THE SUNDAY OR EG OMAN, TORTLAJTD, 2G, 10X5. DECEMBER WATER ENTHUSLKSTS OF TOE MULTNOMAH AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB WHO ARE CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF rLAYEVG THE MOST STRENUOUS CAME KNOWN. WATER POLO. Penn at the Salem Cheee and Checker Club. It was decided a draw between the UNCLE SJUHS PLAY JONESL OH WAYEAST. piayera, put several haa ceciaea opinions n should be won. White. K on QB3. Rs on KB3. KKt3. ps Q3 K4. KR2. Black pieces. K on K7, RS 4d, Kl, IV r. White to move, Capablanca, tho Cuban chess champion, performed some wonderful chess feats In Eastern cities, among the most wonderful waa his solving 10 difficult two-move prob lems in 21 minutes. Great i credit la doe Charles Fromlslo. lT-rear-old hlRh school student. In solving the 10 In 80 minutes. He Is a sport mag azine composer and solver. The Cuban shares with Frank J. Marshall the opinion that Alechln. the young Russian player, will be a serious contender in the future for championship honors. Capablanca lost one game in a slmultanous exhibition to S. T. thar p. Pennsylvania state champion. Game follows: GAMS NO. Id. "Petroff Defense." J. R. Capablanca. I & T. Sharp. TIPS OFF ftlANAGERS aat x- j-.-v-a 3, r - Each Septet Is Keyed to High Pitch, as Leadership of ' League Is at Stake. Ex-Fcdcral Boss Gives List of All-Stars Outside of Chi cago and St. Louis. ,:Vr- ' r - ; j. .. a. " wnua 1 naca. 1 P-K4 PK4 21 K-B P-B3 2 Kt-KB3 3 KtjtP 4 Kt-K-BJ C P-Q4 6 B-Q3 7 0.-K2 8 O O Kt-KB3,a2 R-K P-Q3!23 KxR KtxP,24 K-Q P-Q4I2S K-B2 BK2 26 Kt-Kt3 Kt-KB327 Kt-B3 RxR ck K-B2 K-K3 HARRIS' KNEE IMPROVING CHIFEDS STARLESS, IS VIEW K-Q3 VICTORIA TUESDAY Kt-B P-KtS P-B4 Kt-R2 a- r- O O.S K.-K13 limn City Qaartrt of Twlrler lth Main, Cllo. Johneon and TtM-kard. I rrcUrcl Great. Class) Sec la Seaworthy. rf.Ider Jonea left Portland Ut ia-ht f-r the Kaet. hot hrfora golnar he handed out m Christmas advice te kie lane bell mr..r. The greet ea-red.rel Laagae boea' ftruiiui package conalat.4 cf a few immarl the Federal Uttvl talent, that ooght to make food la the Am.rl.-e-i sat National League dur tac the coming e.e.e.n. A Mines. r JonaaV advtre en each, matter la worth about lll.0'' pr -at. no doubt hi u on the matter ;l be .-ect4 with considerable In terest over and about tb effete East. All-.tare aaa Jaatew Mat. Etelu.tva ef tha ChU-ao and, 61 Leaf. Federal club. which will V amaif matJ with tba Cuba and r jwrm. tha filliwlsf ell-atar adora Meaaaer Joo.a' liat: Kmm enr Ittrea-. Cuitae. J.fcaaeae, at na recee.-. tfl..4. Skaaeaatar. h..-:j a-it.a. a.daa-a-a. a a alia. tn-e a.aax a-:.a.i a, UniK Ct.ilnon I'i'.tMtL Quaa, Mini See ease, atagee: eatfleld. .Nawa-a T-lril M'K-anla: et.r-. ee renim'i. eat--. KarW.a . e-.tfa.ld. a.a-196.,.. fcn.ra. ecn..- r'.it.-Mtre i-vtca.r.. Allan; ft M. kagctcaf. .attl.!.. MAA. i Lenta r4 atara Joa.a la anewa, to ba il oa ara- Catcher Itartlar. 1rt ;anva Itortwa. "fiortatop Jitnn. ToMa. ifereaa 34 rii:.r t Pi-chara I'laok. tev.a port as4 Cranial CeltWa Mitt fa tara trUratM. It say that tha Chlraca Federals be a stare, although ifaaa. outfl.ld.r. and Finr ara tnia-hty t4 bail players. "il.onr Kauff and tee VeaT.e. at frt ro; 111 Chaaa. of lluffalo, and -l Kjn.ti.-hf. of I'lttaourc. ara four of t:ia greatest atara of tha baeebail untvere..-" daciar.4 Manacr Jon. j.4.t b.f ra ha t.ppd aboard tola traJa hoan-i for PC Louia. -rvi Cha-.a ta aadiubtadtr t fraat. a.t fir.t.aack.r la tha worM. Koaatrhr an! Um ara aot far b.htoj him. I rt ba.a la (. a aatural po.llioo. It. l a wor..iarf i:;y lmproHl p;ayr. jiiim Ml ..1 an. I atola 1 ba.a Uat mu for I ruoalya. 31 .w aria Oatrwtd 1-raUadW -Tba eetira N.a-axh outfl.'J la a a.ach.