20 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAJS'D, DECEMBER 12. 1915. RAIDS BIG PROBLEM! Zeppelins Work Most Puz zling Question.' SCORE ATTACKS SUCCEED WEALTH AND BEAUTY OF DESCHUTES RIVER GIVE PROMISE FOR FUTURE Alio I!rrhry Comments en Wonderful Possibilities. Central Oregon Stream Possesses With Governmental Estimate of 1.000.000 Horsepower and Raw Material for Manufacturing in Abundance. A'rfl CenrraWMp Now Bocom- Mor - oirady and Air tiaf mad Are Prjwl Gaard Asalnat I'.aWI. rant-. rrn.-. r-- f-n ikmi f tt'.. it qtaeattoa In aero generstartta il wr has prcnt: m not ntl-- TS of mC . il rls by aervplaaea aof dlrigl lea war a :ct.i .!. but war not ro. !erl of tftoa ineortAiK by B!ga r-ff..-iu in ml.itary atirtoa of cither : or CntUol. (: mot rrar. ti.- m n fii:. 1 Id foreaeo tha hlihtr icce.af.it n-.trur in whl.h Zeppelin, fir m;I. wouM b liilttlH I') rertsin point, trirouga f'Sa. bor r !o uI eitr lanat. oaer x. A a mat 1 - r of fact. ltopm.l of mean of aerial xntit ea. la thm strict f ana, has coma sine ho war. making f-rmr impco.i VIti: bow compare- a.vly slmpl arcomplishmoDta. Flbllti t4lly iaaer. ft I a fact t1t Zeppelin command r. ! itt4:r Inmivni facility. r Ir.-t'l tfteir rrafi from barer t cielcl im, il-ro. tho tov.r aooa of if;ian4. ov.r tba rhanl to tho k:na i an, rMil. taken lh r hearings. ptrk-e4 p one ritrr. then another, arxl Busily rrta-e4 at tho rhMii destination. el aim bv tho lir:gite boon oa from water or 'IS fruna tlmo tney peaaad J'oi'.aal until I"t hegea to drop bomb It i.aa'Iaad. Ilarailr r Un they tee attacked y tna U(:u antil t r bomri ftt. Moro than -' raws ha boa sue .fuKr earrt4 out against Knclaed fort t pr.t.nt redaction, p-il a'-Je-raswf'il defenao ha prowd difficult that tho rMr har. not yt b pro rttd from continuing a voaago to t point of aetat-a. white riot moro one ba any on of the XrpIios xv:4 la cp cl frwo. It we'jtd bo a inaccurate aa unfair ta Kf.6 thla f:tro of tbo air da- f-n.e ra creleneas or stupidity. Thro aro manr fi argument for id a:n.t every plaa. Tho quoollo t. too pI fnr anr to amatr .'!n!ty. I nil onlr iow t!i rranr .i of It and lt coni-I'taiina bo drawn. Hit ahii.i.r tho ronciuaiona nnajr bo, ft mu.t bo admitted tbat oorraaafuf cannot bo ar-:omclibd br ono loan. Bi!hr wita aaroplaaaa Bar tt! anti-aircraft sun aUao. rr Mlaoa aad t rroad. rtarial for dfn.o mar bo dirldad tnto l c! : Tbat wbira baa bad t .oroocs trial aad that tka haa only ra . . i or auacxtod. la tba wa end ai-airr rat t raanoa and arvh;ibE.. aeaetonarr and moirsbia rmj aarepUaoa. d;ria!bto and cap- t balloon la t.ho aao of whlca air lr t.l.arraPhT. rorkata aad olortrlc lMa piar aTart. la tho antrtod claao ro air miaaa. air aaia. tiJamioatina lia. !( aad bat'oon. Tso aao of -ar'ht.sbta aodannoa I -a a biar city Iiko pari or Loedoa b a robablr a bik aaadtaalaf a ad aaalata. If aaajTciuIbt atatioaad fci'hia a cttr play on tbo btara. aay rotor tho arrival of air Intr'adora tbo r-o t ha parpoaa of boaroao wblca "i-t p'o aaaful la waoJrtn air oraxt of Uka anatny. Aa taaprorod arcalfxbt omployod la bo I h capital I provdd wicbj a ahicr.r by tho aao of ohi.-b tho licht i flaahod on and oft ad whuria al.o appoar :icM:y to bido l " of Ilabt wboa t.io acinar la van. Tho f.l rayo wora alia a aad l-a Loadoa antil raat!y. bat I asdr- tand bow tbat tbar aro to bo abaa !tid. aa wo dona ta I'ari i montat aaro. oau-o whu a tima arvh:i;h ta baa a.dora boo tibtd wttbfa h clU nlla. If a city arrhribt pirk a Tappotta. anti-airt-rsft lyna caa afly d a Rsdiac ab'tl ahict barata w!tb a poff of omoko. Tbo damaara anr aala. 'frft prolartito will do to tao city l'alf. oaioao it fairly bita tbo mark, will at Uaat otoal tbat of tbo modlura a ad born B a droooad from aarapUaaa. Tba chaaro of a dirtxibt a boinc 'a'l dowa at oara by ono or two kit aad tattinc aa a moat daa ' aaploaiao apoa lb city oarciy aiala. i' a a--- f - . -a''-' 'I r " t- - - i ' ' : -' , . - ' - a I I arw . a - .. . - ii.