THE SUNDAY ORECOXIAX, PORTLAND, i DECEMBER 12,- 1913. STATUE OF -JOAN Or ARC fXVEILED BY CREAT LWEXTOR-S WIFE. FORD 10 BE IGNORED PRESS GRADUATES Holland Will Give No Recog nition or Support. The Best Gifts Are the Useful Sort The kind that brine: real pleasure, because their service is lasting. Here's a reminder: Representatives Johnson, Mc- Arthur and Dill Once La bored on Papers. NOTICE IS NOT ANSWERED Neckwear Arm Bands Nightshirts Hats Scarf Pins Mackinaws Hosiery Handkerchiefs Union Suits Hand Bags Cuff Links Sport Coats Suspenders Garters Umbrellas Suit Cases Jewelry Sets Caps Shirts Pajamas Gloves Comination Sets Leather Novelties Rldse. Bond If rarty'a Activities Become llmbar rasalng Invitation to Transfer Headquarters Probably Will He Extended. "BOSS" FOUND IN CAPITAL and HOW CONGRESS r 1 ; ';'. .... ' If ' Tttxa !-aa)e Maa 1 Ikftfd He Lsxratr Yt aaiiingtoa CormponJ Cnl Ml I tader 1kmm II lornwrly Worked la It OS. OMGMAMNr! Pt'P.r At. Weah tia-too, le. II. The Issue ef " rnotrmlm! Mwlerr ". the roe-res the pre or tares t-it:mi la the Itwuea of Reo. imii::if from the Northwest. F!e-- ).Mii)4i:t C. N. McArthar. ef lort- laal. representative Albart Johnson. f Ito-Ham. nl ;prottl C. C af pukM. f.eoreeeatativa JtrArlbuf. ifforinf fci tiorphr. Is ' of The Ore-r-m!eo from lvl ta I"!!. e6e-ie-i-e la tne eep-pr bosl se.e we co-npratle.'ir brief. .ot with llErnt! JhBeof. Is a 9' veteran. Mr. Jhnv h' 4:r!l position a the He. boat Olobe.te-naa-rel. tha Wash tostaa fa-M J the Haven ' t.cer kafora he al W eat la ! to .-.ome etltor af tlla T lIIV te fli that po!tlo f T eia-M yaara. ami In ! mala Bew lif.F ef tha Jf-att: Tlm.a. I-a'-r be Purchase.! the Ii:r Wa.rlntoaiaa at lilus. a4 l till the proprietor ot IVet eoterprisios: pUnC. Mi. tmi rteaa -" la rtHi. Vr. tt"l waa never an edintc. hot 4 " -repeirtorlel poaicifae ee tha Clevstandi ITeae l".e;r teler aa4 Re jiee.earriej)-ltvle-. ef Pfokaaa." Aal wha Mr. t's t came la Wfct. fa a Cssresamaa t"ttt4 as '! tne"ton correspondent of tne ripohaae pac-srs the nil who ba4 beea nir editor- r.4 a: "" task In ls' id IM Henater nmftI' fclrap"r the sew directory la substantial V Ika -na a la l1 na faaalor jna. ant' Hal !"! a a"Maa4 Jf;ni-tloa tr wrtclnc ina Bf'-t if m l"a 6l boafc. Til I 'l lhf ta la H: -liarr t --"orl. Tat. ptraa MarcK J IJIJ" ( iif 4a-a La ft ta aaaalaa. If anrnna Waal l know aarlfci af tha caraaf at (Ratxr Laaa ka will et? V l?ia jt.rator tr INa fart. TS" ara na -oa ha lap" la sa oraiaaat IHrai-terf. ' Ta biTaskl af Jtapraaaatallaaa Vla:aT a Sinnatt ara prmrttra;tr ta a a. Bppara4 rta lha Url " aa lhal lhar ran!l of tfta a'ata br niir hay vara ratraa4 ref la lll Kapraaaatattva MeArtkor- blcraphr. aa It appaara. I lo low: r-iftia Saia'a f.!ia. o.,ia. a r. a kit Ta tiiw . aa ta t: a! Ia aa mt La-ala l-lna a4 lf rim .am.(.t X ':': a an VfirarifT af h t all. A px a-M. rarl aa St t 1T a-a fn't";'. f'iar at ickr--t' . i.-tH. iffli'tJ ta t aa aa I Wa I Xm frll mt 'a ("aH la Tt Un4. tiril l l.iMt a t-i. 'ita4. J mm J i. tll aiainHa ml la-'a- a4 linmtf v'.'ia. mil" a Canaara, t;ai V imttam. aa aa. Iraa Ita-w.'ian. a4 T'lm'jr li'a-aaaT 'H.ihi, a:I la h!a i't. kaa acaaa I'.jaa a tm'tnt a4 m-mrm ! aal a aa la all rrira aaafa BlVQi4;a akia C-arat Cmim t'mm ;Hi4 aawiear Craraa r vr. rnaa aar4 aa ta kauaa af ciraaa L . hm taw) t4 U:l aa t aaa al'ittar aa.aHar af la t'vaaa aa5V lima; atna4 fr Mfam'4 laa la C"4aa iM'.