The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 12, 1915, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 73

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1. r a' I. a;. IH'I1 14.
1 ! I -If.
I'-aiiaun. tAlMaa WiO'.r I
se tun
. .a. a aiaa af treat frv.nt"f
Ban m-a l t wnJnuea miOl to t
f-tn... aaj : '
n. j. ef 4-ii!. cri'-' la Awv.lea.
t i . a li. .( me-nariaa. i
a- wr- re-". I
uf ..oveiseaai w
Tj. aaase ara
-t,.. Jl. p.--ny Ua et Botat-Ie
'lYaira fl-! If'- vVlnl.r.
! t e-i" el ab-vit U' S tlria.
t i.t KDirtnl I" r 4nmlie el-
r. . ti .,.. wmIiJ w I
. -i t a riiri4' ri-wL way
J": -. a. tin co"t te fii
. t ij - l: .aa. 'rta1 aevuwa
, m::t sae'iil
.,oa-ut.R. atanvi-ic
.nt ri be .iaif'l at em
.-li -. . n seoer.l. ta aa
re in:4"4ir at-4 ir i le-
Ti ruual useful lnr 'vie- t
... .( -.,i-L..- a.'Doal t.e tfta 't
It - turit '
1.,.ii.n-' t Ci' ! P-'"'1- "'4l
I .:f. A il: iB-t prt
1 I rvun-i tPl pun
I-t kv i. v-t -t : rui.t.r.
wfto r-sorlt j t tvl"l
t.ins.l T4 pr.tK-"l
I. t eur.lo tnr-lJml 0""1
I,,!,;, t". .-fr ro:n?l-t. .!f-or..
v,.ni we-a t-: f an o. 4 l
tr ttft cool u.u m"""
f m-o-i o i-'-4 ''
T!; I. fraa. l:ftt
t l iu- of.a ''
i - l Jnrai .! Ii-joU
-r..i ..t. fnht lrfrlTn
r. .i...el- t. B'Jmr! th
. mo our author rit
tr.immi of a pch Mr
J.,,..nrJ t t1"
wa.a B. .t.rt...-l r b-..:obart.o
f.r In IU.
t"- t drwler
k-it Tt ' "
n 1 ala
uw . a., art. Wia--
,t ,f r ar:oa f -..'
.. I p'i - aa
VS1 t
r, a r.a.Ti.l ! ", p a.-a
. t . i I a lta'a4
t a ....r c.lim-a "f H...1-. . pa-aa)
., t-a -u'.a at .:. 4 I Ca,-
..',. M fa jiai r.:l-'a
t--i.5.-a i: ''-a ac-.a
;tirant. !. ;
- m .- t.ia K 4IH.. "f r
. I .n.-ii r.l.Jf:. a-t.ra "a-
f an.4 r.r... I ail; lua a..m .f !a "f
t..n a . wnaa t u.a ini"J. aaa
.. a li , -t a.a- 'an-'-
. ; .1 C 'v a tr.-nV.
.., , 4 . ..... i!. . ..I ' a "a
...A w f'.w ia t .'at a-
.. I ll t.1 u..." af L.if .Ooiil
,v' .ma.4 i a a
riat t-a mc.uua.a r
a a t. -nj.. i a an-l aj-.n an
,.or. at't a- atara m-
ptf 'n'l e-'i4 ma 1
4 ru 4 a-
ir. viaifltBW
Mfrttatt ta
..sit m r t".t .a.
i. ii' t v.t..i ;t
S la tSa .. f i"!
tnf 4aa-e w pa
.a..r ( Oa v'Lf
a af ta ataee.
ant b
.i m v ' ua aa.---- '
.1 w '. t i 1 hm .
I aa.4
r ra
n. a'.-i i t"il t a m.lf
n :.a e( ' a 14. 4aai.aa
rt . ..ii-' la. 4 tataue .a-n
!- t a.-"- i,-ii-mim'
a .i.ijt aac'.alu wa.
a .a
wa ii-".i "- ra'ft-i. -
ar. ' trf iii''l e"" a
Ti.:t- aa. - fciaia
l iat rat ir-.t t-"
I ..nn.ii'it p...t'l h-iiaoe.
a a nn -f . r a H i a a
- ha lir.M''.! a-an!-
i.l'ia in . . 1 I -.ti-rwa. af
i aa
in 4
-it.. ... ,ai:a "4 f-'im m"a- jia"HK
. - i4 a inn a a c"i a t-me- aTc
in-.l a-at a a- i-i.-'i., . eiin "
i.-t of eii'in' .n ta 'a t. it ri-;p-4 t maaa
i .l-i tii. m t'-a ira.j'f I II. :
ll a r. aaa tua ( tit I av-.ia af
n.'.e (i' fait e-u t. an- -a a a Ot
! n--i ''i fcat 4..-e-t fne P'-r-e
lirf .f ta -.a. -a r- -..iri-.l " Cta.a.
f a! -a a i f.".ttf ?i:a -f
,. k -,.:
f vr .4.
a -.i B . J . -
. e v nt 'i.
" t hi baiit I lla.-n :i
. a -ai J
la earn
.limr-i a'i 4 Cfa aa..i-.-t a.,
aa t.'ie a -t-. lni..t -ir tlk
. Mun -f .i at In. W,nt
a . la
...-i.i r' -a
f ar-, f.e IH'I nliltt i-v
I -4 a -aaa tn ai-.-a.-
il l l-a--i-. tn-arv
a -i-4 Wa--'-6
it-e 2 1 ;!.. J una
V . ha a. 1-4 i t
f e-aa ea In'ia-'ii n a t!-at-.-!
Irvnif. (a 4a4'a.
iw.nt.. itt- ae
:t. It:.; kilt tai ;at-
v-i. e rt : - tu-in L. m m ra a 1.91. l.-e ciri.irri
I.--4. In .-a At eiT ef tm aigc' 4.
vi. -n n't t"taa r l.hi tt.Ma a.
T- I aM-ene-aa iir-na.aal; -tea T--S la
I -:.m.n n.ii:i i t.l-i tarrs:w 'i.i( War
-taraa thaa'-r-i- r la 'hi fl-tat
i I rinamVf lra. i IB-rt and Jstua
l.nii, 1 tha ra voriiedies:
rra.M-al a, a: aru aa aara atasv
S . ni .-. IK ia -l;-n..:. ael an 1
ti'-."l. la S a ki in t-ta irtaafav. and
s -ii . a r 4 1 r In tt-ia a a 1 at. II a
. "-. in far. f r i"4 r-Miri - a aaat
r .e a" i- 1 e-iart; r a. j-i .1 ab. if ha kat-
-i.i I. t 1 I .t t't net "itiaU r-.t
a i'-.m r'4 'I an lla lara rarrnra ta
t 1 .nil w "1 fin .t a . r b a rar -v
t hi 11 i 1 a-e a,l '""Iu'H.t ha aaa at
in. i-iutmi a ir h.a f t i-aa
;. hi,. . .... ,,- ,vn-.el
a- i 1. In . -4. In f .n-"t-fm-'nl
W'l-S waary I A
n a -a) In a '.. 11 ri.:ir t
a - 4 lit at
aanaj n.ra aa
. n 1 fe 11 n
r-n..t t nw t. 1-1 111 e-'-ia. In'.rnere as Si
' i" a a r-i.a r-tiHc -4 ei4
I n f . . : n. h. t , 1 t an paa-w-i a 1 -M
e I'iii k .-aia b a : p. awn i m ..a rapid:-.
a. IVi'UV ne a. -a Bi' ij n ttlm-a t ta
ii anar. Da. - I l-i. 1 "W- ,a It
h i Ja.-e-a. a.arv . r'ta"! ky etker aa -tar
' a .a'' il,.i a-anoa. n- 'irnn ina
" "t a W. '" rap -4 - !4 "" .k-4.
" J i "" "l. tlia B 4 n-ir. ea t.i.
t a t" a-a."" k- ntmr4, ";t.l.'l aaua.a
?t. n i. . t.i a sit in aa an' k w 'rt
a : a -a i.'i r nwiint en-l tkere ia a Ian
.-':i I' saat mmnfi ea-r...aa.
1 -ii'i n-.i ef Is- ini-ni.r.n inmilkm
t. ir. T'-n ' j-rnrttfe -( a 4i-a wiii re"-!
laic t' ana'l -anaa k.ia; la l-.a m .r!t
r Mum ;a trie tlaaE-e: ba an. 4 asek
' 1 ! ' l. anr par; -l4 l....ia t.iat
a a e na.4 .-i- rt t. w-i...r- in d a
.' -ma riiwra. a-n.a .a l'i:n l-ie ennaa.
e is aa. ie a i l I A a. ana i! la 4 thai eta
fi pi-aiia. a -rt 1 n arir ta i- b -a la
ai. 'i-a. ia a aa ta raf-e (aha Bae-ia t
a t.iaatri a: iiafatt aa a "traasa."
