JO ill!' . - - r n-- sT TT ,n?T1i E tin it ?.!;ai;te Inspection of Various ' Types of Paving Will Be Carried cn Friday. SESSION LASTS FOUR DAYS .la.alk.Maal .VJJrr-r-a a. tnaraa- Nr ! trdnUy J Tlarxl Highway Trip aiul .u.k Mxm lit la follow. fms hjnrjrw County Ji. nf C"nPf I otvfr wir. f-p .- ft tin . I-rrt n I cn n t ltf jt t- I i n, W,in.Jt,. Tfurtliy. ? the i iti atn.4 'orn ! Lmm r M-l- :. ..-r.-ry Ts firl two ton rM.tu -! : in CouMft-u. t tin ru'4--ht iy loUow- " Km4 T t ft aias)4. FrM.v l- r lint,toii dV A itoni'itU .-rommoUtin for r rr or arut h . rrB4. Th rwc4 D0 wtl. I .- ti i'ourthou t A. M In:-rt.oi b m4. to 4it0orrtaH l'mit, of pf'ti..r rjt ' Ivp of ro. known. tUtrtb. crl. trtift wit t cfc-4 t f -f pm.m io . o on Mltnomft 'Coitn'v r"'! f:i :; if b;c on rruh4 . b. is t 1 1 Ik i in rnr p. .in trin r , U Kt r m4 to H:-;r Tr4if A commit I ruit:tirij mHr of l4r, trr Ihiy ttm pp"lt. fnf tb purpw ) .I:-w.iat up k romplt fimw mmt of f I ltt t l pront. to tb nril L,.- i : i iur. T:i f.rrimm Rnounctt jrtrf'!JT Is ( ' . : 't i f t ... Jo i--.f at 4 f uil J. . .. .Inn ft J C l .r V t. tf T. tit r W 11 r;..n-. Hat.n 1 T iw i m ..4 -r n.i :! h f-- .,.,? V I' 5f VP' . T S j-'v r-v. a i-ln Zl i 1 IB 4 a r -i j m m, l-'art '4f I ft i ft i y r , iff ri w 9to f, r!n4. It. .tlH4l. ! t" "l. l " hy H J W R '.' W i if i.f Ut Jr Will b- ('U-t- Vft.iO mn I . m n-r t. i-ia t inn n I l-t h f tl nmtr I. Pl.-ft. V.'. ft. Ht-. Wii.-itai itiftii f . J ; li -In t -tn iv K V J n . ' 't.ti -i ' t w P i " I. I" ' k -t itnt . ,( i ni'f--. j.--n ft .ty. r-t u ), 1, ..nii'. i'"t i , i. Jftrr-ir. It i fl i'on.ffu'M.t- tlr f'f Jl xtnt j DtK tam y J H. K R-rjf nftnri- raf f i m.mS i xunit Tn.i J "iM."H f !M kim.'c wi.I k pr t..'i!k. Ix n.-t Ut pT tr- flt.twlnt nftrn . f Flry Mf4, Ln I'lt'lttt. fU .umSi. J t ftrn-, W A. J.n t. f'.n in --.C4 tl'4in(i', ti.I fwx'k. I'., i ft". l Kirt J. 11. Tl. ''. J v; i. Ir. i 1 to. I. r ' : r. v -4.T.-t"r - hi tt t li :.iyi. AKrnirtt pft: i i ft f 'nnt v T 4 '-atM' f fi i -t w t p-r -.'t- i 4 !. 4 ty t- r :'Hln( m-r- r 4 An4f. xiii. K m ' .u rt f y . f J tii 'f A . 1. It. rJ n. -nh I M H -'. Ui. W t C; Xl'Vir. Kailt Utr:. rt, Mt'unfxll : W. I'ir4n llt.tti. j.i pn yiiii4 n. tjfftfif : r m -,ri j-ni'- raft,- vr t J. 1-c.n, uunty !!. V ' imhui 1141 r . n- i" 1. ftiiij-ri t;r b ftor- p ii;f-f ii nt Uf v tl f . Ift in aj mpn. t r W jt Hiit. Mrt n imtCT . Hnr t K.vw. wn't. l Mrnt t ( . J. I:. Iy. It " .-ntf't. I mti:, n4 K')tn)ftf vrm tn ttr-?!i4 t'oftnlf f h.4 jfi,' ft y J W 4'hi. i'nti Th- tlM'UlM.ll f titlO w o N I will Br tu- nf lt tn (,;: tni mrr- tp TlV'r I'wn. I'witnti, 1. A. ; iuf. 1 fi.n. tk V H-. t.ini li-- tiK-ft-r. w -x.fct. 'r. K. t Jftp; rmmt: Jrn I" Ht f. imr? fcl l l9trtr. li.;.m: W. A. H -irrT. M K. n ' ttrfr4k t'DTr. ai 1 1; r w "Tn rumt'i' w fb iBftH-U', m t' t truev T Iti n l4 h t'i rlUin fri v t. ry tiM!i. jfr tjitT :wfnr ft 4t, mt l urfy Camitf : VV T. f-m-pt. nt jr t'tun't r?MM t4tr-l, Jm?tT-m "nttn-Y. . (Irvxpri. ( r(it ''j!y. M rft Mn. r C:rn C ICrrMv OC - it .. y . If. . .j . I huntv W J Ton.'"V f t n'" I H . .! T vwr Xft4f 1 Mty. U - ro ft' 'tn.- tt u i .'k"'. r"ftf Tn . -ni tf . Mt-l- i I yt u trMi t in( y fii f.-:wiaar mmv ! fT4 K.riw. f ftfftB i'txitlT . !". K :! . II i r ( "y-w4; Huji'i r. I- p ! W'y,'o 4"-ty j:. H. f t f On. 4 PT, t. Ritlpa f (ry 4 V f-.Ty . n fM.o 4 jvvt tmitrt ! ro i- i ort, I r W t.iftn I vn f4a rbolt riiii F - i ; ! r m ipu c c't'"'o fii it . 