THE SUM) AT OREGOMAX. fOKTLAyP. DECEMBER 1915. HOCKEY LEAVE TEAM 10 TOM 1 PORTLAND VSCIX .AM. Or THE , ACIf CSMT MR AS. SVaSaSS!k,,," """" ' . 3RR0W Portland Ice Game Players W..1 Meet Vancouver, B. C, Tuesday Night. 10 MEN ARE IN TRAINING I kiraih I lgnd Tp. bf Oa I to IV pro? praj. Threw luttra Only rrrxaJtt'4- imm to Ik Platod iI-t rtda. trt.B4 keckey taara of ! Tm off.: Coaal tfochey Aaooa-tatlon will lv aera Wtaarrow for Vater. B. c tsey u p.ay tar es-eaiag of (& cft4tt ! lt Yea-rouvor wa.4"e asnpH Tuoe-- i iii. I- It. Savag. aa.r. will take 11 player WU4 Mm. aecordlag feu trwtl plea. "! Vae-l soon t tea al lae I"oUn4 ! Hippodrome for ta Ui w. .roiac Uatr r r.r workout. aa4 DeU Irlaa ar rtvaj Friday as4 waa yeeterday for tae tint ltm. ea Merpl.e. of TV lorn p.. I tbe lltb atal.t m kee baea (axi ap by lae. l-xa! nuuimii for a layout, aad al lliit I aaa Lien transporta tmn money. wor4 has eeaa receives! eitoor by Maaagar savage or J. Cor Ki.r. (jaitMki -. oa a r. of the Port U4 ! Hippodrome. Hut I ptayere ar allowed t aVe lae rag-..r payroll. o oo of the maa an tba local lean mmt ie way. At -..nt mora U J. It. Dowd. Charles I beiia. Alf Barboor n4 Maplaa. wao or slate,, to 4 toe subbing. - t Mo ITMor . The lom wui Una up egeinai I ho Mil I.ooair. Tuesday sight wltb Tom Mar. ar .1 goat, tvil Irvle oo4 -Moooe- lafl and rfh 4feao, roapoe.J tialy; Ctt CJ4to COIMO. roor. Tommy DuadafJ Ulo of Vrtora. .ntr: Coarlaa Tobia. rlfkl "mniy- tUrrta. toft Ta. ntara mo will bo pUy4 la ri I'ortltad Uo lipp4roroo tl Trl. ly "Kfct. u4 o lollowtn Tu ly tha Saoltlo Matropotllana will k lAo oopoaiJioa at itllo. follow. I ar ISO war Ha lara ethar taam of ha nrioit will Itnoup Taalay BtbL a'-rJinc to oi'aato aotK-oa oaat out from aa. o coma: Tnif w !hnim t.aXmaa. r..-fa :?t rtaai af. T' ic ra.ari Vt. ratML otanrar. rlaM i4 I"iK ! "f: .ara, Rfkay a4 I apafa. ' ft". mi- hrtr AP' i.a cr tarrica. :fi afa. Caaaaa r at -'nw. j:iv. r'. Krr. .nit. la... win M.-r-.1. nat CXCaary. .;-.. tn.i'aaa Uiia. iai: Car. ! 4 Xm r't aaf.a; Ti-i.r. ivr. .. ar. nM 'i..a. uri iaa. Jfarrw. apofS Tata V'i 4 oa. oaaar. aa. T1 f .(. f- ltJ-la w aa f"l t.Taj' p.f:n-4 I alo antt'.vr r'mm ai aata. Iiaiar I'i al rta4. oaat. I aa tcia. reaTr l tataaio. at K'f. fart, la i l aa a-af l. aT'- It attio at rrt'oa'l. X aa li' ai VU-trl. (maMf It-tart, al faniaal. V aa arr at ana Jtiarr a Orartl at Taacaovra. tart!.ia) OK u-cr a J.q.arr r-,'af1 at ranwafa It v r t ta at Vaaawar. January 1 Vtacwtt al l".c-a-i aaat. T t C'rta. jm uri v-f.n:4Jl al Va-aor. Vk. In.'a aaf J. m it ati,.. S rvtaata liaa i-a:a,t al -at a. X lrta at rr ail ft.a-a ;a'a at viww .'M.-r I i a aa raatiaoaj. Via. Oau .r at YKtar'a. rra-T rrt'a4 at tattf. 'lo ll Pr:a4. ao a at a.a-:a. rarior a Vaoiaa Oft at ' knra rftrii tt I'rt:aa4 al ali. Ktarta ai aauvar rfa l V rrt'aa4) al Vlrtrla mar 1 a at Xaavar. lc tja'a at Pwr'aa4 nraar ; ; .v at aa!ta 'rna-y ;3 aar at W-tan. aal. a al ynr-:aa4. Bit of Sport BOtl'J h aa laao-M tr tnia a-a w ta w 'm '-ftMf af aya.ia -a in aaea-aaf la aa4)aata la tr l-ara. .la-t aiaa oaO liffi r;.l af i"a aa4. r.:aifr aiaaiart aar ta'a aaaaa at -a.aa awif .rai-a"! aa4 fta Itaa aaaaaao a".a af'ar tn araaa ca.l-a. T nm ivaaifaiu aaUaUo- t If a'arai r, la taatya-tia ol 1 Ja. a a a .I rtraai ha4 W a:t.r.a arl.ara aana( . a r.