Tnn "SCNDAT OREGOMAX, PORTLAXD. DECOrBEI? 12. 1915. ir, JETTY PROJECT IS 82 PER CENT BUILT Appropriation Asked of Con gress This Year Would Al most Complete Work. BAR CONDITIONS IMPROVE Itrport of Army lnslnrer Mrowt Irosrr of )rrilluna la Co. lainhla and Willamette lit, era Partus 13 Month. Ptt:;xt.N nkws hl rf. AC. w..h- lton. t II. 1( Irncrrta at th. prese-nt session appropriates m'l Ihat tim Army rut t hate ask'd for th. rtrt Jetty al ine ptuuth of th. t'o l inn Ma. structure rn b" tonpl'l ei an ad-itrmnal appropriation neat yaer of only lilt 'M lit amount 4 lai se.aioa . I i. I t. It la tfrninmn4'tl that I h I. amount b-e m4 Immediately available, because Ir.e cash vesnaining on hn4 t'l b. exhausted by April J-. IM. (1 it I deemed de sr.hle that tlf bo no rMn of or. especially daring ihe early !'m pner S"-ie t h .. ff trie immifil ffc ommtHd to t appropriate.!. el.ii't I a p. applied t- r.w wnrit, and Itl. to liie pr ' on of the oV.-tie runneth Th re port of ts chief of eoalineere. (Kln in frta-oing facte, .ieo ret.cws the fl of the pvo.t y..r. M de- rib. 6on.i conditions June J. In ,-rt. tka report u)(. Aefly VAweat owrl.atew. "Th rnatfit-ti(it of Ibe north telly Wee cOat:AU) oWrisif ft. year. Ihe trestle being eiten4.. Sajl feet al e . ot of .) t '!. : J tone of re. -h pirf tm the petty el a l of I I.J .. All of was rew work, linnet." th. y...r t.M.j ruble rH of sta. w r. drert-e. from ths or at a coot of Jt f r maints- M e-e. "Fo.r fqrri of th. b. - ejr a re made ir.r( II fiscal '. They Indicate a eaaward a-laanc. of the rrt.1 of lite bar. r.ilvr In tho Mlf' ty thara in th. eoiarasrly quarter, and a market depiai In lh outSit .'tartar Tko lolal oroar fnr tko f ro-n tft aa4 ochiaot.rtv prt. of tho bar inuutli to erlj "Tn meinl tpon.f.'l or Ik ti!t1 l. durtnc tko V'.f wo II JtT.Ttl. fa a-lt tion tiil: rorilrfbutl oy Ika fort of rrtlo4 ml A.torU. w :.. for Rr or k. "Tl i-ity l romp . an-l I rtnt of tfto total atimto.l.cj'iantit y of ofono r44lrrf fr IN norta )ocfv k boon piarxf. T tolal lr' of tko tr..t; Juno J t1i. la li t;; foot. t..ln- about 1211 f'l to ba bul!!. f'ompartnr tko iiinin' viantlt of rtM a!a-.S In tka totith an1 north J.ttio ' tho turn of tko quantttr In tka ooatn J""f p tko total tl roat-l t'anMtip r.ntr..! to bmlj tka .ftk ft'j. tka proo-t la 2 por rant cemptot.!. OrfM I4 rnaotooar4. Tl aitwtinaT Tf)' contain l0 condition roqutrtnc o-al rapcrtlio. Ilttr, durittc I'D fort of l"oM- iinl rantrthntr.i i;S.m ana tk I'ort of Atori. I :'.). to iki Improir.mrnt. Tko tmonnli lio oirantl'4. tbr rracor part navtnc pon appllrt to tka pijrrkar of ro k fr Ika north J-tfT.- o Jan. 31. Ml, tkr prorct for a fa.foot rhannal In tko Wiliainotto ant Colnmbta rfvrB from portion! t9 tb ooa. 14 p. r rent romplit About I p. r rent of Id ctimtd!nc In Ik Colombia kaf boon fmlh.4. but non of tho pro-t.f IVovornrri'nt dike k.t bn bunt. t'p to ptitmbrr 31. IM about Ji.MH.'Wl ruble ard of tnatrrial hat porn rrmocrd frorn varl aa bor b- tk Port of Portland frotoa. at an aptrfml root of II 3V. and S34t.4 had bn pn'"t br tk Pert In th contrartion if 4 Ik. For tk temlnc fi-al ir tha n rnoora haco ank.l an appropriation of IIM.m for thi projort. of nthlrh ll.- vt'l b ppont In tk oporatlon nf fn pfnottna drwrta. and 14.141 will bo pnt for malnfonanco oTTTY WOHK STOPS TlD.Y incton. I-o-. II ir Cooimi follow i fa Miiti f tk romrnaoJt!on of th Mocrotary I I HMI U U I U IW I of Ik Troa.urjr. th uprlntndat of I I 1 7 I Z 11 I T 111 I th Clack ama- Ban hatrh.ry will Kt I LoilU I Ullll IU 1 1 a rata la aaiarr of 1 a ar. Ill baa bon racolTioc I lit aod th Hoc-1 ratary ar.a ma lacrvaao to Thai itorratary ha roromrondd aimllar lo- rnawi for th uprintndant at Hak.r Laka ao4 olh.r itation In th Northwat. MEN rvK.wiA mrronTt.n takiix New Simmer llrlil al Hlh Rate May IxmI on Pacrt Sound for Farope. Nccotlatlon und.r way for lb pat two wka for th new ilumtr l:uraala. blr.r flnl.hcd at tb plant of th L'nlon Iron Work. San Kran claco. wr rrortl yoatarday to ha I Eurania Charter Completes Availables for Cereals. RAIL LINES MAY BE USED I r n:l.UKnnt HUBntnitM i:ll:iT:D rft:io;T or roRT owwllo. 