The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 19, 1915, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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    TOE SUNDAY OltrnOXTAx! rORTLAXD, DrCErBTTR 19. 1915.
Chancer of Commerce Secre
tary Says Check Win In
sure More Efficiency.
WMk One Mam Haa Offer! lo
mbm! IU pet) of prpartarsrat.
lr. Hardy Thlakt H Ha
i tloro by Taip-sjera.
ti r.ciinie r. ttftT.
ttMtiM searatarr p-"' cseras af
r.T.. leney and e-apratIo ar word
k.I kaea kea BVt I d
ilt.ntlr Blul fJ.rinc th trl 1
r enst rvr. thlnas
wt&-kluM depead vry
IB UB,a ;emat d la eoaaciioa
-ortUal I a ett.a;ovrd e!IT
Ttfutaonak Conaty I wlt-ovrd
ctvitr-M l'.T " vra
ment ae14 at to tklak
t&er war tf(rlm !' ar '
tl4 that aa prea-rees a aa I aeoaom f P''
!..! frt4T'
il likely tftjl :f-t!faetlo
to cottta th lPvr onidrt
aios.r .Not that "Jo ar common ar
corruption t prattle. ( tkr I a
VHla f pwblta moT a to l!TI
inT r l tr filr oa 16 part
mp;ors la dllr aa n rvlc
la .icitatt for salarta r wa aa
lr wald war tk Prl!s
f arm r corporation ae4 la
auttaaaa. .
-mar tee? rlllW rad Harmful.
Tru II 1 that rty all art la Ina
t:lr pu&:i aflKa afa rael. sla
er. koaeet aa 1 dtroii at rn4rlnf
m Hrtkt tat wt:l ",la''n
sites aal B-arJ satisfaction. A ad II
I. yxj,t a trta that efflrleaey a ra-di-ad.
C prtp ttT- wkej aa
fruiat t laaaUia4 with political
imsnio to taa itat that aa "play
ponr..e al rv tora.
p.f.r aa ssak any h mutt
aek fcimaalf: -Wi: tm ot as PPa
urttr i co r 1 saia jxpuUrtij
Tfta croat ao4 af tha 4a la Mora
Iuim .airl.acT la u6ti afflea aad
W.a poattcaJ looS'.ctaaeT. " a f
lio.1 la cation loac U6IIH and
dop rota4. ra-rdla af tb banc
from lima a t:ma la form of o
ara maajl.
t ii aal moot:r a fl'jotioa cf maaT
! II aot moat:) a qaaalioa af I4ln
aaip? lKa tka cltla tha .rc rt!Uoa
xoweporata la taa affair af mual-
pal o.rrnotr I aa aulTKI.otlr la
orato4 ai4 d'aa aa knew aaoucft
a't pablid a!Tir lo ro-cparala lo
ta! Ua hla oSirlata la City
11. I ar Cooatr CoortaouaaT
rMtoaaaia MoU IJakllr.
Tha aro cU'.K la too ma-a In
la think tkat ka Kaa 4lrtiarco4
II of kt dutioa aa a cttla hn ka
aotaa a yaar or one la ary taa
ra. Tka chaaeaa ara Ikal ka pro
c(ti it mark hi katiol without a
.ry Bdortadtn af a major
tr at tha propoattloaa ka la lo vota
a poo. What I tha aaar? Bailor
itiah!p: How?
A ktiraata af paella oTlclonrT and
tnnenr. tk foattloa af which, la
part, will ka lo rla to tha pobiio la
raphK) chart foriaj aa4 l eloar. and.r
tandaita atatamaata tha facta aad
e"ra racardlaa tha aapoadttura of
public meaar. a4 avaar othor mattar
t ceacara lo tha "atackkoldara" tka
A karoaa af aSlclaarr aad acoaomy
la ehara-a of aa aiport a tnaa of
protroa abl'.ltr awpporiod kr a hoard
af dlraetara coaalatlnc af l or It poh
lc-.plrltd cltUott. all too kls to ka
aoiaa or plajr politic, la two or thraa
y.arV tlm woald krlac aboat a much
kottar rotara for aary dollar of rha
taxpayara moooy aapoB4c4 and at tka
wu tlm dTlo a kottar lntrt la.
a koctar Badarataadloa of. public anal
tar an 4 aa tha wbolo a far bailor
Ca4r4 of cttuaaahia.