- a4ia4 Joa.a. " tha a.ii Ahard'.a autfi.M.r. hit .3 It for .v.warh. Kauff. of Iirooklr. Vhouah. i iKaii4 oo.T ta Tyrua 0bb aa t&a irtt plar.r la tba K.o.a. City haa a quart. t of (lixAfri la M.oa, Cat. op. Jafctijes and IVri rull-jp I. a wiaa l.ft-haad.r. f rru.rly ef tha C.oland club. 1 ba Il.vo ha waa urpo4 to fomt to tha I'ort ar.J Cowl Laacua club whaa ha tnada tha hard. to tha rdr:a. Cul io haa a tri. a of acratchina; tha ball with hia fia.r Bali. produce ln aa am.rr ball ffct- Wo bad to haa half a doa.a ba 1. thrown out of ovary n la which ha workad. Claao na la Kraaankf. "I think K.owortiy. of tha Kawa, la coot anoush to .tick ta tha tic aau.a aa aa utfl..u.r. but aot aa aa Infi.ia.r. braM ha boota too many ba... K.nworthy la a mlcMy cood hitt.r oao of ottra-baae hi ad. Jlo hit J doubl.a laat aaaaoa. Thara ara othara baald.a thoao I ha aum.rmlad." addad tha St. Loala i.aJ.r. aa t-.a cotor.d portar b.saa h. ooIdc bin to board tha raltl.r. "?i.rl otb.r may itkk aad maka (oeil liut. ofhasd. I would aay that ao Aro.rtcao ar Nattnnal Uxm man. ac.r woubt t cold-brK kad by Bona: attrr thoao I hava uaotion.d.- Heard on th Linkt I fba ai.n.t. af awm. a.rwaa tha arat t if.., ta mat h. ftavaa. aaa tui la. wita tnaaa wao (ail ta att...l ta. mc'lni . tu fftt. f aftlrk tA.v ara fit.m.ra. aara to. aala M taa aaaua .Ma ara lArv.n .ut. ... V r. L-aa r-:'' mt IS. rtantMd f .'I'll. -w J9vmym lwt4 JCaa M.r t.a t4 w. w. a. la. Iwaat.a f tn.t t r--.'v Aam.a tba lMti a J.r. Trawra. ... a .t.Va draw a la aa la. w.tli.a loi'nAiTt. T. aaartlaa tlta. ms a A. M Ta. aalra a a.'f at A. it . koaat araw4 r-r " na - la fi4 Kioa, af ar flaa a-t f-Tina a-r taa a..a9paar a. af Mr Pi..' at.fft4 a ff iMMa aa4 p.. f.. .la. rtiaAma ia atoth. tfta I4aw. haataa rat .'I t. flaal "W r. P a. " apratfoaal a a :aara i ya at: n Mr. lyat ha -w a. v .. t ta ta wiaich aa at? " a " ' a t taa aa.W. aa. Mr av a l aaarraal." aatiaa a an -t in. a-.'.'x waa aa a kaaa atnaa .r taaaf aTaii aaj aa a.av I. t. M liv. ava. I(. .a t aa al t-a rarafjaa y.a ta. auia iiy a.;ao.k' a a tlar. a. t10a"at'aa af ta a.ataaaa mt a-air taa tit aa r-a arava taa a aa.:wa aaa aaa I. l.l.taa. a ; . i. .I, war la o f-a f. araAiLaaKUra a ia Inraaia rr.'Sa i a-iar r:i aK,kt la aa. a. Um aa n-. a. f aaraM,' attai T.'O aw rw a laaa a .! k a aaa.l. a . Tarawa y i:..i.-aia r-f :aro aa.. a d'a. . I . ...i lia. aaaat.raar aa a aart at taa a'Hruiraaaa ar.aran.jjw. ... r ,aai faa w.w O-Ua.a a. r. t s.t ta. ..- ri'h wo fa"-.a ta liaa aN .I.. a t r.aa T i. t-.faa o.aa4 aaani.:!?al tl nmm a a:wM daia aaa ... I t,ra. (.If." aalal fraat laat Wll.n a taa ra. ilar l. ta.a aastaraad taat aa ra toah It na .a aa-uauat .1 la aalt at'af a)aai. ajaar f Baaxf .aaj ii.aa" ha aaneii.aal. a? ta aat aat oa taa - kaaa la hit laat .'. . . a tavar a.a w ta va.-Ha Oaraaat wirt ar.ia aaartn ?t . 'Lia ai-S a atfaartl.a a-mrfa aaan aa arar aaartlaa aad a laio aaaiaaaaa fr hi ..... a a . flj aaa faafaa.4 la mtt ajta.lfaat'ta.ra taavt aa a. aai.i-naE. la.l .a arw... . a:rlir ia i"1- t - a.t i wtia ifMiifaft ar aat o.X-o OiaM. aana ar.l.t ka a taa .aatrtaaa a... Ta aa.. autft taa yaar aaa ta. :.ria it a Fa-lsiam'a Io"t rhltdrrnv f.:a Kyda Kt'tradca la a K-ru'itle. Th.ra ara ao tranr Jitta cSi:draa aroir. tmi b: wor.d" Oao day a TauatT aa eff'.ciai ca: d my attan t m t fe'a whita hair. "That turaa.j In a rot. ha it:t "aaa-Aiao I could not r:a.l of friht.B..J cnt !r.a. aar tha chXrrs of jooutl jaraau." I BE lS rJN i A. aW ar Larrt to fUsh HJaartr faa-rlaao, B ho ttaar. Whllo la tbo aoit Roar t'M La-all a la Trytaa; far a Coal, aaa arlala Katdto llaaaahrry. of ah Wlaalag la tba llaaao Lcacao at Malta. aaah Aaaat.aur Athlrtlo Clah, la OavardlmaT lllaa. HER POLO IS FAST Game Is Rated More Lively Even Than Football. TITLE HOLDERS TO MEET Maltnortvah IapM Show Imprest lit 5 port la Crow I nc Ayaco aad Cootrst la rromlaaM IWHareea M-aaon'i Oiainplona. If yoa wara aakad to aamo tha moat trahoooa ajort what woold yo aay? rootbalL ico horkay. lannla or baikal- batl? Suroly It woa:d aot bo o!f; aor would It bo quolta. Ttm moat atraaoooa (ana. accord Ine to thoao who hara dabblad la maay of la wat.r polo. If yoa don't b.llao II aak Norman Roaa. John Me- Morray. Tddia llumpbr.y. Thlllp rat t ara on. Bill Pmlth or any eno of th.aa in i r. old wat.r don who fraouent tha Multnomah Atl'lic Club pool and atlr up I ho wat.r lika ao many cuttlrflah. Taa air-o-aa may an iirtt urn han It renti riaht down to hard work, wat.r polo a form of baakat ball la wntar baa It or ororythlna;. Watar polo baa