4 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 12. 1915. " GROWERS' GOUfJGIL IS CALLED FAILURE Hood River Apple Men Opposed to Levy for General North west Advertising. PRESTIGE TO BE UPHELD r rod act Racking. rp'taton of TatUry Aarvd ef Strang Orgaalsafloa Mar II Il emtveaj la Jaaaary. n"r nnEtu or. ic n. re- !al That in Qrtv.ft' Council ferned br appl m.a of tb Nortbwe.t al srieatiri hM Ira January and I'eb tumry ef tbia tnr al Seattle aa4 Ta eama. a f .mjth4 alt thai caa be a" 3-d for BnJ.r lu teraaenl form la vtrtnr th ustBimjM opinion of erthadiet an. I market tra al.ke ta in ll'ol finer Valley. Af'r1- ta plan ef erranlaatloa tentative cam$ea-a tu la nn itl.n.d for the liMWift" Caaacil al fa recast National Asr'a .ao al iraheaa. Mearever. wttb tae cptan ef fne pfpMl that a l.ay ef I real a aa be. as arp: a. 1 1 year la provide a find witb whir la ad vert . a a at ren ap ae-w markets for appla. a tee war taken. tas-eadtfawaa r.uill. Th Ja.titure ef IMe ura, whiek UI rea k ;wtr f I'l ' I'. accord In la -oaarstiv ntiaatn of east Va arla crop. wiy not to la ln haavl.a ef lb couavtl. tl U Propoad last tha mea.r ba ape at by the Ship pers' UI., aa organisation Cooapoaed ef repr.eat.tive af hippie; aa.a !. wn. will be u aa advtaory bayard inrea an era, appointed by the cteeriaa'.baaea' a.aOTiationje aad Co r ill erra.iiaatlop. a of the cities ,f l'i'M.i l .atf. na poi. Thie loif ii. state af affaire wtta te , rower' Council. It la epeaty ar. sued, tr kal repreaentatlve of h e'niitl-ia Ibat ibare will la th f tare to a Bead ef aa a."tv pwftlet patiore of the council. Bad It la fairly 4 ln.i.ld that the council will pa out of !.(. na at tka Bt aa a 41 it Jeauarr. ualeea IL I axon .m. atimulu that at prnt ta lot tireaean- a) raii r.u.4 raitwe. Cenai.irret from la. etaadpo'at of ra aim al the lima ef II. orearataa- Ima l.a H later." ear A. I. Hoa. lite IWel anernb-er e( the tvir4 c-l roalrol ef l. "too U'war" Coon.-il k b-.a a faii are. beo kar4 niKt ef laa fiae mat bae beea o.c:En4. bat la lloO't ant from aibl I rmn valh r ic b. ban eimfur la ech.r d.atru t. Ie araTftRti-.tioa ha., beoa ono la name ealr Te beard ef Ceatrel kaa ba a a-aramr one. and far Ibla raoa I f-et aura Ibat the l m.a aoreaoainc will rafu.e to rontlaio aucU rata I oia beraaaa of the pee.lbltltr of oma f'ttiro a--"on ea l"o part ef eome ele aiaavc ef lb munril Ibal mar brief aa ef Ike Republic. fc. rrac.4 for card party tomorrow from o & al ronm Hi Coartkou.e. Jr. Km ma Wl a la chairman and 111 b a latad by kfaeJa-nea Thomp.on. kltian. Xrwa and Heck. All namtxii aud frl-nde are cordially lartted. Tbe aevlr-eleet-d eSicera are: Treel. dent. Mr a. Neu I'ollorh: eecond !ro pr.atj.nt. Mtt. Alico Tborapaoe: Junior ice-pra.ld.nt. Mra. Cbarlotle Hara: baplaln. kira. tmmt lld.a: treaaurar. Mt. taia L tiioi.a: ronoctor. Mra. toora Prova: ijard. kfra. alary KoobU: deie-ateo. M...lam. Kooaia. Nbera and U'.trfi; alternaiaa. Xaadame Rekdakt. Back aod llara. CITY TO HAVE GIFT TREE Ontario to Pat t'p Oirl.lrnaa Trrr on ITluclpal Cornrr. ONTARIO. Or . re. 1 1. Imperial faiarlo la la par a municipal l'hrl.1- mm NAVAL tu i LHUIUI ESSENTIALS Outdated Warships In Euro pean . War Superior to 'Those of United States. FAST CRUISER FEATURE :! s. f i aim mi or m:tif ii titii. . i.ofi itri li r om:ia, la ui;. ix. I