- ; - . . . , .... . a. -aaaa.. aVi i a i t II ar- JaTcag n I - . . - "-jfw-WL-aa. . a-..' I ). . , V1J ' ' LaaaaJ--! " l' ' u , ' I Ty-oaf ConrOff 7ZrAnrw 77ia - I .'77T7"M"M'Mwawaaaa--l " J;s Z?d OCcrCoor A&VTer- SALOO.'.S PREPART TO GO1 lrl C'oanty Mark Inlrmlnl Iry Latw Ia-rlloo. 4lritZ nAz jr'S soyx BT ALICE M. ltCB!tCT. GATITWAT. Or, Doe. IU SpaclL) Tba Dracbatr r.lvor la tb t;roataot pow r-produclnc atroam la Onion. It baa Bn aatlmatod throocb dral Invrallsatlen, that I U capabla of davoloptna; l.0.0J boroo poarar. wblcb rotabllabaa tbo fact tba It pooaaaaaa moro powar tbaa any etbor Iwo combined itrrtau of Orocoev u wo roatUo tbat. of all tbla t wraith of power, only vry amall amount I dvlopad and oaod. at thla II mo w a aro an.aiad and atop to pondor a momant oa tbo arat pooalbllltlaa of future dopraat. Tbo tlmo will com whan manufac. tarinc. aartrultaral arowtb and I vratr population wi.l warrant tb larc.r ao of tho ttaarbutaa and a faint Ink. line dawne in our rulncl of tba an told weaitb thla rir. with Ita vaat mourcaa. win brlna to Central Orr- (on. Not only la It a wond'rtut rxwrr-pro. dtacinc atraam. but tbo acrnary alons ta banka lc(art drrtption. and II a bound a with tbo shiny, oluala-o trout. o dar to orary iportaman. It I mora tbaa J mila in lonath and offr all klnda of (canary and ry kind of waterway one could Imagine. The tream bacina Its traarls In Cranr Prairie, where coupla of Icaold Baoantaln creeks unite. Iboa comes nia of frolirins. Jo you, sinainc rapids, aa'h bank bordered with beary timber. The rler thea wind calmly quietly en for many miles tbrousb beautiful meadows. peyond Hand tho Dearhutss enters bo canyons whero It la bemmed la by ataatyio rockTtbbod walls, with the ttxeptioa of a small open spsra here ad there, for moro tbaa lj miles. Tbo larc't opea spar-o la near Laidlaw. Indmc alone tbo north aide of the ria.r for a diatanro of H miles lie the Warm tiprtntts Iteaerralinn. sometimes Jl neatlaa rloaa to th stream, like a .'V J ".ta 3 "ffri "'".iCau aaaaar -. - ' - - . w i:'',. ' "iaaa ax- . . - - a--, f a v child to Ita mother, then broadn out Into fertllo fields and orchards running- down to the river's brink. Th Government buildings on this reserva tion ara supplied by lit Doscbutes with tbrir own water and alcctrKr licht sys tems. Th velvet lawns and blooming; flowers at this place show what water utilised nchlly can do for these seem- Inaly desert reclona of Central Orecon. Uurlna tha last fO mllra of Its Jour ray to tho rreat Columbia the Oes chutes plunses throush what Is rlcht ly called by many tha lirand Canyon of tho Northwest. Tha rursed. Jasa'd walla of tha canyon durinc thla 0 miles aro many colored, and buratlna out of the rocks and hllsldes her and thrra ara aprins bubblinc down over tho steep walls, shimmering; and sparkling- In tha sunllcbU When the flailing- season opens th stream I fished by hundreds of sports men from Portland, bealtl and Spo kane. Fishing; Is especially fin from Mau pin to south Junction and Coleman, Tb rlvr Is accessible nearly all the way by fairly aood roads, and camping grounds ara fine. There are enough ducks and arouse, fool bens and other gam to make ramp Ufa interesting to th averag-e sportsman, beside tb oc casional cougar and lots of coyotes. A fish hatchery Is to be started at Bend In tho near future, and during- the past two years the Deschutes and nelgrhhor-Ing- mountain lakea hav been stocked with trout Three mills are being- built at Bend which will utilise soma of the gigantic water power which now g-oes to waste. Tim la not far distant when men of money and brains will take hold of the Deschutes proposition, and th million horsepower will mske millions of dol lars, give work to thousands and Cen tral Oregon will enter Into an era of! prosperity that will delight the heart of all true Oreg-onlans. I also had aora records I - bad - bean