baaa playad in Port land for throo or four yeare. and It baa crown to conaldorablo popularity at tho Multnomah Club. A r.ular laaaua cloaaad a hla-hly aurcoaafol aaaaoa laat Monday eisht. Cddlo Humphrey cap talninc tha panoant-winning- aaptat. td LaraUa'a Warn f'.nlah.d aacond. Tad Pr.M.a thl-d and that tod by Colli tr Whaai.r fourth. A pot-aaaaoa araa batwara tba champlora and a plcktd all-atar cart la ono of tho traata promlacal for tha hotldaya. To play tha cama It la to haro two t.ama. aach of from flao to t.T.n play.ra. Tho Moltnomah Ama tur Alhlatlo CJub aquada .naraiiy u aaraa. Two ajoal poata with a croaa bar ara placed at aach and of tho lank. To acorn a point, tha ball, which la alml lar to a refutation baa ket ball, but not aa larva, rauat bo throws batwaan the poata and under tho croaa bar. Cut ona point can bo madaaht a time. Th.ra la a raf.reo to watch tho play and rail all panaltlea. After aach pen ally a free throw for n coal la ktren to tha aide offended. Tba same la di vld.d Into two per lode, from It to 2 mtnutea each. Tho winning team waa compoeed ef H it. Hole coal: Eddlo Humphrey, rich! forward. Ed fihea. left forward; -tirnwnle" Webeter. renter forward: J. R ItfflnaTer. center; Art Ai'.en and I'hll laiter.on. suarda Milton I'enfleld and Jim lwiMju:at wara utility. Firing: Up in the Old Hot Store League. DATT OAxronTH. IV. Lasaimie aoa :- r.eaarae:e etrtaawaut ar: iat, aa (attiac an era aa.ertia.a( out ( a.a aaraeaaoa t. tna rnalora laaa aar af the awan eaa baaa taaa Orataot. Naar r.rB aaaara kaa. a I taiia . tha taaa ef ipaaiR laatcarta e r.aiarkaV. aarcaaw ta la. aBMrkaa A aaatatiaa. aapaaa tlaa ara a. rant-iltl a. aaaa. of tH. rarvta IB.t a.a.: i i aa al:a faatana eraa la La-ii"-atika. ilaa. la aaa Iraaa taa Now Tara Ma.:: -Taa hall aa4 atk.e aamtlaloaa iatltaetaa aafatr laU.alad eat at cata aafwal.a. iar. a;para a aw pre:.B fr taa a .ara ta wattle wtta la taa aa taal l.itae kVaafirth la coaa ma ar ta in. wmc. aaa la t&. aprtaa f t iai la laantMl aa t a. wnnt:e ha.U -renf-f wiaa aaa tvra.4 kack ar taa Aiatatu-a a'aa- a aaaa tria:. bad a lraa.a. aaaaiy atf.aaal aaa with -i Lusaka 1.1a A A alaN la. a ya.r. Me Imcia.aerBaat aa- SOME OF TUE VICTOBIA ARISTOCRATS WHO WILL OrPOSE Tn E TUESDAY ) I I i aaa. a I a-x'yy. ' TV. Ul baalth aad Harry Haaayhray Ara la Inv laraaly doe to a eyeteta ef mbelne ih. tva;i ea hia inwarr to. loo.anlm the cover e:iaai:y and anpptna the looee eao tloo af hide with hie finfmaaKa "Amartraa Aaaoclaiioa umplree proteatad acain-t tba dellr.ry la eala." Aayaae wha balleTaa that a pitcher caa tbe eoa-ar ef a haaabalt .ooua-h to artokla It. and with tola eott haU (at a ar bra a a oaabt to writ, tor the rooirtea. Ha haa eutcreaa the field af aeaa. ... ttaptrwa make mletakee aotnatlmea. bat f arr.ptrwa all! admit. loaatlmn thar .rr ana don't knew lu Tha I roar a a and o Whll. lot war. rlartne la St. Lout a bad raarbad drat and waa eteallnf aaaroad with .vara oaace of lartwny thai aa. In blrn Ma laral a--ond with the bail. Ha atriou. y aa prait caught the pill aa4 rut It oa Mm. A cloud al can aroaaa. -T r aot. bawiad tha rada laapecior lampira af beaaaii. It art.d. tha third out. Taeata f-el back of Pratt tevaine al ap. waa Kod.rtch a. allac. thaa playing . .rf (or la. lirowna Aa Hod-rlck walked toward tha iVorti be lea aad a feaaebaOl Iota ta. pttch.ra boa. Kew. kaw did he yet the ballt lratt mad. the pu'o.t. aad fratt did not throw th. ball to tva.laro. U'.ii. truth ta I'll. Ih. ball bad rolled thronrh ITaife lra and arioai'.y raurtit br Wa lac. ma 1 fe.1 back of Pratt. Hut l-rait w.ot ui.h a bluff moiloa of touch. la. Weaver. Th.y aot away alia It. a a a Hanira areordlR ta ewrtalo Clnrtnaatl people, will maa. o.lla a pllcb.r a. it eaaaia. la fact, a awend Wadd'U la parr.tra4 in the twarthy it-nanoeo aiiirb:i. H. ma re all that, all of Ii. but If b. la Mlleh.ll haa thnt4 arraally la tha laat year or ea. tirott trtad hint aut. . had a loaf and ihoroarh trial at the aad of which he waa eeol to froarid.Bea. . hara pin Mogaan irM him oat eome mora. and thorouehly. Then Oanoraa ahlpped hi, ta Drn r.r. aad aew Cincin nati haa Mm. n'tl a dawn la htonro. T a . at tha train Ira camp with th. ona Sprlnc. Mitch. II waa aaatad la front af tha hot-l aae a-aattln c Th. talk turnad tn Hal Chaaa. X-haa..