The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 19, 1915, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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    . 17
Tnp suypAY onEGoyiAy. ro upland, DEcrarmns id. iois.
First and Last CaE !
Both Grandfathers Want Clif
ford Graves, but Contracts
With Lawyers Bind.
We must go out of business January 1st, but we expect
to beat the Law to it arid be out December 25th. In order
to do so we feel tompelled to slaughter prices and we quote
you a few of the many bargains for you to select from.
Crime of Offering to ry lor Teaer
Jnllmutrtl Mr. Gratr T ratified
TUal II i:as Coiurl to
Ward Off Many Offer.
rtv-yr-ol.i Clfford Grav. a'ttlsc
Craad:A:hr W. f. Cravva aa
tM wttaae etaad. leaned far aver and
loeae-J Circuit Jud-a Cor- X. Davis
varaly la tho ?.
"1 want to 10 Seattle with
Crampa Craves." fee al
"Ca. yo'j wtnl t. so to Eealtt with
Craad? Grave, do you? Wall, we'll
." em Had ti Jad.
AaJ ta effort a lo deetd lb mo
tnentou tci question continued. Nor
tae tb taw yt d'etdad ahdHir Clif
ford' borne tH bo with ilraadfatnar
1-ovl Itatheway la i'ortlaad or wttn
t;raadfatB-r f.ravee la Seattle. Clif
ford kimwif taicka ho would t.a lo c
to Seattle, for a wMla. at t-eat. To
araai?atr att .i br aid la lb
courtroom or '.nil toolbar la Ibo cc
ri tor of lb Co irtH'Juj chatties; aula
Hr wbl'o t".;f(rd iwia feet wee
I no in. Titer la ao uiU bctwooa ta
Local Battlo la Pla Oa
Hut before tba court It appear that
tbr feano lock. 4 born la a lrrltlc
oofUtt oer ibo -'-ardtanf. Ip of Ibo
itt.o orpbaa bo av oo reeeatiy teat
Iota parent aad ti t:tllo brotbar.
It wouldn't take th ajraadparaat
laaa- lo r.o oa a way of keepinc
Clifford, II It waea t for acme outeld
tnacter mat aatar lolo th ra.o. ITob
e:y aattbar grandfather would de
mand ebaolute J over tbo lad
If It waa aot tor the oulald !
ITInrtpaITy tha.e out.ld matter aro
two Uwyera. )h eao baa a contract
wtta m of tne arraadfatber wblcn
ear that Ibo lar at-.. I raeolra
par cal of alt tbo inr to can
out of tba Northern 1'actfle Company
tr3 a lwult for Moilm tbo
la of t..r:orda father ao4 toolbar.
raroala Kllle-d r Tralaw
Last Oeto'ar Jtiaor Uroo tla wlf.
eat litt.a laraaoa. yaara o. d. lad
("Itrford wtta (iraadfatbar " la
oaattlo wbllo thr want la tbar aulo
Biello oar Mloor Ur' buatnaaa
raata. ilo waa a traaailn M wrnia.
rt cxtobar 14. croaaiaa- ba Nrtaor
lactfla) track a at CocwlalLa. I tab a. a
(rata crjd lata tbaa aad ail tbrao
? blllod.
"Barratry- U word" wbk a taaar
tho courtroom b'ard yoatarday for tbo
flrat tsroa. It U tbo crlma. or talada
tnaaaor. wblcb a la jr comantta wbaa
to ao ictia buataaaa or aifara I (ay
tar a "caao."