fncrtl, Oon rtrafr aod Ilance Sf- rrrta of HrllUh Domination, hmjt Frrdrrttk Talmrr, and We fall Mmrt In All. afnat'lnead PVem Flr-I fat command Ibo aaa today. Tb European war would be ovar Otfratny the rlc- to taplaia Marraa I. beadier. COiXEUV.1 Or, rax-. II ra-!aL c'aptaia Mari-aa P. Cbaadlar. died I "ev 'mtar P. we bora In kliaaourl la 1 -i. lie aerved in trie alatlcaa and Clil ara. la bo rarae to "re- Bon. l!Tlor fia-al al liroernarllle. and Ular Ub bia daaebfr. M-m. Joba H. tan.. In Vt aahincta C'oualy at oa. feame bo diad. lie aa a lifalons lirpubliran. lor t year be a aa a mcnibar of Iho fUpttat deaotnlnallon. He be. I been marrta.i tbrre limn and via tao father of II rbildrva. One too. It. K 4bendler. a merub-ar of tbe rio-oal Orc Voluotrara, waa klit-d at Ibe battle of Mala bo a la Ibo I'kinppinas. aamerttad ertiKLna la Ibem." Taa ier of Ir. Moo nwar ta aa!d to bo trri-al of (oral froit-rroarera b rart.i-lpatad la the nvaotiaa of I . ttlntaf au.ao ef l-b of larw. Hire taaibie la tta makeup, there baa bea a rar.nl rapid faiiaaiat aay f-arr tbo flrton of froaara. .The It aod Klaar mat oppoeed I tka aeral approortatioo. are u;in( to Ibe tinil la eaplottlna Hood l.ilar rii Th.T el..-1 are that a aeral itiria (1 ef p-ll'-itr for Nertbareaj. era b aj;l Will bo ef ao aiao to- calir. -.a'.ae ef p.t potlflly the It.rl rii.er arM-roaier and marketmaa f.ai. tbat Ihe diatrtct baa caloed pr.etiara 1a Ihe market for ! prlra-l. rl commervial aria t lea of apple. ioitiab.ra and Nawtoarna. and Ibat trte propeed aT.naral rampeiaa ertli tend la dim tbo brdlaaer ef tbia prea- fca. 0. A. C. JUDGES RETURN Mork-ltatiae; Tran Carrira llomd Tao !arrooi.tlaM- Vkiorlre. r.tf,a. I re. It. asc.cioi.t The ea-k f'ailjinar I. am r i..er. from tbo I'ad-arata la tha d'rart maol of animal b laftandry at tha l'r.o Acrlcuilaral a nixe ho reeurn.d front Ibe Uvr.tovb at t'urliand and Iviatoa. 1 4a Pi a Al Dot above the t.ant entered com. patir.toe :tri Irani from aiber .N'jrtb- coiirar.e la a eto- ldr;a ron ta.t. trumd earond piaro at bo(k pa-a Al tuaelaton ihreo of Ike team were a.m"r.. man( the Se fclaa man. Tie mantra ef ihe tram ware- Date r.nnar.l.. KalraJt. Moat: Chauncey tno-ar lorna.iia: I. TL rhU'.tpl, r.arir; t. a. Moraan. Winona, btinn. ana a, a. arar. (.ouiaaaalew Weak. Inaa tree, oa the maia bueiaeae eirvet. at a rromiaent corner, at e'clrrck on .kri.imaa era. at abl.'h 10a aackacl coniainitur lift, and Irrate of oaody V!l be diatributfd lo Ihe children of tbo ctvy. Tbo f in.lar erhoota, public acboola bad rommarrial rlube are unit taa la tbo rnlerpri.e. which la the era I ef the kind ir atirroitrd here. K. C. Vaa reitrn. pre!4rnt of Ihe Commercial Club, la chairman of Ike reeeral commit i.e. and II U. laalley. riuparlnlradaQFy f t-bole. le rbairrian or r proaremuie tonmiuia. a caoru. ef por l.wi:l aire rbriatmap cwrni aal naata Ciaua atvn) bia wrap ar( de- Iririulo the (ifta from the flat Irre. t'.rt wit bo hiulea! dowa fmm the meuataina c.peo.'iailr t"r tha craaion. THREE FIRES ' REPORTED TrDlno, Poty aad tiolrla fcnffcr Aboat ami Hunr. C'KXTRAl.1 K. Weak. Te. 1 t.