Buch Interested In.". Question. "Do you mean, they -were your own?" Answer. "No." Q. "Whose?" e A. Others, My personal experience was limited." Q. "Yes. Do you know whose rec ords they were?" A. "Yes, J. had some." Q. "'Let ma be sure what the J la for?" ' A. "Jly friend James." . Professor James was a friend of tha communicator and Mrs. Tausoh wrote In reply to - inquiries that Professor James had grlven tbem records to read and they had done so. l' a Library la Mentioned. The communicator went pn: "Does she remember how I used tp fuss about clocks? I wanted them to be right. Also: "My books, does sha not know about my books and library, so many of them which have been annotated for use The sitter. Professor Tausch's sls-ter-ln-law, raid she knew nothing about his private and domestic Ufa. Mrs. Tausch, however, says that her husband did fuss about the clocks a great deal, especially a cuckoo clock, which he always wound up. As to an notating his books, she says: 'Well, he waa the greatest man for that. He always read with a pencil in his hand The writing goes on: "I want to speak about a glass and a small bag In which I carried papers, manuscripts and the glass was a magnifying, read ing glass. Ask her Jf she recalls either of those. "And I recall trying to do some work just before I came here. That you prob ably know already. Mrs. Tausch writes regarding those Incidents: "He carried a bar in which he pat his manuscripts. He did not use a magnifying glass, but carried eyeglasses in his bag and always lost tbem. He had planned an essay on The Relation Between Science and Re ligion.' but he died before he could do anything with It, There was an effort to give the com munirators name, and Tausch. was given phonetically several times. Dr. liyslop says be tried talking German with him and got a few disjointed re plies in German, among them the re latlonxhlp of the sitter to him. The psychic does not know any German except four words. There was also & reference to some evergreen trees near his grave, which had been cut to a conical shape. Mrs. Tausch knew nothing- about the ever greens, aa Professor Tausch was buried in Silesia. However, she had some pho tographs taken, and these photographs showed conical-shsped evergreens near the grave. larldenta Are Confirmed, Dr. Hyslop says In concluding his summary of the report: "What I want to emphasize is the fact that the inci dents required confirmation by corre spondence with Mrs. Tausch, who was In Germany and the only person who knew the facts. In order to ascertain In recard to tha nossibilitv of suess- ins; or coincidence on tha part of the medium. Dr. Hyslop has to ssy that with guessing much the same Inci dents would be repeated In the hope of making them fit. but this psychic observes the personal equation and does not refer to a man as a philoso pher unless he Is one. The Incidents in these communica tions In New York purporting to come from Professor Tausch. who lived for several years in Oregon and who later died in Germany and whose wife was In Germany at the time of the sittings, are numerous enough and accurate enough to call for some explanation. The sister-tn-law, doubtless, knew of SPECIAL Xmas Outfits on Special Terms For the Next Two Week ml M Columbia Graphophone Co. 429-131 Washington St. Despite the fact that a certain few find pleasure in placing a ban upon our little Lunchroom, trade is gradually increasing. :WHY?: Because we serve the highest quality, in liberal quantities, at very low prices. Quick service and clean. some facts, but she disclaimed any j I knowledge of Professor Tausch's pri-II rate and domestic life, while Dr. Hys-l lop and the psychic were entirely Ig-IL COZY DAIRY LUNCH: 323 Washington SU near 6th. Ladies Welcomed. Follow the Crowds and You'll Seldom Go Wrong. norant of Professor Tausch and his family. Klther the psychic was able to fish from the memories of persons not