- pftmaf alan. Iia II. !; alarct ta PUIr f V mmtmmm. f"'"i1''i4 JH. 4.14 aa. ta t af f"! a. r" "ai. taMrt. aa f.. . W. tat. ta4aa4n-: 3TT t Amt t H.'aa. l"Mfati - rah f ' laa ar. an 4 Jt.TI fn 4:at Btra.lf. a,,:ia. ta Ifta Waaftlntrtoa actioa Sanalar i. karra4 l ba cnl fcla akairi, ta tit llna: karatnfora II araa Vary full. M a aaar aa'.- uft that h waa ra alacia.l la 1)11 wltDoHl karla baaa la ika at:a ctrta tfta primary af l.oK campaKa." r.ntor rii4aitar acala Ittma la taa luiit:ica calima. ta tka laat Coaaraaa ka ciaa4 klmaalf aa a "Tra imilit.' ta bia aaar akatrlk. wrlllaa kr b'maatf. Ika wor I toraaia- la trlehaa aaf aBf tha arar4 "Kpnllr' la aaAat-'tataal Tkara la aa nua.intaiion. )la la araardiac to bla ewa rll!"t. aaar a fiapaklUaa arickaal friUa. lUa btaraeST aara Ibal ba aa aiacia4 la fra t-rmmm t.t Hl aa a rrrraaala.Ra pukttaa. Tva yar lalar. ka aara. ha raa far lha aa a PToi-ia- Haaaki'eaa. &ut aMar bia atartloa aa4 afar l!ia J;acu9licaa coavantlea al I'kKtf la Dli. I'eta4tar wreta feinaa.f 4oa a frasraaaiva withoal lia r.ap'U-aa .ri. No Iba Tra KraaatTa baa JlaaPtar4. an4 lha fan alar fa a TapuS lcaa" arltbaal ara 9 1 ar ti)t!i, aa4 wt'kaui lha bvpbaa. r . i s' - - - - . J . 1 ' a I 1 !;. in bbJ t ORGY BAR 15 PUHIIEO Mot r. troor TO M IKE T MOW PUT trroKK jitr ur t. AntlaaU af CaaaaHt aa 4 aa l la a af a balaaaa aa II aara hi - laaaa la bWla TrataaV T4-MA. Waalt.. Da. II ..tcatlat) r aianaa ia tttrr aactlea af Tarenwi wit ka l--aa4 how a kafora Jaaaary t. Itta. If laa ClCjr Coaacit ba4a 4a. maa4a af paraona. praa'jxaMjr praml a. nl praktkltloaiata. aba baaa Cajia4 aacit Cvramtaaiuaar ac4 llta Mayer, la paraan. aa tka a:prsaaa an 4 raaaata4 tkal th.T aaa In r. a.a-a ta paaa a apayuai ar4iaanca abl- ml'.l praciu4a iKa paaaiikCKr af t!4 orr aa tba ikM af twtRbmr It. I waa caUaal la i;u la'apkeaa aarly r4 aka4 tf I aauiS. aa aaa maexbar af tka Cuy Coiai:. Ia4 my ca-apra tt4 ta a pacta l tn.aaura raaekiac iba licanaaa of aU a:ooe la Tacoma aa'ora a tar tl4 Comrnla- aionar A'l'Ji o4ai. "Vf CO a raa. caiii4 But ala any 4afielta ttaair kacaaaa I i4 t"t ! Iba !! praniaaa mt tSa Caus:l la attamptinc a a-.aaaura at that k.ot. ak ou!J an4a,i9ta4lr praaiama la Ctk praca aaar Iba a'at. laar Saaaluta iba a a af 111" antit Jkaaary I. It. Varr raacatt aa4 ronmlnlogtii M la an4 Wan4a ' oofm.4 ta Ifcair ka4a al bam a.; fraca aara 1- 1 CratraMa Ijapllata l:Wt Ofric-rya. rKXTR A tJ A. T rae. tt. t.lpa-. t'.ml Ta I1I maal'r. ft la to. aal lpti.t rTiirr waa lw:4 Tbara. 4r fiiat. Raorca J. aaa af tia Maar-atat. waa, a al4 attparia. (aaoani af tba 9aa4ay -iie aal Fral atarlca '!. rraettrafy all t laa otaar aJTlcata vara iftlKMiL t ? I I I i t ' i i I r n n ! ' i r' . .. & i i t fi t! i I i fw. x - a '. v v flr . fir fjr i r tjaJa T d fLt i i c 3, Tboto Copyrtht by CmUrwood tmrn-ri tLafl la Rlakl I War. Jaaa Jaaaaraa. Hilt af "racb Aaabaaaa4ar Mra. Tkaaaaa A. K41aaa Ba4 , kaaaaaar Jaaaaraaa. A baaalifal aqaaatrlanna atatua of Jean ot Are, which. In Iba word" of Am. baaaajor Jraa J. Juaara4. "would craanl mora at rone ly tha frlandalilp wbtrb ba bo4 Ibla country lo Iba Franch rapubHr." waa unvailrd by Mra, Tbamaa A. K4taon. lha wlfa of tha oot4 Inrrnlor. la lha prracnra of a Eb- rl of 4ltlocaiaha4 ro on Rlrt4a Drlra. Naw Vork. Dacerobar . Tba atalaa waa 4atca4 by Anna V. Hyatt, aa Amarlcaa culptraaa. SCHOOL TIME SAVEO Individual Instruction Advo cated by Normal President. LOCKSTEP SYSTEM SCORED Trial of er Method Perlared ta Pro Moat laplU Can Complrta Coar Before TUaw They Krt for Ialac richool. atv ra isviwo. !. 