1 ! ' . : - i 1 1 V-. ' - : ' t - i ' 1 i i a . v , . ,. t : - - 1 : , , . ; - i : . I-- ' : i ; L-....... v . . i : R. IX Inaaao. t'n lha ro!nallnn Frl-lay of . l. Mr aa n m.rrb.r of th Port of I'ort land t'ommlaalon. R. t Inman. of th nman-l'ouln l.umb.r I'ompany. elected bt au--..or. tr. Inman baa tx.n onnort.d with th lumbor Indua trv for Tara and baa pad to do with off.horo and matwa rar .... . baa boon Inlaro.l.J In rhannol rondtlona. On tb ro arianiMtlon of th Port of I'ort. land 1'ommia.ion mart than four a.ara asn. ho waa olortod to tha brl anl r4 a ica.prl-drnt. SMpixr nrllete No More btramfr front Atlantic bide Will B Srnt Via Strait Een at 175 Shilling for Grain. With Oi rnffSment of tho nw American ilttmrr Eurania to work flour on Puart Sound for Ruropo. no Id! tonnaar acallahl for the cereal trad remaina on the Pacific aide and no veaaela are belnr offered. On ex porter artrd jreatrrday that ha did not believe steamer owner would start vessel from th Atlantlo via th Ptralt of Maa-cllan to load grain or flonr her at I S shllMna-a. Th conviction la r. row In; that much of the wheat remaining will move over land to tho Atlantic seaboard and be rranlpprd br water from there and that manr vessels bound here could be used advantaaeoualy In the flour trade If options for that class of carico were avaPable. Shipper say the situation on the At tantlc with reference to tonnace has resolved Itself Into a frame of blddlnc. ship owners holdlnar out until they feel they have received the best pos sible proportion and th-n fUlr their The result has been that ratea for sallln; vessels have iron up from th Itlvrr ptatto to 110 and II ahllllnaa. which would be about the rata now from here. Tbo New York Journal of Commerce has th following to say of the situ ation: A most Interestlnr feature I the action of tho ftrltleh arovernment prac- tlrallr Ukmt charae of the shlpplna; situation In an effort to brln? some re II. f to strained fr.lrht conditions. British ships are prohibited from car. I rilna anv nrrn from ona foreian nort I T to another after Iocember I. unlesa licensed la do so. and an order In coun cil aso empower the slovernment to r.oul.ltlon ships for the rarrMca of foodstuffs and other necesaltlea. All lUitirh steamahln owner who have toonaee already chartered from Atlanlie and flulf port In the I'M led statea or ('snails to th 1'nlted Kmc ton for wKeat are required to slve not ir-e of such enaemente to the are announced from the office of In spector W arrack, of tha Keveoteentii LJKhlhouae District, aa follow: Above month of Willamette River Llshts established, cbangee In lichta: Kyana Point lisht. moved about 10O yards degreea, 13 taat above water, on cross arm on pile, la one-half fathom of water. Waahoucal upper llsht. eetabllebed fixed rhlte. of 40 candlepower. 2t feet above water, on white cross arm. on ?ll dolphin. In X fathoms of water, on north aide of river above Wasbonsal. Tunnel Point llsht. estsbllshed fixed white, of 40 candlepower. 20 feet above water, oa white shelf on pile structure. In tst noma ox wster. orr point. Prendle Landing- llsht. discontinued. Csndisns lisht. established, fixed white of 40 candlepower. 1Z feet above water, on m on wnite post, on point about one tlilrd mile eaat of i'ape Horn. Washlng-ton. Roer Umatilla Reef Hahtvessel to be temporarily replaced by relief I! ght vassal about tlerember IJ. iftli. Juaa de Kuca btralt approach Swlftaure Bank ItshtveaMil IrmMrarllv reolared fev relief llcblvsssel November 10. GALGATK CASE O'SETTLED Owner and Charterer Fall to Reach Vndrrstandlng on Ballast. On the waterfront the time of MOVE HELD LIGHTLY Lighthouse District Will Stay, Is Belief Here. SEATTLE PLEA LAUGHED AT freeze out" between the owners of the Rrltlsh bark GaUate and M. II. Houser brlns; watched with Interest, na no Puget Sound Argument in Asking Transfer of Headquarters Is Regarded in Portland as Not en Reasonable. Portland shipping interests ars not particularly perturbed over the most recent efforts of Puiret Sound residents to brinsr about the transfer of the head NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS OF COMMISSION OF PUBLIC DOCKS HAVE SERVED SINCE FORMATION OF BOARD. vS. I"- j I : X 'i i ( f s r I v . J I -MLJi I v. Geo. W. Elder, from Portland, tor San Dlevo. Dec. 10. Sailed at 6 P. M. Steamer Johan PouImd. for Portland, re turned In disabled condition. Seattle, Dec. 1 i. Sailed Steamers Paci fic X.Norway), for Havre; Humboldt, lor Soatheaaiern Alaska. Shimooosekl, Dec 4. -Arrived Steamer oSokoico Maru, from Portland. Or. Yokohama, Dec. . Arrived Steamers Panama Mini from San Francisco. Decern- oer 7 feninyo Hiru. from San Francisco. December 9 Yokohama Maru from Seattle. Sailed, December 7 Persia Maru for San Francisco. Melbourne, Dec 10 Arrived Wairuna, from San Francisco. Nagasaki, Dec. 9. Sailed Steamer China, for San Franclsoo. Coronet, Dec - Sailed Steamer Poly phemus (from Liverpool), for Vancouver. Antofogasta, Dec. 10. Sailed Steamer Pacific tfrom Copenhagen), for San Fran cisco. San Fraicisco. Dec 11. Arrived Steam ers Musician, from Liverpool: Oleum, from Katt le : Ceorre w. Elder, from Portland : Elisabeth, from Ban don. Sailed Steamers Beaver, for Portland; Xevadan. for Junin. Yokohama. Dec. 10. Arrived Steamer Tacoma Maru, from Tacoma. St. Vincent. Dec. II. Sailed Steamer Si a in (from San Francisco), for Kirkwall and Berg-en. News Prom Oregon Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. Dec. 1 1. (Special.) Bring-in part cargo for Portland, the American-Hawaiian Line steamer Iowan arrived from New York, via San Francisco. Carrying a full cargo of general freight and a fair Ift-t of passengers, the steamer Northern Pacific sailed for San Francisco. The ateain schooner Para) so shifted from Portland to Knappton to complete her deck load of lumber for San Francisco. The tug Navigator, with the barge Monte rey in tow. arrived from Portland and an chored in the lower harbor awaiting more favorable weather before going to sea. The steam schooner Necanlcum arrived from San Pedro and will load lumber at ! the Hammond mill. The grain Inden Norwegian ship Gezfna arrtved from Portland and will sail for the United Kingdom tomorrow. COOS BAY. Or.. Dec. V. (Speclal.)