The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 28, 1915, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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I but tie
, f'.V lie
Battle fcr Possession of Gori
zia Unsurpassed in Fe
rccity on Any Front.
rl IVrrt Mold, former M.nUtcr f
orrlj Affair of A atria,
.o Srrtloi A I J J
DNpatch IVarrr.
r Kt. t t-t tr'-.n.
fy.a,-tai a. ' ? ai-Teo.m.4--.t a fe
T.,., W trUJ tat, l4t. W V ft t -e
r'll I a.' "".... .- t a 4 -
um -; Afrrnt N.ia-OAr.i.
AX ArVwT tl THE I"X..' Jrt-!e.
J. 4 r co'r'f to Vl-SK Via Am-starrtl.-n.
No. Iti itorbA a th
"f vcjectxe palate th ttal en
?en.i id ioo:o fo La Ut n
ioa:a. ! bu fir:e4 wr.fs th
t' f Arr an I Tpree
The fxM ea.t'1 of .rtIa end
irri.h( ha sat. k' farateB) tfce
aat.rin .!ewy to I'aly lon.s4
f lne a f AualrL. col '! HO-aea.t-4 ert:eoe of Seating tB-
larpaeae.j a fen; tftr freai.
Iuimi t f e ! l"lsa.
A ar:y I cul '4-lja from pr-
tee f. the Italiaa seiti lrtr:. around
lit town appear ta tf otn-
wfai tusttr. aad tn riir as teeo
iktmi-'I bp in InfTtor Auatnan
)lniirl3 forrea. wni-a h (
makm- truv Bplend;.". dprml !-
faaea Of IS loWB. 14 have held ((H
far noottt asalaet all ettatha,
Ti I particularly tru of tha 11
for d ot lienrl Cad 'roe aa
aea maMa Oor'.aie met and Bora
! reater af ku sew movement.
mm Bn.ka ) uoiuoB4b"a
tfiittri i:a-ral t adorna a iroopo snow
rmrale tenacity af purree to at
lata th a B:etlv rolnl la ta faro cf
ht maal t area. arte leeae. losaaa
ui af all proportion la ta strategical
Value of t-a lows.
llaUaaa Oataklria at Taaa
General Cavrtjra. ta falr'y smotherlag
th A-iatro-lluasanaa poattione witft
a t.f ef lnJ-!a fsrrrra from
k almlrmBIa artt.I-ry. Ha daha tit
Italian I'Xtn t.-iia aa4 iiin tit rt
lha A n'f-H jniir!t l-cMt, push
Inc M atfack aftr arrt cf h! mnr
ItoulM thoasa (ioruia war taa
"1 aria of Auatrl.
tl'aila aa yl lha Bltjtlon rrmala
In tka m-iia un hanco.!. tha Italian la
ama rattt dftO'-t-l taalr
IrtscAta itrat! fcx toot, uatil
i-'T ara oa th vrry :. Iba out
akirta. af Iba lorn.
Mca ef fclf diffaranl laa-
I iit'i. Batl'jr'itia. ma k a ur lb
IMup beaa ta la la be:l Uortiia.
Thar ar flrtlnc l:h Talnr an4
oc(1 d'taro ioatioo M ta jrita war
htof tba Itliart.. Tear ar t:Bt!n
la tri'at bn..ta-bn4 tlnirtlx
aitb fiarrra'aa anaorpaaaaj aoyakara
la tttia ar.
BattL tla4 at law rVaaaa.
Jar aral bour today I aralcb4
tba r n cooHi.-l front wlthia Oar
Ula. .tt.B a vtaw Itial canaot
kat la aar tatar af lb war.
Ijtat t rama dowa frvm tba
Iofri4a l'Kaa la tba bal tuartar
af Ooaaral W. rgmatirff tba corp
af tb im""f KbU-lk ln-vnlra Uorlita-
lianaral V. la a lrtral o:Jlar cf ta
mtr(t(l'-. aa-craaalt nbML who cn-
idr R0 tatft fjivaa him aa Itnpoaalbla.
I.CnnlocS'ailr an. In lruaa ba
a k'!!o'Dpi corpt af a lUCa of
Mtnth'tir. in trtO BTTlr". Tba manoar
la B!.:!t ba h sall4 Ibia roncloitf
arallea of rini aaol aatioaalttl ao4
tvnf att tnfa ta robaia anl afct
la a sail tbat II baa baas
abl t itbtaa4 tba abech of tb
flarra l:iaa char opa bis paxitlona
d'arlB ail Ibaaa aiaatna ol
ma f ir blm aa4 bi cbiaf statf ettl
cr. Coionai aa4 bla otbar ofCcara,
ti a. inniti terraaia I ma-
rr.. ja from tba plaiaai bark af
tna I.B.a into ti ratlay. Uaaaral
.iliJ aia arwl ihiimM painl of
abaarvatiort for lb folloatnc f la
an. iron-. 1 fcr. r Ula. aaai BiBJ CO
at bla atatf efttcar la laka tna tbar.