Vlr vrrniar a -jrfc was written la
t. a Aa.-laa. Ca L
ate. far sua- Maai If !..:. .
nnM -4 B' ' ' "ir.a tf.
a 'ru.e Sit
ina. a Ca-
pan f. N.a 1 .' Cl
C: la stared thai all proceede from
1e Bal. f t'S lristrr pov go
t jw. i a "arut: f.-r . hiije.n a the
j-o i""!. l.i afts a our aui tor Is inter
est. I
"Ie rioi-loe Vara ta aat oratv a S'ory
af ifia !-. b it ana f appaaliar. its
tatlatUj Ict.ratt ascfirs Its a.lfara
aat of i:t! ertiid-ea It has
a profa1 Christmas picture ef ar-tt"-J
T!i e-ea 1 H a -ff smburg. a
nnift,-tar'.3j Us of Ml. )! Icbabl
taang ia IS rc'itk, rr- Wal Is
. - - 1 1
i,. i,-. .t Tro.h.f X,W;
t. .p-aa- Tm ,.lviW4 -tUi-' .J Y.---:-- I
t .t. "- rs
- -'. VP"L 1 I .."I In
a-was KACoutrN .-
hr" - - -f--c-tHi KNr
All Philosophy is Divided Into
these ih'ree kin ds Her Dssigin is
io seek out truth. Knowledge,' and
aatu. oarajrheJ iircron In Ham.
aura, and ona of ht rat ecneme ta tit
aatat li.mnl thr of a conlacloa ward
or ttiMrm bo.pltal. btit ta poaal.
bilitr of t!iit bain- orsanlxad ana
Uita dtAt.
"Tlns-a ttne-a ImiT" toum a te!
rKora rjll. lla t'omfart. Ir. Ial'
d atrx t ncrt-. honad that ah hd Jut
d a-nT.raJ a I'tila by. rridrntlr aao
don.d. auCrrtntf trnm diphtharto. in a
nay aha a. ho tha r aaa ah
did not anow. Ir. Ia' arrive.! and
u - ...n
i I s " I I I r I
tr( '-KjjA ; ; 'v til
fj. V-a I IL-J- ' - ' ' " " 'ii
fojrd tha Mil boy almoat rhokm iotreted reader.
drain, aiwl by a rromM jiu-al opera
trn a aaved hi yeunf patient' llfa
ow. aaerAl tftra preiou4. I r. fen
tiat a rntan.- a'l hta nwn. when be
aa. a uus mritU'll attldrnt In New
lork ite. II wvtuir lod a rooM
fciria and ae atira alfe load btm. hut
lie waa J.arrai.l poor atad b deter
mined not la t:l bar C h.a ln until
fca had nda bi wa In Ih a or Id.
-o. l iar arift'd apart, lie heard after-1
warda thit bis aaeclhaarl bad married
a heal ' rion they both knew. J jat
Ih'B le aan found a patient, a frail
yoonar an-ari a 'i as a irTarias from
spinal mf imtlla Aa aha wsa frteod-
leaa and sle k. and aa be - l.hed IO
altoa b'a o.l aaeethearl. Ir. l-ean
titarrtad Ibta sirl. Mi betaro a con
Brrned tavalidt her mind grw to be
a and ah wa moved permanent
y ii a sanltr!am.
I: t. t- ret am ta tr. Iaan boy
tb ai. k rb.ld b bad (ourad ac-anddned
apparently, la tb shack a ho was he?
1 r. 1-aaa invoked ta aid of tb police.
aa-l the boy waa nursed In a negro
iitnvomtt) bora. It wa discos-
lere-iht lb boy wa Ih only soa ol
'llri. ;ia4v Clark, of Near Turk, who
w aa vt-it.r. bar brnrtirr. a rvaident af
Haru"iurtr ilrt i !ark. alius, avid I'r
t-aart fx. t and b diarovers trial sb
i.a his lost sweetheart of madi'-al -student
data i hrtaimas dawn, and Ih
mothers of llambur- atv 1 1 .) to
r. Ieaa la build anj eqiip a chil
dren a boarital.
How ili'l lha llttla Clark bay coma
la b In th deaertsd ahark? II ran
e from boo a. to e lb rlty sights.
and. Inainc bia sty, to rest- w
aertl IrMo the
r 4 ateii Mn ta thai "tear ISIS, Su-.r A
KUtnt'c '1. a l"t K l'J.
Hera are several raleadars. wall da
Bisned. liVarlr prmte-l and llluatrated.
and ttrh attb a iltabl motloea to tha
OvCa nor
"Just for TodJT" la a calendjr cf
New Thouchl. rent written and
rooapiled br Iteiea M. IVirali. with
New Tboosbl two l toe-, by well-knoao
arttera of that re: movement.
la tootriall Calendar.- by Waiter
Camp, on of the' "daddies" of Ameri
can (ot'a 1. la ll.ted at cents, and
la outward appearaa.' represent a
loailSjtil. a pen tally la color.
"Tfta tir.cer Calendar" I ry f'annlr
Vlerrttt rf. author of 'Tb Itoaton
to-iklna" School Cook ixk." with choice for evrtjr tlajr of tb )er. Mity
ina 1 ... . - 1 . . n .
.... , . . i. r n
. pl4 by ..taham In I. lie jr.
flo!t-. ot " . 11 e r ;n nar j .
acvl '. N. ... and each aheet haa quo
ttioiwa from th artllcss of several
I'VP-C ITt.a renla
-Tha I'Kkena Ca'.eivlar. each -heel
batrtf a quotattoa from Charles 1I k
na' works. ITlc i rents.
Tie ceneral plan cf thea B calen
txt I- thai they r tons I at of a
Ii. for v h w'k of tb year.
Tw H- - a ' Calia tara fa ltlC. Jabs
Uas Ca. New Nttr.
These two calsndars have rhymes by
terben ta-ock and drawings by A. If.
I'l.h. The larger ef th two reassures
IIS Inches by IS Inches across, and
I Ih tev.1 i tr.aita up at ain m
I marionettes In color pa, th trasl-
I comic story r-etr.g; of nearly th sam
ralur a that told in ! epe-ra
"I l"liacct Thi caUndar l ej'4it
tatcfil it aprearanc. and I rreant
for adult rsad-r. Ther ar IS sheet,
or for each month of tb ar.
Tb second calendar measure t
Inche by Jtuhe. and the plot tod
by lha marionette ta mush tha asm
as liat In th larger caleredar. ta this
smaller on ther ar alao IS pages,
ana for ejeh month, with space for
th ensasem.ois of ch day. ITKe
;i cents.
1ke rsaae al.adae aad iNaer fa ISIS. y
ir J.iva 4 alasl. I'aal .t4sr A C.
Baa I'r aaa ak
Quite aa unusual calandar. tt has
one leaf fvr ery day In 11. wtth aa
approprtal quotation stol:iog paar.
t-mg tb data Tb leave of this
etary are detachable and are supported
by wire, along which they ar p la red
m 11 lr?i (rtBt, la t&U tcsBBtr etch ,
Jfoti a t'yne.
Sfrs:Sfc?7en S. Woodruff, SZ?ry.
lay I before the owner of the calendar.
Tha latter contain alao tnaaaas oo
(vear from each of th :i 'resident
of th L olled btataa.
T; para I XewaDapav Marlea. by It. V. Bar
naaioa. II a Uina a Co.. Cnicaca.
Viewed from many anclea, this book
on ntwapapair atorlea i a profound
rurloalty. Tuer are Zl raves of II
and rrery pas la worth readme, for
th a irprlaa in store awaiting tli In
Kur one loin; Iho human vlew'tolnt
I rry much In evidence. lo th stern
ii.anra of the Judge, mm led with th
ptrttatlon of I ho frlrn.l. "Abo. alter
all. tan jKlce neaainper stories? h
on luaa alon ronstittilea th ao'trt of
laal resort, of last appeal, befor the
literary appeara In rlnt
.Ne eajarlly th aul'ior of th boo k
and as Io la human and therefor Ha-
bl to err. bis Judgment la not infalll
Tills much In Jusllca to Mr. Marring
ton. Ilia hook Is what lit till pas
rnpe: Typical Newspaper istorles.
btorie selected by n method known to
Mr. liarr.ncton. presumably, ar culled
from several American nea spatter and
shsrpiy criticised. It Is also fair to
conclude, however, that after carefully
reading the newspaper alorla and
Mr. Harrington's comments thereon
bla list of nswspapar la not repreaent
ativ of tb best In America, naia
par where tb production of th best
of Beast aper stories Is Insisted upon.