- Int.rruptad Mitch.U. -Chaae. ahT And who ta CbaeeV aae The eaatn or fry nano. in. 7"' rrooKiy-B rarnilt, wnue Fiayma mir la the Vell.r. haa laIIed a praok pu'.ll off once upon a time that luroaH out dtfTcreatly from whet be and ble fallow piarre had esper-ted. It wae wm:. c.err waa with the i'aeadrna club o1 tbe hauiaero California Uacua In which he made hie atari, and Jack Khuetar waa tbe laaoa ana.a ana naua'T. . . . . . ' lha atory u told by Henry Chandler, who aae aa umpire la tha league: I n in ja oao aw.a amami i ' znuair ana iivm in. ....i". .... . - . .w. .... ,- una .in m 'i . - . 1 . w .uw ..... - - -- . -. . .tiiK Th. waa i.ptaa or m ... playare a era rebellloua. too. for 6huter mu J W : " OUI a Qd.pi. coitaan mwi. vi dauih without prorr cation thaa acy man agar ara-ar m.L The team wae nnianing a noma a. r ana after the last game of the a.rta. all la tba elubhouae gatbertog odda and eada. - . . . .... !' .ti it... itnm. In k. ii ha r rnm.i. a i " . " th. eora.r. boya. We open at Long BeaeB nuriu. ann . . " " . . .- I . . . . l . Mlt al i. iioai l . a i a. 1 1 n... . - aad ruahed down In time for the game. aaim inai iw. -. . - - rota taa r i u n noui. aaa in. -- pi Mc g up thir an i form a. Peggy Harth. who alwaya waa pulling off gomethlng. eald : let e run tip a lanndry bl'l on ?hualr that Wl.l ea-.n up a llttia on irnaa im.a. etart.d the Idaa br IhrowlBg ehlrt. eocke. eult of .t.. into th. pile of un. forma Tbe other p.ay.ra caught tha Ida and oaary a par. bit of wearing apparel waa pt'.ad ta with the uniform aad then the ho:, lot of etulT ea arrange, that Bnuei.r woa:d not gt we If he eheuld make an IB. .I...M i. r 1 1 . rluhhaaiaa epacu atlng aa whet the manager would aay a.a a. . a. i..i.f .i.t. Tbal aigna rouawi bwwi i. . . i.l. and he made a god on., leaving ...hi.. k . f.a nr kl .. .nit . r a .a .......... " - - bunch af unpaid, handry baUplai.ra. He lo-.a "t. oritforma. loo and with them went at: tat had bam ptl.d In to run up a fancy narr Dili. '- . 1 1 ' - -. boriad were aot only broke, but without even aa mtk'a ae a !'" i -" - - apain llnaua. of the New Tork Ten- ka. t.i;e aa lat.rMtlog elory of how the Tanaa.e a:mtat bad alter Johneon In em- change for Klf I'Bldw.lj. It waa whn both Mayan bad din. Jump act and th. ewap wae eu-get.d. and aared ta. with Ike lOa. that in. aim aitni naaa a'o ta Una up Ih. duaaffaoted atblataa Ban John. aua ii ta MKl. . .iw it. wsa " .. . - w tn.a eft.r lie owa maa aad got him bark. f Too Old lo Bo Fowled. Judge. A maa anterad a c roc ry gtora and ordered eome ecsa. -That maa alwaya buy freah sr." w hia pr ed a email ec. peeping; out from lha depths of tho baghet. -Iluhr acoffed tha bid ur on top. yuh cant tall ma that. I waan't laid yeeterday.- V ... ;r EAST DERIDES WEST Pacific Coast Hockey League Termed Home for Aged. RULES ALSO ARE RIDICULED Porta Baxter Taken Exception to Jocular Article In Ottawa Frtxs Prraa Declaring Employment of Canadians Js Natural. PT PORTCB BAXTER. SEATTLE. Dec. IS. (Special.) "Pat rick's homo for lha aged and friend laaa" la tho way they talk of tba Pa clflo Coaat Hockey Leacua back In Ot tawa. Canada. Not aatlafled with thla "kindly" reference to a aurprlalngly atronar and active bunch of "a fed and friendleaa" they aay that, blatory la again repeating; luelf la tho apectacla of Canadian hockeyltei building; up an American team. Tho Ottawa Free Preaa aeea In So attle'a three conaecutlTo vlctorlea (the article waa written before Seattle went to Portland and waa siren a rood walloping). Indlcatlona that the Nation al Hockey Aaeoclation "touriata" are blazing a trail. rlRht through Patrick's "home for the eared and friendleaa." With tbia "blazed trail" In eight the Free Preaa aoea on to take a crack at the alleged freak rules of tho Pacific- Coaat Hockey 'League, and flgnrea that the succeas of the Seattle Club, conalderlng the bandlcapa under which the former National Hockey Aaeoclation