-TlIE SUNDAY OKEC.'OXIAX,-PORTLAND," ""DECEMBER 12, 1015. TRIO OF VOMEN IN GAR 60 5000 MILES Portland Represented in Dele gation Carrying Suffrage Petition to President. III f I VXIIIIII XIII "-ir.i J JL J T-a i.t I X X I. I J I IVJ-tvvl Vfl rVrV Ilff V av a. a. -ax - - rtXZlMfi-'l' 12? .aaaaanaTaWaaaWaWalaaa I I I I - "1 V I EACH IN AUTO HAS DUTY trtf .V lonllnriil I tar-arm fat l rr4 ..r Manrtacy of It aire on l-e-rt Mrrdh a ail linmamrr With Illlndla Smna. e -oo .- eo M-a. r-ra rWrd Field and her iiaif aoi iriti, arrived la ( ntc It. I weeia ml ,r,m't inir toac oetinoej to the I'reet-4-nt imi. tremend'"4e u;fr--" i)rro.lr4t on The party ! Ml4 la k drlvea all l dl. taaee frra T4- 1 rra-iec to It aahiaatoa la the iriM atato- snesile. rf,pll. f tacourecln' weather n. tat oa4 cva4ttMn. Tay m-d mn, t'pe a fal la aether a.MUwnal aa-eturre to Iheir jet!tl v ooeeo a An-f row a ortt.Bd aomaa. Mr fa P.rd "!!. (tin Natinn-ejl-le Boil.- iK lha IKl.lll aiityitie of 4e rrvaa burae-a ef te arorUI second larseel a i torn,-b rompam. Ih, be're ...r U, The "raconler. Itr.ivMf lha fofUlR4 art , I-. ailth a i6pim n'r piltrarfc. from th Ma.-tin V. Ke!ie Corrpan,. k"h ban. eie euMi.ttv f-.r tb W tl:ya-rerland Camiin. o( Toia-lo t : "A-med with a mmf f-r the I'ree. Mnt of the t r.ii'4 Jt,tea, ihf. women beae lr.vled mora traa mliaa by a-Uomubil In a er?.r lo further lha reaae of en iel ,u'io. A pallll"! pilnfl by half a rnttlioa worresj at the haa rrnlo Kaposi tion waa iotry.i d I' thair car. n or, th trtt arro. e0.4n.tr-e enoua-h additional HCB,l4rti war eh-ane,f I await tha total to what I probaMv tia lonareat Hat of aamaa lltr arurt p, a petition of in i kint lark la t ar llaa Mar Dwlte. "Th- w i -rr 0 n. ana frvtrr, Or jm and 1 a o f r - I.Oot' Island, af'ar loohtnc over the motor r.rv er7.red la hD )-ra-:ro. banc'. n-oll Si Irverland. .kirifi that they rould obtain th araaca.t a""! of aar, Ira from In ar. aa !! a knn.tntf Ih.r could aakva -a? t at toaj from ar vnumii.it aum aar f .rvriend otra ra routa. " M . M . Ki-xlrra: artat aa ariar, ltia hlBri; Ktn4ta4t a,a marhartt an and Mr a. 9ara flat J KlM aa uttl It, fi-lr anl hatyar. "t'ufini tha tr p tba rar tia4 a ' araaotina milro of 14 mli par fralion. u.lnf ona quart of oil In lb, l ni' la an- arrractruc tnlla, t tha iiurl oa tba la'nk atratrriaa. T . k ihxl pa4 aEtjtna fcr tha ladr tfrivr aja aj mliaa par hour, atwl than ana .:n:ita4 s'-ia wi voitix ora. "TroJ tna d.acrt tha trip at, un. .nrr ii. nr.rl f r a f a. t thai aalar , aaii. aftar tntlnc to to ar aarn tc at ona particular l :a. I lar arara r, fuiaa-t. aa4. nrnilna tia raiiator baral. halt fJlI. tboucht thair rMaa aoull commanr. but. trua lo tna ppcbImbIi wn routa. mar nlartouli tha drt withail tna nal 4 va'ar an4 drova tl mliaa. with th lupt half anouch. and ! motor. M. a t. tha alfbaat Improvad of ll IT pa rarrt'4 th.m Raa a4 titd not t.rh.ai. aa au fr4. RlladlaaT aiaraa t'.arraa)ataraa). purt'tinf; unvw atrrra a,f an r miaraj from Laramla lo CT,nna Ifia flr.l ef tha in. Aftar ciatallnc ahlla aa to arhctnar or hot to attampt Ifia airiaa. nj atartrt out and mat tnraa othar motor partlaa rtturainf to tawa lnaa paol. ,4iaJ aaaiaat tna in?, iltn( thani fiair auratr woukj " la. aiit that "aril" naraaaary lr c.a liha b,t rl4 Itaatf ib4 lhay ! tnrncn ma norm to tha a.ti toaa. arla'i of lha trip for tha Bo, ally aa j taatmp thair mount to It tlm. "Cf-miB l 4 arri at ona lima tha, loat aij itg