Ila tpatt wl"h It'tt raapa,! for tba
Ba' t.nrf imlit ef tba Italian an-l
r i a tj-'.N'it to tba fcrararr Ibay war
piait4 in rltrtM dpob bia tran-bca
aftaa n b ti. of crtaia d'atX
ml KaraataM I AUa.
At tllnrtar lt rwcbl I mr Cojal
fim tv h toi4. fortrar intatar af I'orattrn
Affalra. b la aarTlna; aa ld-de
rama n.i diMM rr ta tlaaara!
J. wtN tna rut of Captain of Cavalry.
la aatty rar anifern rolr
In bait wall tllr f bi trim, alaa
I fi'jr. tbia u. rajrtlr lt
man. wtta a aavuliar. i.lut baar
Inc 'l bia awn that on of
at Mkoul diploma-, rtiak a d-Ablaa1
cavairv efffar in appaaranr.
Tba firmar tvioia ilmn;r bafor
wbi.-n b waa Afnoaaaior to rtra
ar.. who plavvdl b an Important
r-vla f ir a tim. aaw rarrtaJ Importbni
.pat. R la dltia an4 trlcada
r at lb freal Inlruaa4 la blm
By carp commnndara. Ha aaat4 to
ba Fupvtitr wt:a lb fura af tba
irln d.naar itaaaral w. triw an4
r4 a li'rra anncuRrln; Ibal tna
ylmparor 1'Mk. u Jaaapb ba4 rwafrra4
a ffatilrary da'ration k;-vn bla former
l'n M ni.tar for aariii la tb
alaa A Inmib MUbrii
Twa waak of t'dr ra.aa ba al
moat druwaa.l out tb tr an in t ba
Italian war Brlnr mor than
m ta rry on for tbatr a
rmiaa. Tb Itallaaa acpaar ta hair al
iaatbaaatibla aupplr ef blla and
brapaaL .
tianarnl CaJoraa la BacrTUIoc then
an tj rain poaioo of Kaa Mlrbal.
aa4 tb Aolrlant anj llunaarlana ar
Imimi to It wirb to an! taatb.
loJrora la bI4 by tna Dalmatian
arrb anamlaa of tb Italian, aadl coal.
ablrrmatir. itaadr tiav. mofb 1 1 a
tb lluaatana. ACalnal tba maa tb
em-a of th Italian rharfaa bar ra
raliad arain an I aaaln.
Joinina thm In I.Ma. which with Fan
Uirb! ar th mot nra-ra- kin and
vital polr.ia do tba Iwmo lino, raillna
for Inrra4ibl aaduraaca and flcbtlas
a-jatitia. la tba famoua DautachmaKter
r.mnt. on of Iba moat famoua
f ht.n; uaita ef lb Au'tre-llunaarlaa
Tba Aatro-llonrlan Irvarba at
aa ITorlao ar arparat'4 from th
br parbapa : yarda. It I compara
Itrair a'-iiot Ibar tbia mrn!nar. It waa
at I'icrlan tbat th Italian bricada
bra Jq-jariar lo a choo'bouta and tba
smauniiiiR drt imm.i:a::y bark of
tba haJ jtrtrra war btrard by a
daortar and ware caticbt witb a aalve
from Aoatro-Huft farlan batlarl. Tb
unit cf aiploaloa eoot.nj4 for hour
af'arward. I waa told.
Iialow tiorliia. wbara tba Iialiaa tin
rroaaaa the laonto aad flnda a firm
bolt oa tba adaa of Iba plataau. tba
Italiaaa BtVB tbrowa poatooa acre
rtr Tby ara In plain Bicht an4
lha brlaa: lbm o aaar that on
ran paraon rrt r. tba br!0(a
Tba la uadar a by fir from
tb Auatro-lljBsartaa battarir. a la
tba Aua'ro-llunsartan bride furtbar
sporaarn abov I'udcora andar th
Italian aruaa
Wttara af atnmanltton or cthrr
wacona aaa4 up and ply their wblp
ow th r bora a thay daab arroaa
I.ltt.a wbit r.oidUlt burat around, tb
brldaa. but Ibay bare woa lh!r race,
tba iimt of la with dath on.
boar aftar hour, ovar both bride.
r th bma :b 'pina; una of
t'4ll't ara oftaa taard. taiarlally now
thai tb traoch ar m c loaa. Chli
dran ar plavlnc In tba yard and In
tba atreate. I'acpl ca about th Illtl
Elxperts Prove of Value to
Farmers and Growers of
Garden Truck.
