The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 09, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 30

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Four Vessels to Be Built on
Col'jrr.i)!a This Year and
FiftJi Order Expected.
mm TfftVirf d rw Or
for rirtUl IplWI.
a.. . ( j
n.r it ! r.v'-, e-
rrn . r t .- I ft t.mJh4
-n In or we.' afb f
cotri4 rt4 rr6at' mor
rir ntlnl t !& rt
t.o ih lit. M: i;p.i:4im
t'ttrrAtsj. ftku- t fiow HI
at t p s4 ! fhort tlm
i t l-irf tn . to ,'., it! lh
i 4iRf of -. r for Cap-. W.
oo. of .Web.;. A . Ks
ts-. hinr- f i jst. .. o lo
f r4r bo for prri-r.
. rrir:Ui mo !Mr4 w.l...ry
nBr for o R. Mrvofmicl
I nir foirf t to to tort4 oMn I
tm O'T of fort:. ! f.rst of
tikwM foot. V U0r4 !! mowth, Tho
t KnonBir i n4r f ao4 It
t f- t crt r t-t ib wilt ro4y
tn Mar nl t'o th r4 .. t tfoplom
or or ttoer.
?- mtico ot tt vor4o4
tn t'i'T of rrt -.. o oout ibo boot
tr? of limhr rorrtor of tho rlfcorcior
ci ytr4T frorn v trlotto to.
h-1 oonr ' f r a prtvo oq dm.
n Oil ft diip irt thfo yftf.
)urt hm9 orrto4 from ot;or forto
f e m.'.rmi o too vooool. Ml
til rrt r It k4 hooa tftr.
rtn t tho rorrrt)oa woa:4 o-4-rtko
to tm 4 :ip fr tcbor.
Cftptt 1'ro-t.
fpt( ' rltfMfi'o irheoMr ! to
ft lBrMm(ir. tji foot rtt1
2 f.-t 4 4peft of o 4 of
1 foot. r9V of eorrrlftft So.o44
foot of JatBf pfno. Tfco o I I to
00 roir ( Jio n4 doitvory will bo
io4o bi-o. tt boinft- ipcio4 fhot ho
'U f ft fall r of (t(ob fir oft
r bui4ii taytr for ho TftAftrnft
or fub. .i wirl bo o)'tppo4
ttfe ft mmmi- tlooi O !. 4'tVlnft ft
Bi t oer. oo Ut bo ftb:o to
1 am Is r.n ol fc4 tn4o, r
nr IntoQii t br I tbo trto
bol O mmn tho Jotr eCo ftft4 CUbft.
tiko btn4 ft sm4 4ni4 for iuftibor.
wit rftr9ftlf roturft trmdo.
Vlis. ro boi4 prpro4 ow. mi4 It
1 otifEo4 bor ! ti bo 4,o
t'ftftinl to i'olambtft t;tvr 4to
tjFivt i aumnf ft ow 4 trofr
n t 4 fccft hm trftaporttio
f limbm. l r rftttnft mboI for
t Ift tft
T?o roft o S VrJ br too iltlM
fto ur4 ui I ro-D0i b o ift
ftf'o. kt. tbo cnr boo 4, tftoro r
ua? ftwr wbft orofor rMdft
f r rrria l n-r 4 btbr eftr
o cuL wRfo ii I rovKiff
t tn rr tfmM fron wh.cft bttr
i! b bUtM'l o t
nl'imli. o. wvo tin4 oft fc
'" 'lr i'i i th unei n4 ofo
pi-ti f o wa'! mm mtmm KBMr
f .jt i. w4 b " rooi eh roll rrt
4potro f Iho Mir mkk fttrt
4tritninc Mak ft f.vot of
t..c iKaMr fr tbo lawbor
-4. brtftft-'nft tho mioo4ft) ooo(
tat t oft ftift,
INf 4 rwit 4 HolftroA
CVfr for t!o i'Hr of rortI4 r
ft r4 J r I. b't. OOiR o Ifto f
t'tt ocil rr oorLdMi ift ft
im. e of b U ov(Pii a4 cor
t ! ro f iteo4 ft for tfto
bi. ft ,itt or fvM)wo4 Ift Voftlntf
t ion !. A ftooft fo8M off
ftovl ftol fl tMnft r
'I bo rn. a to ftov-t4 to
.o t tTor rf for Autr.. ot
I t. Tft oroii. twt ft H
I.mor J. 4 'o lo to bo cotm
t WUft tho thifj fti obift
f r r i b'ftoNo. Tbo .tr of fort
U I wo rtrol to) tbo Aortftft
Tfi compor I tho P'ftU 4
oeift t 1 o I b-r for ovft4 otmo
t Aw'r::4 K bo-ft tobOft
' a oi l bft ftpt vm4 ftftlll ftoal
To UBfmi hMMf ftp f!o
otr. 3 fot t. bofti of 4 foot
of bo 4 of I (mi Thor t
-o loo hoe br. it b- : foot. 4
oitH 4onbl Hi of wtneft, tho m
to fotr Ktr rt. mill 4 o
)4mor tn9t4 r. m;o br 4 tr
wt. it! ft lttr too tie wo tru
I ro ft4 oft. t;i fttvo pimnt of r or
o-o to ! tn Umlr. Aft oit-f.f4
obflv botr vji'i rwppir 'itf for
I bcowr io: iJr oftftlno to
ii-ivft twtt ti for
ta - boo borzoi ,
lo. oo wtu corvv b4ft f.ol
of I jmfror ft4 bo rrioot ftTrbio fo
I a I in root -b fi-pai Atr.i r
. it rrft fro ob fttbor eo a a i no. 4
tho rnl ! bo ftfti;ob.o so.