4 : r If f4ft'Mt itfi-nm t r rri . t r it f ..a a.t t wti afe ! f.rnat-.'nei l.iawc.tva sedr. Clrva la nnnnnmur rnuunaiiii 1HU FORGOUNTYGOURTS i NOTED SINGER WILL BE ; ATHEILIG, DECEMERjO JoImiim CdU I Prt4 by Etrm Criti for Laurel Won in Wa rriaa Operaa Ovation Given by Audience U Notable. I' fTlHK romlnc onc r-itI of Johanna mill ho m rrd-UtT nt In I'ort- Und. An UMrrn rrttio h oftld: "A rorttn Umnia ptmndur nd hroc roi. in xirrpto nalurol ditolty of 4tchtr of tb codtv mrrcinc at llrnv into MI-. rluv mTtlc.m f oico n4 jrnv. odmpt Johonn c;ndkl ihott ni (rr rrnnd-oprn tar of Ifto d for tho trtst of WnivrUn rot. wMrh oh hnn md no pro-ml-nntl? br own. "Tbrr n ntmns minctlnr of th namnn nnd dino In bor wonderful rhrrrUon of Iwnnhildo- Ihe VninyrUn Tr.iin. dutblr of tho nun lro K4 Tnor. who. wtin hrr ttr. h4 I rv'i duty of mrrrtnc on fry pt4 to V;h:t. tho nod of IH ot4 or trorj. h hroo. who dlfd of th battlrftc'.d. At KltAAbcth In Tno u-f ;cj"kl k quilt 4 rmrk b.. hut in a whotlr diffrrnl wy. A tho travlr. lovo-tnplr4 lo!d -r iml'4t rulminAf In n portrnrnt of iuMim pton fhnt I unrjuld nmontf all tho loo trcd!o of th crld. Uotdo la lnd4 UndvUl's favor te rot." Mncro know thu. nnd nlo thr hrior ;dhl fTnrou nlndn of bsrt- "r tdLn to hotp hor frind n rrn'ri'tify linr" t'dly nrl proi on on notnb.o o clorv. ft wo in t'o mtdt of th r:otrn on of ?rn4 pf w hon tnda i SB.LFUND HOTOH HAND rj nn m :irr or I laMrlalls Is lreallM TiWmilHla I rme 4 ( Th uni.l drlrj from the a la i( K'-t fro. .lamp la( Jr t. rn iiaiUbl (or ln(il ork. r.rJ nj to nvmWf ( lh ron ,..ui..i I.t lh rrntinn ' Tubarrulo.ia. T . of ttt alamp. M laal - tiardlavt Ihrnucti lha utesnn JaOrra lion ef Woman t'luba. The moner rol"-tr4 waa bld In th Irva.ury aaaitln lha ulinn of Ihe fadarmllon at Ita annual nttn. Am that marl ine waa haid ontr In frto-r. Ii fund CORNER OF O..W. R. A N. COMPANY'S CORN" EXHIBIT THAT WILL km s . i m w r ii 1 V.V !t ,v'-Oaw J rJr'- ? . W .. ' ; r I. i I ' ''-r R.ire. fflcif f t in. fWV .. ,.t . l JT , " V.-e -,Jk. . ' ..j- - - .. .. .-- I . ... , i I .! ' " ti o unfortunate to b confined to hor b4 with a prinrd tnklc. m hurt, by tho way. mused by tho con trotompa of tha tnor In plartns; tha jMtoui loar In "Cavalcrla." Hut whll suiTarlnx In bed at bar Now York hotel thra rim an urni lons-diatanca call over th irlrphont, Thn aha heard har huband. Hrr Tauocbr. nssrtlna; em phallcallr "No. It la Impossible! Mad ame is absolutely unaMe to stand on hrr foot. -Wrr 1st daT asked CadskL And Mrr Tauarhrr explained the situation: Tho star who waa to have suns; the part of Isold that nUbt at Boston al Veinartnr'a premier waa unable to appar. Would midm hetp him out f the dlfflcuItyT This was enough. GadskU lrsplte her Ume foot, came to tha telephone and assured him that she would. And heedlesa of remonstrances from husband, doctor and nurs. that nlfht Gadskl waa In her dresstnsr-room of the opera-house In Hoslon. too late for rehearsal, but ready to jro on. Welncartnrr ame to Her oaylnc: "We are solns to Blve the opera to ri if ht with several 'ruts,' but watch me rloly and yon will hav no trouble." Vben the crest performance waa over. Wriniarlntr. overcome by the a-enlua of her portrayal of the fateful rol. embrared her. while the people clamored for her to appear before the curtain In a wonderful demonstration that proclaimed n triumph that waa sublime In Us minffllns of nature and art. ;aNk cornea to Portland under the dliectlon of rUeere A Co roan. have not a et bf n dlatrlbutrd. al thoush the fadrratlult. In ar.alon at ."alarn. Yoied o ue tho moner rol lortl throush rhannrla that It d--isnatxd. all of the money bemr of narexiiy epent la Orra-on. Kollnwlns la the etalemrnt of A. U Mil la. redant of the Uron Aacl lion for Ihe Prevention of Tuoetxuloal. that further explains