- I The stevtmer Adeline Smith arrived at 8:30 this morning- from San Francisco. The steam schooner Wcprprrer. due todav. han not reported and H Is expected she will arrive in tne morning. HARBOR AID ASKED Coos Bay Port Prepares Me morial to Congress. DEEPER CHANNEL SOUGHT Ocean Vessels Are Expected to Call With Expansion of Lumber Industry X'pou Comple tion of Railroad. C B. Mo re a. Cbalrma a Ben telllnar, Yfre-Cbaf rsnaa. tvoer rlosej by a Pucet Hound firm. I requisitioning committee of the Foard and tnsr waa a rnana la quo- I of Trarte. lations of her owner durtna; the past I "Instances ars already knosrn of fear dais, the rite as tie a Ion. as I ships hatrinar been taken over br tbe saTaio.t ill i paM rr nr slater ship. I corornment at rates approximately the nrfciaa steamer I'aeirir. whtrn I one-half of those they have been seek was romilts la.t week and baa fin- I Inar to obtain under privet contract, l.hej loa-liner f our cargo oa ruset I In other word. It wou'.d appear that aVn. for I shipowners have ovrrrearhad them MHier ear I' couM not he paid I selves In the matter of freight rates. for th Kxrenla for a floor rarco. and I Th la should, of rours. hare a stlmu any money cleared oa the traasa tlnn. I latira effort on tha movement of srrsln Throuah the retirement of F. W. Mulkcy from the Commission of rubllo liorka, belnsr succeeded by F. C Knapp, the office of chairman became vacant and l B. Moorea, rice-chairman, waa advanced to the executive post, and Ben (clllna; elected vice-chairman. Mr. Moores waa first appointed in December. 110. when the Commission was organ ise!, and drew the four-year term, being; reappointed, so he serves un til tecember 7. Il. Mr. felllns: served three years, and accepted re appointment. Ilia term ends December 7. 1918. . IteaaminsT th Hrlll.h steamer Er. roll, which has been held at t'omoi for several days, pending th. settle ment of a qtt..tton aa to whether sh should lad flour here for Kurop and rrore.J vie the M raits of Macrllaa at the same rate aa via the I'anama tana:. It was understood yesterday that th matter had been adjusted and the steamer ordered here. Part of f orrw Will fu Kept for Win ter riant Ovrrluaallns. Work on ho north Jetty al the foutli of the t'olumb.a River reaaea T.aiy. that lima may bo allowed fr etarhaqttng th. pttnt In advene or tho 11 sea.on. t'peraltons may bo resumed la March, There ar arDromrm..teTr 2J men vmeletf4 era the Jetty proct and .html 7S are to h retained d'irlfl, tho la inter t o.Tk after le ron.truction of near equipment, overhaulinc !-. o- snofiv. mn-i ears, the d.rrKha on tho receiving 4ck and other parts of the W ken the orM.rtaklnjt I. stain e'arteit bp. the f.j I fore will not e. rH me than aui Ij si.b. as It t. to stretch further damptrta' rf re-k eion the tr..r. diartnf th bt w.ather. aot protabty continue te uera nntil November Tnia kaa be.a d.rMeci npna becau ft t.a reasoned that aothinc Is to bo r!n4 threusk tha employment ef a lrt.r aanaber ef mea and tko apart tiosj f tho rail tram ee, tat pan at. aa tb rc k insist b. permitt.4 to settle so tha f lnt enur.e ran bo dlstrtb- ta 117. Kiiert'nc at tho month rf the river en tho south Jetty project he. been that tkr.e eea.ona aro re. ettre aefore the reakea m fairly a".'il foundation. th fir.t two eeurae alnkinf t a .otit level and th. third t. bet. a. distribale for a annn rracr period. The la.t rnnrrart entered Into by the tirtftramffit fr rock amounted to I t tn.. an t th rth wa. re. sera.4 f. tncreajM tho amotant 2 p.r e-.t. t'p to rrrfnrif t. approstmate 7 1 (44 ton. war. n,ee4 on thl rna t-act. ae.t probably lra tone aHti ttonat wt I bo In place by Tu. i V. s. l ta s.tima'.d that front Se.exe to . i will h available and.r It arotr fr the eoenlnff seaeoex Tao op.nloaa appears to ho aeneral ts.t the meat effeets yet hewta frrvrrt the rnettrurllns of th. sort f-tt. wt'l ho llla.trat'd aevt year. iM Ira Inflia.nee. ronibme.f with the work of t h. d-ede will ! t prov the roal.siloa that tko aep water t tho southerly sc t'cta of tb bar ta permanent. A a.rvev la now aaarr way Iber. t aafher data a. to he th. channel has etood d'jrina tk. last quarter, and another In March will indicate wh'ther chances take par. sarins th. worst Wioathe ef lb year. With tho r eatabli.kmenf of trio fe rtnt on Cape riaappoiatment. an tho dredset etai ran bo ud at elskt. and MfHn No. boov. whl'o tko roldchaasel sas b'aoy ka already been chance.! to roe. form to. tho dradce't rtt. It la .a d tka antra' from aU standpoints ts la th. beat rorclition In th. hi. t try of tho lolemka River Imprcvemenl protect. IV. ft llatcbe-rv wactt lay r Aid. ORrnOMAS NEW. BVI'.RAC. W ash- COA Mli:i.IITS VP AGAIN l.nmhrr .