1 i oor r c o4 a bia4 11
Oft tnt la tr4o to prt.
I nz7 z z zr ii
! - ... - I
(V r1 ' ' g1"'" 1 " ' ' fc J
. ( . - ' J
- - " i'r ' ; .
Bradstreet's Review of 1915
Gives War as Reason for
Prosperity in States.
-Tt ; or KHcit: m ith croi r or nor.:n Hkrrt bars imsn to iss icli jivk.
A rtaa oft foot by ftimufl C l4oraur, bi-hr onsincrr, and tb Vlt Houoft Aaroclftllon to hv
tbo Ortfof) poejr onln. tbo first locomotit to b oior(d In the Northy plcd In a permintnt build
ing br Crxm ft rotnl a ftur of Ibo Columbia Hlvr Highway. Tho rnln vu operated to
bioift tbo owr and uppr cac4a of lb Columbia, on what waa known aa the portage road which waa
oft tho north Unk of tbo rtvor.
Thftnctoft i now owned br the Stat of Oroaon and Is In the custody of the Orffoa Historical Society,
of whirft Uor M. Him 1 orrfttary. H I kept at th L'nion Tartfic roundhout bore. A picture of the
loromottYo w bn Friday in company with a a roup of pioneer. The pioneer in th plctur came to
th tie betweoa the yera 1U and 114. Inclaatva.
While Great Profits Are Expected to
Accrue From Continuance of War,
Ability to Meet Peaceful
Conditions la Noted.
From Bradstreet's Review of the Busi-
nesa Tear.
Nineteen hundred and fifteen waa a
fitting heir to the year which saw
the outbreak of the greatest war in all
the world' history. Vr waa Indeed
the main compelling cause of most of
the year s activities, and it effects can
be traced in ' almost every American
trade, financial and industrial happen
ing of the past 17 months. V hen to
this wft added a second year of boun
teoua cropa aold at excellent prices.
the dredge to make three runs across be
fore her bins are filled. The dipper will
probably be operated there until March 1.
To b cleaned and painted, the Britten
bark Elginshire was lifted on the Port
of Portland drydock yesterday.
Captain Entails entered the Associated
Oil Company's tanker Wm. F- Herrin from
Port Costa yesterday with 41.000 barrels
of fuel oil and J MM) barrels of gasoline.
Milo HoaHle, superintendent of the sev
enteenth LiKhthouse District, has returned
from Coos Bay. where he established new
range llphts and overhauled some of the
beacon lls;hts there. He also visited Cape
Blanco. Cape Araa-o. Coquille and Umpqua.
Actios; Weather Forecaster lrke yes
terday ordered down southwest storm warn
ings posted Friday night, as there were
no further Indications of a blow on the
Co st.
Circulars are betnr Issued by Inspector
It. W. Rhcdes, of the Eighteenth Light
house District, headquarters at San Fran
rio. call Ins: for hfcriii on the sale of con
demned property at the Goat Island Depot,
tender for which are to be opened Jan-
nary 2.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Jan. S. Arrived Steamer W.
F. H errl n. f ram Ean Fran ft sco. Sai led
Steamer Bear, for ban Pedro via San Fran
cisco: W. F. Herring-, for Pan Francisco.
Astoria. Jan. S. tailed at I A. M.. steamer
Tempi E- Dorr for San Pedro. Sailed at 11
A. u.. steamer Daisy, tor tan rearo. Arrived
1 P. M.. schooner Monterey, in tow of tuz
Navtrator. from Monterey.
San Francisco. Jan. . batieo at 1 1 jl.
steamer Northern Pacific, for FlaveL Jan
uary 7 Sailed Steamers W a pa ma. from
Portland, for MasaUan; KJamath. from port-
iand. for O nay mas.
Callao. Jan. 7. Arrived Steamer Edna,
from San Francisco; Klchlyo Maru, from
San Francisco.
Hongkong Jan. 4. Sailed Steamer Ma-1
nils Maru. for Tacoma.
Valparaiso. Jan. 6. Sailed Steamer
Thode Fagelund. for San Francisco.