---l.'p- riat Three be J firre axctirra-d Tliurr day nliht about Ihe aame boar, one al Trnlao. si. at l-lj and one at Gairln. four mil. a watt of tbla city. Al Tcnluo tbe Cam Reetaorarai and a ba ahop adiolaiae; ware destroyed by a Ore that tartcd la Ihe kitchen of Ihe restau rant. Al toty Ihe atore of Ihe IKity Lumbar ak aMrka-ia Company waa dam- ml by a fciaae tbat ortsiaalad from croa.'d wire. At tialtla Ike lirary bara af Jama a faetereoa wae deatroyed by a fire of BSkaowa orKln. Wasoaa. karBrea. faad arwl ono bora, were alao burned. The ftemee bad apread to auc2& an Ileal wh.o tbey were diaro-vered that Ihe elbar hor.ra ware aated or.Iy wiib treat diSuaily. " 179 HURT, 1 KILLED IN WEEK lada.etrtal Inainnrr Commlaaion llrport oa .rrldrnla. CO-EDS HEAR ADDRESSES lr. (rfnrjr V. XlcXaih aad Miaa ICath f atlla Spa-ak al I mgrne. IMVKWtTT rr OflKHOX. Tjeenat. Jac. II i-r.ilal fortland women a-ldraaead aiamhara of the Weman'e Iaai9e at ID. uaiteretty Mr apoa euMrr-te prtaiina" l resile er-ti-. Mra. t.enraa tV . Mir Mala. r..h! ef the irM t'it(r.aa of Metbere. ruaaa ry bar tafm' "nantt Ira ruti 114 2trvti-e. - Miaa Rat& ratlin, principal ef a prl ata a'hrvl for arlrla lr I'ortland. ad' ""l Ibe aaeeubty oa "Tbo Hpirll of JT I Work A Urea detecattoa ef unUaralty glrtal artanuac HAIJTif. Or, tec. II. .pa-lal f he t: acckdeate rvrortad to tbo Stale Irvdualrlal Acrld'al Commlitloa far Ibe weak eodter December P only one wa fatal. Mra. Cora Klar. of Aurora, waa biil'd wbaa rua down by a train n-ar Can by. Irf Ibe total number of aca-l-deste reported I:: were subject to toe workmen coroparnaatlon art. 31 were from public QHUty corporations. t were from other Br ma and cortoratlont tor. Knciand kaa bullL. accordln Ihe plana of her eiperla. whoae plan la peace worked out la war practlcall aa they bad foreaeea. What rotter Irtaone in naval pre parrlnrai than tke thrbe Important ac tione wklck ake baa foutrkt at aea the present war? Tbe first she lost for wast of tha thrre creal essentia!; tb other two ska woa because (he bad I hem. Tbe greatest of tha three kaa barn la ibe speed of the battle cruiser. a kick kaa almost the "Un power ana the same rao a tke dreadnought. at lie Crwlaer Rid Feeler Tkaa far. Tke battle cruiser, not tke submarine, not the sea plane, kaa beea tke big naval factor In thia war so far. Off tke coast ef Chile Admiral Cradock. with Ike Oood Hope. II year old. 14.000 ton, apeed of !1 asota. aad two (.1 lark and if -lnch gun: Ike Monmouth. wita 1 1 C-larb cruns and tbe same spead, Ibo little cruiser Uiaaaow. and ibe armed liner Olranlo. faced Admiral von gpao. who Lad Ibe modern armored cruiser the Unrleenau and the Mr ham hor.t, and Ihe I is; bt aruisrrs the Dree. dan. the I-a-ip.te and Ihe .Vurnbrrc The rUharnborat and Ike Unriscnau had. tocrtber. 1 niodern I I-lnctJ (not Only iwo antiquated t.3-lnrb auns of the Guod Hope could reach the firr mans; per slxv could noL Tha Oar man's sights had the ranse and the power. H did not matter tbat Admiral cradock waa brave; the otbar fellow bad Ihe raarb. Crawllna- alone- after , tha Cradork aouadroo waa the Canopua. This Trn erabie batlleehip, built la ll. Could mheese 1 knot when she did Dot hate lo etop for repairs to her rn- clnrs. Pha bad four l-lnrh sruna. aatrli. If s:ie could have brousht thrm to bear, would have meant tha ranae of the Oernutne. Hut they bad the speed of her. Tbey fora-ed battle with bar In the rear. After Ihe other Rrit ll ships were destroyed. Ihe fast little Olaecow tnanasrrd to escape. Her