(ena- to Nan I'ranclaco on 1 I tale With Tonnare Soarcc. Prediction that Coast lumber freicht. would continue their rllr.ib wars verified yesterday when It be came known that the Arrow Line steaun.r I'araleo la loadlns lumber on tne river at l a thouaaod feet for fan Francisco, which makes the tariff to Han Pedro and Matt tMesro J S. beina another advanc of to rents over what was beina paid 14 days ago. .Negotiation are under way for a steamer to work a full load here for nan Franriars on a basia of fS. and It Is said no difficulty la beina met with by veesc! owtvrs In Crttlntl lop. notch rates, thouch there la no re lief prospective from the scarcity of tonnace. Hteam schooners handling rain in the hold and lumber on deck ar. plllnc up revenue for the dividend side of th balance sheet, aa grain rates are as high as f 1 li and iii) a ton. settlement had been reached yesterday, the ship remaining ir tho stream at the lower enl of the harbor, where she waa shifted two weeks ago after having started her cargo at Irving dock. The difference arose over the amount of ballast left in the hold. The ship loads barley, and It la said the cargo ready for her is much heavier than the usual run of barley, the charterer taking the stand that with the ballast IISPATCHE1 I remaining aboard she would be dowo to her mark betore oeing tuny lonnea. so he would be paying for space not actually occupied. Tho vessel arrived from riristoi No vember 1 4 and discharged ballast so that two weeks ago yesterday she waa t her loading berth, although she went to the stream again within a day or two. It Is supposed that the matter It I IT LA M .KTS Ol.sOX I.I . K Xorttrjlan Inlrrrrsla Announce Serv ice of Large D'lrt-t- Kred Olson, operating a large fleet under th Norwegian flag, that la known aa the il.on line, ha wrlttea the Chamber of Commerce that hla ves sels will Include 1'ortland aa a port of rail after the opening of 11. The mote follows a vi. it here during the ummer of Frits t.l.on. son of the directing bead of the fleet, who went ovr the I'acKie Coast situation. The company la using steamers be tween .-candinavun porta and Haa and It Is Intended to start motorahip. of larger rapartty next year and rttend th. eertlre north of the iilrten Hate. Chamber of Commerce officiate are confident there will be abundant business here to hold th. line and al l do utmost to organise shipper toward protlding cargo. .rZIN TK-Ji IIARLKY CARGO W tie-at Export for Week Show Gala thrr Prc-rcHlIng PrrtoaL Aboard th. Norwegian skip Cejlna. which) left d.w n at 7 o'clock yeaterday mornmc In tow of th tug Onaonta. was IJi.t-ll bu.hris of barley talued at I : T trie gooa tr uu.niHon or Falmouth for rdcra Th. Cealna reached hero November 31 from Cap. Town. and. as her oanera have d'apo-ed of veaaol t'aptatn T. elalveoen. senior navicator In tb. line, waa sent here to comma rwd h. t.esina. Captain Mirkrlon. who'tt the ahlp to Fenian, remaining aboard as mate for the return votage Purine th. week more than !. bathe's of wheat wer. exported. ee barrel, of flonr and th. barley aboard th lieiiaa, while tp preceding wrek the cram asportation was confined to 1T.3 bo.hels of wheat and till bar. tela of f'oor. Kallora Coin Odd I'hrase-a. Following la an explanation advanced aa to the origin of aa expression ram mon among doepwalerm.n of "tat dvll to r y and no pitch hot": at lb bow. rtht al the walerltae ef Miin la a ca.1.4 tbe 4.. il" es.1 from r. pilcbio. and etraia las 'f tse tMl this verc of. a svrasc a leak. an4 II he b ape.4ly revised .tin ole.. eerao. It .aa o par It with bet pitra. pat" naaalaa la ao,.r tne etat ana the surra. Aa I hie strain ef aaMt kat tat liable to a;caf al aa. ttm.. a rarefal saippae .aa sas I. be r...I tor It S4 kao bis plt'h I I the tm. bet Tbe eetr .ar ka ran bla. eoal4 .. oao sv fcaaai.f a eel lor ... the i.Je r lb art ip. an. at e.arr dip of the ..m.i b. w..i4 ge as4.e aier aad by tbe ..... b. tar..n eee'est la. bo. It was a sertl. Ii4 dift'.wlt Je4. a-4 b.ace arno. lha etpreaeaoa e.aetlsg a llsht fix. "l.lsl in. tet! . -1 the .... e-a " tl-tb e4 ..m er. t.r. sot earaeaaoa I eLpoee th.. la. feiln lalo ...earn f tear Ibat It la tea " en.uo l.b.MIa .ilk lb. aasae e( kia saiaai. aajestj. to Great Prttaln. but. If anything. It would complicate matters so far as ex ports