San Francisco. Jan, 8. Arrived Steamers
Uotonhln Pacific Danish . from Guaya
quII: Seouola. from Hongkong; Adeline
Smith, from Coos Bay; schooner Ruby, from
Bindon. Sailed Steamers Q. c. unaauer
for Aberdeen: Colusa, for Guatemala; Pres
ident, for Victoria; Northern Pacific, for As
toria. Seattle. Jan. 8. Arrived Steamers Shlmpo
Mam tfJaT)nse. from Shanghai: Admiral
Evans from Southeastern Alaska. Sailed
Iher. extated a combination such aa
neither this nor any other country had steamara Jefferson, Despatch, lor Souibet-
previouair experiencea. A review oil em Alaska: La Toucne. lor esoutnweeiera
the year 191S must of necessity, there- Alaska. Stanley Dollar, for West Coast Boutn
fore, refer back to a certain extent to America.
the latter part of 1914. which saw the
Injection of the most disturbing oc
currence of modern times, but which.
lowing; to this country's fortunate posi
tion, likewise saw the beginnings or
th. Improvement Browing into the
greatest boom in trade ever witnessed.
Marconi Wireless Reports.
(AH po onions reported at S P. M.. Janu
ary s. a,nle otnerwise aesignaicu.;
Grace Dollar. Tacoma for San Francisco.
580 miles north of San Francisco.
Multnomah, orays naroor tor can
1 . busK.!. ef barter. :. barrels
of Rour and (11M bu.bels of oat a. A
rorrortod list of all froishl p tb.
total al lit; tons, wua a vaiualloa
of IMH 1. Tb mov.mont of frolsht
from At. antic Coast poitus to Porllaad
w. Talu.d at i J
"The busine la cai-uUted onlr from
vat.r .hipmoRta. and. In th. cast of
arhot an4 barley, doe. al r.prosoot
lb full sno.m.nt to th. Km br aar
meana. a. bucdr.d. of tbouaanda of bs. bn drawn from the
.Northwest by rail to bo raloaded oa
.. . at AiLanno porta, sod cloo. to
Z S rsfrlra a r said to bave boa .n
aad for that buatnesa. No doupt
much of that would ba. boon baod'.ed
by wat.r bad th. fanal boon open. cn
tbousb surn-ent waa not avail
ably bero to load direvt for Karope.
ret lb balk of th. wheat sent East
has bean started from Interior war.
KO.r: CITY'S CRf' I.F.13
IWr Carrbm Mm Itax k lo llnewe as
M.lp t'ndrr llrpalr.
On Iter pr.aa( voyaa. to Van Fran
cteco lb. balidoc doar. of Ibo "Bl
Tbree" II. e. wilt bar. abundant man ta
her ere w. as t of th. Rooe Oty'a com
pany toft oa tbo at .a rn er ye.t.rday for
toir boraoa la ta. sooth boeauao the
keea City Is laid ap bar. for a.w boll
era. Thar remain part of tho force la
If), dock aad .oatno-room der-artmoata
In tbo way of paaaenaer. there oere
130. aad tho vvasel waa ladon to rapac
ity with Aneal tho Item, oa
her maaifeat waeo throo raaea of inir.
ti Irado. I its. IJ coaoa of miacilaaoou. liquor and
a quarter cask of htey. vhlio aboard
"er. a few liquor moa. the spirits frtt
aaaatl beisc bound la bond for sia
rraac I , to bo placed oa sola, and the
former t-.a.era are head.l Ih.r. to
ro-eater voratloa.
Pteaiart -Mil:?- Touaa. of th. Roes
Otr. ! out oa tho Hoar lo relievo
Pleoard btartio. fe latter bavins do
ro'ta4 last oiiht for Xir.neor-c.l e oa a
brief Irtpi Th. Karer I. duo Wtdai
oay and aaila saturdai. Iho oeoeily
eehed.lo botad Inauaaraled with th.
departure of th. Hear yeat.rday.
iiort: mn ci.i.o abi)m:d
aratie Arwl CrnnrP Prv-ej.taa Hark
aa lAmt.
urATTI.n. Jaa. (Loral Sa-enla of
H. llrare a Co. today lba4ae4 all
hop. for tho f'eravtaa bork Cl:a.
la.t aiabl la rff Icluelet oa
t So veet roaet of Vancoover l.laad lb.
.!SM of Iw.aber )a. To Callao. aa
a- r eti-r lo XV R. Urco Cex.
bound froas futh America IO
ati'e b4 lumber.
to va. fire aishted. stripped of her
al!. ? en aoulheqat of f'apo IWal.
ft- I.. Oifl.lnu. .vat. Tbo a. at night
aft. vaae alchted Pino anilee we.l of
r-aoo luii.i). and finally waa soea
I--oiP-r ..
Tho Coast Hoard meter noohomlah.
sTik-a aa aat to bar aid t'hrt.tmae
so. rruiod aboot for aoveral data, but
was aaebie find rer.
o.etaiov bays Iteootpts oo Trip A
Parlfla Oteat liar. Been no
Hlaa aa nM.