Goaal -rtt rradkrtaaV.
Caa yaa thiBk of aay aeturfly that
wt i pay bira-ar dtvidand. Wlial will
II coat? rarhapa lll.M Tha Brt yar
and ltl.4 a ar thoraaftor. Who
hoat4 par for It? Why. thoaa
lC tha kaaaQt! Ak4 thay euchlto pay
la proportloa ta tbolr tavaa.
But thay probably win aot do aa. at
1at aot aatll othor racolTlea la
fiaaaclaJ baaotll provo what caa ka
Tha coat af ialatleln a karoaa.
darts a prto4 of thro year, would
k rtartto4 lo tapTr many tlmoa
oor. If tha aaparlooca la ctar cttlo
la ropatd.
ta Now Tork. ta t?a rrt or oocond
yoar of tha work of tha Puraau of M
alclpat Roar--k a aln af $:..
waa mala la th oparalioa of tka
wator worka department.
ta Ctaciaaati. a "aio-por" waa tahta
oat of a pln pctf I'-atloa aflor a
fisht af two yaar. How murk thai
maaat to tha cittieaa caa harlly k
cU:urt4. II pracootoU maay paclnc
Jebo bain "kiaB4 aa had fceea, a
practUa suita coaaral la that city.
ta Lo An.!- It waa found thai
I ! ) a yoar waa apaot for a cortaia
part of atroot claaaioc A ary or
cDtrk oa tha work bm mad. how4
clarty a wata of 2i par rant. Nearly
all af 1.1 t waata hao booa allmiaatod.
I'll th Ua Atftln kuroau la a part
of tha muBl-ipat ornBt. It di
rector la rrd4 a a part ef tha of
ficial family and I mad la foal tha
preeeur cf th crowd la office.
CMUowo (oary raeorea.
Ifow m h bttr reult cout4 k
Obtalao4 If tha bureau wero a clli'
aeacr. fro and rtar of all City Hall
and Courthouaa lafluoaco? A bureau
la char of a director, aa aiport. from
au of tha city. ln4pndnt of all p
t.ttcal. financial or fr!Bdly tl. A di
rector of otportanca. makin htm aa
aatBority la mattar of orrnnt
ant la matters corereraln Ih pa4l
tur of paMtc mooy. Ther woul4 ka
muck lee rompiaiat about te,if th
taipayer w-r batter aaliefiol with
tao rotura for moitjr pTided.
Wtsah s( Haraa AaalyaaoJ.
Aln. what I' a bureau of public
efficiency and acoaomy?
It taaparera or citlieoV aarrlro
r aacy lo tudr and to promote of
ficios! an4 rieat;fi- maoamoal of
municipal af.'alra. Th purpoo la two
fold: riret. to t tblnc 4ona for rm
mualtr. Ihrouch co-ocratloo with par
ana who ar la office, bjr tacrvaaln
flclrcy and eUmlaatin waet.
.-ood. to lent a aa Independent
aad BOB-partlaaa acaocy for keapio
ctttaB Informed about th city aad
th county huslae.
II I a co-orrattve rrc. aot a
muckrakin affair. And tha klod ef
co-eperatloo to b offered will bo lad
y accaptd hy all PMI offlclala whe
want to obtain th beet reeulta and
t luilmnn ea'Ufartlon.
faould w tar, la rerUaso. a
fluraea ef rublio Efficiency and
foemy? W ould- Tb bor4 of
director af th Cf amber of Commerce
ka ladorea4 tha Idea and referred the
matter lo Ka bureau of tautloa and
leiUtloa with lha request that a plan
to werhd out.