Tbo 6ni tislli. aaapt Offer,
waa aaaibilatad jta9or 1. Tbay ware
arcaiy burlad whaaj tho Cravaa aad
llatbaway famlllaa fcotb wara
a d UwTara wbo wora aaaloaa
! tba railroad coapaar tbair
I.ob.rt Cnrkary. of tba firm of Cork
mrt a Corttarr. ?oka. Waaa.. ap-
ra la Kaattio arl la Noaambar. j
v t Graa t-atl.' ad yarday. II
o::rad ta par Mf. ir II a moatb
trta tbo pn.eey of a aull. pay bla
oitnaa to IJB ta att-od tba trial,
aad to taba for b!naif par caat at
akl fto ravo'orad. aocordta la tbo
Mr. tiraaoa ttr-d Rofwaoa Offao
lr Craa rafu4. ! '
yr Oorbary o t.l3t
Tbo oao mon'a Lawyar Corbary a
patrad la rortlaad. mot liraadtatbor
l.aal lUthaway aad teado a prwpoaal la
inv Hro b waa aecaplad.
Ilataraia; lo Jipokan. Lawyer Cork-o-t
bad Mr. Ilitbaway appoiolad Br.
( ia a. I. tarn by tbo Ilabo courta pra
aaralory to brlocle ai't f"
tna moaatlmo. Mr Uf. loatiriod.
ka bad kaaa baala.d by lawyaro to
aicb an etant lu'. ko aoucbt ono eat
f ir protatioa. Ho rata. aad Hoary
l amay. Jr. an! endar tbo adKo of
tbo Haatl court, k aald. anade a can
tract witbj Uaur !! atosllar to
tba carbtrart bald by Lawyer Corkery
wtta OraadCataer lUtbaway.
oajaitaldo MaltaaW arT.
nifford waa ta I'orf.aad wltk tba
Itatbaway famlllaa. aad kera tba kal
t.o la kom Wia-ad.
tSa "out. do Pttara tr
tba Braalfatbara and Cl fford from ar
y.alo at aa no lrtaridin. Taatar
r moraine C:r-uli Jadco PaU aa
tiat tbaao "outai la ajjeUer- ware la
tbo way. and called lb rraadtatber
tae-ecber In bla cbambara tor a cvoaul
tar tun. ...
-tl doaaa t aa-ra fl!l." ai4 tba
J-!-e. -to dr tbaa pople. wbo ar
fiaat:y. tbrj'jak Ibo courta pnarely t
.!.rm:a wbo ball krB tbo aulta
kaaut of the daatb, of tba eoy'a par
aata. b aofraatad.
Hul tbo coofaraaco la tbo )'4oao a
abatnbare coma to aatbto. Tbo arand
fttaara arae.t tbat II made lutlo d'f
faroaco to tb.ra wbo brvuebt tba aiil.
eltaoua-k eacb waatej tbo box. Hut
aa B graadfabar bad a cat.-at wltk
a iwyr. and It mda a tot at oV-ffer-aa-
o I tbo Uwyar.
ttelattaeo tilao TaaXtaaoay.
Tk ran; o batwa-a Lawyer Cork
ery aad J'.amay wa frauaal durinj tka
-Tba raUtiaa of Cllfrord alt taattflaj
y.'fJT. aad Ju4e ral board tba
fie'a. Tbo tar at queatlooa laotd
will b .ioitiad ta Ibo Julr oa brief a.
Tba lawyer ore allowed aevaa !
In wiica to am't tm. Alter tbo baa r-alara.1 bla dertatoa. oa
t.ran l'ataar Uraaaa' petition for a wrtl
Of babaaa corpua. tba loaB lawyer
will arl ta tbo "upramo Court.
!' daviaiua probably wul Bet eo
prialo l( l Ha.
ta tso ina ntlme. Clifford will make
tl, homo wits tbo Itatbaway. at
CaataaSalu aaanuo.
i. - J
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m4y at I. Aaaaabor Bel a Ua-waree) rrooa Sarel Drill alldlac at
:ot Tfclrd aad aUtat IMw strootai Battalloa Cklef Heldaa aad Track,
laptala ItUarr Ar aaorlateadlap; tka DrIU roaa tba Boat.
Sta-cture to Train Blaze
Fighters Completed.
Oalldlnc Clr Itellrf from N'lance
of UrtlU oa iHrwnlown llrw
Uprat la rrrctloa.
TT.O rortland Fire Decartmaot now
boaate of oaa of tho few tiro drill
towar operated la tao trailed Utatea.