pres ent and as far distant as Germany th appropriate facts and present them as she did. or else they came through her personality from some discarnate Intelligence which was intent on offer ing means of identification of the late Professor Tausch. Either theory is In teresting aa furnishing proof of re markable capacities of the human mind. Most persons will decline to form any opinion on the ground that doubt in dicates Intellectual acutenexs instead of mental paralysis: and yet if the evolu tionary process In the religions of the world be admitted, what is more rea sonable than to accept the central fact of sntmlem belief in epirits as well as In communication with them as the basis of modern religions? What the authority of the t-hurch if it is not he authority of hard-won facts? Heaven's llcht forever shine, earth's ahad- oa a fly : .!fe. I.ka a dome of many-colored rta Stains the while redlanre of eternity. been used in the history of Aberdeen. It will carry about eight passengers. It also Is to be used as a city amou- lsnce. br-mmmmLm.tm. a.r.,.-..lji j S6 WK have prepared a complete cata logue in which we have listed the best standard variety and novelty roses, that you may make your selec tions easily and thor oughly. Ask or phone for Catalogue No. 361. Portland Seed Co. In OltlUIJA Wah. W. ijpo- elala ,Na tbat tba tkuprotao Court bad sustained tbo dry law .was t. -vod with snox-lt latere! lo.-a.y. .levaa saloon wi go out of bualnea a result of th decision, a larar am bar la Ceatratia aad a aval term f -w la tho oataade towns of tb county. adr. Toiodo. M.rtoo aa-1 Napavtn a salooas whUh ta Be w law wi.l affect. naerlff foatr. of Lewis County. Is spatted to demand a stru t conformity t a tho Uw. owing ta th strong tm !'' sentlmoet la Cemralla it Is vtl Ida local authorities of that aity will bo irons- for th enfrva. tnent of tb mv iaw. City Marebe! !ipB. of Chehaiia. la understood to re aa rvord that ho wi; tbat th law la compiled wtta to lb l.tt.r la bis city. PSYCHIC INVESTIGATORS STUDY PORTLAND CASE George A. TliaUher DUcttaart Report of Wife Communication. Through Sister. With Late Professor Tausch. Once of Willamette University. THIRD SPAN KPT YET SET Jll-tli Wind Cmm-rt Dvlay U Work oft lolrratale Ilrtdxe. tomntp. Wa.h. P.-. n,spo tit owing- i a hi! wind th third 3a la lb Columbia I.iver lalaratat !i-"Ma wa not fioaled Into poaitloa ! All pr.parat.ona war ma Jo and lie spaa a.i B.at.d. but th wind tiaio II ua.aa: to attempt la crow tb fiver. Itowevor. If t-io we.ther la favorable, t aa wi:i ba Rolled oaf tomorrow. M'il " or I oi. k. It I la poW I r on th barf. Tft;a Is mala -- arv b "! a of th tide d taring- tb "t u on.afe ta !av th spaa afina" th cows. o tfty aro par. .a;.y a::d. A'nv years aao Professor Tat waa Instructor In philoooph th TVltlamotte fnlveralty at Krlao tkmamlag Cirownd DmtxrvJ. krL.- Wa.b . fa- .. asocial r.a.tncl of tba i t, ia di.trw-t I." wt of KlaK. kaa eeca.altated ra afKmtal of the wm( works al t'-ia In waaratila log-gma caasp oa ! a'reab. ant la arranca proporty ta roan -any baa ta dre.lg abatif .. yar-t of frona th crk bo I - .na. cwo dradca wita a rapacity of 11 varia ta at work and anihr will arriao rwa. It. V . Raathl Mayor of nislora. rrMWtlA. tav. II fpa- UJ. '. . IU u '1 Wa !e..j Mo or at 14 i tiaa k:4 ta T ii b Tieedar. t. C t.u.-a wa r-ita4 Iraaaurar arad Tkomaa Crocker, t.mmmi fstadta. A. VV. ' and CVaedo t waaay wra ltd to lit CaaKiL nr r.r.nKcc . thuciich. 'nv years aao Professor Tausch r In at Pa- lem. and later taucbt Unausgea In the j.t:raon High School lo Portlaad. H waa a highly oducalad man. but bad bvr acquired a norfevt ' farllity In aposkirg th Krg'.lab "languag. and -onaa-i-iantly labor under a serious Two years aao professor Tausch re turned tJ Germany with hi wlf and mob aftor died there. Probably many of hi acquai ota rices ta tho Wli;metio Valley bs not beard of bis Oeparlur from thla world. unco th death of Profeosor Tausch hi wtf baa wrlttn to Dr. James It. HvaloB of tb Amrlaa Soctoty tor lltchlcal P.aaearcb. aayleg that sbo bad I oat her husband and In br ditrs of mind wlbd lo bo convinced of i fulur Uf. and hoping that communl cation from bar baaband weuia con- vine bar of It If h actually survived ad could roremuBtrat. 