I mean off leva wher poor or Indifferent
stories lead to polite but firm Intlma
lions to tn aritrrs to look out for
new J.i:,
Th book la de.edly good and re
freshing to read, for newspaper style.
This much I crferad In all kindness
and good wilt, from on newspaper
man lo another,
TV .arrhlleelaeai aad IsaaVapa t.ardeeie,
aat lb I la-int a. by tenuis t.ttrtat'na riil
tin!. Haa4auaalv lliuatrated. I 1'sal
I. 4r m l av. sea ITanoaco.
Mr. MutlSarlt I architect of th
Court of A a and mrrnler of the Ar
cMtectural Cortimlsaion of tha I'ananta
l a Ifie International l.-onHlon. Mn
Kt ancle- o.
Thi book of ro pasre Is a msBrUn
cent pictorial survy of th most beau
tiful of the architectural composition
at tb expoaltu-n referred to. It is
also th trow of high art ami fin last
and Is sure to b a general 'favorite
hot only at th present time, but In th
years to com, a hen the a lories of th
espoeltion are spoken of In ordinary
Taa gels isr steak. Wllfsm I.udlum. tt
I la.tra'. o. P. Iutnam's pons. ea
1e-k Oty.
Have you ever, with a pair of scis
sors and a sheet of while paper, cut
out funny paper dollies? No?
Then here's a boon that IrUs you
ht lo do. It Is splendid. l sure
and follow suit.
If you ar of mature age and have a
belter half and a home, but do not hat
cr !-. :l.iro adopt one rhild. You
wilt rind nia-v a pitiful little month
lo feed this Winter.
Haw t VrH Mavttag-rtetar rial a, ar Will.
IS-n la s liaMan. rrvipeil edltloa. The
At o Publblag Co.. t'ioclnneil.
Ti.ia a hook that la sure to win
commendation. Kvsry feature appar
ently of ibis new Held of work Is fully
covered lo this publication. A list of
nim-prod'jctnff companies who are buy.
Ing py. stating the kind each on
wants. Iss furnished. A first-class
book in every respect.
Feiter af I am Art aad Lageaa, by flemard
Ii Uatbaek. Illustrate, io csata. Paul
klder tb Cav, aa rraaeisea.
An eloquent appreciation, written by
true proa poet, of the glories of the
exposition Just closed ai Hj.n Francisco.
A friendly Introduction la fumlshd by
Krank Morton Todd. A little book that
Is ad art delight.
a is chrSaiaaa Caavwlheaa. Yr Ree. Hennr
."-acs 1 tin 41. iai Luirsl;jr i'r aaa.
Jieej erk Cli t.
Mm chapters of practical restate
ment in tern s of present-day thinking,
written by th minister In th Madison
Avenue l'resby terlan Church, and as
sociate professor In th fnlon T h so
lo c ! al Seminary. New ork City. ZIZ
teas Assevsraa VI eextrctaaaVa, br Ceerce
Wka.-ta Jama. Si. iiiustrsicd. A. C.
McVlarg A Cav. Chi.sga
On of tba books of descriptive In
tart along tb Un of "be America
nrst, Our author write notable
Iroductlon. s-ivlns; M adJresa aa
asadna- Cat. The -Illustrations are
many and attractive. Thn paicra- r
I7, Including an Index. Crater Lke.
Or.. I honored by a whole chapter on
Ha attraction. The ruder ia ahowa
limpse of what America offer of
antiquarian. scenic. treologla ' and
ethnologic Interest- A book, for which
therv h been a lontf-exprewed want.
lasael af Ta-tll aaa) the Maklac f the
ataaatob Natlaa, by I -an- U HlunkaL
li.usttatad. U. I. Patnam's pom, '. Y.
lramatli ally and corr-tly presented,
this record of Isabel of Caetlle. the
patroness of Chrlniopher Columbus,
and alao tha ancestress of tha psDtsa
Harsburr Una. Is worth reading
throushout to lis 4I2nd pas. It Is a historic contribution, shed
Jlna; new ll(bt on th troubled years
What la rbrlattoa Heteaee by Thomas ir. i co:a Joaa Lana Co . T.
A friendly, well-written, simple, con
rla statement of Christian Science,
almlna- neither to pt-ejudlc por to
mak converts, but sure To Interest the
ordinary reader and also the man In
th slroet. Mr. Wilby a)s thsl he
writes ouislda tha church. His hlt
ful book Is a new departure. ; lJ
Why aa br Maf(-rl mr. tl'l.
I 'ua:-lr.l. Ilrenl'a latcrtlatloaal Ulbrsry
Co.. .N. V.
A rrfrrsMna- novel that I a delight.
Tls heroin Inherits I3900 from an
untie, recently deceased, who In life
broucht brr up too strictly, the takei
a hunt:alow at a New Jersey riumme
reaort. meets a shy. lonely man. adopt
a child, and otbcrwlao makes bored
The Old Testament la lb l.utbt ef Today,
br k::.nm fraJerlrk llada. 41 Ti. IIou(l
tun. a .o.. ttualon.
Our author Is professor of Old Testa
mcnt literature, and tha Semitic lan
ruac In th raclfio Theoloalcal Bern
inary. Kerkeler. Cal. The bcok (one o
tha great uncut), extends to tit,
and la a valuable, critical, palnstaklna;
study of nioral development. In wnicn
the Hltile la t! corner-stone.
A Primer of peace and War, by Charles
I'lafar, it. JM nO cents. pace, a bouk for
the times alom tiie orinclDlrS or Inter'
nainn.vl mnrallty. edited for tho t'athollc
N.H-i-1 :ulM. and teatlilns tbsl tp. 1
ear la In no sense neee.ssrv for tne preaer
vallon of ticbl anil ttranunua qualities In
the race' IKenneily a rtons. Near lorkl.
Vlnleiia of p-re Lachslse. by Anna 'Malllnr 41. -a urllcste. orlslns
l-lealiulloii of llm Mocrauhy of a girl
tttinkea Campsny. !s r ar orkl.
Vt'bat la s ChrlstisnT by John TVsJkrr
Pnarll. St. a clr. manlr discus-lun o!
moral qualltl- s. a lui-h iouIiI dlsllnsulsn
modern lean aiio baitcves In Chris
tlanliv. alth sve.-al srlunirnu as to aa
eealth aiid the rlinrrh: and t'hslned L.lf;bt'
Bins. I l;aiph Oraliam fl
ores-nt-ilsv story of a'lventitre In Mexico.
of imul Interest to telr-raphcrs. stul ran
rusu nun iMacrulllau ciupsny. X Vorkt
IVnm Whn In the Lsnd of X-aJ. by Cars
And. rso:i Vsnderbllt. Illustrated, a small
rnild'a atorvbook: Tha Lor of a Noncootbat
am. br lluracs lirc-eu. 4I.;."i. dramatic thrill
Ing accoonta of ins ar In Europe, written
by a etaff correspondent of the New York
l.vetiins I'net and siec:si corraspnnaent 01
Lie ana ion Joorual (HoufUton, Miiiun t-ora
pan. Huston),
Throuih th Nursery Door, by Isabel He
Kensie. Illustrated, floe verses and pictures
fir children (Keal 1'ubllshlng company,
.Vaar York).
Alsaka Pars TA-ih John Mulr. by H. M
Youtis. II. a book ef matcliiesa. grsphlc
evrailenee, with vivid word pictures of John
Mulr. the famous explorer and naturansi
tKlrrnliis ft. Kevcll Company. New torkl.
Tha c-reatlon of Wealth, by J. H. l.oek
wra... 11, a prsctlrsl solution or business
pti.l lenir. w 1 1 rt nienjern etticiency meTnoos
an. I) l-l aud spplled (Hland. a rublliblng
Comiiaoy. t incioiistli
1 1 -art s Content, by Italph Henry Harbour.
II . so rnsseins lot' story for s lisppy
hour or lag 1 LI1.pin1.-olt. Philadelphia'.
Vtar sad the Hreed. I.y lavld Htarr Jar-
dan. II ka, an esoosttlon of toe well-known
I'ftni-lBlva of Wila publicist, leachlns the
relation of war to the downfall of nation a
point aver anlrh mere la ur.ervertiy mucn
dispute 1 Deacon l"reas. -j lteacou street.
tMik laer-u. by 1'avld Tod llllllsm,
II ii. a first-elaaa romancs of our Clvd War
of the i;'mi. wltb ee-eues In t'rntral Oio
and Virsisia (Stewart A Kldd Company, On
cimiatl t.
