THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, T-TTEMnm. 20. ,915. Ba. X. 1 p I a Bv. T Kir ItxMrt ataxia-r i '',:. ai"a.. !:::. J. H. UplB;os Oa ci the attractive plctor Is al ok f UI pa U 11 ' 'al talMrflr. ani appratlv It l ai lo nor aot p;cttr ot an rd.nary bat aarrl V. H it en I enldTabty enlightened vbara in la Inform Ibat th mark a la wins of U butlrtlr repre sent cannon to Iba fortr. of th en emy to gold tha attacking; cuaaera ta alra!""- (tio-ft u oo fcial la tb aaodara hart es ( sBr-oyiBT. Oir author snake a iotaat p!a ISal the) pfot..alB an honorable ana. aad It la asked. Why ittou.l spying b coa selarad la act at a blackguard, when, la truck- Iba tjf l-a ee hi Lf la his baad la bit a4aor ta vatua a a laf ormatioa fur an counlij? II I nw4 thai ail aalioaa bav splse. an4 If thy ara caBghl ant punufcea a-i eftaa a ho I l.hlr basin. I mr author tta that a T must kut BLaajr admirabl qualities. coar tit. iimm. if.Bs.a.i, "ilt. KOI. avravraa. is a ( of p. ul advaalurse rangta- tbraaah th B-stioo of r warM iaT hi n" av.e as latUiaa agent etudylag tb (.craii at t ttrs la lutk Africa. sBstchiag furt la tb l"rdBUe, ii.ln nouaUil troop la th A-.-Irfaaa Tj rui & bo a Ihs tun. lata piar. o ( tb amia; laaiUartt au ( aa ocva aiois aks. fa. in- crta that Be a t di.tcvr. la a aarroar dltrh If (t t er sia a;rr,hlng Mti;. fur Lobar t emptied ta (II a? a bUi aar i badrasl4 eluthe as 4 I baa go aeaarcartnc for. r4 la attar tb atry a drink. Tb tfa aa ra fvi. bul ba a. tor a ala l totlar a(C la tha arat rovar sM from tbara ru la aatatr. Thar m r. aumai tf.r at'ailT aaaJia la rnitt aaJ D.a ( a japra!a lbva:Car. I'aara aflar paaa sftvaa an tatafaatmc aa4 iar-iB4ioa; la nhi lata taa way af latar aiioal Buiitiara ul taa n4U Ibal ara a4 l. corapiiN It. T boob i brta-bl aa4 l-ar aa4 I, mark a la data Inal II la 4Ia tria p-rlod at tb praaaat l.ur p. a is wr Th taiaal t Iba llratM lit aiaaatiac tha f PTla lata art l J.jlj aot-4 br 16" b.--cij t-aa. br '-4i b i.'X.'.. -ria. r-wtlan-t. or. Bar la VBn-toa ft la. a )"! aemAo) b writaa aadar lb" nin da Bixm af "t'aWulr." al rwit t rTfl bar Idaatttr. firal littia bock la )! ff Iba araas aril la aatitta Tba irl l arl.l. a Kva. a tala for fbrlatruaa. It b . a rra coarapi of ap;rttujl baaoty. a p.ttiloa Ibal anitl affata Iba ra.!ar. and a artaa con.i-natioa of taridaal Ibtt to tboa "I" ba ta raad mv b. I a-loubta.1 Utarary talant la llatn ta tna ruaatractioa of Ibi abort t. a oi lut f a p'. and It at Ira''! cAufrn paopia and otbar wfco ad ,:rt aarloua praaantatloa af truth. Il imar It a t. fr bvimor t a ! at tbia aort wou d b out of plata. W r.:br aat auk tba tajr. Ibaa lb la'ian. Tha slot daala tb Iba blrtb) of I'hri.t at ftatblabam. kt aa-a. and tna d'dl. atioa La roa-ia- -!lBly dcdivatadi l Iba t'brtat t'blt.L" Aa rrptUa 1 4crtba4 a at4 eroaa-laaaraa bla rvd. aa ha raaia la tna daaart. Aa a-d maa oa a raanal avproacnaa. and mt ba Is aatrelocar to lb K trie af Pwrat-a. Ilra.wa draar ar. asd oa of tbara la lb I rtor of .ir.bia. Thna wa rnaai alts "Tba toraa t la Maa of Iba l:al. all bat oa Iba a a ma arraad of atarr Iba cartaia XroalaHia Ibal M tbara aoald b brg a ktbr mho oH b callad Iba -Ji.) af Iba Kibc tba I'briat Jau Boar r-ad of la Ikrlptur. It kaoaa at Iba boar at Ib.a c hild a btrtb tnt a Ba r atar. larfar aad axr brll liaai ba aa etSar. wm to coma lalo lifil d ra.trr oar bla blrtbpUa." Vba ' abUta I aa Ina kapt br Tbaddaua. la Miuthara Judaa. Tbaddaua baa thra boq. la of tbam bainc atft aub a- oa lb biUa. Tha IMr4 ! a rrtppla. from Injuriaa auattlB-d la babTli4 whaa ba fall frora aa pr ln.lar af bi ftlr- Inn. Tbla crip pi br arad Tad. Two trmBar arrla. a avaa Bd a amman. bat lbra la room fur tbara ia Iba tna. and tba lankaapar pit tbam la a a tn.ria:-r ba bd J'" but.t for a bora raltad p.MrB. Tb brothara aa lb Vila baar tb rolr-a of aBa-rl. a B.I tb bnl t'bttd la bora la tba hr a maa Sa. ni.n li'tla Tad took aa tba b ib. Tad laraaaaa aaaubaa. aad ba ta baa.:t t'BtortuaatalT tPi i a book ba Ju.t aaa raralrH for raalaar. laa tat lo bo prlat.d b(ur tb Crlla r CHdtao h(b(a, b rt.t :: ra . i ..-. J't - rradarwk A. !.. a.. rt lw Cltr. -Tx.rta nirt b'. -ra orlc'Balad n Waabiaatoa. IA t. What aa taat tt bcom tba m-aac famoaa dfrtlaa club la tb world) tba Crid;roa Club. Jiiacb la tb crt.pi modaal IBtrodac tlua I tbla lataraatla-. or!ln ol am, daacribln tn orcaBUatloa aad workia of Ibal rl-brt.d aru-Ul dob aif a.i?apr rorrapondaat al vVah lntr a. C. le blatory aa tba Or' llroa Club. Mr. tuaa h pU4 lb oataid raad tnj world andar a d-bl af aratltud ta hint f or tb lixbt b baa ba plaaaad t. bad oa wbal ha ! Kitborto a v.armr4 awapaBr rtr la of whoa ' lalaBAO tboa outald Iba pail a lr bad atlat bteta. Mi bnoit I tb .anpt book bf tb ar. Mr l"i wa f"r aral J. ara lb tv a.bin t a. tX C corra ivinJAI of Tlia t'ratfoalaa la tRa B.al4 p C- w raad nt Itaai iarata of tb ( Bit4 ritata aad arnr Botabla a. I Iwaata lb tirld Irol C'Ubi nil'tl. but wtcb thair aiaaka rt. aad trlpp4 tnat!i- Uiair a. Tbla. af It- Tb ti-Mlroa Oub "--yl a cuBCrtbutHja from aof a.m. N it.t cart pr f r a diaaar Tba :a Italian ara poraonal. fr d'aa sttaBtd br ' aiaratiia com niirlav t d'.t"a'.ibad '!. ar lo paraona wb PJI wantaj fr a T" - al prpoa. "Maa bav ottaa aald tnav weuid Ilk t so t a dmaar. aad of'ra U p- tb prir of a piat. T vucgaauoa aavvr aa I a wall iwa a t i.J irori maa It La worm roliBC Ibal ry rraal dBt of tb t'attafl tAt4 ba ba-an a B'jaat af tba lulv tin Ita srcaa.ra l oa. i-apl C'.aa;Bl Vbr ar ea -raportara' praaa al tb dinnar and (a pfomjoant, ana raa b callad la ac roual la tb papara for an;tblnc ba my tbara. Tb n'mlirtbip la I mitad to , an t f la f t- I mak'a iramba rblp aif tba Inora dlrab!a. Sinnatlm tbin d. -t oot. aa for Inatan-- Iba lbara bta aaa K jot.U nd 'orWr. at., bi waa t.o t t ta harp, ard w Ba Cardinal s- t w a rd b- for tba club ba want'd It pubMaba.l. a tc 0 I'i raoaa tr bi rrara-nt ns bia rhu' ii ia tbla rouotrT. -W i r" and "TodVr callad ona aa aibar b tir tri aim. t tli" .nl--a CSub fro.n l ao'.ll M?1-a. Prastdaat CIaUa. .l-clln-d