-m II. 414a I aara a a' a a Tia rfcafa Daa.-a tna kaa y-.i r-4 . na t a.aay. tba a'.-.A.- Itia" Ma ta.a aar aa. awtlar ua Wli ar4 oi.t la ai.ara4 la tia a At l at iiwy a4-att r;aa la a ... ma4mat ttttd f Kol tt ) .r ft t4bo.II r. Jtif ftK l4fl vaatoj taoM (ftt(H ta aVAam. .F.may f WaMattf Alt)VV"B tNCM Vitr nr. n rpw4 ! bi ft !it i'toj. 'v' . f ii, ta 4t-r fta9ai t 't.t tr T!- wt . ca n)rt4 k aV Vita, f Tt VM (ait. HtW lmmtf po tittf lftd tnr. iatarat t ov ki .n t rl aart - l"tMI lai.ajrt.vtul f-rm "ia aaa t lho tm ti fHtMM fc It to raf f i,-. tn ( I k.ii t m i -! fll4 ( I.t4 f VD fnty ti n4 hft i.xi-ftii. ty i L :r 10 , fjfftf tft mtr f h r R voaa ! r ft B'4tfttrt. ft aat n-nvf r- bft thm fttir 4 ftf IA ta l povaatV tf tM fta4 m-T1fo b Va tA 0. tt on hafr ft a s i t at bto M ( t in Tro - 4" ntff 1 tft ) ltm lN TXaO-r T'haa f4 m1d Tft- llfat 1 aa,9 O.aar or fft TVw ft I 4Maa ft 1 1 fcii'T-r w(t. na E.anfK ftf kM9ta tftft "Kt wa aaa Ja IVITHIff l Ito4 t ft (kftr-ft Altai t)lrft IfttA I " ftar T" t a. tul nr t-p " ftftt ft.l t i.-fc aarAltl anaA ift )( n vt T tla4 lfl ' 11 A ttflm -nr .Vftft ftti4 tiaft ko ftl ftA 15 f IS t '1- Mnl ft tTwlmmftr. ttff 4 tn lavMw.'i'ita atrMt r!li. ontl f t1t K'1M. ' ta WlTft tftft llaBHMft ftft4 I ' fef im. k"o ! I mfmmt !(. 99ftr ft i ra.mjttf. r ft 4 ! ftl ftaVWtnf C ftaaaftnft Vf Aft ffift taft ft ft T nfi:4 TftvHw ftift ) ft44 ta taf'Anil la Al- ioai f fla! Ka r-Mi ift tomt f l t fiam mft. T ri4fwa fr Allan U'J ftl Pfe t tiarrvft tf V'vlavroi, :l tfta ftllfft S;"'i-ft Waal 9tr"i't t I t mMi K?rft. A laaMrlrtil tr - loJ ft tfl fV 1.4 a.f T 0f IftftiRft ha A aaaa-'awl b t LrfTt tmat. 1 -n-ti $4T . it rc J Jl t $; .VHJ 4)tSr rft ftft r,lr, II .-, v4l . ; f Jt. K M t. :. tof f -Prw oa lajrol t-.v. jtv '.i ft4 t:.i- nr W Nw'' l -" a ttaf v rnoi . am R W. "! Ifti- -i ?4 MK-aft mi V r tft ' ft-Mlt4! atnw-r'ft P- Bp .rft.'-4 "f l 44 n'f ,rt4rv4 lft I4ft ftft .U W 4 l a....wwBtMaaaaJiaaawaw.wo,. t JIItim't'nnB.m'1'irUiniHimHTIimt'! W .xz? 7r. 'f ' . i;y-c-- S i -w a a " aa t y . f . ; A ' a V ' br X Sanfield 'Laird and Lady": IJ-J-J. f .a.- I i , ' ' - r - . i -t i- aj.19 -U 22-1T. 0-13. XT-H. 10-17. 21-14. V 5t . i VS -M V N I ? 1 4 wtai Spuy.4 b"' Strllldand- and San.aH. T--Vi; i 1 c 7 vi ill I rvrv" J 'vs - a ? a.'7'a tv a a a - ' 1 .- mmt a ' .14. aoorO- rs&Jz.. t ; A B ihi;i C2--jC . 'NtX ill 1 vr: 1 . . - - ---" i a w . jvzri i i a t TfrTw- -VTV r x A f A .-JMri 7 ' v J . a aaaa aaay " vafaaao 1 J . a i. m.-' . I . I F M 1 C a w far . Ibo orlaary esaaaia cto4- Iff P , " " J M Ira ui.iara -ta 1 a-. l-f IHa.r f . tjli lit' i i 1 -UjCf'' w."oVi:V:; & to'itat irjl ' -v .IaV l J f - '. ' A I ' . ; - r.v ,,t. t 1 I .a"Aaw I tmmwmmiiiiiiiiiiimiitiiiiwiiiiimima aa faa-a. ... aaaJ ' i ' J v. ...... . - aa-. I Uillil)1imitmiUllHlli;illWll!llll!llUI flillr a-t.a. l.rrf Wll'a Kh. JA - )' V La-J"1- i."T" .--;'-- " I , rV'';S"''!':,Wli: b . -aa .b lf.a..p.:io ia;. t. a" Ka2?JT - I , rfeu'"'1111!!! i-w. Mr t al.. jaa 8"l" at . - VWa-4 L - , ') aS. AT ll '-f ?V:J Ha.,.a,r- . . ' Va jJk. ' ' K ar.o.4 raa ? f Na . If i"-- W' r.rv. iz tzzzszz I i l t V.Vr.VVr.a ... raar.tW 1 VV 1 f , .! .