASE, PERFECT ORDER; PIANO AND MUSIC COST $700; CLEAR TITLE. SEE Tills MAKE OFFER. CASH OR TERMS, OR WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? WOULD PREFER DIAMONDS. MORT GAGE OR HEAL ESTATE CONTRACT. ADDKESS PAT I SON. OWNER. liu bELL- I.Ni I'UUMa .VbM.NUl). MAIN Hit. SECOND-HAND PIANOS at actual valu firiws in order to clean up all trade in ns t rumen ts during January. Toe many to mention In this column; but If you are jooKiug ior an instrument ox mig kind, come in ana wnat we nave. cash. lietd-Frencn Piano Mfg. Co., loth and iarx sts. PIANO "PICK-UP." NEARLY NEW "liKHXING," MA.jO. A.M CASE, riinpttl CONDITION. W ILL SELL GREAT SACRIFICE. ME 11, JiAKt ITrf-ts CAM1I Oil TKAUE. ;iH MOHH1SON ST., NEAR 10TH. PHONE tEt'L itlTy feTUHAuK CO., will close out e-w t'lunoia pitj er, cash ,$,o 800 Mlnmture Upright, cash......,.,, 03 40O Chickorin-y it rioiis, cash 45 vo r , & L Fischer lnriht. cash.... &0O Steinway, old modal 100 10 nrst caner. uo 4tn; storage. Too miy. PLAYER PIANO in excellent condition and many rons ox music; i win sen zor cah ternis, or would trade; w ouid exchange lor room and board in family or residen tial hotel on West Side; would join other young men in apartment or nome. Ad rtreM J &47, Oregoman. FOR SALE Talking machine, bargain: table machine , and large selectien of rec ords; mu?t be d isposf d of Immediately; will consider cash only; cost me tl22: w 111 sell for $13. Phone Snuday. Main ..4i., room 4J2. STEIN WAY-Modrn, upright case, good conaition inrougnout; our special Jan uary clearance price. $2i); a splendid op portunity for someone wanting a good atandard piano. Reed-French, 10 th and Stark sts. CABINET grand piano, practically new and beautifully toned instrument; will trade or soil oa terms, eay payments, can or write Mr, Brown. Campbell Hotel, 23d Hoyt Marshall $1U tjENDd a new $2o piano at our factory price oi .io iu our noma, paiance o monthly, without (he i per cent interest t hunted elsewhere, Scbwn Plana Co., .11 4:h st. AN elesant $i:oo full srand sisa Kaabe ptano, magnuicent ma no tony case; some thing flue. Price tbi0, $200 down, $25 tnoptniy, c, 13. iytt, o Atuer. FOR SALE A brand pew Columbia Graph opnone; never usea; cost -D two weks a.-g. will sell cheap. Call 103 Eaat J ah st. Nortl). pi A.O. standard make, latest style, fine bargain; win uute taiKiug maoHine, cor net or typewriter as part pameui. Russell st.. Apt. 1. FINE Sleek Pianola p'ayd piano with $50 worm et music. vost tuuu. rrice 93 d, $M down, $ti monthly. Hatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Aiuer. $J46 CASH bujs $tK-0 lulo model singer of musi Security Storage Ce 10& 4tH st. $17. CASH will tfuy nne piano, well-known r.asiern iiiacvc-. vvauLitut naiuui vase oM E Washington, Apt. B. IT REE use of piano or play er piano for i ais. Beo v'P'J ueruumeu( (.4 tf.r.n Piano Co.. Ill 4th St. ALMOST new $IHM) Chlckerlng Baby Grand, manogsny ease pmnu. v-iw, ftouu reasob f.-r sllins-. AH 541, Orcgonlao. SLIGHTLY used SS-Noto Player piano and MlU3iO (till, v.. ... t . , lks fUUK, s me terms. 3"i Morrison st. Main -&J0. : ") R. sj. HOWARD mahogany piano; new bun pf a low style: for $loO; must be cash. Call Wooaiawn 710. WANTED Vlctrola. Grafonola or Bdlson ac machine in perxeci coumuon. jtn reronian. LUc'TLR PIANO for rord ensine or Ford t. ar. 1 ills is a Bargain. ur luiormaiiua call II wood T10. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano, can Main oaja. or in sta FAMOUS "BEES VIOLINS" AND REPAIR ING. 303 NATIONAL ThfcA jfcff HLUli. WILL store piano for its use; aduRs; good Terences, a. a 9, uregoman. PGR SALE-t-C.ood orggn, chgp for ca4h. !! East 3?3. $Ov.o PLAYER-PIANO, SS-note. equal to nw; sacritice lor cam. o-t- r. iroaaway. HENRY F. MILLER piano for sale chP for cash. Cail jiiJwaukie 3ftJ. BEATTTFl'L piano, almost new, rent $3 per lontn. i'.ione; s.wa. BALDWIN" for rent. $1 per month. Ris-KS. 110; Spalding bidg. Pmiltry. FOR SALE 10 pair Homer pigeons at Fur est price, A-'a.oae gsiA J444. , FOB SAFE. Poultry MY Rose Comb Red won first, fourth roclu.-reia, first hsu and pullet Seattle, King County show just, held; snappy bar gams, brothers above cockerels each; hatcAins eggs $3, $2. tl. Fynns Red Tarda, 14 37ih North, beat tie. CONKEY SAYS -Don't worry; you'll have fewer sick birds and more profits if you Keep money b .roup itemed on nana. i dues tne work, tfel package now. Dag ers everywn-ere. 1 WHITE Leghorn cockerel and laying pullets, 1 A neons, cockerel and 6 hens, Rhode Island Red cockered and 8 hens. Muscovy drake and & hens, for sale cheap owner go:pg away, bell wood Lireicfc. ONE extra Jarg Guernsey and Durham cow; extra navy muKer; mux suou a day now; be freu (ha lt of Juii $ FOUR extra aood fresh cows. Jersey Guernsey and Jersey-Durham, will trade for beef rows. 11U Macadam at., Fulton car to Idaho st. 4 FRESH COWS, en with cj If, for sa cneap. inquire U. d. tables, between Main and Madison. Front St., SNAP & fresh eows: will sell or trade fo peer cattle. bu stiaaissippi ave.; taae Kenton or "i," ear. :0 FRESH cows. Holstelna and Durhams. Terms on the lot. Bruce, Union Stockyard! WILL trade a good farm or delivery horse rora tow. aj ass, uregoman. COW, fresh, gentle, good milker; $7$. Phone wooaiawn iim. Automobiles. PORTLAND'S USED CAR CLEARING-HOUSE. WB GUARANTEE ALL OUR CARS, t BARGAIN'S. 1913 small 5-pass CHALMERS, e lee trio iignie uau starter; new tires; xuuy tquippea; tine condition. 