Ilatin faiLk la our me a and womoa
of I'ortland we fl confident that
me ana will be provided lo Buarante
the financial (upport of a bureau for
three year. A number bae.olun
eared to aupport. end oa at our moat
public-plrtl4 men. who e already
dose muck for tha city and rouaty.
land ready to furnieh all the money
Would ll aol be tatter for IS or 1!)
cltlaene to proIJo the moana an4 lo
have a koea Interest la tb work of the
proposed bureau?
kloaey and eneriy aa ian44 by
at la two aceacie In Portland which
aim lo t mor efficiency and mor
T f .MtW 1:H- -ejIDMOHT
J MafUU.
a i
: : ' V !
I t
0 "r I
lid kV llaaaxw.
VanavllU KW(a ff-M Ika fmlk a
J tacea aad lltupreee theater, a J
pacta! act by the taker llayere
an. 4 b masicaj comedy la a nut-
ak;l from tb l.yrte wti! b but
a few of tka dlverifl4 atlrac-
' liana at tha ninth annual mid-
a alchl matlBo oa New Tear ore,
amlrr the auspice ef lb Th-
atrtral Mechanics' Association.
Tka I'mmott CblMroa will tak
f part, and a new ficur. tld II. ?
T I lan eon. a clever Interpreter of J
J Bwodtsa role. I also scheduled
to appear.
On December II th ket will ba
oa aal at the theater and at f
Huntley' dru store. Ail tka J
J funia collected will be devoted
to tb needy ala folk.
economy la public affaire and ipa
diture. but are th result coalman-
urate wltk the etpeodtturea? Some
Ihtak aot. Why aot ceotralue and all
et behiad a bureau of efficiency and
ecosomy operated aa an adjunct to our
Cbamter of Commerce?
WrBalcier Shlpnsrnt J a nip.
t IVATCIIEK. Ws.h-. Vc !. fSpo-
clJ. tiiaca Ih Wanatcbea district
becaa ln 142 to raise onourb fruit
lo be assembled and shipped la tralcbt
carlo;. !-.! cara had bean shipped
lo Kebruary -t, accord in lo complete
record of lb Ureal Northern Haul
way. Purina th first year only two
rare were shipped- The foilowin year
tha number jumped to 114. Last year
lha lonnace waa car.
,(irrr7Y X'lhWM Lvfl Mil J VrV?
Practical and Useful Xmas Suggestions
-i3 ,. .M i.
Pmokln Stand..
Hewln Tables...
Tea Waon
Tea Tables
Muffin Mands. ...
Cand lest Ick s . . . . .
fiate-Ue Tabl..
roots tools. . . . .. .
I look Mocks
Tea Tray
N'eel Tablea. .
ftofa Tablea
K.nd Tablea
Kloor Iamp. ... ..
Table Lamps
Lamp Shades
Consol Table
Consol Mirror.
Fireside Uencbe..
rsrsllsr f
::.erSr.J. u.
. 1.T5
.. f.75
.. 3.75
.. 7.00
.. 1H.OO
MACK & CO. 33
Between Oak and Pine
-t ' '! ;iniij!"i.i.i,:''!"'!i!''i!'iin'!n:r
1 1 1 I I II I K . i 1 1 1 H I . ' 1 1 ' I 1 1 i i M I H I M M I n I 1 1 M 1 1 1 : M 1 11 1 ' I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f ' ' I M 1 1 1
t T T ! t t ! 11 T ! 't T I 1 M 11 1 t I 1 1 t I l'TTTT
Ri:cKtui Dnivr.ns.
O. .V. C. Class lo Krt-rt I ounlaln.
tltlK. Corrallio, We. 1. tpclaL)
Th senior class at the orejton Acrtcul
turil Collese ba voted lo donate a
drtakln fountain to the collese a a
class monument. Four hundred dol
lars haa ba appropriated for the pur
chase and Installation of Ih fountain.
Most of tha work of Installation will
be done by the member of th class
raduattn la the enclneerln roars.