The occasional traveler by ocean
routes has been a bit slow to familiar
ise himself with tbo wireless. IU facil
ities and to utilise It because there
seams to b. an Idea that the cost of
mesaaca Is hllb. Oradualty this feel
In ta beinf dispelled, and. followlnc
tho examplo of busy commercial peo
ple, tourists and ethers resort to the
mr.lees ta communicate meaasies
without wsltloeT lo arrive at deetina
lloa. or else, do not use the system
at all.
A radios-ram tariff la based on d la
ta nc. boom. Jdoat of th. coaatwlae
passeasTer ships come within the dol
lar thar. for It words. This means
that th. cool of aa ord carr 10-word
m.aaase al sea lo any mainland point
on th. Coast la II. plus the resular
Western l'nion loll between th. wire
leas station where received lo the des
linatloo of such meesas-e.
While International affaire have been
disturbed the receipts of the Marconi
Company on trana-Paclf le fhlra have
boon a marked decrease, accord in to
a Marconi operator sailing
from the Co.umbla River, who formerly
belonged to the crow of a liner run
time; to China. II. savs that he hae
taken la as much as lioeo on a trans
Pacifla voysc. front wireleee meeaasee.
la Ms opinion national politicians and
th. w.:i-knowo public officials, are th.
beat customers on h roastwts. shipa.
Th.y not only receive . ut send msny
meeaaces while sf oal. Even durinc
the short period the aieamshlp North
em faciflc la at sea between the river
and van Kranrlsco. sometimes the bill
of one Individual runs aa bleb as tlto.
ci:n. w. i:i.Df:n to nrx south
rortUnd-Caliromia liorr lo YUll Mex
ico and Central .lit-rrirm.
That the .learner Geo. W. Elder will
make al least one trip from ban Fran
cisco to Mexican and Central American
porta, leevlns th. Ooldea Gate January
:e. waa Information received by tele-
staph by A. P. Nott, district
fr.ishl for lb. North Pacific
taamehlp Company, from the Man
rrsncieco. office. The meeasce stated
aleo that aa soon as the steamer Break-
ater was ready she would rep. ace the
y.Sder on the Portland-California run
The Roanoke Is due tonisht and sails
Wednesday over tbo usual run lo fan
I-ieso and tbo F. A. Kllburn arrives
tVedneadsy and departs Thuredsy for
Pan Francisco by way of Coos and
Humboldt bate.
It Is understood the Elder will make
Ibe trip In the of the Cs It for
ma outh fee Nariastlon Company.
Tal Une already baa one of tho North
Pacific, steamers, the Alliance, which
la du. ta leave fan Francisco February
I. and others under the flair are the
Acme. Mayfalr. O. Al. Clark and
The Breakwater was negotiated for I not warranted.
t 1. . n w 1. .A . 1 . I lmn A, mM ..lilt h .f RnVI HirtlOr.
uwkiiis ua-e nun l j iu. v)iciiiue . . . - - - - . - .... r
the doubt and indecision reflected in city of Seattle, Alaskan porta for Seattle,
tha opening- months of tho year were oft Baiiinas island. ,
not warranted. I Lurl-ne. San Francisco for Honolulu, 1000
mllaa ant lanii rv T.
China. San Francisco tor orient, .n mues
out. January 7. M
Mills. San Lull for Seattle, to mnes xrom
Orake. Seattle lor Kicnmona, w mn
from Richmond.
Willamette, San Francisco ior ronmuu,
1 f a ll-a. rlnasf nf l-r1 n t RpVM.
El fc-esrundo. towing carge vi, nicnraunu
for Seattle. S miles from Richmond.
Cola Kan Francisco for Balboa, 64
mllaa smut h nf Ran Francisco.
Aroline. San Francisco lor ban rearo. on
Cliff House.
Rider Portland for San Francisco, 43
President. San Francisco tor ictona,
miiri north of Point Arena
Catania, San Francisco for South Amer
ican ports. 50 miles south of San Francisco
disco. Eten. Peru. Tor ban -rearo,
mlla. snnth nf Knn TP ran PISCO.
NerDort. San Frn Cisco ior jDaioon. iv-
S . s-Nre-r-. . a m I. . . ... mllaa . rf P an-n
. .... . ,erry sys- incentive to tno proaucll0n 01 ti atinus ."VToVnok, sin francfaco for Portland. 151
im. mia wm oe ine tnira year tnat 1 01 itjciais, .rwq buicui I mllea aouth of Columbia Kiver.
we have on. rated without anv aarinu. Place ine year in a ci&ss Dy itseu.
Interruptions from Ice." . " ,ln lmmene " p. " ,J .
ausirr anuwu in iiig in bi u b,i a. v. lii v
Schooner Virginia Sold. cline'd steadily from hlnrh levels at the
from the Southern Psclflo Company.
he having been previously on the
Portland-Coos Bsy run and Is now be
ing equipped with oil burners- and
overhauled, fe'tie waa to be a running
mate with the Kllburn. but for a time
will alternate with the Roanoke. The
Rider left tier Wednesday on her last
Hood Itlver Ferryboats Operate.
