THE SUNDAY O HER ON IAN, TORTLAND, DECEMBER 19, 1915. 10 'la altenf la tk paralrg of tham. All thl .ok a lot of tim. patWer arvd oKk labor, bat tk young eludrnt ef ortxu:ur t,xlay :o4 la a dilferent LOVE'S PATH STORMY their rlaaa plav "What Happened to A Jones." Thl will be given about May 1. Plana are nearly completed for high ei-hool gymnasium. Tha Hchool Ueht bafor lb paopi of th I'ktM- Board will furnish the material an REPUBLICAN HOPE gaa country la fact, fee U bel;4 by he membera of the manual tralnln th entire Parlfle Caul country the gratat In, tractor ef In as la his "particular" tin. Ka Ik Iowa pe- itnt.ta La k a particular Bell'' of I.Ml tri:c iii yaurg ee bow. To swople f bi bom tows. t enatcke. which 1 tort4 la 12k limoii rival apple v;.y of that u Jl aou'.h ef and adjonine tk okefvcea country, are determined to hev tbis native ma se lect iatr eioititlon arpies "eeil lima." Th moral of lb particular leoa rocac Tee4 taaakt ' n ail la that It pay to b pyiicultr a If yoa live lr tttat particular part ef tb country department. unJ.r tha direction of Mr Heater, will conMrurt the building. Girl of 15 Marries but Jrate At the monthly meeting of th Par ent-Teacher Aaaoclatlon laat Monda Parents Take Her Home. evening tb principal part of th pro arramme ronalated of a debate on th object. -R-eolved. That a Curfew I -aw Lieutenant-Governor of Kan sas BeHeves East Is Ripe to Support Idahoan. Would Re Ileneflclai to HUJShoro. Th decision waa given to the affirmative and a resolution waa adopted aaklng YOUNG HUSBAND ARRESTED tha City Council to adopt a curfew law. A regular reporting staff haa been organised under the direction of Mr. Patten to report all school newa to lo cal papera and alao news of mors than Court D tar hart IXIan Aflrr Hearing local Intrreat to tb Portland papers. FREfXH OUT FOR CONGRESS Clrmrnaiancra TarrnU of Brldd Pllll rarer Salt of IUtbI gwala of nrid. BEE FANCIERS TO MEET 4 a a nottr or n mu rorirf a BORAH CONSIDERED L.IlrprtU le o IV Candi date at rrlaurtrt and ToM fo Mulor la Ravaltrd a t' . dVarw of Lively Itac. r.iii8i 1 fako. D. 1A Burtoa U Traaa will b a eaadldat for Repre eaatattv la Coagr bafor th K Diblkta srusarte ait year. TM eauamt U m4 ea eseel- laal i'lt'tt from hi etc political ad- iara and frteaj. Th eetrane af Mr. Framr let wi" "' soma af BolitKal sp-'tHcM ea rta Idako. fcere already tbra la ea eanoeweed ea4tlet fr Ik earn aoit:". I- I- fcmott. tt Henator (mm D.nnr rouatT. for BtiMf he aot a lit' i: apxraUEMa In poUtu-al tre a to at Mr. Froc' action would a Mi, f his rrl4e have urging Va to ra far Governor. At too laat i Kiffiut irt! k ee a raaatdat foe failed a'ate faatcr. r..r loo ervto aa Rpretativ i4. a.Caata.1. knt fa coo4 la .s. ia arkkra tlr wr four cal: ita. Ta f jitowlai aat la tha tor al af a a H.iali fo a . fr anaa aa lo4traiio at ' r"it ar4 inn ,rirti.r. Teal rak i-U .!' Jf la.-H flrat alrtJ l ff- In Vi. Ila ra-J la INa HtX jjtk aa-t . aawwo. . tfc e ,fMn atl kr ta t Tatl af I' Da . lf"l f-r ta aommalloa at lMom it. Ilamar. of at. AatfcnnT. kl tau4t tataaartl, af atala vi- aU ta P"t kin. tt "a kia ! at a tanna44 caottna that kro-icM aboil ta aa a af a atrat prfmf l tr ISa am ta tSa r" af ll r. ra aaia a (Mi'H for Coofa. hata a-a numiMl4 at tha 't primary .iaceloa. I la waa at.ta5 r " aoma plaTaity. tliH't tVaraa. nnkri.