... r-v -T-a - nprpnVT4 TrT7TT NT) VOVrMnFI? 21. 1915. v la aWanfM- a a a I . HOLDERS ARE FIRM Wheat Sellers St:!I Demanding T -j"" W, t FlH Prices. Grower YUthalraw from Markrl la I -alter Half of Wrrk. Wb Val- "-.naMer'aa IS ' t CR!ee . tie :..! wkeel afk.l i()t k l W ll t hT Wit '' war tawer t Ik kt arc San tar EcRa4. km k Jar :- a.n4vt a arm atmada O-T er f c a a i-te.f i-o te-a at -d raa-J 11 iJ i ta t -a - 4 .nl. . aa-ariae of ii. Nrt!r ee'.la tee. ar4a ease 4 f-aa. -aaa ..-ire la!.efa .ad It i V: .'..--- : s-' -i - f f-eiaai a .- a e4 t-aB-tr . la f j . :.-r aa.-. $.!. ! .-. i - r. ; : i i : .i : j t -i -; i .-4 a 4 a- 7 4-aa ... . .: - J"l .,.: .i :; " jl . " ii? J J T i a I '. .' !.- i : i A i ; i . :.:.) 1 a i..-aa..v I of era-? !"' ....:;'." t a: i .... !. ! . I .... I.' ': 5 la: .... I . a : , a : t : a:t I. : !!: .... -.' i : 1 l i - .... T . t I - a .... 4 v . r J i :: .... i : 1 j ! ' " f.i . I ;!.- forUU MAKKBT QlOtinoU W at fl-u-.-n ni r K' I.' V. I fl !. nr tmrtyti!. mat 4ttwy. "a ' I . " "a t.na ..a I r.t..r. Juwrr I' .a . caal Tf . ! v- -r - t, ..'.m l.a t--.. Ial a.ra ' ' ft "JT, r.,,, ,:4 ' Ta aaantrv al atara.'a wa artl, M ta IrM f a is. a. "-( ' a atraaff vaa-a im a-.-'.a " " r.a .rr arai lasat l. la'..fc. at la l i ..ii i.r aJ a laa a.a. a aj.r e I J ' :. l-aar IrKUl aalara .l!VI f ' j J i.". ".'.' ."..'.". ataa. . ; fcj' i ... 'il Tsara aj.a aa aaw ..:. l liaa af (Ha w-h la l&a m.i'.f f r a - a9ttrt aipmanra af n.at ariaa4. ,? waa a.a aaa.ua4 !. a t'rti" imsartanl aala af r. S'1" aaaak II aa ISaaa .aara!baa l&al .' Iaay taarrnraaatal aatiaia taa ta ia Xattta'at avaraxa Mi ta 'T at a ta TSa a:a a Ma i.na a Taai.r aat l 11a kxa. aeaaaa al l:tJ a!aj4. a la nuaxtua lii a a Ilaa aiaaa a aaaaa . aa.a laa awa aa;4 al I -' Taa anaa talt ar4r a J aaara laa waa ii. aar .riwa Taa a'.- ..-al aa a r.ataat!i aim.aaaiy u IS. aat tta itgana' I ma ammt at t iaaan-aaaaa. 1 aa-..r4 fa ir'.avtiaa. ia laia faapt. (at a la t aat aanilaa la ku ' W&ae aa a .a.laaa ulat.. Lat ra.i'a M taa t-aaa w. wwa " . ..a. aaisia aumaaa a l '-a aiU ua&.a Mim4 la la .'raaaaa4.a4 Ual af. Saaarta laa t ra til. t-a i-a al wtaal an I 1.4.TJJ aaaa a a aafUr. Tarniaal la aara. . r.ttl tt in ManHaa-ar I.H4X. aa h.i. W awl M.r r'aaf Oat ltt rtf a. Bl . t.l I .! I .! ' . -ia :i. :t:i -a ;.. : ; ji 1 4 r". ' v. ." a-. -a . .. ) '-' v n . J " .'. ' . ' a "I : ; ' r-. - ; ; ;4 '-i . - .1 ... .1 -; . . .i " a WHEAT STOCKS GAIN Increase of Six Millions in Visible Is Expected. MOVEMENT AT ITS HEIGHT ; a arral; i.ia- fcra. i. aafi nF.r iaa j4nafTft ............ (.if.mi.r ra ia-f a " t .r'.a - ' '. a-t..-u ml.nta. aa linili llhaiu. aa . I. a-a an.ai. iraita. ... iu.n;a:-i pru-. r""- p !, turn . r.:'l .'. I10 ,0S-M. i .at '"- a. ..KM. itr(. I:l': a-.'a.. ) . aaaat. aaia a4 ,,-. I' rnHa aaa iHaN Trfu rut IT '-r.IVIIc- UMllTl aar . laaa atST W" laaaua la a.r aoa4. : a4. ararfral. .iai'.a Ikoial lr a'ir ia iTaa, aa f 11 U aa . , a.". a..... i aata. aii .f aa.. iaj ?". 1 . ..... at a 4ata '' ta.' aa-a Jt 11 : 5 a s a a i l t t ' : .. - a ( . r-mi a i a a tj a s t awann t.a a HI t't ' T" ! " l.aa a4va .; at ! Li 114 a. aucv n low . ciiot nor- feat I' i'.ia I A Ti'a t aM.ft aa ta aaaraal ..atar 4 ;o a fe'tsa, li'l a fnai4 ar I... tlaitflwl aana al r'f''a nil al rram T l. a. aart. - 44.lriaa. aaa raf.r.a$ ka 4 a-a:.v Caii'.rntaj a4toaa f--"f,ra4 It maft aacaat IHa aa.aa mt tfa tji .ia a(n.tma laa kraa. 1 4 .: ra.aaa al it cat ta ,:::aaan, ai laiaa la Caa.aa al II a an ta. Wa:aaf. JM .:. t. t Havana al II 'a .na I ri.ffCftat r.p'ra af aat.a la !! t a.iai ara.aa la rtta.r tn4 ''.ta a 4)a- aa.a.ia t .r fwtt a. aa9.Pal aftt ua f aama m-i. ' !. laat aajay. j Ta t-trnm raatrtflna a taa a.ara ala-- I paaaaia. a hi va mtau-an'a a a a .1 ia t.i4 t.i4 apoaraat'T aaa tat aa ! an laa l..tnim luf aiarkaf. T - f.tiain aa; aaa ra at 4 aa.My; "X.rft.l lft aalai. aai.r. kal ai"i4ftir an'Kail. Ii?.t laaaT prtraa. a;.. 