TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXTAV. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 2S, 1915. .3 3 1 Mr''. : Z. .'.V 'T ''-v -V V i- ' " ' ( V- A 'a A A , y .... : II. I . sf Peers' o-f x r 4h. .lit w 1 Li,' ;. . . -v -: . ' " - J 'J ' u iV i xpolllon and are stopping- at the Nor toul prior to their return Eut. Th New Tork pper chronicle wme of the wonderfully fine time MiM Hazel Mill Do! ph. of thla city, la en Joylnr. t-he la belna; entertained de linhtf j!!y by numerous members of the old Knickerbocker families, and was honor irueat for one of the box parties at the brilliant opening of irrand opera at the Metropolitan, the affair being riven by Mtas Julia Cheater Wells, who Is a cousin of Kben Wella. of this city, and a first cousin of Mrs. J. Pierpont Morgan, of New York. Miss Polpb. ako assisted at a smart tea at Van Courtland House several days ago. being one of the maids pre siding at the tea table. Mrs. to!ph ajid Miss Dolph also went to Boston to attend the big Harvard Tale football game, and several other Portland folk were among the thou sands of enthusiasts attending the game. Among them were Mr. and Mra. K. C. Shevlln and sons. Miss Wlnnifred llubrr. Holt Cooklngham. Hamilton V. Corbel t. Henry Goode and Miss Virginia j Menefee, Mm. Pierre Karbey and Mrs,i Clarenr Chauncey. both of whom are well known In social circles of this city, and nieces of Mrs. Warren K Hougbmn were also at the game. Mrs. T. B Wilcox. Miss Claire Wilcox and son Teddy also attended the game. Mrs. ixlp)i and Miss Dolph. since their arrival In the Hunt, have been visiting at the country homes of vari ous prominent Kastern folk, and passed serersl weeks motoring through New Kncland. They are at present In New Tork. where they are enjoying thor oughly the games of the busy me tropolis. e a e Alfred K. Smith .left Monday for a week's visit In Han Francisco, where he Joined his mother. Mrs. C. V- Smith, who preceded him by a fortnight. They will return to Portland after the clos ing of the Exposition, the latter part of this week. Closing the week's festivities was the delightfully Interesting tea for which Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett was hostess yesterday for the directors and members of the Vlfltlng Nurse Asso ciation in honor of their organizer and honorary president. Mrs. Stephen Wise, who visited here for several days last Week. Miss Myrtle Brig has asked her close friends to tea tomorrow arternoon to meet her house guests. Misses Judith lMnlngs and Edna Chrlstensen. who have come to Portland to be attendants at her wedding to Philip Buehncr, on December la. A Fur Garment Can Be 2n7o Better Than the Reputation of the House Selling It! Itf'aaO. Mr. a"4 Vrs. l' T. t'vwer as cose iat4 areund Its ':-.'Mit'irt. tstle str Mix II..4. l-J.r llUd-.tB iUDit-o. Mi Vr)uri l.ssrl t'r4-eru-a, Kftbb. k. Pts. t rt It iit.is sa l tft kta TMrn v.dting date of Ike attre-tl yung ro49l It ft lot bs defl-a.t-t. j it spt to take t.ce -tjf tr-.m ! vt lite tvister asesths. e Mi U:! a S'.os. anarriac oa Tfiin4 4r to IUd U re4s. f Hitte Mint., form, r y o( IMS CUT w Sm. e 4tte stjrvrl-. u 1 t Jle week. TTle rr.mnv a simple s n.i email m! fur. s. s"isn"4 at II af Horn v( t br:.l saote'. Mr It. U io. J i ll li-n'r '. X -.inu vlt .v!m(. M M4lis tM and ,!fU ye.e. ie.r tisi trothsr of ts srt'l. were t.o er(y aitnl"t. lt eat M's. Hr'l tstt asms lm f. ;tt.. wrie'e t bt SPoom hit rrlt!r boe tPas.- f.rp. lo hie b-i:oe.e. He forw.rly I ,l ia e' t'. as! popular Mi t sum C!.iS a. t a a ..: r.. i. M . . is i Jto popular In rn'-- ; n.t rs-!t rir-!. and lit i!l r.t: m."4 t " ' , ri..av Th affair pretty and sug gestive of Iks approa.Mng holiday, a geaeral 4W-orative s-hme of red b mt desslopod with fragrant Joeph ' Teal rarnatior.a. cand.iabra. bu.ly aad favosa. The table tsaa admired esDM-la'-Iy a fold.n txa t f.K.