HOOD RIVER. Or, Jan. 1. (Special.)
While Ice bas temporarily put a stop
to the plying of river steamers, the
Hood Rivcr-Whlte Salmon ferry sys-
Cereal Price. Record.
The history of the business year 1915
may be said to deal with three great
movements. 1 irst of these was tho Im
mense demand, begun before the year
opened, for cereals, meats, wire, auto
mobiles, horses, clothing and a variety
of other products that practically swept
the country bare of surplus stocks of
any sort ot reaay-maae war material.
whether for offense or sustenance. An
example of thla was the taking up of
every aurplua bushel of the greatest
wheat crop In the country's history at
close to the highest prices ever known.
The second period may be said to
tern continues to operate Ita boats. I embrace the marvelous diversion which
Service, however, was delayed for four I occurred in our Industrial forces, which,
Explratloa of Time Allowed to Can
cel Rithta Mas With Faaud
Knowledge, Is Declaration.
Seeking to show that the Govern
ment had atipla time during the past
six years as well as full knowledge of
acts now complained of in the suit to
cancel 43 patents to timber and stone
entries held by the Oregon Lumber
Company, now being fought out in the
Federal Court.' the defense yesterday
morning introduced many exhibits and
examined a number of witnesses,
among them T, B. Keuhausen. ex-Government
Letters and documents taken from
the files of the General Land Office
at Washington that dealt with the es
tablishment of the Blue Mountain For
est Reserve appeared in the case. All
these documents bore dates prior to
1905, and the defense contended that
the statute of limitations has run
against any such suit as is now pend
ing, inasmuch as the acts of entrymeu
complained of took place In 1899.
Air. .Neuhausen. ex-bpecial Agent in
the Department of Justice, testified
that at the time the suit could have
been brought without any question as
to the statute of limitations. Francis J.
Heney, then Federal Prosecutor,, was
so buoy with the trial of criminal
cases that .te could not take up the
prosecution of the Oregon Lumber Com
pany. The trial was adjourned at noon yes
terday and will be resumed tomorrow
Xotice of Aspirations to State Senate
Filed tVith Mr. Olcott.
SALfesr. Or.. Jan. 8. (Special.) Rob
ert S. Farrell, of Portland, today filed
with the Secretary of State notice of
his candidacy for re-election to the
State Senate from the Thirteenth Dis
trict. Senator Farrell is the first to
file for State Senator.
Sensors whose terms expire next
January are Kathryn Clarke, Jackson:
J. C. Smith, Josephine; I. S. Smith, Coos
and Curry; W. D. Wood, Washington;
I. N. Day. Robert S. Farrell. Dan Kel
laher. Gus C. Moser and T. L. Perkins,
all of Multnomah; R, R. Butler. Hood
River and Wasco; W. Lair Thompson,
Crook, Jefferson, Klamath and Lake;
W. H. Ragsdale. Gilliam. Sherman and
Wheler; Edward 2. Kiddle, Union and
Wallowa, and Loring V. Stewart, Grant.
Harney and Malheur. .
nours tnis morning wnuo ine lea mat -"-" jr- V , ri Vranrlnco
had formed at the edge of th. Colum- tured '"l h ,produhUo" J .W"taaXT
bla waa being cut away -Unless It mteriJ' demonstrating the adaptabll- mK,.mIlth.0s.n Kranclaco for Guaymaa.
. oeing cut l-niess It ,ty. of American manufacturers, me mllem north of Point Arg-uello.
freetea aa up this Winter, says Com- chantes and artisans, and giving a vast Governor. Victoria for Ban Francisco,
fit. Helens Is to become the home port I outset of the year, practically ceased to
of tho widely-known schooner Virginia. I '-. skilled labor became scarce, ana
which tho Looo Lumber Company bas th commonest kind of common labor
disposed of to E. C. Morton. Mayor of
8L Helena. The Virginia Navigation
Northern Pacific, San Francisco for Flavel,
off Blunts Reef.
Chanslor. Monterey ior -.vereii, oil bu
nortn of Monterey. ,
Mills. San Francisco ior cjeamc,
mllea from Seattle.
4:lt A. SI..
3:04 P. M.
Tides at Astoria Sunday.
Hlerh. Low.
8 4 feet'10:5T A. M 2.0 feet
7.9 feet 10:30 P. M 0.1 foot
Company baa been formed there with
a capital slock of f..oo while the
actual prlc. fur the schooner Is said
to b. I.S.OoO. Hh. was built in 1SUJ
at Alameda. Sh. has a lumber carry.
Ing capacity of "0.J0 feet and is
now on th. way from Kureka for
fydnry and on ber return will bo de
livered to her new owners.
Vessels Entered Yesterday.