-'at -h rattr. alr o I ! IV.' V'-'lf ' V ' Har4 4aaa ar-.blblt iL 1 - ....oaa. rS;: :: raT; na-rarro-ari::, py V t - . ' JU.raU a fr ta -ajar,,, . V I ' ' .la maraa.r af ! MaraarOloa "" i . , If.t .!.... a-4 a F-1 i ,.. inam aaara P-a '"'a I 7-tt. SJ-JT. SS-OT. !-. 8J-SS, 7-8.. a. SoJuUon to problem la: xmsiv. . lo move ana win. .. ' '' - . 16-12. 10-14. 7-2. 13-. 31-2i.. o-l. i-11. 11-lH. 14-S2. 21-JT. 32-1'T. -'-, "-S1 -lS. 1T-13. -5. 3-7. BlCK wina. aac B. Alrianorr. ,. , , - ?t- SolulloD to pro&aam 4, a: xaiaa, 1.. --. -- kln.a. . : whlta. 8. 15. 32; unm . .- n-kl.. to nlav and win. lo-l(J. 0-10, 4-11. S5-30. 11-jo., . ' f - T 1-15. 20-30. 'lS-19. 30-25. J-24. Jo-21. "4-19 13-17. 14-1. 21-25. 18-2S. 2J-S0. 17-14. 24-27 l"-l. 27-2 10-15. 24-27. 30-2O. . .4 it.ia ai-'m lu-'i .1 -.ivr . 01- oi'ir' n-hl'ta. wln'a. Just .0 and no other a. draw. V. Sanfield. Jack. OLD FOURTEENTH." 11-15 28-24- 8- 11 20-23 :i- S 23-14 9- ia. 30-2 durinr 19-16 13-28 S- 1 30-23 27- 2 . "Wina a 20-lS 2. a 11 -"-'o 24-22 1-21 1- 3-n 21-17 23-21 .U 18-23 17-13 21-5 o- 25-30 ilmultaneoua eiblbltlon. Eight boarda. Charlaa Hrr. r. forcad Mr. John.ton to lva t "P J" a- a... .... h. waa not familiar wltb. tna "7. . 11-15. 23-l. 8-?i. r'"'i'"a V. ,. 7-11. 15-J4. !S-1. 10-1. I-4U. . a.-.-. 2i-i2. 24-2. B31-20. Tha .trok Man pia.-ea a id . - " - - . , 30. 31'.. Black to mova ana 4. B " ' - 1 31-2 12-1 5. g 29-2J 2U-31 14-19 0-14 27-24 Jl-2 10-27 8-12 32-14 2U-81 2S-S2 14-W 16-12 24-24. X-f, k'e la in ' exceptionally ood n I thu.: Black. 2. 4. 3. ! whlta. 17. IS. 20, S3. 24. ... i. K-14 SI -24 23- 19 13- 18 14- 2:i 24- 13 C2:i-2.i 12-14 24-31 13-11 23- 22 32-27 30-23 27-24 J5-21 24- 19 22-17 19-13 J. Danver. Black wina. gJ?S."i3S I. by Johnaton and H Ac.!"- of SlKarton. Or. and J.cV. city, ballova problorallL . 13. 2. . Uuf. 29: whlta. 18, 23. 31: kln. 21: ,to man' Jlay 2-2i d draw. All rlSht to dltor. ... 19. 32. wniio. 19. - ' play ana win. NEW LEAGOE FORMS Six Bowling Quintets Are in Revised Organization. NAME ALSO IS CHANGED Bob Franklin Ieads in Individual Averages, 193, and J. W. Blaney Is Second With 188 Tym Teams Are Added to list. A now bowlintr league has Dean formed at the Oregon alleys, and eU teams make up the organization. What was formerly the O.-W. R. & N. League has been cnanged to the Union Pacific circuit and two quintets were added to make an even ball dozen tearaa rolling. All leagues are evenly matched tor the most part and several organizations are having warm races. In the individ ual averages of the Oregon House Ltague Bob Franklin still sets the pace with 193 for 30 games. I. TV. Blaney has smashed an average of 1SS pins in bis 38 league contests, and he rests in second place. Following are the standings of the teams and the lndiviauat averages: kin is, li. BiacK to Gorier and than Mlutlon aivan. IT-ia. al-M 32-27. 20-22, 27-23. 18-14. l-lp. k.' 24-20. 27-J. Black wina. Jack. OAME NO. 138. Played' at club between and triena CROSS.' B. B. Alexanaer 1S-1S A26-22 11-13 17-1K 7-11 13- 9 4-13 24-20 13-24 2a- 0 next 1-10 28-19 11-15 31-24 15-21 14-17 21- 7 3-10 22-18 time I triad 2S-27 22-18 27-S1 19-15 9-14 IS- 9 11-13 Drawn. 