Cats Seek to F.llmlaat Objevtleaabl
realareo by Bevehla LkreBae
f Offcadrra,
Th Tortland Jlroey Drlra Union
will aeek to fore reckless Jltnay driv
er out ef business. A. A. Thiekl. presi
dent of tb union, had n conference yea
lerday with Mayor Albe and asked
hi support In th movement, which, as
proposed, will Involv rcomraBdallon
of Tortland official to fcecretary of
state Ulcott thai th llcnse of driver
convicted of reckles drtvln; be re
voked. Mayor Al bee promised aupport
la th movement.
Mr. Thick lo ay reckte drlvln I
burtin the Jitney business and Ih
onion want to t rid of men who are
responsible. Also they want the
license revoked of driver who nf
la Ih buslnsss for Immoral purpose.
Although Ih Jltnay union sun stanas
opposed U the reculatlon ordinance
passed by tha Council some time ao.
which measure I now before tb elate
Supreme Court on appeal. It I said
many of tha members of tb orcanita
tion and other Jitney driver now favor
lha ordinance. It I declared that un
desirablee ar yottioc Into the business
and damactn It to a noticeable extent.
City Attorney La Rorh said yester
day that ha la eipectln a decision
from the Supreme Court tola week. H
say b haa vry confidence that th
measure will bo held valid and that th
rlty will be at liberty to so ahead with
th reulatlon of th Jitney business.
Al present It I without regulation.
New Salt Kntcr Into Land Tangle.
rKSOLETOX. Or.. Dec II. Sp-
clL As a aequel to several ault
which have been brousrht acainst Mrs.
Oeorilana A. thinner by Leroy Kurnaa
and other Mrs. Skinner today filed suit
In the Circuit Court aitajnst Furnas
contestln till' to a piece of land In
I'matilla County over which ther ha
been much controversy. First Furna
brought suit acainst Mr. Skinner which
was thrown out on account of the
property beln In the name of Mrs.
Skinner. Another ult I pendlnar. The
land I In Ih west and of Ui county
near Echo.
Mrs. Daldnln la Invited lo Work
With Jitney CMon.
To cur th upport of th Jitney
driver In weeding: ont n member
whoa conduct with young; Ctrl I not
above reproach. Mr. Lola O. Baldwin.
superintendent of the Municipal Bureau
. r, . . i i women, will address
a meeting- of th Chauffeur Union.
Local ro. 1J. at toe iawr 'i""
morrow nlrbt. ....
Mrs. Baldwin h been extended th
Invitation to apeak by A. A. Tblelka.
nf fh titnev driver orxao-
tsallon. Th department which h rep
resent ha recently been Investigating
the charge against
- ... -. L.i tn have, taken advanta
of young i girl who hav been fascin
ated by automoDiie noiu.
Property Worth $100,000 la In
volved In Suit by Leasee.
Property fronting on Ptarlc street be
tween Tenth and Eleventh streets, esti
mated to be worth 1200.000. la Involved
In a ult brought In Circuit Court ye
terday by the Crown Company against
Ih heir and trustee of tha lat Clara
Th Crown Company seeka to ba re
leased from a contract mad with th
heir and trustee In 1U whereby the
properly w leased for 30 year. Pay
ment of I104.127.2S a th price of the
building erected on th property is
asked upon reclslon of th contract.
Th defendant ar Emma Cohn. Cell
Friendly. Jullu C. Friendly, Seymour
. . ' , . - v i, ' ',
Vr-'7 f 'aw i V 'v A M . V 1
i T y-Sr vWYfri
r," T
r. a . m a
a . l' . k . " i
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i ..r .-iAi:p
.-v--? ... y ;. j
FOR THE ' 'l
lit it . ".-
THE problem of the selection
of the handsomest and most
useful Christmas gift is most hap
pily solved by
S" - i 7
I? H
Ctl -
"' -ir? i tt ' 'I-;;
Space permiU us to show
bat a fw of th thou
sand usee for Thermos.