Olrrx Production I Prmonct rated
and Opportunity Offrrod la
rolnlrd Oul SUool'a cd
Inclado New Library.
COIlVALXJi. Or, Nor. JT. (Spa
clal.) Mr iaac lttr wa wrlttrn from
bar Juat a tb Oreson AfrlcuUural
Colloca folball taia wa ColOa' down
to t:ugna to battl with Ita aaclant
anamy th l'nirrlty of Orriton team.
How the came was piayal and tba re
tail are bow maltr of blmory.
la tht caaa the collas boy cam
out aacond beat, llrked lo a rtnlah. but
not a bit tUBBraeed or dlhcarteni.
Tba boy take thrlr defeat Ilk vet
eran and admit that, aa condition -
not prorldo. The crying- need of tlia
inatltution at thla tlrao U a library
buiidlnc. a irood. coairaodloua. aubstan
tlaU fireproof build Inc. Thero ara in
tha buiidlnc tow ued for library pur
poea many thousand ef booka. salact
ed wltn Judgment for the use of stu
dents ana faculty. Indeed. It la a
wonderful assortment of "tools" for
student and tercher, one that could
ma eJOOOtoof snea;u71rrlhthocla 0 ill
hardly be replaced. And yet It Is at
tha mercy , of the flames, stored in a
structure that might be destroyed In
half an hour.
I take It tuat the taxpayers of Ore
Hon are liberal nd just w hen they see
that they ar g-eltinr the worth of their
money. The question with them will
be, la now, ara our boya and girls
whom we send to the O. A. C. handled
aa well aa those In similar Institutions
In other states? I could answer that
offhand and perfectly true by saying
that no college of the sort in tne coun.
try ta doing better work with Its stu
dents than that of Oregon Agricultural
Iaape-ctloa Is Iavlteau
But I would like to have the people
of the state In large numbers acquaint
thcmselres with the workings of the
Inntltullon so they might answer It
for themselves. At the exercises here
last week a jrrcat many people gath
ered from various sections of the state
and went through the buildings and
saw with their own eyes how things
are rolnr on. The only drawback
was that most cf these people have
bren here often bafore: and whenever
person gets that closely In touch
with toe college he gives Its every
orking unstlntel pralne.
Next January the annual Farmers'
week will be held. Usually that attracts
several hundred who come to take the
short course, I wish that at the com
Ing seaslons those who have sons or
daughters here and also those who are
thinking of sending their children here
would take advantage of the low rail
road rates at that time and see just
how the boya and girls are being edu
citliar.Bhip now
Gradnafre Ara aaeceaafnL
If that could be done to an extent
lated. th batter team of that day won.
In the firmer I promlned to I rated towarda good
have something to say about market I they are being prepared to become use
gardening In Oregon, having gatnereo I rul man ana women.
facta at the "llort. Show that I 3o
noi think iha naoole of th stal un-
bualo tbat left ibam. Tb rbooi a.r.,-a. or undrlaouing. do not an- " that could be done to an exten
aad a eooaUrab:e numb-r of th "! ... I eufflclent to sow the good seed broad
rtt are ciomi. liui id canter di
in town so rar I comparatively tittie i
damaaed. A few alalia have fallen I .
there. d.tror In a number of build-l - . tn r.,u,'t of and whatever else la needed-
Ins-e. but dome na eitenaive damage. I .... n a.. -inn. ara aand I have had occasion during tna last
Korn church' ara eai4 ro bav ban 1 1... , , ia ,:ri.d. worth ar-I w yean, and more particularly dur-
i on ana mtir tapia inl away.
ThTTnoual output of plckl.d coram- t over the state the college would
ra cenarallv stokan of aa "cuke") oo" new library building aa
rr"tha 'Villi U bu".!: We well aa a new administration building
I'll ' .V -.:, .I. Ing the I.t few months, to come In
bul I i saw vr.l cburcba. ap- ,.. .hlpm.nta are potatoec. celery. J0.1.0 h -raduates
parently unharmed. T the vuLb-1 . k.ii ... i s,.rt Manv throughout the state. Almost unlver-
we.tiy n4 of lb town, al the fool 0,h,r products ate shirred from on thoee, who have to make their own
of f-lajra. wh.r. th Italian trenches I p.rr of the slat to another, such as "'" w'r "" r dolnK W'1L
coma so cioaa. the town la quite badly
M t piacaa. 1 wa lo.d that about
bouaaa and buildias b baan
rf-troal er burned by Itaiiaa ahll
fir, kivea around tha heighta ef th
Iowa aa old castle on one of tb
bicbeat point wber th Italians felt
with ibeir artillery for obeervatloa
poat (land undamaged, aa do th
bnuaes around It. I'eopl are living In I entered svrsl and found
roasting eara. string beans, cabbage.
peaa. torn a toe, turnip, paranlpa. Bum-
mrr and Winter squaah. radlcbes. let-
luce, rhubarb and -arrots.
