IXJ TOU PAT BENT? 1 he hara a braao new -rJ" a ew loeatad In Lauralburat. two bloeas "Si ear? lift , iitua.-roem " '"fi" nreplace. dmrng-room with, elaborate bul let uli noora. front window, of bwtl "it -aaa. nic. bathroom, cioihe. eauu, and a" law built-in conveniences; two oedroom. with. lr closets no"? una bearaem with eatra ara J"do upstairs; can nnish another room at sight eiBease; attic plastered; kitchen in Ib'S enamel, with pantry and cooler; built-in lronlia; board" lull cement baae lint. dandy iurnace. It you have goad ret ere nee. y ou can Viythls delightful home at a snap price lor a vary a mall easa payment and -u Dtr month. Including interest. if iniere.tad J'ir tk you out a my ulo a ad .now you l""f f" no commissions. J. DELiBLNIli luU3. A 1015. evening. Taoor 54o. JLST ONE SiOPE CHANCE rer em lucky parsea te buy tndB,di: t ham in fortTand lor tb money; just trlnk of thl.; brand new 8-room "JSJalhurau near Park living room wita firep.ac. music Som' andm5ining-ro.m. hardwood floors; Ivory enamel finish; large plate 'a-a w.rdowa in front; nifty bathroom with c?othe. chute. latest bulit-ln elects, large .Arlen'd bck perch, lour bedrooms, one wlYh fireplace; toilet and lavatory on Jd floor, full cement bmr,i;,tSures furnace; atallotiary tub., latest f'"1" and chides, beautiful homo environment and flrat-cias. in ev.ry re.pect; pr ice on y tZifl for ouick sale: very easy terms to feilible purchaser. W. Croasley. Mam 15'jl or A 151a. Sunday ar avenlnga call Vain 3738. Auto service. FOR SALE AT 1K DISCOUNT. VERY EASI TEEMS. T-ROOM MODERN" HOUSE, GdOB SB PAIRrGAsT ELartalC UilHTa nR .NACil. FIKEl-L.ACli.101V 1"mJJ3oD ScHOOL. KKDVCED VKICE t:i,Vl-? IKVN 33 PER. MONT". PHO.Nfc MAIN I"", HI KKITT, A GREAT SACKIFICB.. Price HbHi. A beautiful modern two atory home, a rooms and sleeping porch; built six moniha ud at a coat of o000. can b aold for -30; large living-room -sxlti; fireplace. hardwood floora, beauti ful lighting fixtures, built lor owners use. One of the beat district, on the I lu. Si.ie. Hla loss Is your fain. Thla will ba .old thla weak. ... , ,. . THB FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 8th St. WBT NOT VVRN A BCRDEN INTO iSi Vevl miaa iHi MONEY. BC1LD APARTMKNTs. DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS JBfc SowLtalk with oc iutm SK rir-R Work WILL GiVK BONDS. I R BA?LEY CO. INC? CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS.': AwlNOTONBta rojt frice or .lot. Nlea llltla" houae, on 13th at. I water and W. C. til house; chlckam aear of lot; all for Uttle taih, ba'.anca Mka renl. r. E-; house IPS Lumbermens Blag S7.s ARTISTIC a-roem bungalow; pergola, beat enamel plumbing, gas. alactricity; e.ilar. woodshed, berries roaea. lawn, tux !u lot; so city liens Owner paid 1SOO. 1 blocks to car. Esilest kind of terms. i:i t. BT. 8. E. ML B'-oti car to Flrland etatlen. ;. C. Goldenbarg ( miwrl, Sell. Citrnt In California Instruola ua to aacnflco Irvlngion home; largo grounds AxlOrt; onsa canlains seven large room! and reception kail. Owner refuaed l)00o fnr tut! few years o. Can fell for HTi. Jfu eaah and Tialenca like rent. the rtKO a. jacob3 co.. ! 'h . a tl A t r- 1 IV IV FOX CHAa's'HOilE. a rooms, bleapiug porch, bath, base ment, chicken houw; all fr loo; mak vour own ttrnis. ERNEST K1MMERLI. 103 Lumbermena Bld: 3f YOU arplannlng on building a noma vou will ba interested In seeing the hun dreds of horn i.lans wa have. Or we get uu special plans to suit. No obligation to you Will build on your lot or ours on rental lerm.. The Oregon Bora BulMars. 1330 .Northwestern Bank bldg. LAcnSLJILKar noan.. Before buying b aura to look at our list of exquisite homes Just completed la .Launelhurst. the addition of beautiful names from :S0 up. on rent-like term A LALRILHURiT COTziO, 8lrk at. Malg -t ri.tV j.aaja.a-a-... To kp my crew busy v. ill build you A-roe tt modern bunnalow with sleeping !.r. h. hatrriwood Hour and 11 bmlt-io roRvtanitnceii; 60x100 lot. I'lice in iret t par emit. Tnns easy. I lre gnniaii. Jlr50 lfO CASH. U3 Est :.th N. S-rom modern bunsatow, fireplace, oak floors, cement baauient, iawu, roa, furftJitod aud aoriiicd; 1 black frmn Alberta car. WHY PAY RENT Buy a home from us on mailt hi y pay nieui PORTI-AND HOMES CO., 7uU Title and Trust Bld Fl'R.NlilKU BUXOALrOH. ef 4 room, nit-W furniabfd, on good lot tn Overlook dUir.ct; raved atreet. aewsr, Itas wttLrr In; price $17."mi; only cash and' $1.". month. Owner. Cochrun, 07 Pan ama ..Mr. Main Sell. S. JLM Jeaing riiy, miut sacrifice my bwautttul Irvmson hom, 8 rooms, tinmen living room, largo airy bedroom downstairs, with bain and huu er adjoin in; blue-and--wb u breaHrat-rooui, hrvl'otMl floors, XOH ALE Practically new. strictly mod ern Jurnt?hd bungalow in Hawthorne dis trict with 4 noms, sleeping porch, full ttmentH will make buyer a present ft tha furniture for qui k sale; prica lloO, easv (-rms. fall 340 K. oJi St. KRW JJUNGALOW, J!0n. AXl) SIX LA KGB LOT S all wn tor f-'U, on easy payments; located on good roads, close to Portland and elec tric .italion. Call V Coiicord bl(!. HAVE ttood U-ts, Rose City Tark ; w i.i build a house: vu nin it: a very litt'.e down. your own layiiiant terras; will charere actual ost of bujidmg; no padding tl fost. J S? Oreiionlan. 1H IUTO. Owing to removal from city will seU mv beautiful It-room modem house in bst pit f Irvington. Will 17' va terms or Wl accept clear vacant IMS in paymeri. m urfgunidn. 7,n kit v J.r.Mim mMara c"titaa. elteap. furnislt4 er unfurnished, ttunnys'ide dis- iriCt, I PlOf H-W A-am.uj C'HWIBl Far ale pu-iiires Property. Ii; oftiw L.RGE modern corner business biock on carlme: 0 stor, w nh o 4iu . inAiM rnw. l.o feet street f rnnt ; tt improvements pa:d ; b!dg. tias bth roemi. ioi!n. Iitrlr and gas t :xitirc tuM basameni. hot w atsr boilers, folding Ve-lt. china cupboards, closeis. platagiaas wBd'iws. is gl reuied and paymg about 10 par cent net on above price; location ea of the best and moat rapidly im proving in PoriJand: future prospects of ikii ii-ontffv unntisiloned: Ta'.ue in nor mal t'.naea $.'t.000; am aacrifielng this In order 14 buy a larger property, man lev Thomron, owner, Kothchild told., rfcTU Va?h!r-irton st. J-r.,,4, srt! in concrete store bide, on sub urban carlme: contains aiares and larse rl.-mre t:. rater, basornent, heating p:ant. t!ets. etc; b!dg. alone worth $I.PO0; fer I'if ft. street frontage, fireproof con Kt rii.t ion - .xrHnt eorner: will sell OB very eawv term. Stanley S. Thompson Co.. owners. KoihcfitM ii.O, i57 WaUi tlg'Ql St. THIS WEEK ONLY. rrirn)" T'ninn avenue mn4 OolnsT atreeL Improvements of bcth streets paid. Kxea- ann and foundation a'eaa worth ai et -"'.- Prl.-e this week only $7O00. VrrABn 4 WICPRIOK. Stark St Suburban Home Property. OTFSON HALF ACRES. Oood soli, irood water, eloe to eartlne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshal! l erfei:wood 474. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. CONCORD Oro city ltne. 14 acre ar more; a!o Willamette Rivar aoraage. C V. KIs e. MUwaukle. Or. K f. P. o. 1 Phene Oak Oreva 1 W. Acrraxe. 