ttit: stjxday orrGOXTAX romxA!af oecembek is, idis. " JIBES AT GOVERNOR ANGER DEMOCRATS flood River Countr portion cf the -I Iambi Invar IlKhxr. lnclod!n Li etratrne of th rout between It Muliiwiuh Couolr lni and tb station or Vl-nlo on the O.-W R. .V lia. a roBjuH loiT by County Court Clerk Knt f.loamaaer. has been l:.JIJ2J. 1 ti sum ti countr h4 spool : for nnr bafor a bond io of t:j.e a rarrlad. feasor to 8', 1 ' .irL 4 atV .B lerma of loinntr maSe th people I I or llo4 luvr Countr la consideration I or otln th to4 lu. . Hansoo use adraorad for payment ot construction work t.-a iaa of III Ml M. IMl being Boise Mayor Has Fight cn His Hands When Police Raid Private Residences, tko eo.t otir IS bond Isau. la Countr Cera rhoamafcer compi lation) nut tartuH'4 tbo coat ol !! In track or th ..W. R. N. Com- I poor at Un4r Craok aad tha con- structto of fear alone lha corn- JEWELERS SI.VCE 1668 J J Ji if Nv Washington and Park fjr 1111 '' REPUBLICAN PRESS BUY F ttl.CTLO. 4 Jmcror ,r i:prtr4 to Join rrtr A-la and o to Pwt Own TW-krt la rrtmerlea tor Male Offk-va, -tSr. MiV. ro. II tKpariat V Ta0 P. Taylor. ,.( Auditor. . aavretary to lioimr llama an J of if last "eeate. nob nar4 la t" HUJr b ii at raMrt. na .' kacaa th euCitii'icr rmnitn fr R-P'aStu-aa aint lnrair Ateian-ier. War of la artiele from hi pea kara a.'rejy ereearef in trie reentry pro. The t"ct tla ibirt'lrr ef II cam faisn Kpubii.-n will roa4uct. L a. er ft(m I of Uairrnor 'italr far in.r-arc taxation la to stst In feo of M pfnin thai lm oti no re.tjee.i. The jfrna ar?r4 for too ipiornnf I. that tne tatea. if mi'. are d-j 10 tie ettrav-ax.e.-a of tn C"at (nmn.'lceri In riiliei heavy liii to mt county -. It Bow evtrfant tNat many of tht rTe,ceaiv will rrt-irn to ta party If tney ara aiaurel f-t thar are w. coma aa-1 mar kao a vole la lb arty'a munct'a. At th le.t cnr olactton Prv-a-r.iaa r nr!. a ! of K.lll for f'tta Auditor aiwt ! M f-r tftatr can- 1 ot for Ooamor. Ttm party eritn is Traata4 r rot. Wooao mr o ao Tfc-kaf. tt I dnbtftil If thm rro;rtilr arr attrmpta tn out a tlckat la tha "It f-x" tlo eatt rr:mrr r-npili. Ktf rKirmn nipn I mii to to f r a comptn orranit!nn. (ikr rr- raalr rartr Ia4r ara Altil It If raeorta rorloiJ hrro am ctw!. T.i Iniwritii- Frtr haa "M tha , .,. , i ? j i i . ) j I M ' ' Via a, A. Hr4ka4. TIt4JtV'K. tr. Iw. II t.tria ) tt. A. Brodhrad. wha w. wk alartcd laor ot Ttttamook. baa takaa a Iltalr I" trl in tha city'a affairs. llnc rn of tha moat procrro!r cltl !" for nubli: iropromnt l'ndr h!a admtniatratlon a now Cttr IUII la bain arcctaj. Thu la tha turd tlcna that Mr. ftrod haad kaa boon a!ct4 Mayor of Tillamook and ba baa aarrad aa Counrttmaa a turner ot tlmem. oony'a rlcht of way. Katlmata of thl I coal ara pUrad at aptroiimt:y mmEz REPUBLICANS SEEK Ml I'wicwfn aiartxf aa a non-rrtian on tha rommiaatoa VOTarnrnnt platform. I l t.ta rar(o mada br Corra t F!rb. of Lawiatoa. tSat an attampt ajaanvorfa ; t' ptr poftr po:i:l.-a at tha ntil of tha Narthwajt lJrtock Eipoottien. whan apaakar rWi.