THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 21. 1915. ROSS REPORT IS IN; GRUELTYISREFUTEO Governor Lister Says That Inhumanity Charges Evi dently Are Disproved. CONFERENCE CALLED OFF Km lrt4Nrr-. la Jil. IWh lrnj IM-Trratasaa-at. aa4 NT JaiWr a ixl .rarrlff rr I afrtcwdty aaJ Tell Trarlr Mtary. iwfe in the alhl rider raae. "Tha rrouliit( Altornr- la out of the ritr at the prent. but all bellev Chjl h. i op(erd lo a pardon." th r pvrt a a. BULL RUN LOGGING AIM Part f .New I 'ram puny ' I'r-rt7 Viltlila llc-acrie. Kl l. Wash, Nor. "Special VallB tha parr-oa "f locetna thrtr aoldiaca ta th Hall Hun Inter ! .had. ' A. Tlr. orm.r:y of Kci. S. T ll'ti. ! n ta pla.c. aad J. H. i im'Mi. tf Portland, ree.otiv or k n -t r.mrcMi-Tolnr lirnorr Com Mt;. i-a a capital stock f I .. Tk r.nmy earn arrea of rtwt. ai. . - ei.l Tt" auwi r.fxrt of !! f it wtmtirt'm of te l-ea.e n la la.-!"- Co-in-tr JaW AH, l:. Iafort a n 4 Mr T J Hamilton, rrpreamlin; l. Trm nnui Ciub.C. M alk !. ef te stale llunu tjraw. and Vr-a. ka'e t. raali - trnf itii-u xl puhtle loUaf Tka f .!. ar-apr aa-eers! Ivaaajrlt. I. a !). ta. Tft nW") aW tloBal report ef Mr. fvan'orth. nil Mr. Hjmilton e ort( Cifrf ror.i t-ffAA f.:iolf. lh tMu ta tat. ro'4tr. tfca WB of tfca a. !-! "a'ast-riJ.r- ailrtl. at f '.f t'mn a- T fiftfriK taat IS. wim.r. arr.ecd tf la-lay vita r lJtr eaol a. Id a Wr l(mito sa eailad a-.!JBkr ta Oe!!f"a:a, br Ike report trial hr setrt ta )( Atr fc.r ralars ta ton far a-- a-i.l t. h'l itfrwf taf r iu4 arocasaaot vjo ie r.r-ort to ir thai ta. r'itf0 of Ina-" treatment vl- n'.-.j ar d'.ptanj. T k raaoft. is art. fautavw TUrt ta aaakt that Mr Vifitrtl St. f.naa aral kr one were naf I r rii(4 at laa band af taa a.i..4 alckt rl l.ra. N ana ham k . iira4 4u li fact. Taa anwiioa ma la ta iitjr of IK: arena- la for U rourt rath' ! a ta aar It I" " withia o 4f trtninr ta act.anrt ta met atthrr J"'y a r r-a tr. C r C ll.fal.a. -m 8r4 .l-n.. taal laa J: :trtri or aita.r af tfc.ra aa la arjr aiaaa.r .a era. 'If or Irkhuraanaly t aU4 at la Haai af aln-a li. str -oaBmtt4 ta tba I'aciflc Countr Jail." Aftaf r.fontJtln lh. tf cf th Vrtm trarakloa tha rxrt d.ala ltk tha rhai.M m4. kT Mr. II af t:l tra(m.n sf tr fiarl. tn4 rraek. : I ar of as, atalinc "Xra. f(o a.uc.4 IH. woman a cla. af Tirvm an4 lha alta aumaria a-jaa It-. l ti.r tor aar. nax.n uf mrr aronc loint. that th.T wart aaera lat court tr prjarl ltianaT. tal t'r w.r. k.n k"pt In aolttAr ronHamDl an4 that i.taT aa-l aha hava aakaU to thaai ha ! cantlaaaa. ra- -Wa f.nj tht a.ithar ef tha tre'rie-a pa aaan r ul '..I) r.l f I o lo ( llolh Krl tt4 I'riiik if In t:.mrit )-. ta aa .tafat.: jr. In pHlat a f iii.ra: -Ttia or thar warr aaal ta do nil aol inrtiMB hla In It.'', natthar l It too h-a for tti.av Whan tha rpriaa trnrtH hr tiorrrnof l.irt.r r.4 atrfr'tf. aJarf Rnaa a aa lo-k.4 a? a f.w aa-ra b.-ra f'T"i orTat.ra.l r.arl at ftrjt rafaa a of a, a--ord-l"al t kt owa atal"n.nt. aa J araa to. h.4 up la tha cut ..rita4 katoa. an4 araa. f.r a ca-.Ma of ear. t aa a krrvf ai4 aa:r diat- Iraak Maraaa4 Offaraal kaaa. "'rank lina. wh.n ak4 ta fa lo r (tail anlr a air of i.nma alipsara. k .1 tha rh.ri.'f f 4rnLha-l aim pair af a-con.-fca-v! aho whi h Iran ra fiaa. a war. and at f rt rrf j. t word. II. araa prmill t art!, ta ii a a-4B fir a fair of k oan ho, -urh cam. latar. I f a faar tTa ktn ora aark-i. Itint ararkinar a part of tria Cm In kU trhnla alfra. rank lio.a aa t"iat on . tot.r tl artff r. klm In from hi mnrm. t "! kirn to taka a hath, and than l.j. a. kirn la th. .. an ! that a i.uoa .i.n'-l Tha rasa la a k .rratfarT room atthin anothor laraa. a r. lia-ht r-om. about I f'at kjr 2 or it fct Ion . "Tha rc. it.ri: I n.arlr J f.t Ida k tl f..t in tka in, ari-f a-tM.ti nntr kr bar aaaaral ri.