4 ACRES, d-yar-old apple erehard, in LewtsToa Orchards, at cne-half regular price for otil--k turn; l,00 casli, baiaaca paytn nt. .An :i. (m ACRE tract a M etmer Station; aear rhurch, school and store; SO rain 'it es out or Or Else. Inquire 11 Luaiber Ex. bidg. KRY SPECIAL One and one-fourth aoraa, t blocks from Irvington Club, 40t0 Jaa ;ir en!y. P. 0- bog 440. city. .NK4.R PortUnd Hta. acres, S,"0iV; city view; easily accessible on good boulevard; 1hh c-t. -J. Oragoniaa. AT a saenfice. about acre of Bavrtea's best beaveruajn 00:0 a land. Caii fi (?wt iird bldg. I. TOWN b-ivs en acre: 10e fare, en geod ce-uniy road, mar electric station, price ne:v ?ro. T Mi, OregpTilan. 2 ACRES 8 Mocks station. Id slat ion east f Lents, 12c fare, for 1725, cn food trims. J. G. Ram.y. 1'4 icon Dl.if. n rt t . au,riiir haui if 11! r evon -acre Lract f..V S."w.o cash If takea Immediately. V . S49. Oregonlan o ACRES wear X'.laaukie ; choicest eoll; S acres all under cultivation, good Im provements, bearing fruit. 5 eowa. 1 heifer, 1 horse, chickens, ali implemenuts ana household furniture, near Tigard, on Ora, goa Electric; income from cows alona sii per week; price t2vOt), ba.lt cash, balance easy ttjrma. K4.xj1.e4 f.uuuaei, - 10 TO 4y-ACRB TRACTS Pina soil, spring water; 25 miles from Portland; school, store and stations on the laid; to o5 per acre; easy payments. LUEUDEMAaNJi CO.. Cham bar of Copunierce. CHOICE TaACT O.N PAVED RpAP . Five acre facing Powell Valley road, only 15 minutes' rijfvej 1 aere fine treea, 2 acres cultivated, balance easily cleared, excellent location.; price fib' hi, 4i0iu; re sonable terms. LI'EPDLMAJW POMPAVY, Chamoer of Commerce. IDEAL SUBtRBA- UOMESITE--" Frora J to 10 acres, rich land, well de veloped community; 30 minute out, wltfc 10 big red steel trains daily ecn way through it. Buy now at our low priees and easy pasraats. Let us show you. THB tiilAW-FEAB COUPaNJ, 102 Fourth Streau . HAVE several tracts of land from T to 185 acres; this land Is mostiy loeated on gooa roads in or near towns of Oregon B Washington; I may take some Portlana property as first or part payment; easy terms. ERNEST ZIMMERLI. ZbZ Lumpermena Bldg. BISST BtTY SL'RBL'RBAN HOME. IK acres. Id cultivation, modern o-room house, good barn, etc. 3 acres orchard, mile to carline; one horse, cow, hogs, eo cuickens. farm machinery. Price only 25uu. 00 cadh, balnnce easy tarmaf. t.p ton, Chamber of Commerce CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. Oreoham district; near electric atatioa; 75 lo luft per acre; aaay terms; best soil, free wood. Farm for sale, all lUet FRANK il'FARLA.ND REALTY CO S09 YemIildg.iP.orUand:;Or; A BARGAIN a aerea, 5-cent carfaro, U blocts city limits. -J hou-ei, 0 chit-k-n-houses. practically all cleared; all W.nda smuil fruit and young orchard; price f-30V. Jtunimell & Kummeil. 274 ?tark St. ACREAGES in famous Tualatin Valley, beat of soil, good location, low prices. Quanti ties and terms to suit purchaser. Handy Bros., owner. 2QI Stfrck it. bid. Tei. Marshall 2u3. - BUY a" 10 or ;0-acre fruit ani tnick farm in tho citrus fruit bait an4 rli belt f South Texas, near Houston; only Jo per acre, $ltt cash and $10 menthiy. Write today. aVndrew Warren, Houston, Tex. 1 at- ACRES, 1 block of Raleigh Station, eth-st. electric, 7c fare. Pretty grove, across road from Golf Club. Snap for $?O0. S iXiT, Oregonlan. Hemcstaadi. COLVILLE RESERVATION HOMESTEADS to open. Only MAP showing Govt, survey, townsltes tentative Indian allotments, streams, roads; with full DESCRIPTION ciimate, soil, product of million acres ag ricultural erasing, timber, mineral land; mailed 1. Clair Hunt, Colviile, Wash., former Govt. agt.. ref. any Covilla banlL 'BIG INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN. TaO.OOO acres fruit, timber farm, mineral lands. Send 25 cent with thla ad for copies with reliable information ' about thla great region, pally World, dept. H TVenatrhee. Wash, For bate -Far ma. A RARGATV FARM. 15 acres, near Oregon City carline. First-class garden and farming land. 13 . A. cult.. IS acrea timber, new 4-rm. house, cMckenhouse, woven wire feacej. 1 v acivia cUoice young orchard, horse, cow, buugy. ciilcken. household furni ture. Graveled and hard-surfaced road to city. Owner sick, will sell for $,ao0. tz2uu cash, bat. lenns T' per cent- No trade. D. M. Rohrbouph, 253 Stark, at HARTMAV & THOMPSON GOOD DAIRY FARM . AT A LOW PRICE. CO acres, H mite from town, Ry. ata tion and school, good 8-room heue with bath, hot and cold water; largo barn; spring water piped; 27 acres in cultiva tion, much more easily cleared now good pasture: acres woods. fine springs; family orchard. 3 horse. 4 -cows, 3 year ling, chickens, eomplete-. set machinery . Including cream separator and interest in threshing rig, hay and feed; 1550u; terms. D. McChesney. Title fc Trust bldg. A RARE BARGAIN. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. Xft acres with stock and equipment for f-VhiO; fine part of the Willamette Valley, near Salem: beautiful river makes one boundary; 60 acres In cultivation, 17 pas ture. S timber,' all lies weil and part is bottom land; sit fenctd; good 5-room ' house, large barn froxTo, usual outbuild ings jcood voung team, 2 coves, wagon, names?, binder, drill, mower, rake, plows, only ,5900, terms. D. McChesney, Title ft Trust bldg. $$ WHEAT IS 830-acre farm in rich wheat belt, no waste land, all in crop. This is some of the very best land in tha famous Pa lupe country and produces from 15 to hO bu. per acre, 6 mi. to thriving town, echool 1 mi., phone and R. F. D. A bar gain at $01 per acre. H cash, bal. term a See, O. P. Hulse. at HARVMAN & THOMPSON Hth and tiark) MAKR YOUR WORK PAY. Pick up this little valley farm, fix tt up, put it into cultivation end you'll make money and get a good living In the mean time, iio acres, all clear and cultivated, fenced, lnrge orchard, well. buildings worth $1000. Will sell for 12400 and make term a A. H. BTRRELL CO., 217 Xorthwestern Bank bids. Marshall 4114, A ellS YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS NOW. Easieru Oregon wheat land lias made men rich. I will sell you 1100 acres fine wheat land, 95l A. under plow, will aver age 50 to 30 bus 6 miles to Ry.. deep" roil, free from rock, easily farmed, sprinir water, in Gilliam County. $ld per A., i cash. bal. 6 per cenL p. M. RohrbaugU. S Stark, at HART MAM" THOMPSON 95 ACRES, $4o00. flood Yamhill County farm. 50 acres tin der cultivation, ornhard, buildings, under fnc. Our client had to take the place on mortgage. Title perfect, terms very reasonable, with, long uma to -make pay ments. A. ll. RIRREI.L CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 411S. FOR SALE About S acres, 40 acres in cul tivation, with water. Bh lance easily cleared. All fenced with barn and heusp. $17.V mortgage; state loan at tf per cent to run 4 years. Price $tX)0O. Within s mile of rsilroad station. L. ARMENTROUT. Grants Pass., Or. TIIEAP STOCK K ARM. SIS per acre will buy lli0 acres near Eugene. Fine buildings, abundant water, free outrange. 