ad ditional two knot an hour saved her. burn, la lesson number 1. Vea Ceald Defy Aaaorlea. All the dreadnoughts In the I'nlted States Navy and all our eld line bat tleahlpa now mouliinaT al our Navy yards could not have rautrht Von fpae- squadron exrept by tormina; a cordon around It and atarrina it out of roaL Tor. onra Von Spe savr the Amrlcan Navy approarhlnar him. hi speed, su perior lo anything; we have of equal lug power, would make bia flicht so-i-ur. II coutj run away and continue bia rsldintT Hut tbe Hrltlah had what the I'nlted -ltrs lack battle cruisers with more un power and more speed than the vinel.rnau and Ihe Prharnhornl. llut behind the run of llellatoland. In the lair of ihe Herman navy, were It battle rrutarrs Hrydllts, Mollke. von d. r Tann and iem nnper; inrj had al ra t ZS knots spred to Pturdre's St knots, and they could have forced battle aaalnst Piurdee on the blsh seas In Ihe same sir that Sturdre forced It upon von !:. These, ware the lat aal types of German battle cruUers. and set atralnal them were lha latest type of Hrltlah battle cruiser. 1'ke the Lion. Tlsrr and Quern Mary. Sir John Jnicoo waa not aTolns- lo pare thrs to r aftay Ton Ppee. He needed them la the North Kea to watch the Moltke herd. And If he had not had tb Invincible and Inflexible claaa he would either have had to let von fpee to on raldlnit nrltiab commerce or Irft the roa.t of Kngland open to raids by Iho Moltke. For. on tbe mornlna of November 4, 114. soma ships of tha German fast battle cruiser squadron appeared In the tblck foe of the east roast of Kns land, between East and West Hartle pool. icerborouh and Whitby. With out any waralntT they nt out broad b.e after broadside Into thcee town. Tk.Y bad come far from their base over ntcht. relyina on their sua power. speed and the fo to escape any "uts or liht crulaers inai muni see inem. kaowinx that ro dreadnoucht rouM overtake Ibem and that the only force tbat could trip them wa the Hrltlah battle cruisers of their own class. Oar Sav? fa erlee to freseal. If tb L'uited attate Navy, vwhli-h has no batlle cruisers, had been oeiendma Knalleb seaports, the Germans miatht DACE ORDINANCE OPPOSED Itnaarkwrs I oilir-a Waal RleM to Hold Prlvalo Dai RiVtrm-rta Or. Pe-. !! pertel Kapraeaataiiaae of tbe local lodsjea rave made arrtrtamrats to er?er firmaj proteat it tbo City Cou Belli aaaiaat the eo-raK-d diika ordlnarare Ira alrrt lr Koaebiirc. Vnder the prraaat ordinance tra"rnal ercanisa. ttoa are req aired to procure a permit t bold a dtare. eaara tho'ix'a Bo peraoaa aacept loda-e membera ar allowed to attaad. AaTitatior aeatnst tka ordinance waa rei-d a few d aao wh It arty rtt"r. aeeraiarv or ihe M ea lodca. waa fid boraoeaa thai order held private dance wltnout a permit. r.rr.R st nrmurt xiiort or wr.at i.t4. PARTY TO BE HELD MONDAY j Mr aTrfrvr. a of Ijadtra of Grand Array A re Annoariarrd. Tk rw?tv raammtttea ef lVln.teas. Ifeatdo CV:atld;a tka Cracd AraVT m tlrh k - I M-Ia.t tha firnalaii.-. a . . ' r--- ""-I. . - . . .LI- .-11. .... .Imrwm ah. act and one waa from a firm not im. ear. ' .a..