Trade ef tale ta l.rawlag.
Porno of these producta are occa
sionally shipped to a dltnce. Our
trad Is growing rapidly. This Is par-
our onions, onion
Practically to a man and woman they
are upholding the brilliant record of
the college. Among them will be
found the bent of our younger citisena
many of thoa who graduated only
a short time ago aro enjoying the con
fidence of their fellow cltlsens and
reaping the splendid emoluments that
they deaerve.
President Kerr tells me that there
tkcularlv true of
arts and potatoes. The principal place I ra received applications from various
ctllJr.o sitting almost on th stove. I of shipment for lhs products is on i parts of th country for more young
trying ta keep warm. I the stations of U-0 Southern Pacific I men and women to fill positions they
Tb ecttoa of th town ublct to I Hallway oetween ana inctuuinit ir cura lor min un di luppiita. mil
an enfilading fir from tb Italians has I bard and Canby. lanby ship each a particularly true In the varlou
k... .-t...- i i.rA.m4 ih.i m i vear aooui uv nwut vt irviw i orancnes oi norticujture tor ine oun
civ I Una were killed there and tt I Allowing toe eusnei as a canu.u i men ana aomestic science tor tna gins,
woundrd by Italian aheil. but so far
not a ingl soldier. Tb Indignation
found la ail towns between th lines
or directly oa the line, as lioeril now
la. w br one or the otbr aid baa
With Coming of Railroad
Opening of Indian Reserva
tion Is Desired.
Residents Pledge Co-operation With
31 r. Strahorn; Burns Makes Plea
for Link With Outside World,
as Does California District.
dropped sheila, aiao Is found la Uoerlu
against the Italian. Ther la alo high
fee. ing tbrougbout Auatro Hungary I
oer lha firing late Oorlil.
the price at cents a buhel. tbatiAs for teachers, every graduate coul
mould man $119,000 from Canby alone. I get a good position at once after grad
It Is estimated that Urrgon is ricner i uatlon. If desired.
ach year by something like 11.000.000 I jt 1 to be hoped that our people will
through our shipment of garaen i get in closer touch with the Oregon
truck." That Hurt may ba a trins nign I Agricultural College. If they do tha
aa to tho Interstate shipments, but Is I e will all soon count it as tha best
perhaps too low If we consider in
shipments from ono point to another
within the state, excluding 1'oriano. it
we Include the metropolis we must add
school of Its kind in the country, as it
really is.
traavka of tb low ground. Aaalro-
t('tngrte and i'.aiieae suffering
al -ae. ari-.-t tha dferea - tbat tte Itai.
laaa apparently ar ao urrlr la n um-a-ara
laal lhay ar fr.jurn:y relioad.
la aot h caaa wtta Ine Auetro
llingartaaa. Tbr ar place tb !-f la
lb iranrbee raa ankle dp. While
la Ike Iranrhee al ft foot of lha
h-ic-ita a'ar lt.. wbi. k rat. h in
ritart of tna wetare front ih iop a4
In tow srounO, butb si4 ar sail lo
b U9 l their bp la Ibe water.
(ti!r tba ftiatr tnuanda of war
Iktuuatitra rrtpplee Bdatjuata.y caa d e
acriba the auoraiBg acbaa aa4 palaa, lb
Sapntaiin of dare aad week paal la
a4.e4 clothing.
ciaM bar the coafitct aioeg 1 ke rixi.
la tba liy aad oa la mountaie
lopae caa aw earaad cloealy f rooa aw
mamtta vaatage folate with compare
lie aatfafy la le tawa and from a
height of faa I watcb4 tba coa
fuel, but the Italiaaa. eaidaot.y believ
lag tkal artillery ebaervera bad kaaa
catloaed Ibar. placed aaveral ataU
wait. Ibal later I watched from a
rr ia-e. but aa tilt aa euaily
g m4 tiaepuial
Italia Dew rive ta Owv
Iff Cod. wbel b.- ia tbar new.
lit taa kumaa ba n tartrln tttat?
ital baroa tn-r ar over t."er:
A staff f"i.-ar saada tbaae emcla
aaaliaaa balweea gritted taa'b aad y ewppraaaa-l eaotamaal. Ta taa
latl af a Auatrlaa b-ay hearitaer
Iiiiuki aaar fixing aaive after aaive.
roRTr ui !: ami r ro -:-
f lat aad Caaarvla latpraewt
rarpaaei gaballlale fr alaa
U rraber.
INDi:ri-NDi;.VCK. Or, Nov. IT.