-h.a apart, at both tnr. ard anda and tin ait.. atik'H l wtehEn lo fa- of a wtnd-ai. OaninaT from tha ochrr a''l" ara Ko r.U about a.v.n fwat lltra, In wkt.-l ar ktink aritb comftrrtahla anattr.aa.a and tlankala. abarlaT karara IUi. k aaoaaa. "Th !h.riff inlta that I'rsnk ItxJ Waa pat in th. r r-aa.a ha ail l.a'orr. uaail.iQa ard ctianbadirnl aotit hi work It I l"t kr .rna avicn.a.a that tha m o l h . r t14 ha bora -al tia 1 I Bol ha, to work, and ad iad th.ra rul ta. Tha piornm, a't.r rank Koaa waa pit In th esc. Karl K"a atfrotta that wh.n k waa aakad t i ta work ha rrf'd ttalta kia '' waa raHa. and that ha In rutxl oa kainar plat-ad In th. ra r wltk k brain, wnt-h tha hn.rirT d.d. "Inat'ad of prttva in alitarx rannna tn. two aruthrr wrra tvarmittad t ka nthr at all lirnr. Tbrjf ware p.rmtctrd to rorcr... r-ad or plajr rarria. riotn taatlfT that thrr dad tha Ta'nma l-.da-.r aarrr day. anaa had aa w.rklr par.f and aomaticn.a two. tnraa feooka t( fiction, a dacs ef carda aad rrthbaa bo-rd. -V h-n aal If th.jr had In mr way kra-a trral-d rru.lir or Inhumanely, hoin a-id rv but that lh hartrf waa ft fri.ndlr nor waa the jail.r. Tka aa d irT war. wall fad and tha jail waa warm and comfortable sad th air 'M) t Jail Tirai- ta Otavar. "t I almpl. MBtt.-e to ajy that tha Tia.-in- rmill Jalt la a fa!--. In attrr war whrn rorrverrd with not county ja .le. v. bar lrlrlewed rry frl'pd p wltnr.a whom lr l:n.a haa an far aaad u In a.a. Bad If e-rT raao w a bar at'd If tbry knrw of any rww rvMan.- wtiu-h -an a had now. that, tf intrtc'r.d at th. trial of thcaa boya, wouM prahjtbir ba chan.d Ik ar-f'.-t of th jurr. or wklr-h. If pra-a.nta-l ta tka i.ov.rnor row. would j i.fifr km la (ranting B pardon l- ai.ry r tha imr baa r-eara r)a horn ba aai-l lhT f-H th. l-ora WrrB rot iiilty. not wthiaralirsr thrir ron action, and. thrr.for. thnueht lhJT ant'ild ka pardoned Taa rr-i.rt a lht iiirf Li -tr haa d to rnt a par-Inn. urt -Jot fap.rlr J.i li : l.r. II. W rixM ar IT.-ut(ir t I'h.lan iwpi. J fit' nt. lh. f.po't aa. prulfa aaint ini a part-.n ort tha r-tYta-t that th. prtnnra ha. h-.n - f ie.f!.rit. -f ani arid anr.rinaT la atrttua Inw.rl hoik tr-e "rrlff ad the emtrl. a. id kaaa r-fua le do I ant rk a.Uarl Pm by lh. Ither l'( unl.. thru rou.d do It r their aa ' Te rnurt In.UI that lna-nirk a lhra are aama 41 Ind t'mi p. rutin; aint IS ai :-! tuahl rlf-ra. aho.a trta a ara rt 'ta ba hr.d. lo pardn ftaao brother al tk a laa wen d i a" proha"ill'. aTe orn.-rt'inilr for I .rthrr 4 tuf!i:.-i and frarat or In- J!- a win arm IS t K kkt:i aIMt- Al Hit lHl: lli M- $87,000 0. OF 0. BUIIJIC IS OPENED Johnson Hall, for Adminis tration Purposes, Dcdi . catcd at Eugene. 3s GROWTH IS RECOGNIZED Mrwrlurt la A arm-J Aflrr I iral lrr-lilrnt of Vnltcralljr Jolin Siraab. Nrmbrr rf "1rt 1'aruHj, Is hpcakrr. :ll alkrr. Rll Walker, ef It" Mlaelaalppl Ttnat. who paaaad away No. aemb.r If. 111. waa born la Jlanovl.ur-. Ind. January II. ltij. lis annt4 la the C1U War Dax-erabar ii. 1141. In Con pan y I. Fifty-nlntb himnl. In. diaaa. oluale.ra. II waa buaor ably diarharced aa Corporai en-'-r t'arlaia .Nrll Kidrurr 14. I4. at x-.tclra. X. T. II 1 aurylaed by widow, Mr. Adah Walker, and all W a.k.r. of 1114 Ninth louth. bWattl. Huh.; Iloy H t alker, of Labannn. tr.: Iiwla H Walker, of