1th tbtai Idea mind aha asked Dr. Iljslop lo rec ommend lo br a pychK-. It. Ilyalop. In dcribln tr orrur- ranca. aaid ha aad Bvr br4 oi tni ady la his lit. Bor of her buaband nor of tb small university on th I'a. ll;c Coast wbor Protaasor Tau. h was a tea.-har of philosophy. Dr. Ilyalop re plied ts Mrs. Tauerfc that b did not a. sow of any psychic- la liermany. bat triat fce co;d arrsng sittings when an retvtraad la America, fbo replied that ao could rer coma lo America, but that b bad a atatr In lioaton afto might tak sitling la br places ' SHllaa Arraaaed M lib rayrbao. Arrsagmnta war anad for tha ittings by Dr. Hyeiop who In Ihes waller Baser give th sitlar any In forsnalioa about tha paychic. either una or addreaa. T ia pay c Mo was pat la a traoca before the sitter was ad mitted so that tba payrhie bad no hsewledro of tb iter. It Is under, atood. of cojree. that la attarraotlnc lo get rommaaralloaa from doarted aul t.io qjeetloa of rdaallfl.-atlon of tha rommuaevalor I for practical pur poaa th who: proMam. Trivial lacidaata rna-IH with tbo aparte-l obo famish t bast vldnca f Ideality if tay ar una sow a to ta payclilc. and especially If they ar also unknown to tho sitters. II tries inn dents ar sharply defined and ar not known to tho psychic, aad If In audi lion, tb psychic does not know the liter. tier Is at leaat a presumption rald tbat th communication come from the Inte'.llaenr who had personal knowledge uf th Incidents. With thla preliminary I will give som of the details of this sitting which ar published in tb Journal of t! Society for Psychical research. At th beginning of trie automatic writing tb circle wa a made whl h has been used for the sign Omega by Professor James In bis communications. I wrote a somewhat detailed account of the communication from Professor James for The Oregonlan of June 14, 112. He adopted the sign Omega and also used his Initials "W. J." In his signature to automatic writings. kaa !; tare Appear. Tb Igntflcanc of th sign Omga In th present communication to a sis ter of Professor Tausch's wif Ilea In tti fart that Proftaaor James waa a personal friend of Professor Tausch and during; their lives they had dis cussed th question of survival and communication. This was unknown to Dr. Hyslop.-aa well as to th psychic al tha time of tha sitting. In answer to a question as to tho meaning of the a cn Omega th Initials "W. J." wer given. Then th chief communicator na and wrot a follows: I will try to writ for ber. for It good lo have th rhanca to do so. W ar four over her In ar loving group this mornung. Ono woman, three men. all aaaniloua to toll ber about th life w rmember and th Uf w 1 1 v now. t m not entirely nw to this belief and neither Is and her own experi ence ought to help al thla time. "I did not want too much of thla talk before, but I rannot get enough of It w. I did not want to die. I don't know aa anyone di. but anyway 1 wanted to liv and accomplish thing nd finish my work, but It was too Ua. could not wathr th gala. Tr. la writing wa lo a woman, but th pavrhie did not know whether a man, or woman was present. Also a lilt a later th communicator referred la tna lady who wished to bear from bios aa -belonging' to aa," aa s- i preaslon used ty the psyrhlo to denote husband or wife. Her own experiences re also referred to and it was late learned that th communicator's wife In Germany Is quit a psychic but dis trusted her own experiences as poeallily due to imagination or subconscious ac tion. I fa Kabalaatlale ObarrvaCoa. A question was asked of an Inter mediary aa to the communicator's