two In wttattoaa to pra.ant at two faar I.OB of lb llrllirta. tardr. rfnr 3 MM. " L.dl'a' djr that bolnr lb flrat lm fj ! aaa wvharu waca 4- A NEW YEAR RESOLUTION. Wear a tmile for each day. An you travel tile's way. Let your lipa apeak a message of cheer f 'T will make your load lighter, 'Twill keep the road brighter, With new smiles greeting yours all the year. Sara Meikle. . W ' r a -a. rnltlad. and bacauf II all la jrr. Waltar II. bl'iini mad a a;-ri at th.a tlaar. la wblr.1 ha -ld Ihrr rnuld aot ba BBolUar ladlr dlT until l;a. wbaa tha laat balurday In t ruarr would fall oa taa Svco. Ilo aio ucctl Ibal Iba wore form a com. paauoa club, lo b hnowo aa lha had Iroa Club. Tbcr Col up a fanny llttl kit for tha woma aad waited for tb laugh that or cam. Than on woman rmThd to hr bub-d; "You hroar thai waa aorfoctly ritficulooa." That lull Inrid'Bt mad lb Uridiroa mora of a affair thaa ar. Il ihowH alao that tha humor of man and tha humor of worn ao ar aa dtataat aa Iba Noriri ami itoutn out. II waa la 1X1 Cat oao of tha mrm br ubf lb booj: rroia " taBd ( ckar many. !!a. lUaua. I...BOUL Vol at laixnoa, faar. If r. I.Uauta. I.ilaoi Al tbia dlnnar MrlUla Hon aa- a.rnl lo bla aaina at rollcall. but M ailer H. Utaits objoctad. aarinr that Mona. who waa manaarcr of tba A a.o- ctatad Praa. "was a nianutaclurrr and not a rrprr man.- and lb club aota-i with him. l-ousl Btocy. b t:nllh Journal Ut. writiaf of lha lirWiron Club. said, -junatora. Ambaaaadort and Cabinrt ofTirara wr aa I a-brolllrw orr tb nra of Urtdiroa wit. but crvrythlnc waa dona la food humor, and 1 did not on-a alatrl a braacb of sood laata" Whan Cbarlr V. Krjr. of lha M. Looia tilob Dvmorrat. wa Inltutrd. In IS. oarrthr with Kdward U. Clara, of tb Chlcaato I'oaL aa opjjrtuaMty waa ctrra to mpha.ia lha f t that only Iwo atata votad for Taft. and Mr. K)r rud this lliucrub: l:rr man', a Maad-aa'or la t la. A-l ba l a wliaa ara aaiara I boat. Tiar a t da' mo :: lana II. Ta.'l I a ta kaaat aaa ml la Itaad "t II I a wondar vomatlma that the marry awipar conapiratora ar Dot arraat'd fur "lea majalc"" or om urh crirna. Tb ""vlrtd- can ooly ial an4 flour ab la on country. lv loi'.rd Mate. II la AmarUaa. tjpually. Il baa a aif motto, hlata our author, la Ma for a word. -li aa sol lak ourt too rtouly. a-aaiai br t ta"' ". ru- a-.i. $i a. Il'uabioa, jt is .a k. tw Hare w bav tt. Abbott' own mod cat tory of bia - year of public rv-li-a a prjithar. author, editor ' taadar of publt opinion making a biot-raphy ef abaorbio Intareat. ned uiai litbt aot only oa hi own Ufa. but BraaeaitBg a aaaaruu of Araertcaa dn vlopmaal. Tb book I dia;oufiv. IrtanHa. In formlnf. aad well worth reading la a bur saaoa wbea seriotia booka are many. TB pas' ara l. with lixl.t. lr. Ab"ott la abo a a man. rlerar maa. tbr. masaain writer and edi tor, and publl. iat. lie aa. 'I h baa aa evolatioaiat. but not a l'r winlaa. a liberal, but not an nn-al1.-; aa aati-iaary maa. but ! aa Aboll tlaiat: a anaprnc maa. but not a prohiMtioalat: an Induatrlal Iemo rat. but nol a MoiBll.t." Tb chapter head (: I Introduce Myee'f lo My llaadtra. New Tork City tn tl-a .ta Amerl-aii Colic; In . Bd Ijkf. Ivlitl. a. A Turning in Jdr l-f. Mr ratber Kewarrea Tbroiost-al rminary. A M id- e- tar a I'arksb imrln the Civil War. I'aator aa-l I reai har. r.. onatroctlon the Irobi.m and lUfort for It boiul;or. t-iait'toiatmeau Heginaing Acain. Tba New Journailam, Pliamula t'hurrh. An IB triatrial ami lleliglou Itevolutioa. and Looking forward. It. Abboll f tbl hi grand mother faib-jr fought at the battle of Hunker WIL le. Abbott I a New :n man. having been born In Hoittirr. Boatoa. hfrmlur l. MJi. TckIsv be think of U--ton aa a I'url tan Meita. anj add. "Tbare I no city Ilka It: no river Ilk th Chart': no park ilk Boaton Common: no lak lke lb froa; pond: no Capitol lika the Boston hiaiehouav: no residential treat lik Commonwealth avenue; no library equal lo tb Old Athenaeum: no pubtn- meeitt. plat .omrvarable to rsnrull lla.l." Tba anawer may bo ba cauae all tbe aitrai'tiun arc In mU Boston. Who aa now Ibal a New tlnslatrd nui ta nol oal l- hi own? I Wbea oar author cam lo Near York! Cltv la 111 to nlr tba New Yorkr Ualvantty lha cttUtl foiUoa cf ls a 'I f 3 r'.ty xtrnCft from nir krr lo Four Iranlb trrt- Tb pranl CHy 1'ark "wa wor than a wlldorn. paoplad by trltir of uattra and ovrr-run by nu." In th war time bclnnlnif with Mid. Dr. Abboll wa paator at Trr lUut. Ind. Aftrrward. ha drlftrd Into macarin work, and lha it real day o bi llf dawned wbn hr becani tha prraoual friend of llanry Ward l!--hr. Ir. Abbott how that he I a tiarchar aronblpT. 'Ilnry Ward lirachrr ll R my Judsmvnl tb pTral- V orator 1 cr haard. and lly takea hi pUfe. among tha urcataat ora tor of tha world.' Our author uc caedad iioa-hrr aa pastor of Iho crl braird I'lyrooutb Church. Brooklyn. N. V. It larmi that II waa Ir. Abboll on Uarrnrt who u:sld that Tbrodor KooaeTell b akr-d to Join tho urf of tha Outlook aa contrlbuur; editor. 1'r. Abbott think that w ItT In tha raa t and In the future, and that the present I only a throhold orcr which w croa. lie apeak of bia approach lr; piuiD( on a "looking forward to the great adventure." Tb Jallr Raaai for ram aad t.lrU. fc-la- td a.1ll4 ant BrrAftg. 4 by Kraiirn Jrnklna t'iccli ail Amraa I'andlalea. 1. ftiougb tun. IUCla C. Itoatuo. rrl le who read book ara often akd: Where can on gat a 111 of tori which can ba read aafely by children? Kara I Ihe ry list wanted badly, with quite a number of stories, Ti In all. torle alc-f-t4 berauao thry appeal to all kind of youthful humor 0'4 taste. They are arranged In ail group with ugKatlr headings "Mori of Wit and Waggiahna. "Adventure of Hoy lirlllianl and i'.oid." 