a compaaa to aal fiam riiM. anj trata. hy that for t nilaa bafora rind. ear placa to sat tta arora- .: li-.rt lor a. "t V !. tha apaakar of tha trip, a carrying m..a lo tha iTaaidanl f th l"nna.J MAtaa from tha woman ''" ha Wa.t. an l In hl. trip, aa all aa rWtna. tha, rava taaa atop fin l al trK tili't alt: tha ir. fa4ki: .n ma a-i-tal richla of woman a4 laaa waal lhatr .ar aa a platform in a,.rl puaa. Tba maa.aca la In, t'raaMant a.k. Ma aupKrt for aa mOTjwjl to ha N ,1100,1 Coaatllu i-a aum arumaa ta ballot. -lia Kindl.tj waa aaha. boa aha ( K . . . . - ai rar rar ani aaM wlta a aoap that ah 'i liko to vt any ol tar car tio bit aottar. or half aa wall." 1 v.- 4 I i l i 1 i 1 " ' II II 1 MV - - s-i-vv, .; A I I I eat I to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to This Model 43 Would be Taken for a $2,000 or $3,000 Car The body is solidly built, luxuriously finished and permanently silent. Strips of anti-squeak felt distributed at all friction points between the sills and the frame, along the entire face of the dash where it joins the body and w here the metal panels are fastened to the ribs eliminate all noise. At $1,095 .Model 43 sets a new pace. In materials, workmanship, equipment and all mechanical features it is fully up to the high standards of its distinctive predecessor, Model 42, and at the same time it is bigger, roomier, more comfortable, better appearing, smoother riding, and priced $190.00 lower. Our demonstrator will call at your residence or office. EitablUhecj 1880 Incorporated 1899 This Company has been building goodmotor cars for Seventeen years. IILNKVKR I Kat any atatiatlca oro a man Ilk Amoa Ban- avn I knww can tank on than." tribal wa ,rra-ro) at laat dKta of tha road brnd laaue b John 1l Yron. roaumaatrr of ilull Don ah fount,. Art oa Hanaon la rxtramrly iuir and uriaaaumlna;. but he ha rrvrr barn modeat In on thin irlvlnir hia time and money to tha aood of the public, r'or tmo )eara he haa don nolhlna; but work for tha irood roada rim. In thla counl). tcrltlnK riKht of way, pjiylnK for It aotneUinra and aaaiatina; the road maalrr in ifcnrra!. Ml lervlces and hi niachinr have been uaed conntant ly but never a cent haa h charred the county. Mr. Itrnar.n bniiirht hi flrrt car. a StooWard-Daj ton. in 19ii9. Since that time he ha owned a White. Cadillac, three Fierce-Arrow and two Frank lin. A"ith one or the other of these car he ha driven to California over three or four different routes and toured extensively in Central Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. AGENCY SHIFT 10E J. H. Hirsch to Take Charge of Chalmers Branch. H. L KEATS GOES TO UTAH Owrar II. Ilarri Itrport That S-n- llnarnl Contention of IW-al- . I Unroll IntlU-at- d Ilroarx-rli j-. era at cdii.lc i:k.iit tart nooits I lrat far Ihtr Mowniala) Itowd Nr. gvtlmtn t.tJn of 3 J. 1 1 IVr Onl. I'atil a Kiaht ra.-antty ma1a ha irl? fmm rarn4!a to JI, mIM. H'mLnlilt ,'oaaty. I'Hforala. boaatad a Ti4 tnat aa nvotor rar bad ar Ira- fat Conaa-iwanffy. th w hola roct-tty f a waa'a haa rn diaruaainc tia t( of tha lal :la In airmounltn baiaThta rta iapiMt for aa amomokil Not only ara lha tr,i). baa tha l point, a .-arf .oo-.ll, haavy. ht h t-u4 rt.aa atal ly tarouhol lha an- t.ra attata--a Tba yrli.n ar, aoma of live taaa , a r i I from tf lo at par rani. TK..a and tia .taay "P,rd pull had a'aana proyad tha a'fai of aniivtioua motar-var oaaara, .