The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 28, 1915, Section One, Page 19, Image 19

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Off by European Conflict
Explained by Dealer.
Cplaa aa4 SisulUr rrwJav.a Cws
ul-rv4 lmMrY If Ows
1 1- I'm war trie rU Jaa! m'4
'r .. at a u.n M1"
t a- .ou T p,-w W4j
Ta x. 4.:oN t l R. X fet IS
- ..'. o iti f r I b,4r
I roaa t"'it v. M f- ?; le
WO il : . Oe ..., ( Btaf of 0
e!no tn m t uiium woe b goa
ta ) f ik f
I la .1, of to lttit4
He"e to t' trar .oroo-aa
(lt'fM4 a too prtatfipol
u p- I
T woe. ir. rr. t mt !
-wroe f.e 1 i tii Of um
i'i otr. tu ila aeta
CO' tar .-o ei3-t pri-oa.
fX'li4U h. -laf l:oa that
Ae 4,eaa I:4 la IBO (M f
4 are a..i r !!) !iT. W 1
s? . karia4 4xu4 ill
J'r,o. aoid
frfcr taoasao AMln
Vnjf f"u en. c-ot: kkh
tn 4.y Omand1 be 4o.-4
irmu:Y. ea4 we aro lnCeretd la
: tar t ! T-roeoct-d' ol
I i.. by pewitlti I :l I
: I lli tt to i de-aasd. a
:n.. j. w.t Si.A we aro oil UrullUl
I. . h !. W eell wni to
atot.mtne krir Ifio J4P..- la prK
ic. i.k cvunirr ;! k4 i;;
r.4,t,j stt aal oar ojjp,;
wer. prlui;a: I ti ui Our irapor
taliao. A:iSriku Co , tv ornate 3 1 lt;-
t-, .
::" -3 o4
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, I I
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l i u.
liUbl P4i
Tfn t"o f c. yon
I coatti':v oo tAo lncr. s4 run
no!:i in d'nj ar-:r. tor
loti.) o.-i4 U ll iiji. Ity is f4
f; r.toi bo tri'Vt of T4.-4;4o of
I a ia I; i")r. ctt (ho ka
Ifvcro! lftoua4 Ii4. ok4 kl wo
o(r;tr o 4 hovo lmpoMo.4 feo
toon k? m: lK til ' aovora
mom - (r (oco
(HitoiliM H RoollaooV
"Q'llniao. lo tl.tlolt f tln-hoo
to corboUo -:4. l ow poUp;o roUio
Ito OAC;ti au (uOAitmfttfei to llio coun
too. In lo -a I III oo lmport4
1 IIMM '". hit. crorlia la
lao lo ottvno of ttto (.tml I
2.' iur 4oaa or fni)
I o tn tnoq. wma as I cfc' l la
tao onifr ;i a Zt 4om a or.
-'jmino ft o tooo&ol l4 Ifto raU
non . io "i) Wor. ot4
ft tn tio B-. Mt cf to Wiot-r iui
! C la toaitt In 4j. W(t( tko
l.a wt:t to tn iKo f-nn ni jlo.
Bsoi cos forvE-i:.
"XSo, P'U of o.-i4. -
or. 4 torloru-. Sich It pi
f'ont Soatkoto, t f. lo ua 'row Iko
toot to !-rfo ir '. in u
or- T.oro la o ooo Nil la colAor
too ro?o mmt tor I "i m into tao
f ai4 To - I tho ro
o f if too a4aa4 ol for fctl V
oon'-kI oi-a
TSo taio of r:ifjrtii4. I'H It
ooonjoo. tno(i( aa4 ror. co.4 ouf-
r'v Ojait r tvjr dosioait t"t oilrw
o-t lo'toinc a'!4 as4 r.-a o( tartar
' r r.o,i-k-. oi9:Vtlo4 aat l&o
la4.4'rj 4oo sio4.
M.a al Hoot Oft Woo.