Tha Natural Order of Kplrtt. by Laiclan
C. t. raves. XM. a deep, philosophic pres
entation a:on line of pavchle study and
eat-erlenc teoerman, Krancte i Co., aaostonl.
Cod's Man. by Oeorce Bronson Howard
a boval of aoisbl litr.-sry wasltb and ro
mantic interest, but loo Ion drawn out
iliobte-Merrill L'omuoi). Indlanapoils).
tannin. Preserving and Jelly klaklnc. by
Jar.-i it. 1:111. II. a hanly book for tb Utile. Ilrvwa A Co.. Uoalon 1.
Teaching In the Home, by Adolf A. Beale.
n. !.. SI 23. a valosb.a contribution
eiioealional excellence, leachlns how little
rhlhlren may ba led Into familiar
tion with lha elements nf real knowledse.
ar.d iiius besln their formal educstlnn
a point fur beyond the -u-ual In children;
and I 'rink and lie Hober. by Vance Thomp
eon. II. ael.-auued. sane se of Idess a
to lha seine and losses of Indulsenc
Honor iktoffal. Yard a Co.. Sew York.
The timry of Itiehsrd Trent, by Msry
llnrTilbre.ok Cummins, a splendid, tnovms
story alone lir.ea of moral uplift and Chris
tian Hclenr truths (Imvla a Itorm. Iloatnnt.
lha Yellow llot. br Geors Ofliba. 91..
an excllins, ep:andldlv written alory of
secret eervice activity In ear. wild scenes
set in yui-tlaad al the present lime, and
with in) 4.1 re pi-d on mystery. Haialiit
t'u-.ea. by uiaham II. Taylor, tl.i't. Illus
trate.!, an etudv of American In
duttal suburl-s. with scientific teaclilne as
to the new ectrnce i-f town-plaxiBln. with
dlecuaslnrta of various tasrl and cities.
such as Pullman, Oranlte t tly. Usry and
Kb I rt le d. started bv lnluslrtal establish
ments in lha vicinity of larce cities, sx.t
Pss-s aubllcafflon of the ut most public
Imoortaree. Asticultnral trommeree. py
tiruver tt. Huebner. asalatant profesaoe of
transportation and commerce Wharton
behool of Klnane and t ommene. I nlvcreif)
or penusvivauia. ia4 psca with Index, ti,
an Important bxavV: deacrlblns tha commerr
of b. I nlted HLat-a lu Asrleuiturat proo-
acta, apeilal atteatlnn bln given 10 those
theses of trade organisation which have
10 do with lb distribution of farm com
modities tre-m producer to consumer tD.
Appleton Company, ew tnni.
An Autn-ailotrapny. br Kuaara r-rpie. i.
the sinuB-ing story of sn auto, told by ins
s-Jtn itself, and bow It beesme mixed tip
love affair 1 Moffal-1 am a Co., ew
Amer.tan l'is- Iloe.k or Hugs, nui-
te: flies and lleetle. bv lan Heard. Illus
trated. U iMppinr-otl. phlUdelphial.
ba..e ve br Avery Hopeood. f s
novel of poeitlvr) fun Sadie Love marries
IT, nca Psllaviclnl, when siie ousht to have
nmrried Jim YVakeiv. snl tilings hsppen
tt-vn Company New Yarfc .
ha ll.vsai.ty of the Trial or Jesus. l
Jotin K. Klclisrds. lawyer and critic. PS
yaces. a legal prraentat mn of trie facta re
latin to the trial or Jesus cnrist, betore
t-iiaic. with no sentence In it that ran be
construed as objecllonablc to Christian laity
or cl rg a wise. Informing- book that It
la a literary curiosity (Charles K. George,
New Orleans, la. I.
Cssavg and Speeches, by Charles c. Pbwss.
2. 4JT pagea. a notable book of much
personal interest, Vane point or a Olstin
gulshcd young American publicist who died
recently In Ilia uiid.t or nia industrial use
ful nr e Uou.hton-XITfln Company. Hoeioai.
Th Wooing of Hoaamond yavr. by Bart 11
Itun-k. 91. -e. th smuslng. esyoysol love
story nf a young woman employer whoae
love letter were written by tier girl sec
tary, an ling I is a navel (Dodd, Mead A Co.,
ew Torkl.
Tbs Ksi-torle. and other lyrics, by Msr-
garet Widdemer. 11. law pages of readabls
poems of current Interest trvinston Com
pany, phitadetpbts).
Songs of Hop. t,y isaberca .-v. rsyior. u
cents, poems of cheer and optimism (.riher-
nan. rrencb A Ce . tjoatoni.
lxt A Co.. by will I-evlngton Comfort.
1 1 ; j. a novel not of war but of ships
and adventure a rousing tale; eearchllghts.
br ltora-a Anaearey Varbelt. II. a talented
play 10 threw acta, with aceeee in (.ngiaod
affecting the present war;snd Collected
irlplonistic taocomesis. i. .on pages lei
lha first lima th reader Is rnahlrd to
Mssrrh or) iuJ ar-ortfft and twurcf- for tho
cau-str of th pr-fit r. with Uli'tomatlc
corrttyoudcrr of Omt Hntain, i'rmuc:
(irmov. nisluTJ. :uafta. rrbl ami
AugCsxliririArT, atMtj prtfittfd unatr (ha a u
thorny l Kloff ramarda official atatlonory
o'lW-. a vaittabU mar iuly (Gorv II.
or.o C"uT.aii. Nw Yrk.
Tti Tr Eit fur or mm carncria
RnlowoiiiQt for lDtarnatloDal Fac, 181
pa, a v:uiM pr ' book. (Z Jackaoa
jela-w. V-l-lDfto. D. -J.
Mulcll teaman, II.2.V sn Interesting rove!
for girls In whlc.t the nisterv of 4
"haunted house Is solved: aud Kurvpan
Police Hvafems, by ltaimond H. Kosdick
formerly t.'ominlssioner uf Account. New
York City. tl.Sii. 4IJ pases with Index, a
comprehensive book - baaed upon - Ititlmsti!
pergousl studies, extending lo nenrly two
years of th polic dcltantuents In .!-r-jpeaB
elites tTh Century Co.. N. Y..
llumn Nature aud Jtailroads. by lij 1. II. iai pages, ait expert view, written
by a former rtc-cullve ssaintant of the Penn
sylvania itsilrosd. In winch sn effort It
aisde to establish some noint of contact he
tween the public end the other human be
ings who really constitute tile rsilroad com.
pane a covjsi-ui-ttve. helpful book (K. b.
Nash. A Co.. Phlladc'phlal.
Iteeord Keeping lor Child-Helping Or
ganization, by (teorgia G. ftalph. e'aliStical
secretary, department of child-helping. Kus
S-U hajre Foundstlon. 19,i pages, a book
that will fill a long-felt want and answer
all Inquiries In this direction (Purvey As
soc alee. Inc.. N. Y.i.
Clearinr the 8eas. by Donal Hamilton
II si new. II. Sj, a thrilling story principally
for youths of a supposed naval war be
tween the t'nltad Male and a foreign
power, in vhiia an attempt la made to de
stroy the Panama Csaal; The fischelors. by
William Dana urcutt. 11.32, a strong story
ef American life. dellnesUng types of men
effected iu different wsys by college Ideals;
Jan. by A. J. Uswson, 11.25. the thrilling
story of a wonderful doc a kind of super-
dog half wolfhound, half bloodhound and
his active career in Canadian wilds; gource
Problems In Rnxlish History, by Albert
Heee White, professor of history In the
t nlvcrslty of Minnesota, and Wallace Note
stslu, a asocial a professor of history In the
I mven.ty of Minnesota, with sn Introduc
tion by Professor Dana Carleton Munro.
II. 3. valuable studies on the development of
the Kngllsh gavernment and tne connection
between KngllaU Institutions and those uf
New fngland; and Over Paradise Rliige. by
Maria Thompson laxvleaa. II, an Bltrsctivc
novel and love story of today, with fine de
lineation, o: feminine cliuiacter (Harper's,
N. T
The Red Stain, by AchwSed Abdullah, $1.23,
a thrilling siory of mvelery. plots snd crime,
starting at Washington. D. C. and ending
In India; Toe tnost-Breaker. by Clisrles ".