2- 6 26-21 4- 9 29-23 5- U 25-22 10-14 32-28 14-23 2S-19 editor's move 133. AJV-V ?T?a,nT. Y" 17.1 j' 2-7-. x:m. 11-1?. ii-ic. 15-31. SO-.' 31-21 4-8. 18-27, White win.. . a xne "a. .- two .hot n TTl UVO. I.IIB a - . 23-2. 133: 8-11 ...r draw poaltlon. 13-19. 24-13. Z3-.4, nlTi eight contestants at chackers. Kiriadcllf insane and draw. Those de eated were Messra Dove: nine the only game 1001. . i.rara v..,.. in accommodate the large anvu.ii .j number vreint. , OAMK. 137, "OLD FOrRTEENTH-' Salem. Or.. Che? and Checker C"ib. 4 T.aa Maa feao i'tawd aar-reaa4 U t ol Tacaaa raa latnptlng la tarer tlel Ik aaat 1. wua.a yT.ra. Joa fl4. ,.-iriaa f.-r a ;'. aiter . w.a. rtikaaa .a. aff.ra Im. AaMra.ia ka ana) to go iaa taca'.aa . . - -a. ... kowle4 14 " aa .a.a .Mh.aa to . If IrTa-l a l.a-r.a P-a'-'- '' T'i .7. . aa.a'n.a lla la Jtmmf . . . a rarartarw ar "'' a-'i - - ... ,l t tna .a-""-' 7. hi. "'. aa aa-....-. - law r ar t a .a . - , . - .... aat latal tr iftrae gamaoai Mn.a aia tna . a r -- -. - - - k . .....m Maiaian. , ...r..r .. V.' ..... . a MM . v '..,,.aa: l.a.a-i r- ..... . - - ' - . m . . . ... 11. ai T I - I" J" .a.!" ...... If Ik. Ma ar .. " ' a ;I a" ... aa,ta a ao aa aa .... aaH4.a't caa"nn. 1. 11. ba. aataa Inl iru.nliii A ",. -. ia ai.- ... ambll aa af ir-iKH athar ra that he the enap- aa any art ire f.n. I. tha a. ISa ha. dalfliai an ad".. Irl4ln baa kaaxkaot . t - - 11. Awl'i:aa " " . a I - . ba t. raeraaaRUnl tha ai44aisM ';. fraafo. aod ha 1. .i::i.a 1. rUh thia If O kbooa anil Oght -laarartaa, ln baa m.da Ita avpaar aax. ia . Tar. Thia naaaa kal aat a pa. wa'l f..r tao coaditiaa of aa;c la ISO .irpiraaiaia M(W . aar aatfavabl Tarn abaraay a a. a la a Vaw Tarh c.pplng. aaa, . rreaa-tace Pa.tia. Tha atory wa tna- tha aria.t. rath.r Wir.'!ata tro- . 1 . . wa. chaa.aln tn l-a Cnltad ,. Nr.' a. 4 wala4 Stark. T wha laitar-a roaoct aliOat p:aaaa Blna. a. .. ataaa, t .1 ba w. t.aH4. a:i tat ka win tlmit ka4 etral alaaaaat t gkta ai: l1"- a a . w niriraa altehar who 4ar4 wttb .a.- Ika taaaa Ih't Haam. baa .a ..a ka M.a.a.r f K ank.n.niD aa4 win ka r.taraa4 i tba Deo Mo.aae club a a , . tiMitra L.aaaa. . . W aaa waa witk tha TUaa oa Ir'al fnr .,. i. M. aaa ..erag.tlaa aaat )a!aa4h .. . . i. Aui rmm. .1 ta cloaa af th la.aaara Laaaw.. aaaan. O" 'an rrta4 la .... take uia aafaa d.r aa -Jn-lfa" aaa. wha waa Ban-haa.. f-am the ka A. leal a.a. aa" Ik Ta. Uaa .l.-lAra IVrwl Toledo tjulnlct. rrvTRAlJA. Tfaah . Doe. 4. Ppa rUl Wednaaday niatht tb Toledo !,,. ata-hotal ba.katkall taatj waa do. . ,aj b ifio Toledo AM-tara by acor of 33 o or" ' fasteet camaa atar .aoa In Toledo. Donga and Jj,-utiy. forward, of lha AM-ftara. NDOOR BALL TO START CTTV ICACl'K DO I BLR-HRADKIt TO C HELD .1CXT al'XDAi. rf . Will ."apt iiaaaaaaria- ! Toaaa ao4 Moaaroka Will Battle) rralaaala Parka. Nal Hunday afternoon tba opening duublo-header will b played on tna Armory floor by tha four teama man. Inc OP CiiT Indoor Baseball Ixagu. In tha Initial contest tha Armory club will tak on tha Transportation team. while tha Mooarche and