'"'fij-n ! ilori.:uat. : at
mor9iin oa-l i4i. havo ototolr
If ! tao t4M lo Ml
Im- t. vSIn. mo t - a. flo'4 aa
iaiary csKnaltoa of tao
foosf r oot. :.-! t-'t T' at ar
: aou.-so of ,tr' for pi'4 of tao
aiotcioof i"j: tr. Now tStt kor tr
or o.o44 a4 la ai out lro-n
lalorvooroo i-.- 'io ou(iJo or 1
O'tr i !ll.n lT avilo-na,ci:
!? IPVlioO loo 4la4 4 a4
t -a ao a.;oar4ia:y aaro4'
(r for.. koo booa ia I'ortUnl ooa
oto4 au ia f:nmt.'rtit Vttf
o. :'-o C-s-ikor I. Ifo rarpo fcoro
f-O'n Now o-ioona kro k kKt a
l ao ooai-ioa l. n;.rkli A Cfc,
l 4. 1) '! O'V (!.t of Xt CUF.
- . . Jl .
Caral!lo AllonOoal tTh rl
Otor ttolliy An Art I a.
I t'Ji. Co.. . No. U t opocta:
Aiiaouflk anoa of Ik atud.nto loft
)"..n 4roo-4 to ooo4 tk
TKaaatilia roooa aioa4ie oti
Wj(k at IMoIr kmo f)tro art at . I
a Ufa aror t.mr4 from J:o
toat fomf who aro ;oa4 rv lo koil
tar ooaaoii ( I ;o raanp'ia. Man
axx-iat ti! kito k:4 Iho al
taa'.a of lo roaaaiatoa) aioat ajr
t lo krtof Isouaiorakl 4:a
.r t-arttt aal fraurattir tjasa k
ia'taa e!it-o.
Loot auM tha Woahiav'aa C
Co !'. aoanal 4oc. wkxrt wa
lar r at44 tr Wahli a to" I a
a4 intr f.-t-nda, Tooii ia tl-
o't Crat link al l kj'l Ita annual
t !U4ra' !-.!. wti.cN to aiwaio ano
of trio k aockal of lh oarly
Utr a.aaofi.
Cwnfrrrn-) rtrsarUing lnrrha ef
Railroad Malrrlal Ukrly.
TT a. Itarnrnaa. so a af Iba tela E.
It. Karrimaa. aad diroctor af p
aa.l f j r tho t raioa ftfA
tona. wt.l arrtva la i'ertr4 an aleaday
froas So a rraaio-a a4 will remain
fears, fjr soor 4ia Mr. Ilarrlman
: a d.r;lor ef lk laiea 'a:i.l4
Com jaay
Tj Lai r ?' proparlRa tor
omo oitete rail rewa: an otir
lmp,.aia: ja4 lotal lumneraaaa s
poos aaa to a,4.l wtta taoaa roar4-i-ig
iftla at aow tioa aai atkr
for arod'icta.
Mr Hinuuit aid Ma fart ara
!;. as la la ot..o ear Ardoa.
r na p fl r tairU Has I lro (rlng.
jr'CTt'- CtTT. C. Ne :t iSp.
!al At tie r,t eoroaaoaial saa-.f
of ta sowl r-a.t!to. saatpSra g'".
Vr A.J Jia:r aoa :iod
Ia4r. A la'M se Sorpaia la aat..
Actor Arirr (4 Yr in Tlrkl Ha rrU in "Dtidf Lonf
w.-w " - ' " . . '
N V - "I
j t -w-v - - ot i r-'-o- -- t ;
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--: ' v
Hoi ' , u n. . ' ..' j
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V'tvV . :!
i. -o. -y ,
J ;
UK auceoas achiatal by Jaaa Web
tar'a p-r. t44y Loag-Loga."
a trai.-M tPi oo to cumar-
us poop!. It. Iu4in- ibe author. Taere
aro two paeIe. boweirer. who bae
t. a triaJ. part :.-u!rly barry. They are
Mr. and Mr. Lu(tn A- l.rorl. velar
a Kkfmbors l Ibe "t'ouVlr La.
Laa" coon po air. who. fa tha first lima
la i yara. aro rnambor of !e same
erttnf orsAniaitton.