Cndrisrd and Paul Dickey, M) cents, a novel
thriller from a successful play; The Mislead
ing Lady, by Charles W. Ooddard aud Paul
Dickey, a'.so a brilliant noveltxatlon. of a
succeaafal play; Inexpensive Kurrlshinga In
Hood Taate. by Ekin Walllck. I1.-NJ. pro
fusely Illustrated, with views of rooms com
plete In their furnishings, ss well ss mln
cuts of Indivldusl pieces of modcraieiy
prlced furniture: The Small House for a
Moderate Income., by Ekin Walllclr, 11. 5n.
Z2 Illustrations in color and In black snd
white. handy book along tne sttractive
huuse campaign for newlyweds and others;
four on a Tour of England, by Robert and
Klixabelhjf Shackleton. l-.oi), profusely Illus
trated, gossipy, delightful descriptions of
Interesting trtps through the charm that is
Kngland: snd Photoplsy Scenarios. How to
Write sad el Them, by Eustace Hale Ball,
cents, a manual of motion-picture tech
nique, written by an expert, for both ama
teur and p--ori-ssii:iai (Hearst's inteinution-i-l
Library Co.. N. T.).
chicky Cheep, written and IMimtrated by
nrace U. Drayton, a book for children lDu,f
fjold A Co.. N. Y..
War and Christianity From the Russian
Point of View, by Vladimir riolucyof. $1 io,
a series of graphic conversations between
a number of notables, in which Tolsioyism
and positivism are attacked, and a trust in
spiritual power exaJtod: The owee,-8cented
Natne. by Kedor Mologub. ll.ijQ. curious, pro
found, imutiuv, serious fslry teles snd fables
written by ona of the cleverest of congem-ho-n-y
Russian tale-wrlters and poets: Short
Talks Willi Y'oung Motlteis oil the Msns-ro-meat
of Infcnts snd Y'oung Children, by
C'hsrlcs Qlimoro Kerley. M. D.. of New York.
B safe-, expert view...l. third cilitios, re
vised and enlarged. Illustrated: and The Dcc-or-ition
and Furnishing of Apartments, by
II. Russell Herts, with 4il cuior prints and
photogrnpha of the author's work, IJ.OO, a
near edition de luxe and an illustrated analy
sis of the problems of - the modern apart
ment, from a decorative and architectural
vies point, treating of the requlrementa of
apartments rsnglng from two rooms to the
duplex and triplex, 190 pages (Putnam's,
.V. Y.I.
Sunday 'Church Services
f"ontlnu"d Krom Vmttc 10.)
Hamuti(i. Xinl, tt; tiiM'h matm, 10:0; even
I&C aarv-tcc, 2:yU.
M. Philip Ner., Raat Sixteenth and Hick
ory. Itcv. We J. CmrtwrUhu Man 6; fclga
mai(, lO;50; evening aervtoo, 7:0.
Sacra Hart, Enat KUvcntH and Center.
Rev. .;. Rt.L Mm, tt; hicli mur, 1U;0;
Mcutof 4trrvlc :0.
St. Acatha. Ktit Kilrtenh rrxl Millar..
Rb-. J curamiKy. - t , b; htnh maaa,
lw.tO. cvemr.g -r Ice, 7;ao.
tt. joaepit (Gnun). Fifteenth and Couch
tr tai Hv. jB. Durrer. Mam, : hub
tnai-a, 10 ); evnlri rvlce. 7.Jw.
M Claras. tapitoi Hiu. MaacUcaa
Fatbara. dev. Fatbar Modtua Lrow maaa.
7:3U o'clock: hlcb maaa and banetJictioa.
9.2) o'clwKk; ruiona at both maaaaa.
bt. tat.Usaa tlialian, Maryianu avenua
and Wlsiametl boulcvanl. Hev. F.
Mati tt; bln maaa, 10.tV; avenlua aorvlcv
T i
.st. rirmenta, PmltU and Newton atrfta.
Rav. C. 6miltA, Maaa, ; blgb maaa. 10:Jft.
rnllig vrr vira. 7 :ZV.
. h9rn,ljxxin. Rav. F. Buatgan. Maat
5; hljb tnaa, 1" :U0; avenina; service, 7 :0.
ft, Charlea. Thlrtjrfourib and KUIlriKi-
wortx Hmr. O. Jhtltrhtrn. MmmM. tt; hlga
maaa, lOiaitf; avemng aervlca. 7 :U0.
tiL Roaa'a Cnurctt. firty-tbinl and Ala
meda atra-jta He-, j. m. U'Farraii. paator.
Uiiki H and 20 Hi. ; avenlng davouoo.
7 -o P- M.
tt. uichael'a Chorcn. Fourth and ; iu
tlialtant, Jennlt Ka there laow mail, S;3t,
hlch mm. 10:30; evening service, 7:.0. 2kl
J. Ilalw-aira, 9. J . paatur.
St. M-pbene fter. warren A. waftt. paa
tor. Cornr fcaat Forty4rona and Talor
vtreefa. iSundaya, holy maaa at u, 8:3). and
o j) A- H. Jtowary. aernrnn and enedtc-
it oii T :ZO P. inatructlun in cnrtstlan
doctrine gl-en al arnool every school da.
First. rorner I'ark aad Columbia etraeta
Oeorga Darsia, mlniater. Sunday acnool at
ft. 4.: men's ciaas lo tba Y. M. C. A. audi
torium at 9:4a; young women's elaaa la the
y w. C A- auditorium m :io; .nris(ian
Kndeavor Society at -. cburob aeirvieea
at . i . I. sua . r -is.
Wood. awn. comT bast .-fvenin ana
mn Atrt-eia - W. ia. xi ii anger, miniaiar.
irible acbool. :J4; mornuia worablp. Ii;
Christian todeavcir. evening ecrrice.
v aU-aaevn Mmir East Flftsontb and Wy
gant streets A. J. Melton, minister. BlBtS
rhooU 10; morning worship, 11; CnMeuaa
brtiirivor, 9.avi
Uontavllla ur. J. r uoormiey. in me
abac of tUt pasto, Kev. j. C. Ohorraley,
a 111 speaa: INI a, a ana r. -u- v
tj..lcevor. 7 P. M.
Advent Cnrtstlau. J9 cono ireei, neai
llall street Rer. J. F. Lut as, -ator. iserv.
cca. preaching. l':iW o-rioca: r-unaay cnw.
1 2. and troyal Workers. S:an; preacning.
30 o'clock; prayer meeting, inurauay. .
Kern Park G. K. Berr, pastor. In plara
of It. fajtey. Kcguior at rr lecs, 11
A. M. snd r. .
YImX Sitlt. Kat xwciiTn ana iayior. . u.
mm. minister. lilbla school at la A. af.; aervlca at 11 snd at 7:10; C. . at
:3- P Af.
i;txine)- AvfnuCT-M A. m. liev. .i. r.
h.inii!-v. O. !., will take for hfs theme
rha Tt-gtlmonv of Men to the Duty of
3th." Tho avenina' service ft III he In charge
f th Woman's Ma.-. unary noo.ety. -rr-
Kxpnditurrs " tho topic t be prc-
intid. Tl.e music win o- uaarr tua airec-
tlon of frs, Wcatijoj is. Minmoni.
Kl-st. VZveret!. belfteen Klghteenlh and
Xinetea-nlii at iv-eia iiervitvs 11 and t; eub-
ftt of lessen sermon. "(ia in tresfrver or
Man"; hunday school, snd II; wednet-
ay evening meeting at a.
Second. Kast Sixth stract and
aenue services ii ana s: lUDjfi or iesn
erm-n, od tho Preaeirver of Man"; Sun
day ahool, 11; Wudnesday evening meet
ing at 8.
Third, Kiast Tfteirin ana caimon streets
Hrvlces 11 and 9: suhjrt of l-sson sermon.
Ood tha preserver of Man'; -Sunday acnool
1 and 12:lo; WcdMsday evening meeting
at t.
Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson
ptreet -s.-rvlc.we it snd 8: subject or lesson
sermon. "Ood tha Preserver of Man": Sun-
ay school, f and 11; Wednesday vening
m'Ninf at w.
Fifth. .Myrtle Park station Services II
M. : subject of lesson sermon. "God the
Preserver of Mar: Fundsy school, 9:Z9 and
II: Wednesday evening meeting at 9.
Gospel Tabernacle, comer Hast Ninth and
Clay streeta John K- Fee. pastor. Su: day
school 10 A. M : preaching, 11 A. 21
Prayer meeting Tueedav 7:44. Bible study
a scrip tu rat. beating rrsaay z:aa r. at.