11. Raaalta af wa j ara' aapartanca la oparatin a of la4ITt4aal inatrvctioa tba Kaa rraaclaco Klata Normal Wbaol chatlaaca tba fatlllty of tba praaanl texkatcp tratata of taacblna cklldran ta r iaaaaa. r S a r4J aaa af tbair BnaaUaal d.Saraivra a4 arIB ralaa of procraaa. accordltva: la Monaarapa i.. j.4 lo4y by Bark, of tba Normal ticbool. of cblUr.a Iba pamphlet Bay at tha OUIaal: ara mlaltl aehoola. aaiafU I. it. aad t'i4laa. salaflt aostnaa art4 lra4!Uoaa af p4aaia ao4 p4aairy. bat la Iba aatara of tblnca tbara caa b bo ralafit cbttdraa" Acata.t -lockalap) aTloollr.g" this Ib 4ftraaa la rtara4: Tlfty 4iffraBt rhiidraa may baa darat Bticklns placaa a4 und.r tba claaa rim ail wall for aacb or elaa dra ona aaotbar ahead bafora lha 4iffiutlla ara aafaty ererrotna. TUla ka tba chtaf cauaa ef tba r a tarda -tioa of pupils-- Mara than to rblldran attendlnc tha t.ret to Iba elbtb gradaa participated ia tba tryina- out of tba individual jelata. rroca cartful obaarrationg lb loiloalu roarlaaloaa Bra drawn. I'lral That tba aettal alrht fradea ot Iba alam.niary ackool will ba com pleted by tha eloweat pupil, la normal baaltb af b4r and Blind. In aot mora than eer.n veara. That tba faateat Pupils will fifUan In aot mora thaa fna years. Batweea thesa ,tfmn tba ralaa ara erenly distributed. riecond That praftirally all paplU win tba couraa bafora Ih.y reach tba ' at which they at present aefe ta leava the schools, thus dla sipaUBs; Iba appalUaa: fact Ibat ) per rant or mora or tha youth of tha land eater a poo world Ufa without lb equipment af at least aa elemeotarj etrteeilac Third Thai lha IndlrMqsl ttttra must aponi princlplo and does In fsct Sirs a iborousThneas and efficiency la every pupil quite beyond any possibil ity of tba lockstep scicollnc. Foarth That individual Instruction coats less than class Instruction, be- rsu.e lha hose waslas Inherent In tba claaa system, amountlns; to more man i4 par carl, are eliminated. fifth Tha number of pupils psr teacher H reduced by tba Individual ixv". Krcaua If pupils mBha faster proxrass inroucb lha arradas. tba nuni bar of pupils In any ona class wilt ba reduced proportionally to Iba Incrrase In rapidity of proareas. Tha dsts showa that clasaea of to i pupils win ba automatically redac.4 to 30 to J under Individual Instruction which eliminates lha rspeatsrs. Introdursa ac deration and evooornt scs school tlms In other iri "The vital question on which hlntr.s lha essential Isaua of Instruction by classes. says Mosoxraph C. "is whether or not Iba variation la tba rates of progress of different pupils la really so great aa to demand tha overthrow of this system of education." Then It Is staled that this vsrlstloo Is very easily and accurately demon treble and numerous records of pupils, not labsn at random, but alpha. helically la sequence, ara set forth la f tern re a. CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh ta as much a blood disease as i-rrofala or rheumatism. It may ba re lieved, but It cannot ba removed by sim ply Jocal treatment. It causes headache aatt dUslaess. Impairs lha taste, small and bearing, affecta tba voice, deranges tba digestion and breaks down tha gen eral health. It weakens tba delicate lung tissues and leads lo consumption. Hood's raraparil!a goes lo lha seal of tha trouble, purifies tbs blood-end Is so successful that It Is knowa as tbs beet ramedv for catarrh. Hood a oarsaparllla strsng-thens and tones tba wbola