Tkoaa loaaklo rproonlalles of a
pat r nrttin of actor bavo ap
peared rontlr.uou.Ir on tho American
tar f r e year. They were married
Ik year agx and l.'iolr domeetia hap
pln ba b- n an inspiration and an
idool for ery man and woman promt
aeai:y eaacte4 with Iba elaa of this
TH Ebortoo havo n the rlo and
d. ,ir of ia rnnjit famo-jo star th I
Silly eBtorprl.Ing- youertr brouihl
lair bird, ekitaan. duck, rabbit
ad ra'.otlaeu lomeaUo or animal
t to la Loate a Ileal building tor
!4o fourth oaauoi poultry show. A ro-
snorkab'.o feature cf the event waa that
. . . - v. , , , trt-t 1 1 i i i '
r ' -t j
I , ," oo .jN I J
. a( - J
! I . ' - .. .
' ' i : - .:
f fCrJVr t, "j
1 t
lie ra.I iroo arrn4. saaaased and did
vrye.wns; nais evnnacted wittj
ta affair a4 thsi the number of
Bopile w bo entered tbelr pola this year
roe for tr.'r than last.
Haoatara that would Save ea a
roail lo ny aw were present, rab
ef ery rv:r and deovrlptioa and
eao a coa'.a;a4 the bst-look:a
duck that Lai over a:r4 a Lent
S.-fiool poultry kow. A bo a ef dove
lot wra adare-t by tao chil-
ra aad other poetater contained
bu'l'4l eow-a hit ptgeuna
Te t.t crjrl etbibil waa tiat of
Mitrbali. a li-yar-o!d pupil.
iv'ea4 l wa s4 br Cyril
rumratn aal la third br IJovd Mor.
Luad, Jjaea Captrao ao4 Key
mm. I . - -. I kaa
tnaatera of Eoglssd and the Vnlled
Ctalea ba kaowa during vhe last half
coalury. Mr. Eborl. who probably I
tha oldest actros now appearing1 la
mis country, wa a number of the all
star caat la Laura Keaiso col.rtd
production of "Tha Rivals." he piad
th role of Mr. Molaprop to Mi
Kna a Lyd: Laagulab. and mada
root a personal ucea in tb role
that abe haa nrr aloe ben able to
rapa similar ! portrait.
Aitkaugh aha wsa a young and
pretty a.-lr-a when Mlas Keena pro
duced "Tb Itlvals" more than i years
ago. Mrs. Eberle baa never since cre
ated any but "old women" roles, and II
as dear old. Mrs. (temple In "Paddy
Lonc-Loaa that s'le will return to
Portland nasi bunda night after an
been to of many years.
Mr. a id Mr. Eborlo toeethrr. or In
dividually, have supported Ad-nlde
Neilooa. Janauschek. lloaal. Edwin
Booth. Lawrenr Barrett, tha cider
Jefferaon. Henry Irvine;. Modjenka.
l j I
I Rub pain from back with gmaH
trial bottle or old
-bt. Jacob's OiL"
W'hn your back la aor and lama
lor Jumbaso. oclatica or rbcumatUm baa
lou stiffened up, don't differ! Ut
lamal! trial bottio of aid. bonaat "lit.
Jacob OiP at any drueatore, pour
lltllo la your band and rub It rlabt
Ion your ahln; back, and by the. timo
you count fifty, tbo aoronoaa and lame-
I aoa la (en.
Hin t alar rrlpniadl Tnia aootnintr,
ponotrallna all nod to b uacd only
onra. It fake tha pain riM out and
nda lh ailaary. U la nioftcial. yet
abooluicly barnile and dooaa't burn
tho akin.
Noibinc ! top lumbaxo. aclatlra.
backocha ar rhoumatlam o promptly.
It ovr 1l.rrlrta Anv.
Edwin Forroat Ada Cavendlah and
man other celebrities.