'Poinga of Ulrl Ulddy and ;id." Talaa of Beasta and Htrd Had and Htilbe. "Iliatorle of Prince and Irlnceea Proud and I'rodent."" "Tr. riM Truo Traveler' Talea." " Tha tori' ar drawn from the old claiwic, -Arabian Night." "Oil Bias." "Don Quixote: from Itan Anderson. Gold mlth. Irr. Lamb. Lwl Carroll. Thackeray and Ll k-n. and. among Amenran author. Irving. lo. Aldrlch. Howell. Ileln Hunt. Iurrella llal llnlfnea and Joel Chandler Karri. Tha Illustration ara by Amy f acker. Viae Ol.oll la estimated lo b one rT the beal'known and moat competent librarian In Ihe country. Tb I'anaK ai j. ii. af tri. br Mary Jobnatoa. ila. al.frilo Co.. Iloatoa. Worthy In vry reapect of the tl ented auC.or of "To llav and lo Hold. In whic, real American chivalry I pic lured. In "Th fortune of Carlo." Miss Jnbaaton ha crowded br stag with M.'.urtc aldeodor st la tba colored ak ground of fouthtrn Kranc at lh period uf the Cruaads. Ciarln. th chief f.ure. . ion of a poor but nol.le farniiy. equally aood at song or a fight, win bia nun in Iba Holy taand and ro're back lo France Jual In time to bear hi part In a bitter but glorious nil war. lo t'.a course of time he fin-la that tba Ptincea In who de frnae and behalf be Is fighting is lit very me girl whom. Jraar before, be had rescued In an hour of peril. Th book la full of thrilling episode and bard-toucbl encounters, but their Outcome I entirely aallsta'lory. and every reader will rejoice lo tha bappy and romantic ending. Kmpliatii ally. lue one hastorical novel of tb )ear IMS. Big In every a ay. BaaiBai f Old reeLxrana. by V laabalh t i;a-lna. li : a.:r a '.e4. I." io. U. W. P. I'utrsm a Bon. Naw fsrk Cltr. "Wbtl I!. Belgium of today I ovr w helmed by a volcanlc uprusri of hell.' th heart-uk beholder turn gladly lo contemplation of It glorlou past. No ha ever been o harried with word and flam I) the Invader, or ha lru;--: more pl.oenlx-!ik from It .hra. Thu wi;i iha surely rise again. I louih rrlthrr ran:paln of Caeaar nor M.ani:i fury have dealt uch deva tatlon na in prreent war. 'With a pity for building w hich ha did not exercise toward human being.' Philip II of Si-aln con-r'anded hta troop to respect churchee and n unniinn. But apart from religious considerations, there I good reason for the protection of archi tecture, since a niAsterpiaco belong nol to a cation alone, but to all 111 world, and should live forvr. Tni la pari of lha eloquent preface lo tni bllorlci:y luter.atinf. well- written hook of 411 rasa. It picture. a romantic, old-time Belgium which the world wlU nevar know again. Aiwr lha present war la over, of roars a new. Belgium will arls from tba ruin. In aa architectural ens, but much of tha old Belgium that tourliit knew and loved. Is fun forever. It will live In nnn'a memory largely through th nrlnted Dtiea and pictures of suctf book s tiieae. The IlluVtratlong number 80 and are excellent In quality and selection. The list of chapter: Part I. lOot): Tho She-Wolf Litter: A Legend of tha Nar vll The Lily aad the Bee: A Merovin gian Romance The Son of Aymond, and a Daughter of Charlemagne A Boar of the Ardenne: Sequel to The Hon of Aymon A Tale or Tale: The Hermit's Cruade "An It Please Thee, ITUUppa": A Xst Chronicle of Frola sart. Part IL (Webs of Oudensarde): An Abandoned Tapestry. (An Errant Prtncs: A Rat r the Arras. (The Story of Egmont) The Abandoned Tapestry -Waterloo Blood Kindred Home Notable Examples of Belgian Ar chitecture. The Calnaabla. Amertrw' t.reac lugowar. TttraafB ta lairaa. - - Mew, br barnuel ciirut..pUar Lancaster, luuatrated. I? id Bad iio. At tb book stores of this cliy. The glary that was Rome in build ings and mechanical structures has lone since crumbled Into dust. That i". In the larger sense of the word. What. then, remains of Rome todayT Roman laws and Roman roads. These bare defied time. It la not too much to say to ex- pres tho bona that th great Oregon road, tb Columbia mgnway, win Ihe years lo come, add to Oregon's greatness. Oregon haa many gionea, but on of th chlefest la its famous road. Pilgrimage will be made to ee It from many lands. When we and our children pass, this shinlnx road will remain. Tha man wo designed Ihl ramou road, the consulting engineer, who studied Ita possibilities and actualities, and whoa blue prints callad It Into being. I tha author of this poem in orlnt Mr. Lancaster. 11a was "th consulting engineer in rixinar tne iocb Hon and directing the construction or tha Columbia River Highway from Portland east. through the Cascade nange. In Multnomah County. Oregon.' It is fitting to observe that Mr. Lan caster gives ample credit to other cltl sens who made possible this road, among others 8. Benson and John B. i eon. But the book. How shall J describe It. In print. In the column of a newianer? Word seem to fall, sometime. In examining Ihl book, and from th viewpoint of professional book reviewer, the lusting; Impression comes that It I of Ihe same order of art aa a beautiful statue. Just from th band of th master worker. One admirea tha marble that seem to glow, lha line and curve that assume form, and then ar lost In the artistic glory that Is Ihe statue Itself. Sc. In ihl book, the dainty cover of na li me nt. with a rainbow setting of road bridge and river: the mauninccnt 31 color platea and other Illustrations, i'i of them, by the new proces of color photography. flrt photographed on glass from nature, and afterwards re produced by the four-color process: Ihe printed message and modest description of the road these and other attribute In one harmonious w hole, grow Into the tatue In print, th most ! autlfully artistic book of one's remembrance. Its subject, too. is ennohllnjt. Its text la not how to covet wealth and amass It. not to destroy our fellow creature, but this thought: "A road. Come and lot u view It together!" It I a refreshing experience, too. to obaerve the deep, sincere, religious reel- Ins; In tb printed mesna-. It i a ir a long-ago Puritan had arisen from Ihe stalwart days of Plymouth Ko k ss If Oliver Cromwell bad been reincar nnted for a while to utter one of hi glowing messagea, in which be paid tribute to the Great Architect. Yes, It 1 comforting that Mr. Lancaster is not afraid In this material age to express In print bl dependence on God for help. The book consist alternately of printed page and artistic Illustration. Those pictures depict men and women famous In Oregon's history. The