The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 28, 1915, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 39

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.pV V. cfe iHI '
ng Tir at Vt-l n:t.
f tatrot;0 i !
far a ivitl im. T flia a ?a
trt Iba d.rtatiaa.
arrial aut r?at aa ai4 ff
a a a
( Van i!rll u al
at ftr fcoaor af kr
irthr fr4r aftfa.
0n wrm nfoT4 r fcr wa
yc frt4. aftr wfcu-h 4ily
fr& ! fT4
Tha ltr-Jln partt tfcal
wara al I'attuiaa l 1 aarlr "
I -v hum rum4 anj a
lrsa lommi'lx HI haa ckara of
IB a" T!a apio a U
ia f'riitT mirnirtf. (.'inar I, al
toU.:oa II f. a4 Iha 4acr
li.a ta b of Ur ba'.troom. U
in ar r"f ria romaaJ. i'
U Mill j'llT for atarnr Tba
mnniiix p ' aartaa f
la.M dn. an4 applr lha prvcrA la
vaMotta Kliwl artiitta.
- i. Kjrl John-
if. .'.if Vt!:tAm Htralar.
ii.a I
I lark
!-tIw. jt'.afor4 Aa4r"B. fctha;
Hiitl ltraf. Hlo Wnlr.
tHrr. I loran- rair. ai-
. .it . I.. AfiMadn.
e 1 m pAmmr " . - ' ' - . .
i . . u,. ivrar frr. Mr.
vi vt It ! X lr. Silt, J. M.
Craamar aaf ilra. lhart.a kiOtl.r
Comrritoa ca arrnamaol: Jac
riM. tnla LapHam. Irln O jU.
K.r.r,. br.t :ra.rr. K. Illl.
A lea Hima Clara IWIn
J.natno. Kawotia W Uln. Vlrinl
CaA an4 Iura faay.
a a a
rvthu.iam U aka-a4 la tha pUo
fcalaa ma la Kt IRa t adal-n. aa
tnaoux'! tiir tppla rartr for
ail lr4ar aoie. ltmMf I Tba
taa U t "al4 al Chrialanaana
Halt. ai4 proir la b ana ef !
altrarlt'a a4 ajrful 4anln par
.a of ! aaoo. Tba romilla l
, - Mm,, for tut month al
l tit'f !!. Tb Balrn.a
Mr IV P Jon.a. r W. III
tern aa4 Mra. II. J. Talor. M lha
cort itii! ' la o!tip4 rf M. 111
m.n. Kaa.aa W. la'.Und. William
Urtcarr. C; MuHao. Jack l-arr.
; rr; 1
V . C A v. ,
I It 'f t - . rv-v-rr l
. ' : ,
.J h '
: ! !i '
. -' . - i
if," -Ji
i -ryix J C.
J "-. ,js . ,; jj
i j
T I I " 3
r.iar t McClorT. Charlaa U KNT.
Ii!kii Kavrdl. It-T Afhtaorth. Jm-a
Kn.i, Norma Joi. t-ill I'robat.;
rarl I Ulun. Mrr Marlio. ttla llo-j
lar4. lin ratn(tll. Mala Ktfn.j
-ulia lraa
a a a
Una Cur Camp. Mo4rn Woodman CI
Am.n.a. tll o4 lla aavaalo annual
maak4 b: la ! Woioomt. P.iUr.-Ilira-
a ku Uifi. Monday aanln.
ArrmT.nt for lha a'fitr ara In
Ifia kaadt ef a rommttla In chara cf
v . k'..r..rr rtul H.-hult an I rlabo-
rata trrarioa ara b!n mJ forj
tn if oi i"a m v :
ir.a rarrp. Ihair famili'f an4 frlaada
Aa a4 lai-ira or i- pror..i.i.
will an h:bitlon drill by lha rrark
l(o-a lUy l"mp daaraa lam. cbam
iUna af OrefuO.
r:ia"rai prirra ara rffarr4 la lha
winner l-a ar'.ou cooind
rl..'. and lha rlatry fr plar,a prom
I... to ha kaan. ric.llant marie wi;l
( d'pan4 by auwnt4 orcbaa-
Ira hlch ha pr mmro
v . r',ih In ba IB"
. . ir Noun cotnprld
f sail-knottn oun buin woman.