-aaa la Hah ara araw'oi aa4k-aiaat or tk auppoat fr a i or Darak a a iM c.i.i far tit flap "' a a tomliudu for rraal aat Kl) t-iar w aomaarkal tia kppalptaat that "aa rraaelao 414 Bat ria Ik '.loat coaaaatioa af tka tartr tBT afa mora tkaa ckar4 r tua m'nT-i af W T. Marfan. LjataaBt (Mnr af Kaaaa. party 1ar at taat laa. a 4ifctir af Ik AaoUla4 fraaa 4 rf tor aa4 af taa . MjCcKiaaaa. Kaa. Ml. V ra k J t crmplt4 a toor o4 taa Kui and k la aot witk a atata anl tal If lha Wa.t ta oJl- aala Ika kl ItapuMl'aa ran.!Mla tor pT.a 4.iOt It ,S"iM at bbla4 fanalor araX for t Taat lJaa ta t Waat f?r a aa.' itloa af taa I rr.w.auai m. aatlaav . f-iT-l la ktlkrra Rlaav Aft.r lwln th prpata of lha aaaaral ro..4t.a. h aajra U ma !! Ia :uril In bt ppr: Oaa r IR al!'', "4 a'a4.t af ... K.aitn.l.att t" aai aa tal wmaft alruna.r f.r a it r tnaa t a . I ka4 a.4 , aa fur li-al. a ta I k.4 mm a W.r aa4lt waI4 fail -. ! T"va btaaar aaM .: a.4 tay Na Trk a a iar' air Iaa any ia Taraw t: - !!- I 4 a ! na atary a ' Va4f d awii II iMa ta tt aa a a aaei .aaa aaai'nata a ni.Ui f-r .f Ik kt.a piar I .ara la-t vk tk flra kaliaT taulM llvraa t ! .a.'r aa' aa4 r par in :a-ta. ! a. I na.--- klt la atf r9tji i tk aai.a5:a. tta ataafa k:a ta tk raal aa a aaaa k aaaaa, a Ik . ai4 k baia a aa aal a a uki;tir vita t.a4 fra Ik :r aran4anl af ac aatll.a. tkaaa lb wm ka ika kaat aaa aa4 tk tart k a Wl favt aa4 aaa! ual a Waart raa41iata it a trar uma a.r laaa aar tkat Kaaaaa aaant a rn "IP-1 t t -.t aaa ka fiaar Kaaaaa. WU'laa Ha k i I 1 1 4 -J j: 1 s L . i . 9 i: BEING PARTICULAR PAYS iio or Amu nuie dcb to CXTKAL CAKE. Hoary R. Tiara, af ta . Watk, Oa Haar44i aa Qwtr, Xoao ta W t ky Xofa-a mtwrrtR. waji. re it. c !t ) 1 1 Bay a ta a partlc-atar. A tiny warm ta aa apvla) at tko Orco 1 1 klMt at taa rtiana Eipoaltloa coat a hla!y rnaatad prli. Tb arptajta aarar4 for tb worlef a kaat applra wrat ta rr. CoBklla at t&ta town, for bla aiMatt af Tto bxa of o:4 wtttaaapa. Tb.y war taa plak af par fact loo. tk f4 4cUr4l aft.r tklr ar4aeoa taa a of osamlataa Nblt from vry aoplcrwtnc aactioa la tb lalt4 SUIaa. Ts toaraaeaopta af Brawatar aa4 taa latoila wta.aeraa) krboat war In tllaa4 ta d xiitt( ICory C. Twad. a yaqaa alu4at of Waakiaartoa Utat AffTtcuitaral Col-a. wkaa fco t eat to i-t aa kiolt tor th Wortf Talr la a rraix-lara. Tonne TwaaJ eaarrlat aaea arialta rar laat po pla Uack4 at hlnv. T?i trttica da f Lara 4 ka u only waat lac lima. . k u.ol rt th prli anyway But tko yaanc aaaa b4 kla m 14. aa. M ra!H4 tbat Botwltbta4int tb stiaor41ary prraatlo taka ta k9 warm oat of orrkarda la tb Okano aaa Krvr coaacry. oaa of tkaaa atraaiaa' cVocanaanta of tb ortatnai a-v-nt of ta Oar4a of R4a mlarbt parctaar fear crpt la. Ha aot oalr wa articular to aoar4 tba prl4 of tba Okaaacaa appt ba !t acalaat any lin'bl, bsmiMatloa from tbia aooraa. kt amaol ta pay partlcalar alt.a tlaaj to arr tltt praa-aatloaary da kail H car r-a ' : y trt4 aa4 walTk4 aajsA) appl ar4 aaw t it tkat tkra w aot tba frartlo of aa agar 4if farwaao la tb wairbt of ,wh oaa. WU at4 orrbard'.t laacb4 rlcbt tkrof tklr whtakara wkaa yoona Twa4 aa4 a(aj aralaa ta wl(b tb applaa. Ko tnk aoor of tbir Jlbaa fa 4 aatarodly whaa ka aa4 callpra la rr ta bo aara tb naajnarainaata t tk T applaa w.r I4atlcal. Tbat 