Ktnth arena, three block north of car-
tine in L-snts. earner fcigh ty-f ourt h street
nd Firtj-roarxb avenue, uutnenst Evan
Alia ft O Pool Still bold eMrVta-etaa s-ai.-K
j evenlns during, the week at t o'clock. AH
Ftrst Churcb. Park and Madi..-n Ptreeta
Luther R. lyotf. minister. :0 aV. M.. Bible
school: :30 P. M., V. P. S. C. E. Dr. Dyotts
thrn.rt: 11 A. M., "Is Rf llsnm Kffi-minaU
7:ti P. "Tbe Place of Prayer In Modern
Watvrly Heights. Woodward avenue at
East Thirty-third aircet Rr. , r Mcm,
uiauur. fcun.Ur acliool, f.i. x M.; m-jta
'! v 01 sill).,' II; Y. I'. J-'., C.iU IV M. ; cirn
!n wors'.ilp. i:.10; prayer meeting, Tiliirs
'iuy. 7::'.u P. M. At the niortiins service Kcv.
H. II. Kc's.-y. l. L., Pacific Coaet -rep--etwntatlin
or tin American board, will be
the speaker. "Among the Warlike Zulus"
will be the-riiiblect of an Illustrated lecture
jy the pastor at the evening service.
Hl-ili land. East Sixth snd Plv-scolt Rev.
K. O. Hnllingcr, pastor. li. Sunday school;
II. "Troublo ill i'rsyer Lines"; - P. 3.L,
.'hrUtl-n Endeavor: :30. Y. I'. S. C. E. ;
T i-i'i. Rev. I. II. Kelsey, ty. D., Coast recre
,ary for foreign mlrsiona.
Laurelwoi-id. Sixty-filth street and Forty
'Iftii avenue Southeast 0. bl. Johnson, min
ister, nervltes, morning, 11; svening. 7:S0;
Sumlsy school. 10; Curlsttsn Eodesvor, g:il).
Atkinson McmorUaH East Twenty-nintn
and East Everett Sunday school, 9:5u;
morning service, 11; Christian Endeavor,
uioo: ave.-iinn service. 7:45.
tnivertlty Fark. Haven street, near Lora
aaid P.ev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. Sunday
acnool, 10 a. M. ; pra-acblng, 11 A. M. aad s
i-. M.; Christian Endeavor service, I r. A;
.r-I'laecu service, Thursuay. P. M.
be Johns Daniel 'j. Thomas, pastor, to
o'clock. Bible ecnool; - 14. aervice; g:4u,
iirts'.ian Endeavor.
East blue. East Twentieth and Ank'eny
ureeis liev. W. O. Slisnk. pastor. 10. oun
uay school; 11, prescuiug by tne pastor;
a. 43. B. Y. P. L'.; 7:4J. prescuing by the
Tacernacle 9:43. Sunday school; presett
ing at 11 and 7:U0 by Key. A. J. Ware:
.j0. B. Y. P. C.
l:os Ciiy I'ark Community Church. Forty-tilth
and Hancoek Kov. J. M. Skinner
i-aati-r. ichoui of religious educatiun II. -lo.
iurnl:ig worship 11; Young Puoiiias meet
ij.g 6:SJ; evening worship, 7:30.
t-iutiliyside. corner of East Taylor and East
Thirty-second streets Hev. J. J. .staub, D.
D., jianiir. Sirvici at II A. M. and 7:45
P. M. : t-iunday rehool. Iti, A. M.; Junior
Christian Emiiavot. a p. M.; lntermeiliate
Chrisllan Endeavor, 4:15 P. M. ; Senior
Endeavor, I, yi. Suhjects of aermon5,
"Walitlns Willi t;od" and "Geneais and the
Sciet,ge of the Earth. "
l'11-.Tlm, chaver and Missouri Rev. IV. C.
Kauiner. minister. Sunday school. n:4."i A.
M.; 11 A. M.. "Patriotism and tiio Kingdom
of Ood": b:.:n, christian Emieavor; 7 :o0,
"A Wealern Pioneer."
Divine Truti. Chapel. Selllng-Hirsch
Bulidiug, corner West Psik sd Washington
s ir aa la. Rev. T. M. Uinard. pastor eernoes.
11 A. M.. Bible cluas; Tuesday. J P. M.;
class study, Thursuay, 8 P. M.
tl Ifl Ol'AL.
?t. Maik's Holy eucharist, 7:.",o: matins.
10:15; holy auchar.sil, 11; even song, 7 : ol ;
mission servicv, ti o'clock, subject "What
Jlufti 1 Do to Ue Saeu? ; 11 o clvck topic.
"Tho i'eriod Colnmoniy Knowu as the Refor
mation." ,
St. David's, Belmont and East Twelfth
Third Sunday in Ad-.ent; 5. eucharist; 1:45,
cnurch aciiool; 11, matins and sermon,
'Thete Ia a Lad Hero"; iijli, popular surv
loc Willi rou-iius binsiufi; aermun, "Why
Christ Came." 'liiureuay, 6 A. M., eucharist;
rriilay. o I'. M., prayer Hour; Satutaay, 4:oO.
evcu sonir.
irro-caiuedral of 6L Stephen the Martjr.
lbirteautn and Clay streeia Very Kov. n.
M. Kaxnsey, aean. lioly commuolon, i:4a.
ountlay school, 1U; morning service, 14; serv
ice icr colored peopie, J. evening servtoa.
irlnlty. Nineteenth and Everett streets-
Rev. Dr. A- A. Morr-son. rector, services.
1, 11 and b; bunuay scnooL l4:4o; Good sai
oaahlp boclety. parish house, Niavtaen'.a
and Davia streets, 4 to 7:ba.
Church of St. Mn naei 'and All Angela.
Broadway and East Forty-tuird street Norta.
berinun, i.1; holy communiou, first, ounuay.
11. third nundsy, I .u.
lirace Memorial, Vieiuier and Eatt Seven
teenth streets North Kev. Oswald vv. xay-
or. vicar. Holy communion. 6, excepting on
lics bunday in lite tnuuth; tuornlng 1 yrayet
snd sermon, 11, Sunday sen 001, iu. .No avail
ing servic.
Sc Matthetta, corbett and Bancroft etreeta
Rev. W. a- M. Brecat, vicar. duaday
rchoot, io A. M. . service aud sermon. 11
All Saints.' Tweoty-liftb and Savter streets
bunoay sc'.iool, 10; morning prayer sod
sermon. 11; celebration of me noly com
munion the first bund ay in tbs month i
1 and the third tiunday at tt.
Good bbepberd. (irabam street and Van
couver avenue Kev. Juun Uawson, rector,
fiunduy acbooL S:46; morning service Hi
veuing servlve. 7 :80.
St. Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W
Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday
of mon;h. tt; evening prayer and sermun.
except the first bunaay of month.
6L John' a, MilwuuKit Kov. John D. Rice,
.tear. tt, boly communion, except on llrsl
fcunday of month; 10, Sunday school; 11a
morning prayer; 7:80, evening prayer; Hoi
Communion first Sunday of month.
Et, John's, Seliwoou Rbv. Jonn D. Rice,
vlcax. r'rayer. 8. holy communion, tt:lV;
first Sunday of month.
Bishop Morns Memorial Chapel. Qoed
Samaritan Horplial Kev. Frederick K.
Howard. .ba plain. Holy communion, 2; ves
pers. Churrh of Our Savior, Woodstock, East
Forty -first street and Sixtieth avenue
Arclfleacon Chambers In charce." Sunday
school 10 A. M. Strvlco and aerinon at 11
A. M.
St. Andrews. Hereford street, opposite
Portamouth School Archdeamon Chambers
in flurif. Sunday school 10 A. M. bervtco
and sermon 11 A. M.
Tb Swedish Evangelical Free Church,
corner of Missouri avenue and Sumner
street H. G. Rodlna, pastor; Sunday acbooi.
s:45; preaching, 11 A. M. ; young ptupn i
met-ting, 6:o; preaenmg, a P. M.
First German, corner Tenth and Clay
street O. r. Iteming, Sr., pastor, auoaai
ichool at S:30 A. M. ; preaching service o
the pastor at 10:45 A. M.; Young Peupies
Eocluty services at 7 P. M, ana preaching
by tbe pa&ior at a P. M.
Sunday-school at the Latter Dav Faints
Church, corner of Knt Twenty. fifth and
Madison streets, Sunday mornlnc at 10
o'clock ; service at 1 1 45 and sncia even
ing service at :.i0. Livery one Invited.
Trinity ;rman Mlsnuii Synod i, Will
iams and Grahsm s venues J. A. Ktmbaco,
pastor. s-TVice iu:J.i A. M.. t:.i0 P. M
S. 8., 9:1 1 A. M. Thanksgiving service
:- t: m . inurauay.