Mil aboro. (r.; A. t- Wa.krr. of 1441 t-nel Tw.nty-f irat atraal louth. l"ort, land. Mra i:t;ia Lens. UK Kaet Couch. I'nrtlaad. and Nina tl Jdanlon. Hut Mlaaiaalpp haa. 1'ortlaBd. I - 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 J w 4 4 4 4 4 4 timb.r lnd in tha null nun water ahrl. ivB arre of which lie wtthln tb errre. In addition to tha tiro bar tha company own a aawmill plant near liuil Itun with a caMw-tty of .V4 feat Ul y. anJ luacmar eouiumrnt. Aa aoon aa a t i" flume ran b fin- hrd frra th mill to full Itun Kta lion, tha mill will b atartcd. 1 nia fluina auut t - corefruct.d arroaa Hull Han Rlrr. Mr ICia; will hay chare;. f the w-oode work. Mr. Taylor who i aecr'tarr ef tha company, will bar lutxn l'ln of th rnili. and Mr. Cam eron, who la had treasurer. will eperat laa aelliac and of the Imiatta from th main of fir. In Port land. FARMERS ARE TO GATHER l.rai llarhor ninnrr Mill n Ilaraa lialry IvrcUtrn-nt. lo AIIEUtJEU.V. WaBh'.. Not. : (.r- ciaLI Faimrri of Craya Harbor Coun ty arut buaineyamrn of Aberdeen wilt om ber la a areat dinner on Dtrrm-b-r i; al which plan for lh derrlop mrnl of th county acrtculturallr and for 4-alryln will b diacuad. I'real- denl W". t. M u m a w. of lb Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce. In announrina lan for the dinner oatd ha eipacted an attendant of more than :o. Th principal ut al the meeting- will b !. Witlard. d.y.lopraent asent af tha Northern raciflc ICallroad -rred'nl Mumaw. of the 1 Camber Cnmmerre. an enthuia.tic booater of frmirit f r tha counry. la die- the adriaability ef eetabllahtrc earn rOoparatlv rae.aa ta'rtoriea tor th county, eimllar lo that itccntly atart'd at r-alaep. 4 rnlralla tliart Hr-a riaa Srrl-r. t KNTRAtM. Wa4h No. I tUpo- ciat I Th procramraa waa annoancad yealerday for the union Tharhclvlna ervlrc of th local churchea. which all ba held thie rar In th Paptiat Church. The Thankcllnc rmon ir ba delivered by Hear. f. Itoland Martin, paatnr of tJie Mrthodlat r.pla- pol Churrh. and th mualr; will b furnlahed br h Chrletlan choir Th CollaM-tinn mi var b dlrlded b- areen tb local aaeoriatrd rharltlra and tha Waahlnvton Children Horns bo-ciety I.ITJKNI Or. Nor. tSpcclal.) flrcofnltlnn ef a transition from ths old period of hand-to-mouth olatenc f th l'nlerlir of Oregon to a new era of aroarth snd derelopment marked the dedication today of Johnaon Hall Oreaon'a new 117.004 administration balidlhC. A expreaaed by ITealdent Campbell, tha bnlldtnc closes the rectanele of th old campus and forma, as connecting link, lh flrat bulldlnff In lh nrw reo tanile. as blocked out In the plans for a arcefer unlvrraity on a new campus. lT.el.1ent Campbell announced the poaalbillty for th addition of more buildincs to thla new campus within a comparatively short time. T( formal dedication was tha pre sentation of a key to President Camp bell. It was handed to him by A- C. Dixon, member of tha building- com mittee of tha Lolrrralty Hoard of Kea-ent. and tha president. In turn, handed It to L It. Johnson, steward of lh university, who announced that tbe key waa not to lock the bulldlnc. but lo ope a Jt lo Lh use of the blate ef Oregon. J. A. Churchill, f tale Superintendent of Public Instruction, before this had formally scaled the ni. ha In th corner- aton In which documents of record bad been placed. This ceremony was held in the open air. after which the audience filed Into tbe auditorium within th bulMlnrr. Amour th speakers who euioKiied th lif of J. V. Johnson, first presi dent of the university, for