(rlperUt) A club has been organised
In Ihia city, eunsiating of about
buainea and prof'salonal men. to up
build th city along economic, social
and civic linaa. A committee of II
ba charge u( al. tnretinae and th.aa;
maa arrange for a programme for th
tueetir... which are beid ta lea a
To worn of the different church
oclelia ar allowed lo provld din
Bar al taos maeiins. charging a
small fee. After tb dinner some
speaker is Introduced and then follow
dicuaaiona by ID membership. At the
taet meeting fr. Le. of Albany Co.
given to It by the Oregon Agricultural
College authorities In the "Hon. t-now
tegetablca Canned Kara Iteaa.
Before leaving the valuation of our
shipments It had beter be said that 1
have not In my calculations Included
the products of our canneries. If these
producta wr Included then the fig
ure would have lo ie greatly in
creased. For Instance. I waa told that
tha Kuzcn cannery alone put up 1.
,30 canea of canned veKetablcs last
year uch aa bean, peaa. beet, car-
rota, pumpkin, squash and turnip.
I 'Id vou ever bear 01 Kaiamaxoo,
Mich.? Moat e-npl past the halt cen
tury mark will reticmber that many
Llae 13 Mile Lang, late Timber Nearly
Completed, bat Plaaa ef Build
era Are Vakaowa.
Tb ucfc.tlona mad by th speaker
leti me cms witrt Iba problrm: Vbal
la to be subatituted for the JoooT"
thouaand of plaree wber a pretty
good article Is produced right at home.
IK you know are now ralitlng
Juat aa rood celery In Oregon as was
ver groan In Katamasoo? Wa art
and tha "llort. fhow" had samples
from many parts of the state to prove
It. Th experts t the college are
Confrrrncv. al Kak-m I Ad.lrr-ad i-'gely lennoii.ible for the roh of
I II Iff I lit UHl r Jf lalWOI -u
by I -fader of Latle,
bALKVt. Or. or. T. (SprWaLI .
Governor iithycomb waa tba princi
pal apaakar tonight at a banquet at
lha balem Young Men's ITirl.tlan Aa-
atltiiu la lotto.- of boys attend'
Ing the Weatern Oregon Older Ilos'
t The conterence wt.l c.oee
Tolay was tfvvoled to addreaae from
wall known T. M. C. A. and funday
cbovl workere. th. conference being
Id In the Hall of l:eprenlat ivea and
?tl. t'bamber at the rital llouaa.
.Hjodty th bo will altrnd difler.
ent church of lb city, where om
of Ih'ra wlil apak. Tomorrow Bight
tt . J. Kerr, preaideat of Oregon Ar.
c iliural t oi.ega. win speak on i
Marks of Manhood In America.-
Corvaiila waa t;ot..i as tb mting
pl-e for h contaree. next year.
officer ! td tonight war: Eugen
in cant, Portland. prident: L4oyd
llol lertnan. Palem. vice-president;
L txtraiKier. .-I. Ileiena. secretary, and
C A. Olaon. rarmtngton. treaeurer.
MONMOUTH. Or.. Nov. 57. (Special
Aa the new railway. 13 miles long,
near completion In tUp southern sec
tlon of Polk County, nearby residents
ara an. cilia t in IT on hat Is the PUrnO&e
year aso that town was aldely known of tne Valley A Sileta line and several
tor two naeone it an mo i.e. QUetlona are asked.
unincorporated ' Village' in tne coun-l i . rr.mJt k. ti..j tn- nasaanaara
J ' . .. j or for freight servicer
Tempi .tabllh. a trotting record Wl a ,awmiii bo erected at Inde
that stood lor many years. n.nd.nca. r.Dlacinir tha old mill which
But a roup! of decades ago Kalama- burn,d .everal yeara ago. to be fur-
o began a nw record mat ot pro- ... rrl.H .v., ah. v-.i.
tlucing th be.t celery on earth. In any , S;, d whlch travere, e..
of the big cltl.a of Kenv.r you Umb.r bcJl,T
How will the road be used to help the
Inhabitant of the South Polk County
districts, and the Sileta settlers wish
ing to gain a start?
More than ever before citizens of
south Polk County are asking these
questlona. Speculation on the outcome
has been widespread. Ueneral discus
sions by groups bav. covered the ques
linn but no conclusion) have been
reached definitely.
K. S. Belcher, secretary of the rail
road company, has declined to make
any announcement ot tne company a
will And Kalamaioo celery reckoned
the standard. They ship It by the
... epok. on civic" rrlde and eota- tralnMad and practically supply one
unity spirit. I h" lh country with It. sending It to
f.tilif'illr- dlile-entlv but aucceanfullv
to get Hi bu.ine on a commercial I operations.
basis. 1 understand thst no celery Parmer who sold land to th
growers association has bean eslab
lisbed. but It will riot be long until the
growers get together.