17' acres creek bottom. Will consider good income property up to S2(,.o00 in Portland br Detroit, Mich. tiODDAKl) & IEDRICiC, -4 toiark ?t. 40 ACRES, located 83 mjles from Portland, 11 ri under cuittvation. team, o cows. hogs chickens, tools and implements from A toZ: good transfer station, 4 miles from good business center with level road; price can arrange it so I19S0 will ranaie. Anoncja .-v w won, mmiiaM- r.cirr. FARM IN MICHIGAN. 0 acres. 25 In eult-. fine soil, Trroom house, other good outbuildings, orcnara, 11 fnrawt all ftnnlBt tools en with Dlaoe, .1 miles from Sheboygan. 41ot0, 500 cash. Tii; w lea thun U what It is worth. For details call il.". DcKum hldg. Jacob Haas. ."i ACRES river bottom land in Willamette Vallev, 4 act es mixed orchard. 50 Fran quette walnut:,, 1 acres of raspberries. :w motlern 7-rooiu bunci ov. Darn ana all outbuildings. mlii from town of 3200, nsar largo cannery; price 380u terms. Owner. AV it2, Uregonian. MI'iT SELL MY 40 ACRES. WU1 make a price far under real value for 40 acres, go"d buildings, 1H miles of good town, right on rock road between New ber and MrMirn villa. Inquire 404 Northwestern finti ong. SMALL Missouri farm: 15 cash and Si monthly; no interest or taxee; highly pro ductive land; close to three big merksia Writ for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger. D 144, N. Y. Life Ina. b dg.. Kansas CUy. Mo. KOK SALE acres, isitqated righ en the Yaquina River and R. R.. with j tat Ion rlpht in front of hoos-j; fair C-room house with spring water piped ta same; email henhouse ino enca ior row; price foil-. Ad d ress LUii. aeverson, joiece, u r HIGHLY improved and Mocked 3i0-acre farm, $20.oo0t Will accept 3 or 4 parcels of clear city proparty tu It, 000, balance mortgage. A. K. H!LU 419 HENRY BLDGV I,Ot,it run A r .a. rv ji .- If o. and you want good farm- at bar-j gain privd. see ua. Best f rerrences furnished. F. FUCH. 4-0 Chamber of Commerce. WllMUV d w heat rai-h, best county, aver section, rew buildings, etc., need same cash in moving East; some trade. Bar sift. Mrs. Havens, PIS Thurman et. FOR SAI By owner. $ aerea bottom land, at Falls City; house, barn apd orchard. For particulars address A. U. Persy, Pcotta Mills. Or. COWLITZ CO. stump lands. $10 aere up. terms: good soil running water, markets: employment. J. R- Sharp. 4-0 Plftock bik. pOR SALE Goat ranch, bargain, timber. near R. P..; terms to suit, Owtur, P. O. box ftS-. Grants Pass, Or. WILLAMETTE VALLEY dairy, etock and grain farm. 140 acres; some cash, trade and terms. P. O. box 544. Albany. Or. 160 CRES near Redmond; house and barn; $10 pen Owner AUlA 941, CmCKIEXS, OO KAJSINd. DAIRYING. TRXJCK FABM1NG. The SL Helens Lumber Company fa selling Its lands in the vicinity of St. Helens, Or., direct to farmers. These holdings, which have bn held off the market for years, ara in a hig-hly developed farming area. Among the advantages are hard surfaced roads to tiu Helens and Portland, quality ef aoil. excellent echooi system, marketing cendU tlons (CO-OPERATIVE CREAM ERY AND CANNERY, LOW BOAT, R-ifL AND AUTO FREIGHT RATES -TQ PORTLAND. proxr Imity to the county seat, with its payroll of $ 60, 006 PER MONTH, as well as being but a short distance flown the COLUMBIA HIGHWAY from Portland. These factors, com bined with LOW FIRST COST OF LAND AND- SATISFACTORY TERMS, give the man with ilralwd means an opportunity to develop 4 home. For information phone C. L. Wheeler. Maia 9313, write er call on LAND DEPARTMENT, ST. HELENS LUMBER COMPANY, St. Helens, Or. ,517 Chamber ef Commerce, Portland. TRRIGATIOV AND ALFALFA, COWS ANO HOGS, Uncle Sam supplies the water; rich, delta ellt soil, containing lota of lime, produces large erops of alfalfa; California gives you the sunshine, and we furnish you all the cows you can feed without any payment down. If you want SAFETY, combined with PROFIT, It's bard to beat. It is the only Government project fn California, and while you are getting Started the water costs you, including maintenance, only $1.U0 per ncFe per year. There's money tn alfalfa-, dairying. hog3, chiokena (one mmm ships oO.OOQ per year), almonds, olives, oraugee, lemons and a few other things. You don't need to do any pioneering, either; gucd mar kets, transportation, roads, schools, churches, neigh bore, no Chinese or Japan ese and healthy and delightful climate. The price of the laud is SI-.' to $100 per acre, on exceptional terms. Ct.ll or write G. W, Felker, 703 Oregoniu bldg. A FIVE home, stock or dairy raneh; will sell at a bargain; would take in a H section ef good wheat land, balance long time, per cent; line outfit ef build ings, nearly new, finely located; barn will held luU tons hay, loo head cattle; house i large rooms and bati. water piped from fine pure spring, power to run washisr, electric lights in houee. barn and hog house; phone, R. F. D., cream route, school SO rods, ilk miles from good R. R. town, 60 miles from Portland; 38Q acres, f acres under plow, 0 more can be plowed with very little worif ; ITS burnt off land seeded te timothy, -balance in timber which can be floated to K. R. with very little expense. For further particular address W. E. Lowell, Cor vallis. Or. 15-ACRE IMPROVED FARM, JnEAR PORTLAND. 1 mile from electric station, 10 acres cult., bal. timber an 4 pasture, good soil, aero orchard, 5-rm. house, barn, other outbid gs.. good well, creek, woven wire fences, some stock and implement. Only SJTOo. Terms. No trade. Sea S. Ilowey, ;'w9 Stark at. HARTMAN & THOMPSON-r eOt'THERN LAs'DS are low "in price, "but niKil in proauciivc vaiue, iiiuhb iwo four crops a year and give largest profits In grain, vegetables, fruits, livestock and dairying; uncurpaesed climate, good mar kets; publications on request. M. V. Rich ards, Commissioner, room- J!74 Southern Railway, Washington, D. C. WHEAT ranch, well located, will consider frood house a part payment. Mail, S-'S. residence Tabor 2983. WAX TED REAL ESTATE. WILL pay cash for a strictly moderq 5 or 6-room house, new or praetically new. Laurelhurat, Irvington or Rese City Park preferred; other good locations will be considered; give location and price; pre? fer to deal with owner; must be bargain. F 3 i5. Oregonian. FACTORY site wanted inside three-mile cir cle; prer3r a. tf. tracKage, out win con eider other good trackage; give location and price; will pay spot cash, for 2 fo 5 eeres. AE li'd, Oregonian WANT modern T or i-roem house in Irv ington, Laurelhurst or Hose City. Cost not tu exceed $0000. Will assume up to S'-'OOO and put In $4000 free lots in good district. L 249, Oregonian: WANTED dtriclly modern home, Irvinjr tan or Laurelhurst ; must be a bargain ; have $30u0 cash. Address K 338. Orego nian. Only owner need apply. WANTED Small house or lots for my lrvingtoa home; will assume small amount ; prefer somethipa- clear. BP S47, Oregonian CLIENT will pay apot cash for modern room bungalow with lot 100x100 in Rose City Park or ether restricted district. flODDARD A WIEDRICK. 