-u;l tha Ooramor ! Mr. 8b waa tho naronal rapraaanta . tia of ta chief ciaoaitv at tha baa- 'iat. aa Drawn Ftro. Tha llvaatsrk iM manararranl tRarli from any attamnt t ni ohti--a at tha bnaqtat. Tka tlcht , In ramarka aaUd to baaa aaan lr--t.l ( aain.t t.ia chiaf tarurlr war Drawn ,. b; aiarctao ef th ttato on tha S t 'l-l.a appropriation bill for tka llr. t aeorlt ). Mr. Crby lltad to tha ramark la aitaarn one.! tho paakara J warn throuh. m ba lclard lha f'Saa tfiractal at tha Coramor rama . frana '! poUtW-tan"; that ha bad no ano!otan t maha for tha rhlaf or--ttiaa. who. bo dartarad. had livad Bp to a! preniaa ef aronomy and waa an. tit'a-i t rrpa.'t. Tha it rartr-t aheit Mayor Ttob tnaon baa feaan rallad ofT. H-ra ha had miiil'mt.'H prtrataaida raa- .an4.a ut Dutaaa man roao in arm and cir-u!ata.t a Tya'l pat'tion to .whv thay ebtalnod 35 fiamaa. Than ( a cnmpcomlaa commlttoa brousht both fa-,ona teafrar. Tba Marcr ard f rail off prtvac drto tlra and to rptj.'ta ramark "ada at a maa m'allfic of Ma barkar to tha afrat tka ranll movamant waa atarra. by tha -!.-) and IItiot latar-aa.- Tbia at!pnrtlon waa t-r ratt na.i br raatt ntw.i.t Thar atan ir polntad a commlttao to Inraatlrata rharsaa a!nat mamhara of ha pollra farra wh bad baan oiYatad. to aa In laryfaw Mayor Rohlnaon uri ho Will coatmuo to aaforco tha law. . J WEST SIDE ROAD POPULAR rarifkc Illchway la D Improved l"arthrr by Coantlr. rjIJ.'. rr . iw. II 4iipvt.i Tha l:t Hido ractflo IHchoay will not oaporwaco mack tourist trns( call '. ! tap ara takan to Irn prova tka ruad. t-urio tha pt aa on pr--tlca:iy a! tba tr ttwaa Tortaad and otbra Offna lawn wa o'-ar tba Waat t!i4 II ibwa thranfk Nawtar. McMlnaylTla. rtla. ortalii, Monro. Junction Cttr and to '. lt! tha completion of tha tUc-Tlard rood tho Kni m lltcb way la la aacciisat coadltion. Thla waa tha last link of l roadway batweaa ortlaad rut Kiftta Tho Couolr Court of Waahinxtna. Tamhul and Tolk cniB!!a will ions bat tha blrb war wil markad nrifn aicnboard. Ta ountr touft or Polk County nlao 10 tand to i-npro ta rail, fm'.ia City and Mtx road to Newport. xonm tottio povmcut hold I OIK -T. tT AT ttBHTOV rarty la tXrtrraalavd ta WTIret .Xnat Carrnr and l-aalalatat Taro) aaro Arw Mrntloaod. lamriaTO.V. Iahow !. 11. Sp etaLr Republican ef North Idaho ara dtrmad to st tostbr IA ordar hat to alata will bar a Rpoblcan Uoraor nod Larflilaturo at Ita ait aatoa. ot only ara tba Northrn liapubiican daiiron of harlm aa lanit rprfttattoa from thla part of tbo atata. but tbay ara of a Ball In tha deair to p!ac a Kapublicaa la lh Uoyroor'a Chair, racardiaaa ot tha oction of tba atata from wblca b coma. It la nra!ly charfod by tha trad er of lb rrorla and Republican partlr thai Oovtrnor Moaa Al andar a admlnlatratlon ha baa n an atlafactory. Thar any that appropria tion that wr moat vital bay boa a reload: that h baa not reduced tho tat las; thai whll ho admiu tba f'aaibility of railroad coasectl&al North and Vouta liaho. bo la dome Bothm toward brlnclns about con (trnrtioa a b promiaad laat iiprln. TSt la ao quaation. boweyer. but that Uovernor AUaandcr will bo Doeao rratic candldat to ucco4 blmaoif at tb next actioa. Tb Republican aro still raatloc about for a tnaa who can lead tbeir party to victory and amona tbo wb haa ba tuenlloood are: II V r,yt. of American lall: Captain Pan, ef Boia. and Oaorx C. Crum. of laaliloa. Tba laadtn llhta of tb Repabllcaa party In Norta Idaho beld a lovo feast at 1 wist on daring l4o (orb nbow week. . W. Part, of American Talla. baa announced tt candidacy for tha (or raorshtp on tb Republican ticket and ha started a campln la hi o behalf tbrousbout th tat Adult Win Prraarrtlnr Debate. CXNTRALtA. Wash.. Doc- 1 1. (Spe cial.) -Koaoivod. lb at tba United 0fatea should adopt a preparedness piaa whirk will ca-l for Govornraent control ot munition factor!, a half million rttiaon amy and a much lar-r Navy, w a tT aubjoct or a obata at Doty Taursday oixht between tbro members of the Doty rrnl-Tacbf Atsocletiua and tbre htb echool pu pil. Tb latter wr Ilnbert dhamMy Vena Colemaa