-t with the red caraa lioti lei ris iKe mala featare. tsita f. af ssrilaa and rd-bf.d boliy boiftg arrmnget the festive board mf.a r.- .ad'd randies, place rrtl nd for. Covers were placed for Mr. aid Mr. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. ritf-l-it. Mr. and Mra l Arnelt. CeVT7't rV'UrV ar., Mra. ft. T Ktreet. Mr. and Mrs. Ivhn U)m. Mr. and Mra Chark-e U ' B.-.. Mr. an! Mra. MrKlnler Milch. II. t'r. and Mrs. A. Tllser. Mra. H. T. tiraham. Mrs Mourn, of Butte. Mont.. Mrs. Jane Kellers. Mr. and Mra C W. p:att aad Lie hosts. ess Mr and Mrs. J. P. Donnelly hare taken permanent ai'S.-tmcnte at tne Nortoma. Mr. IVnne.ly la a prominent banker from baker. Or. Mr. Tork. and Mrs. A. P. Procter, of New have returned from a tlslt lo the PRINCIPALS IN RECENT WEDDING SOLEMNIZED IN ALBANY. Cor trst'itst'"" ar. M.ntj a-..i Vtr ant arria V- iioime . ti. a.i.at ef a ater. bora e e e f. as M-. Pa, V.teoa are deml e:.. le ti.tr sr r.i4nt l '.alefs Tearr.Mr4 t SI: " ki.rtvll sate .Mir.4r rl la (unl aeot f" ! JT' -t" r.luti't f r trieir tfto i:t. rhi.-h . we.ke. t,..e. Lesr. P.rkia lta Meet. Meets- II ir't an-l T k.e Teuton, members r r iu l-t l;-t t-ki w.-.rtte at l.ageae. ..p.r.f s- n."-( fcolidars witk r,s 11. ...-w Tkev are sremfter s sa t a- at 'ke elest feetlvl. ... at Ike k l,:5Mi a Trlday. see lna ef ' pr.ir..t ef Ike k--:i.!r d sne p' n.e was tkal g'a Mr Si' leVe. V t. tirt.'l. Tr"-- d.s In Oin-e of a-l Mrs. M C ir as J Ir, a4 M lUom rHsJ ira k lafl ysalarda far ra Fraa- 1 ALfltfT. r . Nr. IT ( J ;-la L ) David l Patterson, a prominent mem ber of Ik Albany PoetvftfW force and Misa Urate fK uMt mere married re.eat:y and bar lakea up their rel lm In this rl'r. The bridegroom fur seve-.i ti.it Use beea rat-ter and ran tain af the Ai'xnr AthiStii-s and has rft..r.tl. fsme a striker of lb big milt. He has refused seversl tier to oia prafeuiastl ball thai he might retain bia posilloa Willi the pewteffite itnw The bride la a prvmlntal txlo slrU Mi4, and Mrs. Henry Haussman en tertaincd at dinner at the Mallory Sat urday night their family and Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Wise, of New 1 ork e e Mrs. Kleanor Sanford Large, dra. matic reader and former actress, will be honored guest of the Professional Women's League at their luncheon In the Hotel Mallory on Saturday. s John Fairbanks Hock, of Santa Bar bara la vlsittna- for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mra. George Welcker, on Portland Heights. as . CATHUMET. W ash.. Nov. 27. (Spe clal.) A quiet home wedding- took place at high noon Saturday at Strong hold, the county home of Mr. and Mra. William Strong, of Skamokawa. when their oldest daughter. Ella, became the bride of Cbarlea Channlng Carson, or Portland. Iter. Mr. Granberg. of the Methodist Kplscopal Church of Skamo kawa. performed the ceremony. Only mmediate relatives of the families were present. The bride Is a popular young woman and a member of one of the oldest and best-known families of Portland and this section. Mr. Carson Is a rUtng vouna- business man. Mr. and Mrs. car son left for a short Ylsil lo poims oi nteresi on the Sound. They w ill make their home In Portland. Miss Wanda Levlnson and Milton Fletcher Block will be married sun day. December II. Invitations having Just been rectved. It will be a simple ceremony, the bride-elect being attend ed only by her cousin. Miss Delphine Hosenfeld. A supper will follow. Mr. lllo. K mill arrive from San Francisco early next week, and the young couple will he deluged with social attentions preceding the wedding day. llss brvmron is tne uusiti v ..u. and Mrs. U N. Levlnson. s Mis Kathryn Gunnell entertained a Ifcrge number of friends delightfully at a lard-luni heon at her home Monday afterr.oon. honoring her sister, Jesele Uunnell Sham'. tf Denver. The rooms mere adorned