the mailer: "Kor otr year p-t tliaae ulrt hare been rondurled br tie Kederatlon of Wom an a Clube. that plan to expend what fund It poeaaaee for tuberruloal re lift work In various part of Ihe ftate and In no other manner. Dut tha Ore gon aaMx-latlon. whlrh hrrrafler mill have rharae of the tubarculoal tim palan In Lrnon under the esperlenced guidance of Ihe National aorlatlon, la laiy ueorndnt upon Ihe proceed of Ihl year' ale for the fund with whlih to ci the MmpaKD, for It alarta without a penny In It treasury. How fr-rarhln. how effective It work will be In 1)1 depend upon how ajeneroualy lha public responds to Ihe appeal of the Utile lied Cross lamp." WEEK. 3 CLOSBNG Heavy-Weight On Jlonday and Tuesday I will place on sale my stock of heavy-weight woolens, which is extra large for this season of the year. I bought extra heavy, expecting a tremendous .business. Although my business was good, it was not up to expecta tions, so in order to . i Keep the Tailors Busy and move this unusually large stock of heavy-weight woolens I make this extraordinary offer. Suit $ ;,; (x3 Overcoat J LLJ Bear in mind every suit is made to order in my own workshop on the premises just above my store, under my personal supervision, by skilled union tailors, cutters and designers, will not break, the linings will wear during the life of the suit Come in tomorrow. Suit made in 48 hours when necessary. RAY Leading Tailor TO BE O.-W. R. & N. Bringing Show From Walla Walla. NEW INDUSTRY IS THRIVING Yakima. Vallry Produces 00,000 Uadirl, but Oregon I-C H hlndMalhcar County, How evrr, fakr fine Showing;. rom corn, corn: Few peoDl realise that Orrcon and Wasblnitton rapidly r dereloplns; Into two of the leading corn-producing aisles of lUe Union. On Thursdsy. Frldsy and Saturday of this werk Portland folks will hsve a chanc. to convlnc. themselves of this fact. The X-W. R. N. Compsny has ar ranited to offer at free exhibition what Is renarded as the best collection of native corn specimens ever brought tospiher In Ihe Northwent. The lower floors of the Failing build- In, at Fifth and Htark streets, nave been obtained for this purpose. Kverv bushel of corn displayed at lha third annual corn show at Walla BE SHOWN IN PORTLAND THIS -1 CORN SHOWN I - ' tal J . Conn iTT'otv' n o- 6-' DECEMBER Made to Order You Save $8 to $ 1 2 by Having a Suit Made to Order Here BAR Walla last week will be brought to Portland intact. Tha show will be opened formally at 10 o'clock Thursday morning and will be open morning, afternoon and even ing until Saturduy. C. L- Smith, known throughout the Northwest as "Farmer" Smith, and rec ognized as the father of the corn-growing Industry in these states, will be in charge, lie will be assisted by bis son. Lou S. Smith, his assistant in the work of directing the agricultural extension work in wh ch the O.-W. li. ot Ki. torn- Danv now is engaged. I'ntil three years ago corn-growing was almost unknown In Oregon and WashinKton. Then Mr. Smith began to Impress on farmers the importance and tha advantages of crowing corn, lie was opposed at first by descendants of the early settlers, who told mm inai I'orn won't trow here. It won't ma ture. Tha climate is too moist. The nights are too cool. Our fathers tried It and they didn't succeed." But Mr. Smith showed them how to crow tt- Now they all are growing it. The Yakima Valley this year produced more than 600.000 bushels. Three years ago the same district produced 3000 bushels. Similar progress Is reported from the Walla Walla Valley. Malheur County in the principal corn-growing district in Oreeon. It has a splendid exhibit, that will be shown here this week. In fact, were tt not for Malheur County the State of Washington would make a far better showing than Ore gon at tho show. But Malheur serves to pull up Oreuon's average. However, Washington has the ad vantage that It had a year or so the start on Oregon. Mr. Smith expects Oregon soon to make as good a show ing as its neighboring state. Plans are being laid for a big demon stration next Thursday by employes of the O.