work and the answer was "philosophical" ahd that, he "phllosophlxrd about every thing." which was true. This Intermediary, before going, re ferred to an action of Professer Taus-h Indicating that one or two teeth dad been extracted and referring to some dentistry which Involved that space. This is an Incident which will fill the skeptic with oy. A discussion of laeth and dentistry work romlnx from the "isles of the blest" Is. to the Chris tlan believer, a shocking reversion to savage animism. Its triviality In also disgusting. However, Mrs. Tausch writes from Germany: lie lacked just on tooth, but the rarity waa not visible. He had. bow- ever, a tooth filled In Portland. Or., about a year ago and was very much dissatisfied with the dentist and re fused lo pay the exortltant nrlce he aaKed. As a means of proving Identity at a sitting In New York while his wife was In Germany It may be Included with other efforts to satisfy his widow. At a sitting the next day the cor municator said: There was a great deal of pain In my head. I rould not seem to think clearly, so much confu sion. You know what I mean." Mrs. Tausch writ's that her hus band did suffer a great deal of pain In the head and that a short time be fore his death he was delirious and talked Incoherently at tha last. At this point the communicator made a statement which was untrue. He aid that his children needed him more as an adviser than as provider. H went on: "I wish to prov to them all that I was not a fool to b Interested In this belief of spirit. It Is net so esv to prove a It Is to hellev. Abor-Ieen Has Motor Patrol Wagon ABERDEEN'. "Wash.. Dec. 11f. Spe cial.) Aberdeen's new police patrol au- tomobile. which cost $530, made its I appearance here today. It is the first time that a police ostrol a-isnn has Put a Kodak Your Gi What Will It Be ? The choice and preferred gift is the one -which endures, because it suggests the continuity of love and friendship. Such a gift is a Diamond, a Watch or piece of Jewelry. . You will find at this store everything that would distinguish a first-class jewelry Btore gifts of rare value for the lavish spender and unlimited choice of less expensive but charming goods to suit the limited income. Diamonds ARE MY SPECIALTY The reason we sell more than other jewelers is not alone due to the immense collection of beautiful gems, but to the well known fact that I sell them for less and never misrepresent, and cheerfully refund all your money if you find any article different than represented. Credit Accommodations TrVlthoat . atra Charge. Largest Diamond Dealer la Oregon. 3,t Morrlsoa Street. Be tween r'asrth and Fifth. Ol'KN EVE.M.ViiS. Our special $50 and $100 Dia m o n d Rings Have No Equal vOn Your Christmas List Not too late to have that en largement made from your fa vorite negative. Our enlarge ments are like contact prints. in in PRICES LOW An Old, Reliable Firm NEW STORE NEW STOCK . Portland Photo Supply Co. 333 Morrison, Near Broadway N Sa5' I? J al mm Seattle's Famoms Hotel FinecntraIiocation. Every modern appointment. Cafe one of finest on the Coast. RATES ft p-f day up with use of bath. (2 per 4ay "4 up with private bxtlx. SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, fust off Union Squara Amsrican Plan $1.50 a daj up Breakfast 50c Lunch 50c Dinner $1.00 Most Famous Meals in the United States New steel and concrete structure. Center of theater, cafe and retail districts. On carlines transferring all over city. Take Municipal car line direct to door. Motor Bus meets trains and steamers. SAN FRANCISCO GKAKV AND JO KM MIKETS, HOTEL KENSINGTON Ftreprool. Owncrtilp Mauaffetnent. OlXermK iccommoUdiiuu, equipment ana location not aurpaaaed in ban Fraaciac. Direct ear ervtca to all entrances to fair. $1.00 to M.M per day. Take LDiverfsi at our expense or Municipal streetcar iKlt ut chf-Dge. (Mcmw-r Oiliclai aWvyu. Jtita abuxKau. bend for bookie U