with an I artistic arrangement of yellow chrys lanthemums and greenery. The vocal srlectlons of Mrs. James W. Morris m-ere greatly enjoyed by the guests, and alro the pleasing selections given hv Mrs. Harry McQuude later in the afternoon. Progressive son mas played at several liMn. after which a luncheon was served, mhtch mus charming In 'every detail The feature of the afternoon mas the sannouncement of the engagement ot Jestle Gunnell Shaw to Hod wyron Tu-kr. Mrs. Shaw has visited her mother and sister on several occasions, and has made rrany friends, who will be glad lo know she Is to make this city her home. Mr. Tucker Is the son of Mr, and Mrs. R ron Tucker, pioneers In Portland. Mr. Tucker received his education In Portland schools, being a graduate of Columbia I'nlverslty. He Is now as soclsted with the Portland office of the O.-W. R. eV S. Company. ess Among the many family reunloni on Thanksgiving was the charming dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. K. i t nompson in their beautiful home on the Heights. Those enjoying their hospitality were Dr. and Mrs. C. R Tempieton. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Slauson and daughters Miss Ruth and Miss Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Iemis I.. Thompson and Edward A. Thompson. ess Mra. FelU Isherwood entertained Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Frederick W. Kodgers. a recent bride, who has Just reached Portland from her wedding trip, with a bridge-lea. Five tables were arranged f the garr.es, card honors falling to Mra. J. W. Kaste. A special guest prlxe was given to the honor gueeu Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. n. U Gillespie. Mrs. W. H. Fayle. Mra. R It Holmes and Mrs. John H. Bur- gard. Mrs. George B. Kodgers and Mrs, Van Fver assisted In the dining-room, and the hostess mas assisted In re ceiving by Mrs. George S- Kodgers and Mtss Pauline Versen. sister of the hostess. see The PI Beta rhl Alumnae Club pave a luncheon at the University Club yes terday In honor of the members of the active chapter at Eugene m-ho are spending the meek-end in the city. e The first of the aeml-monthly danc ing parties to be held at the Hotel Multnomah by the Arcadian Club will be given tomorrow evening. This mill be the Inltlsl appearance of the Arcadian Club at the hotel hall mom, the dnn-es for the season 1H ItlS being held at Chrlslennen's HalL Several special features hsve been planned for the evening and a flve plece orchestra has been engaged. The second and fourth Mondays of every month hare been selected as nlirhta for the Arcadian dances, which will be held, so far as known, at the Multnomah. The committee In charge of the party tomorrow night Is comiKsed of Mesrrs. Lawrence Cunningham, Fred erick" I- Carlton. Kaliton J. Clary. Jerrold Owen. Arthur C Dayton. C. E, TravllUoa aad iiaytuup.il May card; j f m -Ca - . aw- I a. i V .h, - la! "Taw sr. Jl .i r lit -Mm aaaassaase-w 'V f sK. w mm J r f 7T'l"r.r-!.-'fl.l 1 II II I 1 Mil ' 1 m II M III I- FEW people are really judges of Fur. The Qualities and rad- . x -- c ings are so varied that the only safe criterion is the judgment of the expert For over fifty jrears the name of H. Liebes & Co. on a fur garment has been the real measure of its worth. When you buy a Liebes Fur you're told its real quality you pay its real value no more ! The firm's past reputation and its anticipation of your continued friendship and patronage guarantee this. SEE THE STUNNING NEW FOX SETS NOW ON DISPLAY ' CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' FURS, FUR TRIMMINGS FUR COATS 288 Morrison St. At the Sign of the Bear ,5) -Corbett Bldg;. J. P. Plagemann, Mgr. Misses Anne Pilllnger. Jeanette West. Aza Genevieve Paget. Doris Elkinp ton, Marie Doolry, and Mesdamcs Ar thur C. Dayton and James H. Abrey. The Tale-Harvard