3. r am.r a !""" I ,a-a. na- a. la f TS ! " ' aaa. I i 1 1 Baalra4. al.. I xaa- a - tu'H' atl a- '' . aJ. a raa aa4: a-araaa- ia".. a par aaa4. r aa.l a. a r i-a:j.- . ". ' ll.a-t . . .. i r c.-a. raaa. I W 1 lr. uMtr i ki i ra i.p a. tii. a. raa. ll'i; r . 'ar-. II 14 .ra-a raaaaa S a ' " ra- 5:rta. I (r la par a.fi I rvr.U I-C"l'a. aAcgitl . Taklmaa. It la par aa a. aaaa . ILkllK - v to a kaitai ffW. 1 I- V att.ptnj purl. tal Mai C aaa If rraajac t.aal J'l aja'Waa: l.'.'-iia raai. prl'aa- Jla. I. a... 4. . . i tr 4aa J . - pitoa.. a. . J. ..- 1 t t.TPtr lla-a. ! a tie. ra. I' !.. t.aara. tfal- . iraaa. 4ra-aa4. I V i . 4.-aa. aaa. iaa. caa-i. !. .aaaa. ;a .!' IU rrCT nr rram"T. a. aat'aa. aa...a al fiaik : ' . p-aia aa 1 f taaat aaira. flaaa pa4 la ialf i...n'ti r.a-.r. ;i i . awa.-y. 4""at. 't.w.jra a,-'' a 'a a ajait. Jl. J. X. rilij .a Ut.c.;. iri?-ata. - a f a. 1 pa. ps.4. t. . a. " w ' nri.4l 11. p. p-ma. .4U-l twi, P: par p-jaa.1-rva I'.jaa. a,j par iwaaa. aapia- (.rarafHa. fa.-af rtftlap .attMaa: rmoDirc rou aotm t irt.rn laraa afcromati aaal t aval f iiu I la rati a aaaa) aiaaa. Tla kaaaaa I'aia afrtvaa! a l.ma J "af ar 4v. kit aOar p.l ttnin'l 4a fT'int Ifta wva 4M'aTa4 ana!l l 11a cl'taa af ktataaaa ka'ira Tk.ra u aa .:el ti:0i)ii a(i4l to-al aaaian4. Taa V car af Paval .fang-aa kaa i:wt an4 anntaar raf la 4aa yt -m.t . T. Jaianaaj . ra -aa fa;:at la arfaa aa lima, aa l!w ataaaaf aaa I --a 4ava lata la raa-a. tr 4 laal":a aa4 fm.a'a af t fnsll lank II aaaea.4 4a aar aa jrnt ara 4 .4 at ia. Va'.nciaa al 1-1 T . aa4 j.paiaaaa a'. : par koa. t'a.irraa atiaa ara af 4vtaaaa ta aaa-ataftiaa. 4'ta la Da f "aa fa Ifta! aaaia flaa4 IM;m, Nair.w aa4 raaal p.Kala a-a k w la l. a.rl oto ktUM Ttk.l Tl RUE TMakaaa taa 4a ri4 (at C haaira Pt. im 4 L.'N-1U K" ar. ' iana J7 j.. ra. 4aa aaa fea.f na4 f. ,.4 lata. 4.3. avaaa p.oa. I P- a4 ta. a. t '- a u-Ui... Ilil f. caaa N 7 U a.r "la. aaa wta. la.. Iiraail .-a Laa t..a.rta la a laa. a.-a.4a I4-... ocaaaia ll p. Calaa. aa.-aaa. laaa. aaaataata l-x. tiAa ,m.il alua a . af4 aklta. i a. iiraa )., plaa. . - . VP r I. 41 HaaalaaV, la 4-a-aa. I , .AH Irult aa4 .'. . aaa". il'll C l.. p-aJ.ra-4. la la-Ta a 4 i oafaai rarra a IT !. at.T aa.ia4. p-r ia: ka:f if,.,4. .. .a p.r im. iua. 1110 pa-r 1 a . ao In par la, HI. (.(uaiMfa l'4, IH'I paul4. Irin. 4 . Jat)- at . I . a -?- mi.U rm n At.aa. aa par paa'-l. ;fKi liIi. paaaaaa. .. pf un.a. ta..aa It ralalaa iummw Jaaarala.a. a iuki-i au.'.aaaa. 4 lv- -4a-4. v. Ja-.-a l-a.aiaa. I la . tat4. 1 1 lat fc-. carraala. aM . ' a aaava. liva.. a 4.ar, I. J. 14 !. 1 I'. la W .aa.. Pw. iaa. villa I4. 4a.-a. a. Il-a. tMaa-4. Miala-a. Kir. Iinrl-tPli nift IJ par aaaaaV llll'C aa.la4 al4a. !. 4..a4 taa . -a:i-4 a.t. 1 ki-laa. I.e. praaa k p. i-aa !. . S-laa. --. In alf. S'C VI i-'a. t ar'artf Or to;. Valiap. 13 .- . Ta.i laa4r aaoi. Z. 1 rll 4tR "taj- a. t- ft poaa4. r.'lHI I'l.k-v 4 ! aaa. t a- pap p-a4. l,ILll-t'T aa-aa4 paa drt (1art-a-laa? p.lta, II-. ao isatii-it, ! ti aaa. .a. la aaxiia.. I j t. ; -a aaaa. ar -at. "- "air. J4 ail. 4rp paal (B.ari. III. la t.. 4ata4 laa-aata4 p.. tt. N.-.n l tiIW aaca. q..4 a-ap9r af 4-aaaa.l trsrfeara cam a ta pa.famtar aa4 aaoai ml iftata waac aal aa art.-ti-i4t aa-kaea riaal p.aa4 kutara a j aat t-ta ai a - Mat aa pai4 u la ; I cut f-r naa p-aft!. .MI-, kavtaf la a p-ari.4 lotlay. ktl Iria p-ica wr.l 4m. .a tT. raa..pta iTia.i.r.n ""l . I I ' , ( I 1 . p-ai-a. U I.i1 paaaat la al t4 laa-, J lk: ; iiara. .. k- ri.ra aaa a - r -4t f- ;i.t,i: a.. r.aaU.aaa. traM.a au aua -4ca. - ataa-iara. IJH. 4JaaJ I'.IHI'. p -lca. . aafaaa r-'i . It.a4. !!.