48 Stark St WANT land adjacent te Columbia High way; 20 to 40 acres vicinity Portland; snap In modern home. 11. R. Hill, All Swetland bldg. : BrliiT ft or 10 a'-res within 111 miles of Courthouse under f UOO. X 33tf, Ore gon i an WANT BARGAIN iot, Hollauay'a Addition, Irvington, Alameda; ail cash. All 349, Oregonian. I WANT a small modern bungalpw; have two small home In Portland to apply In payment. D 3i8. Oregonian. WILL lease er buy 100x10- on Broadway, between Union avenue and the bridge. Riggs. 1103 Spalding bldg. WHEAT ranch, well located, will consider good house as part payment. Maia lilii, residence Tabor 283. CALIFORNIA-OREGON trades. What have you to offer. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. WANT ?120 cash and clear acreage or Iota for 8-room modern home. Rose City Park; price $SM'0. P 345. Qregpnian. WANTED Houses in restricted districts In exchange for Iot? and acreage. 401 Board of Trade bldg. WILL give clear Acreage In Harney County as first payment on email house. Main u&S7. HAVE cssh for bargain in West Side home; Nob Hill preferred; owners only. AQ S;3. Oregonian. WANTED Small home. Southeast Portland. Must be snap and easy terms. 5T0 Henry are. WANTED Lot for cash er equity In house and lot. 4o Broadway bldg. HAVE cash for bargain In West Side hpme, Nob Hill, preferred. Taber 41:10. t STANDARD ABSTRACT CO. (W. R. Haiillp, Pres. .. 402 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 6774. WESTMORELAND LOT. all cash, at a sna give- location. V 358, Oregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. LEASE and "toes; of milk ranch, for eale: lease $20 month; S miles from goad town in Washington; milk route private con sumers; .0 acres rich, land in cultivation, SO acres good pasture. 3? cowi 1J -year-old heifers. 10 3 years, and if yearling heifers. l horse. Inquire ef John Steiner. Tenlno, Wash. 1 j ACRHS One mile from Milwaukie; oc fare; 10 acre cleared. 2 acrea in pasture; electricity, gas, water on preqiises. barn, a fresh cows; will take pHrt of rent in labor. Particulars. Moffett, 401 Lewis bid;.. Vain r.JOL CHICKEN ranch, income $19 to $Q per month; will double by Spring: f3i0 ea. refiuired; rent il other business and can't depend on help; will teach you busi ness; make me show you. Box 504, DalJaa, Or. iO ACRE, fine soil, all in cultivation, suit able for dairy, neuUry or truck garden: miiea east of city on good road; lnrge ham; modern house and weiL Phone East assJi, business hours. 15 ACRES "cultivated, smail buildings, 2S miles from Portland; eitra good soil; will accept clearing for rental ; renter must assure reMabilUyJp 3;9.Oregonian. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 10 acres bottom land, cioae to city; barn and small dwelling house. Inquire J. U. Mid die too. 4?4 Chamber of Commerce. . 100 ACRES. 75 hope. 20 grata, near Port land, aao Sherlock bldg. FARMS WANTED- W 4 VT good improved farm suitable for raising cheep, with value around $W01 in exchange for good unincumbered Portland residence tn IMOxJOO and 2 ntoe city lots in splndid district. Will aod wm caah l farm ia necked and equipped. SAMUEL DOAK ISO! Kertiiwcatera Bank BIsf. WE have three cash eustomerp for' email Places iO to 40 aeres. withia 25 miles of Portland, not ovr $3000; price must be rig he. COE A. sTKEHNA & CO., TJ7 Chanibar of Cmrwrce. HAVE constant call for improved Valley farm, particularly 40128 acres, with somo stock and equipment; buyers wait ing for any a; a right price. D. AfcChea ney. Title A Trust b'-dg. WAN T E D To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for eaie. C. C. Buck- Ingham, rioufeian. 1 W ANTED Information rewarding good farm or unimproved land for sale. R O. WANTED To rent fully equipped dairy er graia ranch by competent larot-r, or work on. same as everto. C J4- Lt Box 111, Woodland, Wash. WANTED-To rent, with option to pur chase. Eastern Oregon wheat raneh; give full parueylars. Address AV t7, Ore Human. . . WANTED Te rent f arm j must 'be closa in, for cash in advance. C 346. Oregonian. gonian, FOR SALlv-TniBER LANDS. DO YOU wish to purchace or sell a logging proposition, sawmill setting, or exchange veur property for timber, or your timber fr farm. Income er city property? Wrjte me. C. C. Shay. 7 Cham of Corameree SNAPS in timber; soma to trade for city property; mill and loggiaf chances; any- thing from a mtUiom to a bliiiea feet, H. JV. id 111, 014. oneuouuuiu r WILL sacrifice ltW aerea, 10.000.000 feet of Douglas fir, well located make sae aa offer. AC 348, Oregonian. - TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND BOLD. C. J. M'CRAKEN. 104 M'KAY SLDO. TIMBER LANDS ON TRANSPORTATION, READY FOR OPERATION, FISH A HODOES. Owners, ALB ANT. OR, WANTED TIMBER LAND 9. WANT to dispose' of your timber ? &ae H. R. Hill, 611 Swetland bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. A FBW GOOD EXCHANGES. FOR EXCHANGE $350,000.00 North Shore, hignclass, 62 apartments, two and four rooms, highly finished in enamel and mahogany, and all modern conveni ences; , kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, ranges, etc. This is magnificent property; leaded to responsible party for 10 years at nat renial of $24,000.00 per year. Want offer of clear city or farm prop erty. Thie Is located in Chicago, III. FOR EXCHANGE $458,000.00 8-story office and store building, located near courthoube, Chieago, . 111., total rent $-.-OOU.OO per year, wwuer wants body of good timber. , FOR EXCHANGE-$40,000 good four story brick flour mil!, also brick 2-story sawmill, well equipped, growing business, located In good farming community in Central Illinois; owner will take Wistern property. FOR EXCHANGE $406,000-08 20.000 acre, fine stock ranch, Kit Carson County, Colorado, 6 miles to good town; SO per etui good farm land ; three eats pf lmt provenience, loeated en the Republican Rivter; land In compact body; 500 head of cattle included; owner will consider income property. FOR EXCHANGE 7 acre located 8 miles south of Eugene, 3 miles south ot Goshen; 60 acres under plow, balance pasture and all can be plow-ed; level land, on the Pacific Highway; adjoining big orchard tract; houa and good barn and outbuildings; fine sub-dividing property; leased this year for one-third of the crop; price $13,000,00; mortgage $5000.00 runa 1 years; trade for income property any where. FOR EXCHANGE: J19 acres, 1 mile east of Creswell, Or., on the river; B0 acres of bottom land, balance second bot tom; 16 acres in cultivation, aood house. , two tiaras apd another set of small build- in pa : price sij&.ou ner acio; morteape s). 000.00. Jong time; trade for stock of mercnanoise or any Kin a. preferably fur niture and hardware: owner now in the mercantile business; no time to look after larm; 114s several thousand dollars worth of other property consisting of timber, residences and other property to match large deal. NORTHWESTERN EXCHANGE, Room l Beck with Bid J. Eugene, Oregon. (Formerly Walker A Deeksteader.) TO EXCH AX (115 17500 Irvington home, with, garage; want miiaiiKr uouptt. . 4 00-acre wheat farm (clear). Want city property. Faetory site on O.