Itlnerame are playing-, la no great booat for Patrick's circuit. The National Hockey Aaeoclation bag no lore for tbe Patricks, because the Patrlcka bare ahaken them up tn every way. I auppoae that the "freak rules." from an Ottawa viewpoint, refer to the division of the playing aurface Into three sectlona and the prohibition of a forward paaa in either end division. That tbe former Ottawa playera were handcapped by these rules la true, but probably not to the extent they think In the section where tbey do not have them. We bave not- noticed that the players from Eastern Canada bad any great trouble adapting themaelvea to the climate of the Pacific Northwest. We ar glad to aay that the Ottawa erttla la right in hia assumption that tha men from Ottawa are doing good work on th Ice. They are playing a grand game, but I had not observed any great superiority on their part over their opponents either ss Individ uals or as a team. If they should win th pennant, and there Is no assurance that they will, their victory will rep resent great effort against th strong aat Imaginable oppoaltion. W bav never thought It a spec tacle calling for apeclal mention when a Canadian baseball club waa built up of material recruited from the United State. la profeaalonal aporta material la gathered from a wide area. There are more ball playera in th Unltad Statea than Canada, although Canada might produce eome that were Juat aa good as any In the United Statea. Can ada naturally drawa on the United Statea for material. Canada baa given more attention tn hockey than the Unit ed Statea. In this branch of sport they barve more players and better playera than th United States. If there la anything wonderful tn the "spectacle" of Canadian hockeylata building up an American team In Seattle w fall to get It. GOLD EXX) ALE QUEST VICTORS Chrlntlan Drotbers CoIIrgo Alumni Defeated, 26 to S. OOLDES-DALE. Walh.. Dec 15. f spaaciai. 1 no ..nnaiian crgiaara Bualnese College Alumni beaketball quintet, who cam to Uoldenda:e for me express purpose oi getting- me scalp of the Ooldendale Fir Depart ment oqlntet la tha Christmas day PORTLAND CXCLE SAMS IN THE NIGHT. L' Ml TA'sf-aTralll " i '. i ' ', v :- - V.a aN . s -..Ais'i I J ii k i - i 1 ii in I " i "- a oi i ' ' - ..-r- - ;. . r- i game, were defeated In a close, faat game by. a score of JS to 6. Manager Bartholemy, of the Portland team, had to substitute three players in hia regu lar lineup at the last minute before leaving Portland, and hia team was handicapped by playing together for the first time on a strange floor. At the end of the first half the score was 18 to 1 in favor of Ooldendale, but the Portland quintet took a brace In .the aecond half and held Golden dale down to eight points. . Martin Spalding, center and captain of the Goldcndale quintet, sprained his ankle and bad to retire from the game in the aecond half. The lineups: Goldeadale. Portland. Ward T - Jewell Hlnshaw ..F. .. . . . Carr fpaldlng, Chappall....C McKeen Bernee ...O. ........ . Campbell Chapman ........... .O Mlebue Referee A. E. Bartholemy. Umpire, H. Dunitelbexger. BOYS KILL FOUR BEARS Iron River Lads Bag; Mother and Utter of Cubs." IRON RIVER. Wis, Dec. 21. Calvin D. Rogera. with hia aona and nephew, Clarence Mead, have a hunting camp down near Tarr's place, in the vicin ity of the Eau Claire Lakes. On his rambling through the woods Mead ran onto a bear's den. The boy opened fir and succeeded In killing the mother and one of the cubs after an exciting fight. His shoot. Ing attracted other members of the hunting party and they came to his assistance and dispatched two more cuha. The bear are of tha black variety that inhabit thla part of the country. Every Fall a few beara are killed in thla vicinity, but rarely are so many taken at one time. LAST BUFFALO TO BE MEAL Giant of Rockefeller Herd Is Sold to Batcher for Banquet. MEDICINE LODGE, Kan.. Dec 20. The last Kansas buffalo will tickle the palates of Medicine Lodge's epicureans. Even now the shaggy monarch is being fattened for slaughter soon. It. is the last of Frank Rockefeller's herd, which for years has enjoyed an undisturbed reign on the Rockefeller ranch. 