1913 FORD. 5 wass.. Atwater-Kent 1st- nition system; new tires; this car has had uesi oi care. f 191 light 6-pass., C-cyl. CHALMERS has been used only a short time as a dem Lata model PEERLESS. 7-paas., Gray ft uavis starting and lighting; new tires car js new; easy terms. And others. Including roadsters, sell used auto parts. ' H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., Broadwav at Riirnalrin Open Sundays. Phones: Bdy. 6368, A 1,170. GOOD VALUES IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Cadillac. 1913, electric starter and complete equipment; snap at $600. Cadillac touring car foy $375. Hupmobile. four-pass., 20 H. P., new tires, $2o0. Autobomile roadster, new tires, de moun table rims electric lights, $3sn. Stoddard light resdster. S3A0. Chalmem SO. a light 5 -pass,, in good condition, $300. Wlnton Sllx. self-starter, $50, R. C, H, 1013, electric lights. $850. Cadillac, Id 18, 7-pass., repainted and in splendid condition, g$r0. Touring rar snap Continep tal mo tor, $175. Cole, 1013, seven-pass., n?w tires; car in excellent shape, $3T5. Cadillao. 1&1U, touring car. sieqtrie starter and lights, f625. Visit our used car dept. You are Invited to Inspect our very complete stock of used rutomohlles. COVEY MOTORCAR CO Main 6,'4i, 21st and Wash. FORDS FORDS FORDS FOB 19145 passenger $350 iufu duu, guva Lirva, Practically pew. 1114 B pessener $ Equipped. New tires. 1014 5 passenger $303 Siecine tignis. ood tires. 101 DpHrery 205 equipped, uooa tires. 101S passenger $275 aster viorator. Speedometer, good tires. STUDEBAKER 1M4. 30 : $550 tuertnc nenrs ana starter. Fully equipped. Splendid condition. TERMS IF DESIRED. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, East 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne. DO YOU WANT AN ETOHT-CTL1NDCT1 CAR AT A VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE? Popular make; beautifully finished: big n-passencer bcrty; completely equippen; used only as a demonstrator: rend as new: has all the advantages of the multl-cyllr.der fiesign; more 'snap, speea. power, tiex Hi) if v thin vnn ever Hreamrl of. This Is a wonderful bargain; set In touch with us now; U won't be, on the list long. Easy Terms. Call or write for particulars'. GERLlNGER MOTOR CAR CO., E- Sd and Oregon Sts. Just Across the Steel Bridge." wrlt; - F.sTARUPHKI automobile firm wants a good salesman; prefer one wno can buy his own car ror demonstrator; state vonr exnerlence. whether you can buy you" demonstrator, and any other data to show that you are a live one; our line is a sensational one; '"a aid you to maxe sales; pig aavertisers. tu mo, ore gonlan. RODTKfl. Bus, hesrse and commercial bodies of every description, we are neaqquaners for this work. Our factory is tn largest and best eoulDoed on the Pacific Coast. A large stock of Ford commercial bodies aiwavn on nenn. PfM.lMRT A CARRIAGE A AUTO WORKS. Mstn. ?SS2. S09-11 Front St. ALL KINDS OF USED CARS FOR SALE CHEAP. Terms to Responsible Parties. FRED DUNDEE ' Motor Car Repairing and Machine Works it TP .lerzeroon du, jrqnianq, r. Main 2S39. A 35S. FOR SAI-E Am leaving town and must sell at once Ford touring car. mooei, with nAiaLbullt 7-uassenger bedv can he changed back to 5-passenger; ear Is in fi Phaue and eaulnoed with speennm eter, horn, el tc trie kla.3n, bumper, etc. ; FEDERAL TRUCK. Overhauled and painted, complete with tn ourtaina and storm curtains. 995ft. This Is the best aute truck buy tn Oregon today. COLUMBIA CARRIAGB Jb ATTTO WORSTS, Main ;33;. 209-11 Front St. WE HAVE sold a number of car-owners our Super 'Sin Hudson, ana now can one you a number of excellent bargains In second-hand cars. Prices from $J00 and up, on terms. C. U BOSS Ik CO.. (HJt-lT Washington St., Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED automobile ar trwk sales man in position 10 1 uianon nimseir can find a lucrative position wtih eld estab lished dealer. Give details, with qualifi cations for position, references and phone number. B aa-. Oregon 1 an. SEE the 1 -ton truck attachment for Ford care. Jsfis: compiPte witn cnassij, f raj, BENT. B. BOONE ft CO.. R14 Alder St., Portland, Or. 191S C A DILL A ElonT. drlveq less than painted and Vust SlfiOrt: wo tranVs. ri TTilien. 