-W. R. At N. and Hal r at. Want West it da property. Will aa- suma- W. H. ROSS. HOi N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 087. luu ACHES TIMBER LAND, miles from Chelan. Wash, Chelan County: nine and fir timber, first growth; will trade for aqto or vacant lot ant $4t0 cash; thla is a buy if taken at once; mortgage of -ii'o. 'labor osou. or write 410 E. ootu st. !. ... WHO wants a good country merchandise business in Oregon with equipped ranch in connection? $&000 in clear property will handle, no cash needed, balance long time, low interest. Will stand critical Inspec tion. Vanduyn fc Walton, 51 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE GGxlflG feet on N. Main at Salt Lake City, 4 block from Temple Square arm a oiocks xrom new state uapitoi. Finest apartment-house site in the city. Will exchange for Portland property. H. j. L.ong, 'zvz seiung Diag. UNINCUMBERED, modern $5000 Portland residence, to exchange tor improved, acre age ef about same value. SAMUEL pOAK 1202 Korth western Bank Bldg. 5 ACRES of fine land, tf mile from Fel lers Station, O. E., en county road. Fine for fruit and chlekena Will trade for lot or o-o-room bungalow m city, xou win like this. Owner, N 54. Oregonian. WE have manv Iaree and small houses, luts. farms to sell or trade'. What have you ? Want some paying business for acreage n,ear ciiy. nanaimair. ..a APingion oiug. LAND FOR MERCHANDISE. Have improved wheat land and timber for merchandise from f.oU0 to $14,000. Box T, Madras. Or. FINE apartment site in Nob Hill; $3000 cash, will swing deal, bal. 3 years ut per cent; would consider tract pa part of $ooou, iiarenai a4. WANT LAND. ANY KIND. ANYWHERE Have all kinds of city property to trade zor it, B. F. KELLY, 723 Ch. Com. ltio ACRES iogfred-off land, Clatsop Co., R, R. and Pacific Highway: plenty water; fia.uo acre, own terms. Will traqe. wo ad ingion hldg. TO TRADE for cfty property. " four acres pear uregon iTy car; ibiuo uw i'w acre. v u. starKweatner, itoute 1. mu waukie. Or. WILL exchange $50 health course, diet and exercise, personal instruction giwn oy health expert. Will take anything value. Write N 340, Oregonian. INCOME cltv residences for equipped ranch from $l?,0OO to. $50,000. Owner E- O. O. Paul, 204 Ry. Ex. h!dg. phones Marshall ic.i7 or larsnaii map. WILL exchange F. acres of A-l "land near Estacada. minutes' walk to depot, for city property, clear utje, 4- wrego- fijfi acri-n Uiceed-off land, one mils from R. R. depot; fine stock proposition; plenty water $10 aero, easy terms or wiu traae. .t"! ft Abington bldg. ' 20 ACRES pear Ashland to trade for equity In modern bungalow in Hawthorne or Sun- EQUITY in dandy 5-room homo- for farm Mr improved land. Clarke or CowlUa coun- tfes- win assume, iiuo yeiaware ve gltkOO (.'ASH aua neuinern uregon acreage or timber to exchange for bungalow, G tt. Oregonian. UAliliAA J, Wot., income, vmv , tyiwv j- famlly flat. ?400O. to exchange for Port land residence end cash. P 336, Oregonian 2' BEAUTIFUL acres and bouse. Oak Grove. Exchanxo for house eaulty, C E--k O l?V-n i Vr;f tlO axraii n-arlv oil i-.i stocked, equipped, for Portland property. WILL sacrifice for cash or trade for' Port land property. SGvecre erchard, no in cumbrance; eL-fou. zt''S jeierson m. have iiSaA tauitv in' fi-room medera fur nished bungalow j trade tr city lot; pay . eash difference. Main 17-7. IjAVlj yeu soma cheap acivage to exchange for two small homes in Portland? D 349. Oregonian. WILL exchange Irvington residence for clear farm property; no agents. AO 142, Oregonian. $2M0 EQUITY modern 40oO heme; Canoa Hill district. Spokane, for Portland resi dence property. Marshall $803. EQUITY In 5-room house to exchange for rc In ting, Stout Investment Co. Mala 5 lay. I CAX exehange your city property or acre age for a grain and stock farm, stock and tools. M. C. Poind exter. Ban try. N. p. 160 ACRES. SO a. cultivated, Lake Ca.. fenctd, running water. AO 31. Orego nian. -ROOM bungalow; take some trade, bal ance monthly payments. Owner, Tabor 8r48. TO TRDE 7-rom bouse aod lot In Pied ' mont. X. A. Bergstrand. owner, 933 E. 23d st. X SEATTLE property to' trade for Portlaad property. 601 Y. M. C. A, WE have several good, modern residences to trsrte fer acreage. Si Ablngten bldg. NEW stump puller for cordwood. Main 1346. Owner, 1295 Hood. WANT TO TRAPS Irvington lot for house and lot al beach. Phone Woodlawn lC.Ttf. SANTA"" ROSA," CAC property, exchange for portlana. n. n. prcum, wi crwn CALIFOKNIA Good lota in Berkeley for property frwaar, aV4 i47, wrs.oui. FARMS ANO CITY FROPEKTY. T-room modern heme In heart of lrv ingtoa; price 56000, clear; wants sma.ler house to $4o00, balance mortgage. 2 fine acres, Improved with good bun salow and garaae; fare from Port land; price S5oOO, clear; wants Fartland .hoiriC 19 0000., 40 aeres. 13 miles from Portland; 1 miles to electric station; 35 acres under cultivation; all level, rich soil, pood build ings, pientv of water; price $12,000; wants larger farm in valley ur Eastern. Oregon te JUS.000. 12 aeres, three blocks from electric ela tion, near Portland; good new house; a fine cioga-ln place; prlca $10,600; win trade for stocked apd equipped farm valley to $15,000. First-class general merchandise business In good town, doing fine business; Control Oregon; price $30,000; exchange for wheat farm. Eastern Oregon. Modern brick hqtej n good town, fur nished throughout, auto bus; price $32.oOO, consider trade to $22,500, palance mort gage. Large Irrigated farm, with good build ings, clear of debt; price 30,000; to trade for timber or valley farm. Improved pcrtland property, with In come; well located r Price $o0,000; will trade for going farm. Large valley farm, good improvements; lot of stock and equipment; price $t0,000, to trade for Portland income property. Brick apartment-Jiouse, close-in, lOOx 100, 35 apartments, stores below; price $$0,000; take trad to $55,000. LfEDuEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. TWO FIRST-CLASS EXCHANGES. FOR EXCHANGE An Id?al stock ranch of about 1000 acres of deeded ,lan.a and about a section of railroad land, fenced in with same, making about Ii'JO acres enclosed; situated on the pia.n Umpqua River. 10 miles from main lino of the Southern Pacific, Douglas County, Oregon; 106 aares in cultivation, part first-class river bottom land; plenty more could be cultivated. balance timber and pasture; aooui io,wu,vu iev. . &vuu timber; the place is nearly ail fenced -1 .I-- urall wotArM BV river, creek and spring; fine set of build ings large modern 2-story house, 8 rooms, bath, toilet and lavatory on each floor; a fine water system, installed; water piped to nouse ana oarn. i euwu u 3 tho mifhiiilHfnars nice family orchard. 1 milee to Store, postof f Ice. telephone Ing fine large valley and scenery; price $25,000.00, mortgage $10,600.00. Exchange equity for iirst-cxass income l " Portland or any good town. This is dandy stock ranch, a money-maker, and priced rnn 4xri'R-!