25 miles west of here, near Bel vldere. Recently the few remaining animals of the herd were sold, with ono excep tion, to a clrcua company. One the laat of the herd which before the coming- of the white man ruled the plaina waa aold to a Medicine Lodge butcher. Chess. E. H. BRTANT. EDITOR. Phone Tabor 821.'). Contributions of gamea. endings, problems or Items of Interrat. criticisms, club notes solicited. Bend direct to 143 East Thirty fifth etreet. Problem No. 3. by F. Kruakop, la a reg ular Jass Wlllard. It was the prize, ac cording to the Publlo Ledger, In an Aus tralian tournament In 114. It knocked out about 50 competitors. It has a punch calculated to damage tne menial xacumea of the expert solver, so well concealed is tha key move. BLACK. 13 PIECES. 13 rat- L2J .WJ.A-i : '. ' ' i - tea L 'Jf -r--s t-t M : . WHITE. 12 PIECES. White metre In two xr.ovaa: white. K on KB, q on KKrn. Rs on QBt and QB6. B on KK.t8.Kts on KBt: 8. Q7. Ps on KEI, KKt3. K3. K5 and Q Black pieces K on Qt. Q oa SLB2. Rs on wB? and qui, a on n.nsq. Kia. on Qaq. and Q1 Pa on Kit 4. KKU. KBa, j6. gKt2 and QKts 1. An InnovatfoB space forbids dlagrkmlng Do you like thla etyle of problem? PROBLEM NO. . Bv Charles Promtslo. Black pieces, white t pieces. While. K on QRaq. Q on KRS. B on KR, Kts on KBo and K1, Ps on KB7. KB4. KtJ and QP2. Black, K on K Kt2. R on QB.'i B on KRsq. Kt on KR7. Ps on KM, K3. QKts and QKii. White mates In three mov.a Folutlnn to proMem 1 rk.y move Q-QR3). George B. Pt-tirre Corva'.lla, Or. R on KlTJXKteh. X. Sanfleld. Cen- tralla. Wssli. Aa ending between Meesre. Pmlth and PORTLAND ICE HIPPODROME - iiia.wwr.iii: - A : fdt) i. , c r I' fir if IV- ii is. -jsp . - ; -r is'". I in el i n ' '1 -.-.'.' ai xA H i x a a fcy 4 l.l .tm . ' " - .a-" at aa. .--7. r - , a ...... j 9 R-K Kt-B3 29 K-KU SO PxP K-R5 33 K.-R 10 B-KK15 B-KKt5 11 P-B3 R-K 13 QKt-Q2 AlKt-KTtl PxP Kt-B3 Kt-K5 II J-KJt3 14 OxR ck 15 RxQ ck la KUB 17 PlB 18 B-Kt.t 19 P-K Kt3 BXB'33 Kt-Q3 P-B4 QiQ .14 PxP ch RsPiSJ KtxKt P-KRS-30 KlPIB Kt-BI37 P-QKt4 PxKt3S K-Kt7 Kt-Kt3 39 P-Kt3 KtxPck KxKt C)K-Kt4 K-BS KxP K-Kt5 20 BlKt PiHi Reslrna. A Here P-KR3 stronger. If white B-R-4 then Kt.KRI IhrMtaiflna Kt-B5. B Thls move loses; no way to save the gsme after black's K-Kt4. Instead or text move, while should hava nlaved P-OKt3. then answer K-Q2 The result of analysis lsr 37. P-QKt4. P-B4: SS. P-Kt5. P-d; au. PxP, PxP; 40. KxP. P-36: 41. Q-Kt6. P-Q7-, 42. P-Kt7. P-Q8; 43, P-Kt8. Q ck.-and Capa blanca thourht white should win. C Threatening P-B4 and P-Q5 winning. A CORRECTION Tha naztttte-Tiraee has been misinformed In 'regard to Frank Marshall's playing 100 boards In a simultaneous exnitution an Ra.ttle. Bv a Keattla authority, he Dlayed only 26 in tho exhibition. He played 100 boards while there in all, but Portland claims and insists that she Is entitled to all the honor due her in providing at the simultaneous exhibition of F. J. Marshall 92 boards. Eighty-seven In Brooklyn, we un deratand. wtre played, but' the chess centers nave laura lu rcacu ui ,ui . . ........ - record. Please write us a card when you do Kdltor. Frank J. Marshall haa opened at 70 West Thlrtv. sixth street. New Tork City, what Is termed aa Marshall's Chess Divan. He has secured, tha services of Charles Jaffa to aasist him. A charge of 10 cents an hour la made ror chess or cnecker taoies. Intercity chess match December 4, 1915, played at Vancouver. Wash.; 'Phllldore'a Defense." GAME NO. 17. A. A. Potnpe. I Fred Kruger. White, I Black. 1 P-K4 P-K4"?S BxB RxB 2i Kt-KB3 P-Q3.2U P-B3 Kt-QB 3 P-KR3 B-K2'.'7 QR-Q6 R-QB 4 P-04 Kt-QB3 2S R-QB Kt-KJ S B-QKtS e p-qo 7 BlB 8 QKt-Q2 II P-QKU 10 PxKt 11 O O 12 B-Kt2 13 P-QR3 14 QR-B 15 P-B4 16 Q-K2 17 KtxKP Il P-B3 19 Q-Q 20 Kt-B3 21 JRxQ 23 KtxP 23 P-Kt.t 24 K-Kt2 K-R2 Kt-K4;30 K-B2 QlB.11 R-Q7 Kt-KK3 32 R-Q Kt-B3 S;l P-Kt QxP 34 P-R4 P-QKt4i'tS K-K.1 P-QR3!3t) P-B4 ' P-R3 37 P-extS Q.