American ateamer W. F. Herrin, cargo of
oil. from San Franclaco.
Veeaels Cleared Yesterday
American ateamer W. F. Herrin, ballast,
for San Franclaco.
Bear, ateamer. general, for San rranciace
Ixtngaltoremen Inatall Executive.
Local l'nion No, . International Long
shoremen Association, bas Installed
tbo following officers to servo during
114: President. M. p. Cannon; vice
president, William Gunther; business
agent. A. E. Barnes: recording aecro-
rose In demand.
Do Beetle Trade Stimulated.
The third period may be said to have
been coincident with the final realiza
tion by the business world that the
Immense foreign demands could not go
on without a vast influence upon purely
domestic trade, and this latter branch
of business. Dossiblv reDressed early in
the year by fear of our Involvement nQ r
In hostilities, stimulated by the large
earnings ana swollen payrolls oi in- . .-,.,, ,rr m
duatrial centers, and buoyed by the LC lUli I I Is U to lis
gathering of the greatest food crops in
history, bringing unsurpassed earnings v-nn- --nirln,i,i Has rvinslrlerahlo
, i i .k- it ii i
lu laiiii lie, mvi a -vi iu u .ud .
months in a veritable ground swell I Running Floes at Present.
of purchasing, which found stocks ot
- n nr.vlnii. Pinu.rVI r I V.
lines all too small to satisfy demands. Ice troubles In the river did not mul-
Decreaaes shown in the earlier months tiply yesterday to an extent that ham
tary. Sandy McLourblln: financial sac-1 ot the year were In many cases made pered navigation, though some skip-
up by the advance in the Fall, but the
year's results In distributive trade aa a
whole were hardly up to the best of
previous years.
Klaaacial Vpllft Felt.
Financial circles had a very favorable
year. Securities markets were active.
Interesting and profitable after the re
sumption of unrestricted dealings in'
March. Europe shipped us f4OO.Oo0.00A
rotary, p. Ward: marshal. L Kvans;
guard. T. Ilanglund: trustees, K. N
etrom, A. bated berg and C Jorgensen.
Xef From Oregon Porta.
ASTORIA. Or., Jan. a Specie L Carry
In. a cargo of lumber from ft. Helena
the mm. echooner Teanpl. . Lxrr sealed
lotar f-r Paa Pedro.
Tae eteam echooaer Paler flnlebed load-
'tlr !i,7T-.',clic.PP,," of gold and returr some 1 1 000.000.000 lght on her way Irorn The
The ta. .aisatnr with the oil bars a I Dalles for Portland, arrived in tne
Moaterev in low am red from California to- I reaauy aDsoroea. i cit after having taken precautions
Car ea rout, to rortland ine war duiks so targe in tne wonu s vessel being damaged and
of the crew
Ications are that tera-
erate on the lower
pers said there was more slush ice run
ning than the day before, but they
succeeded in working through it eas
ily. Government engineers were ad
vised that on the Upper Columbia,
above the Celilo Canal, a large amount
of ice continued to run.
Captain Nelson, of the steamer Ta
noma, which is frozen in the ice near
Cape Horn, where she was halted
D. G. Cruikshank Chosen President
of Commercial Organization.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Jan. 8. (Special.)
Officers of the board of directors of
the Hood River Commercial Club were
elected last night as follows: D. G.
Cruikshank, president; S. A. Mitchell,
vice-president, and R. B. Perigo. treas
urer. The other members of the direc
torate are: A. S. Keir. William Stew
art, Harry Connaway and C. C. Car
penter. The appointment of a secretary was
deferred. C. N. Ravlin. incumbent, as
sumed the duties the first of the year,
and received a month's leave of ab
sence that he might recuperate from
an illness.
New Officials on the Job.
PE ELL. Wash.. Jan. 8. (Special.)
Pe Ell's new city officials have as
sumed office. J. F. Deadricks is tho
new Mayor, the Councilmen being
Messrs. G. H. Dodge, John Boyer, 8. J.
Kotula, W. J. Pennington and R. G.
Surber. W. J. Simmons lias been named
as Clerk and F. M. Warminski Police
Centralist Officials to Step Out.
CENTRA LI A, Wash., Jan. 8. (Spe
cial.) Next Tuesday night Winlock's
new Council, elected in December, will
take oftlce. The new omclals are:
Mayor, H. W. Raught, and Councilmen,
Jacob L Yansen, Gordon Sweany, A. W.