IM-blad tba headauartor of Eaaloe
a -r - a ai tba aoutheaol corner
of Eaat Third aad Eaal Tine alreeta.
a four-etory tower waa compieieu iaa
weak andar tho direction of Battalloa
Cbl.f Lee IColdaa. wbo flrat aucraatad
Ibo kaUdlac and daalrB4 Ik atruc-
tU'l"o alaalor tiro drllta oa tbo fire
eecapea of tbo blc office) butldlo.
w cam to bo pretty mack e-f ';
aa-o to lb bu.y people of l-orttaad.
eald tr. Hotdaa ya.terday a b caal
adnurlao alaacea at tba w drill
Utwar. concluded tbat It waa
about Urn that tba dpartmnt bad a
prlTate drill tower where the Bppll
..... i k. I...K1 hoar to BOD BP
aad down tiro eecapea, c.imb BP well
aad battlo wit imoM on
-Hul the tower will not only are
to train tbo new meo in oe
. . 4. .iti baaa tbo old men
freabaned UP oo practical work. Here
af'ar a d.lall from each department
will eaarrlee on tho tower ery morn-Ina-
and In IMa way too entire force of
417 man wilt alay in trim.-
The fortland drill tower I II fat
kr.. ..J . K of the floor I 34 f-al
atuar. Tb buildtno: U o.ulppd with
13 aeual flre-f Igbtin oeeicea
lac tb llfe-ropo drop that la a Iron a;
, tn Kaid tbroo me a. life net.
and a full outlay of ladder and booe.
Lmrlna; ecmo an. la a amuoae ia luriaa
In the bulldioa ao tbat tne maa may
work uader coodltlona faced t "
actual fire.
baa iialtalloa Chief lloldea laaraad
w . K.J rnii.lnietd a
fire drill tower at a coat of ll-0. bo
derided tbat bo could but'.d aa
better bulldina; for :;. Accordlrvly
be eat to work, after racetrinc a f.Ttee
appropriation for the purpoea by the
CouaciL All of the work oo the bulld-
. . n.rtnvmmA be man actively
employed aa firemen. Aa tba bulldina;
atanda toaay it aao t"-' i" ny "K
proatmalely !.. Incjudma; tb coat of and walk.
aad Jir. lloldeo ba1 tbo itrtma pUaa-
aro ef turslne l4 Mr iw m
tare of the city.
p. Ocobock fund, la memory of lira.
Ocobork. who died November 10. and
le to be uaed preferably for women.
There aro women In the collate wbo
would bo unable to continue their
etudlea without tbla aid.
C. MUclwll. Now rtellred. Will
Hake Home la Scllwtxxl.
CanLala fL C MltchelL a veteran
aklpper. baa aettled at t Leo avanae.
In llwood. after many year aa aea
captain. "Whan 1 waa II yeara of
axe. aald Captain MltrhelL "after
havlnc aalled four year for one firm
In the eoutbern trade, tne anipownere
wbo lived In Boaton. Man., requeeted
m lo fo lo Maine and build a brla: tor
Ibe aoutbera trade. I did ao and when
the veaael waa completed I took a carco
for fcan FTaaclaco. conalatlns of (aa-
ral mercbandla.
"1 built another brie; and took a
cargo to Valparalao. Since that time
I have aalled to all parta of the Fa-
clflo Coaat. I quit the a and want
tnio boalneaa at Aberdeet. u,
wblck I eold. and am now livlna; wltk
my aoa at IM Lao avenue, my ahlp
einr day beinr over." HI eon I
Capiala C Mitchell now on a voyac
to Advlatd. Auatria. witn tne veaaei.
Two Cara niarovcird at rmatllU
ncwerTatloa 6chooL
rnXPLETO.V. Or. Poo. II (Spe
cial. -Two curl of trtchtDoal have
been diarorerod la rendletna by Dr.