story tells of Oregon trsil and roads, from Indian day, fur-trapper days, pioneer days, to this rubber-tire sge. The chapter head are: "Formation of the Cascades and Sierra Xevsda Itnnge," "Formation of the Columbia Itlver and the Gorge," "Karly Life in the Columbia Basin." "The Fur Trad er. "Early Missionaries. "Life at Fort Vancouver." "The -StrURCle to Posses the Land." "Transportation on the Co lumbia." "The Columbia River High way." The appendix Includes these articles: "Flatheads. ' "Whitmnn Massa cre," "Indian and River Called Mult nomah, "Indian Bead and Mediums of Kxchange." "Coinage of Gold Into Beaver Money and "Chief Joseph of the Nex Perce." A Utile child, able to rend and write. and to reason Intelligently, was once akrn lo attend a performance of Mae- erlinck's "Blue Bird." .So much was he Impressed with the spiritual beauty of what she saw, that when asked her opinion of the play, she could only snswer: "Oh!" That expresses my exact estimate of Mr. Lancaster's book. Will his book help a better appreciation of beautiful Oregon? Yes. ro much In demand i the book that th first edition of copies is al most sold out. rally! Th ntory f a Perfect r.eatletnaa. hv isa use. . . canl. ttuugbloo, l.xiila Co.. iioaloa. Our author in private life Is Captain ln Hay Belth. o the Tenth Argyll nd Sutherland Highlanders. British xpedlllonary fnrce, France. Ia "Scally." Mr. Hay Introduces u to a perfectly lovable dog. nearly hu man. The author and his wife are apposed to figure prominently in the Itltle story of I page, but th dog ero easily orruple the center of the tag. The two human being are on he way to th Home for Lot I'ogs at Baltersea. Knit land, to get a dog of Istlngulahed lineage, cheaply, when Kcally otherwise Kxcali bur comes Into their life suddenly, and star there. Scally turns out to be a Joker, but . Th story la for men and women. TB Traiahig f-e aa KfTeetlv Ure, by t'barlea W. E.loL. HuughtuB-Mlfflla Co.. Boston. If you are puxxling what to give a thoughtful or otherwise) young man aa a Christmas gift by which the good ntluence called Into being will last for a lung time, buy "The Training for n F.ffectlv Lire." It has permanent alue. and Ita usefulness ia so potent thai tl I a ml friend In print, whoa advice I worth following. Much of the material iu tin little book of T page ronslala of laclures ur author delivered to newcomers al arvard University. Tb addresses are In number, and their message i haractar building. Their author I president emeritus of Harvard L'nlver- ity. Tba filartea Itaaral. by Joatln Huntly 'rthr. 1.Jj- John Lane Co.. .New York City. Her we have an echo of Mr. MrCar- hy's earlier and famoiia novel. if I Wr King." where the hero was Fran. cola Villon, afterward constat), e ot France, and loved by bJKh-born Hath- erlne d ancellea. In "Tb Glorioua Kascal, ' I illon Is pictured in hi boyhood and youth, and be scene I Pari, ot mo inmoio age. On of the big. romantic novel or tne ear. with a plot to make your imagi nation captive. Daaa laemy. bv Jean Webstar. II 30. llins- Irateo. in caniuij w o. Illustrated by 41 whimsical, laugh ter- prvoklnaT sketche done by the author. Dear Lneiny is torn in uio loriu vi. letters and la a novel of the w-holesom sort that la a readable delight. smacks of "Daddy Long; Legs, an ought to bo as popular as that attrac tion. It will make an admired Christ mas gift. The principal character, Eallie Mc Bride, who I at first rashly estimated to ba a social butterfly. Is asked to take charge or an orphan asylum which has lost it matron. The 113 orphans, an a Scotch doctor, Robin MacRae. have apparently sunk Into Grouchyland, and there are many scowl until Sallle sp pear. The Three Thing, by Mary 'Phlpman An drew a. 50 ce n ta. Little, srown S: CO Boston. A really great, little story of the big war tn Kurope. Any author would be proud to write it. A young American. Philip Morton Landioutt, proud, aristocratic, rich in money and fnd of parading hi class superiority over "common people, Join the British army and fights the Germans In Belgium. He finds there the renunciation of class hatred, also forgiveness, and the awakening of knowledge of true brotherhood. A splendid tale-for ChrlatmaaUde. The fierman Fleet, by Archibald Hurd. 23 cent, cliy. Oorgo u. uorua Co., New York Mr. Hurd for years has handled na val and Reueral nautical affairs for London newspapers and is considered quite an authority on these subjects. His latent book, "The German fleet. consists of 190 pages, and Is a first' class manual of that fleet just now, and of Its creation, rise, and Its eco nomic relation to the political and eco. nomlc policies of the German empir 11 as seen from an Interesting Lngllsn viewpoint. Of special interest to Amer icans Is the declaration furnished: by a member of the German general staff, showing how Germany would invade America. I SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES O'ontlnued Prom Pate 8.) suiula Krwi, : B. T. P. IT- ivacoiu ai vices. XX and u John. Oermao. Rev. p. Baetmann. psaior lo, Bundsy c.too:. 11 and 7:30, orea hlrr L7 tn pastor; tf:JO. B. T. P. V. aaediln. Flfteeuta and lloyt street. Rv. F. LUieo. pastor preaching. 10:43 and 30. fcuuday school. 11 (aoua); U. T. P. I', S. Chlnea Mission. S3 Tttirnsld street Sunday scbool, 7. J. Q. Maio&o. supfin- lauirnL ltailnn Kwrnn. Eat KIbteeTtb and Tib- betl streets, p.ev. Francesco fcanneUa. pi lor lo. fuiius? school: 10:30. short eermoa for ! nsllar.-eiieakina people; 11. praachlnff ervica. j. pastora circi iprser scrvic a trcachiDK -rvic. Th Young Men's Class H. T. X. C of th lilgnland Hai tist rhuren. East blxth and Albena traeta n:tt nt A. M.. Sunday, am youBg cdcd ar argea ta MXteaa. Oeodwill Mission, iiieenLk aad Bola atrect J, address. CATHOLIC Pro-Cathedrai. Fittaantb and Davla treeua. Rev. K. V. O 11 ara. Maa. . 1:14. 0. s.i; bun mass, 11, avsung sa rvlca. : ot. Lanrreme. Third and Sherman (treat, ilea. J. J. Mass, . S lUi blgb maaa iu:u; erennis service. l:no. bL I'strlrfcs N'lPeteenib and Savlr treat IUm. bl. P. Murphy. Mas. 8, hill maaa. 14:JU. evening service. 