-. UA . 1N f'a-"-" HaaJlM. aa 9 .i. - ti -4 IjKT 111 . T aa..ft. ".ar ka'ka, IUHK. Il-.(ti. a f-a. i-jfttpa p.trta rni"ra. lie, r .i m pou e. 4. ls.o. '"I. u--v ta Vaaa 4aaf :.. pla II. na ' al II l tl aui4 lal -"" Tru i.iijrf, M ! ma aaaa paiaa t.iaa turkaya M4 41 , .-vhm.vm f:i aaa 'a (aaaa al tll I". aa4 I pa a. "'a 4tia. aa I tirtr. C vaur ahl. 'i-r- a fcara.4 l'-an.. I maa'a aaaa 4l'J as aT aaa. I p laa aaiaa l-ac; caaaa. .... faaar aaal -) al I aa. a 44 paa at I 4aa a Tara aaaa aa afta-iaraa I Ika aT k-al- ar a.-.a. )! vara Pm affix. -raTIT ARC CtrT. Ci...'tN ll-a.k. Ill, caaaa. JIS. - f aa d aiu ata. 4uRa c caaaa. laa. lap- laa. 4-4-i-a. US, aaaaa. J l LlMIHll U1I- Ka. karrala. ?P. raa. laax, laa. l aaa. kana. :. kaa.aa. u ;a. T, ::l r.ittM--!! i.aka. :r: ta caaaa. T i . laaa. ! I taa-a Arriro arc ow itmnaiM, im ta4 al fra-p-a Ara llaaalWal ky Mlp-para laalam paataaa Ta Oatf ! P-.aa 4a. ka-4 la 4. I I rtVaa. Hill aaa k-tp.4 ta ka a leal t.aa ( ' I a. aaanUI a-a- a ac a-a-at la Iti'. tCT. a. -,:, .( in. a.,.,..!... W .. If a,rAT-.r.n. ..a. N.r. aaa pama-a -f (.' aa.n k,,,.,. I,r!-, ! . ll J.a.., ,a. .... ,.. , .aa.,. pa. I aaaa. 4 a aaunaa, Ta. aa ra- aal tar n..i arpaa, aaaar 'ill k aafa a pa-a f 'iaa waa Ilia par-laa af a.a.-a. i -.a &T I a a-ippara u r.aaa .-..at .. aM p..aa.ja faa Irta rat:4 ar l a r I a ..! 44 ai.. n...taw a. --aa n I ar a-aa I a a aa " a.t.ir'.f. tea a::l k-l la 4a 4 aBim.4 . lalar 41 a..' a. lai l-uuial la taa.r tf. a p: a -t.ai t .-...a I -a f.4a 4a. a 4' .laaraaj a. I af tli.r .Di?.'. T-i. Il-"a.rl Ia 4 . Tn. p.-.a p.lt-4 aai-a awl aaaaa-a-a. a-al ..j..-. ... f 4a kaaa tni a. -Ki. l-ia ra-aaa. War. aai.l la 4a Caat. 14 4.1 ta ' ta k.-avti. l- .! i.' ra aa a a. a kin'lla a . aaaa. ...... .a . . - . al aa a-aa? aa I tar a .rat., a . a4 14. paa .par tlaa. aa -.r kaa4a ..( a.i-T aa-!afa4rify pi-W.a f .r m' j w,. a T.t a:aa li. a .( paa.aaa. IK f.r 14a. aa.... B'.. 4 aal aa.l aaar ac---a a. a pi-'faat n i aar-a 4 aaaap'aa. T. ka -a fcaa. .. tara I -.a !! rwi C nor i LOW 1W44 t1.a.w4 ka I aiia-4 kiaiaa laaka-aal al raaaaaa I aaaKVa. ajtKII 1 l!.. Or. ai at V . . praa.. af ta. la'faa part af l. aaa- Ct.kRkaK rfra UK 1 ai.1t)k-40 ' , , . .,.,, ..aa I-..I l.. tara; taal a;.; aa aaaa a-a ta Ida talajaaalaaaal Raaa-tW Aaaa laarta till rraaa ' I,, kaaaa al k aaaa. t T'a taa.'lal 44 4a44a4 11.4 aar. !... . ip.fl aaa 44 la Ih. aama parlawt. flnll- ... ia- . i t''4 "4 ;"a, iaiat. p.ra afa ram? 'nil ' ". tnonar bf ...CTtr:.. ara.-i.Xa .i 4 a. ...a iaa ' a I ..i. w ,, t- c....(a tnai'raaa Oar rarorJl a r-iiiaa, 4 na.r 4'4a II I aa. all ra'. I . . . a..t a taa la Caatp 4r.4 1 e , p,vl .ha ananr f a r l:a roul at pr- Clila-ai I'rkr- Torn Ikownward nrx-anao of Outlook for Grnrral Fnlarjtr-tnr'nt of American - 5applr Total Mondar. Cllt""AO'. Xor. f Whaal toak a dow- a.r4 paio la prlra ladar. tarf!y bacao af tha a 41 :ok fir a n.ary Incraaa et thk l'Bi:.4 M-.a'.a aruibl pupptjr latal aa 54 oa dar Tha raault ara 40 Un.attl.4 Bfllah. 1 W la IV. altar art loaar. with rai ambar at (I art a I al4 and War at It. MS. Cora toat V to tfHo aa4 aal ajlSc. Thl . fr ma ta pro atona aarta.l frwiai uncb4Psr4 If 4ra ta a "tcciln. of 2r. It waa d fri-u-t ta fln-1 attp tradar who bm'1 l.'k rf hlphrr prlraa oa wheat. Valua btvaa .1 tba plart an4 war at aa tlm. bl ta rarorar ta Bat malarial rttrni. Arrurrt In la arm. atithartlia. th RJCMit llbaral moramant af th whaat Crop thl arn m M b. laokr-1 far ant waa-k. Opinion mmr ata-a4 that th an'r thinf ta pr. atnl ab a maaemant wouir) b. a hortac rf ra-a Aa Inrraaaa cf tKa'.OOO buaba. 