T. M. Henderaon. United Htatea Oov
ernment doctor for the Umatilla In
dian Iteaervatlon. The victim. Kuaaell
Cardan, ased II year, and Krancl
Narcea. aced It year, who aro atu
deata at ft. Andrew Indian fchool.
are confined to the hoapltaL
Cardan a caao wa dia;noed flrat alx
week aco aa typhoid fever. After
table" blood teat and ralllna In other
doctor of tba elty. it wa decided that
the dlaoaae wa trtchlnoela. Both boya
ar aeiioualy 111. but neither la la Im
mediate dancer. Jt la not thoucht that
lb meat waa sold In Pendleton
market. '
rtrcrw Catlrtl It Moanlala Tlmbe-r
rniar CaeO at Xchao.
XILl" Waab. r. 11 lpc!t
faua W lataa T. l'rk dacured a r
if tb caaa f tb Wouotala Tlra
ar Company aa.aat t! taoral Aa-i-jriua
CC!pT. wk..b baa bea la
tfoeraa at K:ama lb pat two
Montna. an' t Bnoraln. wbaa
aa ( it! a 4o.' of tba tm-
ar toepaiT wt aw . . . . w.
t at tao aaa Ibo bluataia Tim-
be tatee fatba caao until after tao Brat
ef le year. wna- taw q.inmm
am-e ciiif ;aiy wilt comoaaar tta teetl
anoar. Taa caao lra4 baa u?ld
iat ! aad It la elpected to dras
ai.n fr aeaeral moatb lalo nat
.! tt I b I'J" B'
aaa r lfi4 la Cw.U CrfU.
U juor. Hoartrr, Will D Lavrklag
at Social Ceater After Janaary I.
BAKER. Or, Pec It pe-laL
That maa wbo have ba maklna the
aaiooa tbelr beadquartor will baVe a
tne tine; place wbaa tb elate coee dry
Itaber orcanivaltona, seder the pruld
a ace of Ibe city off. dale, are ptannln;
la coallauo oc of tbo eaioone. wttb
bar aad alt o'ber furnUblnca. aa a
paMki me a a Cub bat lcklo tb
It I aleo proposed to pat an a x
bartasafer or maa well knowa to Ibe
alooa cuatomor la cbarc. A meet
laa to dlaoaae the plana will be bald
tomorrow aad It I hoped to have the
place toady for aao by New .Yeere
oar and tbo dry aaiooa be bora tk
laa la at tb wet one die.
Lean rand Glvea. Ft red Col!rffx.
A. . r-ebork. of fnrtland. baa pre
Bled to Reed Collaao a l.'i loaa
fuad to be uaed for rfeaervisc atudacta.
7 be la .aala4 aa the eVmaUa
Sobtrrfnca In Walla Walla County
by SlK-rlffa Offlco fo Paaard Oo.
OLTMTIA. Villi. Dee. II (!pe
claL) After Attorny-Onral Tanner
had eipreaaed hi opinion that It waa
lltrcal for a Fharlff to board county
prlaoo-r. Ix-puty Sheriff lloneycutt.
of Wan Walla County, took charit of
tbo reataurant feature Of the county
"hotel." the bureau of Inspection note.
In a report on that county to the At-toraey-Oeneral'a
Hlnce thla exebanre waa made Hon
aycutt ha collected 1170 l for pris
oner' board, the bureau reports, leav
Inc It to the Atlornay-Oeneral to de
cide whether by thla eubterfuce the
law acalnel the Sheriff boardlnK the
prirooera baa been violated.
Crratiam Masons Elect Officer.
OR HP HAM. Or.. To. II. (Special)
The followlnc officer war elected
Tuesday rlaht by the Cresham Masonlo
Lodse: Worshipful master. 1- L Kid
der: senior warden. A. J. W. Brown:
junior warden. J. C ShulU: treaaurer.
Jama Elklnajton: secretary. William
Mauser. The appointive officer have
not been named yet. A Joint Installa
tion will be h:d with Creebam Chap
tar of tb Eaetero Utar Tuesday.
Monrv fconcbt for Hard Surfaco.