7:l. M- Francur. Kast Elevectb and Oak atraola f.o. J. at. Black, alas. 8. . l. uicu mass. lv:U: vamm aertlca. 7:20. ImmacU'St Heart of alarjr, V iiirams ar. nu aaa Msuton. Ksv. w. A. Ily. kla . , tf; blgn mars. 2u:u; cvaaiug ervl. ;.i.j. lijly rioaarr. Eaat Third and Clackamsa. Rev. C. J. Olson. Mass, C, T. 8. ; big -iis-a. 11: .Vratnl service. 7:30. The kla'irtinc. Kufft Twenty-fourth and Suisivou. timv. t). r. Thompson. Maaa. 7:So. ; blga maaa. 10:0; veaiag aarvloa. 7:4a. feu Aatirtas', l.ssl Nlntli and Alberts striata. H :v. T. Klernan. Mass, S; blga maaa 10:s; evening service, 1:34, Aaceuaton. Kaat '.amtilll and Kaat Sev tv-aixth Knncicar. Psthcrs. Maaa, ft; blsh maa. li:U'i: evening service. 1:60. liK-sacd pacrsment. slaryiand srenu and Ulatidcna '.reet. r.ev. B. V. Kelly. !aa hich misa. l:o, evening service. 7:lO. Holy .tetleercer. i'ortland boulevard snd V'anc.iuver sveru. liev. F. B. Miller. Maaa. 6. S, l:lgh 1'iaaa 10:CU; evenlug aervlcc. 7.a0. bu irt-aiiua, J.o Forty-tliird street tioutb. eaat. Jesuit Fathers. Maaa, 8; high maaa lv. 4u! evening aervlce. 7:30. Holy (-roes. 774 Boacoln street. Rav. C ftamn(l. Mass. 8, bleb mass. 20:30; even inr service. 7 : Jo. b'U 1'hilip Neii, Eaat !xTeenth and Hick ory. I'.ev. W. J. Cartwrlsht. Mass 8; blga n.o- 10:30; evening servlc. 7:30. escred Heart, taat Kleventb and Cantar. Rev. o. Hol.L Mass, 8; high mast, 10:3u; ...Dine service 7:-0. St. Ai'ltia. East Fifteenth and Miller. Rev. J Cummlelcy. Msas, 8: high maaa. 10:110: eveuir.a service, 7:30. St. Joseph tGerrr.Bni. Fifteenth and Couch treiLs. I'.ev. B. Durrer. Maaa. 8; blgb mass, lo Lo. tvtainr service. 7:o. at. Claras, capitoi ami. STanciscan Fathers. Kev. Fa her Modeatua Low maa 7:30 o'clock; high mass and benediction. v:l.'0 o'clock; sermon at both masse. be rHanialaus iltalianl, Alarylanu avenua and Wluametle boulevard. Rev. -1 . Jlathvw. alaaa, 8, bitfh mass, 10:3O; evenlu service 7:30 St. Clements. Smith and Nawton (treeta Rav. C Smith. Maaa, ; aign maaa, ie:i avenlns aervice, 7:u, St. Patera Leal. Kav. p. Buetgao. Mas 8; hij;h ma-.s. li'illO; eanil: aerviue. 7:30. til. Charles, Thlrty-rourtu and Killings- worth. Kev. O. suiderborn. alass, b; blgb mass, 10:3: evenin service. 7:30. Hi. Rom s cnurco, s iity-toira aoa Ala meda streets Kev. J. M. Osarrail, paator. Masses. 8 and 10 A. at.; evening aavouin. u F. M. ni. Michael Church. Fourth and :lll iltullani, Jesuit rath era Lrfiw mass, 8:30, blfh mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:50. ai. Ualeslra. S. J., paator. EL. Stephens liev. Warren A. WaltL. paa tor. Corner fe.t Forty-secona ana laylor aireeta. Sundaya. holy mass at a. B.M and 10:30 A. M. ltosary. sermon ana eneaio ilun. 7:C0 P. M. instruction In Christian doctrine given al school every scbool day. CHaUBTIAja. rirM. corner Park and Columbia atrts naraie. minister. Mundsr school at 41; men's eis in th T. M. C A- audi torium at v:i; voung woman class In tb T W" C A. auditorium at :4o; Christian Lodeavor boclty at 0:80; church aerrlcea l tl A. M. and 7:30 P M. Ad.san, comer East Seventh aad Lib erty streets W. X sltlllnser. BHalair. Uibla acbooL :4S: morning woraaip, if; irrutlBu fcndaavor. :!Ut: volag aarvto. I 80 Vernon, corner Eaat Fifteenth Bad Wy fsnt streets A. J. Melton, mlldstar. Blbl arhoel. 10; mornln worship, il; Chrlauaa tndravor. 8 avenlng ervlcas, 7:80. Montavllla Ur. J. F. Onormlay. In tb of tb pastor, Kav. J. C. Ghormley, Bill apeak at II A. M. and 8 P. II. Cnrlailaa tnJ-ar. 7 P. M. Advent Christian. 438 Second treet, near Hall street Kev. J. 6. Lucas. -at or. Serv ices, preachlns. 1':S0 o'clock: Sunday school, li and l-oal Workers. 8:30; preaching. J 30 o clock; praer meeting, Thursday, 7: .. Kern I'ark tl. K. Berry, paator, in plc ot K. Tlbb Vaxey. Kagulor aervlce a. 11 A. XI. and 7:30 P. 11. Eaat side, corner Kaet Twelfth and Taylor A. I., t'rlh. mliilatcr. Hlble school at lo A. M. Be on time. Morning aervice at II subject "Among the I'hurchea"; even liiir aerl-e" at 7:3H. subjeet. "The Hound Tr'p": C. K. at :30 V. M. t(Mlney Avel.uc rtev. k. . siucsiey. iieia a,rr,tiirv it t! Noriherestern Benevolent Aa.-c'.iition. will aneak at II A. M.: Kev. J T. lihormley anil, speak at 7:"0. theme. nMii T"srd the Hark for the I'rli. ': New Year's, ereclal muntc under the flrec Ilon of .!r. Ilcotrica I.. Klmmons: Batch meeting al I 1)' held hv eery department uf Lie chu'-h X. w Tear's eve. HIKISTIAV SCIENCE. First. Kvcritt, between KiKhteenth snd Mntee!ntu atreita S.rvlce 11 snd a. aub Ject of lcan aermon: "ijhrlatlan Science. school. :! and 11; Wednesday veulnc meeting at 8. Second. East Sixth street and Holla dar awnui Servlc-a 11 and S. subject of li-aaon aermon: "t'hrlatlan Science." Sun day school. :li; Wedneaday evening meet ing at 8. Third. Eaat Twelfth and Salmon street Services 11 and 8. subVct of lesaon ser mon: 'Christian Science." Sunday . school. II and Wedneaday evening meeting Fourth. Vancouver avenue and Emerson Services 11 snd H, subject of lefl- aon sermon: "Christian Science." Sunday school. :t; and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8 Fifth. Myrtle Park station Services 11 A. M., subject of Kason sermon: "Christian tfcienoo." Sunday school, 8:30; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. IHU.bTl.tN AM MISSIONARY ALLIAXt K Oospei Taoernncle. comer Eaat Ninth and Clay treete John E. F. pastor. Su: day acbooL 10 A. U.: preaching, 11 A. M. Prayer meeting Tuesday 7:4a. Blbl study sa scriptural healing Friday z:48 P. at. CHl'KCH OF CHRIST. Klnth avtnua, three blocks north ot car. Una In Lent, corner Eighty-fourth strse: and Fifty-fourth avenue. Southeast Evan gelist 8. O. Pool will bold service each avenlug during tba week at 8 o'clock. All welcome. CONGREGATIONAL. First, Park and Madison streets Luther R. Dyott. minister. 