Me Fee, Thomas Crocker and Ernest
.e"in. ---n.T rei.r ..n-q m.i luatri at prosvui. aua eu iiiulu ui Meaving the members
!or coa.i piae who r-O'rai ire. am. I present Prosperity IS OUO to it, mat tne ,hnrd The Indies
tr. i:h"l. I. rharte of the local quar- ,,,..', thl oounti-ir'. and in-I . ,. ?
aaila. ea.tlea. hae retired ..ihorlt. from KUtUre of tnl" V?""1? S trade and 'n I peratures will mod
. ..-. I auatry depenas largely upon tne ques- ,,. K..r -.n-.
imua hunk, in th. forec.ile of th. aid tlons of when and how peace will re
s.ta coocord. .a ereii aa 10 furnLh the I turn to the world. At the present writ-
eiaterooma aad properly lo equip the sal- I ing peaco seems rather far distant, and.
from The Dalles and
vicinity yesterday were that the
weather remained cold.
ler. The Concord eras sent to the etatloa
r -e-ill r lo bo fltteo un aa detention bar-
ka for ' h. accommodation of paaaencera
aar vaeeel ahlch mar he placed In
Quaraallne on account or comm. Into port
Ii h f-oe.ta.looe d on board. Trt
pfopneed Improvements to th. veeeel. which
to he mad. tmmeqiateir. win provio
eorommodatton. far about 40 steerac. and
earttn ra-efigera.
M.D TRAM: i feTAFtTllD
Xtns I til rortUad t.s)7
ortl csf t airs m If awtlla.
mm i N a " !-- 0f m 4,rt a-tnr
to th liattia .atwLv at-vsl
'rnin- taat ta artpMrti for tsjts
hwi if tuptrt l a-rcrr4-4
wr:" l t-avvwtst! a rM tabl amatpunt
rjirw fl tftnaT ii K ii crra:attiric
i ' ; inrv i itia r t .;.
I fctiif4 r-v. h4 ? to mm
I M ill. tn4 tsi ? I ha Amrl-r-. a atrvea wt loexj
I K-t' .( l ltar.rT and
li i-dt ..a i. --. ti t trwM
J"- ei w- J n t f frllH 1 '. I Saa aait
-.! v-fMrr a-44ttk-ttaS a . rs
) fe Mn mat mm
Ii I ;mrr aioa 9 ! fet. woetD
I ; 1. .a wnt t ii- la it 4.. mm4
'Vj mt-r Dinf f'V - ta f lm
.-.'.' , IT f 'eaf oedJ. am gj,.
t ti fc mmrm alftswt rDnn-4i.
I 1. .- rava. mot.-av.a-irT. Itfiia
t "-T e4e., IkA , pMatlaw Mr
M. hi MM H tt AM :
Nrar!i .M Tom af Orr(tNi lvd.
sm ImsI yt f f Ivy HI mter.
t ftt --- f r-mvwM timm thai
. 'i!n4 ts AtUVw- Cst
rtattf ta f -.. -. mm rommt.m-4
ar- ta prAr'pml
: i ii 'M' wh)i.
'It ' f I Ml H r of
iatia u4 $mi w SKSi'sH.
...- 4
t e
3 c
ta.s-r to iiit.HT aii r.t. t n-.y . inisi r- omv,. irrtgtitTitE IKIH (LlkKStrE lolM.
t MOPttCK MIUI.:R. tKUlTltlf TKIH.
Taenia, confident aad .sporting vh-tory. the member, of tbo Rood Colleg. debating taama realise that
l.e .is doobi. etra.sle with th. Inlv. rally of Vaahingtoa Friday atgbl will put their pow.ra of argum.n
tall' to tho .upremo teat.
Ever sioeo tho Washington naa war. defeated br an.almoua decision. In both Peattl. and Portland la.t
year iar ka-o k-ea pr.partag for a sfrong "romt back.- Thla yaar they have been training the cream of
th. law orhooi into two powerf.l loam, with which they hope tn overwhelm the rollegiana.
er.oe lent e'4 Horace Miller ronipee. tho necallv. team for Hood College. Tbey will travel to
e.eatio aM ateir-, to worst tketr oppoaenta. lord K.ili. and Louie Scwel lenbarh. In the University of
Ma .hasten a.dttormro. ft. ' V. alker. ft. K Rlbortoon and O. 1. Ellis, of Seattle, will judr. thla debate.
' .tie. rM ,m M.i.l Vto fietoin. tho afrirmai'v. team, will remain In Portland and defend the
,n.,fi.. -ffwtel That Ih. milltarr forco of lha tniled Ktale. .hould ba rubetantlally Increased.- They
1 a-oet (he vVe.a'aatoa lataaera. Her fTitnett aad Matthew Hill. In the Hoed College chapel at s o'clock
r'iav ttiaiaf JaJae P'.-.asoa will ore. id. over tho d.hat. aad R. A. loiter. Lea.le Craven and wi t ! aa JaJ-a.
G. C.
if that view is correct, a continuance of I
ager In Charge,
deed, if our future ability to supply the I
things Europe needs to carry on var Co, Bay Association Puts 'eiv Man.
or the buyers power to pay for tne
goods bought, there would seem to- be
no limit to our ability to grow ricn at
our European neighbors expense.
If. contrary to present expectations,
tha war ends shortly, an entirely d.f-
MARSHFIELD, Or., Jan. 8. (Special.)