Tfca (!rl arrair will n a , k---'-an4
:! ha h-!4 Kridy aranlnc al
t otill.on II .1. Foilomlna ! lha llrl Of
latrona and rommtlt: I'alron-
raaa. Wra. W. f. liarTrr.
ii t-k , w fr and i r . f . A.
follin. aHain and Mra. f. C. Tornar..
Mr, y. T. A. ritawarl ano v apiain
Mra L- Hofr4: commlltra. Roaa
Mrar. riihaiJ on. Carolrn Tornar.
Ira P Malha. M.rsrt llu ybaa.
Iwl'.a Wrlihl. Vara C biln. Kuth Ka-p.
Maraaral llartray. H-rtha rorall. Jo
Phina lloback an4 Maud Melby.
Tha arnul bauar rf PI. Hhlu'l'i
V.l l.opal Minion of l!o City Park
aii b hrlJ on Thuraiar. I,a-embr 2.
In Ho Ci'y Park duhhouaa. Flfty-
vanlk and ndr boulevard. Th
soman of lha suild will haa on aala
artulai aultabl for Chrlaimaa Blfta.
Al.o candr blh. cannad fruit. Jlllra.
atr. A lirhy dinnar will b rrd
from & until T o-rlork. Aftr lb
dtnifr alarlairinwl '!! b prortd4-
umbtt cf lha )ouBr al of U
i. r,i v rw mh hva Inrltatlona
out fcr tha a-cond of thrlr aarlaa of
danra al lha rlubhouaa at Klfty
avvnth and twindy boulaard. Friday
i - r ihu .k afartlna at a
o'clock. Mrmbart of lha comTnllta for
thia parly ara liralrlca Catbar, l-nora
l:aainc. Kloraoca Ilrown. Charlaa
Morrland. Arthur Mannin and Karl
Ijihi. Tha chaparona ara Mr. and Mra.
H j. Halna-. Mr. and Mra. W. P.
Hiiliirlon and Mr. ami Mra. L I
Tha Indian Club will antartaln to
morrow at 4dfllow" Ttmpla with
card, danrlna- and other dlvr-ralona.
Tha Warran lrl' quartat will aln.
and aoloa will ba Ivro by Mra. J. W.
Hamilton. A ero.ip of rradina by roam
bra of lha tltllpla School of E
prraalon alro will ba rart of thapro-a-ramm.
A candy booth and a "food
lurk tree- will ba faaturea of tha
a a a
Tha flrat of a rlaa of public aorlal
iitnmii m t a-in to artiala and
frienda will ha held Tue.ay aanln at
rni A. entral Library, by tha Mutual
Arl Ao-!ation.
Two of lha frafjrra of tha nln
proaramme ara a talk on art by Ilohart
M Par and nm!4n by lha Blacborf
Choral Club
Tha o. l-i of Orn Artiala ara lo
ba lha fclal ' ' Mutual Arl
AaxK-iation on ll acnm.
a a
Pursuant lo c rt Halnmrr.l com
mtttr ann-i -n.-emenl of forinlhtly
rianrr. tha fo-tlinj i;..i Club will
cite Ii r.l din.-lrt rir Tburrday
,t,nlr th- .rubhou. fot of lon
(t.l. Th'e :" ra ltn In lha
lrjrrt "f rlub m'irbrra and Ihelr
fn nd. T- cmm.M-e In rbara con-
I.! rf Flw.fd Humphrey. Kobert
eitrh. Wlltlam UrrBory. Iald
Cp-r. Htn:ey IVmiuUI. Arthur
AUn and Jorei-h Ill'ach.
a a
MikIi liirai la bam avldencad In
!e Cj'hoilr Wom-n'a Ix-aua card
r:t. hli h la a-h4ulad for Tuejday
frin.n al 1.1a ea-'ia room. 12
Kou-ih atreal. M"- W. K. Ccman.
c.i-nin of tha antartalnmant com
tiliire I. bln ably alr(ed by Mrs.