Mr. fcaorl came or a fomona old
family of actors. H!a father. Cbarle
Kborle, an aclor of atbilahad repu
tation, made hi fl-t appearance In
public with Edwin Forrest aa a mem
ber of a rirru orsanlxatluiu
ll.nry Miller. proUuccr and manager
of -L'a'ldy lxns-lCii. mad bis first
New York appoaranca In a famous
stock company operated by Mr. and
Wr. Ehorle. When h gathcrsd to-
(thr bla own cvt for Jean Web-
I .tor play, ha aw an opportunity to
civ hi old friend rniiicrmrnli In
the ama company, an arronftrement th had leeo unable to effect dur
ing the l.ial 10 years. Wt. Miller made
Ilia statement a few weak atto that
ba w raa proud of the phenomenal
aureeos cf "Daddy Lonir-IK" than of
the fact that both Mr. and Mr. Eugene
A. Eberle were members of a company
under bis management.
Contlnaoaa Cat rjlorm Hit ye
n?ach District.
NEWPORT. Or., No. 27 (Special.)
Tha continuous storms of the past
wek bv caused soma bad slides on
Keacb street, leading down to Nye
Peach. Iho cottage belonging to Mr.
Wynn. express agent at Albany, was
undermined completely.
Tho cottaae belougina" to C. B.
Moore, of alm, also waa badly un
dermlne.l and waa blocked ui. Several
mall DulldinK usea a summer pu.i-
neas bouse were shoved four or five
feet out Into the street by tha slides
la tho rear of them. Tha beavy aurt
of the past few days baa moderated
considerably, but tha low barometer
presages a cootlnuance o! tho stormy
Allen Churclilll. of Western Vnion,
Takes Vancouver Clr! aa Bride.
Vancouver'a Oretna Green waa th
arena of a wed'Unz of Interest to Fort
land people TUuraday afternoon, when
Allen J. Churchill. mana-or oi ma t-aoi
siido branch office of the Western
Union, and Mlae Emma ii. Carmicbael,
of Vancouver. B. C were married there.
After Mlnnlna over to Vancouver for
the corrniony. tho young people re
turned to Portland and ar now making
their home at 21 Thirteenth street.
Mr. Churchill has been In Portland,
connected with the Western Union, for
several years. Tha bride also has
circle of friends here, having visited In
Portland un various occasions.
Horticultural Convention to Be Held
TIkto at Year.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. No. 57. (Spa
clal.) While th dale of tha meeting
ha not been set. R. K. ricott. secretary
of the Commercial Club, this mornlnif
received a Utter from C P. Minton, o(
Portland, aecretary of th Oreson Stat
Horticultural Society, who announcas
that next year's annual convention of
tho organisation will be held In Hood
laplaya of fruits, snray materials
and ether article of Interest la th
horticultural world will be made.
Let a Fast Express Bring
Duffy's is an absolutely pure medicinal whiskey so beneficial in building up
the general health. Just because your druggist, grocer or dealer, does not happen
to handle
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
is no reason why you shouldn't avail yourself of one of the most valuable tonics
the American public is buying today. It is a tonic and body builder that has
stood the test for over 50 years, and is the best doctor to have in the house in
cases of emergency. SEND ONLY $1.15 and receive by return prepaid express
a full sized bottle of Duffy's Pure INlalt Whiskey, and Medical booklet. People
who regularly get
"Get Duffy's and Keep Well."
cannot say enough for it. It's a precious boon of good health
you, yourself, cannot afford to be without
The Duffy Malt WhUkey Co., 159 Minna St,
At lowet prices in the city.
A trial order will prove it.
23c Jelly, jar 15t
20c Cherries, 4 cans for 25c
15c Prunes, pound.. . . -10c
10c Prunes, 6 for 25
Rejr. 10c Dried Peaches,
4 lbs. for 25
10c Black Figs, pound 5d
10c Kippered Herring,
can 5d
10c Salmon, 4 for 25d
23c Catsup, 3 for 25(
15c Catsup 5c
Solid Pack Tomatoes, 4
cans for 25c
10c Peas, 4 for ."25d
10c Beans, can 5d
15c Beans, 4 for 25c
15c ABC Sardines, 3
boxes , 2od
20c Walnuts, 2 lbs. for 25c
20c Almonds, 2 lbs. for 25c
20c Washing Powder, 2
for 25d
10c Dixie Tea,2pkg:s.for5e
Choice Flour, sack.. SI. 15
Fresh Soda Crackers, 3
pounds for 25c
& BRO.