1Q Itta alalb: la apaata4. a'.ta taaca4 loaar. matn'r In rmP4thr at--a whaat. Oa th. braak. Ihara wa a raav4 rtaa. af kwrtRaT. k-4dl bjr houaa with launltT rann.rt.r.a ' aiaa (iilaaH th. artlon af roro. Trad f.r lha mo. I part wa Inrat. IVavla'.ua avaralad lawar on arrount af a aa h c-a la tha hr markat. Parlari war a tha paliin i.a m a aad-ral ar. T". laaulr. fataraa rar.4a4 a foi.oa: WHEAT. rpn Itlch. 141', 4 l.- ', 1.44 , CORN. .itH .:, .klk .44 OAT .r. .14 .it . roRK. tl ! i :f IT t la RIB. fa.. Mat rvar. . Mar. far laa alar Jan . . kla. . ta I "1 -4 1 0. , 4tS .a'. .10 n-aa. I II -4 li-a .IS 4 V .40 -p t T . I ;r n la ! I: it ; k i 1 TS it.;. tr i Jaa t I IT o: tJ Mar P JT PIT P t 1 1 ai"i prtra. wara a fotlnw. t n a ta-l. numiD.;: ti I tad. Via-; )via: ,o. 2 haro, aamlba.; No. I tar I. .c i.uj . a irl-.Sa J nl'aa, aid, tlSr: No. t l-t-w aw, 44 0 41'. No. 4 walla, Baw, it a It.. Va r. 41 . . 11 tr.at-.;i u -, T faaal p 9 I ..,ar I'. 11 IP l. r-'.rrarp ra. ifla Whaat lknH (uh:t Bfi.tt 1 . c a. a a htt.h.a. aa alna; tt!4aa; oat a. To4.4t kuaha: Par ai -- l " 40a a-oaania-k kail. J.TU 44 bu.ha'a ara sal : raw. -nr., ; : l.a 4 bu.h. a a. 4.. I Ita.a... araia. t.i:a.-JO luaha.l aa.ir.at a.-aTX ' raraarr a haat. III aft p-inr!a; rm. JT a. -4 pu.na a. aaia. 4.J bu.n... . T our. i.oa b 4 r r a a. Faararla-a (arala Markat. t.ivr Rrorl Na. .- Caah wkaat. aa ckaatra-4 ta a4 aaaar. t.afNrV-f. Vor. ait-ai aa paaaapa Kkaal aaial a4 uarfcatiaiad. IfTNtMl ATKK.H. .s. X-Whtit S ta Z H 1. aai. Mlaaaapalaa t.rala Markat. VtV-VrtAf'-fcl-lf1. N r Whaat. I ra - bar. V4S-- M4. taIS:No. I bard. ll4: N 1 .a. ..rtharrt. I a ty I ci T , bartrp ia a) . liaa. II taa t ta T ta-s. laatrra Craia Mark 4. M'UTII. Na. ; -Wh.al -C'.oaad. Da-car.-t-ar. ia,r. alar, tl oj'aj. " IVNtl'ira. N. Whaat Ctoaad. Da. aamlrar. k4.c. May. 11.01. kJtNNr.Ar-t.trt. No. -. Whaat Ctoaad. taxa-alat. kS bid. . II ! bid. Ktvail rtTT. No. "M Whaat Cloaad. tarambaf, frT'a'l Mar. It 001,. T. It"4. Na. I". w ha. 1 Cloaad. Da cmb.r. ItuiS; Mar. Il.fl. miCA'Jta. No. i'".--Ca.t whaat. le loaar. laara IS low.r. I. rata al aa FraarW-a- A? rKANrtCa). No. "pot qoota- ,lon-a4ll4 Walla. 1 1 J H 0 I -' i d Ku atan. lia)r,i,; TurhT rad. lltTHI IT" biaaaiam. 1 1 To 0 I T . 4 : f.d barl.r. II ji: ai.ua aaia. HJj0lTW. bran, l.'l aai:i ii. rn.4dllna. I.IO UOO-U aaa; .-.-r-a ;4 .- ( I iu i.l h--ard 4ar.a). laicamb.1. IU'"a: Mar. II . racr4 Pa-aad Orala Markrta -r tTTt-r'.. No -.11 Whaat Bturatrm. IV; Tarara rrd. ar; f-rtfo:d, W.lc ; club, k-jr: flfaa. p-ar; rad Raaalan. Par. Barla. I'iT par I"-. TratarJar car rr-ra'pia: Wbaal. . aat. 2; bar la). S. rora. I; fluur. TrOl-. N. 2at WTiaat Pluttfa. Tr; firtaf'ld. air: tlub. kcir; rrd fif. Bjc. tar raar.pta- Whaat. T. rorn. S. rjr. 1. , LAMB PRICES AT TOP l.x-l. MARK ITT l HICIIF.R Till OIt tElRi TAUT. afi-acr rraitnc bamatad bill; dmln-latra-.on of fataat rar-a: rallr4tlon of poiaonou plant: markatmff of Itveatork and Ita product; d.lar t trrmlnla; stocaT.. jrard farllitlra. fmaticlDC llraalock toana; raiuatlona la railroad llraatoek contra eta; rharr for claanina aod dlalnfacilna of car: railroad rl and arnricra; raot rat caaaa b.for th. Intcratat Comm.rc Com tnlaalan: euppraaairn of th foot-and-mouth nd othar lnttlou diaaaaa; aanllary rrfU latlona of dlftrrant atatra; prohibition of th. imponatmo of lltock and animal produrt from countrlr whrra contaaTiou dla.aa.4 4t4t; lna;rrtlon af mrala and bide from Mailer.; rrotrctlon of American llva- tortt owner and raachmen In Mexico; Ila-a. lock rondltlona In furalcn countrlea; da at ruction af predatorr nlmta: riport and Import of liieatork and meat, meat-m- p.