to other countries are concerned.' CALLAO CARGO ftaja California Get Away on First Voyage from Portland. Cargo for Callao valued at $T.:2 was started from Cortland yesterday aboard Ihe Norwegian steamer Baja California- ooerated bv tho Hrm of I Henry Mnllh. Inc. Mho finished loading will fe aajusiea mia wees. i;i0 feet of lumber al the Portland mill early In the afternoon and sal RCMiKCS rUAISKS .AltlSfcllh assisted through the bridges by the steamer Orklahama and No Wonder, towboata being used Jrcause of the current running. Lumber on Ihe vessel was the least valuable of her load, being appraised at 1W00. and there were .0s bushels (convicted at Astoria Thursday of having or wheal at I7I.S2I and S barrels of I Dnoted the Japanese steamer Kxnkoku flour at i:i0. The Uaja California al- ,. . .u. ,i... e.e.ntlv when not 1 . I U , " . ' ' ...w - - f ihe ooasessor of an uregon nrancn quarters of the Seventeenth Lighthouse District from rortland to ieattle. It has come up through a resolution passed by the Steam Shipmasters' As soclatton of the J'acltlc Coast appar ently a Pucet Snlind hniiv. which nnlnlt a leak, maklnr her way to Atores. snd Icav out "the necessity" of shiflinic the ln tiler n2,'t w,'h mo.Vs sdverse conditions headquarters to the northern harbor. Marine Xotes. That the steamer Johan Fnulsen put back to Pen Francisco Friday nic:ht with her ma chinery disabled was the text of a message received yesterday at the Merchants' Kx chance. The vessel had left the lioldcn Gate at 6 o'clock thst night for Portland. Efforts are being made to arrange for shifting the fifth pontoon of the Port Portland drydock through the bridges from Inman-Poulsen s to the drydock at bt. John but because of the size of the pontoon current runninc; In the river It may be de layed a few days. That is tho last section of the drydock on which the wings were rebuilt. Captain McClcllnn. of the North Pac.lfi steamer F. A. Kllburn. which sailed last night with a full cargo and shout t5 passen gera. will Le welcomed as a Santa Clans at Marshfield and Eureka, as the ship carrie. shipments of Christmas goods that bavo been delayed here because ot the steamer service being hsmpered during the past month There was little freight left on Columbia dock and probably on the next trip the congestion will be Iltted. Having been detained loading the last o! her csraro. the steamer Tamalpais did not gel away from the upper harbor last night and is to sail this morning, carrying a lair list of passengers for ban Francisco. In a message to the Globe Grain & Mill ing Company yesterday, news was conveyed that the steamer Portland, which was pur chased for the Portland-California trade, but has been used In the Atlantic during tn past year, had rut Into Bermuda December ti. with iier machinery disabled and fuel supply exhausted. The steamer was on her way from Bordeaux for New lork and It li Intended to tow her from the West Indies harbor to New York, where repairs are be made. After getting away from Bordeaux she encountered rough weatrer and sprun Among the reasons advanced is that Puget Sound's maritime business is on the increase, also that lighthouse tend. era are often stormbound in the Columbia Klver. Neither or both of which do Tortlanders regard as even reasonable arguments for the cherished move. It still remains that the Colum bia River Is the center of the district. which extends from the Oregon-Call- snd made Bermuda. Mhe Is In command of Csptstn Rees, well known here. C. W. Nicholson is the new owner of th steamer Woodland, having negotiated for tb vessel from Captain John Exon. She was formerly on the Portland-Lewis River run, but has been out of .commission the past few months. It Is understood plans are beln considered for returning her to the Lewis Kiver trade, which Is now looked alter by the su-amer Metlako. To have repairs made to her rudder stock, which was damaged Friday in Nort Port- Bar runt Said to n Considerate In Tom Ing Male Law. Cantain Kendall r.osers. mho was Irarted considerable attention here, it I being her first visit. Captain Kuslad nossessor .. .....i.ul K.. takes a a.c. .k. I. h. K..l.. --i-- a. license, as ""I"" ' . oi.Jl ottl. u.. j..Ti.i.i,l ..... most optimistic view or tne snaano.. ' 7 ' ' ' . ..j Bnd novr ,hnt the matter is enaeu ssjs c ose I. M tons. The! wm J,,, aovbl would h.Ve acted as did built for tha Mexican trade, and while i'.i,,i,ia River har nilots were iiai iwtnirj is 10 a state 01 upneaval I w. , (kal. .o.liion K. will r.1. In Ik. XV... C 1 I I 11 it n a resumption or Mexican com merce she is exported to be sent here frequently for cargo. IOWA TO DISCHARGE TODAY -i have onlv the kindest feeling to- ard those men. for their treatment of m. waa more man i cwmi ...i.H " Mirl Cantain Rogers yesterday In the first place, tney arrmmru for me after I had been