1 ir-j ono rura. re ust overtiau!!. A arffaIn at 31 -v. 19m sr. Mam 4sst. BARGAINS JX USED AUTOS. Large Stocks. Prtcca $200 to $TK0l OREGON' MOTOR CAR CO., Corner Chapman and Alder. wit.t. overhaul veur car at your own ga rage and will save you ene-nair or repair bill: 10 years- experience. tu suv XL-. Taylor Phone Tabor Tfl. NEW and peeond-hand Ford bodies, $li to $75. BE-.T..E. BOONE A CO.. IM Alder St. Main 3966, REO (-passenger, overhauled and repaint e: rore-ooor, goon top. price uu. C o lumbia Carriage A Auto Works, 20f Front SL Main 28SS. WILL pav eash for Ford ears. r c- j . i vvj s. v. y7 . , 514 Alder St.. Portland. Or. GASOLINE PUMP. ' Bowser gasoline fMMne station outfit at bargain. M SCO. Oregonlan. !';5"cA-tH," Ford de'.ivsry car; panel "body good condition: J"t overhauled. 174 Tay lr st. Phone Main T"0 $150 BUY 18 "1313 Flanders roadster In good running oraer, r vrrgonian. LOZIER . five-paasenger, for aale or trade. l-iui imi mag. WILL Pay reasonable rent for 5-pa?s. ear, by AJM xuoflta, aiv ta-ar SH sw 49- FOB SAIJC A utomob Uea. EXCEPTION ALL T GOOD VALUES IN" USED FORD CARS. SPECIAL FOR TODAY. 1914 Ford touring, exeeilent condition, ghock absorbers, a $50 storage battery. Gray Davis headlights, eUctrto horn, nickel-plated; tire carrier on rer. two extra tires, speedometer, electric trouble light, electric side and tail lights; this car with extra equipment cost over $700. We are offering this car now for $b5, and on easy terms. 1915 Ford touring car, practically new $440 1913 Ford touring car, extra equip men; 410 1915 Ford touring car. a anan 38 lli Ford touring car . 1914 Ford touring; self-starter, etc.. 375 1913 Ford touring; good as nw 3y5 1915 Ford roadster; a good buy 3i0 1915 Ford roadsser; excellent condi tion 350 1914 Ford touring: shock absorbers. to. 70 3914 Ford touring 35 1914 Ford touring 81- Ford delivery car, complete. ... 410 381a Ford delivery car, complete..,..' 410 191ft Ford delivery car. complete..... 400 j. pi r era one-ton true, silsfttiy used hi We give a written guarantee with each EASY TERMS. BEN J. E. BOONE fc CO., 514 Alder SL Phone Mala 196$. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., USED CAR DEPARTMENT. WB GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAYS. STUDEBAKER SO." roadster, iust overhauled $225 ox uuji.DAM.ii-uAttt uu, i -passenger touring car $200 STUDEBAKER "6 7-paasenKer. elec tric starter and lights $775 uvunLA.M; touring car, jui- mouei, electric starter and lights $475 STUDEBAKER ''2U,'' touriug car; fine condition $175 STUDEBAKER 25 " tourina- car. 1013 model, first-olaas condition , $300 T-ORD delivery car, panel top $S50 REO 'TRUCK, liOQ pounds capacity, overhauled and repainted $150 STUDEBAKER "35," touring car. 1913 model, electric starter and lights. .$275 tiin uAiuHiLei do o-passenger tour ing ear . .$375 uiALUEKS "30." roadster, overhauled and repainted ,..?350 pa uur-oAAcn "ju, aenvery car. canvas (op .$115 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Building, h Corner Chapman and Alder Sts., Phones Main U4o2, A 755. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. BUICK Model 39. -40-H. P., good as new, liuo. CHALMERS 36V Five-passenger, In good condition, $500. CHALMERS 8" Roadster; nobby tread tires, tine condition, $400. BUICK-lt-ton truck. In good running condition, Ittoo. BUICK Light delivery, in good condi tion, $30, OVERLAND Five-passenger, good me chanical condition, $400, BUICK 1015 model 25. new tires, elec tric lights and starter, T0O. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., . iiuick Distributors. 14th and Davis. Phone A 2&o0, Main 1130. WHEN YOU BUY A REBUILT FEDERAL you get one tit the best values possible to find iu a motor truck. It ia just as safe an Investment as a new Federal, and what more could be said in talking trucks? ' Here's the truth about a rebuilt Fed eral motor truck: When it comes to us It Is completely gone over, every part minutely examined, and we replace every part that shows the slightest sign of wear with a new part. There is no gamble about It. The same policy that applies to every Federal is applied to the rebuilt ones. , If you are In the market for a truck fiom $1000 to $1400. we urge you to compare used FEDERALS with new trucks at similar prices. Wo think we can convince you of their superior value. Why take chances ? Dal with the largest, and most successful, truck com pany in the Northwest. We operate the bitfaest service station in the territory. It's open day and night. You can get any part any time. Write or ce.ll for particulars. GERL1NGER MOTOR CAR CO., E. 3d and Oregon Sts. Just Across the Steel Bridge." NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. CLEARANCE SALE ON USED CARS. Wo have on hand a considerable number of used cars which we are prepared to sell at unheard-of low prices and on easy terms. If in the market for a pleasure car. Jit ney, light delivery ear or a roadster, call and see if we. cannot aupply you at the best price and on the easiest terms. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch BL MAXWELL. No. 25, B-passenger. Maxwell special. 