football game was the Inspiration for a reunion of prom inent ex-Washington High School stu dents In Boston. A party composed of Miss Olive Nisley, of Smith College; Vere Wlndnagle, of Cornell: Harvey N. Black, of Yale: Franklin Fowler, of Harvard, and Terry R. Ojierg, of Bos ton Technical, attended the game in the afternoon, while In the evening: a dinner and theater party was en Joyed. Sunday morning the party attended church. In the afternoon another din ner party was enjoyed and trips were made to the Boston Public Library and the Museum of Fine Arts. Miss Marion Fratt, of Kansas City, a classmate -of Mies Nisley's at Smith College, was also a member of the party. The Ore- gvn contingent left Boston Sunday night for their respective colleges. A number of small and Informal din ners mere the feature of tne jnanits giving festivities at the Nortonia. Among those entertaining were Mr and Mrs. Harry Hogue. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kuttner, Mr. and Mrs Charles Rus sell. Mrs. T. Grossman. Miss Mabel Cole and Zarh Taylor. Dancing followed in the tea room. many of the guests entertaining parties of friends. a e Elaborate preparations have been completed by the Blackstone Club for Its December dancing party to be given next Thursday evening at Multnomah Hotel ballroom. Special musical fea tures of an interesting nature have been arranged for the evening. Pa trons and patronesses for the occasion are: Judge and Mrs. John P. Kava naugh. Judge and Mrs. George N. Davis. Judge and Mrs, W. X. Gatens. Jude and Mrs. Arthur K. 'Dayton and Mr. nd Mrs. John K. Kollock. The fol lowing are the committee In charge: Cliester C. Caplingcr. John L. Bozorth, Walter T. McGuirk. Thomas B. Collins. Krnet J. Maglus, Jr.. Thomas G. Ryan, John M. Harris. Theodore D. Harmon, Alfred J. Sham'cross, Ruth A. Routledge, Winifred P. Ralston. Lydia M. Ville- neuve. Irene M. Harmon, Hazel Lin- viile. Ethel M. Goodrich. Virginia A. Kyan, Reglna M. Shea. Constance it. Davis and Kilna M. loung. - a e Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Dekum an nounce tne engagement oi ineir daughter. .Miss Frances lolene Dekum. to John Robert Spence. Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Windfelder were hoxl for a delightful dinner par ty Thanksgiving- day at their attract- borne on Twenty-sixtn street. i ne table was especially admired with its decorative scheme of red. a huge bowl of crimson Joseph N. Teal carnations beiri combined with red-shaded can dles, favors and place cards. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. John G. Peters, Kdward C. Woodruff. Misses Ruby Ilollenbeck, Mae Welsh and the hosts. a A large number of small and infor mal dinner nttrties were given Thanks giving- at Hotel Mallory. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burton were hosts for one of the larger parties. Others entertaining were E. O. Kingsley. Mrs. Harvey O'Briert Captain and Mrs. H. Hutchins. Mrs. B. M. Bain. Mrs. Lavelle Howes .and Miss Alice E. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. E. Noonan and daugh ters, Misa Mizae and Reba, of Tacoma, have taken up their residence in Port land and are living at the Mallory. Captain Hamilton Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins are In the city visiting their son and are stopping at the Mallory. Captain. Hutchins was in command of the Kearsarge when the 16 battleships cruised the world. Captain Hutchins' home is at Windsor-on-the-Hudson. Amir post sociAD news, j Thanksgiving day was observed as a holiday in the posi and both officers and enlisted men had elaborate turkey dinners and all that goes to make the meal complete. Captain R. S. Offley's men in Company M had the most elab-I orate decorations of the post. In the center of the mess hall was a soda fountain In full working order. It was gaily decorated