peninsula rarka will do pattla In tha second con test. Tba four teama that make up tha league Include a number of the City League stars aa wall aa aa several other well-known ballplayers now In the rita- Carl Maya. Ditcher for tha world's champion poston ites not. win uo mound dutv for th Monarcna In tha nfiaaitne? aanta. Tho Armory baa one of the largceat Indoor dlamonda on tha Coast and can accommodate as many as looo tans. At a mootlnir last week tha follow ing; league officials wore elected: Oevrgo tirayeon. president: Jama J kirn. rd. vice-prealdent; Harry Han son, secretary, and Captain D. C. Bow. man. treasurer, president Grayson says the oftlclaia of the league will spare no effort In making- this the most success ful aeaaon of tho Indoor game that Portland has over known. C. Jtlea H4 Rupert has been ap pointed umpire and tho Spalding- con cern baa donated a beautiful trophy, which will ba presented to tho winner. Doings in Fistaiiitv. AT tha present time things look rather dubious for any of the crop of boavywala-ht that hav been hnrl ina challenges at Jess Wlllard. Fred Fulton, with whom th big boy Is scheduled to dash, dooan't appaar to bo the mas thai can relieve Jess of Ola title. The others don I seem to stanu aa moch of a chance as Fred dooa with he exception of Frank Moran ana Jim Coffey. Authorities are . agreed max Jena will hold his title for lomi little time to come. a a a Evidently Tom Cowler and JiA Cor- bett have burled the az and are again hooked up together. Jim got real peeved over the showing made by Cowler In Ms first few fights In New Tork. but when he came back and put k. o. over on atctanny, tin iaii. heavy. Corbett attain look, nean anu patched up the rip in tneir reiatiuua with each other. It will b remem bered that Corbett picked Cowler up In Fortland and took him to Australia with him. "Vratarioua" Billy Smith, the old welterweight champion. Is training out at the Rose City Club and declares that ha Inlands shaping UP for a bout with "I am going to show the Portland boxing fans that tha old-timers had It all over tha present day boxers." says Smith. a a a Tha Fan Francisco amateur crop Is bring thinned out. Willie Meehan.rwho used to be a great card In the old four, .A..a and who haa been appear Ing at smokers-under tho new order of haa been stopped by the Ban Vra.ciace authorities, as well as aav. ...i other old-timers. Wrestling is now having the call In the Bay City, a a a Rud Anderson Intends leaving shortly for tarbulent Mexico. No, the former lightweight championship contender does not figure to enter Into Mexican athletics. He will Join a relative oa a ranch in the war-striCKen country, a a a Harry Croat, tna moiorooai pnoi. boxer aivl mustache cultivator, la work ing out at tha Rose city uuo anu in tends stepping back into tba local ring within a ahort time. Harry used to be soma pumpkins In tha middleweight class when ha fought under tha colors of tha Beaver Club a couple of sea eons back and thinks that ba still can step a few. ... Harry Hansen, the Armory light weight. Is another boxer that is going through the paces at tha East Side athletic institution. Checkers Headquarters Portland Chess and Checker -i..h mi ica.hlnarton building annex, r uurm . . 