Bottle Carafei Jugs Jars or Kits For
Thermos serves them right Food or drink
Hot or cold When, where and as they like
Every member of the family, everyone on the list of friend
ship, from infancy to old age, either in the hours spent at or
away from home have innumerable daily uses for Thermos.
Thermos brings to them in the
Summer months all of the com
forts produced by ice, and in the
Winter season all of the joys to
be obtained by fire for
Thermos Is the Weal portable
tireless stove, performing the ser
Tlce of keeping Its' contents pip
ing hot for twenty-four hours,
and tha most efficient portable
lceless refrigerator, keeping Its
contents frigid for three days
and nights. The same Thermos
receptacle keep hot with out fire,
or cold without Ice, To keep
cold see that contents go Into
Thermos cold, and to keep hot
contents should be placed In
Thermos at a high temperature.
In buying Thermos for hlm"
or "her" as your Christmas gift,
you are 6electlng the Invention
honored with the Grand Prize by
the Panama-Paclflo Exposition,
and by like Expositions at Berlin,
Paris, Antwerp, Madrid, Seattle,
Vienna and London.
The high honors mentioned ac
cruing to Thermos were because
It Is tbe original temperature re
taining Tessel and has achieved
the distinction of being a boon to
humanity. -1"
nw-,r? nfn Thtrrmoa vetselt are note froli l all leading
dealer, throughout the world at from fl.00 up. Bend for catalogue.
I Will
tTTaaataaTaaata, afa. I laaaaaaaaaaBaaMs "" aal ada.asaaaaTesa fii.fTa-l as I ! "l l ttmmi awa--awawaaav.av.awa
I ll
Laaack Ride Xavy-Yard aad Baa
aet Ar to Be Provided for Garats
Who Ar Ilrlaralaa CalL
nrrros hotel men are going- to Seat
tle tomorrow nlg-nt in organized force
for a friendly visit to their brother
bonifacea in that city. The excursion
i to repay th compliment of a similar
Invasion of Portland a year ago by' the!a hotel men.
The Seattle peopl are preparing for
tha entertainment of their Oregon vis
itors. They will establish headquar
ter for them at the Fry Hotel, and
will tak them on a launch ride on
Dasawaafr &AH Tt A tn tha Bremerton Navy-
yard, serving lunch on board the vessel.
The party that will leave i-oriiana on
h rt.w R Jk N. on Monday nisht, re
turning; over the same road the follow
ing night, will be as rouows: nay j.
A-. . . nraalrienl Of? th MulUlOmah
Hotel Company and president of the
Oregon Hotel Men'a Association; R. H.
Veatch. assistant manager of the Ben
son; it. K. Clark, manager or me Ore
gon; Phil Metchan, Jr.. manager of
. u . tmiuriii' J. J. Psire. assistant man
ager of th Oregon; Mark Woodruff,
of th Chamber of Commerce; George
C. Ober, manager of the Portland; Dr.
C. W. Cornelius, proprietor 01 me wr
nellus; L. Q. Swetland, manager of th
Perkins; F. "W. Beach, secretary of th
Hotel ilena Association: j. a. oiein-
K.k manairer at the Eaton: VlctOT
Branidt. manager of the Carlton; M. J. assistant manager or tne mor
tonla; O. C Howarth, manager of the
llailory: E. D. Jorrrensen. manager of
. v. y n tv V whitman, of Astoria:
Jacob George, of St. Helens; Henry
Seer, of Dallas; Charles L. Baker, of
Corvallls: T. A. White, of McMinnville;
B R. Westbrook, of Albany: T. G.
Bllgh. of Salem: W. C. Glfford, of Hills-
boro; J. I WllKlns, or neppner; a. j.
W..H f Tillamook: N. L. S. Lowry.
of Esta'cada. and Pat FoUy, of La
California Worm Proves Un
doing of Oregon Fruit.
Ttay Kibbler Tbat Favored Beet
Apple la Blamed far Loaa of Frlse
at Fair.