system. It builds up. Ask four druggist for Hood's and In sist en 'having It. There ta no real eubetie. no "Just'Ss-good medicine. ( 3- XZiD Asacta I9JOO.000.00 WLnriali. Kansas, Aort 19, 191S. Backers Lift Iruoia-x-a Coaptu-, Lincoln, Nsbrask. . Gentlemen: I acknvtrtalt thanks yoor cash arrtticmeet of I15cU.10 oa D7 Tcty Pa-nnat Lifa Policy. No. 2353. It ara locks rood to n. Ym hara kept ma in-rara-J for twenty years for mora thaa tha faca of tha polkT (12000-00), and tha total pramioma ara $1010 JO. Such results as above can. only occur with tha bast of man-afca-act, and bmot yo-a "I m stronc" for this Wrstsm Company. Yours truly, EARL R. SEYMOUR. Tvk'enly Payment Life Policy a a . a a .a jiaturea in ut Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Company of Lincoln, Nebraska Na-nc of Insurrd Earl E. Seymour Rcsidrnc....AVitinelu. Kansas Amount of Policy f 2000.00 Total Premiums Paid Company 1010.80 SETTLEMEXT Total Cash Paid Mr. Seymour $1564.10 And 20 Years Insurance for Nothing. Ask asy msji aha swds aa af ear policies. Ilsvt yon an agency? Have you a policy? THE HAOCE, via London, Dec II. Neither snooursKemenuSecognltloa nor support lo any form win ba offered to tba rord paaca party by Tha Nether lands government, accordlna to Infor mation from official sources Riven to a correspondent, of tha Associated Press. Government officials. It wss In dicated, naturally noted tha party's de parture and also received a notifies, lion thereof from tha leader, but no reply was forwarded. No opposition, however, wilt ba placed In lha way of the party's landing In Holland, but. should the activities of Its members become ambarrssslne; wblle there, they win in all probability be requested to transfer their head quarters to other than Dutch territory. rrlvste pacificists, of whom there era many In this country, probsbly will welcome the Ford party as an addition to their ranks. The Impression prevails that the sen- era I public and tba are Inclined to reaard the Ford party as 'without the slightest chance of success, as the opinion Is widely prevalent here tbaul peace will not be achieved by the ef frtrte cf paclf Ic-l.ta. hnt aa a raault of Ittrschbaum Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats Let Us Show You . PHEGLEY & CAVENDER Corner Fourth and Alder Streets bard-fought battles in which one an tagonist succumbs. V . Candidates Fail to File Accounts. CENTRA LI A, Warh., Dec. 11. fSpe- cisl.) Twelve of the 20 candidates who sous-ht nominations st the recent primary election have violated the law by falllnsr to rle with tha City Clerk statements of their campaign expenses. The law, which provides for the filing of such statements within 10 days after the primary, also provides for a fine of from $25 to $500 or Imprisonment U the county Jail of from 10 days to six months. Those who failed to file in clude M. K. Cue, Frank Roberts and Theodore Hoss, csndldates for Mayor; C A. Berlin V. T. McNItt.. William Scales, "William Camby. Caleb Berry, Theodore Madison, H. H. Tilley, R. L. Taylor and Herman Young, candidates for Commissioner. In the rirv British phrmacopoeia a "drop" is defln.d as coming from a tuha of which the external diameter Is exactly three millimeters, 20 such drops of water at 15 doim-ei Centigrade belne equivalent to one millimeter or cubic c.ntlmetT. " - - Thnt VVnuld Make W J.JL , (Uf O J JL-e- - V4 KM J ta-a,S M w m mrm-f a wwa. - - JLU.UU.I W Id (XL kJfJtKiU,! X I la-tJO KJi