and Kull Abbr. Tb aasoclatlon was represented by Mis Ha Kslbo. Mr. Duplies and Mr. AMy. Tb latter arsued tba affirma tive '! of tbo questloa and war awarded tb decision. MINERAL COMPANY FORMS lae-orpoTnttoi to lr-yrlnp Aahtaad prinxa Itaa f I 0.000 Capital. ArUNT Pr. Doe. II lUsx-ul)- "'' Xadford part lea will develop Itth'a aprin here on proper ties adjacent to tb rlts mineral waerre. ArtK-Iaa ef Inoorporatloa of lbs rom. rad'r mineral sortnea were ttlad at otar. rapttaMsad at lloo.eo. A DT'nxhene and bottlins: plant has bean ereete-l and In ad-lltion to pavilion fea ture th waters will bo bottled lor x. ert H0QU1AM SCHOOL HAS BAND 1 a drat nrtraalxatlAO) Intnwil fndrr I'lrrc-tloa of Warrra Dallon. n3CTA. VVa.h, De. iSy. at. V TVarron t"tton. director ef the !:ikr band of this city and last yr pnaclpai of one of tb city a-rad s-noois. and J. :et. a masaher or tb :! band, hay andartahea th or iiih.o of a baad In the tlo-iuiem irirb y-boot. Tbl ta tho "rat lima a band hae tean anied In tfta o Mh s hol r. "'tsL conifrd on of the bt band director on Ory Harbor. w: direct tb Bear orcaniaatloa. 592,313 USED OH HIGHWAY If oral rtlvrr County ttlrnalo YAorW ow Co I am Ma I'onle. riCOn RIVER. Or. rXL II ;.- Aa.)aXw aoial eswt to UX4 A XAO r 1 9 t :i . a I I J' m mitto. v h, i.i.rcm r.x- VkCOO) M A XAlUlt. , V jew ii d a. :rt J. Iota. MABTti.V. Wash, Dec. 10 lricMLI Allbousa a reeident ot IN city only II months and !l oas-IUrl J. lu Lx was (lected Major ef Mablon la the recent alaction. J. M. Nelson and T. R. Rldaway were cboaea Council sea and A. C. Kmltb. Traa surer. Mr. Uuta ram her from Or- on City. H - naad In th mercantile buelnee and la one of the most prosrraaive younx; men of th city. M b taken artlv pM in ail nvie ma liars and woa (root popUrl:y. 9V wm A a J We want you to know this great jewelry store better. We want jou to come in and examine our merchandise and let us tell you of our methods. In justice to yourself you should give the mat ter of buying jewelry your most careful attention. Take your time about it no hurry. It does not matter so much when you are buying something for temporary use, but when you are buying something you expect to be used and admired for years to come, you want something you won't apologize for or "explain" about. Yon should bare ooraething made by a reliable maker and bought from a reliable house. Do not be deceived by cheap imitations of dependable jewelry and silver; do not be convinced that you can get something for nothing; do not believe that any jeweler can sell dependable jewelry any cheaper than we can. Come in and let us prove to you that the Feldenheimer plan is the plan for you. Remember that the Feldenheimer plan is the synonym of honesty and fair dealing. The delighted throngs of Christmas shoppers who have filled our store the past week prove our conviction that men and women alike appreciate our careful service. A Catalog" of Gift Suggestions From the Northwest's Finest Jewelry Store lip Ha 7! is. f k ef I mi Diamonds ,1771 Wonderful is ine amount lasting pleas ure involved in such a gift the certainty of quality guaranteed by the Felden heimer name back of the jewel the originality and exclusiveness of the platinum mounting and a gift with all these splendid points at a won derful reasonableness of price. Feldenheimer Diamonds are dif ferent and you can buy with per fect confidence. Diamond Solitaire Rings, $10 to S3500. Diamond Cluster Rings, $30 to $600. Diamond Ear Tins, $20 to $800. Diamond Brooches. $20 to $1500. Diamond Circle