with Autumn leaves, flags and other decorations. In the evening a formal hop was given in the hoproom of the post by the officers. The decorations of the hall were in keeping with the season, and the mu sic was by the orchestra from the Twenty-first Infantry band. The Post Bridge Club was enter tained Tuesday by Mrs. Hiram Cooper. The prizes were won by Mrs. Murray Baldwin, Mrs. William Brooke and Mrs. David J. Baker, Jr. Mrs. Baker is an excellent bridge player. Miss Matilda Baker, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel David J. Baker. Jr, and Mrs. Baker is home for the holi days. She is attending Sacred Heart Convent in Seattle. Torrey Maghee. Jr., celebrated his 6th birthday Thursday afternoon, in viting a number of his little friends. who passed a Jolly afternoon in playing games. LAter supper was serves no the centerpiece- was a birthday cake Wholesalers, Retailers, KMubllKhed 1MMS. 8 scW; v. s -Tt Oriental Rugs Nothing you can give "her" for the home signifies such beauty and refinement as an Oriental Rug. Every rug in our big collection is selected for some mark of dis tinctiveness. Elegant specimens in Royal Sarouks, Kermanshahs, Royal Bok haras, Irans and Belouchistans, particularly suitable for gifts. We have a choice and large lot, marked especially low for gift pur poses. Prices, $10 to $35. Cartozian Bros. Importers of Oriental Rugs 473 Wash. St, Bet. 13th and 11th ( Pont Inuprf on Fape 4. ojpcrp!afc "EofjraviiKj, "5lxcl "Die "Ewfcossloj Laf est- "Dcsujns lo iJojc for ffleAAmtj and oMicr UnnouncctncnH Diplomas, "ConimcDCCwcnl- Jnvil-dKons, "Canls, fOooofjraw 100 "PrioJ-cd iVcM'tnt Invitations $6.30 Corner f ifiU and OA -Srrecrir FURS FOR THE HOLIDAYS API-I.KGATII. birrrwor to Nothing makes a more useful or beau tiful Christmas present. Purchase direct ' from the manufacturer. WOMEN'S SETS of every known fur, and very reasonably priced. MISSES' SETS Pretty, comfortable " and attractive. CHILDREN'S SETS in great variety. We cprdially invite your inspection. G. P. RUMMEL1N & SONS 1S4 Second Street. Xear Washington. Sead for Illustrated Calalogae. HAIR BEAUTY can be easily anil permanently attained Empress Instantaneous HAIR Color Restorer One application restores ray or fadtd hair to any color desired in stantly. Any one can apply it. No BfterwaNh required One dollar per box. by usinjr. Empress Instantaneous HAIR Remover without irritatinc tha skin. KeiiwveH Superfluous Jlai instant ly. A new JJquiU European Depilatory scitn tifically compound ed of soothing oils, sweet odor, hann lews, aajtireptlc oUc and l.uo. Trial bottle. 25c, from manutacturer EMPRESS llandrnff remedy. 60c Hair Tonic. 50c At Woorlard. Clarke tt Co. or at De partment ana iirupiur. ir t,i-. leaflet on request. Empress MfK. Co.. 36 W. 20th. X. V. C. Tailored Suits As a special inducement for vou to buy your suit for the holidays I am making a reduction in price if you will place your order at once. J. K. STERN Ladles' Tailor. 447 Alder Street. Art Needlework AH kinds Initials, Monograms, Col lege and Fraternal Emblems embroid ered, perfect work guaranteed. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Phones East 6171, C 3164. MRS. H. WAINWRIGHT 1018 Hancock SU Portland, Or. Pleated Skirts Bring1 us your accordion, side, box or fancv pleatins. We have the latent. Hemstitching-, ropestitchinij, pieol in?. embroidery scalloping, braid ing, buttonholes and buttons cov ered from your own matciiai. Mail orders given prompt attention. Art Embroidery and Button Co. l'hone Main 204S. 633 Morpnn HldR. MURLARK BALLROOM ; : Twenty-third and Washington Street - NOW OPEN Appointments for clubs cml pr'.vnto. .,. parties. r. u Dance studio c-p i mrl class teaching. Ailtiii dren's classes now formii.g. tJ.-ors;; ; ',' l.ove. business manaK:. .. .l:insiieid Hiiues, UaiiCing: master. Tiioae iaiaf" 76att.