-tloa law; prohlblttv tax on olenmar farma. and aradaj lahTlaatloo, Th rami of prlcaa at lh local yard for th variou claaaea of lITaatock followar CHolr. alarn 4.VlfJ. fW) I... 6.113.75 5.lnw5...0 t.UITS a...... A.Ttt l...f . .......... .. 3.ra1a.00 3.iaia 4..M aaaaa.a.a... 4.aVUv..a (tntf. r, ...a &.IHI jg V.l0 4T!tJrlno ............. 4 ,M1 tjd.no e.laoOT CHj Oood a ( aa ra Medium atrer C'ti"lra at ear a . flood row a . . . Medium cow Halter I'ulla 0laa Hon Mhl Heavy atheep w.thar Era Lamia Omaha LlTratork Markrl. OMAHA. No. r. Hoar Rerelpt troi, lleavr. a :i(i I4; lilit. Hti ua, pic. pV:iai.ie. bu.k of ;. n.Hv t 4.1 C'.ttl Rccalpta Ifaf. tcady. Natl, atrera. 14 r w.5l; r-owa and hfera. .' AO tj 4.T. ; Weaiem ateara. $4. 00045: Tftal eta-era. I '. Tjo I.'"". tackr, and faadera, .r)aj k.f't. hharp Rc.lpta ItVHr, ateadr. TcarllnaT. 14 imi) 4 T.; wathara, I5.txd.fa0; lamb, la.aau j a.aVi. . Chlrata Mrratark Markrl. fHirAll't. Nov. r. Hoa Rea-rlpt TkOf). fairly activ at lie under ye4tajr!y' vrr ar link. I. 0. 11 4.T0. lt-ht. .V TO tt a.i5; miard. ts & f a. 70: heavy. I4t7.7a; rough. 4tt..n; n!e. li. a tl a.4. t'attla Kar-elpta iV" weak. Natl beef atera. j wg HI.::: W.atern ateera. rl 3ua !.. roaa and b.lfara. (J.TaffkO: calve. 1 iHia.:. rir.r.p Kea-alpta yxw ateady. Watbara, la.IvOd'j; lamb. I M' o. OIL STOCKS STRONG Other Issues Are Irregular in Wall Street. WAR SHARES ARE WEAKER- LOWER FREIGHTS URGED KFFEarr OF OCEAX CHARGES OX W HEAT PRICE.". Meaalr tlvamaad (ar .aw4 KllllaaT trrra. rartlaal'i Rr-ralpt a Taa llrary. Tker war. na aal. at tb rlnalna aaewtna af tba llatok market yeerterdar. Ka. r.'pta war 1 rattl. ralaraa. i'l bar and lil ahaap. Hhippar wara .f. af. Miahl.r. rlubbard. I caar boa: bm'.tb Proa. Uroad arraa. I car hap: fveraa er Ik Cummin Cgrtallla. 3 rar eMeep. C. S. trflcka. Canby. J ear. rait'... calr.a and bora. Aa an aaaial.p Ua rtaa al boa la aipaatad Moa da. ;aaiawar markat roodltloD bar th L4et. k liefiorter aaya -Mnlaa'a iaaaUlnr ah.rwaj but 704 cat. Ita. Tuar-'a; an I U'ednaraday 0t. Crm paral with tha flrat of tha month aod laat anoatb. rra'P' baaa baa attlna aaatar. Thar. I a aaln. hawaa. lalal ar laat year far tha aama period- Thta weak aaat ar k.a aat kaea oa a level aUh laat a.aa a l.mard f ar fj-a-d kllllna ataaera VJar aarallant. t jt tha quality a a not here There w4 a vrlnk:in of a tew pc. 4 af th. T-eeaat klrtd. but had thera ,.ai aaatl"! kara ra do-abt they waald bar. ...raa al a quarter kih.r. far lh lirel half af Ih. waa a feoatera ki kot moved Willi ay traadoin. O-ttr an. rar went aait. thl I. aa l a.tera lioi faeater. r eerier prlra ... a l loaar thaa anrmarr kr hava they c a seed aaa tn a a ma n t la Ih. lat a h 4 an tr n a ma n t la Ih. Ka.t a ha. atata-t. Thay ara al'-aa'.lnal bard ta .Ma r. al .Irnoet any prl-a. rd.r trada ta tr.la aaa--toe la aa rrltc that II I bard 4. p .-. any prlra aa tha different claee. -or.ad k raaalpajl axaatlau. to ba keaay ithah aat toa hary -r facilltlea I. car fa. them hr Nana fnrtlead buy ara. I p la keta rdaa ort:acd loo car. of inma'Mia lk- - mar. head "f boa aaaa aaa a!d la tha aama pari awl. Hnla- ..aa in n a aaa-aiaaa af ":a-ka Cwtntt. aa aaaaa':. at. 14 X M.f far-a. al -. IHt .. ..-a a ll.vw .f a It ..rad a"pia. ara .a'k 4 artat may ara w 'a ta par aaara ... ... a t- -41 f Ha -. t rt rr !" arbiter l ivo-iif ra ik,.; -. it in t- aa - a- . a tMaaa. W a 4 aiaraaaaa. a .-, ftaaO 111. laa I xa as A 1 & f0.tra.Ln I (T M rt . t Wk atTaa at ak ttas. I PaWtarl (t t It f rfrm lhlT dlVl- Na-' ot' CO -- C mrfmt $.! mm Ik.i-4fa0-'0lr.t Tl m ! 0i li 'TOP. lam ! .1 j U'T ' '" l C r-taat K f.a- 0f J rrM LWr IC.i4 a oar-'t W X - i m wma. f : in' 4rnaaam A ' i'. ax a. . a -...a k.... 4k aa f 4rta? a r190j 4(1 ,..t aa.t ...a ara waaa-rf. ' p'aa at.a4.. f "' U- aar. I ... r-araa II I ra-. a. ta. aaaa. a a"4 V - .