Brooches, $50 to $400. Diamond Lorgnettes, $50 to $600. Diamond Sautoir Chains, $250 to $600. Diamond Flexible Bracelets, $45 to $1400. Diamond and Plati- 'num bracelet Watches, J475 to $750. Diamond Ear Rings, $35 up. Diamond Slides for Velvet Neckbands, $150 tin. Diamond Necklaces, $30 to $1200. Diamond Pendants, $5 to $2000. Diamond Scarf Pins, $1 to $500. Diamond Rings for men, $100 to $1500. Diamond and Platinum Cuff Links, $10 to $75. Na- Cameos and Brooches Cameo Brooches $3.50 to $175.00. Newest things in platinum and gold, with pearl, sap phire and other precious stone set tings, $5.00 to $150.00. Dainty creations to suit every taste and every pocketbook. Sterling Silver The highest qualities only. Sugar Spoons $1.50 to$2.50 Butter Knives $2.25 to $4.50 Cheese Servers $1.00 to $2.25 Pie Servers $2.50 to $9.00 S-pc. Carving Sets... $7.50 to $18' Game Shears $6.00 to $9.75 Leg o' Mutton Holders $6.75 to $10 Salad Sets $5.00 to $25.00 Mustard Spoons $1.00 to $2.00 Lemon Forks 65 to $1.75 Unusual Novelties A pleasing line of enamel ar ticles, such as puff boxes, clocks, , cigarette cases, pencils, thermome ter cases, Dorine powder boxes, salts bottles, perfume bottles, tat ting shuttles, etc, etc. Hand-hammered sterling silver ware cigarette cases, vanity cases, Dorine cases, picture frames, etc., very new and most popular. Auto toilet sets in sterling sil ver, very compact, a dainty and unusual novelty. Sterling car ticket holders. Sterling pipe cleaners and other new and unusual things too nu merous to mention. Come in and look them over. . Clocks and Watches An elegant assortment of clocks for halls, dining-rooms, drawing rooms, etc. it $2.00 to $8.00 $1.25 to $2.75 $2.00 to $2.75 $1.75 to $4.50 Cold Meat Forks Olive Spoons. . . . Pickle Forks. . . . Sugar Tongs. . .. Tea Spoons, set $4.00 to $8.25 Dessert Spoons, set $9.00 to $13.25 Table Spoons, set. $13.75 to $22.00 Soup Spoons, set $10.50 to $15.00 Coffee Spoons, set $3.00 to $6.00 Orange Spoons, set $8.00 to $13.50 Also a tremendous showing of Sheffield Plate Gorham and Reed and Barton Silverware. Grandfather Clocks ... $75 to $350 Drawing-room Clocks. .$10 to $ 75 Dining-room and Bedroom Clocks $3.00 to $50.00 Watches of every standard make in gold filled and solid gold for gentlemen and ladies, $5 to $500 Exclusive agents for the world famous Patek Philippe watches. Our guarantee of satisfaction stands back of every purchase. COLLEGE fLAQCXt Ahandsome brons mounted on wooden shield, rep rrsenUnc all principal eollva and universities. Nothing could please your colleg-e friend mora. lie-C nn duced to. )J.UU CT BOWLS Very popular. A polished wooden bow U wlrh anvil mount- tt Cft ed In center and hammer cracker OtiSU Sterling Hat Pins These handsome pins in sterling sil ver make excellent gifts. They have the appearance of much higher priced articles. 15c, 25c, 5Qc Sterling and Genuine Ivory Toilet Ware We are showing this year an unusual assortment of this beautiful ware many patterns in engine-turned, ham mered silver and etched ware are shown exclusively by us. Persons Living Out of the City May Order by Mail With the Assurance of. Perfect Satisfaction OPEN' EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. 