kaiavfv. GREAT XM AS S The Gifts That Chil dren Like Best You'll Find at Edwards Collapsible Dr.l Carts and Perambulators ara Included In this sale. B-yeclal Christmas 7C prices as low as... CHILD'S 3-PIECE SET Just right for the playroom or nursery Bolid Oak Arm Rocker, Chair and Beltee: nicely finished In rich grold en: substantially built: resrular price 13.60; Holiday Special M OC at only 0iOJ Child's Tables $1.49 Two sty les either round or square. Diameter 20 inches, height 14 Inches. Well built, nicely finished. REED WORK BASKETS $545 Larg-s assort ment, natural or Ivory en amel finish; 1 i g h t, d u r a b le. A dainty, practical gift for "her." This one reg ular $6.50. Special for Christmas C AC at only JrJ Mahogany Library Tables The orie shown above an exquisite Colonial copy. 2x40-inch top. A splendid holiday value J 8.50 la.Jlla Bed Davenports Buy an Edwards Company Bis Value Bed - Davenport for conven ience, comfort and economy. We have dozens of different styles rang ing in price from as low as $30 up to $100. 1' ! T This fine, easily manipulated Bed Davenport Is finished in waxed and upholstered in rich brown Spanish leatherette. You will find it a con venient adjunct to yourflQTC hospitality. Sp l Holiday Val.OO Q.I J Aromatic Cedar Chests 7K Genuin' Port O"0 Cedar. vlOeO Ejiy worth $i9.oo. One of these new Cedar Chests, made of genuine Tennessee Bed Cedar, is a gift sure to be appreciated by the lucky recipient. These Chests are the most attractive styles we have ever seen, with rather mas sive copper trimmings and liighly polished. Solid Oak Plate Racks Extra Special 65c Will Just fit that vacant space In your dln-Inir-room. besides displaying- your fancy plates and cups to good advantage. Only a few- left. ELECTRIC IRON Iff' Spccial For Her Gift Celebrated White Cross Electric Irons. Guar anteed ten years. Regular selling f0 OC price $$.50; special Christmas value.. tO Choose Your Leather Furniture Gifts From Edwards' Immense Assortment HIGH IN QUALITY MODERATE LY PRICED TurkishRocker $47.50 Your living-room will breathe forth delight ful Informal hospitality If a few comfort able rockers are scattered about. The one shown above a quality product covered with rich brown leather, tufted back and arms. Guaranteed Harrington springs. A C 7 Cfl great Holiday Special at Vtl i Edwards Are World Beaters for Home Outfits Offering your choice of either of these elegantly furnished rooms, including beautiful rugs, for $8.uu cash and $1.50 weekly. PlafPfllH SLEEPING-ROOM $79.50 Beautiful and artistic pieces of white or Ivory enamel, consisting of tha following: Hardwood Bed, S12JM Steel Coil Spring. $6.50; Guar, anteed Felt Mattress. StSOt Lbrge-SUe Dresser, with J2x2$ mirror, SITi Six-Drawer Hardwood Chiffonier. $1S Hardwood Enamel Stand. S4.MI Rocker. SX7 Colonial Blue Rag Rug. $10.75. DINING-ROOM $79.50 ... a -. M 1 J aaa4 cilia V A mm a O VX' Ar4 AtlV M 1 1 1 H J Tl O" Medium-Siied Buffet at K3.0 Slx-Foot Dining Table, has 45-inch tpp and best construction, St9 five Straight Diners and one Arm Chair, with full box-seat construction of solid quartered oak. upholstered with genuine Spanish leather, slip seats. -.':t.75( real Brussels Rug, your choice of 8-3x10-6 seamless In new Orientals or conventional designs, $13.25. Edwards' Credit Service is a big help to the gift pur - chaser. I A GDOD PLACE TO TRADE ISS 9 I It II 1 R f - "V i t I I I ft W UUI Choose your gifts now and arrange to pay for them next year.