1 1 r.mmunirailone and contributions solicited. Band to 143 East Thlrty-linn sireev. run lanii. Information and instruction tree. E. H. BBTANT. EDITOR. Phone Tabor 6213. PROBLEM 125. Tiy P. J. Lee. Toeoma, Wash. Black men 10. 27. K. 28. 12-16 l'.l-lJ- 14-18 2t-14 9-1 S 17-A 1-17 21 -1 1 i-.-lO It- 9 .1-1 1 l.i- 9 18-23 27-H 4- 23 p. 5 1.V1S 5- 1 11-16 2I-2 l.i- III 1- r. 8-11 5- 9 11-16 2(1-11 7-16 211 -2'. 1 ii-20 31-26 10-13 21-2 1 0-14 2- 7 30-25 23-30 14-14 24-27 31-26 26-17 21-14 7-11 16- 7 3-17 23-19 Woodmen of World League Multnomah W'elifoot I'roepect Portland Choppers Arieta Mercantile League- Standard Oil Blake-McFall Co Auto Top Co Blumauer-Frank Drug Co.... Bed Crown Zerolene Commercial A ia."" Vancouver Fost United States Rubber Co Western Soda worn. Rainier Hotel Ballou A Wright No. l-;... Union Meat Co.'s Columbia. . Twtlignt wi W. P. Fuller Co Ballou A Wright Io. J M-rT.n.l Ailt. CO Portland bpeeaoniomi o". Job printers' Duckpiu League Glass & Prudhommtt Irwln-Hodaon Portland Linotyping Co Portland Printing House.. uu...n.u V-nrnev & Slraub American Typefounders Co ;. Portland uucapm Telegram Journal G. ai P Labor Press Oregon nouae ioaa Marliu A Forbes LelKhton Dairy Lunch A. J. winter. Henry Bids. Barber Shop Western Oregon Trust Rose City primary i."nion Pacific.... Oresoa Alleys Individual Averages, viai Games.Av.l Nam White wins. Peoples D. B.' GAME 138. "CENTRE. E24-20 1J-22 tr 6- 9 S.i-IS G32-2S 15-22 3- 7 26-17 "S-24 I 9-19 ..i.ta -Tl . 1 1 iwi" . . , . u-h rn a A This forms t " Vaommend th 24- 8 4-11 C17-14 11-15 f8-24 D 7-11 36-23 13-2: 27-23 1- 6 24-19 II- 19-12 Drawn L. beginner to " - ".'"-. ... -hlta B Undoubtedly strongeai au ... . . l..rl tne u y i ' 1 . f!,v rvv.n. ."'"i,. "h .r- aood. but the text '-e is tho least eomPli'.:4 ?. D Better tlian '--" . - , 7, . io-17. ... ... .r.iii ..a. ua. i.-.. - "VVjT'b "6-23 7-11. 10-16. 3-S. Drawn. 2---.'-?i. ?. ?,' . 6-9 are not t. 1 '. " - d 111' ""'"..y .,. flraws. G 30-26 here would lose by 1S-2-. etc. H No alternative. '"Ail a!S. DbuBLE CORN BR." Given", uiaa. ... . 5,1.26 4- 8 2-J-.:-2- 6 22-18 6- 10 14- 9 10-13 111-10 7- 14 9- 6 1-10 140. m-is J14-10 i-l .-.1-27 11- 15 k:o-io 12- 19 2:1-16 S-ll 16- 7 A10-14 B22-17 C 7-10 J7-1-S D 3- " e;4-: FJ4-1". 23-14 9-18 C2'! -i: 26-17 10-2O 24-1 4-S 17-14 10- 17 21-14 11- 16 2-25 CAME in. 14 2S-24 D-10 39-2'! 1- 4 J3-:s H14-17 2-14 til-15 127-23 Bryant, 18- 9 10-11 !. it 14-17 4- 2 17-22 2- 6 i;j-25 fl-To 25-29 31-26 "DENNY-" 2-11 24- 2l 4- 8 27-24 -12 25- 22 1 S-S3 white. 3- 26-22 2H-2 10- 25-13 23 -.4 11-13 7-11 W. wins. 17-24 24-19 10-24 2S-12 11-13 15 26-6 1 Drawn ned 12-16 .i. -i.t ... , hy unimmona A Form. op.n na - . hjs r.t "n..S"""... oMhllshed B-The most P';Pu.11a,r ??' :,V.i. al-ii Ind 24-20 are good ( - , , - , i or . . - - anH atroneent re- ... 14-20. runs it Into will lines. nr..- hut weaw this noini, dui - ' . hat at D TBI! 1 . 17-14 10-17 11-13 v 22-1. ,,,.,7 21-14 -1-14 r, 7'1U -" aT3 ;i "3-14 6-" Draws. 24-2l 12-16 -!Z -e n -.rf',;4'i.Tirdrw. 