( ' V" n.iiiMf. waa lolu) I at ha ''iH not anaka id. climb with h la f.l.lla riht. Hnl Mr. IWtmnf, waa not detarrad. Ila a!r,a tha rar and rarrkad fiva other aaaa. tha romblnaa a.lfal of lha paa. ' rad ban XZ3 pounda. ., of Ha an an In tna rar had ba otar th rad In a waa-a a I ar i,a bafor lha ra.,tor trip, and ka UmM at I .a mora, l-iaat of aa automobtia iwin ih an-' If dl.tan.a Thla tha l'iii:,r dd. bowavar. nlfoul a ainla ,Id mi4v h lo la r jilt ..-t:oi of ail In lha rar. J. II. Ilirarh. Tarirtc Coaal manactr. la cominf to Portland to take car of b factory office of th Chalraare Motor Company and auparvia th Northwaat tarrltory from thla point. II. U Kaata. lb Chatmr dlatrlbutnr for tht territory, want ovr Into th Mormoo Mat of I'tao Friday. Chartaa H. Ilarrla. a!a manaear of he Kaata Aalo Company, arlvad borne n Portland laat meat aftar a vialt at tha Chalmar factory. ruck. In brief, la a record of th com - nca and coiaaa al th pionoar Kat tor en lower tlroadwajr. Mr. Kaata want o lialt Ijih City to meet "aul HmltM. lha Cbalmer aalea mena'r. who la CattlnaT flral-band nowiadae of road.tlona In tba retail Bald by alanine the Important dlatrlb all: renter. Ilacaua of th pra of bwalneae al th fa.tory. foliowia; tr recent aanouneement of the Chal mar a M,-:. Mr. hmlth could not par th time for coram; farther Weal than the Mormon capital. Tha Cbalmer, distributor, la th Weal went to tiall Latka for a conference. Italurnlna; from a rather tnlr ,l. t lo the l:aa and Hoothw,t. dur mar which time be vlalted many of th Important distributing center and al landed the annual convention of Chat mera dealer at l troll. Charlr B. Ilarrla. aalea manaarer of th If. U Kaata Auto Company, brlnire optimlitlc report anent buainea conditlona Ren rally and th automobile Industry In particular. Ill trip aiav him every opportunity to atudy condition at th centralized marketloc point and brought hlrr. Into rioa contact with many of tha I irjcrr dealer In th Chalmrr oraranlxatlon. Haalnr hla analyala from personal ob servation In th field and from the con tract assumed by th Chalmers rep resentative. Mr. Harris declare that Iher I every Indication of a prosper ous season ahead lor the automobile dealers. Mr. Ilarrla wa particularly enthu siastic about tha new slx-30 Chalmers. which waa aeen for th nrst time th convention ha attended, and also Jubilant over th optimistic tone of the meeting. . New Model Qalrkly Caatraetrd. I.very eectlon of the L'nlted states nd Canada waa represented, and the dealer thoucht so well of th ne model and th prospect for unusual selllnaT success that they quickly con tractad for more car than th blsr fac tones or in maimer company can produce tn th next IS month. 'It waa simply a revelation." said Mr. Ilarrla. "I've attended any number of automoblSa dealer' convention, but this on overshadowed them all. I never saw such enthusiasm: and It was enthusiasm backed by tansrlble evidence of sincerity In th way of bonaHd contrarta for cars. In a short time after tha lx-J waa shown tn dis tributor had placed order outnumber. Ids: th hl;ht estimate for th year' output. That waa mlsrhty conoluslv evidence of th car value. I let! Mrrak for Flr Chirr. Chief Kley. of the Lo Anrle fire department, now speeds to a blase In a bhcht red Maxwell roadster, which enable him to los a minimum of tlm In traffic, due to Ita character ialle ability to leap asaln Into speed after a alow-down at a crowded cross-In; MOIZ TIRE IS LAUDED t:MI-.OLID FKATIRK SAID TO GIVE RFMLIKNCV AKD WEAR. Noa-.akld Precaatloaa Wlthaat creased Wright Coaaldered Great Trlasapb. "There are two costs to every tire you buy purchase cost and service cost," says C. !