-500-acre farm on th. itmnniia River. Douglas ' County. Or.. 4 miles from town ; 0 acres fine river bottom land, 70 acres in cultivation, at least 175 aerea can be farmed; well fenced, well watered y river, creek and spring: fair set of farm buildings, well and windmill, good soil, first-elaas etock ranch; 100 flna -h,eep. 80 goats, 8 fine cows, f-ew head of young cattle; number pf fowls, goad young teem, --year-ui" colt, mower, rake, wagon,- harness, feed and rrain- pvprvthlni rnes: Price $12,000, mortgage $LiOO.oo; will exchange for Fort land property or imau acreage, NORTHWESTERN EXCHANGE. Room 9. Beckwith Bldg., Eugene, Or. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRO XT AGE of about pne-half mile; choice val ley soil n lower elevations of tract; buildings consist of a fine house with modern conveniences, large barns, family orchard with fruit of all varieties; situated on the secend bench, affording a splendid view; easy access by au tomobile te Portland; good trans- portation and private launch priv ileges tf desired; price $42,600;. clear; want Portland property in exchange. $115,000 equity In a 4-story brick, quarter block: income paying substantial rate en total value; cen trally located; to exchange for a sheep ranch In Oregon or other adjoining etates. TIMBKR TRACT WORTH yjn.ono TO $.10,000 WANTEP FOR a good-paying apartment property In choicest ef West Side apartment locations; price $45,000. F. E, TAYLOR CO., INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS, GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLDG., 40-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. 4 mi. from North Plains, Or., 2 mi. froim Portland. 30 A. cult., 10 slashed and burned and seeded, 10 acres seeded to clover, 20 ffraln. etc., -rm. house, up stairs not finished; barn 38x50, runnina water, 6 mijch cows, S Holstein heifers, 3 horses all tools, oatB, hay, potatoes, 60 chickens, milk check $50 to J50 per month. Price 35500. Will accept S2500 in clear Portland house, IlaOV to J2000 cash, bal. tima 6 per cent. D. M. Rohrboush, 2ti! Stark st. HABTMAS & THOMPSON' 100x150, with fine house, 8 rooms, new; will exchange my equity for home in country town or small acre; pilea of place, ,toou; mortgage jsooo. ZV aerea at Newbers, Or., we!! im proved, fine fruit, good 6-room house; will -trade for Portland home free from debt; price S560O; mortgage of JCOO, Ions time to run; or will trade for stock of groceries In Portland. Write 40 B. 50th st. N.. Mrs. D. Etchisomar. Phone Tabor 3805. RHTAWS BARGAINS. Ciose-ln business corner bringing fair returns; , 80,ooo, clear; want rarra. 160 acres, with stock and equipment, fine land, near Portland, only $75 an aero, clenr; want city property. West Side close-in inaome property; SI ".500: want farm. 175.000 in clear oily property for apart- roent-foase. , O. W. BRYAN, 500 Cham, of Com. H ACRES, best of soli, good small house, nearly hi In cultivation, hiph and sightly, lnmr.il mi mod road, close to Portland. near good station and for exchange for good foruana properly. SAMUEL, DOAK 1208 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 10 ACRES, RLnnt noli, house, barn, good well, wire fenced all around, 100 choice Bpitz apple trees, free and clear; will trade for good lot of equal value; price 1100. .1. H . viia. 1S-ACRE farm, Willamette Valley, new barn house, chicken house, well, ereek, thick'lv settled, high-class fanning dis trict, 15 minutes' walk to good town, on electric line; trade for Portland; price X3000. W. B. BarHsdale, reute 2, Wood burn. Qr. ril.lBYRVIi Trrw PORTLAND. 20 or 40 Irrigated aeres. California, edge ef town. Paeiflc Highway, heart of al falfa and fruit district: exchange for desirable portlano: particulars or uu io- plies. W. J . K., BOX W.-l, fortiann. ........... i-. , , t t.' i r Will exchange good modern residence, value jam!, iur bwuu oii,.ii . c.bj . .... must be good and priced right. Inquire J55 ACRE3 improved Eastern Oregon to Automobile in good condition to ex ciange fer vai-nnt property. See Will- lama & nari, -i. ccni"e FOR SALE, or will exchange for good farm. S lota In Oregon City; closa-In house in Vancouver. Wash. House and lots In Kelso, Wash. Address box 204. Castle Rock. Wash. COMPLETE outfit for 200-acre da4ry farm Jersey cattle, horsea, hay balers, gas en gine, everything cemplete for a good, modern farm for cash sale, or good clear property. umiiiiuct p. v,.,.,.. 6-ROOM modern house, 1 block Council Ceet ear, $4500: rented; will take clear property up to $2800. Call 401 Board of Trade bldg. TO TRADE Almost Al and good 6-room house and barn, all kinds of fruit, in City of Newberg; electric lights city water, for property in Portland. O 351, Oregonian. WILL exchange improved farm, good corn, munlty, for acreage er city P""' Ownr B. Simonson, route 2, Riagefleid, WKI1, WILL trada new medern 5-room house for Paciric States Fire Ins. stock, Alaska Pet Coal, Coin Machine or Idaho Cold Sr rtacium aiocas. i,j", " HAVE $1400 equity te sell or will ! trada for good lot la resiueoco district. Phone Ta- D3r lut. WHEAT ranch, well located, will consider good house as part payment. Main S2S, residence Tabor 2383. S"V CRES Canada land, clear, for Portland residence: close in acreage, clear, for Irv- Ington res, pmim-wasoi LIST your lot with Empire Inv. .Co.. 401 Board ef Trade bldg. We can sell It if price Is ri?nt. PORTLAND ..HEIGHT- $. jPI4 property; i.'ae , . jfut cenW C4 ifi & ifa4ev 1125 acres of fine 1J, asllr cleared, with about 1000 feet of Columbia River frontage; can near ly all be cultivated: prtee $30,000: fine proposition for eutting into smaller tracts. 74 acres, Lane County, about 10 miles from Eugene; t0O acres can be put under cultivation; -75 acres now under cultivation ; nearly all level land ; two houses, six and seven rooms each; six barns: school on place; price $G5 per acre; free of incumbrance; owner will ex change for Portland property and assume reasonable amount. WANTED FOR CLIENT 000 to 1000 acres of logged-off land close to transportation: must be suitable for- potato raising. Client with clear lots, good equity in new house and second mortgage, payable monthly, total of about $7010, wants to apply above en price of West Sido property and will assume. One of Portland's finest apartment-houses, with equity of $50. 0O0. te exchange for timber land or stoek, ranch, Owner ef lot near depot in Toledo, tDhlo. free of incumbrance, price $3000. will exehange for Portland property and assume, F. E. TAYLOR CO.. - INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS, GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLPG. ONE of the largest and finest stock ranches in tne eiaie 01 oregtw , u.r.:r 1000 acres irrigable land, from water op the place; over 100 miles fencing, very fctfua uuutiiiisB, - ' - consider Income property for greater part 1 pittce, wat. awt . -, a. -a. QiVlO sfyi' largo outfit of stock and machinery, fine wen ana punning, , 1 in . $100,000; consider Portland property or alley rarm 10 eou.uuv r fuu.uw, .nit ir.ri t.t An land tn Wash nr;v nil best of tillable land- about lttoo in cultivation, over 1000 in he gooa spring ana wc;ib, hi- consider lueome property to sam amount. Large, flna wheat raneh In tho heavy land aistrtet; levoiai prms several sets buildings, large farming out rlt quite a lot In grain; land yields from SO to 60 bu. per acre every year; price -atimst. - A nrnnertv In or Tl&AS oij,yuu, vuusiuti . - i-i-. I . CAA AAA linl tdV teriBS. 