held to answe In the Justlco court. After my con- Irellterr or Cl.rlatn.a Shlpntcnta VriatTon that the fina waa rescinded Will He Expedite. V ,h C'!Tt' S "i , , and needlesa I Francisco In a day or two. and. neeoiesa Christmas card and similar hnlldav I . ..c t rin not intend to bring more goods that are Included In Ihe cargo of I foreign vessels Into the rlrer without tn. American - Hawaiian liner state ticket. which arrived laat nlarht from N'.wl r.niiin Itns-ers Is a mate on the York via Ihe Straits of Magellan, will steamer Rreakwater under Captain b discharged as quickly as possible I Mucarrnn and expects to continue In todav aa trier mav b. distributed tol ih. h.nh when the vessel resumes various eonale-neea In the N'nrf have.t I at Ion between San Francisco and by e t press. A representative of the! Portland as a running mate of the manufacturers has reached here, and h. will hurry the movement by rail. He Intends having the Puget Sound good a unloaded aa well, and they will h. forwarded by express so aa to expe dite their delivery. Th. Iowan haa 1TS0 tons of freight In all. and much of It Is Christmas stork for I'ort land firms. The last of the cargo Is expected to he unloaded Tuesday. After unloading other atuff on I'uget Sound, the Iowan will steam oa a long rua lo the West Coast to load nitrates for New York. Notice to Mariner. Latest changes In aids to navigation steamer F. A. Kllburn In the service of the North Pacific Steamship Company, Veeaeet F.nte 7 Teaterday. American ete.imer r. A. Kllburn. general carso. from tun Francisco and way porta American .learner D.lsy Putnsm. gen eral cirso. from San Fr m-lsoo. Veaaera Cleared Yeaterday. American etenmer T. A. Kllhurnr reneral e...n r..r Han Francisco and way ports. Ni-eeglan .u-s'ner ft.ils California, wheat .ml to. Weal Cotrt. Arn.n, an steamer Bexr. general cargo, for Han Fraaclect sod Mn peqro. Colombia Klver Bar Report. NORTH HKAI. nec. 11. Condition of the bar at 4 P. XI.: Cloudy; ses. rough; wind. southesst 36 miles. OX-TEAM VEHICLE IS USED TO HALL GOODS SALVAGED FROM SANTA CLARA WRECK. I . - . '-jg V eT hVVr.-, test ) I XIQI K Tlt.rURTATIOtf FRF.FU lTO HKR ICF MARHKIELI. Or.. !c. II. tSperlal.) While th steamship Santa Clara waa lying on th beach at th entrance to Cooa Bay and th beachcombers were removing every conceivable kind of merchan dise from her bold, and transporting th property to different local ities, tha moat unique vehicle engaged In the work waa an ox team owned br a resident of the South Inlet district. Living away from civilisation, th owner makes a precarious liv ing with hla ox learn, cultivating a sidehtll farm and hauling hla produrta lo Marshfield or North Bend, li miles distant. In the cart. Tha returns from tb Santa Clara wreck gave him employment for nearly a week and the oxen would splash through the miserable highway when automobile.) and horses wer almost prevented by mud from traveling. forma line to the boundary of British hand harbor, the Port of Portland tug We Columbia. Tong.e Folnt Ideal Depot. Tongue Point is an ideal place for a buoy depot and so recognized by the Government when it was established being accessible for either Oregon or Washington ports. It has no fathom less depths In front of It. therefore any kind of a narigatlon aid can be safely and accurately tested. Repairs are made there to equipment Ira all kinds of weather, and as to tenders being barbound in the Columbia Hivcr. that strikes mariners here as somewhat of a Joke, for any time a tender is unable to get out of the Columbia River it is a certainty that if she was within the area of I'uget Sound bound for sea her refuge would be Neah Bay, which has been a retreat for the tenders for many years. They have been held there for sereral days at a time. Tenders are usually so operated that one of them is on Puget Sound. Sup piles are purchased there as well as at Astoria and Portland, so from a nonah went to the drydock yesterday. Marconi Wireless Keports. AII Do.lllona reoorted at 8 P. M.. Decern. ber II. unlce otherwise designated.) Atlas, ban Francisco for Honolulu, 545 miles out. December 10. Manoa. Honolulu lor fan r rancisco, iwiw miles out. December 10. Enterprise. Seattle for Honolulu. miles from rnne Flattery. December 10. Hyedes. Seattle tor Honolulu, jutto mil. from Seattle. December J it. I-urllne. Han Franclif-o for Honolulu, ie miles out. December 10. Beaver. San Francisco for Portland, six miles south of Point Arena. Willamette. Han Francisco for San Pedro, 1011 miles south of San Francisco. i'elllo. Portland for San Francisco, 10 miles north of San Francisco. Northern Pacific. Flavel for san Francisco, AS miles south of Columbia River. NewDort. Halboa for Kan Francisco. 