(.- Williams, branch manager, the Goodyear Tire aV Rubber Company. Purchase cost la fixed. But service cost varies. It la thia variable cost which largely determines the efficiency of tire. The low service cost of the Motz cushion tire is ona of tbe factors re sponsible for Its eminence In tiredom today, ft is a compromise between a pneumatic and a solid tire. Its resiliency closely approaching that of a pneumat ic and It durability that of a solid. It meet the requirements of those who want trouble-proof tires that axe also highly rrsilient- The characteristics which distinguish It from other type of cushion and solid tires ara dual treads, slantwise bridges and undercut sides. The notches on the tread double It non-skid value without Increasing Its weight or diameter. This Is very Important, as th skidding tendency of a tire that Is not a pneumatic I generally regarded aa greater than ona which I. The in dentation In the tread of a Mots tire reduce this to a minimum. In the slantwise bridges this tire haa Ita most distinctive feature. The rubber I so rut that it compresses diagonally. Instead of vertically, pre muting a natural displacement of the rubber and giving tha tire .a rolling ompresslon without a Jerky motion. The. undercut sides or pocket provide he needed apace for th displaced ubber. Our records (how that these tires hay averaged better than 1000 miles per set and yet tha mileage attained really a small part of tha service rendered. Their resiliency minimises jolts, reduce vibrations, cnecks de preciation and renders repair cost negligible. These things must be taken into consideration when computing their efficiency." LAKE SIIIP.MEXTS THREATENED Maxwell Company Lays Down Cargo Of 70 Motors at Toledo. With storm signals flying from every weather bureau statlnn and with the relentless grip of Old Man Winter closing each day on the icy surfaces of the Great Lakes. Inland mariners have been making frantic efforts to keep ships la commission long enough to carry from Detroit the heavy water shipments of automobiles ordered by the other lake cities. To a great extent the labor has been finished. While there remain many orders for early December de livery, as yet unfilled, these can un doubtedly be cared for by rail, with the regular Winter orders. The late Fall shipments by water have set several new records, promi nent among which is a cargo of 70 Maxwells, shipped from Detroit to the I-andman-Grlf f Ith Company, of Toledo. This waa the largest cargo -of cars, both in number and value, which had ever been received at an Ohio port. While It Included the regular Novera ber specifications of the Maxwell To ledo distributors, it also gave them a generous reserve for December, en abling them for the first time since June to guarantee Immediate delivery to buyers. 