47 it 1 Lian u vi ju, vw, Large, fine Income property in center of Portland; price $12o,000; owner wanti a 6109K ra111.11, iiiuo. " . Jet OI Blpca wnn mo jjic. Hav another flna Income property, price Ity lAilll ml" S".-. t, K. MOOBK, 31T Boa4 "t Trada Bldg. - 7-rooro house and 11 lots, peninsula, clear, for smaller property. 4 nice lots. Roso City Park, clear, for equity In Sunnyeiae. ... rooms, modern, corner lot. in Haw- .i t.w. nronertv. 5-room modern bungalow and Vt acre, Ultnert station, ior iui. "0 acres anaira in nest i . " clear, for residence. Dandy stock farm, Eastern Oregon, ana clear income, for Portland. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 631 Yeon Bldg. EXCHANGES OF MERIT. SriOOf'O apartment-house. $;;0.000 equity. SJO.OOO brick building, MO.OOO equity. 20.0l0 trick building, fl 1.500 equity, consider good properties for equities. Il-vington house for bungalow. Laurelhurst home for home m vicinity of Reed College. SO acres highly improved for Portland. S1500 house for land near Oregon city lota for auto or small house. CH AS. RINGLtU CO.. 31 Ry. Exchange. 40-ACRE FARM IMPROVED AND 1 u miles from Woodland. Waeh.. !5 acres under cult., bal. timber paature; -rm. houee, big barn, water piped. 7 hish-grado HolsKln cows, rag'd Holstein bull, team horses, wagon, harness, all kinds rarm implements. 650fl. Exch. for Portland property. Will assume, tiee S. Hewey JS St". . ,o,w 43 ACRES, one pille of town on Lower Co lumbia nivei, i- wu...'- timber; 20 acres slashed, etc., good soil, water piped; house cost (1300 and is new; good barn and other outbuildings; on rock road, S teams of horses, plows, wagons, etc., good orchard and 2 acres berries. Price 4300 clear of Incumbrance. Want 1000 cash, balance trade, you can Wrnw the money on the ranch. Bee Mr. Parker. Fred A- Jacobs Co.. 104 Dth at. S100.000 to7$5U0,000 value; will give In exchange good land in California, und-sr Irrigation, suitable for allalfa, grain, ana fruits. What have you to offer 1 WILBER WHITE, Country Land Exchange Dept. Laymance Real Estate Co.. Broadway. Oakland, Cal. tiO-ACRE "IMPROVED FARM CLOSE IN. Located on Pacific Highway. Ry. bia. on the farm. 25 miles from Portland. Kino soil, all In cult., bottom land, well fenced, new 5-rm. house. tig barn, outbldge., 'city water piped to house. Price SlVa per A Exch. for clear Portland homo, some cash. See S. Hewey, 263 Stark, st HAKTMLAa 6b -j-jivjairov.-. FOR SALE or exchange: 20 acres, level land, adjoining city of Eugene; 1420 feet front age on S. P. and Oregon Electric; good for truck garden, dairy or acre subdivision; ideal for factory or yard sites; will ex "change for California land; make an of fer. F. C. Handy, First National Bank Didg., aan r ranciaco, t,ai. to ACRES Irrigated land. 45 acres In culti vation, 18 acres alfalfa, fi acres hog pas ture, rest in grain; one mile Redmond; new 5-room bungalow, large barn, feuoed and cross fenced; fine home; price 370OO; free of incumbrance; will exchange for Vallev farm. Stout Investment Co., 723 .v. u.. . rnmrnnrm Main M2s. IMmUVCL. Dt-uurt.-. av..j.u. 8 1-3 acres all under cultivation, at station on Oregon Electric, good auto xoad; new house and barn, family or chard, deep rich soil. Will take clear modern bungalow as first payment. Owner, T23 Yeon bldg. FARM-T-CO-acre dairy ranch, near McMlnn vllle all in cultivation; running water, good buildings, stoek and implement!; prlca $10,500; will exchange for cleat Portland property up to $SO0O. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. ....... I.1TO ,T o u , VI iinir irlff swirK OR WHEAT RANCHES with er without equipment and stock; ex clusive list of first-elaus propertlea: any size, many personally Inspected by us. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 607 Yeon Bldg. WANT STOCKED FARM anvwhere in the Willamette Valley up te $8000. Have clear property to S6500 In excellent location to offer as part trade. Cash for difference or assume. Bee Mr. Parker. 1-red A. jacoos jo., iu oin oi FOR SALE or exchange for res. property, by owner, 40 aeres, 15 cleared; ereek, spring, a oows. 2 heifers, horse, implements, bug gies, etc.: H mi. sawmill; nr. J4.V10, equity $2200; assume; Sis ml Sherwood, Or. W. 8. hex 41. SO ACRE3 with old house at station on Salem line. 18 mites' from Portland; this is a rood buy at $4500; would take a good Iot as first payment or trade clear for first-class Portland home. AC 39, Oregonian. S 33. GOO BN'AP New, modern and artistic residence of 12 rooms, in one iMst resU " deuce section; beautiful grounde, latest Improvements and conveniences; terms, third cash.' third mortgage, third suit? able realty. By owner. J 3S. Pnegonlan DO YOU wish te purchase or sell a logging nnnnit.nn sAOfintM set tin, or exchange your property for timber, or your timber tor farm, income or city property? Write WILL trade for acreage on electric Hue near Portland or for tarm "rat-elas s boarding-house business; close In well-filled, value $3500. Address BP 337. QreBo nian. YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively in exchanges; we can trade your property; na junk wanted, can wa 'TRES & SMITH. Maia126. 601 Northwest Bldf. trivm'iA nres. all clear and in cultivation; en R R , near station! value $1500; would trade above and few hn"red duller cash for bungalow. out?. . v'e ton bldg, HAVE or will find prospect for anything, anywhere United State; are not cjea.1-rs- guaranteed service. Mathews Raueh WILL exchange two er few eholce adja cent lots in Irvington for equity in house Good wheat frms to trade for valley farms or Portland property, F. Jj"uchs, 40 Chamber pf Commerce. $7!W CONTRACT to exchange aa flist pay meat oa lot, tl Sir. Wreulas. Business corner, downtown dis trict 260,000; some Income; will take scattered properties to l0,0ot. Client with two now Laurelhurst homes, cIosg In. East Side, busi ness lot; could put In other prop' erttes f necessary want apartmfnt house to $i.ti,vH0 ; will atuume, dose-ln Cast Pide flats, ail rented ; walking distance: price S13.500; Incumbrance 000; want moderu heme for equity. Modem brlrk; biitldlnr: euin district : clear of Incumhranoe; price J?0,000: want apnrtmeiit-hoiise to H5,0Ci en tilde. Belment-st. business lot: Improved -room bouse; price w00; Incum brance $i60O; modem house, nar Hawthorne ve., 6.'; Inrumbrancs only 11700: clear lot, T5i. Total value of three properties $10, TOO; incumbrance $ssrn; want busleesa lot East tilde for equity. Client with mortgago and secur ities to amount of $6000, house and lots $H. ( ; total value $16.flX; Ineumfcrapce but $3oo: for clear suburban acreage or small business property. Client with two medern flat buildings, fine districts: also close in business corner; prlca of thru properties $r2.00; Incumbrance $17,O4r0; want one good business property to $o(VOrtO, or will exchange for clear valley farm. F. E. TAYI-Oil CO., YNPTTrp? PROPERTY rKAI-FBS, GKOUNP KUOUK, HJCNHV BL.DG. HERMISTON ALFALFA LANDS. 