-,. fr . t aaraaiai !)'ia p.aaa4a aaT r-14 4' we-- fanaad traalla a aaa lark. "r a 1. Ha Z IT vapar atad p- aai-A .ceiafl prrw takra. aaa IU4 a4 Makaw. la ptaartar. af a a-aa " a a a W . a la.t. a.l a -1 I a - a a a.aataa4 yaaaaedala la aaa t I t aal aaa a Ua 1 a ail Market. .rr tTIt N. :a . t.'aaaa-t raa. iWil-. 1 "ear, : a: , May. liai Maaya at Neat a aek. Mt tOKk. N. : II -pa qat.f . . 4 . a r -a. 1 7 p. nr. Marl.y I n.r aaa aai paihln la 4-ealda IOO head a ..I -aa-l a T a'leraoa atH a few ajoata. Wft'rt aar. at offered for aat. lamb pravea th ainrrat they laa baan f"f e-a.-el anra at iM time of tha year. Laat ..ar tker aea. aa.ia( al t''ii d lb r 4a- -r. at I ' T i ' a. rail laa bare, taaaiaat far tha N'nalaantn laaeal -eav.-tloa f the Aaarlrai Na li..r I.'. P''--k Aaaara-tatton. ta ba he d 1 1.1 I'rao, Ta. ;ai' I - I and :7. A-.a-.c tr. autjevl f rer-airtlfan ' r.drral rortral art puia (ram( land, tba la Mlakt Nat Be Chaaaarr la Er- laad Itb RralMi-tloai la Itatra. Th taondnn corraapondent of tha North wtra Millar: rommanunf oa tb prob- ab; affect aaaa th whaat markat of a ra- durtloa la fralpht rata, aaya: Kaitar remain con I Id ant, with a fair In qulry in 'iht. and. altboucb phlproent to th V'niied Klnxdom proved to b soma. what heavy, prica bar not brn affected. Th rrowiRa arincancy of tha frlght mar ket contlnur tb mot prominent factor In forcJnc wheat prlraa to a blather lavat. but II ua reported that ahlp oanera ar dt.paaaeal n at lacourax any further rlac. and it la uiretrd that tbey wourd b will Ipi to co-"pefta.allh ahlpper to reduc ftelffht fa a mor rcaaonaX'l leet. Thl 'a partly du to tha fart that tha huh .'icuraa ara anterferln with trade In other dlrea-ilrme. frelgMa heln movliy advanced by t, rompatltlv bl'ldr.a unanl htppra. The htsta aacean frelirht have been ra relvlrf th. attentlna of -th Government. nd It 1 asoaaihi. that th. new Auatrallao wheal cmp may ba dra.l with on tba aiml line aa tnoaa adopted In lha raaa of tba Indian crr-p. I'erhapa aama arraogrmatit can aalo ba mad. In rrapact of tha ajana dian rrp. hut th. queation of th mova men: of North Amaiina prln to Europ remain, and th problarn of ptovldlns: uf flrtent fonnac to carry It at raaaonAbi ratr wi;l requtra om 4lutlon. Any frertou diatarbaar of trad belaaen neutral countrlea muei. If p-oaalble, ba aol.led. and II ha barn pointed out that atl.frtor fralah'.a ar paid for Brltlah a.nir.1 between u.utral countne b tnoa who can afford them, and th. obvious ef fect from th Brttlah point of lew la to help creal credit In n.utrad couBuitl a. '-.era t baa. ara bad!y aaaded. Tbrra ar, e eour, other contlnatencle with rxrd ta prlc. and a reduction In freight aouM n..l auarantaa tha rheap naa. of lb article, aa hldera mlsht ba dia poaed to hold for baiter prlcaa. eapaaclaliy If iney war aupported by apeculauv action. Aa to th r-roe pert for uppllea. th p ettlon eouij ba. .ly b better, and atatlatlca tell a .-ry plain lale. Hrllleh farmer ar ranldera-d la he In Daealiin of enmethln; tlaia a.I'.fx qra. of th near crop, which la th larpret quantity head at thl date for many rr. Then, th reaumptlon of export frarn Icdla la not Improbable, con atdrrln th hlth wheat price now rutin.. W. have Ih. week th harbinger of th Auatranan new crop In th ahap. of an of fer of a eteamer carco far January loaAlntf. at ad. xclud!nc wr rlftk. and tha outlooa ther and In Argentina I confelaedty good. That 1 lb proml.e. therefore, that, apart from tb. large auppllc available In th t'nlted Matea. nffrr of wheat mill b ample for Ku rope an requtramanta. The London tlraln Reporter h Uaued atatement