8f to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Oldsmobile Co. of Oregon E. E. Cohen, Manager BROADWAY AT COUCH Phone Broadway 1640 WERS SHOP DOUBLED ANKKNV AND BROADWAY CORNER NOWADAYS. BUSY Additional Store Taken On at Rear of Original Quart era Where Free Service" la Given. -Athletics for Shop Boys. Manager James, of the Maxwell fac tory at Newcastle, Ind., has found ath letics a valued aid to shop efficiency. The plant maintains one of the finest athletic fields In the state and has champion baseball and football teams during the current year. The plant also boasts of a running track, formerly used for testing purposes. PORTLAND WOMAN FIGURES IN SENS TI0NAL TRIP ACROSS CONTINENT. VK H MTt I INt HKNi Traveling l'ntrrtl-r-a rind Car lMli.apraber la Work. many phyalclaaa. real estate aaarator. Mteemea and othera have found motr cara ladiepeneabie la t-atr dail, work) that the deet-nalle e eaanre car" K. been preclwa'iy :a-laAted frum lha auloroobd vocao ry And thia buameaa uaa of rea'Mnaa la oeaiaat;y wiuanlnc A f ar weak at Ida Kl.ee! Motor Car Company o!d a car la be fitted by th if for a teiir.- eshtbit.oa ef mo, In pic- area. Iaat week the ama company aid a car to bo aee.f tn transporting- i bera Itarp orrheetr. a well known and popular Wleronata sioairii organisation, frons elero lo placa. Tbe leader. J. Il;p) Uibaon. wrltea ttat the rar haa pro, ad great: aprior t IraasportaLoa by rait. , 9 I r a i . - .A jf t v- r - ' - .Je-irsE NarT New Car Owners In County If anyone imagines that business Isn't good let them make an inspec tion tour of the plant of John A. Wal ters, on Ankeny street and Broadway. Recently Mr. Walters became so cramped for more elbow room that he doubled the capacity of his plant 'by taking an additional store to the rear of his original quarters. Already the newly acquired annex is alive with activity. In the front of the annex heavy stock of tires Is kept, back of the tlreroom is a magneto Mation, and at the extreme rear Mr. Walters has stationed his tire repair shop. R. W. Lee, formerly of Archer & Wiggins Company, has charge of the magneto station. He says his plant will be the best in Portland when it is fitted up completely. Between 50 and 60 inner tubes are repaired daily in the tire shop, and the "free-service" brigade are sent out on S. O. S. calls between 15 and 20 times daily. WEST'S ADVAXAGE IS GREAT Autoist Does Sot Have to Put His . ' Car Away for Winter. This is the season of the year when the Eastern motor journals devote no little space to hints on putting the car away for the Winter, says Motor West, a LMa Angeies magazine. i nere are many sections of this country where such advice is pertinent, though the automobile with each succeeding year is demonstrating its worth as an all year proposition, especially in the cities where means are usually at hand to remove snow from the streets. But this advice does not apply to the Pacific Coast section. Here every car owner expects to, and usually does, drive his car 365 days in the year. Hence detailed instructions telling: him how he should lift the weight of the car off the tires during the long "lay-ing-up" period; how he should drain all water from the cooling system, all oil from the engine and all the gasoline from the tank: how to take care of the top these and a host of similar precautions are superfluous to the Pacific Coast motorist. No need for him to know just what is the best anti-freezing mixture to put in his radiator, or to swath it in blankets when he allows his car to stand awhile on tne streets. FOllI ASSEMBLED IV 2:4 1 Record Made by Team Contcstinjr In Clielialis Theater. CHEHAL1S. Wash.. Dec. 11. (Spe cial.) The Ford assembling tram, captained by Fred Hess, of the Twin City Automobile Company, of this i!ty. has made what probably will prove a record for putting together