- -a- - ployios; labor la a kexaroou occupa ecaat at will, a my cou.u im.f up lloo. I and down the Atlantic coast If we were at War with uermany. Oa tbe moraine of the iltk of Jan uary Ihe German battle cruiser squad ron, under Hipper, came out aialn, Ifirper bad with him. of course, some lieht cruisers, whtcb we lack, and a flotilla destroyer. In whlrh w ar woefully deficient. They euarded his riaaka, they protected lha superior tun fire and tbe ranee of hie battle cruiser from etirpri. II j t the Pr'.tlsh battle cruiser squad ron, under Vlre-Admtral David Deatty. aleo put to aea about the same time. It had new of the Oerman's comma, perhaps secret service new from Kiel. Not Ihe least Important part of pre paredness Is Inter.tt-enee of your en aray's movements. If tha newe did nol come from Kiel. Meetly eot It from the licht crul.er and destroyera ecoul Ine In the North Ha. which flashed their wirelesa messaies back to Xlr John Jelllcoe. W When Beattr went out It waa wlih force enoueh to beat JMrper If be met kirn. Not only must yon have battle cruiser, but better on than the en emy. The British had taken rare of thla. , lacker raster Tkaa Aay Americas. Tke Germane had more run, but teaa powerful onea. The British lit carried a Shell weighing 1400 pounds with lonjrer ranee, aealntt the Ger man' 11-Inch. welehlns; il pounds. But the German alao had the Blurhrr. It.tSe tons. It knot, and 11 1.1 a-una. Poor eld. out-of-date Blucher, only 14 knote, yet she waa faster than any ar mored fehtinsr ships we have la the whole I'nlted Mtatee Npvr. phe eouU run away from or close in with any armored cruisers or battleship w have. Our last la the old North Caro lina type, finished In I JOS, In tha naval liate Ihe North Carolina appears after the headin; "Haiti cruisera none built ee bulldlnsr,'' which la pre. eeded by tha dreadnouelits, la that battle ef lha North Krai, known aa tka battle of Doccr Bank, tka ii: ox her u4 about aa muck abaao r I i I II ' r. I ' : v- : ;y. i ! 'at -' i ' j - ' : . jLaaaal .- l j J aaaa sa. aawiawsits, a rrr.rr uxx. rv, Dec. 11 (pecUH John II. Lawtbwalta. tbe aew I y-e lea-tad Mayer of this ; place le one ef the moet proeree slve ef cltlteaa. He la younst aad kaa beam la every rlvle belter. meat movement which kae been put forward, with tbe reeult thai Ma poyailariey brouakl r'm the Mayera.ty. wilk no caMilaat. Mr. . Laawtkwaite I eewae-ted with tke Crew a-Willamette l'as-er Corav Pay. at Or C!lr. e I d aa the old Oreeon. which fousrht at tantlaeo. would have aralnst the dreadnoueht New Tork. r5ba waa not powerful enoueh to bold bar own In hattiej or speedy enoueh to escape. Elie wa marked for slauebter. Superior speed waa brlnKlne the Brliieh minuie by minute closer to the Germans, who were trying to escape from superior run power. The German hope waa to draw the British onto a secret mine field: but this the British bad located with their swift scouts, which we lack. The shots that hit are the shots that count and the shot that count most are thosa that are delivered first. Ten minutes' fire may put any modern alilp out of action. One lucky broadside may. (erawaaa Hare Another Card. The Germans were outeunned: they had far lo mo. They could not escape the auperior speed of the British. Hip per knew that If tbe thine kept up the German bailie cruisers would be On l.hed. But he had another card to play hi flotilla of fast destroyers, which we lack. Ha sent them In a sea charge acalnst the British, boplne to send a torpedo home. But the heavy torpedo defense