Bethel Free, sruben Hall. Ivy and Williams
sirens liev. j. a. stagey, minister, freaca-
Ing a: 11 A. M. and it p. M. , suuuay soauoL
1U A. M
L'nited -Norwegian. Fourteenth and Davis
streets Rev, wl.hcim Petteraen. castor.
cervices, Jl A. U. aaa 8 P. M.. alternataiv
KcgJlsh and Norwegian; Sunday schoon 1-
Our Savior, -Norwegian. East Tenth and
Giant- -tieorge Hendnckaon, pastor. Sunday
scnooi aud ju:ble class. W:30 A. M. : t.UsrIisn
sermon, 10:1 A. M.; Norwegian aervice at
Ji: A.
liermau Evangelist 1-uthersn Zlon (Mission
b cod, coruer sulmon and Chapman
strectaS, j.. h. K.oppu:tiann, pastor bervices.
lu ij. 4.4o; buuuuy school.
bt, Pauls, t.ssL Twelfth and Clinton
streets, A. Krause, pajiLor ; rman and Sunday sellout, J:a'J; German
service. I0:O; l--ngilsli service. 7:00; confir
mation ciass, Tuesday and Friday, 4 P. M
German, and 7:J0 P. M. English. Bible
study and Youug Pr op.e's meouiitf, Thurs
tlay, b P. M.
Beiitunia (Ianifch. Liiin avenue North
aid Morris street M. .letiKti Enuliolin.
paMnr. Servltes, 11 and ; hun-lay tfclioul
ami Hit lc 'lat". 1 uunual htii-iiu s meet-Itie-.
Tuc-'iMiiiv, Tiairi': Btlilt; consoeration Thura-
dav. s. ai IW; alb-'ta Ktr;et.
Trinlt y (Jerman i M ifisouri S nod t. Will
ianis and Ui al:an a vvnut-s J. A. liimbufli,
pastor, f-rvic-f. A. M. aiui J 1. M.;
Suiitlay Hi-hnol. 9:1. : n evening tierviec,
Tho church will cel'-brutc Its -.".th an:iiei
ary. Orman E aneilral Luthcian '.inn (Mis
p.turl Synod , corner Salmon ami Chapman
streets H. II. Kjpelinami. pastor. Serv-
I'-es, '1U:1. -V. M.: Sunday s-hooI, 1;15 A. M.
No evening servic-.-s this wctk,
Sunnyslde, corner of East YamhUl and
Thirty -fifth atreets R. Elmer Smith, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:50 A. M.; preaching,
11 A. M.; Epworth League, 0:80 P. M. ;
people's popular service. 7:45 P. M.
Lents Rev. W. R- F. Browne, minister
Sundav ruhool. :45 A, M.. 3. R. Toon, su
perintendent. Sermons by the pastor morn
ing and evening; 11 A, M.. 7:30 P. M. Serv
ice at Bonnet's cnapei. a r. m.
German. Rodney avenue aad Stanton
atreet T. A. Schumann, paator. Sunday
school 9:46 A- M. ; services. 11 A. M. and
P. M. ; Epworth .League, 7:16 P. af.
First Norwegian-Danish, corner Eighteenth
and Hoyt O. T. Field, paator. Morning
services at 11 and evening service at tt,
V oung People's meeting every Tueeday
evening at b; prayer meeting. Tuesday, a
P. X-
Lincoln, Eait Fifty-second and Llncoin
streets. R. G. O. Haiey, pastor Sunday
school at .1:30. Preaching services at 10;Jy
and 8.
Clinton Kellv. Last Fortieth and Powsll
j West Thompson, pastor. Worship, 11 A.
M..; sundsy school. V:45 A. M-; player meet
mg. Tburaday, 7:40 P. M
por Norweglau. 43 Twentieth street.
North uitm-an Larnn. pastor. Services al
11 nd 7:4. Stin-.Jav school at 10
Westmoreland C. B. Harnaon.
10. Surdnv school; 11, preaching. "The Shep
herd pa-aim"; 7:0", evening service, '"Clirist-
uias Gifts."
Centenary. tatt -Mntii alia r-si iin
streets T. W . Isan. minister, i ne noine-
liko church vl lu t-ast sine. amm.-iy ticnool.
9;4.V A. M.: morning worsnii. u o ciock. ser
mon by the Rev. t'. rtancx, u. u.. or
Central Methodist Episcopal Church, theme,
"Tb-e Success ol i-auuro ; ciass meeung m
nicdiately afisr tho" mtriilns scr ice;: Kp
aviUi L-ai.ue at I- l -!., Uie iquls pcu-
pl.- I ii ir : even in,? orwnip at 7 :..
.irinoii ii i !ie pHKior. theme, "A I'rac
tical 1'ersoiial Question."
iaaiir.Mwoad. Sixty-third ?treet Southeast,
near Foster road C. H. L'arhw, paster,- It
A. M.. "Vietorv TUroui:h Prayer"; 7:2o V.
M.. "My Neighbor A Movliif PlvUure Ser
mon": 9:45 A. M., Sunday school; 4:30 I.
M., Kpwortli r.caKue. Tho AmpUion Mi-o
Chorus will simc al uoih services.
WoodLawn, Tenth and Highland
T.oui-s Thomas, pastor. Morning. "Christinas
M. -Ionises": iveniiis- "Wiso Men"; Sunday
H. hool. 10 A. M. ; Kpworth League, .:20 P.
M.: prayer ncrvit-c Thursday ewnfns.
Koso ity Park, Sandy boulevard and
Eat Vlfty-eiKhth e treet North WilUain
WaJlacu Younjs'Non, minister. 9: 5, Sunday
school ; 1 1. 'Th. Spiritual Significance of
Christina!.; 4:". vesper ervice. "The Ms
siah" with Chriatmas Songs and Car-tilji";
Victor records.
Central, Vancouver . avenue und Farpo
street, C. C. Jtariek. nastor Sundav Soluol.
!.:40; morning si-miou, -The Cliurch and tho
j siraimers." by I'r. T. W', Lane, at 11; clats
meetinjr. ir-io: Epworth League. 6:,H-: even
insr sermon. "The Call of the Good," 7:il0;
mi I-wet k service, Thursday, 7:30.
Mnunt Tbor. corner o fEast Stark and
5ixty-flrst sireets. E. Clin Eldridge, pat-tor
Services Sunday as follows: Preaching. 11
A. M. aud 7:4-"i P. M. Subjects, mornlnp.
'!n ,lhu School of Christ"; evening, "A
Vital Question of the Hour." Sundav School,
!:4. A. M. : Junior League, 3 P. M. ; "Epworth
league, t;:3i) P. M. Mid-week prayer serv
ice. Thur-duy cvnins, b o'clock; theme,
Chrits Cse of Prayer."
Lnlei ffity Park, corner Flske and "Lom
bard Ht.ects. i". I Hamilton, pastor Morn-
inir su'let. "The Mis.-i(ni of Christ"; even-
in subject. Being a Bahy"; morning serv
ices, Sunday Sehocl. 0: !.": preaching. J 1 :
evenhif,- servire:?, Epworth LeaKuc, 6:30;
preaching, 7 :3M.
Trinity, East Tenth and Sherman htreets.
Rev. A. B. CaltVr, pastor Sundav School.
10 A. M. ; Epwortn League, 0:,t0; 11, "Holy
Ground" : 7:.ti "Herod's Fear of Jihn."
Berkley Sunday School, '; preaching- by Rev.
A. B. Caider a: 3.
Union avenue and Multnomah street W.
J. Fenton. pastor; preaching services, 11 A.
M. aud 7:80 P. M.; Sunday school. 10 A. M-;
Kp worth prayer service. 6:30 P. M.
New-Church Socivsty. Knights of Pythias
Hall, Eleventh and Alder streets Rev. Sam
uel Worcester, pastor. 11 A. M.. subject.
"How Man's Eiis -Vre Removed"; Suuday
school at 10:15.
New ThouKht Temple of Truth, F.ilera
buiiding, Broadway Perry Jucieph Oreci.,
minister. Lectures at 11 A. M. on "Seek
ing the Infinite" and at S P. M. on "Pros
perity Through Development," by Bruce
First. Twelftn and Aider atreets Dr. Boyd
wit preach today at 10:80 A. M. aoi I:3J
P. M.
Spokane-avenue. East Slxtfentn and spj-
katH' W. S. McCuilach, pastor, Sunday
School, 10; worship. 11 and 5 o'clock.
Mixpah, Division ana slKst .NiuuLtjenth.
streets, Kev. Harry Leeds, pastor -services
tiunday. 1. A. M and 7:80 P. M.