0:.)0 A. il., Bible school; 6:30, Y. P. S. C. E.; Dr. Dyott' theme, 11 A. M.. "Contents of the Incarnation"; 7:40 P. M- csuaua. "Th Coming of the King." Pllyrlm, Shaver street and Missouri ave nue Rev. W. C. Kantner. minister. U:45 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M.. "A Star In the Bast": :30 P. M Christian Er.desvor; 7:30 p. 2d., cantata, "The Messiah's Advent. Highland, East Sixth and Prescott streets Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pasior. 10 A. at., Sunday school; 11 A. M.. "Our Best Gift" B:2f r nt . v P K. C. K. : 7:43 P. M.. can tata. "The Christmas King" IHolden); the Junior choir will take special parts. Laurelwood. Sixty-fifth street end Forty fifth avenue Southeast C. 8. Johnson, mln. Ister. Services, morning, 11; evening, 7:80: Sunday school, 10; Christian Endeavor, 8:30. Atkinson atemorlau. Eaat Twenty-nlntn and East Everett Sunday school. 9:60. morning service, 11; -Christian Endeavor. ::10; evening service. 7 :45. "University Fark, Haven street, near Lom bard Kev. F. J. Meyer, paator., Sunday school, 1 A. AL; preaching. 11 A. M. and a P. M.. ; Chrlatlan Endeavor aervlce, 7 P. M.; midweek- service, Ihuraday. 8 p. IL St. Johns Daniel r. Thomas, pastor. IV o'clock. Biol school; XX, service ; 6:30. Christian Kndeavor. East Side, Last Twentieth and Ankonj streets Kev. W". O. Shank, pastor. 10, Sun day school; IX, preaching by tna pastor; :4S, B. X. P. I).; 7:4a. preaching by th pastor. Tabernacle 9:45, Sunday scbool; preach ing at 11 and 7:30 by Kev. A. J. War. J0, B. Y. P. U. Hose City Park Community Church, For-ty-fiitb and Hancock Kev. J. M. Skinner, paator. School of religious education 0:io. Morning worship 11; VouU Peoples meet ing :J; vmzig worship, i :30. Sunnyslde, corntr of East Taylor and East Thirty-second streets Kev. J. J. Staub, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 A. 31. snd 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. 11.; Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 P. M. ; Inter mediate Christian Kndeavor, 4:li 1 "11.; Senior Christian Endc-avon, t:3 P. il. ; Subjects ot sermons: "Tlio limelcss Charm of the Curislmas btory and Cr,Tunas Joy." Waverly Heights, Woodward avenue at East Thirty-third street. Kev. A. C. Moses. minister. Sunday school, : A. M. ; morn ing worship, 11; Y. P. S. C, 6:30 P. M.; venlng worship, 7:iO; prayor meeting, ,:jw P. M. Thursday. Morning subject: "lue In carnation"; evening, aacred concert. DIVINE IKUil CENTER. Divine Truth chapel. Sellins-Hirsch build ing., corner Weal park and Washington eircels Kmv. T. M. Minard, pastor. serv ices 11 A. M., subject: "Watch"; Hlble cisas, Tuesday U P. Id.; class study, Thurs day, 8 1', M. fTiscorAx. pro-Calbedral ot St. Stephen the Martyr. Tairlei.ia aad Ciay streets Very Kev. ai. M. Xtauisey. dean. Holy cominunlon, i:4. aunftay scuoo", X0. morning service, XI; serv ice lor cuior d peupi. 3, evening ear vice. 4ft. Trinity, Nlneteenln and Everett itreet Rv. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rectur. Servicas, , XI and 8; Sunday school, 11:40;, Good sei loaabip Society, pariah house, Miaeiaeata anil Davis sireeis, 7 to 7:ba. Church of St. Micnael and All Angela. Broadway and East Furiy-lnird street Nortn, aermon, 11; holy communion, first aunuay. tl, taird sunuay, I -av. Grace Memorial, Weiaier and East Seven leenlb- streets North Kev. Oswald W. Xay- jor, vicar. Holy communion, a. excepting on flrsv Sunday la tba month; moruing prayer snd aermon, XI; sunuay acnooi. xv. .so even ing sarviea. St. Mattheaa, Corhett and Bancroft atreets Her. W. A. M. Ureck, vicar. Sunday scbool. 10 A. M. , service and sermon, 11 All Saints, Twenty-fifth and Savler streets Sunday st .:ooL. 10; morning prayer and sermon, 11; celebration or tne noiy com munion the first Sunday in th month at X and th third bunuay at s. Good Shepherd, Graham atreet and Van couver avenae Kev. jonn xiawson. rector. Sundsy school, 8:45; morning service. 11 1 evening service. 7:80. St. Paul's, wooomere rcev. uswaid w. Talor. vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday ot month, S; evenlns prayer and sermon, a, except the first Sunday of month. St. John a, MU arauaie Kov. John D. Rlc, ilrar. B, holy communion, except on first Sunday of month; 10, Sunday achool; 11, morninz prayer; 7:80. evening prayer; Hoi, Communion first Sunday of monta. St. John's. Seliwood Bav. John D. Klcs. 3:30. vicar. Prayer, a; holy communion. first Sunday of month. Church of Our savior, Woodstock, Eat Forty-first street ana sixtieth avenue Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Sunday school 10 A. M. Service and sermon at 11 A. M. St. Andrews. Hereford street, opposite Portsmouth School Archdcamon Chambers in charge. Sunday school 10 A. M. Service and lermon 11 A. M. St. David' Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. S:00 A. M . eucharist; 9:i A. -M.. school; 11 A. M., matins and sermon; 7:30 P. M., serv ice and sermon. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel Every Sundsy. Holy communion, 7 A. M. : even song. 7:i.V All Saints. Twenty-rtrtn an-1 Savier streets Every Sunday. Sunday school. 10 A. M.: morning service. 11 o clock. Rev. Frederic Kendall Howard, chaplain. CVaM-ELICAL, Tb Swedish Bvangelleal Free Church. corner of Miaaourl avenue anc aumner treet H. G. Kodine, paator; Sunday achool. 8:46; preaching. 11 A. M.. ; younc peupu a meeting, 6:45; preaching, s V. it. First German, corner lentn ana Clay atreets G. F. XJemtng, Sr.. pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. ; preschlng service Ox ths pastor at lu:4a A. M. ; young l-aop('a Society aervlcos at 7 P. M. ana prescmng by the paator at 8 P. at. LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Sundav school at 10 A. M. : servlo-s im mediately following at 11:4.": a special even ing service will Ip huld nt 7 o'clock at which President Melvln J. Ballard, of the Northwestern Stales Mission, will be the speaker and will also rentier some vocal selections. LUTHERAN. Bethel Free, Stuben Hall. Ivy and Williams atreela Kev. J. A. btaley, mlniater. rreaca. tr.g at 11 A. al. and a f. il.. sunuay acnooi. 10 A. M. United Norwegian. Fourteenth and Davia treat Rev. Wtlhclm Peltersen. pastor. Bervlees. 