-Q2SS P-KJ P-B3K0v-Q3 Kt-R440 R-K2 PxKf41 KPxR Kt-BS 42 K-K2 B-B3 43 K-B 2 QxQ44 R-K3 O OKRI4S PxR KR-K4C K-Q3 Kt-K7 ck'47 K-K3 BxKtUS K-Q4 P-B3 R-QR R-QB KKt K-R2 P-KR4 KR-K P-B4 KRQ P-Kt3 RxR ck Kt-Kt2 K-B2 R-K RxR K-K3 Kt-Kt ck Kt-R5 ck - KtxKP IHeslgns. CAME NO. 18. "Gambit Declined." - J. Knight. I E. J. Phort. White. I Black. 1 T-K4 T-K4 S B,K3 BlKt 2 P-KB4 3 Kt-KB3 4 P-B?. 5 B-B4 e p-Q4 7 PxP 8 OO B-B4I10 RB P-Q3 11 Q-K13 Kt-QB3 12 P-Qr. Kt-R3'l." B-B3 PxPl4 RxKt B-Kt3'l3 QxB KKt-Ktr. O O Kt-R4 KtxQB Bxlt ck KtxB B-KKt5, Resigns. GAME NO. 19. Intercity Chess Match. J. Vanzanta. , H. y. Latourette. White. ( Black. 1 P-K4 -P-K413 B-K3 B-Q3 2 B-B P-Q4.14---R-KKt Kt-Ii.1 S BxP P-QB.1 13 R-Kt2 K-R 4 B-Ktrt Kt-B3 1(l R-KKt R-KKt 8 Kt-JB3 B-QB4 17 KtK2 B-R4 P-Q3 Kt-Kt5.1S KtKlS BxB 7 Kt-R3 OOjlll PxB P-KKt.t 8 OO P-KR3 20 R-KB Q-Q3 9 K-R KtxRP;21 BxP P-H4 10 KxKt BxKt KtxRP PxKt 11 pxB Q-RV23 QxPck Resigns, i n.wti o-B3l C T. Rice, ono of Multnomah's strong players and one of the best, if not the best. solver oi inincato pusuiuna board in the city, has returned irom ma sojourn in San Francisco. CHESS HINTS FOR BEGINNERS. By Dr. 1. E. Storey. While, for an 'experienced player, It may bo preferable to have tho king and queen on tbelr proper squares, the beginner may avoid the fool's mate by placing tho king on tho queen's square. Chess ta a vice which has many devotees tor whom there is no hope. Keeley never cured a chestnut. Chess is played on a board which tne uninitiated thinks la a checker board. Each player has eight major pieces ana eight pawns. The major pieces are useful for trading purposes, while the pawns per form tho functions of a Boy Scout, and sometimes assist in smothering ono'a own At thera is honor among thieves and gold In sea water, so la there a system of cheee ethics, which takes no account of the Christian religion. Never take back a move unless it will Improve your game Insist upon your adversary playing toucn and move." . Never enter upon a game without estab lishing an alibi for a posslbte defeat. Never concede that you were outplayea. In case you are defeated, you should say: "What a rotten game I'm playing today. After losing a piece, it Is proper to ex claim: "I saw that as soon as I touched it If your adversary leaves his queen en pnx grab It quick before he changes his mind. If you should gain the advantage of a pawn, waste not your time upon the fine points of the game, but trade queena at the earnest possible moment and the other pieces thereafter. Never change the. color of your bishop when both bishops are on tha board. It Is not ethical to have two bishops of one color. i Don't make a rook movement with your knight unleaa you can get away with it. The mating of your opponents king la merely incidental to capturing as many ol bla pawns as possible. Never castle tlirough a check unless ab solutely neceKsary. and then do It quickly. If you wish to hurry the game along, maintain your king and queen on tho same . .. l.. Xever analyze tne posmona, out man.. n. obvloue move without delay. In lining up queen and rook. If you place the queen ahead you .may frighten your opponent into making a hasty, move. Never resign. No matter how badly you are behind, don't give up until your king Is mated.. Am sending you key to problem 2, aa In Oregonian Sunday. December 5: Key move Q-P.3. If black Kt from Q3 moves; answer. RxB mate. If black KxR: answer. Q-M3 male. If black Kt moves from B4; answer. Q-QB3 mate. If black B moves; answer, Kt-Q3 mate. C. J. MASS. THE qOOP OUPGE aiUOSt.THAT FELLOW CAUGHT ME OFF PAV GUARD HIT Kit IN THE S EYE AND STOLE MY POUCH OF W-B CUT THE NEWf CUT KEALirOBCori CHEW- r 3gk (THEN TAKE SOME OF ff fC-Tl S bc all right i V -aWSW .SB. J I L I M . COME lips, come downs, the quality of W-B CUT Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long shred, is always the same. Rich tobacco means less grinding, lets spitting, better chew, longer chew and small chew take the place of the big wad that men bad to put up with in tho ordinary kind. Get pouch. Give it a quality teat. "Notice bow tha salt brings mt the rich tobacco taste" ltlaia It WETMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Union Square, New Tork Cry Portland Player May Be in Condi tion for Game Brooklyn Pupil Wins Grammar School Races at Ice Hippodrome. Pacific Coast Hockey Standings. W. L. Pet. For Asst. 3 1 .750 11 7 3 1 .750 13 12 2 2 50 20 14 Port land..... .. Seattle Victoria , Vancouver..... .. 