5-pass., elect, lights White 30, 5-passenger, 1914 model, slightly used, like new. White 30. 5-pass., Ittll model, In good mechanical shape, new tires. Stearns Knight, 1013 model, fully equipped, mechanically perfect: looks like new; oversize tires all around. Olds, 4-cyl., 40 H. P., 7-passenger verv large body, good stage car. Chalmers coupe, 4-cyl., self starter. Flanders elect., same as new, only run 3000 miles; pew charging plant with -amt. Wtntn special chassis, designed for Etage ambulance er hearse bodies. Wintun' touring cars at all prices. WINTON CO., M. 4244. 83d and Wash. SIX. CYLINDER TRUCK. Powerful CH-ton motor truck, with the famous Continental six-cylinder motor; used onlv a short time; guaranteed to be in perfect condition; best value for the money wo have. AV'ng with this truck you get the co operation of the largest truck distributors in the Northwest; most complete service a tat ion In Oregon; only expert truck men employed. Don't overlook this snap. L.arn about our liberal veiling policy. Call or write for particulars, GERITNGER MOTOR CAR CO., E. 3d and Oregon Sts. "Just Across the Steel Bridge" WHY not buy now and get a bargain on a good used carr 11 you wait, umn oynus you pay more. We have in stock a few la re models that are good buys: 1915 Hupmobile. Chalmers 36, 1913 Ford do lt very 2 good roadsters. 4 P. Maxwell. Studebaker $250, Chalmero 30 JS00. Ram bler $300. All of our cars are in good running condition and repainted If needed. Terms. DULM AGE-MAN LEY AUTO CO. 48-48 North 50th. - Marshall 19. A 1299. Aivr.ivn rn&detI ...4 $275 1 STUDEBAKER $200 1 SELDEN TRUCK, coat 250; likr new. for ' $1000 1 191 OVEKLAXD, with eiecino "'"mITCHEM -eylinder $350 Terms If Iealred. OAKLAND AI TO CO. 6th and Aider St.. HAVE a Chalmers 36, guaranteed to be In perfect condition; 5 good non-skid tires, eieclrjo lighten;, self starter, t sterae-e batteries. $35 K-eHogs; air pump; a $3000 automobile for SoOO; let us demon rtrate. Conley, Marshall 1639. A 199. A BARGAIN. Will sacrifice my ..-cylinder ear that cost m. $1175 a year ago for a Ford and yeu assume a small note for the balance that 1 ewe on It. AJ 337, Oregonlan. VISIT OUR ISF.D CAR DEPARTMENT. WO nave at iinitj. . large siock oi roadsters and touring cara -at prices that compel your attention. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., list A Wash. POHD delivery, top, lately overhauled, good enmilon, ,ui ec& uauk. rjuu Broadway FOR SALE. Ur.derslung Ford bug. excellent condition. Teiepnone sroauway room FOR SALE. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. BUT NOW AND SAVE MONEY LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. 3313 MITCHELL. 6 passenger. cylinder. 1914 MITCHELL 0 cylinder, $ passenger. 3912 MITCHELL, fi passenger, fi cylinder. 1013 MITCHELL, t passenger, 6 cylinder. 3911 STODDARD, 3 passenger, 4 cylinder. J913 MICHIGAN, 5 passenger, 4 cylinder. 3911 STODDAKD, 7 passenger, 4 cylinder. JU1S HAVERS, 5 passenger, 6 cylinder. 1935 VEIE, 2 passenger, 4 cylinder. Several others to select from; prices 375 up. SEE OUR 12-PAPREKGER STAGE-LINE CARS. f MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVE R CO., E, 1st and E. Morrison Sts.. East 72T3, B 3218. WHY PAY A HIGH PRICE for a light motor truck when you can Du a louo-pound Menominee oemon strator at a bareain? Here's a truck built to stand the hardept kind of work a truck built by men who know. It has been used very little; car ries the same auarantee as a lew Menominee. We will plve vou the same and back you with the same service po'ley applied to AlvL our customers; imp mean: that you get the value of the larges truck distributors In the Northwest am the eo-operation of the most complete parts and service station In the state. EASY TERMS. Call or write for particulars. CERL1NOER MOTOR CAR CO., E 3d and Oregon Sts. '.Tust Across the Steel Brfdpe." WR FiVE mM a number of car-owners mi Super "Six" Hudson, and now can offer you a number or excellent oargmns m second-hand cars Prices from $200 and up, on terms. C. L. BOSS ft CO., 6HS-17 Washington St., Portland, Or. AUTO WHEELS. wh vmtv mitA aklris and vou break wheel, think of us. We make a specialty or wheel rebuilding. High-class worn a COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & ATTTO WORKS, Main LS33. 1:03-11 i-ront tu WE HAVE sold a number of car-owners ou Super "Six" Hudson, and now can offer you a number of excellent bargains In see end-hand cars. Prices' from $200 and up, on terms. C. L. BOSS ft CO., 815-17 Washington St., Portland, Or. 1015 FORD. A-l condition; good tires. Ta Dor M(8. Automobiles Wanted. CLEAR LOTS FOR AUTO. I will tradsj any or all of six nice rest denee lots in Newport, Or., free of in Incumbrance value SloO each, fur a five passenger car; must be Into model and in good condition. Address W. B. Linn, own er, Paeeo, Wash. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY view property is valuable nme next to unanticicer to ex change for automobile; give particulars. M 5oJ, Oregoniaq. WOULD like to buy a 1914 roadster or 4-passenger Hupmobile. AR s u-HJ, ore- WANTED T.att model Ford In rood condl tion; must be cheap for casn. wpai nave your W zo3, uregoman. IF YOU want to sell that automobile, call up Finch, at Broadway odt. CASH for Ford : must be late model, in good condition. K 3'J, uregoman. DIAMOND ring and cash for small car or good mctorcycje. on, urespninii. WANT a 5. 6 or 7-patfF.enger car for interest in spienaio patent. 0-1 icon. JEWELRY STOCK, siapje goods, to exchange lor auto; owner. iii. iitninsiTDias. WOULD like to buy a 1915 or '16 light Hud son auto. AM o-Jl, uregonmn. WILL pay cash for snap in light car. 611 swenana D!ug WILL give $215 mtg. on city property for runabout. Ainin oai, Automobiles for litre. 1016 DODGE, $1.25 per hour, railing enopping a cpc'itmy. amm j. Auto Tires and Accessories, SLIGHTLY used tires from $8 to $10 each; vulcanized -oc; tire repairing, zui a-uiwo. NEW 1015 FOP.D 2 months old; reusonaDie. .u 3ii, ureuni-n. Motorcycles. 1915 TWO-SPEED Dayton twin. $225. Merkel twin at bargain, o. covey aumre-r wj, 21st and Wash. nnAvn.vRW mntorcvele Presto tank, reg ular $10; price $6.50. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. WILL trade Mtz runabout even up good motorcycle. Main 5887. Machinery 1 100-K. W., 600-R P. M., 500-volt genera tor. 1 5-H. P. Climax engine. 1 18-H. P. No, 4 Jewel engine. 1 34x18 engine. 1 0-K, W., 133-cycle, single-phase gen erator. 8 1-1VH. P., UO-volt D. C. General Elec tric motors. 1 ft-inch Gould pump, a r.w v Tie-er enirlne. Rewinding and repairing electric mo tors, generators ana an cietinu -niv merit our specialty; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. ELECTRIC COMFANX. 31 NORTH FIRST STREET. PHONE BROADWAY M39. AT sacrifice, a 15-horsepower Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine in good running or der; has not been used very long. Apply Newport ice ea nisn tit, uiiwi, ur. Typewriters. REBILT TYPEWRITERS, ' "ALL MAKES." . LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES. EASIEST TERMS. Machines of all makes and models; all thoroughly rebuilt and fullv guaranteed; mohin xent for three days' examina tion to "any point on Pacific Coast, and if not satisfactory may be returned at our expense. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 4 MONTHS $5 AND UP. RENTAL AL LOWED ON PURCHASE. SEND FOR IL- LUSTRATtSiJ rni-n 'if'TJv WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 021 Washington SL. Portland, Or. " NEW REDUCED PRICES. orrtttt.T TYPEWRITERS. Sstesis S :::::::::::::::::55:So Smith Premier No. 10 127.60 Remington No. 6 n(J N. T. ..... 112.60 Smith Premiere, No 2 and 4 JlfK L. C. Smith. No. 5 IIH?. Olivers. No. B $20.00 Royals. No. 5..... 30.00 Underwoods, No. 5 ..132.60 SOLD OS EASY TERMS. FULLY GUARANTEED. REBUILT DEPARTMENT. PSVIVCTOV TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 83 Broadway. Phono Broadway 621. WE eav from BO to 75 per cant on all make, of typewriters: send for our illus trated folder Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, it. TYPEWRITERS for rent; S months for and up; S months' rent applied on pur c -.J., Remington Typewriter Com pan. Broadway. Portland, Or. TYPFWR1TEI1S. all makes. $10 o f.e5. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 20! stark st. vnR RALE. Two typewriters. Underwood. $:15; Oliver, $211.50, for cash. Guaranteed KEW7 rebuilt, second-hand rentals at oui rates, p. D.. 231 Stark st. Main H07. Mi&cellaneons, to LATE etyle roll top desk: trade for furniture or good wararoDe truns. 840, Oregonlan. ELECTRIC crffee mill, cost $27; will sf?ll for $5: in lirsf-elas. 'condition. 215 2d St.. corner Salmon. ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric WqrJu. 413 Burntide st. Broadway er A 8874. FOR SALE -An ' Alaska griszly bear rug, new. 8 ft. long. Phone C 1524. THREE showcases, cash registers, coun. ters. shelving, safe. 21:8 Lumber Er. bidg. PIANO, six chairs and table for $00. Flanders. Hi CUCKOO and quail clock. $25: cost $U0. Main 102- Residence East&05. BARGAIN- One good billiard table for sale. 40 N. 8d at. . FOR SALE Waich maker's bench, Latlie, foot wheel and stool X. 8:h St. GOOD carpenter's bench and vise, very low price. Freeman. 21 Yeon bidg. Main .81. GOOD and warm beaver overcoat, otter collar an culls. $,24. Mala 221. TOR SALE. Mlhcellaneooa, BARDE BARGAINS. We Just bought the entire stock of leather beitlnst at th. Western Machinery Co., of. ban Fraucis.'o. LOOK. 2- In. new Graton & Knight leather, 1-c loot. 2!i-In. new Graton & Knight leather. JSc loot. , 3- ln, new Graton 4. Knlglt lether, 18c 4- in. new Graton & Knight leather, 23c foot. All tises In stock up to 14,-iu. at cor respondingly low pric-a. . UPECIA.L. We Just bought to.wo feet of almost new plow ateel cable, so LOOK. -in. Plow Steel Cable, 5o ft. -ln. Plow Steel Cauie. ttc ft. 1-in. Plow sieel Cable, 10c ft. IVi-ln, Plow Steel Cable, 15c It. Iu pieces up to 7000 ft. PIPE. PIPE. Just received a eonsienment of pipe almost new look. Vs-ln. Pipe, 2c ft. 1- ln. Pipe. c tu 2- ln, Pipe, 7Hs ft. .