9 lrt!sc th b.t apptaa la tha wt!I ynif Twa4 waa o a(La fr41 aatll bo rot Harry Focr. rkaia aaaa aaaa aavkar af tb faclfla Caaat, lirPPC' AVitb tv. iaaptr Vkaraat Crawlar. IICPPSKR. Or, Da. II. (po rtal Ra. Japr Vlacvnl fraw foro. wko waa aara la J.fCarroa County, tni. Auao.t 17. raa4 ay at bla bom la tpor I .m ur la. h bla paranta ba cam to Oroa In Mil. Tba family act t'.4 la TamMll Coonty locatlnc Ut.r or lickoUa Frrry oa Ika Tualatin lUrar. bir. . rator4 marrl.4 IHliaVath X. tun;p. a atia af Uaa County, la 1 1 T. Tba Mow an4 chliJrn aur-la. Vaatar. of Inn. Or.: tra. Ltti Atb'rCon, t"r-aU: btr. Vlauda Jon. Cura, Waaa.: bl. (lartrada rarkar. irrpn: ;rfll4. r'ort Wertn. T.a.: Naal kB4 Otbo, ll.ppa.r. Ibat I fam-4 for Ka "bla" rr" applaa. It taa anlu .n to fln4 tba bat applaa la tk werI4 SIX VETERANS OFF ROLL lcriWanrt oat at AINan Hold Aaaaal :lrrtloa. ALBA XT. Or. V. It (.KpacUI.) How rapMty lb vatarana of tb CIU War ara paaainc ta ahowa by tba tact Ibal Blaa asambara ef Mf I'baraoa foal. No. t. Ora4 Army of tho Rapuklte. at tbia city. ti4 4urln lha pa.t yaar. taar4 . hi baa baa r-lact4 rommaa4r of tba poat for tba anauln, yaavr anj otfcar ofTlrara rkoaa ara: kV- Blor tkfCgmmiMtir, Thoraaa Ulaaa. Juslor lr-ommn4r. Vli;iam blyr. aartrttiaat.r. I.4ar4 Wuhbnrg- a jrt. rn-a.t.r a.r.aant. J P. :oif; rbaplala. J. it. Caraia: afflrar of th day. J. I- U-"aoly: a-rcaant of tna -oard. I. una; patriotic Inalractor. C. IL Waik.r. Frank It. Wfeaalar. Oaoraa W. Corral tv4 W. L. Lina war lcta4 4lata to th ran4 ncamprn.nt at Kuvan to Jon. 1)1. It. L. IL Tracy. J. it. Mia. Bar4 an4 fraak liaallnsa war aloctcd altarnat. ' HOOD RIVER BOY HONORED Mtilr Mllk-r Cain Note a rx-alCo-T of Arro Craft. HOOD RITKR. Or- Pot II Spo ctaXr ifalthaw Millar, who waa a l daat at tho local bleb acbool twoyaara ta, baa woa honor aa a d:n.r of aaroptaa. Ha llrat altract4 alias Hon by aahlbltlnv a mortal of aa atr crafl la a roataat amonc Coanactlrat todat. Tba modal Ia4 to bla aro plovmaot la aa aaroplana factory at bfarblrbaad. Kacaatly Pays "VMtnay or4rr4 aa aaroplan and yoanc MKlrr ba alcaod lb taak. Aftar tba work waa rooaplat.4 and Millar bad r. I urn ad to tb Marblrhaad factory tba enmpaay ralr4 a lttrr from Mr. Whitey coni-ralulatiaa tk.m and laclotnr rhack for a aabataatial amount for Air. Millar. EAftLT itnainriT op itri.t- rot '.ITAIS KAOKRLT AWAIT aft tt'darb A fl . W t "'r-. : 1 ,V' vf v if- , V -t at Ua4- frrla. MOXROIX Or, re. 11. 'pa claJ.I "facia pmrld Parla oftan alia oa tho Borcb, of bla BU foanlala ham watchlBV for bla da'ly tailor. Tba VracoaUa. H waa bora ta Indiana, D rmbr 1!. UJ. ar4 marrl4 MM Martha Crouch IK lobar 4. Itii. It nllt4 lo Company K. !, yr-tblrd Iowa. Auaa.t It. till. r4 la tb Wtrn DtrUtoa of ta Army n4 wa muatarad out f artc Aaamat II. l'ti. Ho croaaad tb plalna to Ora roa ta III! and baa rld4 la ta B:ifooatin community atn- 1111 Kia cblMraa ara Mra. T. U Flmpaon. Rallocf. Iowa: Joba C. fart a. old. Alkorl. Canada: J. n. Parla. Mount Varnon. W'aab.; Cbarl) H. Porta. Boitfoualaia; lira O. W. H amp bray. Corrajlla: Kra. W. 9. liumphray. BaUroBa taia. aa4 T. A. Parte, Easan. a a a PRIXEVILXX. Or. rc II. (Fpo- -LaL Jar Paraoaatta. of Radmono. Or- a younc man about SO yaara of aca. wai cnarrlad Dacrrno.r to a ar ea). n ilara. of Clin palla. Tb