0 4 .000 8 19 Another strenuous night of Ice hockey is slated for the Portland Ice Hippodrome Tuesday night when the Portland Uncle Sams will be entertain ing Manager Lester Patrick and his Victoria Aristocrats. Each aggrega tion is keyed up to a high pitch, as a win for Portland will keep it in the leadership of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, while a defeat charged to the Uncle Sams will cause them to land in the same elevation as Victoria. Considerable rivalry exists between tbe squads, not only because Victoria proved a big stumbling block in the way of the Portlanders last year in the league race, but because Ran Mc Donald, who wore the colors of the Portland team during the 1915-16 campaign, is now drawing pay from the Aristocrat management. Ran has been in communication with several of his friends in Portland, and be expects to put up a great battle against his former teammates. Tbe best scorer on the Victoria squad is Lester Patrick, who leads in the in dividual averages, while Ran McDon ald is third among his players. . . "Smoky" Harris, of the Uncle Sams, has been nursing a bad knee for the past week, due to a fall received in that S-to-2 victory over Seattle in the Portland Ice Hippodrome a week ago last Friday. He has been rounding into shape slowly, but Dr. Earl Smith, the club physician, hopes to have his protege in condition for the frame Tuesday. e e e Manager Patrick and his followers will not arrive in Portland until late Tuesday afternoon, according to word received by Manager E. H. Savage, of the Uncle Sams. The game will start at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday night. e e Three sensational races were run in the Portland Ice Hippodrome yester day morning. Ray Strong, of Brooklyn grammar school, won the first race, while Leonard Wilmot and Paul Mc Kusker, both of Cieuch grammar school, were first and second in a special race for grammar school students. In the high-schoolers' race, held by Assistant Manager J. George Keller, Russell Kaufman, of Lincoln, and L. Lowdon, of Jefferson, ran a dead heat, but in the playoff the Jeffersonite car ried off the honors. e e e For using his brother's age certifi cate to qualify for the junior series, Alexander Murray, of the Hamilton Rowing Club Juniors, of Toronto, in the Ontario Hockey Association, has been suspended. e e e Bert Lindsay, the ex-Pacific Coast puck chaser, runs a Jitney when he isn't playing with the Montreal Wan derers. He started out with a five passenger machine, but now he has in creased his business until a 20-seated vehicle has been purchased. e a Manager Frank Patrick will be in the Vancouver, lineup against Seattle at Seattle Tuesday night. His team is at the last rung of the ladder in the league, and he is trying to bolster up his sextet. "I want to play, but It is the getting into condition for a hard season that bothers me," said the mil lionaire manager 'on his recent visit to Portland. ... A victory for Portland and the same thing, for Vancouver will leave the Uncle Sams undisputed leaders of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, for the time being at least. POISON SPRAY SUSPECTED Laborer Dies Arter . Working on Plants With Arsenic. CHICAGO, Dec. 20. John K. Leden bach, 66 years old, 1632 Hollywood avenue, a laborer, died at his home few days ago. Physicians believe his death resulted from handling a poison ing solution used to spray plants and shrubs. He had been ill for several weeks. "It looks like a case of occupational or industrial polsoningr." Dr. Arthur K. Gammage, 5755 Broadway, one of the attending physicians said, "but of course we won't know positively until the Coroner's inquest. I understand Mr. Ledenbach handled arsenic." Bowlers , Never Get Appendicitis Oregon Bowling Alleys Broadway and Oak St, lli ALLEYS. PERFECT VEXTILATIOS. Broadway 0I. J. W. BLA.VEY. PROPRIETOR. GIVES FIRST Aio! 1