-In. Pipe. 22c ft. All .tzes in stork up to IS-l"-, . We have 42 engines of all Kinds ana 4-H. P. steam ensrlne, $2o. 15-H P. steam engine, $75. ru-H. P. steam engine, $1X0 2-H. P. Fairbanks gas engine, $8. 4- H P. Nuvo engine. $tl0. 6-H. P. Fairbanks engine. $120 And everything else In the engine .In. BOILERS. BOILEHS. - Ward marine 20-H. P., $75. 5- H. P. upright, .',f. 10-11. P. uprusni, wj. 6-H. P. hL-rijontal, $150. And SO other boilers. Concrete mixer, with power, fi-o. Steam woodsaw, $125. Gasoline woodsaw, 12o. Logsing chain, 3c lb. Blocks for logging or hoisting A new complete sawmill at $250. includ Srilf c.kars. ETC. ,1 pvirvthinir In the line of trans mission at bait prloe and less. Small new magnetos, $1. 12-!n. lathe, almost new, $125. 21-ln. lathe. 3f. Heaters for apartments or large homes ROOFING PAPER THAT KEEPS iRY. 1- ply. with cement and nails, use. 2- ply, with cement and nails. 8-Piy. with cement and naiis, $1.4u. And we have almost 1.000,000 ether bar gains at prices that astonish. Phone, write or call M. 1A8DB SONS, INC. The House of a Million Bargains. 24.0-1U2 Front St., Cor. Main. 21 , Years In Portland. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. We have a complete line of new and recond-hand plumbing supplies; let us submit your figures before you decide on your plumbing work; our estimates are zree ana an our "..-.--NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO 1S7 Front St, Main 5t31. ANY CASE, PERFECT CONDITION. WILL SELL GREAT SACRIFICE btC. IT. MAKE OFFEH, CASH OR TRAIlt. 388 MORRISON 61., M.A11 ioin. MAIN 2P20. KESTACRANT outfit consisting of ga. or coal and wood range, n. ""S.'.T: i,hl. tnl.trt linoleum, dishes, etc. Will aelil complete or any part at a bargain. GEVURTZ FURNISHING CO., 1S5-187 First at ONE T H. P. Marine engine, one S II. P. Fairbanks-Morse engine, one v - steam engine, l-incn ceniriiui,t NORTHWEST LEAD i MACHINERY CO. an r rout at. PORTABLE houses, garages, hunting cao- Ins. chlcnen-nouses. woouaoeur. eju. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO.. 544 Hood St. Main 1167. Sundays and eveningfl, Woodlawn 3015. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, aa maKes. win bh diuu out. Dropheads, $5 and up; box tops, $. and up. S. S- Slegel, two stores, 33 Al dr st. and 242 Alder st FOR SALE CHEAP 1 Harrison portrait lens, CUtB BXIU; X Anomiiy eaumoi. .now.. a,,,i hniiiprs l inn view camera, in eluding carrying case and tripod. All in good condition, can at m! tmy .i- FOR SALE A sell-propelled popcorn wagon and peanut roaster, pracucany . cheap. Address John Hermens, Verboort, Or. , STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 26 North 6th St. intact, 111 lots, or any article at prices ii below actual value; deal; Invited; show. cases and tixtures tor salt. SPECIAL. Wtll dispose of a lot of used sowing ma chines, all makes, and guaranteed, $5 eaca. K4t Morrison. FINE ?200 Edison Amberola cynnaer ma- china ana iw recoiuo. win down. 15 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom snd pocket Diuiara tsDies mm ""iit alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Coltender Co., 40- Stii. FINE Buescher B flat cornet witn attach ments and nno leatner casta. ui price $30, $10 down, 5 monthly. HyaLt Talking Machine Co., 330 Alder HIGHEST cash prlco paid for riBss ana shotguns cameras, Koaana nu bought, sold and exchan?d. Uochteid s camera, o m ON 13 verv large, fine rolLtop desk, 67x38 in., estimatea cout V vT- ditlon; all refinlshed; $.3.50; write B 34., Uregoman. DANDY Edison cylinder Triumph machine ana uu recorus , cuui ? v. -v , jjui-o, $5 down, $2.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Approximately 400,000 feet fir lumber, 1 BtiCKer, S pianem, i umuubhw, 1 mortiser, 1 onglne, 1 ripsaw and table saw Apply 337- Pittock block. FOR SALE CHEAP, il0x48 Corliss engine in first-class condition. Call Harris Ice Ma chine Works. 174 E, Water. JS. 738 or Columbia 657. FOR SALE A complete watchmaker's out fit, including oencn ana mine, ,iv new; will sell for i!5. Address John Hermens. Verboort. Or. VICTROLAS While you are snow-bound buy a Victroia, ti"aianoia or jhibuii jsc. Easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., S50 Alder SEWING machines of all makes sold and rentea ?j up. cBrrmi 3'jO 3d. near Taylor. Main A 3i;2tt. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re volvers; all ma uea; cneap. oeamniiafuf, 708 Main st.. Vaneouv-er. Wash. 60,000-FT. SAWMILL. first-class condi tion. Northwest A-eaa. & aiacniacry v-o., 811 Front st. fYvsi Tr.iinnfli cash register. $o0: one check protectograpn, iu. rnuiiB iu. oa-t. aw- DOUBLE-BARREL shotgun and ease, $12; r t mnsnn eost aO. Main ltft)2. Residence East 505. FOR SALE Brunswick-Balke pool table; Standarfl Size; U pnvaio nume. cuuus Main 8."N8. 