whom the buildire was named, waa John Mraub, member of the first faculty, now the oldest member of the faculty with 40 years of service. other speskers wera Arthur L. csxie, : frofeasor K. 8. Punn. a former stu dent under President Johnson: Prral- dent Kerr, of the Aarlcultural Col- Irce. and members of tha Oregon Las ts. stare that voted money for tb building. HOQUIAM PAVING FAULTY Contractors Hooding Company Vol untarily Offers ItrjMilra. HOgri.VM. Wuli. Nov. 1 1- 'Spe cial.) Kxtenalve rrpalra are to be made at once by th contractors' bond rompsny to :TC feet of concrete pat- Ins on Aberdeen avenue. In r.ast llo- quum. accortiinr to a report made to tha City Commiaalon. Tb pavlna; has been doan ouly about a year, but has proved faulty In many pice. and th Ciiy fcnaineer sa)s H ass not properly laid. I'aaTh 4i Arena, tha contracture, took lh Job with a two-ear euarante pro viaion In lh contract. 8tnc thejr.fln- lahed th work tb contractors pave been In rtnair:al difficulties and bave disaolvad (urtrerehln. lulfll: inir tha uarant.a on th pavlna now falls on the bonding company, which has come forwsrd with a voluntary .agreement to repair the pavlna TWO MORE MINERS FOUND Total Ibrad Koeovrrr-.l Are I T With I I i:pectcHl Out Soon. kKATTI.IL Nor. 10. Th bodies of two miners wrr recovered rrom tn wrecked Havendale mine, of the North- weatem Improvement ompany, today. hrlnalnc the number found to 17 and leavlna- II still In the mine. Today's bodies ware those of Joseph llaldatcl and Komeo Medalne. It la expected that the remaining iwwli.a will be recovered In a few hours. aa the debrl has been nearly cleared away. STOPS TOBACCO HABIT. Klders' Ranltarlum. lotsted at 511 it. in .1 St. Josroh. Mo., hss piiniianeci book showing the aeaaiy eneci m the tobacco habit, and how It csn or stopped In three to five djys. Aa they are diatriDuiins; inia n"' frea snvone wantlnsr a ropy rnouiu send their name and adders at once. Adv. . Interior Decoration The importance of Style and Good Taste in Home f urnishinp; must not be ignored in the consideration of value and cost The assistance of our Deco rative Department where personal skill and originality are backed up by an un excelled assortment of Furniture, Floor Covering and Drapery Fabrics, is yours for the asking. Shopping Note -r- Remember. Low Rent plu3 Low Expense has affected our prices accordingly Funifari and Floor CsTrinp Fifth St., J. G. MACK & CO. S Bet. Oak and Pine Dripgries Will Corerinn 1 1 ! I ! M II 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I'll II 'IIIMIII ! I I I I l POLK. POLITICS BUZZ Both Parties Lining Up Candi dates for 1916 Primaries. CLERKSHIP IS CHIEF PLUM Krcd J. Ilolman, County Treasurer, IJUolyOnibrrsc II. C. Dnnsrnore fop Republican Nomination. Many Offices I'ncontested. CHRONOLOGY OP CHIKF EVENTS IN ROSS CASE. June. 1IJ Mrs. Marararet M. Unas and eons. Karl (now ). and rrank inow 14). Jump tlmbkr rlalm la North Klver country. Pacific County, prevlon-ly filed upon by Mrs. Msy Vanderpool. Ausuat II. ItJ Cabin of Ptephen Hoot, settler, burned and Hoot driven away by band of armed men. Assault charces eubeeo,uent!y were filed acainat rrank smd Forrest Martin and O.orce Whaaten. raaee now peodina In tiuarim Court In attempted change of venue. Auxuat 17 K-arl and r'rsnk Iloas accused of aseaultlns; Ai Ursd ley. aeiahbor. 