11 A. 14. and 8 P. M.. alternately EoKliah. and Norwegian; Sunday school, 13 M. -Our 8avlor. Norwegian, East Tenth and Grant George Hendrickson. pastor. Sunday school snd Bible class. 8:30 A. M. ; Engliah aermon, 10:1a A. M. ; Norwegian aervlce at 1:4a A. at. Bethany oanlsli. T nion avenue IWorth and Morria atreet M. C. Jensen-hnBT.ilm, pas tor. Services J l ana n, ounoay suuooi uuo Bible class, 10; young people's meeting. ueaday, 8. German Kvangewcai Lutncran .ion tii- souri Snod. corner Salmon aim chapman trceta Si rvices, lu:lo A. .vi., :. l. Ji., S.. l:15 A. M. H. 11. ivoppennann, pastor. Trinity German ijiissouri cnouj, Will iams and Graham avenues J. A. Kintbai-h, astor. Sunday school. :io A. .M.; prcacn- ilig. 10:13 A. M. and 7 SO P. M. irmiin Evaneelicai cutneran zion cnurcn Missouri ynod), corner Salmon and Chap man streets M. 11. Aoppeiman, pastor. Sunday school. 9:13 A. M. ; services. 10:16 . M.: no evening services. St. Jame-' KnKllah Lutheran, corner Wst Park and Jeflcrson streets J. Allen I-as. B. D., pastor. Services at 11 A. M.. theine. 'Christ the Wonderful : in the eveuirn: the Sundsy s-hool will hold their t hristmas rvicas: LUlher 1-aisne at 1. M. ; tun- ay achool al 10 A. M. , METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First, Twelfth and Taylor streets Dr. Frank I I.ovelond, minister. lo::.0. choral communion; 1:1:13. Sunday school; t:3H, Young People's Council; 7:"(i, cantata of "Tho Christ Child"' by quartet and chorus. Sunnyslde. corner of fast Vsmhlii ar.d Thirty-filth treet R. Elmer Smith, pas ter. Sunday achool, &:fi0 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A. at.: Epworth League. 6:30 P. AL; people' popular servlc. 7 :45 P. M. Lents Rev. W. R. F. Browne, minister eumlay school. I'M A. M.. S. K. Toon, su perintendent. Sermons by the pastor morn ing and evening; 11 A. M., 7:3a p. X. serv ice at Bonnet's chapel. 8 P. M. German. Rodney avenue and Stanton street T. A.- Schumann, pastor. Sunday scbool. 8:45 A at.; services. 11 A. IL and 1 p U. : Epworth League, 7:15 P. IL First Norwegian-Danish, corner Eighteenth and Hoyt O. T. Field, paator. Morning service at 11 aad evening service at 8. loung people's meeting every Tuesday evening at 8; prayer meeting, Tuesday, a P. M- Lincoln, Eaat Fifty-second snd Llnco.n. atresia. Rev. Q. O. Haley, paator Sunday achool at 11:30. Preaching services at 10:3v and 8. Westmoreland M. K.. Milwaukie avenue, betwoen Kainona and South avenues C H. Harrison, pastor. 10 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M. prcachiiiff, "The Triumphal Kn try"; 7Slo. evening service, "Aiming and Misslug the Wsrli." Centenary, East Nlnlh and East Pino streets, the home-like church of the East yj.ja T. w. Lane, minister. Sunday school. 0-43 A. L: morning worship. 11 o'clock, sermcn by the pasior, "Somo After-Christmas Thoughts"; clasB ameuting, :u0 P. M.; Epworth League, 6:15 P. M. : evening hour given to service of song by the ehoir, under direction or Mrs. J. S. Hamilton, choir leader. Mount Tabor, corner of East Stark and Sixty-first t:. 0!i:i Eldridge, j astor. Serv ices Sunday as follows: 11 A. M., preaching by the pastor, subject, "God's Christmas Girt to the WorK"; evening, 7:45 o'clock, Christmas cantata, rendered by the choir: Christmas mornin-r prayer meeting, 7 o'clock: Sundiiy school, n :!.-, a. M. : Junior League. 3 1". M.; Epw orth League, 6:30 P. M. : mid week prajer service, Thursday evening. S o'clock. Epworth, Savler and North Twenty-sixth streets c. O. IcCuiloch, pastor. Sunday school. :45 A. M. : preachlns 11 A. M. and i :o0 P. il.; Epw orth League. 6::t0 P. Jf. ; morning sermon. "The Word Was Made Flesh"; evening, "Hen Who Walt for Their Lord." Central. Vancouver avenue and Farg-o street C. C. Rar.'ck, pastor. Sunday school, :43 A. M. ; mornintr sermon, bv Rev. Clar eneo True Wilson, D. D., 11 o'clock; class meeting, 12: IS P. M ; Epworth League, 6:30 P. il. : evening sermon, "The Christ mas Expectancv," 7:30; midweek service. Thursday, 7:45 P. M. Woodiawn, East Tenth and Highland Louis Thomas, pastor. Morning. "What Is the Good News?"; evening. "Christmas In Song." by the choir; Sunday school, lo A. M. ; Kpworth League. 6:00 P. M. ; prayer service, Thursday evening. Laurelwood, Sixty-third street Southeast, near Foster road C. R. Carlos, pastor. 11 A. M "The Pauline Conception of the Birth of Jesus"; 7:SO P. M., "The Christ mas Story by Dr. Luke"; 11:45 A. M., Sun day school; t:30 P. II., Epworth League. The large chorus will render special Christmas music under direction of Professor Hoiling worth. Trinity. East Tenth and Sherman streets Rev. A. B. Caldor, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M. : Epworth League, 6:30 P. SI.; 11 A. M., 'Faithfulness: The Iload to Pros perliy"; 7:00. "Old Age." Clinton Kelly J. West Thompson, min ister. A cordial welcome to all: !:45 A. !., Sundav school: 11 A. M., morning worship. New Year's sermon, ''God's Call to Right eousness"; 6:::o P. M. ; Kpworth League: 7:::o, holiday sacred concert by the chorus and orciic-'t ra. University park, corner Fisko and Lom bard streets L'-v Charles T.. Hamilton, pas tor. Sunday school, ;45 A. AI. ; Kpworth League. 6:oO P. M. ; preaching. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; morning subject. "The Knd of tho Year"; evening stirject, "If Christ Had Not Come." Hose City Park. Sandy boulevard and Fast Fifty-eighth street North William Wallace Youi:gson. minister. 11:45, Sundav scho d; 11 A. St.. "The Plea 'of the Modern World": 4:30. 'The Star of Glory" In story and song. "The Star of Glory" will be sung by the morning choir. Mrs. W. C. ' Schmltt. director, will provide music to il- , lustra te the Christmas story told by Mabel J. Kosemon. MOW THOUGHT. Temple of Truth, Eilers building. 112 Broadway Perry JosepU Green, minister. Lecture at S P.M., "Christmas," by Flor ence Crawford. NEW CIllTtt II SOCTETY. Veiv church Ko"icty, Knights of Pythias II. ill. Kle .