60-INCH flat-top desk, quartered oak, and chair for sale. Main 3tJ0ti. LM34 Northwestern Bank bidg. ROLL-TOP. 2 at-top, 1 T. W. desks, 14 chairs, filing cabipet, bookkeeper's desk. 91 Park st. SACRIFICE HO yards good velvet carpet, 2i cents; oeq, cnina riosoi, eimira, wum sell today. Phone East 7.102. FOR SALE Nw pooltable at your own price, G. S. Smith A Co., 4'iJ Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mam -'oi. FOR SALE 3 sets of furs, mink and er mine; will sen tor less man nit, jjm Morrison sL, room 81. ENUINE mink s-arf. black and brown cor, size 3H ; oak rocker, lixl rug. 4U4 Clay st. Main l42"i. DROPHEAD New Home sewing machine, al- rnoBt new; ( ivi rr st-t near 2am hill. CASH REGISTERS. slightly used; our prices sre lower. b-bu negiaicr cxcniniv, 8 S3 "A Washington st. Main 0, A $808. HAVE that plumbing fixed now. We will Whitley. Tabor 1404. OLD TI-USTY incubator and brooder for sale at $14. a. j.-. eiaicner, 10 vvatia eu, Kenton. BEARING stie apple trees, SOo each. Mitch ell Nure-ery. lacoma. vasn. ALL kinds store and office fixture, show cases, cheap, i-'s yirat. aaain na. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices staru-uavis lq., xis a si. aim tzt. PAISLEY SHAWL ih good conditioo. Phon FOR SALE CHEAP, fin fur collarette. aiarsnau aaoo, NEW 6x0 rug. $10. J114 Williams ave Upstairs apt. HOUSEBOATS. NEW AND USED. OILHAM. HrJL.Lt. SI. if Z4 , X. OR SALE A nice cutter, only used 4 f u w times; cneap. inone 1 a Dor OR SALE Paisley shawl over old. AP ds. uregoman. BROWN suit, all wood, size 38, ilmost new. aiso good tru&K. iiar, iyu. FOB SALE. MUtellajieoum. EXTRA I EXTRA! EXTRA. Never befor. In the history of Portland has such merchandise as .we are se.llnj; for such price, been known or heard oi. A few of our specials now on display In store windows. All furniture, stoves, rugs, carpeta sr. also on sale at great re-luctions. Iron Jack-plausN, reg. Jj.:. for $1.65; breast drills, reg. $J.3. for $1.S0; Henry Diaston saw. $1.15; il monds saws, s.",o ea. : .-inch combination squares, only 75o eatth; .older 10c a suck: 24-lneh sttilson pipe wronch. $1.44; 1S jnch, ; n-inch. S4c; 10-lnoh, 59c: -inch, 6tc; 6-lnch, 4Sc; steel rlppings bars u each: baling twine, re. 76c each, 4Pc; chlsci handles 5c each; brass-bound rules lc each; 12-inL-h haok saw blades ;i5o dozen: tool handles, reg. 60a, for 36c ea. ; coat and hat hooks oniy 5c dosen; 10-ft. tie-out chains 49o ea.; guaranteed scales, reg. J3.50. for $2.45 ea. ; reg. $1.50 wlre strctchors only $1.10 each; chain-binders. J2.i0. tor tl.25; all uses half-soles only ISo pair; leather in strip, and all kinds last stands and extras; regular l2o ail eleel anvils now Sfeu pound; Belf-feeder upright blacksmith drill only $6.45; axes, rcsuiar $1.25, now 70c ea. ; 65o lantvros only 33c each. Also all kinds of Diaston. Atrtiiis & Slmonds crosscut saws, slightly damaged by water, for $1 up. All-steel sp.ittinp bare 75c each. Also wedges and s.edge accordingly. All sizes and grades of wire rope from io per foot and up. Alonarrh Malleable ranges, good as new, only $32.00; Universal Range, In first class condition. $21.50; Leader Range, reg. $22.50, for $13.75. Mauy other makes too numerous to mention. We have a few heaters left at ia price. 32.25 weathered oak dining chairs only $1.45 each.; $9 dresser, J4.75; $15 dresser., $7.26 ea ; $1250 dining tables, $S 45; reg. rug for $.1.4 a. All other furniture in Levin Hardware ii Furnlturu Co.. 221-3-5 Front St. CASH reisttr untly ued. neduced prlcsa;' second-hand and rebuilt National csan registers low priced, easy monthly payiu'ta, NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 352-854 Burns. Je St., Cor. 8th Phones Broadway 1&18. A 1S14. BARBER CHA1K Very cheap East 5701. - la . WAXTEU MISCELLAXKOLS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHKS. We pay the highest price for ladles' and ger ts cast-oil clothing, bicycle itad verytning la merchandise, call us up, Vs need It and pj,y for H. GLOaifi telURE. i4i FIRST. Main zoiio. 0g9i GEVL'RTZ FURNITURE STORE. 1-7 i'lRST ST. 207 Flits T ST. Marshall 587. w-a buy your aecond-hand furniture, stoves and other household guods. Hlghettt Prices ala. MISH FURNITURJfi CO., 184 1st Maia 6.6S. 184 1st. Call on ua and gt our estimate oa your furniture and houbehoid goods bufor, dis posing of same. FOR a thoroughly raltubla house to buy or sell household goo us or anything In the hardware line, call the Levin Hardwai it Furniture Co., 221 Front at. Phone A im- Uain',s- WANTED 1 complete st:t of '"carpenter's tools, cheat; prier to get iu touch with Individual owimr wishing to sell. Address C. A. Bunkhead. 5.M K. Madison, city. bPUT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE. -A phone call will bring a man with tha money. We give prompt advice. 