brldo waa IS y-nr of aa. bul did not har th conarnt ef her paranta. and th day following: th wrd.llna; tba Iral parnt awpr to a char- brfor the Platrlct Altorny to tha affaet that tornif 1'vraonclla had nticd their dauyhar away without commt At tha praiimlnary hearing bafor Juatico of lb Peace Bowman at rrina lll. Prontt waa dlachargad. It appkr4 from th erldanc that young Fer-onett bad . ba.n paying mark d attention to tha girl, but that aaoihrr young man In tha neighbor hood had e-cured tha approra! of tha parent, although be bad Dot been bbia to win th girl. On tb day of lb marriage th mother and girl wnt to Redmond, whr thr were to attend church aerr Lca la tba evening, but during the afternoon the girl left ber mothar for th otnalbl pa rpoa or viaiting a girl frl.nd near town, bat Inataad came to Prlnevlle met young Peraonette and wa anarrtad. returning to Redmond la time to go to church witk ber mother a though nothing bad hap pened. After church aba went home with ber earant accompanied by tho young maa whom tb paranta favored, where they Tinted for aoro tlm. Arter tna favored aultar bad gone and all had gone ta bad and oreotlm between midnight and mom. the young lady quietly departed and went to the borne of her wbar tn irate mother dlrcovered Bar. Th earenta war Inceneed at the failure of their plana, eo they forced tba wife to go borne with them and have rford to permit any communi cation bet arm the huaband and wlfa 0 J. C. PICKS DEBATERS r.Ric EtcLtsn, or po-itlad, oe or PAIR TO CO EAST. (.drrvy Hrar. of la Otka lynkrr M k Will Mak Trip t Martb DakMh OBrOrtV AOniCVLTVRAL coL- l.EviK. Corvalli. Deo. la. (fpc!aj.) Compallllve dabate laat night among th five membera of tba Oragoa Agri cultural Collage debating Warn reeulted la tba elctiaa of Godfrey it. Iioer nar. of RaatU. and V.tic tnglun.l. of Portland, to rapreeent the cvllrge at rirto. X. V- January Id. the eight of tho dual dbate betweea the Oregon Agrlcutlaral College and tha North Da kota Agricultural Coll'ge. Robert R. Ralchart and Pblllo TarUh. of Cor- vallta. war choaen to debate ber oa tb earn eight agalnat the man rep raaaailng the North Dakota In.tltu lloa. H. V. I lanvan. of Corvalli. la klt.roai. Mr. Hnemer la president ef the aid- d.nt body and baa had prevloua axp- aa an lnircxt!glale Or oat or in addition to being rolleae orator In bla frahman year. Mr. Enrlund waa a membar of the tro08: freahman de bating team laet year. The propod trip to North Dakota la tha longeat trip ver takro by a debating tram repreaentlag tha Agri cultural Colirga and mark a sew trend la forenale work. Tho mra d-btlnar at Fargo will up hold th negative of tho quaatlon. "Re ceived. Tbat the Federal Government ehoald Own and Operate All Telephone and Telegraph Llnea la th Cnltea Blatea." ARTESIAN WATER FOUND RAXCIf "EAR PR15EVILLK BCF.ME or cccEriL oper-itiosh. Eaeatewr f Croat Water Field Da. De-redl Deaaaaatratod a4 City t'.k aea ta ea-ar Bapply. PRfNEVIIJ-E. Or- Dao. II. (Special.) Artealaa water waa (truck laat even. Ing Juat before dark oa tb ranch of Sam emllb. one-half mil weal of PrinevU;. Aa eight-Inch well waa unk a dtetanc of S50 fret, the laat ii feet being through atrata of rock. gravel and quarta which waa overlaid for about ISO feet with a clay depotlt. Th water began to flow