Oreaea Celery la.
lt me tell yoi hy I say we can
He ships nearly all of bis ,norrnoua. Numbers of trees measure
:i fct In clrcumferenc.
J. A. flat ttanaa. of Hoacherg, la IjiI.
a I Candldalev.
ins:nfnt:. or. Nov. t7. .8rcii
It w anoouncad her today that
Attorney J. A. Ilurhanan. for two term
member of th Xtata Laglalalur. has
entered th contest tor Circuit Judg
b.r al lb bett general lection. Mr.
lijihintn la a Itepubllcaa. and has
practiced law la Oregon for II year.
Other ranlldalea lor I irrult Judg
In Ibe diatrlct. comprised ef I'Ougiaa.
c'oo. Curry. Jtentoa. Lincoln and Itna
euatlea. ar. ta. r. Shlpworth. of l.n
gene, and . tt'. tardwell. of Itose-
burg. and John 8. Cuk. of Marshfle.d.
Great Nortbera Kail I rocn San t'ratv
rlaro to Saa Pedro la 1 S 13 Hoar.
tUV ritMlO. CU Nov. :T. Tb
teamer Great Nortkern, ea rout to
foaolula, arrived her todav from Fan
rsaciaco after eaiaMlahieg a new rec.
erd fur tbe trip of li and'oae-balf
Tb Ort Northern beat th time
f iba steamer Ye., which l.t Maa
rancleco al about lb same tim -
taruay. by aaaij. two huuxa, s
e com
pany for. the roadbed ssy they, know
nothing about how the road ia to be
utilised. Benefit is expected, though,
by the creation of better markets for
farm products, owing to quicker trans
portation, but that the line Is to serve
produce as goo et lery as wa ever I the country within the next few years
grown In hilimttoo. 1 1. t. Alcorn- 1 1. doubted.
ula. formerly ot Kalamasoo, where. h I Th Valley A Silets Co. rushed Its
learned th celery bualnesa from tho I construction w ork durlno- tha nut
ground tip. ha ix acre near Trout- Summer. A full crew worked 10-bour
dale. In County, whero be days for seven daya a week. Several
lit grown Celery eeveral Jeara. HISIbrlHfea ara erected alone- tha tin..
crop 1Mb yar will net Mm about t000. Uyilh work lasting but a few tnort
This shows that Air. AictJinma is oeep i weekf ,( e,timated the roadbed will
enough in the business lo know I k. completed over the entire route be-
wreut.r Oregon naa ianu di to cope .-.. Independence and tha timber
witb Kalamaioo or nou belt. Already several miles of track
Mr. McAiinnis says ne is growing net-i ..... Sm ,.id.
ar celery man wa ever shipped from Tl. resources of the Filet district.
Kalamasco. 1 waa out to bia place a t,rp(,d bT ,nej nuroat. are rich." The
f.w days ago and was lold that an or- ,imber u coneldered to be among the
der had that day been received for CvO b... for lumbering nurDoses In tha
dosea bunchee tO be sent tO Butte, I Willamette dlatrlcta. Th. ou.ntlt la
Moni, tie emus II' .1 i
product to th cities of
lana and tt yomlng
Industry llaa Opparf aaltlea.
Taking th word of Mr. McGinnla as
tru. doesn't th reader see that Ore
gon baa a wonderful asset la the cel
ery business? It should b rmm-
bered. loo. thai we nave vast quanti
ties of land wber It can be success
fully grown. .Near Mr. McOlnnls
tract there are at least 1000 acres
equal to bla and large areaa In several
other countlee CUckamaa. Marlon.
Washington. Yamhill. Polk, lienlon.
Lane. Coo In nearly every county
wrt of the Cascade Mountains.
It I well to see th college taking
such an Interest In IM branch of farm
ing, for It la that really. Th experts
ot Ibe college know every celery patch
of any moment lo the atate and visit
them all and consult with the growers.
They and the faculty of the college
reaiisa that tb garden truck bualnesa.
with celery at the herd, means more to
Oregon annually than our wool clip and
they ar doing tbelr utmost to foster
tb Industry and make it profitable to
the growtra.
Library la reded Badly.
The taxpayers ar asking: "Are we
getting th worth of our money for
what we spend on tn u. A. cr They
will ask that question more than ever
about 10 or II rnon.hs from now and
more still after the legislature con
vents, especially If the regents sak for
any special appropriations.
or currant expenaea and ordinary
Improvement tha milage lax. which
Bow prevails, provltle enough for tb
coll.. But som improvements must
oa be mad for; which this tax may
Aberdeen's ttlg Social Event Hel;s
Boys at Valilngton Cnlverslty.