2U First st. Marshall 1822. WANTED Visible typewriter; must be In Al condlUuii; state lowest cash price; answer bui'oro Wednesday lutli. Jos. launders. Port i ami, ui, K. 2 ANTED I am unable to support my 5-yer-old boy. a tine, bright little fellow; 1 wish to hear from someone who would adopt a boy. M ;;:iri, Oregonian. WILL exchange tirat-ilass new Victroia. Grafanoia or Kdison lisc machine for pi ano. Hyatt Talking- Machine Co., liQ Ai ds r. SECOND-BAND CLOTHING BUYER J. Meyeg, the tailor, pays you mora for clothing aud shoes. Kellabie buyer. Cait Marshall Uaf), Madiaon at. WILL PAY CASUFOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONU MAIN 332. A 2bH7 - WANTED Quarter-sawed oak roll-top type writer; must be cheap for cash. P. O. box V40. city. WHY snowbound? ,"i40 (ith, large house, $1S; uuuage, wirt;a t. jjraae s lowneraj, yn Selling, also Marshall 1103. WANTED Good G and 8-ft. second-hand flovM- showcases at bargain price. Main WANTED To buy for cash, furniture for 5 or tl-room flat; deacribu fully, with low est price post-ilile. N 343, Oregonian. WANTED One second-hand safe, good con dition; 1 platform scales. AF S4j, Orego nian. WE pay spot cash .for Victor or Edison records; give address; will call; confiden tial. BD 346, Oregonian. WE PAY SPOT CASH FOR stocks of mer- cnanuise, &mau or targe jou, buy aud men fixtures. -15 2d st. WANT to buy National cash registers. Cash ttegisier n.x?nange, lox caiixoruia su, fcn Francisco, Cat, SECOND-HAND Christian .Science textbook. -Main iuu, iorenoons only, between 11 and 1J. WANTED Eastman postcard camera; give description and price wanted. V 335, Ore gonian. USED furniture wanted by East Side fur niture store; cash or exchange on new. East (HIT. f WANTED Small -sized refrigerator; must be in first-class condition and right price; state size, price. x Oregonlan. STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Main 4778. 182 1st St. Main 4773. Pays best prices fur your furniture, etc. WANTED Second-hand trunks. suitcases and handbags. Main 007 "J. A 7174. - WANTED 5 showcases. I, Holsman, 31 o Washington WE buy and sell new and second-hand suit cases ana irunas. Main ttuiz, a viit. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best prica .tor your rurniLure. .ut J si. .am in ioi . WANTED Sanitary couch In good con dition; must t.e cheap. Marshall 4570, WANTED National cash register. Main sue. 35i Washington st. WANTED Visible typewriter and rolltop desk. L 34S, uregoman. WANTED English kip bag; ans. Sunday and Monday. AN o f, uregoman. SECOND-HAND siciini table; mention eiae and price. M ureguuiait, WILL give $300 first mortgage for your furniture, bui r, ii. u. a. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of all oescrlptiona. ana in sua, iviine s, jus ! ust. WILL pay cah fur flat top office desk ana cnairs. iiain jyuo. jur, ivajiguaoii. DIAMOND, 1 i- to -karat. Must be bargain, G 302, Oregonlan. WANTED tieconu-htfiid 244 and 3d0-egg incubators. A. E. VanEmau, Juiisboro, Ur. DIAMOND WANTED Vi to 1-k. Cash for bargain. J iH.r. Orugunlan. WE PAY the highest prices for Junk of aa kinds. Mn. 4C!ib. 'Zsh Front. A B C junKLO, 7a- CURDS oak wood, carlota only. Phone J. R. smith Co., Bdwy. 5::i. A 7a. WE buy all kinds of PHONOGRAPHS ana RECORDS. I2o First st. Mam 449o. HELP WAN TE1 MALE. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber tr-iQe iu 6 weeks; tools free; position guaran teed; paid while learning. 22 lid, nr. Mam. THE best proposition on the Coaist for deputy organisers for iclt and accident tralerual order. Cail beiweca - and A P. M., 711 Uekum bidg. bc.Cu.Mli DETECTIVES Wonderful oppor tunities; experience unnecessary ; write V signer, 124 LeXlligtuU awe., AoW o-i'. D?pt. U43. WANTED Young man witii Ford or small auto delivery; only hustlers 'need apply. AVI 31u. Orogonian WANTED Plain and faney iiuuer. Tho Man -Hand Laundry, tili? Wash, su Call Monday. - IF iALAIiY $ou per month and commis sion, Jibeial expenses, interest you, addruss iH pt. I'M -i, -1'7 Indiana ave., Chicago. AULU-bODIKD men to qualify for firemen, brakemen; U2u monthly; experience ua neceetary. Railway. Oregonian. WANTED 3 ipt-n in kitchen, Lelgbton's Dairy Lunch, 33 J Wellington. Come pre pared h WE Garford car with delivery body; rated three-quarter ton; wish contract: WANTED Thoroughly experienced tool and die maker. Hoipoinl Eiectriu Heating Co.. Ontario, Cal. C SVASsiERS to retail new local product, commission. 327 Pittock block, Monday after A. M. BRIGHT young man, over 18, with $100, References, permanent position. K tioX, Oregon MECH.WN'ICAL draftsman for a few days or aeninas. Phone Monday, Bdwy 3808 WANTED, to hiro a haul lumber. Muln tt-aru for two days to 4:i;5, H. 22. WANT ( clotlies. 0 buy fw s'lghtly-worn mrn's 105 W. Park st. Broadway 1713. W ANTED Licensed ph dielan : $., per month to start. W 3u2, Oregonian. W NTED Asi-iatant mannger ; pom mission LiUis; D to 12 Monday, 340 Morgan bidg