batteries of four-Inch runs of tha t.lon. the TIeer and the Princess Koyal sent thrm back. The Blucher was finished, the Peydllts and the Derffllnaer were on lire: the 1J.S British shell were dolne their work aaralniit the II and the battle seemed won. when a chance shot 'struck the LJoo In the frd iank. This disabled her. Her eun power no longer counted, because the Oermana were still ateam Ine at full speed in their race for refuee. The Uon had to rlre up the fleht Her eun power waa no use without speed. WaJtlnc. Ilka hunery wolves, to harry a crippled stsc. were tbe German submarines powerful, seaaro- Inr submarines, which we lack. The Uon kad to pa taken In tow at flva knote. while the submarines, which could only watch her run by at 39 knots, now had the speed of her. These hlehwaymen. auarrlllaa, knlcht er rants, had their chance. which we would not hare for we lack scasolnc submarines. Through Ihrlr periscopes the eyes of German commanders lighted at the slrht of the rich prize of that crippled eriathan seemlnrly. as exposed to thrusts as a liner belnr warped Into her dock In the harbor of New Tork. rieemme ly only seem Inr I for the British were prepared for lost tnat kind of an attack. They had tbe flotilla of 10-knot destroyers, which we lack: and these, turning almost In their lenrths, speedlnr thla way and that, warded oft the submarines, aavlna the British navy that precious battle cruiser, which, once In dock, wae soon repaired and at ready for action as ever. Oar Fleet Cewld Net Keep to flea. Pt woeful Is our lack of destroyers. ieht cruisers and battle cruisers, so weak are we In speed required for scouts and Ihe eusrdlans of the battle- hips, compared with both Kneland and Germany, that our fleet could not keep to the sea In the Atlantic In case of war. Nor 'can we keep to lha raclfic. Great Britain has 14 lieht cruisers. y knot speed: we have none. She has :S of from 25 to S9 knots: we have hree. built In 1 90S. nominally, rs knots, thotieli they cannot be driven o It now. Russia ha elKht lieht cruli- rs. 3; knots, oulldin. Germany has Ine lieht crulaer. 18 knots or over. spin haa four battle cruisers, built or ulldine: Germany seven, not cotintlne he Goeben: Kneland ten. according to he naval lists, which says nothlne o nose which may have been started Inca the war; Kussia four, 12.200 tons, I) knots, and 12 14.7 runs. Let us re eat once more: we have none. The one nation that most need battle cruisers, destroyers and light crul.era and ara-cnlnr submarines he United Plates. Why? Rneland had nly the little North Pea to protect. Wo have our Kastern and Western Coast lines: the Caribbean, Hawaii and he Philippines, the Atlantic an J Pa If Ic Oceana and the Monroe Doctrine, hose aegis extends from Canada to Ibe Straits of Maffrllan. Nary Beatea la Advaace. If our Navy put to sea. he enemy's wlft and more powerful lieht cruisers, estroyers and submarines would soon astroy our lieht cruisers and dstroy- rs. leavlne that fleet exposed. HI" wlft battle crulnera would run around ur flanks, playlne In rnd out at wll with their superior speed, striking when they could Set a ship Isolated and ducking away aealnst any superior force. Our fleet would find Itself aealnat the (tuns of the enemy's dread noueht and unprotected from tor prdoes of his destroyers