CRESHAM. Or. Dec. II. f pec let)
A riaai attemp wui oo waue aw.i r
i .a, Inrlttanr. Ih. fomilv Com.
mlaalocar to appropriate sufficient
money to Birnmiia " 1
Fatrview road and macadamise the
rowatl Valley road, east of Oreabam.
It la e i peeled tbat a tare number of
tba road committees from tbla district
Will D aer to an a..w...w
mini for tb appropriation. -
i'.4 Tea VtaCB&AO'f Jiaaalflt-4 kil.
CEDAR BROOK, full quarts, bot
tled in bond
CEDAR BROOK, per case, 12Jj)10.5Q
LEWIS HUNTER, full quarts, ti r(
bottled in bond P .-VPU
LEWIS HUNTER, per casei 12 dji ( ((
quarts, bottled in bond P Vf.UU
HUNTER, bottled in bond,
HUNTER, our own Of
bottlinsr, full quarts. . . .OO?
Choice of either HUNTER or
CEDAR BROOK, our own
(MONOGIUU 12 full ATHERTON 12 fan CREAM RYE, 7ff Kr'aaS3"
p?fcredtn?"$6.50 ?uUc Vest $7.00 full quarts. .;.70c J g 75c
CALIFORNIA WINES, Port, Sherry, Ansrclica, Muscatel,
former prices 52.50 and $1.50, now while the f
Btock lasts, per gallon .S1.10 and OJt
Including Sanitary Container.
you to have in your possession, for your per
sonal use, any quantity of liquors you may
desire for future use. ,
OUR RAINIER BEER, for which we are State
Agents, specially brewed for this occasion, will
keep for any length of time, and we would sug
gest that you lay in a year's supply.
Out-of-Town Mail Orders Shipped Same Day As Received
TQ) Tr T issl SnnI
SU Phones: Main 2958, A 2958
l I w im
1 ' 1 . I
TO OBEGO- IM loaS. -
Metaee of 1 Lli" Calldrea Paaaew
Maa, Tear oa raraa. aad Mved
to rortUad la !.
. . Ttaea. nioneer of
ira iiaiai . - ' .
.... . . . .Ka of her
!!, DltB fc -
. vr.. w V UnH.nhotL 111
Larrabee' etreet, fortland. Friday. De
cember 10. She waa J year 01
Mrs. Kees. wno was in oiusmci
Mr. and Mr. James Elliott Hall, waa
r t t- '
! 7 -: -
J' : v X 1 ,f
a t '
. i
' a
Mr. Jtsaaada Hall Haw. Ploaeei
of HMO. Vka lllcd Uece sa
ber 10.
born In Liberty. Mo.. Anicust 10. 1S1.
With her parents she crossed the plains
to Oreson In 1115 tlje family arriving
st Oreiron City Junt before Chrlotmas.
They stayed at Oreson City until the
Pprin of the following year, when
they moved to Buttevllle. a few miles
below Champoes;. "ere Mr. Hall began
maVlne rranrementa for locating; on
a.MiAa l.nrt ..i.trn on the lower
French Prairie, A large house was
rented from one of tho aettlera and
Mrs. Hall and daughters kept a tavern.
To this house came tho handsome
and aucceasful youns; lover. Wllliard
Hall Ree to tell his love to tho beautl
...i i ini.rfm Trail, whom he had
met In Oregon City during the preced
ing Winter. .
On January tl. 1M7. Wllliard H.
T- I Ul.. Itnanria M. Hall WCTO
married at Buttevllle. the wedding
ceremony being performed by Rev. J.
U. rarrisn. sir. nu air. .a
. - . . K. tilt aaaa which ha 1) RU
Id a lariu v a.w ' - .
previously purchased from a Canadian
settler. There they lived continuously
until 190U. except for a brief period
In U&l and 1852. when they conducted
a tavern in Champoeg. in January.
1900. they moved to Portland and lived
with their son. Dr. P. A. Rees.
To Mr. and Mrs. Rees were born 1J
children, six sons and seven daughters.
One son was lost In early Infancy, but
the others rrew to maturity.