craduar.y. and within half aa hour mora tbaa loo gallona a minute waa ruahlng out and flooding th surrounding ground. Two other arteetaa wells, within on mil of th Bmlth well, bare been atruck within the laat yaar. aad tba auccaaa- ful outcome ef tb experiment at tb Smith reach baa demonstrated that a great artealaa waer field cxlsta her. oreat excitement pravaua and many people have matted out of town to wit- neaa tho novel sight. This. It la thought. will Vary likely mean artesian water for th City of Prlnavllle. as tb aleo trie aed water company bare been pro paring plana to alnk on extensive well for that purpoee. waiting only for th final outcome ef Mr. Smith's effort to get water. COXVESTIO OF THREE STATES TO . BE HELD IX CHER ALIA. ALL PENDLETON IN FETE Blj Municipal Programme Will Re Glvrn on r'rl day. rEXDLETOX. Or, Dee. 1. (Special.) Christmas cheer will -ring true la Pendleton Friday eight at tho munic ipal Cbrt.tovaa festival, when carola will ba aung by a well-trained cborae of I volcea. and the pavement Is made carpet tor a short time, on whlcb high school girls will trip th good old folk dance. Each child In tb city III recalve a present. The programme follows: Miss Elinor Vincent end children In float singing la lb buslnsss section of the city; trom bone solo by Frank Hayes; anthem. Chrtttmaa cbolr under the direction of H. Hl.kop: solo. Walter Rosa: solo. Miss Maria tlnyder: reading. Miss Oitvs Uwtna: Jumping Jack drill by high school girls under tho direction of Ca rl le Ann Royd: appearance of Santa Clans aad distribution of tb presents. latereeflaa Programa of Saeerhro Is Relag Arranged for feeatea Jaaaarr XI -22. CHEHAL1S. tVeah- Dec. 11. (Spe cial.) One of the most Interesting sessions of be fanciers ever held In the Pacific Northwest Is assured at th convention that will be held In Cheha lls January 21 and 12. 111. Plana ara about completed for a most Interesting programme and from letters received by J. H. Espey, J. O. Wallace and J. K. Leonard, who Is acting as secretary tor lha committee, there will be a good attendance. The meetihga will be held In th Cltlsens' Club rooms her and It la expected there will b present bee men frvm Washington. Oregon and Idaho. one of the features will be an ad dresa by George W. Tork. of Pand Point. Idaho. Mr. York was formerly nubllsher of th Amerlcsn Bee Journs: and at one time also was president of the National Bee Keepers' Association. k. W. EL Kambo. of Che ha I la. who spent many years In India, will glv a talk on "Tba Rig Biaca oee oi inaia. or "Tb Bee That Doesn't Go Into the HlTa." Mr. Weir, of th experiment atatlon at Puyallup. will be present. Interesting papers are promised rrora A. I. Root, of Ohio, and Mr. Dadant. ot tha American Be Journal. Th pur pose of th meeting Is to awaken the beekeepers of the Northwest to look after their Interests In a more thorough manner and to obtain If pos slble needed legislation that will pro tect bees from disease. AURORA MAN, 82, IS DEAD Martin Phillip Mnraalg; PasHrs at Dauchtcr'gllonie. ' ACnORA. Or.. Dc ll (Special.) Martin Phillip Muessig died this wees at tha bom ot his daughter. Mra. Char lea Kelt, at the ago of II years. Tha funeral waa held at the Kell nome and Interment took place at the Aurora Cemetery. H Is survived by tare sons