60 mllM n.r nt Mnlinn. I'ruz. December 10. Arollne, San Pedro for ban Francisco, on Point Flrmin. Pleiades. Balboa for San Francisco, all mile, s.mth of San Pedro. roiusa. Brazil for san Francisco, not mllna .nnth nf Sen Francisco. IV Wannma. Redondo for San Francisco. mercenary tt&ndnnlnt nothinir Is to hi. I mile, north of Piedras Blancas. gained bv the change, and with the Klamath. San Pedro for San Francisco. Columbia K.ver, Cmatilla Reef and r,v..,m"".DOrJ.n W3L, r, Pedro Swlftsure Bank light vessels operated ia" mil.. eMt nf Santa Barbara. by stesm, they are able at all times Chatham, Pan Francisco for Valparaiso, to make port, whether the Columbia 58 miles south of San Francisco. pan .rose, xanu. . . . . . u .. . . v , Mazatlan. .1 P. M. iiaiDoa, River or Puget Sound, without the aid of tenders. Transfer Thought Lnllkely. Should the resolution of the northern association be given consideration by the Bureau of Lighthouses it Is as sured that a hearing will first be ac corded Columbia River mariners, and unless It can be pointed out that there Pennsvtvania. San Francisco Tor nnl mil... .outh of San Francisco. lanu. oil.1! ml es soutn OI Mil f ran Cisco. i.overnor. Victoria for San Francisco, 30 mil., north nf Blanco. Roanoke. San Francisco for portlana, l- mile, south of Co umbla Klver. Harrln. Monterey lor amnion, zt mues north of Monterey. Porter. Monterey for Everett, J17 mues aro serious fnlllla with th. .rl.Hnr I north of San Francisco. i oronano. sail riam.i...u a .... arrangement, it is not thought the ter ritory will be disturbed. .Seattle has tho trade of the Six teenth Lighthouse District, comprising Alaska, stores and aupplies beinir or dered there, in addition to a share she derives from the Seventeenth District. Puget Sound also has a Navy-yard, is the headquarters of the Pacific reserve fleet, of the Army transport servii'e north of San Francisco, also of the Coast Guard Service, the cablesbip burnside, and has many other Govern ment advantages. Krtp mile, north of faoe Mendocino. Alliance. Seattle for San rrancisco, u mil.. . . , r V. of Klanrfl. Asuncion. Ketchikan ror menmona, mite, mirth of Richmond f'entralla. FureKa ror Aneraecn, i mim .onti. or I'ninmiiiA Kiver. t'hanslor. Fverett Tor san r rancisco, -'- mil., aoiuh nf Cane Flattery. Senator. Alaskan ports lor aeattie. oil Active Pass. Grace Dollar. Tacoma lor ban rrancisco. .-,0 miles from Tacoma. 5:43 A. M.. 5:21 P. M.. Tides at Astoria Sunday. High. Low. . .7.7 feetll:D0 A. M. , r.3 reetl .2 7 feet MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DCS TO ARRIVP. Varna. From Date. Rear. ... .Los A nge!es. In port TEACHER INSTITUTE HELD Estacada Principal Gives Talk at Oak Grove Session. Roaooka Ssn Dleso ...Dec hteaver Lot Angeles Dee. Northern Pacific. ..Pan Francisco. ... Dec. Moss C ity Los Angeles Ut Geo. W. Bldar. ....iaa Disco - Dec. F. A. Kllburn. ... ..tan Francisco. ... Dec. DCS TO DEPART. Mama. Front Data. Rear Lot Angeles. . harvard t. F. for n. D. . Koaooke ban Dlero.... la s. r ror s D . Northern Pacific. ..San Franctaco. . loa Angeier ... San Diego. . . . ... MB rdro. . . . , .San Diego. .. . ,...San Diego.... . . San Diego. . . . ...San Francisco ...haa Franclec , ...Ios Angelaa. .. San Diego. ... . . Jao Diego. .. . Portland-At!ante Service. DUB TO ARRIVE. Kama From Data Iowan ....New York. ....... la Panamas. ...... ...New York ..Dec. -U Kenturklaa. ..-.-.-New York. ...... .Feb. Ai.aver. Klamath Wapama. ...... J li. stetson. ... slultnomsh. ... . Willamette. .... Yosemlt. F. A. Kllburn... Rose City lall.o Geo. W. Elder. . . , ..Dt)C. . . Dec. . . . I ec. .. Dec .. Dec .. Deo. ..Dec. .. Dec . . . Dec. . . Dec. . .Dec . . Dec. ..Dec. 21 ..Deo. 22 ...Dae. 'J2 ...De:. CiRFlOON CITT. Or.. Dec. 11. (Spe cial.) F. B. Guthrie, prinojipal of the Kstacada School, was tne speaiter at a eetina- of teachers held at oak orove today. His subject was "How to Teach Klementary Agriculture In Elementary Schools," and following his talk tnere was a general discussion of the sub Jec'.. . . u Thirty-rive teacners iium ni n.- ern part ot tne county oncnucu institute. , Lewia Reece. speaking on mt jm- , portance of Organization." Clara M. I Jindon on rrimary i'"'11" Mina B. Hubbs on "How I Teach His tory in the Seventh Grade." were others on the programme. County Su perintendent Calavan made a short talk. MARSHFIELD. Or.. Dec. 11. (Spe cial.) The Port of Coos Bay is pre paring a memorial to Congress whicii will be presented, despite President Wilson's orders to "cut all rivers and harbors appropriations to the bone." The instrument sets forth arguments for a better harbor for Coos Bay and asks for Jetty work that will assure 40 feet of water on the bar and SO feet in the inside channel from the bar to the C. A. Smith mill, a distance of 14 miles. A new project is also re quested. The memorial Is based on the expec tation of foreign traere which will re quire deeper draft ships. There are already in sight