Hope, Seventy-eighth and Eerctt streets
S. W. Sema:ui, minister. Morning tubjvjet,
"The Motives uf the Christian" ; e cniug
fcubjevt. "Two Etigjc-ui ials of iif.-."
Kenilworih. Kast T!.irty-f-nirth and ;iad nvenue it-jv. Mi. Kiehardson, pastor. "
Bihl, school', H:4."i; morning worship, 11,
'Africa," bv Kev. Fred. .Veal; vcspeiti,
." P. M.. "The Word Made Flesh." by Uov.
II. G. Hanson; 6:ljt Y. 4". S. k'. leaders,
J'jl ."Heynoliis and Claude Fryc.
Calvary, Eleventh and C"ay tirts Urv.
Oliver S. Battm. pas: or. i'reacli ing. 10:JJ0,
Dwelling With the King": 7:80. "I'atlence' ;
12 uoon. riunday school; Qi'-iO. Christian En-
devaor Society.
Miunt Tabor Morning sermon by Rev.
Weston F. .Sltields, of Mcdford; "eventng, 3
o'clock, sermon by Kev. Weston F. Shields.
Rose Ciiy J'aik Comniunliy Church,
Forty-fifth and Hancock m reels, Rev. J. M.
Skinner, pastor. Worship, 11 A. M. and 7:0
P. M. ; school of religious education, 9 ;!;
Young People's meeting, 6:30.
Fourth, onier First and Gibbs,"' Henr
G. Hanson, pastor lOiuO A. M.. "Is it Well '.'
1-. Sunday Sciioo;; Oiliu P.M.. C. E.,
7::;0 P. M "Why Men Go to Church." Tups
day, December 14 : Cottage prayer meeting
at hotvm of Mr. Baker. 1S3 Gihbs, at 7:y.
Thursday. December lti, midweek service a".
7:aio 1. M.
Pifdrhimt, Cleveland avenue and Jarreti
street. Rev. A. L. !i utcliison. pator Morn
ing topic at 11 o'ciock. "Doing Exploit."
At 7:oU Dr. Ray W. Mat son, tuberculosis
specialist, "ill give us one of his latest
stereopticon lectures on t his subject. You
" an't afford to miss it. Bible school at !:4.";
C. E. r-rviro ai 0 ;:;.
Vernon, corner Nineteenth und Wygant
streets. U. N. Mouni, pastor Sunday school
at 0:45 A. M. ; Junior C. E. ut 4 P. M . ; C.
E. al d:rid 1. M. ; public woriship at 11 A.
M., "The Ministry i" Pra err" and at 7 :0
P. M., "Goiiig Astra."'
First German. Twelfth and Clay street
G Hafner, pastor. Services l0:4o and S;
Sunday school, 0:30; Y. P. s. 7.
First Spiritua.iist. corner sixi h and Mont-
goiiHTr 3 P. M.. leeture, .Mis. O'ligon; mes
sages. Mrs. I'ariridtfc. S P. M., lecture, Mrs.
A Hhc.i V. Wiesendangcr : messaeti, bpectal
musk. Wednesday, 5 P. M., health aud .
prosperity ilays.
Chureh of tho soul Fev. J. If. Lucas, pas
tor. Conference. II A. M. ; Sunday school,
l:Zo P. M. ; mediums meeting. Z P. M., lec
ture by Itcv. Mr. Struhle. 7.4." P. M., fol
lowed by tests; special music afternoon a -id
evening. The public arc invited. Admission
free : " collection.
Christian Spiritualist Church. Eflons build
ing p. m., lecture by W. J. Wirta, sub
ject "Divine HealiUK, also messages; & P.
M., lecture by Jra Taylor.
Church of Our1 Father, Broadway and
Yamhill street Rev. 1 nomas L. EUot. D. .
D. , minister emeritus; Rev. Wiliani G. Eliot.
Jr., minist-jr. Servic-? at 11 A. M. and 7:43
P. M. ; morning, "Jeus as the Interpreter":
evening, "Why Do the Learned Differ In
Their Religious Belief?" pastor's aduit elans
at 11! M.; Sunday school and morning adult
class ut ;i :4."; Young People's Fraternity at
4i:3i 1'. M.
First, East Fifteenth and Mori isn .
John D. Nlse wonder, paator. Bible school,
10: preaching 11, "The Universal Fact";
7:30, "Perplexity"; ti:Gi), Christian Endeavor.
Altieriu, 1 . elll -okv eliin uiiu Ait;it
siieets, C-'tttoii . liuii, .n4iiir t'ubliu wor
ship, 11 A- M. and ::.'J P. M. : bunuy
scnooi. 10 A. M-; i. P. S. C. E.. 0:30 i pray
er nicetlug. T;unJ:iy. b P. M.
Fourth. Sixiy-mr.tli street and Slxty-sec-one
aveiiuo Soutlica-t, Treinont Station -J.
E. i!on:ior, pnsu.r. Sermons. H A, M. and
7 40 1. M.; Sunday school. 10 A. M. : Chris,
tio. uncVKvi o 4. P. M.
Third I nited Brethren, corner Sixty-fir-ft
and Thirt -second a euue southeast. Her
bert F. White, pastor Sunday School, lu
A. M. ; morning service, 11 A. M. Sut-jeet,
Division : Its Canst, and Cure-." Junior C.
E-, 3 P. M. : senior C. E-, 0:30 P. M. ; prcach-
Fir.-t. East .:ixteeutii and Poplar streets
Preaching iu tho morning by Rev. J.
Buwersui; and m the evening by C. C.
Pollr.n; evening eubject, "Christ's Ability ,
tu Save" : .Sunday School at 1 -V M.. and
Christian Endeavor at 0:30 P- M.; midweek
service, Thurstluy evenins at 7:30 P. M.
Ockley t;i ef i,, corner Willamette boule
vard and Ga street Quarterly service;
preacliing by Fretduitig Elder C. C. Pnling
in the morning, followed by tho celebra
tion of the Lord' -i supper: evening, tho pas
tor will; Sunday school at IO A. ii-;
Clirij-Han Endeavor at 7:3' P- M.; midweek
service. Wedne5day ecnirg at ' :'jv.
St. Johns preaeiinii; bv tne pastor, a.
P lawiytor. ; nubjeeis. morning. "The End of
H uman Gri aiiit ?s" and "Cur Refuse." Sun
day school at l" A. m.: nnsi;aii i-.uaeavor
i.'M P. M.: inidweeK service, luuvoay
evening at i :-'.
Wi-iiita 11. Ii- i am nam win prpum
morning and evening; ?-unuay i-c.uoi L
. M-; Sunday school win nicer, m iu .. .m.
In charge t t Jiibc rt r arnaain. suiJeriitieiiu-
Tho First, Eat 'nifrty-seveuth and Haw
thorne avenue prark uev:tL r uimey, min
ister. Bibie senoOJ, iu .. Jl.. nimnins
ship 11 o'clock, i-crmon topic l no t-a.ia-tiou
of Love"; Christian Endeavor, 6:0 V.
M . topic "The Christian Endeavor Pledge";
leader, David Jack; evening services, 7 :J0.
sermon topic "The Boy and tho Big World,"
Illustrated with stereopticon.
Kenton J. S. tole. pUSLur. j-sioib senno1.
10 A. M. ; peaching. 11 :4j A. Al.; christian
Endeavor. :3o P. M-. priijer meetiLg.
Tl-ursiday. "-3. P. M.
Third United, corner ajsiy-sevenin street,
and Thirty-second avenue Southeast Her
bert F. White, pastor. Sunday scnooi. 10 A.
M.; preaching. 11 A- M. by Rev. C. P.
Blanchard; Junior C E.. 3 P. M-; Senior
C E., o:30 P. at. ; preacums. ai.B
Rev. T. J. Coonor.
Church of the Good Tidings. Broadway
and East Twenty-rourtn street jamw u.
Corby, pastor. Worship with sermon ut 10;45
M., topic-, -V iv. roi uauu a uuiib reuyij
i" Ke Dept,-ndcd On?" a character study;
Sunshine Hour Sunday school at 1- with spc-
il muhi':; Junior t.nritiiitn l nion at a
o'clock; Young People's meeting at ti o'clock;
strangers find v elcomc.
Young Women's Christian Association.
Broadway and Taylor street Vesper service
and social hour, 4:30 o'clock. Stranger
ChSistadcIphiana. west Portland eccieMa.
East Washington street Sunday, iu:'
A. M ; Wednesday. o:u f. a.
Order of Christian Myotic. Dr. aud Mrs.
F. Homer Curtits. Lecture room Central Li
brary. Sunday afternoon and cventug, 3
o'clock, "The Mystic Lilo"; 6 P. M.. "The
ChrUUan Mystic."