I, m e Iji 4U. Mra Joaephlna Hohea.
Mra Jamra ClarWaon and Mr. Ianlei
a a a
T.a o. A. C Club, of Ihl city, la an
lo.iy aaitina? Wrdneaday nutht.
e.n It will entertain ihe Tl.ltlna
.Traruaa Uen In Murlark Ballroom.
Tweniy-lhlrd and WapMniton ptraata.
n ev.nns f rr.iertalnmrnt and
dnrln i ianoed by the t lul aura a
m..t nj-ahla lime.
Th Mx!ln atepplnc parly nt
Thur.dr nisht at M-.rlark Ballroom
I. crllnc B""l amount of Intaraat
.men the oi. .lar club dancara and
by the enthii.lm that la bain ahown
a tant and Jolly crowd will b praa
ent. Wibb'i col-red onheatra will Tur
alh muic for lha teiin:.
Interest crow mve- In
to to held by the German Had Croat
oclt on the afternoon and evanlnca
of S. and .. In lha tSer
man Hou-. Ionatloa for lha aHalr
will b sla"y fl'u l h O"""
Jlou.e any tlma befora the opanlnc or
lha baaar.
a a
Tha mk ball !n by th
rfrtll learn of Portland Ida of tha
Kralarnal Brotherhood will ba held In
.Manrhc.ler Hall. Fifth atraet.
. .. vnvomher SO. The com
UeaT niw - - .
of rouna Ulea haa worked
faithfully to make thia affair a auccea.
a a a
Tha ' Overlook Ianrln Club an
nouncea tha an.ement of ubrt
nt na club dance.
In.trucilon will be Elen from .3 to
ja tha ret or m ' . ",
deTotad to enral dancing. The "ret
I-arty will b rlren Wedneaday.
Mra. Artnur Ward will entertain the
1. 1 fii.n Thursday at her
.to.. --"----. w , Vnrlh
home. 3 i wrnuriii
All Boyal Seiahbora and frlenda are
int.a. .
f:iti- ttt.a Club announce
I n e Miuiuii - - . .
their nel aiftmc parly to beheld In
Murlark Ballroom for Tuenday nlRht.
Icemher II Invltatlona will be l
aued aon.
-Tha ladle of Atklnaon Memorial
Chur.-h. Ka.t Twenty-ninth and Uer
ait atraeta. will bold a baxaar on
Tueaoar iMimbrr 7. from 10 A. M
until lata evenlna. Fancy artlclaa and
aprona will ba on aala. A lunch will
b. aered from IS o clock rntll the
baaaar cloaea
Thankne'.rlne aenln nearly 10
frlen.t met al tha home of Ir. and Mra.
Joacrh f Courtney to wltne.a thj
cine of Ihelr daucnter. l-ol. to Hohert
liuy Webb, of Chrhali. W ah. The
rTI.. a read br lle. U K. Orlmea.
rf lha Central Pre.oytarlan Churtb.
1 ; a bri.le. a atrlklna brunette, waa In
a qu.lnl town of Ivory aalln with court
train, orr.amrnie.1 with ller thread
Uce anl bead irimn.lnB. Mha carrleej a
of brtue' roaea. Her
,l.trr Ml" Oenev ara Courtney, who
atlrnd-d tha bri.le. wa becomingly
ao.n in -nm arraan chiffon oar
while brocaded ratln. adorned with
cold lace he carried pink bridcamabd
ro.ea. The pretty l"tl- flower lfl.
Vlramla Clara Monlairua. waa t!e
biMi l Hha waa dreeeed In pale
rink and white and carried a baekrt of
Cecil Brunner ro-ebud. The brtda
croom wa attended by Arlbur F.
Hrjon. of Chehali
l-re. .dinar the crcmony Mlaa Goldle
petaraon n -At I'.nln Ml
,-lar Ulboney plaed Mendelohn
.jj.- u.rrh1 and acaln durlna;
tha eerie Mlaa letcraon aan5 "U-
caue." .
The white. Hnk ana "
clieHie waa rffecilvcly carried out with
hranthcmum. and fcrna In ue
dram-room tiw vj "
ro.ea In lha liln and dlnln-rooma.
r w rm gowned In wlne-
colored eorselta crepe and
The brld I a former eiuurm o.