1 years old. tVlob.r 4lto.s bay convicted of thlrd-dearee assault In Bradley case, fined HO and costs. amoVjntlna to about li'J". Cases appealed ta Surrama rorl. January I". lltla-Rraa bovs fell larce tree on their claim, fslllna on Nanderpool cabin, occupied at lime by Mrs. Vanderpool. January II Itoaa cabin bak-ned by armed and masked ntchtrlders. Ros family bein driven In wagon II mile Into Chchalls. now Grays Harbor. County. January I Mrs. Hoe swears out warrants for arreat or 11 al lee ntahtrtdrra, Includlnc Claud Vanderpool." All defendants ac quitted on coercion charae In Justice court. March S4 Information filed by prorecutor In Superior Court aaalnat nln drfendants, rbaVlnr arson In connection with nlrht rider raid Pefen.lanta subeenuently acaultted. or case dismlfsed. April. 114 b'rank Ito.a rnnvlct.d of aseaull for tree-frllina and fined li'; raae Bamlnat Karl Itoas dismissed. Krpirmber. 1I Mr. Itoaa chars-.-a J. N. Howard with assault: case dlsmi.aad for failure t prosecute. tecember .Cabin of K. A. Watttrs. a partisan of Mrs. Itoas, burned. January 7.1. IJli Governor Uster pardons Frank Hos in tree-fell- '"'january J ."John Stone. Federal Inveatlaator of nlahtrlder rase, poslnc a oil Inspector, shot at from ambush. April JO .Supreme Court affirms conviction of Karl and Frank Itoaa on Pra ller ul( charges. 4ay 7 1 lirand Jury returns 4 Indictment acainat alleged nlght- ,M Ju'ne I ajovernor I.later grant Jo-day reprieve to Earl and Frank rto. pending trial of nichtrider cease. July 7 -1 i Two nightrtdrr case tried: Jury acquit In each In stance. Augut 1 Acting Governor Hart refuses further to suspend re prieve of Roe nova. Aua-uat I'arl Ross taken lata custody to serve out fine In Prsd ey a.aault case; Frank Kil a fucillv. (aetobar 4 ITank llosa taken Into custody. November eSuprema Court prohibli change of venue to Lewi County In reroalolng nlchtrtdr cas. N'oarmb.r IJ Committrea Bprmted by Tacoma Woman's Club and ba iiovernor Utsr lo mveatigaie rhara.a by Mrs ftoa of Ill-treatment of anas by Jail aul.ryitle and North ftlver ronditlona generally. PALLAS. Or.. Nov. 1. Special.) ThouRh the primaries do not come until next Spring, the bee is beginning to bus In Polk County already. The an nouncement by D. M. Hampton, of Mon mouth, chairman of the Republican county central committee, that the com. mitee would hold a meeting In thla city soon brought to the surface the em bitlona of several would-be public ser vants. It is no secret that Fred J. Holman. present County Treasurer, will make an effort to capture the Republican nomination for County Clerk. He will probably be opposed by H. C. Duns more, of Independence. In the pri maries of 114 Mr. Holman was opposed by Mr. luinsmore for the nomination for the ofrice or county i reasurer. It la intimated that Asa R. Robinson, present County Clerk, will be the Dem ocratic standard bearer. Mr. Robinson has held the office for one term and is now on his second term.- He ran on a platform calling for two terms only, and upon this principle he wsa elected. Ifoarever. lacking; other avanaoie ma terlal. tha Democrats ara fiaTurlnir on puttlnr him forward for a third term. .For County School Superintendent H. C Seymour. Incumbent nad now com- nteiino- his second term, will undotibt- a' ba lha KeDubllcan nominee. The orrica of Treasurer may no begging, ovlnt to the cut In sslsry to u. However. J. IL Brown, of ball treea la beln urged to make the race for the R.nubllcan nomination. Mr. Brown Is a member of the Republican county central committee. For County Asses sor no one has been named as yet, thouxh It Is certain that Frank Meyer, remocratlc Incumbent, will be the nom inee of tha iHtmocralic party. In the election of lll he was elected by a ma. Jorlty of three votes. Another bis florht promises to de velop over the office of County Com missioner. The term of George A. Wclis. Republican, expire next year. Mr. Well wsa one acainst whom a re call was kBltated sonic time a no, the recall movement bring- directed aicalnst the whole County Court. It la said that Mr. 