and subma rines. HH battle cruisers, with their superior speed, would run past us and tiara Be and cut off our retreat. Po certain la It that we would be beaten that we oueht. m a matter of wisdom, to remain in harbor, while the enemy's battle cruisers did to our coast towns what the Germans did to Bear borouKh and' they landed troopa at any chosen point on the American Conti nent r FRUIT COURSE PLANNED O. A- C. AS!'OCCE9 SPECIAL A1. TER HOIlTICCLTtRAL WORK. Orrkard Prakleaaa aad Malateaaare to Be Treated la Paries ef Lee tares and Dcmeaarrarloaa. O It EOON" AG R I CL'LTUfl A L COLLEG E. Corvallls. Dec. 11. (Special.) Bellev- nr that the problem of the North west horticulturist lie alone the liner cf orchard maintenance rather than alontr the lines of orchard Increase, the department of horticulture at the Ore gon Agricultural Colleco haa arranged special courses along ine.e lines to be offered at the annual Winter short course, to be held from January 10 to Kcbruary 4. A course in orchard prooiema nas been arranged under the direction or Professor C. I. Lewis, chief In horticul ture, and will be given under bis per sonal supervision. Tbe course will In clude the coat of production, the maintenance of orchard fertility, and question of hade and cover crops. IMvrralty In orcharding, a live ques tion In agricultural Industry, will be taken up. as will special marketing problems facing the Northwest orch- emist. Pruning will be the subject or a spe cial course under the direction of Pro- fa.eor F. J. Krauae The field work 68-70 5th St I P Bet Oak& Pine J,, HjJ Mack c Co 68-70 5th St Bet. Oak & Pine Christmas Suggestions OF- Gift Furniture All Solid Cuban Mahogany, Hand-Rubbed, Dull Finish jiiiff- 3 1 a s- Covered Trays, 4J7 ftri 17-Inch, priced at l iU J G I a s s-Covered Trays, Cf 19- Inch, priced at t)(i3U G I a s s-Covered Trays, Q flfl 20- Inch, priced at dOiUU Nest of four Separate Table... also 1Sx2S InchestJOO Cfl priced at OltiW Nest of three Tables 4 I C TIT priced at t? I Di3U Colonial Sewing Tables, with i'. r.!. .'".V.":. ,p.?!!f $ 1 6,50 " ' writ :! SI 4,50 Gate-Leg' Tables, size i 3lx2 Inches, priced. Gate-Leff Tables, eize C I C Cfl 28x34 inches, priced. . 9 I DiBJ Gate-Lee Tables, nize COR 11(1 34x4S Inches, priced.. $UiUU Jacobean and Adam Chair and Ilocker, cane seat and Cfl back, priced. eacU.... ZZi3U Lip-edge Muffin Stands. tQ 7C height 36 Inches, priced WtM Tea Wagon, with extra glass tray, height & length COO Cn 2S Inches, priced at... viaiiBU s Adjust able Smokinff Stands, with glass ash trays, CC flfl priced at tJOiU'J Cowan'a Post Colonial Beds, full size or. twin size, height of head 60 Inches, height of foot 64 inches, priced COT CD at, each 00 i3U Nut Bowl or Krttlt Dish, diameter 10 Inches, 7 7C priced at. nI3 r;-'rye afif Si VrJ v j m ! I ,1 P ',r 5 liljl.,aL''r4r,li,'i.a . taneEnaaaeW P Library Table. 2Sx4S inch has large drawer, priced at ?.r; $37,50 Post Colonial Chair or Rock er, upholstered itatfOC Cfl Sc. back, priced, eachVOiOU Table .Lamp. - height 4? I Q Cfl 28 Inches, priced at..lwiOU mp0.mr $20 to $50 ea. Lamp Phadra to Order to Salt Aay Itoom. Martha Washington Sewing Tables, special price. J J gfj Carpet DepL Special 25 patterns Axminster Rups, size 9x12 feet, at, C OH 7C (Jaill! O Telephone Table and Chair, size 15 x 18 i n c h e s, CI Q Cfl price for set. tJIOiUU each DRAPERY DEP'T SPECIAL. 