7, Mh'Mt K ,t( i It SIMM mm Piifj ". mm mm Mi Mb m m e w i at : wt ww v .l.ifUaJsMH ii IF i mm WIRE MILEAGE IS HIGH TCLcrnosE liej wAiniciTo.t MOILD RtUCU BOOK. na4 Pacia rosapaa Etlaato xao.ouo laatraaaoata la fee at tae Preaoat Tlaaa. OLTilPIA. Vuh, Dec. XI. (Special.) That eooush telephone wire la used by the I'acinc Telephone Telegraph Company la Washlntoa. to maae a ronnaetlon with tho moon and take eoyerai tarns about both tna eartn and ( satellite Is shown by ouantltr statistic compiled from th report ef public service commission engineer who are completing; ins valuation of Bell telephone property in tbia alata. Not countln: about leoo mile or wire In -drone or connection oetweon street wires and houses, the .Bell com panies la Washington hay Jtl.Si rail of tetrphon wire. The distance from th earth to the moon la 2)1. ISO miles. Of CM total wlr mil' 4j.4 mile are exchanse wires. 11J.7J1 mile wlra In aerial cable. J .! miles In underxrouo'l cable and 1121 miles la submarine cfblrs. . The racino Telphon aV Telesraph Company own ouirlaht pole and la part an additional ll.i. Trsnrhes Sua for underground cable loial I.ej4.: feet, or nearly :o0 mile. Tbee slatlslirs aro all up to th be Xlnolnx of ll. to which data the inventory has been brouxht. At this time there were lOj.tll -station or separate telephone In th tate. or one for earn II of population a shown by tb last census. Additions atnc that date and station ot other cotnpaal. It I estimated, will brtna; th present total for tb state to approximately t0. . son. a prominent rancher, were held Wednesday. Sir. Wlllsoa was born Uornlnr Sun. la.. February 7, 1171 lie came to this valley In 1901 and settled near Prosser. Seven years xo he married Sadie Jackson, and to this union three children were born. Paul, Denira and Howard, all of whom sur- rtve him. Besides his widow and chll dren he is survived by three brothers and two sisters, William Wlllson. ot OkOamoha; Samuel Wlllson. ot Uediapo- II. la.: D. T. Wlllson. or uranaview. Wash.: Mrs. Martha Lupton. of Gales burs-. ni, and Mrs. LJla McIUaaum. of aforning- Sun. Ia. 1 ECONOMY TICKET WINS OUT Dayton Officials Propose to Reduce Salaries of City Employe. DATTOtf. Wash, Dec. 1L (Special.) Tho omciat returns of the city elec tion held In Dayton this week show tho heaviest vote polled here In years In any city election. The candidate for Maror on th economy ticket, ur. C H. Day. was elected by a majority or 170 votes, and A. !. Cahill, on the same ticket, was eected for Councllman-at- Larro. It- K. llimm, on the citixena ticket, candidate for Prosecuting At torney, won the rrestest majority of any of bis party, with 1(0 votes over his opponent. The first of the year salaries or city officials will be materially reduced, and othsr drastic steps will be taken to cut down tho taxes. A. C. Wlllaoa Laid to Reef. prtOfrivR. Wssh, Do. 11. M?-elail-ruBsral eerrVce for JL, P. frlib Roechnrjr Poor to lie Cared For. KOSEBUrtO. Or, Dec 11. (Special.) -The "Jeff" I th name of an or- ranlxatlon formed here recently by a number of younr men of the city to provide for the "down and out-' prior to tha Christmas holidays. Nearly every business man In nosehurs; has iotned th oriranlxatlon and It 1 be lieved that several hundred dollar will be ralee.i for distribution amons; the poor. Tho women have arraased a charity- ball, the proceeds from which will ba arpllsd toward purchasing- sup rlles Xer tho aeedx, IDAHO BUILDING-IS SOLD fleeOOO PROPKRTV AT FAIR BRIAGS 500 AS SALVAGE-. Saa Dlesro. Chlcaso aad Keer Tork Ask for Minis ST ExbJblt aad Display May Be Sent to AIL BOISE. Idaho, Dec. 11. (Special.) Tha atata building that Idaho main tained at the Panama-Pacific Interna' tional Exposition has been sold for 1500 as salvage. . it cost 114.000. Commit sloner Cslsek, who has been in charge, believes that a good bargain