College and of lreon Aarrlcultural Col.
Use where aha Uelped to orcantae the" of Alpha Chi
Mr Webb ta a railroad man of h
hall; and the cr of Mr. and Mra W. F.
Webb of Spirit Lake. Idaho. He la alao
a former O. A. C. ttudent and mem
ber of the Gamma fpailoti fraternity
lAflrr a""-ip IhrotiKh the South, the people wlli ba at home to their
frlenda January . Chehalle.
. . i A.k hiiro at the home
of Mr. and Mr. G. W. L-yle, 1IM Ea.J
Taylor .treat. Wedneaday night, at
JO. whan their daughter. Or Anna.
waa married to f.rnm .
The room, were prettily decorated with
link anJ white Ferna and Ore
' - ....i in a. hack-
around. t..e ceremony being performed
un.1er a weooing ocu -
imi rol.ed altar of palma and roaea.
.. L. i . Kmiih of Sunnyalde
Methouket Church, read the ceremony
In the preaence or tne immui
- i friamrl n precrd-
llTea ana 10117 v.-- ..
log the acrrlce. Mle Julia O Ponnell
rang "I le You Truly. 1 na '"
entered with her father, who (! nT
away. Velroa 1L Ly r
This Store
on Women's and Misses
Visit the Store Tomorrow
t mi? &
elater'a only attendant. Fhe wore a
hrli-plnk aatin gown with chiffon and
lac trtmmlnge. and carried a bouquet
of pink roaea.
The bride waa attired In a gown of
Ivory white aalln, with Utah lace
trimming. Her bouquet waa a ehower
of brlde'a roaea and liliea of the valley,
and her vail waa faatened with oranite
bloe.oma. Arthur de Honing1 waa beat
f75xS ssi Acer
Not to be outdone by older membe
a aeries of dancing partus to ue Bien
Ins; season. Only a. limit-d number o
partlea are to be given wnn ui..-. -new
atepa from New York and Califor
th. South thia Summer, are In vogu
.There are to be known as the Charll
' w .lu.n I laWamhr 3. 1 tl
Anderaon. Milton 1'enficld. Claude Ke
Taylor. C. T. I- eniresa. riu.i i
rtet lalbv. Francis Shea, Irene Mosh
C hristine 'farrotc The patronesses -ar
Fentress and Mra. Flnkerton Iay.
' :'. . . H; v
f i - Www -1
' a a- -. - - " . '.:
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rs " , i
."''- "' ' ' - ' A
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Cf?rmf'A f a-T : "' .-J
f ' I y -aaw .
( f . ... -- r y- J
' t ' "b - aa-:-."- "
Is Making the Greatest Reductions
. -a at T r4 1
the Wonderful Economies in wew
Tailored Garments.
Genuine reductions from normal prices
have been made on scores of my finest
Fur or braid-trimmed and plain-tailored
models in velvet, broadcloth, gabar
dine, serge, poplin and novelty mixtures.
The "very latest styles and colors,
hrmicrht direct from New York. 'Note
these remarkable reductions:
All $27.50 to $34.50 Suits, $18.85
All $22.50 to $24.50 Suits, $15.00
These reductions absolutely are not equaled on gar
ments of like quality. .
New Plush Coats
Rich, lustrous coats of fine plush,
handsomely trimmed in fur. Gar
ments that are individual and ex
clusive. 15.00 to $35.00
man. Mra. Ella B. Jonea played the
wedding march from "Lohengrin." u the
bndal party entered. "T&ine Own
while the vo'i were spoken. A wee
ding aupper waa served at 1) oclocX.
The bride posaeaaea a chanilng; and
attractive pronallty. Mr. DeKonlns
Is a prominent young business man of
this city. After a wedding trip they
will make their home In Irvington and
to n Zy,
ea" a
rs o society, a younger set have started
. ... . . . . . . artiuinrifr of the d&nc-
I Hit; 1 1 a li ji in. ' -
f lnvltHtlons are to he given out, as
. i .1 mntat GlllTPlllK. Thl
nia as introduced by those who visited
e with the majority at these parties,
e Chaplin Stepping Parties. The next
e committee is Fred Munsel. oeorge
mp. Lloyd Baker. William Postles. Carl
y, Blanche freer, cva ..........
er Joephire Kilter. Ktljel Clarke.
e: Mrs. A. B. I'ostles. Mra. Carroll T.