2-i'j. ii-"' ?M5- ,"l '"I" ":lV "-23 M-22. -" "-18' i nerc W. L. 27 6 20 8 14 19 14 19 13 20 23 7 16 14 16 14 15 13 15 15 a 27 20 18 19 14 18 15 17 16 15 18 10 23 19 8 17 10 13 14 i 22 16 8 13 11 11 13 7 17 3 21 15 6 14 7 7 14 6 15 21 12 20 13 20 13 19 14 .13 14 12 20 11 22 10 23 Pet. .blS ,73S .424 .421 ,X4 .i2 .53:: .ii.l ,500 .000 .1U0 .60S .676 .545 .515 .4ue .704 .630 .481 .185 .916 .667 .542 .456 .292 .123 .714 .667 .33:; .2S6 .636 .606 .66 .376 .553 Franklin Blaney ... Woada Case McDonald Roberta .. Estes .... Weimer .. Lund .... Kalk Anstey .. Brocher .. Rowe .... Kneyse . . . Mc.Mahan Kldon .... Sheets ... Pembrook Swan Jones .... Barbour -Myers .... Merrick .. Whetstone Goldsmith Games. A v. 30 17 29 17 S3 1 30 16rt ..36 Itii ..15 1-iJ ..33 1S ..23 161 .. 6 11 . .33 li ..32 163 . .32 i; ..23 16 ... 6 16- .. 9 11 .. 4 161 ..29 1" ..18 16" ..33 131 ..30 lr.s ..10 15 ..17 151 . .It li ! .. 3 133 V..30 l3;wilkieson ... ls8Flavln 10 ls7;01son 29 183,Voelker 6 Ul.McConaushey 29 ISO Capen 33 179,Deaver 33 178 Eckerleln . .. ....27 178McGlnnis ... 29 177 McPherson . 23 176 Gray 2 4 176 Birrell 37 17oArbuckle . .. 30 175 Freebrough . 33 175!Hill .. "9 174 CoIIIna , 18 174:Snder ... .27 173 Shower .33 172 Mount , 29 372 Severance .. . 17 172; vv III .33 171 Gavin .11 171!Mullisa .- . 6 170-Rodke "i 1691 Individual Averages. Woodman of Wortd. Games.Av. Name, u.u..-j 30 172 Marsh 27 Its 30 171 Kling . . . ....30 lil.Bowe .... 3t 169 Nelson .- ....30 lr.'MeUgir . 12 164 Daue . . .. ....12 160Franzen . .. . .30 160'Holmes . . ... .30 169'Hogau . ... .27 159 Skow . . . 30 15'DeTemplo .... 165 Jett . .. .21 105 Wetzel . . 27 154 Johns . . . ....24 133 Walters . 24 161'Bennett . 27 lil Schade .. 24 151 Miller. ,...30 150 Fllck ;7 150'Glodwln 13 149 Blumberg Name Conner ... Chapln .. Sholln ... Natemcier Hage .... Austin ... Wlllard . . Kurtx .... Bruce .... Da 1 Kunkel .. Braun ... Buzan .... Stegeman Dudley .. Cook . ... Jones .... Showers . Mathls ... Henry ... Mannoa . 30 147 ..24 14 . .21 145 . .27 143 ..27 14-i ..24 1 12 .. 9 142 ..16 142 ..18 140 ..37 13 ..15 131 .. 6 is: .. 9 13 "J .. 9 12' ..24 127 .. 6 127 ..14 123 ..16 115 .. 113 STREAMS CLOSED TO ANGLERS Scarcity or Fish Near SUverton Caus-s Action by Commission. SlLiVERTON, Or.. Dec. 4. (Special.) The State Fish an? Game Commis sion has posted notices in Silverton and vicinity that the fishing season in Butte Creek, the Abiqua River and Sil ver Creek and their tributaries will bo closed from December 10. 1915. to March 31. 191- , , ,,, The reason for closing the nsninK season in these particular streams is that the stock o'. trout and other fish a t hclnir cleaned out and In the in terest of sport the flsh and game com- miHsion lrsueo. mo uiu. F.v,M. fishing in any of these streams form. -KTh.on.yvr.auAMfo-o- 21-17 10-13 17-14 12-14 "8-12 . H J- 29-23 4- 1 21-17 lk-22 25-1". 15-22 C. Brown 2-24 14-19 24-15 1 1-ie. 32-28 8-11 says S-24 6-10 13- 9 1- 6 W-19 4-13 19-15 best for this stage. I14-10. 7-11. .nit .fnrdan. j Compulsory. i--'3.19. 6-8 draws. i... arrasoondenta: hut tna ,i-..- " 6-M, 4)-9 drswa in. 19 27-20 1S-27 31- 8 22-81 8- 3 Drawn, black at Stewart J. Ut m fir. play and 'n. prlz The numwri yem wa. wronff. It wsi problem. wni Whit mn. 10. IM. 30; klnrs. 