ARERPEEN. Wash., Nor. J7. (Spe
cial.) Grsys Harbor County students
attending the Cnlverslty of Washing
ton will hold their third .annual ball
here Pecember 38. This dance is us
ually the big social event of th year
for Aberdeen and Hoqulam.
About 1200 cleared from tha two
previous dances haa been placed In a
student loan fund which is loaned to
university students at a small rat of
Inter at.
Stevenaon Water Diverted.
STEVENSON, Wash., Nov. 17. 8am
.Samson, proprietor of the Hot Springs
Hotel, ia busy supervising the work
of diverting the water of a small creek
which has been menacing Second street
Into Kanaka Creek. A deep ditch Is
being dug along Vancouver road, into
which lit feet of It-Inch culvert is
being laid.
Cornelias Couple Married.
CORXEUU3, Or.. Nov. J7. (Special.)
A romance which began in childhood
resulted in the marriage of Miss Dana
Francks and rank Hulaman last
Wednesday morning at the Catholic
Church. j
To open the Klamath Indian reserve
tlon and to make Crater Lake more
readily accessible for the tourist are
two of the raalr. oojects sought by the
people of Klamatn Falls and Klamath
County, In correlation with the develop
ment of the Oregon. California & East
ern Railway, aa proposed by Robert E.
Mr. Strahorn returned last Wednes
day from a trip through Central Oregon
that Included a visit to several of the
principal cities that he plans to con
nect with his network of railroads.
Now that Mr. Strahorn and those as
sociated with him propose to open the
Klamath country to further develop
ment by giving It more adequate trans
portation facilities, the people of Klam
ath County are eager to have the In
dian lands opened for settlement-
Mr. Strahorn la equally interested in
the plan to make Crater Lake and
Crater Lake National Park accessible
to the tourist. The people of the Klam
ath region are co-operating witb him
In this project.
Air. Strahorn was much gratified wltn
the results of hia tour of Central Ore
gon, lis waa most impressed with
the enthusiasm displayed by the people.
with the Interest of the women and
the children, and with the loyalty dis
played by the farmers and stockmen.
His trip from Bend through rort
Rock. Silver Lake. Paisley. Lakevlew,
Ely. Klamath palls and intermediate
points was a continuous ovation.
Large parties of farmers, merchants
and settlers met film everywhere.
The people hailed him as the man
who ia about to redeem tbelr country
from the extreme isolation from which
it Is suffering.
A large party from Bums met Mr.
Strahorn at Bead when the Central Ore
gon Development League met there,
and urged him to Include Burns on
the main route of the new line, pres
ent plans do not provide for immedl
ate connections of Burns with other
parts of the system.
Tbe Burns people used every argu
ment possible to bring the line through
that town, and it U probable that as
a result of their efforts they will au
thorize some preliminary surveys to de
termine the feasibility of building
through Burns Instead of through the
Harnev Lake region, as now proposed
Another district that is clamoring for
an extension ia tho Surprise Valley,
down across the border in California.
A big delegation from this region met
Mr. Strahorn at Lakeview and present
ed their arguments. Mr. Strahorn made
a brief incursion into the Surprise Val
ley and viewed the possibilities of tbat
section. This district will be served
by a road that it is proposed to build
eventually between Lakeview and
Klamath Falls.
The selection of Good Furniture, which, on
account of its intimate and permanent rela
tion to home surroundings, makes the most
appropriate and sensible of gifts, should not
be left to a hurried and forced decision.
We have already added to our regular com
plete stock, at correspondingly low prices, an
extra Assortment of those smaller but indis
pensable pieces, such as sewing tables, tea
wagons, smoking stands, lamp pedestals and
shades, nest tables, muffin stands, book racks
and telephone tables.
and Floor
J. G. rilACK & CO.
and Wall
Fifth St., Bet. Oak and Pine
shank, of this city, who was a mem
ber of the crew, "and sufficient data
was gathered for tho making of esti
Mr. Crulkshank says that ho has
never seen a more beautiful country
than that through which the proposed
highway through the forest reserve
will pass.
Albany Walnut Trees Flourish.
ALBANY-, Or.. Nor. 27. (Special.)
Not only la the famous Willamette Val
ley soil and Climate capable of pro
ducing high-grade walnuts, but first
class almonds can also be raised, ac
cording to Mrs. Richard Rodgers, of
this city, who has a tree that has pro
duced a considerable quantity this year
nd. from all appearances, should in
crease its yield next season.
Stevenson Masons Give Dance.
STEVENSON, Wash.. Nov. 27. (Spe
cial.) The ball given by the local Ma
sonic Lodge Wednesday night was well
attended. The music was furnished by
an orchestra from Portland. Refresh
ments consisted of a splendid turkey
Horse and Mule Show to Be Held.
PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. 27. (Spe
cial.) Tbe Umatilla Stock Association
which met today decided to hold an
other horse and mule show in the
county in 1916. The experiment proved
auch a success thin year that the di-
T. r. D., the greateet of skin remaoles.
a-ill remove those unsightly and troubteeotue
kin afflictions that have made your life a
burden. That intolorahle itching, burninc
and discomfort will disappear under the
magic Influence of this remedy. It has
cured many cases pronounced incurable and
will cure you. It will Just take a few mo
ments to step Into the druggist's and ask
him what his experience has been In the mv
of satisfied customers, lils answer should
convince you. "We want you to give It a
trial. fTnma In and ask about our euarantee
of relief. Ask also about D. D. D. Scap.
D" a. . Y"a For 1 S Year
t P 3t I 3r the Standard
B-assnsss-waanas. BBSssssswaB Skin Remedy
rectors feel justtKed in making plans
for a bigger show next year.
Mrs. Harriet Quint, 82, Dies.
BARLOW, Or., Nov. 27. (Special.)
Mrs. Harriet R. Quint died this morn
ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
R. E. Irwin, after an illness of more
than a month. Mrs. Quint came to
Barlow from Sioux City, Ia.. in 1898.
She was 82 years old and leaves two
daughters Mrs. L. V. Chase, of Greg
ory S. TV, and Mrs. Irwin.
More Than 2000 Additionaal Acres
to Bo Watered Near Klamath Fulls.
KLAMATH FALLS. Nov. 27. (Spe
cial.) According to Project Kngineer
1L W. Hincks. of tho Indian Reclama
tion Service, preliminary work In the
Irrigation ot more Indian farms on the
Klamath Reservation Is now under
way. His force is preparing plans and I
specifications as to a new project at
Yainax, near the southeast corner of
the reservation, also as to extending
the Modoc Point project so as to water
lands west of Williamson River. These
projects will- bring about 2135acres of
additional excellent larming lands un
der the ditch. An appropriation of
$75,000 has been asked for work the
next year.
"Much new land was Broken by the
Indians this year,' said Mr. Hincks,
and an exceedingly high percentage
of the irrigable land under the Modoc
I'oint project was tilled. The Indians
report 'tine yields ot hay and grains.
O. A. C. Worker to Instruct In Use
of Spray In Orchards.
ROKBURO, Or.. Nov. 27. (Special.)
That the brown rot which for some
time past has threatened to play havoc
with the orchards oc boumern ana
Western Oregon can be eradicated
without much difficulty was the state
ment of Walter Browne, of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, who spent I
the past few days in Douglas County
inspecting the orchards. .
To Instruct the fruitgrowers now to
use spray successfully in tneir ngni
against brown rot and other diseases
of similar character, Mr. Browne has
arranged to hold a series of public
demonstrations in Douglas County. The
assembling of spray materials with re
lation to their effect upon the differ
ent diseases alro villi be explained by
Mr. Brown.
Two Days' Work Remains on Pro
posed Hood Scenic Road.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.) With but two days' work more
before them for the completion or tne
urveys of the main loop road and
laterals around Mount Hood, to con
nect -the Upper Hood River Valley
with the old Barlow road, the Govern
ment engineers have left the scenic
region of high altitude. "By use of
hand levels the remaining portion of
he line was run." says Al. Crulk-
Sunday Dinner
Table d'Hote Service
. 12 to 9 P. M.
75 Cents
Also our regular Sunday a Ia Carte Menu
The Hazelwood
Washington at Tenth
Can Get Two for One
Elegant Mahogany and brand-new
player pianos, regularly selling for
850 and 1750. such as cnase a uaKer,
Lester. Sterling and Hallett & Davis,
ave now been marked, all ot them, at
S350 each. Thts Is virtually half price.
Easy payments. .
A number of fSOO Behnlng. Baldwin,
Kimball and also several slightly used
genuine Bungalow Player Pianos, . u
toplano Player Pianos and Weber
1 lanola Pianos will be sold at exactly
half price.
This sale, as advertised. Is being con
ducted simultaneously at two places.
Graves Muslo Company, 147 Fourth
street, near Morrison, and at Kilers
Muslo House, Eilers Building, Broad
way at Alder. -
It's Not Too
Early to Select
Christmas Gifts
Stocks are complete, choosing- is pleasurable,
service the best; buy now, avoid the hurry of the
last few days' purchasing. A small deposit will
hold any article until desired.
Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry Gold and
Silver Novelties
. Have been selected with unusual care this year,
which affords the widest range ever offered
by us, at moderate prices.
We ask you who have never visited our store to pay U3 a
visit, inspect our stock and don't forget to see our
Credit Accommodations
Without Extra Charge
Lamest Diamond Dealer in Oregon
283 Morrison Street, Between Fourth and Fifth