Tailored buits
and See for Yourself
-V T.
Raglan Raincoats
Mannish mixtures and tweeds that
have been thoroughly mist-proofed.
All sizes. Splendidly tailored.
$10.00 to $35.00
will be at home to their friends after
January 1.
A number of pretty affairs were
given for the bride during the past
Miss Nora Cockerham, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cockerham, of Mc
Mlnnvllle. Or., and Brentford Miller, of
Salem, Or., were married at high noon
Thursday. November 25, at a home cer
emony, which was attended by only the
nearest relatives and friends.
Dr. E. Northup read the service.
The bride was attended by Miss Verna
Backetrom, of Portland. Horton
Cockerham, brother of the bride, was
best ,man. The bride was charming
In a gown of white satin and chiffon,
with trimmings of point lace. She car
ried an artistic bouquet of bride roses
and lilies of the valley. The brides
maid was gowned in blue crepe de
chine, and she carried a shower bouquet
of Cecil Brunner roses. Miss Emma
Cockerham, eister of the bride, played
the wedding march. The Cockerham
residence was beautifully decorated
with Oregon grape and Chrysan
themums. After an extended trip to
California for about two months they
will make their home at Gervais, near
Salem, Or.
e xrt anil TiTrn TV J. Con
nolly in Irvington was the scene of a-
pretiy weuuius a ut.iuaj im- - - - -
ber 23. when their daughter, Gladys,
was married to Karl G. Griffith, the
Kev. McLean officiating.
I Love You Truly" was sung by
Miss Helga Thompson and Medelssohn's
Wedding March was played by Harold
Connolly, brother of the bride. The
little flower girls, Lela Griffith and
Marjorle Seiple, were charming in blue
and pink silk frocks. Miss Marion
Connolly, sister of the bride, as brides
maid, was attractively gowned in or
chid taffeta and she carried chrysan
themums of the same shade.
The bride, who entered on the arm
of her father, was gowned in white
crepe meteor with an overdrape of
tulle. She carried bride's roses and wore
the veil worn by her mother 23 years
ago, the ceremony being the anniver
sary of her parents' wedding.
The bridegroom was attended by his
brother. Kalph Griffith.
Refreshments were served to about
80 guests. During the evening several
musical numbers were rendered. The
house was decorated prettily with sml
lax and roses, the smilax being sent
from California by an aunt of the
Miss Margaret Whitmore, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Whitmore, and
John Larkins were married at the
residence or the bride's parents, 633
East Tyler street, St. Johns, Thanks
giving day. Rev. L. A. Hayner offlciat-
Mrs. Whitmore gave her daughter in
marriage, and she was attended by
Mrs. R. Whitmore as matron of honor,
and Miss Elizabeth Johnson, a brides
maid. Ray Whitmore acted as best
mThe bride, who is ' a striking bru
nette, was charming In a handsome
creation of silk crepe de chine. She
carried a beautiful boquet of white
At the conclusion of the ceremony a
wedding supper was served. Mr.
Larkins is well known in St. Johns,
where he Is engaged in business.
Announcement of the marriage of
Anno Walker to Owen E. Durkin, which
was made recently at an informal tea
party giver, by Mrs. A. T. Meyer and
Mrs. T. W. Gerber came to their many
friends and acquaintances as a com
plete surprise. They had stolen away
to Kalama, Wash., and were married
on October 9. So closely had they
guarded their secret that only Mrs.
Gerber had been honored. Mrs. Durkin
Is a pretty brunette, vivacious and
extremely popular, and is a member of
a Salem family. Mr. Durkin is the son
of Mr and Mrs. R. Durkin, pioneers
of Portland. Mr. Durkin received his
education in Portland schools and at
Spokane College. Spokane. He is now
with the Portland office of the O.-W.