of th world'a crop, which how. that thl eeaaon a yield la larger than In an prevloua ear. the eattmat be ing SITTCO.faai qr. agalnat 4.1 t.3"o.aaO Isat jer and a fl-)aar averag of 4S7.r-70.00o. In th f- ce of the figure on th on a,. ad and th. undoubted lack of tonnage on th. other. It remain, to ba aran whether th. high t.rlre in thla country ran b maintained, and dollar wheat atabllehed 00 tour pid. cf th Atlantic In thla country the nw crop la helng threahcJ ver regularly. nd quality I flrl good for ordinary milling mvra. Prog reaa In tbraahlng. howeer. la omewhat lawmprred. farmer ara burr on theland Th Tlmea monthly report Indlratee a ylald of 77utf qr. axalnat 7.a..o.,n laat year, and a alx-rer average of T.SOO.Ofti. In Tanc th weather la good and cul tivation la making normal progre. except whet a. labor la arirra. la Hpln report re generally aatlaf rtor. but lha lark of molatur render cultiva tion difficult. In Ru.aii th weather ha been gner ty farorahl for Autumn cultivation, and Winter cmp aawlng baa been carrlrd out under aatl.fartory condition, germination bo far being very aucceaaful. India la believed to ha a larg quan tity of wheal In farmer- hand or and ho, borne requirement. Excellent jalna ba fallen la part of lh Punjab Bom ba and l')r"'ha. and tha general poal lioa In thee, dl.trlcta ha greatly Improved. Auitrallan crop report continue favor- bai Arrntln report cf th wheat crop ar generally encouraging AN FRANCISCO FBODCCS MARIXT rrtre Carrrat aa Baiter. Ecga, Fralta, Taxf rtablea. Etc at Bay City. AN FRANCISCO. No. Butter Freak 4tr. c; prim flrat. lc; frh Kiaa Treah cxtr. 6l-: pullet, awe. Ca.aaee New. lie; California cbaddara, 17i,c. Toun Amrlc. Ic Vagatabie tjreea peaa, ICIc: Summr aquaan. 7 Sa-aj 1 1 .-0 : atring beana. c: wax. c. llmaaa. So7c: egg plant. Xalrlngaton. lac a It. k'l pepper. 4ti.0c; lomaloae. Vav-vll. caacumbar 40 0 44c (.i.ioo 1 aliform. ay . Fruit Lemone. IllltlU; eranga. 11.71 0414. grape fruit. I:i0l0. pinoapplaa. Maasilan. Il iS.l: banana Hawaiian. ft4 tallta. acr-ea. 7. ".-. laaaclduoua Jrulta tukay grapea. 104011 11; pear, winter NVo'taitiL:ta. aVclll ll; ftallnaa. 11.11 0144: eweet oa the .treat. 111.01 It. Hoajalpia Flour, I'O quartera. barley, IX' So-m cat.:: beaaa. aitio aarka; potavtoe. 4U0 acka; by. tu toh. Caff latarra. wrw YORK. No. SO. Bualneaa In tb mar a at for Co! fee fuloree conalated Urgly af witcblo from December to lal.r montb. but Ib.r wa aio aama caiiring nquioa lloa ol trad ai:ing. wbl. ther appeared ta be very few buying order around lb rtng. Th opening waa 1 to 2 point lower, and th market acid off to n7c for May nd T 02 for December, with tha cm abow- In a aat loae Of a 10 a pamaa. ra.ra. ia.--i Noremraer. elc; Laaeember. 7l; Jaaoary nd February. 0 71c: March. 7;c: April 7-; May. 4-'c; June, dadc; July. Opt. Aatutt, ayac; peptemner, a.wic; ajto- pa r. 7 I4a-. Hoot, oulet Rio. No. T. 7r: ba nt oa 4a, c. Na Chang, wa reported la Ih coal ad freight ailuatlaa. The o;Mr'.1 cablea reported an advanc of l-3?d In Rio Fichang. to London w:ib Rla market 7i ra.a higher and ban to un changed. Metal Market. NEW yoPK. Nor. 20. Copper, firm. aElarc tro atlc. fJS l ltae. leva, utchiagad. 1 Co)x-rs Fall to Rericct rurtlier Advance In Prlc of Metal. liond Market la Fairly Firm Tliroti(rhout Week. NEW TORK, Nov. S. Weakne In war ataack ana ainaiea apawaiua apread to ami of the more tabl U.ue. characterlxed tb light dcallnga of today aiiort acaalun. r-omaa iwaaaa -" -" - 0 " retrieved before the c!oe, while oil :' were abaoluteiy atrong, with a gain or 40 points for Trxa Company at 103. At their extreme alocllrro. such t?cki a Bothlehem ttteel. btudebaker. W llly aaverland and Baldwin LaOcomotlv were ..... 