-W. R. N. Company In an ef fort to call attention to the show. The employes' band will be out and a parade probably will be arranged. William McMurray. general passen ger scent of the company, said yester day that he wants every man. woman and child In Portland to see the corn. so that tney may snow me vaiuo ui thl naw Induntrv. Particular Invitations will be sent to (h. axhihitor and visitors at the live stock show, as corn, obviously. Is a val uable asset In developing the livestock Industry. SOCIKTV SEKS coux snow Exhibit at Walla Walla Closes With Best Day's Attendance. watt. a WALLA Wash.. Dec. 4. (Special-) The O.-W. It. oc corn knur came to a SUCCCHBlUl ClOSe lO- nieht. with the biggest crowas or tne m-aclc in attendance today. At a reception this afternoon, given bv the railway company, assisted oy ciuh and society women, more than sou women attended, this being proDaoiy the largast affair ot its kind ever given here. The Judges' awaras were n- nnuiirMl. Honors of havins; the best general display went to E. K. Starkey. of Fros ser. Wash., who received $50 In cash. Malheur County, got secona prize anu I". C Tobias, of Caldwell, Idaho, tniru. K. K. Starkey exhibited both the best sina-le ear and the longest ear. ana Stubblefleld Home had the largest ear. Other award were:.w. p. Ulallin, of Prairie City. Or., best IJO ears oi flint corn: G. G. Brown. Nyssa, Or., best two acres of dent corn irrigated; II. p. Hutchinon. of Dayton, best 10 acres: George T. Hartman. of Prosser, best 1! ears of corn. Irrigated: Blanche Weather. Touchet. best 12 ears, non- Irrigated: J. jtariman. oi t rosser, best 12 ears of popcorn, one acre non- Irrigated land: Fred Bender, Ontario, best 11 ears corn, irrigated: Stubble field Home, Walla Walla, best 12 ears of corn. non-Irrigated. Levi smith, of Waitsburg. ash., il. f. Hutcninson. Dayton, and J. B. Boyer, . of College Place, also won prizes. Jm Grande Elks to Honor Dead. L.A GRANDE. Or.. Dec. . (Special.) A. 8. Bennett, of The Dalles, will deliver the principal address at the annual Elks' memorial servient tomor row. Mrs. W. W. Berry will preside 5. 1915. . Winter Woolens Every suit will KHURST Cor. Sixth and Stark at the piano, the opening ceremonies being conducted by Exalted Ruler M. B. Donohue, and H. E. Dixon will read the invocation. Bruce Dennis will de liver the eulogy and Rev. Upton H. Gibbs the benediction. Vocal and in strumental music will be furniehed by Miss Mercedes Horan. Mrs. A. L. Rich- GIRLS! LOTS OF 25c-Cent Botde of "DanrJerine" Makes Hair Thick. Glossy and Wavy. Removes All Dandruff. Stops Itching Scalp and Fall ing Hair. To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, .ustrous. fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is merely a matter of using a little Dander ine. It is easy and Inexpensive to have nice, 'soft hair and lots of it. Just get a Zi-cent bottle of Knowlton's Dander ine now all drug stores recommend it apply a little as directed ana witnin ten minutes there will be cn appear ance of abundance, freshness, flutfineas and an Incomparable gloss and luster, and try as you will, you cannot lind a trace of dandruff or falling hair; uut