R. & N. Company.
Laurits C. Michelsen and Esther
Fisher were married Monday at 3
o'clock at the home of the brides sis
ter Mrs. J. M. Creamer, 713 East Couch
street The ring ceremony was pen
formed by Rev. J. Allen of St James
Lutheran Church. Both bride and
brideexoom were unattended, but Dr.
and Mrs. Creamer and their daughter,
Florence Edith, and Mrs. C. F. Bar
tholoma were witnesses.
The bride wore a, becoming gown or
blue silk, with a corsage bouquet of
red roses. The decorations were red
roses and chrysanthemums After a
short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Mich
elsen will be at home after December
5 at 700 Multnomah street.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Wanke. of Ort'on Ciky, was the scene
of a pretty wedding on November IS.
In which their duushter. Miss Tilhe
j -''-;:"-i;.
Store, Third
Floor Elevator
Morrison St
at Fourth
Wanke, was married to John Feldman.
of Portland. After the ceremony a
supper was served, at which the guests
were Misses Elfrleda Strauch, Mil
dred, Emma. Edith and Amanda
Wanke, Gustav Sommerfeldt. Adolph.
Amll and Edward Wanke. The minis
ter officiating was Rev. W. R. Krax
berger, of Oregon City. The bride and
bridegroom left for a short trip and
will be home to their friends at 647
Kenilworth street after December 1.
Craig Von B. Redman and Miss Gen
evieve Strickland were married No
vember 17 in the auditorium of the
White Temple, Rev. O. C. Wright offi
ciating. The church was decorated
(Concluded on Pawe 11)
Because She Buys Her
Clothes ON CREDIT!
And she's only one of hundreds who
go to CHMRRY'S for all their Clothes
Coats, Suits and Dresses. It's Just as
easy, you know, to wear pretty clothes
as out-of-style ones. The difference is
in "a. woman's WAY OF PAYING for
If you paj something when you do
your choosing a"nd the rest in weekly
or monthly installments, why. It makes
It the simplest thing in the world to
wear exactly what suits your taste and
the season! That's the system that
makes smart dressing easy for the wo
men who trade at CHERRY'S.
Probably what you want most of all
just now is one of the natty dresses
that are on special sale. CHERRY'S
have a line of beauties that are the
best values in town. Only $12.60, and
they look like dresses worth twice
the amount.
You'll find CHERRY'S popular store
conveniently located at 389-391 Wash
ington St.. in the Pittock block.
How To Make the
Hark Better than the Ite:dy-
IHade h.nd am. 1 on Site 92. (J
Fr'y Guar' nteed (
This home-made cough syrup Is now
used in more homes than any other
cough remedy. Its promptness, ease and
certainty in conquering distressing
coughs, chest and throat colds, is really
remarkable. Y'ou can actually feel it
take hold. A day's use will usually
overcome the ordinary cough relieves
even whooping cough quickly. Splen
did, too, for bronchitis, spasmodic
croup, bronchial asthma and Winter
Get from any druggist 2 ounces of
Pinex (50 cents worth), pour it in a
pint bottle and fill the bottle with
plain granulated sugar syrup. This
gives you at a cost of only 54 cents
a full pint of better cough syrup than
you could buy for $2.50. Takes but a
few minutes to prepare. Full direc
tions with Pinex. Tastes good and
never spoils.
You will be pleasantly surprised how
1.. i IV hnumn or titrllt
coughs, and heals the! inflamed mem
branes in a painiui cougn. u nisu Biupa
the formation of phlegm in the throat
and bronchial tubes, thus ending the
persistent loose cough.
Pinex is a most valuable concentrat
ed compound of genuine Norway pina
extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so
healing to the membranes.
n' nmnl hf AllTA And
AO ttWIU uicniKi"" '...i
ask your druggist for '212 ounces
Pinex, and aon t accept anjuiins oac.
A guarantee of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. The Pinex Co.. L
Wayne. Ind.
DeMiracle cause hair
to grow out coarser
and stiffer after each
removal. Ba wise,
insist on
the original liquid
hair remover which
you must eventually
use to control and
retard such growths
n 1