-in 11 and Alder streets Rev. Samuel Worcester, pastor. Subjvct, 11 A. M.. ' "Tile Song of tho Heavenly Host'; Sunday schol ut 10:15. TRKSBYTKRIAX. First. Twelfth and Alder streets Dr. Boyd will preach today at 10:80 A. M. acd 7:3J P. M- Idlzpah. Division and East Niiieteentb atreets. Kev. Karry Leeds, paator Services Sunday 1! A. M ard 7:34) P. M. Mount Tabor Morning sermon by Rev. Weston F. Shields, of Medford; evening, 5 o'clock, sermon by Kev. Weston F. Shields. Vernon, corner . Nineteenth and Wycant streets H. K. Mount. pastor. Sunday school al 0 .15 A. M. ; Junior C. E. at 4 P. M.; C. E. at t',:oO P. M. ; pu'olic worship at 11 A. M.: subject at 7:30 P. M "Christ mas Reflections." Keniiworlh, 1'ast Thirty-fourth and Glad stone avenue liev. I K, Richardson, pastor. Kible school, 0:43; morning worship. 11 A. M. ; vespers. 3 H M. ; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:15 T. M. Central, East Thirteenth and Pine streets Rev. I K. Grimes. I0:.!0; 12 M., Sunday school: ii::;t, Christian Endeavor: 7:30. Piedmont. Cleveland avenue and Jarrett street Kev. A. I.. Hutchinson, pastor. At II A. M. tho theme will be "The Greatset ChrifUmas Evangel." The last of the series on the study of prophecy will be given at , 7:3 P. M.; topic, "Messianic. Prophecy." There will be special Christmas music at both services. Calvary, Eleventh and Clay streets Rev. Oliver S. Buuin, pastor, will preach. 10:"O A. M.. "Unfinished Tasks"; 7:50 P. M.. "Nothing Short of a Tragedy"; Sunday school, ! o'clock; C. E. Society. 0:30 P. M. Rose City Community, Forty-fifth and Hancock streets Rev. J. M. skinner, pas tor. Worship. 11 A. M and 7:50 P. M.: school of religious education, !i:45 A. M. : Yourg People's meeting. t:::o P. M. ; mid week service. Thursday evening. 7:50. Fourth, corner First and Gibbs Henry C Hanson, pasior. 10:30 A. M "The Word Made Flesh"; 12 at., Sunday school, 5 P. M., Christinas programme, by Sundav school; no Christian Endeavor or evening , servire. " Srokane-Avenuo Presbyterian W. S. M1' Ctillac'h. pastor. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock, theme. "The Glory of G"d in the FaeA of Jesus": evening sermon at 7:30 on "Divine Acquaintance." KEIWiMF.Ir. First German. Twelfth and Clay streets G. Hafner. pastor. Service. 10:15 A. M. ; no evening service, but Chris: mas celebra tion of Hillsdale Sunday i-chool. SPIItriT'ALISTs. Fii-sl Spiritualist, Sixth and .Mont gomery 3 1'. M.. le.-lul'e Mrs. sayes, Mrs. Partridge. . P. M.. iecturt Mrs. I.ecial lt!iea V. "V. !:-. -nuancei : music. u ednestiay. i M.. health and prosperity klSS, Church of the Soul !iird sti.-ei, between ,.-ts: car lePei'. II ::;o . M. : m tllums' t'liristmas exercises Taylor ami Salmon A. M.: Sundav seiioo! ineetmg. ':4. 1. .l evening, consisting or 1 1 lor ennoren. ciioir recita:. under direc-iion oi l.. . iKm. lecture by liev. Lucas; recitations ami poems foi" and from the old children. Meals L'C served each SUtKiay UI toe ciiumii. Christian Spiritualist. Estes building Le.-ture and im wuf. 5 1". M.: lecture ana prayer at s P. M. l-NTVF.KS.W.IST. Chureh r the Good Tidinus. Proadway and East Twenty-fourth street Kev. l-z T D Corhv, pastor. Worship, wilh ser mon. ' at li':4." A. M.. subject. Christmas and World's Cpllft." Special Christmas exercises in Sunda;.' school nt 12 noon; carols, recitations, etc. Junto- Christian 1'nton meets at 5 P. M Strangers find welcome here. I'MTAItl.VX. Church of Q':r Father. Broadway and Yamhill street l:v. Thomas I.. Eliot, I. D.. minister emeritus: Rev. William G. Eliot. Ir. minis. er. Services at 11 A. M. and 7-45 P M ' morning. "Iiivine I'hilosophv and Life he Dav's Work ; evening. "An uru-rea in n Confused World"; pastor's adult at 12 M.: Suiulay school at 11:45; class s Young People's Fraternity al .:., it f. m. OTTER BRETHREN. Alberta. 'J v. enty-seventh and Alberta s'reets L'Ci.tim C II ;!. Public wor. ship 11 A. M. and 7:50 P. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M.: Y. F. S. C. f... 0:30; pray er meeting. Thursday. S P. SI. Fourth, street and fcixty-sec-one avenuo Southeast. Tremont Station J. V 'rnnor. pastor. Sermons. 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; Sundav school. 10 A. M. ; Chris, tian Kndeavor i'.:4" P. M. Third. comer S ix I y-seven t h slreet and Thirtv-seeond avenue Southeast Herbert F White, pastor. Sundav school, 10 A. M.: morning worship. 11 o'clock; Junior Christian Endeavor. 3 P. M. ; Senior nrisiian en deavor. 6:30 1'. M.: evening service, 7:"0. IMTKI) yirnt T:i:rd tuiarterlv reunion: C Un'ir.r w ill nteai !i at 11 A. M., "Tin c. In- eat iia;iotf Sunday school, 10 A. M.; K. G. C. E. meeting al 6:5" !' M. IMII.U IKF.SYTERI.VX. First Lest Th irty-se vent h and Hawthorne .in aue Frank I'eWi Bible school, 10 A. -V, sermon t'.pi l-'ind.ey. niinisler. lorning worsiiip, 11 "Xunihering Cur rteavor. li:5o lJ. M-, leader, Kmerson bun s, 7:50, sermon topic. pais"; Chrisiian K: topic, "The I P Grade eon- evening s rvict "Tiio Lost Treasure.'" Kenton J. ,. Cole, pastor. !e sclicoi. in A. M. ; ;re.elu ig. 11:4. Kndeavor. 6 3" F - M. : A. M. ; Christlia tracr meeting. Tl urs.lay .' -:m 1". V. Third United, corner Sixty-seventh atreet and Thirtv-aecond avenue Southeast Her bert F. White, pastor. Sunday scnool, 10 A. M. . preachin 11 A. M. by Rev. C. P. etmnchard: Junior C. E.. 3 P. M: Senior C E.. 0:30 P. M. ; preaching. 7:30 P. M., Rev. T. J. Connor. M! KLI.ANKrtVS. Young Women' Christian Association. Broadway and Taylor street Vesper aervica and social hour, 4:30 o'clock. Strangers welcome. , , Curisiadelphions, West Portland eccleria. (11 Last Washington street Sunday. 10:1 I ; Wednesoay. :nfi P. if. Swedish service Swedieh service will be held in the Methodist Chureh in Oregon t'itv next Sunday. December 13 at S o'clock P M. Besides tile sermon there w ill be good songs and music rendered. -il Scandinavians are most cordially iuvtod to attend. John Uvail. minister. There will be a lecture by M:s. A. Taylor on the "Mystery of the Cross,'' Sunday. 8 P. M.. 72il Morcan bldg. Y. M. C. A.. Sixth and Taylor streets Dr. Lutiier R. Lyott. pastor of tip First Con gregational church, at 5:0 o'clock, on "A Christmas Message to .Men and Older Hoys. " Thin will be special music