I'holograph - Buck.
ri:Mi juiih ostihh ok ukc. 13.
Tfcls plcluresqu fkotraph of th . Crol Wa.hlnton. U C. w.s taken after th snowstorm. DfrB
Off Jial and other folk of Washlrrrton war surprised to find th. clly under a blanket of snow when they awoke
U i, TmornlaV Tal. vl.w wm take a at tb Capitol ground, and .how . th. Capllol Jn th dUUnc.
THE news has finally leaked out. ine
. - J l .mmunt Af a fTnTIfomla
M " -
...n, wxeated from Oreeon grower
th highest award at th lat Panama-
Pacific Exposition for superiority in
When tha awards were Deing maue
at tb exposition the Oregon display
was seven points ahead of all other
growers. "I-et's take as a final proof
of the excellence of the Oregon apple
. i r,,lt i-hnmen at random." said
on of th Judges. So and Rev. G.
j. Tuft voucne ior unis uie juuc
... . i . .. . n .. ii-
picked on appie i ranuum. iui
It from th bottom layer of tbe bottom
And in the apple was a worm!
No Inquisition was called to endeavor
to explain away tbe presence' of tb
Oregon apple were relegated to
second place.
n... a rmi A ha mora nit,nt
than to believe, a Rev. Mr. Tufts has
told us, tnat a Liiuoniia worm, dcc.-
. -.. . .., It t-nnlA find
had nibbled it way Into the heart of
1 . mwA ,kAWA Intr In
tn Oregon ajjy.o, uu vuc, j
reposeful bliss when discovered by the
hawk-like eye of the fruit Judge!
Let us prefer not to think that the
worm crawled into the apple to aid
In the prise-crowning of the California
apples! Let ua rather believe that the
worm had an uncanny discernment for
the best fruit that could be found.
But to think that It was a Califor
nia worm!
nationalists Meet Tonight.
-Schopenhauer' Life and Philosophy"
will be discussed before the Portland
ST'i rrrt
Portland Headquarters for
All styles of Thermos Bottles, from the
half-pint size (illustrated) at $1.75 to the
Thermos Auto Kits at $45 and $60, will
be found at Meier & Frank's.
Pint size Thermos, illustrated, $2.
Quart size Thermos, illustrated, $3.
See oar
bit Ther
moB display
torn rrovr,
Baae aeal,
5th Street.
'at" TMF TSV?F fW V liniJjiifiJ J '
We know no more sensible, more serviceable or more practicable
rift than one of these world-famous Thermos Bottles.
This store, which always specializes in standard merchandise, car
ries a full line of Thermos Bottles. Leather Goods Sec, 1st Floor.
mum wotLG cvy vx.
'Merchandise ofc Merit Only"
ries a full line
Thermos Bottles
All sizes and prices. Just the thing for all occasions.
-" M M KJS
.r m a aw aval mm a
pfiZK .-C.V.1I.WMJ. 70O-H0MF A 6171
Ration'al Society by H. C. Uthoff to
c in room A. Cerrtral
niK"vb " w w.-w.. -
Library. Th meeting is public.
Women Instructors to Play Ball.
Dec 18. ISpecial.) Women members
of the Oregon faculty are planning to
. . ii . 0..,4 hnnii to
have a DasKeioaii
compete with the various co-ed classes.
During the holidays the faculty players
are going to put in some strenuous
Marriage Annulment Sought.
PRJNEVILLE, Or.. Pec. 18. (Spe-
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Seavers, of Rich
mond, are endeavoring to have the mar
riage of their daughter, Marcelina, to
Jay Personett annulled. The young
couple were married in Prineville a
few days ago. In obtaining the license
the girl's age was given as 20 years,
but is only 16.
the Pair
Side Button, .
Imported Velvet,
Blue, Brown and Black,
Long Vamp, Plain Toe.
Morrlaaa Street, Rear Broadway.
A Very Complete
Stock of
Bottles, Food Jars
and .
Lunch Kits
Broadway at Oak