several cargoes for foreign ports in 1916, which will in clude pulp and lumber shipments. Mors advantageous rates can be obtained, shippers state, if vessels of 50U0 tons can load here without being compelled to load but half or three-quarters of a cargo. The arguments also imply that Coos Bay wil' be the actual shipping- port for practically two-thirds of the stand, ing timber in the coast section of Southwestern Oregon. This hope is backed by the expected completion of the Willamette-Pacific railroad next year, the probable ex-tension of the Smith-Powers railroad, now within 15 miles of the county line, into Curry Counts-, where there are great quan tities of Port Orford cedar and mer chantable fir and other timber. The Willamette-Pacific, Coos Bay people believe, will within the next few years be hauling logs cut on the Siuslaw and Umpqua Rivers to this port for manufacturing. ALASKAN SURVEY HAMPERED Coast Steamers Condemned and Ap propriation Is Sought. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Dec. 11. The Secretary of Commerce having recently condemned and ordered the sale of the old coast survey steamers Gedney and JIcArthur. that for years have been working in Summer in Alaskan waters and at other seasons along the Pacific Coast, an appropriation of $254,000 has been recommended to construct a new and modern coast survey steamer to replace these two old hulks. The new vessel contemplated, if au thorized, would permft of much more effective work, and it is believed for tho time being this one vessel would per mit quite as much work being done in Alaskan waters as has been done on the Gedney and McArthur in seasons past. During the next season, how ever, work in Alaska will be hampered because there will be no vessel to re place the two which have been with drawn. Notice to Sfariners. The following affects aids to naviga tion in the 17th Lighthouse District: Columbia River. Walker Island to Martin Island Hunters' har light, heretofore re ported carried away, was rebuilt and re lighted December o. Willapa Bay Outside bar gas and whist ling buoy, Ps, heretofore reported extin guished, was relighted December 10. Juan lie Fuca strait Aran ay gas ana whistling buoy, 2, reported extinguished December 10; to he relltrhted as soon as practicable. ROBERT WAR RACK. inspector. LAKE DECISION TO STAND Land Board Won't Contest Federal Claim to Oregon Body of Water. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 11. (Special.) No appeal will be taken by the State Land Board from the decision of Edward U. Worth, United States Surveyor-General of Oregon, wherein Alkali Lake, in Central Oregon, was declared to be Federal property. The board an nounced its decision to-day. The Oregon Borax Company, which wished to mine the bed of the lake, in stituted the proceedings to vest tho itle to the lake in the Government, on the ground that it was valuable for minerals. The first survey showed the lake to be navigable, but this was in error, the Jiurveynr-Genoral nela. JOYFUL GLASSES Oeooslaa. Kama. Panama. . Kenluck'a Oaorglaa. ,. ...... New York. .... DVC TO DEPART. For ...... .Honolulu..... Honolulu...... Honolulu ..alar. Data. ..D.C 23 ..Feb. IS . Mar. Movement of Vessels. PORTLAND. Dec. 11. Arrived Steamer INTERVENTION IS DENIED Highway Commisison, However, May Appear as Friend of Court. SALEM, Or- Dec. 11. (fepecial.) After listening to argument in ine ...j.mni nroceedings brought against Iowan. from New Tork via way ports. Sailed s. . Engineer Lewis by Peterson & Norwegian steamer Baja California, for f140 ;'",r.r. to comDel him to West Coast: steamer F. A. Kllburn. for San Johnson, contractors, lo compel mm to Francisco via Coos Bay nnd Eureka: Nor- supply an estimate on the work done srcinn ship Oexins. for T'nlted Kingdom: , Clatsop Countv on the Columbia schooner Monterey la tow tug Navigator, for tne Suprerne court today de- At'orlril Or.. Dec. 11. Arrived nt 1:10 snd I pied the motion of the State Highway left op at 1 :.10 P. M. Steamer Iowan. from I commission to intervene, but permitted New York via wry ports. Arrived at 8:40 I , . a friend of the court. Charles McNary. Salem, represented the Commission: Harrison Allen, Port land, the contractors, and G. W. Alien, alclil steamer wiiiamaita. iroin runaiig, - . , . . t,- . for baa Pedro. Arrived at nooa Steamer I Portland, tha State Lnglneer, M. Steamer Necanlcum. from rfan Fran- lae-o. Sailed nt 3:10 P. M. Steamer Northern Pacific, for San Francisco. San r rancisco I lec. it. s.mea at miq- iglit Steamer Willamette, from Portland, ThompKon' Deep Carve Lease Are Better. THOMPSON'S KRYPIOK, FAR vision. fithouf Lines irdhe 'NEAR If I SI 0 11 tens The kind that make you feel YOUNG without making you LOOK old. THOMPSON Specialist in the Modern Applica tion of Glasses. Second Floor Corbett Bldg, Fifth and Morrison.