Prlaeaed Telia WIl-PIaaed Tale ef
faker tiaaae and 'Faked" Robbery,
bat Fall e Save Himself.
BAKER, Or.. Nov. 27. (Special.)
Though evidently carefully planned, the
story of Fred Springer, charged with
binding and robbing C B. Adams of
$10. tinder tbe threat that ha was
Hugh Whitney, the Idaho desperado,
waa badly riddled in court today during
his trial.
After being out 20 minutes tha jury
returned a verdict of "guilty of assault
and robbery, being armed with a dan-?
gerous weapon." Sentence will prob
ably be pronounced Monday.
Springer's lory was that ha won $152
from Adams at poker, the game being
started at Adams' suggestion. As the
money lost bad been borrowed, he as
serted that the so-called holdup was
framed up to clear his employer.
Tha horse which Adams said be had
saddled on Springer's demand, Springer
declared was turned over to him by
Adams so that he could come to Baker.
He said that Adams prepared the bonds
with which he was tied, even affixing
some of them himself.
Adams' story waa that Springer had
represented himself as Hugh Whitney
when demanding that a horse be sad
dled. Adams ' told how Springer had
compelled him. at tha point of a re
volver, to saddle a horse, then tied him
to a bed, took the money and fled.
Knights of Pythias Celebrate Kho-
rassan Ceremonies.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Noi'. 27. (Spe
cial.) Knights of Pythias from, all
parts of lirays Hsrbor County and
Southwestern Washington gathered
here tonight to initiate 30 tyros into
the Knights of Khorassan. The cere
monial I being staged by the Abur
dren degree team, whl'h has
been I
drilling for a month. Many visitors I
ar hre from Centralis. Chehali and
It Will
Cost You
2 Bottles $2.10
You Save 20c Buying 2 Bottles
Cut out and keep this adv. for future
reference, so that you will know where
to find us, when your state goes dry.
Juet received s large lot of
Toys in time for Christmas,
from the Insurance Adjust
er. We sacrifice them at
$2.00 Umbrellas, slightly
damaged, long as nH
they last DC
20 Lbs.
for . . .
with other purchases of One
Dollar or over. Monday only.
Limit of $1.00 Worth of Sugar
to Each Customer.
Free Delivery on Pur
chases of $1.00 or Over
Regular 10c Limit of Fire Cans
to Each Customer.
131-133 FIRST
. . . i o
Olynipia and from all the larger towns
of the county.
A seven-piece orchestra helped keep
up tho spirit of the tyros as they took
tle initiation. An elaborate banquet,
fur which 175 plates were set. was
served at 1 o'clock in the morning.
City Employment AVork Fends
vestigation of Applicants.
Pending investigation of more appli
cants for the position of director of
the newly created Municipal Public
Employment Bureau, the citizens unem
ployment committee delayed the ap
pointment yesterday at a meeting held
with Commissioner Baker fur that
purpose. Another meeting will be
held at 3 o clock tomorrow.
The man to be appointed will have
charge of the unemployment work in
place of C. K. Christensen. who has
had charge for several years, and who
has been dismissed by Commissioner
Baker, effective December 1.
Prisoner at HUlsboro Mill
Be Re
turned to Georgia.
HILLSBORO, Or.. Nov. 27. (Special.)
JSherifT Beeves today received positive
proof that the man giving the name of
T. A. Birchfieid. held in jail her is
Ed Bishop, wanted at Dalton, (la., for
murder. The Georgia Sheriff will start
for Oregon as soon as he gets hi
requisition papers from Altanta,
Bishop is charged with killing Wil
liam Corbv at the County Fair in Dal
ton early in October.
Junction Woodmen Elect.