20 acres, clear, 3 In alfalfa, balance in cultivation, house, well, ff w joung or chard trees, two miles from town, sur rounded by Improved places, $2u00. Want Portland houe, 0 acres, mile and one-half from town, good bungalow, well, 10 ucres in 5-year winesaps with alfalfa between, talanee In cultivation, clear of Incumbrance, $;i00o. Want Portland or "Western Oregon eubur ban property. 70 acres, clear of Incumbrance, two mlls from town, unimproved. 20 ready for the plow, balance can be made ready for $.' per acre. $-1200. Want Portland or good town property. 24 acres, mile from town, all Improved, high claes; also $3000 mortgage, well se cured, total $0000. Would consider a rood apple, pear or prune orchard. 400 acres, clear of incumbrance, B0 n alfalfa, $40,000. Would consider Port land or other good city property. 160 acres, clear of incumbrance, HR acres in cultivation, balance tillable and eaev cleared at ires than $5 rr acre. Make an Al stock ranch. $SOuO. Want city property or timber. We cap offer property for apartment or business in Urge values. Can also frame timber deals, or stock ranches. D0DD & KENNEDY, Hermiston, Or. WANT 6 AND lOo STORES. Have 10 acres, near Oienco, all in cult., small hulldlnge, rich' black land, have equity of 1750 and have some eash and want a 6 and 10c or variety eiore in Oregon or Washington. Have fine Vallev farm and other prop erty to trad.s for Southern California iiuit farm or city property up to $.15,000, 320 acres. Walla Walla County, in the great wheat belt, all in cult., price $10. 00ft, mortgage of $1000; will trade for apartment site In Portland or acre as a and assume soma. J. 3. RULE? CO., P'-'S Cham, of Cora WHEAT LAND. . I have many thousand acres of fine wheat, land m Eastern Oregon. Thet.o ranchee range in siae from 820 aeres up. I can take some good clear income prop erty and crop payments. 2000 acres, A stock ranch In Southern Oregon, $73,000. Wiii take good Portland Income to $50,000. This Is one of the finost stock ranches in Southern Oregon. Would like an apartment-house. See O. p. Jlulse, at HARTMAV A THOMPSON (4th and Htark) I HAVB exclusive contract, plot and de scription of 180 acres, unln cumbered, jouft under private dttoh, stocked with registered and high-bred Shorthorn cat tlo; this ranch is offered in exchange for Income property and will show a larger net Income than any Portland property of twice the price of the ranch. C. W. Cat her, 1007 Board of Tradebjog. LARGE 5-room modern bungalow. Alberta . district; price $3000; mortgage $1000; wants 10 to 20 acres for equuy; hae civ parcels of property; total value $1-0,- 000- no Incumbrance; trade all for one pifc Portland income and assume email ,1,OUnt- JOHN H. GIBSON, , V1'2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 40-ACT.B DAIRY J Hi miles from good town; all lies food and fenced; aboul half under cultivation; good house, largw barn, 2 wells. It springs, family orchard; iirice J1000; stock; and equipment can bo bought reasonable; will trade ior city residence. l.l.'EDDEMANN COMPANY, 1113 Chamber of Commerce. 9-ROOM modern house, 95x100 lot. 60 feet to car; nuuse nas mil ceinou.. db....'. beamed celling. fireplace, furnace. In fact, "all conveniences. Cost 1200, mort gage $1L'00. "Wants 5-room bungalow for equity, fee Wickman & Henderson, tha Frort A. Jacobs Co.. 104 nth st. 40 ACRES Irrigated land. 20 acres In culti vation, main ditch runa through land. 4. room bungalow, barn and outbuildings, near Redmond In main road, all kind berries and young orchard; price ;500, mtg. 2iia, due slate; exchange for city property. Stout Investment O. Main S15". SAN' DIEGO, CAL,. tW-room modern hotel. 15. year lease, no Incumbrance. Inca $7000. To exchange tor Oregon property of to same value. Prefer Portland. Income bearlna. Would assume up lo $1300. For Information call or writo 1100 E. lilli al. Phona wooaiawn Aoau $40 000 (SPLENDID tract acreage, all clear, level and In cultivation, en R. It .: now sub divided; In W. Valley near bueene; ieic contract can be had with this land thnl will return bettor than 5tt per cent of cost of land: half trade, bal. time. 3JS Ablng- lun bins. EXCHANGE. 5-arre tract near Napavins. 4 miles t' Chchalis. Wash., ly miles to Ry. station; would exchange for a small grocery stock of about J50U; rrefr Kast Side . OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO, 41S Chum, of Cum. Bldg I "ILL trada two houses In Victoria, B. C.. for Portland liom; one house in Oak Bay 6 rooms and sleeping porch, green housa 3J.8, lot 40150. $5000; one house. ( rooms and bath. Pandora ava. near business center (1 mile), comer lot, luoo. AC ,"::i. Oregonian. toACHEf. highly improved f ami. p mile a from Portland. on Pacific Highway, fronting on Lewis River, with boatlandiug on piece; JU-aore orchard, good buildings, irrigation system from spring on fsrm. Will trade for good Portland property; clear titla; tltj.onu. T S3, Ortiioniaii; TO TRADE My $1500 equity In SOO0 ' room m.wiern bungalow; oak; floors and trim, fireplace. Bal. first mtg. Trade for tf lots, Irvington ar Laurelhurst. lo ffc.io, each. Will pay soma cash. N 'Ji, Orego- COUNTRT HOME FOR RESIDENCE. An all-Improved tkKacre beautiful coun try home, A mile to station. Ill miles tn clly, for a good IMiiO residence, some cash and terms on balance. HAERLE - Bt)hSX, 1 Yeott. Main 481. DO YOU WANT TO EXCHANCIE Your residence, farm, timber or business for something else? If you have a legiti mate proposition see us. Schemers and h'ot-air fellows stsy away. FUCHS 4H0 Chamber of Lomm-erca. S20 ACRES. Powell Butta section. 120 acres tinder cultivation, fair set of buildings, spring water pined to house, family or chard: price JSO00, Incumbrance J.'OOH, two years; want hope In Portland or other town'ergusunJeHJngerblug; WILL irado clear title lots, land and house, for first and second mortgages; also, might put up some cash If securities ar. right. Answering, please give full Infor mation of What you have. T J.', Orego. g-onlan. 5ALlFbRNIA-OF.EGON properties of all kinds and silts for inter change. See or write ua U S. 1IORTOAGE & INV. CO., BUT Yeon Bldg. GOLDEVDALE DISTRICT ISO acres oholr level land, two miles from station, to trade for residence in Portland or Los Angeles; will divide. UOU Chamber ct Commerce. till SALE or exchange, abuul 6 aores, clear land one mile troitt B. K. station, only ,S m"" OUt" M. H. BECKER, 438 Llimber Enehange Bldg. ao ACRES All In cultivation, near (Jilmer. Wash.: will trade for Portland property; alsi 13-room hotel, 2f mtlea from Pan land, with furniture; prioe $4500; mort sace $10''O. HIHT Chamber f Commeree. T R. A D E- N I tio 5-room house, bath, " lantry and closets, hot and cold water titu st between Hawthorne and Mt. Tabor ca'rlines, close to Clencoe School, for gro cery or acreage. Tasonlati; TIMBKR for equity In modern bungalon. 50O-ACRE stock ranch to trade for ally property, Hi')0. 01 L. A. IHVIVGTON HOME c,.iuo; clear; trad smaliur tmute, U3 J,ewi4 bldg. ilala 8vTa. 3 Brit 14 ruau : f4. ti-utva