The Coos Bay Creamery Association,
of which H. tj. Bessey has been man-
i.reni set or. prooiem. win nave 10 w h decided to change management this
met. in mat case a .arge surplus ui year, and will engage an expert cheese
and buttermaker later in the season.
munitions would be sure to accumu
late here. The campaign of prepared- For the preMnt j. j. ciinkenbeard was
ness would seem likely to absorb
great part of these for a time, but ulti
mately a swinging back of much war
order capacity to the arts of peace and
a widespread readjustment of machin
ery, of labor and of wages would seem
Imperative, we should certainly be as
aulckly able to do this aa our warring
competitors, and by that time also we
should have been able to familiarize
the rest of the world with American
products of all kinds.
named fOr manager. J. W. Bennett, of
Marshfteld, was elected treasurer, and
George Ross, of Catching Inlet, secre
The association is an organization
composed of the most Influential dairy
men on Coos River, and it handles in
the course of a year 1250.000 worth of
milk products. The season of 1915 is
said to have been a profitable one,
owing to the price of cheese.
Steamer Schedule.
Kame. From
Roanok. nan Dleeo. ......
Northern Padfie. ..Fan Franclaco. ..
Beaver Ia An galea.
K. A. xllhurn. ..San Franclaco
Geo. W. Eld.r..... -San Dlc.o
Bear Los An-ela.
Name. For
Tale ft. F. for f. t
Northern Pacific ban Franclaco...
Foaaoke. ......... fcan nteco. ......
Willamette ktB Dleeo. ...
J. B. tetoa .... ...r-an T"rannlseo. . .
F. A. Kl i bum ...... ban Franclaco...
ean Ramon.... ... .ban Franclaco. . .
Harvard. .. ....... JS. T. tor S. D..
Bearer le Anslea.
Geo. W. Elder .fan Die"
l.ear. ............. jrm An.rlea
Ho Fan rleao. ......
Multnomah. ...... .ean Dleso. ......
FertUted-Allaetlc gei ike.
Nam. From
Kentucklaa. ...... w York. ...
Hoaolulaa.. New Yo-k. ...
Nam. For
Kentucklaa. . .. .. ..Honolulu. . . . .
boaolulaa. .. . ... ..Honolulu.
I Woman Lonr Resident of Eugene
Succumbs to Grip.
High Water Puts Out Lights.
PE ELL. Wash., Jan. 8. (Special.)
Pe Ell is still without lights, owing to
the fact that the recent high water
damaged the waterpower dam on the
Chehalis River so that it cannot be
rebuilt until Summer low-water season.
Giant Mangels Exhibited.
PE ELL, Wash., Jan. 8. (Special.)
F. W. Damltz is exhibiting some im
mense mangels grown on his place. 13
of them weighing 221 pounds. The
welarhts ran from 16 to 243$ pounds.
EUGENE. Or.. Jan. 8. (Special.)
" Mrs. Mary C. Heller. 42 years a resl
;;ldent of Oregon, died at her home in
is Eugene today, aged 78. Death was due
to the grip.
Date. Mrs. Heller is survivea oy ner son.
Jan. 10 1 Sherman with whom she came to this
'1 Iclto in in?! She was born in Virginia.
where she resided before moving to
Illinois when six years of age.
John Eaton, a veteran in tne civil
War. died here this afternoon. He had
been a resident of the city for IS
. Feb. II
. Mar. I
. Feb. 16
. alar.
Marine Note.
Official reports covering tb. aork of the
lovernment dredae "ol. p. h. Mlchie
rave Harbor ere that ah. accompilahed
nirh in thm Cae on the bar last
aeek as hsd Nen done during the r re-
Mr s riate of t-c-n'tM-r. Iflr rir there
bei aliurL. it la eaiu Iw b. h.ceasao tor
Train Stops Ordered.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 8. (Special.) The
Public Service Commission today
ordered the Spokane, Portland & Se
attle Railway company to stop train
No. 21 and No. 24 on flag at Prescott
The order was made that better trans
portation service between Prescott and
Rainier might be provided.
Kinney Holding to Be Sold.
MARSHFIELD. Or., Jan. t. (Spe
cial.) Frank B. Waite announced set
tlement of taxes on the large Kinney
holding and announced that it would
be sold alter the required advertising.
Dep-Corve Kryptok
jLcnacs Are Better
Lenses Must
Be Changed
-Lenses do not wear oat. bat
eyes do.
Every part of the body ehangee
with advancing jw, ana w h w
.yea. la common with the rest of
our physical heing, snow ine ea
fect of age.
We mast. h e r e f o r e.. meet the
changed conaitton oa ine eyea.
The that yon bonght ten.
or even tnree year, aso, m i
giving your eye. the proper assist
ance. -
Aa yoor eye. are wearing ont year
by year, your leam anooio oe
made atronger or weaker to eorre-
apond with your falling vision.
Complete leas- grinding factory
on premiaea.
Nannfaetarera of the celebrated
Kryptok leases.