JUNCTION CITY, Or., Nov. 87. (Spe
cial.) The Woodmen of the World
with 86 members, elected officers fo
the ensuing year as follows: Council
commander, O. K Mickey; adviso
lieutenant, I. R. Howard, Jr.; banke
C. E. Harpole; escort, B. W. Clark
watchman, olse Peterson; sentry
George W. Wilde; musician, 11.
Belknap: manager for 18 months.
L' 1 .-. anA I r L I) u ,lt .1 1." 1 m
Read The Oreeonlan'a classified ads,
You Duffy's
'" a;?i6,
San Francisco, GaL
bv Tav.'.
Reg-ular $4.50 Norfolk flfl
Corduroy Coats fQ at 3iW J
Regular S7.60 Heavy Mack, t QC
iuaw Coala eo at , vTiOJ
Reajular $3.50 Heavy Mack. f9 Ctt
Inaw stiirta tro at JXtOJ
Regular $2.50 Fine Woolen 1 1 CfT
Shirts, all sizes, gro at V 1 iwU
R a g u 1 a r 60o Men'a Fleeced "jCa
Underwear goes at OJl
TJ 8. Raloooats now go J QQ
All Men's, Women's and
Children's Rubbers at
Chl-Namel Stains
at, tho gallon
$2.70 Varnishes on sale at. I nrr
the g-allon -l I iUU
House Paints are now on i
sale at. the gallon..
b n I n g l e stains are now on
sale at, the gallon ,
Regular 50c Fleer Wax on sale IC.
at, the poup(J. I yu
$2.60 Cedar Mop Oils en sale f I f)f
at, the gallon.,,,...,.,,,., VliUU
'Cascarets" Regulate Women,
Men and Children With
out Injury,
Take When Bilious, Headachy,
for Colds, Bad Breath,
Sour Stomach-
Instead of nasty, har-h pills, salts,
castor oil or dangerous calomel, why
don't you keep Cascarets handy In your
home? Cascarets act on the liver and
thirty feet of bowels so gently you
don't realize you have taken a cathar
tic, but they act thoroughly and can
be depended upon when a good liver
and bowel cleansing is necessary
they move the bile and Poison from
tha bowels without griping and sweet
en tha stomach. You eat one or two at
night like candy and you wake up
feeling fine, the headache, biliousness,
bad breath, coated tongue, sour stom
ach, constipation, or bad cold disap
pears. Mothers should give cross, slok,
feverish or bilious children a whole
Cascaret any tiinetbey aro harmless
and safa for the little folks. Adv.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
the Cause and Remove It.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, act gently on the,
bowels and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relier througu ur. mwhiih
Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar
coated tablets are taken for bad
breath by all who Know mem.
r.,- VHwarrlK Oliva Tablets act gent-
lv but firmly on the bowels and liver.
stimulating them to natural action,
clearing tha blood and gently purify
ing the entire system.
They do that which dangerous calo
mel does without any of tha bad after
All tha oenenis or- nasu, bichbuuib.
riptng cathartics are derived from
r Edwards' Olive Tablets without
griping pain or dissgreeaDi ciieois i
anjjr. "W M. Edwards discovered the
formula after seventeen years of prac
tice among patients afflicted witn
bowel and liver complaint with tbe
attendant bad breath.
Dr. Jidwaras uuve raDieis are pure
ly a vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil; you will knpw them by their
olive color.
Take one or two every night for a
week and note the effect. lOo and 25o
bus. O. Adv.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum-
per box. Alt druggists.
Apply Cream in Nostrils
Open Up Air Passages.
Ah! What reliefl Tour clogged nos
trils open right up. tho air passages of
your bead are clear and you can breathe
freely. N'q more hawking, snuffling,
mucous discharge, headache, dryness
no struggling for breath at night, your
cold or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your
ruggist now. Apply a little of this
fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos
trils, let it penetrate through every air
assag of tbe bead: soothe and heal
th swollen, inflamed mucous mem
brane, giving you instant relief. EJy's
Cream Balm is just what every, cold and
catarrh sufferer has been seeking. Its
'Just splendid. Adv.