20 patterns Fancy Cretonnes, 36 Inches wide, regular! On 25c, special price, yard.. Iwu A List of Furniture in Our Store (Console Tables, Sofa Tables, Collarettes, Book Blocks, Candlesticks, Reed, Willow or Mahogany Chairs, Card Tables, Desk Chairs, Hall Clocks. Tip Tables, Wall Tables, Highboy, Tabourettes, Oak or Mahogany Trays, Pedestals, Smoking Stands, Chimes, Rest Tables, Sewing Tables, Gentlemen's Chiffonieres, Dining-Roora Suites, Bedroom Suites, Leather Chairs and Rockers, Upholstered Da vea ports and Chairs to order. We have upholsterers, cabinet-makers and finishers of unexcelled ability, and we are equipped to execute the most complicated of house furnishings. We will make sketches and give specifica tions on any work of this character. will be conducted under a new plan this year. Small groups of fruit growers will be given opportunity for actual practice under the supervision of the college specialists. Tbe local orchards will provide opportunity for experience In pruning all of the stand ard orchard fruits and also berries and other small fruits. Excursions will be made to many of the orchards sur rounding Corvallls. The course In spraying will offer aetual work In the manufacture and' application of the various sprays needed in Northwest orchards. Atten tion will be paid to the sprays required at the various seasons of the year. Practice and theory will be combined. Professor V. R. Gardner, who has a National reputation as a pomologist, will supervise this work. Island to Become Peppermint Farm. BUENA VISTA, Or., Dec 11. (Spe cial.) The entire Pantlam Island, oppo site this place, is to be converted into a peppermint farm at the beginning of the Spring of 1916, according- to plans now in progress. It is planned to em ploy a large force of men as soon as the weather clears and the water has subsided to pla- the ground in shape, for cultivation in due time for plant ing. The island contains over a half section of usable land, and the soil is declared ideal" for the new project. Rea1 The Oreeonian's classified ad.. Washing- Won't Rid Head of Dandruff Tha only sura way to get rid of dand ruff Is to dissolve It. then you destroy It entirely. To do this, ret about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten tha scalp and rub It gently with the finger tips. Do this tonight, and by morning moat If not all of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applica tions will completely dissolve and en- rely dtroy every single sign and trace of It, no matter bow much .dand ruff you may have. You will find, toe, that all Itching and dlgslng of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus trous, glassy, silky and sort, and look and fl a hundred times better. ou caa set liquid arvon at any drug store, K ta inexpensive aad never falls la do Us svorsw Ady. FOR Grate, Stove or Furnace The Most Heat for Least Money Special Summer Price PER TON IN 3-TON LOTS Cleanest and Safest u Cheapest and Healthiest Proven Superior by City Public Test No Dust No Gas Smell - No Smoke Even, Steady Combustion, the Ideal 20th Century Fuel Try Them and Juils?. for Yourself PACIFIC TOAST COAL COMPANY. 249 Washington Street Phones MAIN 229 A 2293 , fell a . .v.r.--;:.. yJi :. t