.4 .... k ajnu tivlna' are: Mrs.
Janice William Welch and Mrs. William
u.n4.r.KMt t Pnrtland! frs. John S.
Clark, of La Grande; Mrs. C. If. Day,
of Dayton. Wash., ana jirs. n. Au
gustus WriKht. or Foniana. ino sunn
... r- T i 1 I X ' . u T A T? o P
are; i v.. n. ... . . - -
and Wlllard H. Rees. of Portland, and
H. L. Recs. of Trinidad, Wah. There
are 2 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren.
East Slorrlson-Slroet Work Ih Sub
ject of Controversy.
Work of relaying wood block paving
In East Morrison street, betwen East
Water street and Union avenue -was
started by the city last week. It Is
expected a month or six weeks will be
required to finish the work. The pave
ment is being replaced In places where
It Is bulged or broken.
The pavement is still under main
tenance of the contractors, but they
have refused to repave. The city is
doing the work and will attempt to
force the contractors' bondsmen to
toot the bill.
Four Join Journalistic Fraternity.
Dec IS. (Special.) Merlin Batley. of
Twin Kails. Idaho; Max Somen, of
Portland; Milton Stoddard. of La
i- . nH ti..,. Kurk. of The Dalles.
recently were initiated into Elgma
Delta CBi. a .iaiioni iram.miT
journalists throughout tho United
Gifts Are Becoming More
and More Popular
Each Year
Don't Fed to See Our
Extensive Line
M. J. Walsh Co.
The Modern Electrical Supply
and Lighting Fixture Store
Across From New' First National Bank Building
Modern High-Power Motor Boat Sos
plaata Old-Timer aa Reanlt of In
crease In Business.
After having been on trial for six
months. Milwaakle River Route No. 3.
the first motor boat mall route in the
Pacific Northwest, has so thoroughly
Justified its existence and the foresight
of Postmaster B. L. Hagemann, of Mil
waukle. Its sponsor, that it has been
officially designated by the Postoffice
Department as a dally mall route.
The order went into effect Thursday.
Business has Increased so greatly
since the motor boat route was started
last July that W. T. Jacks, the carrier,
has had to put a modern high-power
motor boat on the run. He can now
get over his route In four hours.
Patrons on Milwaukie River Route No.
3 get their mail as soon as residents
of Portland.
About 250 families living along both
sides of the Willamette River as far
north as the Portland motor boat col
ony and as far south aa Magoon'n
Landing are served by the motor boc.X
mailcarrier. There is one delively
each day.
The motor boat route was conceived
by Postmaster Hagemann, of Milwau
kie. who got the department to give
the plan a trial. The route has proved
such a success that inquiries about it
have been received from as far East as
Illinois and Wisconsin.
Chicken Thief Drops Purse.
GRESHAM. Or., Dec. IS. (Special.)
E. A. Kent, living at Rockwood,
heard a commotion In his chicken
bouse the other night and on investiga
tion scared away a chicken thief and
saved the fowls. In his haste to
leave, the thief dropped a purse con
taining tlO. which Mr. Kent found.
Mr. Kent says he will return the purse
if the owner will call for it.
Let It Be a Musical
Gift This Xmas
I I. fa TT..,
mm j
Is the Product of the World's Greatest Inventor
No Needles to Change
Unbreakable Records
Thirty years ago Thomas
Ai Edison invented the first
sound reproducing instru
ment. Since then many have
adapted his original idea.
But mere mechanical re
production of sound is not
enough for the real music
lover. So Mr. Edison, after
thirty years, again applied
his s u p e r-k now ledge of
chemistry and acoustics to
the problem.
And now the master in
ventor has produced an in
strument that does more
than reproduce sound. It
Re-Creates the original music without the slightest deviation in
quality. He called it "perfect" the Now Edison Diamond Disc
Phonograph. .
We will be glad fo play the New Edison for you.
Come in and hear the delightful new Christmas records.
More than a year to pay in. No interest.
151 Fourth St
Ground Floor
Near Morrison
Graves Music Co.