and three daughters. Mr. Mueaslg came to America in ins. For more than 40 years prevloua to that be waa engaged In tha Shipping ousi aess on the lUver Rhine. Aor it years after bla arrival her he ran tha terry at Boone's Landing. Ha and his wife have made aeveral trips to Germany Sine 190. HOOD RIVER MAN HONORED Wllmcr 5Ict Honorary Member of National Commission League. HOOD RIVER. Or- Dec II. (Spe laL) Wllmer bleg. galea manager of the Apple-Growera' Association, ex president of the organisation, baa been made an honorary member of tha Na tional League ot commission aien. ins iimui invar fruit man I the onlv non- orary member of th organisation In the United btatea. ktr Hla' baa been Invited to attend the coming convention of th league o b held In indlanapoua. tie receivea this morning a handsomely Inscribed medal, on th face of which was en- raved aa announcement or hi ap pointment. TIMBER DEAL IS PENDING Options In IKjuglaS County Said to Krprnent $350,000. ROSKni.'RO. Or- Dec. II. (Special.) A timber deal Involving 1350.000 and 11.040 acrea of land In Douglas County will probably ba closed here next week, according to the owners of the tracts under consideration. Following the definite announcement that Kendall Bros, 'wer to construct a railroad from Hoaeburg to th line of tha L'mDOui National foreat reserve. Charlea Holland, of Myrtle Creek, pro cured options on approximately ls.uuo HUlsboro High School Note. KTLUBORO. Or, Deo. II. (8 peel aX) Tb Jaa ! class bar selected a Kodak Other suggestions: Albums Developing Outfits Views Autographic Backs -Enlargements A New Store and New Stock Portland Photo Supply Co. 333 Morrison St nl We know the Bush & Lane is superior to M We know the Bush & Lane is superior to any other piano and it's your duty to prove for yourself this superiority hy comparison In Our Own Factories We Make . Every Instrument We Sell. Our Product Has a World-Wide Reputation Bush & Lane Pianos and Player Pianos are recognized as the best on the world's market. Our Prices Are the Most Attractive That Can Be Offered Our warranty stands behind our goods and protects you unconditionally. ejj; c- - KuiivS&v Terms to Smt-Corae In CM. ugh&XanePtanoCOe Home Offices and Factories: Chicago Holland, Mich. Branch stores in all parts of the country Portland Branch 433 and 435 Washington St Corner of Twelfth acres ef timber, much of which could be handled over the proposed railroad. Cow Testing CInb Bcloo; Formed. CHEHALIS, Wash, Deo. II. (Spe cial.) W. E. Meyer, of Salt Lake City, Ctah, a Government "expert connected with the Department of . Agriculture, and' O. K. Gibson, of the experiment station 'st Puyallup, were here yester day and today assisting the, local com- mittee that is. engaged in organizing a," cow-testing association. Tho dairymen of the Chehalls and Newaukum valleys are taking kindly to tho proposition, and it is expected that a strong associa tion will be perfected. ; , f v ' ' . . - ' . - I; ,'. v.r.v-. . ' . : ' . Sensible- : , 'T-ibe aiitiful and useful, earns most' apprectatiorv: 1 '.-.--''".in beautiful' iffc boxes UJitKout adveFtisin upon them, - r ' cfotTttaimrv .orie, txvoor bur pair5 , ' - : V Infants' kiid CKildretig, 50 to 2 Box WMdirU S. A."bPhxrixKratt'tn Works, MilWaukoa' ' rV"f "ii ' piiiujiaa y arwrjaai