one of the company's touring cars. At a local theater Mr. Hess team assembled a car and started it, com plying with all the conditions incident to such a contest, and finished the Job in two minutes and 44 seconds. It is announced that the best time pre viously made in a contest of this kind was two minutes and 50 seconds by a team in Seattle. PALACE GARAGE 100 TWENTY-SECOND ST. NORTH, Between Johnson and Kearney. First-class storage, gasoline, oils, greases and accessories. Washing and polishing our specialty. THE following new cars were reg istered last week by residents of Multnomah County, according to rec- , ords of M. O. Wilkins. publisher of the Automobile Record: F., 1213 Wllllama avenue. 444 East Thirty-second. THRKK H IT IfclTTK MHO TION TO rltklSIDKN T ": m l mm. lit : )!. , trn i ihrv llltt BlRU IIKLU. Ob rORTLAND. M l.l--IILMO-- Af K J'KTI l It THE TONNEAl. Multnomsb Anderaon, L. Hunk. liaKard. Morton. Dorta. l)al'. Oeorce W., Jr., 553 Wllllama ave flu.. Dodse. Kurckhardt. P. O., 509 Board of Trad bur'dlnjr. National. Hutterworth. ti. W., g4 Capital, Reo. Chamlor I.yon Company. 6JT Washing ton. Kord. Ohrlaienn, H. r, Oreaham, Ford. Comhe. K. l, 4.10 eleventh. Genera). Drinker. F. r.. 1001 Lynn avenue. Bulck. r.saer. John P. o box ran. Ford Kiw-drar. w. I... '?:2 FMdner, Htudebsker. Ford V. A.. 7.' Clsckamaa. Ford. Vraaler. ihar!ea 4 Front, Cadillac. Fray H. R., box 4I. Pods. (Irarin. W. J.. 444 Weahlnsjton, Franklin. (erllnser Motor Car Company. J 63 Kaat Oreaon. lierllnser. Harkina. C E. 'SI." Eleventh, Ford. Havhurat. r. W.. 240 rltark. Chandler. Hrlrifnnd. tv, I1 20 Morrtaon. tadehaker HI:op. Thoma,. al-1 Belmont. Cadlllae. Iloni. Le. no North Fourth. Ktudebaker. ' loua,r. M. Hv Hoard of Trade building. Bulck. Jacobsnn. Ralph. 6?. Front. Ford. Laar.nce Company. George The, SO-SC First. Ford. Lead better. V. U, 1006 Northwestern Bank building-. Ford. Mat has a. W. F.. 304 Flanders. Sfjil. UcCullr. A. L., 131 West Park. Overland. Metaaer, -Henry, (,reaham. Overland. o:inarl. T.. Kenton. Reo. Olaen. Martin !.. 447 Roselawn. Chevrolet. Osgood. A. .M.. 1510 Kaat (sixteenth, titude bakrr. r-eters. K H., 1006 Norlbweatern Bank bui:!lnc. Reo. ttinser. R. L., 530 East Thirty-first. Ford. Komano. Enrico. 2 Columbia, Dodae. Hhell Company of California. 833 Burnalde, Kelly. Hltnma. k. C, SO Journal building-. Ford. Smith, Lilian B. 1441 Belmont. Cadillac Ktearna. I. R.. SO TJnion avenue. Chalmers. Taylor. O. A., 31T Board of Trade build in. Htudebaker. Walters. A. C. 1MB Thurman. Reo. Wenser. Ray E.. 4.-.0 Eaat Thirtieth. Ford. Wilson A Hollowly, East Thirty-second slid Eaat tillaan. Ford. Wnltendcn, Joe. 72 Eaat Seventh North Signal. . . CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS "FOR YOUR FRIEXD THE AUTOIST" Clocks, Flower Vases, Mirrors, Flashlights, Cigar Lighters, Trouble Lamps, Gloves, Caps, Overcoats, Leggings, Lunch Cases, Stewart Warning Signals, Robes, Pyrene Fire Extinguishers, Robe and Tire Locks, Tour Books. ARCHER AND WIGGINS COMPANY DISTRIBUTOR OF HIGH-GRADE MOTOR CAR ACCESSORIES Sixth Street at Oak SANTA SAYS Bicycles for the Boys and Girls will give health and pleasure Ballou & Wright Broadway at Oak BOWSER GASOLINE and OIL TANKS bTOUAtiE KVbTEMS FOK PUBLIC AND PHI. ATE GARAGES. B. D. Stoddard, Uiairlcc HuuL balra. 413 Cvrbclt HI da. alala 1474. DIAMOND TIRES Vulcanizing and Retreading R.LBLODGETT, i B-at North 14th. Near Copch. Phone Malo T0l.