'Well will run aaaln in order to teat out the strength of the recall acl tat Ion. Tha of County Attorney will be before the voter for the first time In this county. J. K. Sibley, incumbent, and a Democrat appointed by ex-Governor West, haa not signified hia in tention of running, though it is be lieved that ha will be the Democratic nominee. That the Republican will put forth a candidate Is without ques tion. Several Republican have been mentioned In this connection, among them bolnsr B. F. Swope. of Indepen dence: lidward F. Coad. U. O. Holman. K.dward K. Ptaseckl and Walter L. Tooxe. Jr.. of Dallas. Governor Lister and Auditor C. TV. Claaisen. the other members of the Board of Finance, approve the plan. The bonds were authorized by the Leg islature of lns to take up illegal Cheney and Belllngham Normal School warrants. COLUMBIA RIVER RISING Continued Rains Swell Stream, Bridge Work Isn't lel.ijed. but VAXXCOl-VEB, Wash.. Nov. 20. (Special.) The recent continued rains have swelled the Columbia River until it 1 about live feet above zero, but the Vancouver ferry between Vancouver and H.--.yden Island is having no trouble In making- tie landings. The rain Is welcome as there was a shortage, and the trure growers es pecially are pleased with the weather conditions. Work on the Columbia River Interstate Bridge is not being de layed. Rancher Sues Convicted Thieves. ROSEBURG. Or.. Nov. 20. (Special.) Just as Joe West and Charles Kriggs were being led from the County Jail yesterday preparatory to being taken to the Penitentiary at Salem, they were served with copies of a civil com plaint filed against them by W. R. Vin son, a Coles Valley rancher. In the complaint Mr. Vinson asks to recover the sum of $150.. which he alleges is a reasonable price for the three cattle which were stolen by Brlggs and West prior to the time of their arrest a few weeks ago. Briggs and West were convicted of stealing the cattle and were sentenced to indeterminate terms of from one to 10 years in the Penitentiary. CRAB FISHERMEN BUSY Two Hundred Ibozeit Arc Taken From Alsea Hay In One Night. NKW'llillT, Or.. Nov. 20. (Special.) Now that the salmon season is drawing to a close, fishermen on Alsea Bay are turning their attention to the crab in dustry. A a a consequence, hundreds ot dozen crnbs are being shipped to Port land and outside points each day. One night this week 200 doxen were brought to this city from Alsea by team ana moat of them left out by the -morning express. Lincoln County is the only coupty in the state which does not have a closed season on crabs and, as a result, Ya qulna Bay has few left. Alsea Bay belli further from market nas not been fished out. and the present heavy shipments ar to aalisfy the demand for Yaqulna crabs. , A movement Is on foot to have the closed season throughout the state ap ply also to this section, as a means of protecting this resource. BOND RETIREMENT PENDING Washington Considers) Taking in $20,02t School Tue. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Nor. 20. (Special.) If Attotney-Goneral W. V. Tanner give hi approval to the project, the State Board of Tlnance will take im mediate steps to retire the t:n.024 nor mal school bonds, the only remaining general bonded deht of Washington, State Treasurer Ldward Meath. chair man of the board, announced today. Ifair-Pulllng Charge Wins Decree. 4lOSEEtrRG. Or.. Nov. 20. (Special.) Charging that her husband had a fascination for pulling her hair. Mrs. Winifred Williams was today granted a decree of divorce from her husband, P. G. T. R. Williams, by Judge Hamil ton In the Circuit Court. In addition to a decree the plaintiff was awarded the custody of their minor child. Mr. Williams is a rancher and is well known In Douglas County. The prop erty Jntere.ts were settled out of court Roaebnre SchooIsTcsted for Jr'lre. ROSEBl'KO, Or, Nov. 20. (Special.) Slipping quietly into the various schoolhouses or the city today, locai firemen sounded the gongs and turned in a general fire alarm. Although the alarm came unexpectedly to both teach era and pupils, the school buildings wera emntled In less than two minutes. Following tha alarm the schoolhouses were Inspected by the fire officials and numerous recommendations will be made as to how conditions can be Im proved. In one building the firemen found that the hydrant had been sealed and was not operative. Martha! Named Humane Officer. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Nov. 20. (Spe- rll. J. K. Carson. City Marshal, ha been annoinled numane officer for Hood River. During the past several years the local branch of the Society for tha Prevention Df Cruelty to Ani mal has exerted a wide Influence and several .arosecution for neglect and ill treatment have resulted. Iilnn Produces More Turkeys. ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 20. (Special.) Linn County will expert many turKeys this year. Rainirg turkeys is becom ing quite an industry in some sections of the county. A tew years ago prac tically no turkeys were raised for the market in this county, but the number crown is IncreRHing annually. "Gets-It" for Corns, SURE as Sunrise! Any Corn, With "Gets-It" on It, Is an Absolute -Cjonerl" . Vaa It's the simplest thing In the world to get rid of a torn. when you us "Gets-It," the world' greatest corn - ridder. Really,' It's almost a pleasure lo hava corns Just to nee sir-. n&mfoAnta E .. Taa ' .V. arll;1(f - (,n. ,uJi I alUmail I "wats-It" Pat Tour Fact In Clover them come off with "Geta-If It Just looxen the corn from the true flesh, easily, and then makes it come "clean otf 4S hours ends corns for keeps. It makes the use of tape, corn-squeez-Inr bandages. Irritating salves, knives, scissors, and razors really look ridicu lous. Get rid of those corns quickly, surely painlessly. Just easily, with "Gets-It." For warts and bunions, too. It's the 20th century way. ";atB-It" Is sold by all druggists. 2ac a bottle, or sent direct by K. Lawrence Co, Chicago. Sold in Portland by Tha Owl Drug Co, II atorea oa the Fatifio Coast. CLOSING OUT SALE! FKHFtlS Bombarding This Gigantic Stock Daily, a Great, -Anxious Army of SHREWD FUR BUYERS WHY NOT? they say, when you can buy the ili M. IlSawaT U ALU X? a.-! ata. W at. auk in all colors, the craze of the season, AT HALF PRICE! CTgSgB'l!! ilifi IH iVw-ii'Ufeniii'T wrair,miiaaaaail I CLOSING j 0UT PRICE Pick of the House that is, cut the regular price in two (and every piece is guaranteed) any coat, set or piece of fur no mater, it all goes. THE GREAT SILVERFfEL D FUR STOCK 286 Morison St. O. W. ELLIOTT, Sales Mgr. I Am Closing This Stock Out. The Oregonian Want Ads Are Great Business Builders Telephones Main 7070 A 6095