8. ft ftod lrmr. ' PROBLEM 126. By A. Hart, Sellwood City. Black. 3, 8. 13. 18. 19, 23; white. II, lo, , 17. 2i 30. Black to move ana win. PROBLEM 12T. Br B. B. Alexander. City. Black Kings It, 33; white, 12, 20. 21. Black to play and draw. PROBLEM 128. By C. A. Denay. Black. 1. . 12. 1: king. 2: white. 11. 14. li. It; king. S. Whlta to play and win. PROBLEM 129. By Orosvenor. X. Y. Bleak. 1. 13: king. 31: white. SI, 22; king. 14. Black to play aad draw. PROBLEM 130. By B. B. Alexander. Black. S. 12, 20. 27: kings. 1. 82; white, 1. 11. 13. 19. 23. 28; king 28. White to play "solution to problem 121: 27-24. 29-27. 14.17. Jl-1 4. 2f-2J, i:-l. 0-S. J-". 7-3. 27-li 1-17. 11-31. -23. A. Bart, N. 6a fleld. H. Baker. Whlta wina Solution to problem 122: Black 3. 9. 23: white. 19. 30: king. 24. White to play aad win 19-18. A8-7. 24-19. 23-27. 80-23. 9-13. Z3-W. 27-32. 22-18. 32-27. 18-14, 13-17, 13-10. T-11. 10-7. Whlta wina A 9-1 4. 15-10, 14-17. 24-10. 23-27. 27-32. 19-23 3-S. 6-2. -12. 2-7. 12-16. 7-10. l-20. 2. -19, 32-2S. 10-1. XI-2J. 14-18. 2S-32, 18-23. WHITMAX QXTINTETS TO PLAY Clasa Games Are Scheduled to Begin Monday nnd Captains Chosen. WHITMAN COLLEGE. Walla Walla, Wash.. Dec 4.(Speclal.)-Now that the football season is over, interest in athletics at Whitman has turned to basketball. Class game, will be played t..,1iv and Wednesday of nex wiek- Th. captains of th. class Uam.Wwere elected th.s week. L'V. .Se.ni0":. DOiro"yjBhnkseen. Hood River; sophomores: Frank Dement, Walla Walla: freshmen. Clarence Ted- . T- l.klniaii Wfllh. With every one of last year's team back in the game again this year and with some Promielng new material n The freshman class. Coach Applegate and Whitman fans are looking forward T on. of the best basketball teams In tjha conference. Quintet Formed Near RIdgefield. RIDGEFIELD. Wash.. Dec. 4. (Spe ai.i . la the Fellda community south , har. a basketball team has been organized. Gordon Mclrwin was elect ed manager and Raymond Woolf assist ant. The team practiced Monday. The opening game will probably be about the middle of this month. Other teams In this district are: Ridgefleld. Pioneer and Sara. Former Owner of Giants Die. NEW TORK. Dec. 4. Andrew Freed inan. former owner of the New York National League baseball team, died at his home here today as the result of a nervous breakdown. in any Slate billiard tables were on tn orcai pl-n.i. . . first played Dupont for Ducks e-r""TTF, duck season's here. The 1 bays are black with these toothsome game birds. There's plenty for all. Get your gun ready I If your aim is true and vour load's dependable you'll get your share. (gUPDig) SMOKELESS SHOTGUN POWDERS Dupont Bslllstlto are the powders that win. Bulk or dens, each baa ita good pointa and each has its friends. Du Pont Powders the eboioe of 80 of American shooters, are loaded in all standard shells or sold in bulk at your dealer a. Write for booklet. C.l.slu P.ntd. N.maura A Com.any Wilmington, Delaware Bowlers Never Get Appendicitis Oregon Bowling Alleys Broadway and Oak St. 12 ALLEYS. PERFECT VENTILATION. Broadway 916. J. W. RMMKY, PROPRIETOR. a wr4 aicia .ooia. 4