was driven, because the state saved the ex pense of removing the structure. The Legislature appropriated SI0O,- 000 three years ago and created a com mission to supervise, the expenditure of this sum in making a display at the exposition. Tho commission will have a surplus of between $9000 and 110.000 The mining exnmu win De saved in tact and is considered the finest ex hibit of its kind. The San Diego Ex position management has requested the exhibit be forwarded to that fair. The state has not as yet taken definite ac tion on the transfer, since the business men of Chlcaso and New lork hav asked to have the exhibit displayed in both those cities. It is believed here that the revival evident in the mining Industry will re sult in development of many enter prises which have lacked capital to place them on a dividend-paying basis. For this reason it Is considered advisa ble to five the exhibit as much adver tising as possible, that those interested n mining properties can be informed as to the mineral wealth of Idaho. Med ford Grand Army Camp Elects. MFDFOJID. Or, De. 11. ( Special.) At the regular meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic. Post Jo. 47. this week the following officers were elect ed for next rear: Commander, (Jeorge eievUi ylcs-.gmmaB.4er, & X. rintw, Sr .: second,vlce-commander, F. M. Put ney, Jr.; quartermaster, J. A. Caldwell surgeon, C. B. Kent; chaplain, Hiram Bender; officer of the day, Charles Paul; patriotic instructor, J. T. Carpen ter. The following delegates to the state convention were named: Andrew Jackson, A. E. Newman: alternate del egates, L. IL Tucker and Alexander TroudelL Elma Shingle Mill to Be Moved. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 11. (Spe ciaL) The Ping-Pong shingle mill which has been operating near Elm for 11 years, will move within the next few weeks to a point in the North River Valley, near the end of the O.-W. R. & N. line. . The mill cuts 100,000 sh triples a day and employs 30 men. Humphre js Seventy-seven For Grip, Influenza, Homeopathic medicines when prop erly chosen go direct to the sick spot without disturbing the rest of the system. To get the best results, take "Sev enty-seven" at the first feeling of a Cold lassitude. If you wait until you begin to cough and sneeze, have sore throat and influenza, it may take longer. A small vial of pleasant pellets, fits the vest pocket. 2.1c and II 00, at all druggists or mailed. I Humphreys' Homso. llsdlcla Co.. 156 jrj;;jam eucset, iSaa Jprk, . BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE OF M AYR'S Wonderful Remedy Should Convince You That Your Suffering' Is Unnecessary. A million people, many risrht in your own locality, have taken Mayra won derful Remedy for Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas Around the Heart, Sour Stomach, Distress After Eating, Nervousness, Disziness. Fainting Spells. Sick Headaches, Constipation, Torpid Liver, etc, and are praising it highly to other sufferers. Get a bottle of your druggist today. This highly successful Remedy has been taken by people in all walks of life, among them Members of Congress. Justice of the Supremo Court, Educators, Lawyers, Merchants. Bankers, Doc tors, Druggists, Nurses. Manufactur- rs, Priests, Ministers, Farmers, with" asting benefit and it should bo equally successful in your case. Send for free valuable booklet on Stomach Ali ments to Geo. II. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist. 64-156 Whiting Street. Chicago, 111. For tale, by. druggists, tvsryjwhere.