your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair fine and downy al nrst yes but really new hair sprouting all ovef your scalp. Danderine is, we believe, tha onlv aure hair a-rower. destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp, and it ni er falls to stop fail nair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderlr.e and carefully draw It through your hair taking one small strand at a tirao. Your hair v. . be soft, glossy and beautiful In just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. Adv. BEAUTIFUL Hi ' t" 1 J. - 1 if - J -W t 1 I - . .. ' -.M i : 49 - $ ' " i A - . fit you perfectly the fronta ardson, Mrs. Carse. of Portland: C. P. Ferrin, L. D. Howland. George S. Bir ni and F. C. Bramwell. Coughs and Colds Are Dangerous Cold3 are called minor ailments, but they are serious and often dangerous. "Oh, it's only a cold!" is a common re mark, but many such cases prove seri ous. Colds are often the beginning of fatal diseases, such as pneumonia, diphtheria, fever, and throat and lung troubles. An almost imperceptible chilling can start a cold that lasts weeks, even months, before the health is completely restored, and the loss of time, energy and money is considerable. When the system la fortified and strengthened by the judicious use of reliable tonic-stimulant such as Duffy'3 Pure Malt Whiskey, coughs and colds are often prevented and broken up. It is an absolutely pure malt whiskey, made for medicinal purposes only, and has proved invaluable to sufferers from throat affections, bronchitis, grip and all deep seated coughs and colds. It should be in every home, for people who "Get Duffy's and keep well" are seldom troubled with coughs, colds or grip. It's better to take Duffy's than to wish you had, so get a bottle of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey today. Sold by most druggists, grocers and dealers. $1.00. If they can't supply you. write us. Useful household booklet sent free. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Rochester, N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICE "If for some reason your local trade cannot supply you send your order and remittance to The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., 171-173 Minna St., San Francisco, Calif. They will have your order taken care of- promptly at the following prices: 1 Bottle, Express Paid, $1.13 2 Bottles, Express Paid, $2.10 4 Bottles, Express Pair, $4.00 Remit by Express Order, Post Office Order or Certified Check. If cash la sent have your letter registered." STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Relieves Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you can t breatne freely because of a cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils ana let is penetrate through every air passage of your head. soothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you get instant relief. Ah! how good it feels. Your nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing: no more headaches, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is Just what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight. Adv. Hairs Quickly Vanish After This Treatment (Helps to Beauty) Science has aided in simplifying the banishing of hairy growths from the face, and according to a beauty special ist, the most effective treatment yet devised consists of applying a delatone paste to .'he hairy surface for 2 or 3 minutes. The paste is made by mixing somas water with a little powdered del- atone. hen this paste is removed and the skin washed every trace of hair has vanished. Be sure to get real dela tone. Adv.