1 1 - ... u r.v'a rloae. from 4 to IV poinaa uuuat j -- and copper aiao were bacarwavrd. regard- . . j in aha an.tal to lea: or a lurauer aua.uva . . . . 1 n..riaaaMt nraB- Ijac l,niieo. nira lt . - r euro of the am character recently noted .. . . . . . rfivlalnn were na ran in ana " , a point or mor down. Short covering rectified thl condition In part toward Ui end. but th cloae wa Irregular. Total aa aa amounted to .HS.euu pharea. . . . in.luHwt re. Tit aaya ouog.a i - porta from tttvrcanllla agenclea which fully r . J -. I anara I f T M. al A confirmed earner iaaa i - exparuaUn and a wider dlmrtbution of moat c laser a of merchandlae. thla condition be ing logically accompanied by greater ac tivity in many line of Induetry. particu larly laixUle. Betterment alo i reported In bank eollectlonat, with an increased de mand for money. , Indication point to another advance In moit flni4hed product of th steel mill and 11 I toniiaeiiuy iiiouiv.au - .11 ail rent, during graiue capper a. 4. ' - . . K th coming week, with corresponding higher ... 1 w . n,a ilka nrod- quntalion tor ea4, avxiiai ""ever! of th Standard Oil ubaidlarlc announced a lurintr ruva an j,..a. -. Stocks or tnat raimor ua.a -u- ---ture of Ui week on lh "curb" and added no little to the dally operation oa tha tnck exchange. .. . Inatead of th Urge gain In cash which Iic4 Dank were eaaaciau w the week's buslnoa. a nominal decrease waa reported, with virtually no change In actual r.rv. h. ww itonaa ware 1 a 1 1 1 r utui a.u..... - showing mora or lesa Independence of IM movement In tock. Today' sale totaled and Panama l.ue. mm hlirher b V to 1 per cent on ca.l duritux tlM week. rv...4-i t, r-wv ATTITiTlOVS tlal.t o.v-ra. Closing Sale. ..4il ai.tion l.faiO n.iM 3 a.ial O.KIf Alaska Gold AU'.a-aThalmera. . Am Beet "ga.r. American Can... American Loco. Am bm 4t tulg- ilo pfj Am fu nefc... Am Tel ak T-l.. American Tab.. Anaconda Cop.. Atchteon Baldwin l.-ro.. Ifalt ar Ohio tlatH Sree'. Br Ratp Trana Hish. rlK mi4 1'7S 11rt" 1.7" l'-'1"3 tlia 2."Va al 400 , a.i P.!0 JOT. p.70 11" l.OajO 1MV4 SI' K7S to;-. Calif Patrol...! .4" i.n.atl.n fir Central leather. Cha Ohio.... Chi Ort Weal... i hl Mil St r. Chi 4V N W C R I A P Rr.. Chino Copper... Colo Fu at Iron. Crucible titeel.. l at R O pfd. .. Pi.t Securities.. Erie Oen Electric art North pfd . . i.r Ivor v.rt cm hod eM a.ioo I'.Ha M 1 .". 'i aiuo i::.i S.tW'i . !,:in tj.500 "lV.no 20. 7' i0 al 1.100 r...'o lluxgenhrim Et. 11. 3uJ rilnouS Central Int Cora Corp. . 7O0 Inspiration Cop. rf.l'fl lnt Uarv. N J.. 3u0 K C Southern. laehlgh Val er.. 1.600 Laul A Naah Mexican Petrol. lO.ioo Miami Copper.. 7n0 M K A T pfd Mo Paclf'c Nation1 Biscuit V.flr.a.1 tj-.d.. "tlO Nevada CODDOr. S.Sa 1 v-entri. . . . N V. N H aar H. Nor 4s Waatrrn. North I'ac'fic. I'clflr Mull I. n Tat A. Tal. Pennvlvan! .. Pull P:I tar. . .. Ray Con Cop.. K-aaing . '.1 t f. ' 74", 4K 4 Hi 17. 12S 41" 7U Jis" I'JTT 2-'Si .S7S 107 '4 111S ' &41 "b9ai i'4a 1-' r.7 HSt, 1.--N Pl, 1144 1 f.3"i r.ni, 71"i "ii'v. 43, 174 IMH 45S lOSVa 21 s 44, I'M ft 34 Vi 11 'j 34 W ln-k 2 loo in; l.oou . hoia 1.4'X 111 2.100 lltl oaio J. i oat l.i"0 3, !MiO 4. ni'o 4,H HO 1M Ken lr l-t1..1.2' Kaoah Pacific. Pouthern Ky. . . . Studehaker Co. . T ......... Cnn . Texas Company. 1 laoo 1 iho 7..o 1.-..7 li'-.'Vi :.7V i..o an- lexas v.umiait. "' Union I'acific... 0.l"o 13i's , . . j a ooo 4.J. . . 2tl.S"0 4HO 5.3"0 3110 9.4'irt 400 4.4 11. aS 78 a C.'.lj "so't, UN tilt., IIS 1"2'4 aota llSVa 1KI 'to'i .'.!"ai 1CI 2 bJVi b)t 102 2:iS J'.'"x iss 1.1-N Una 8-l'a bid. 27i 314 as f.a 111 lltj'l 12s f7i 107 W 113 4'a 474 M 27 . Ib3a 5S tH'. loH P4 134 a 19H 4 V- 47. 4H'i 174-4 12tSN 4a 7SS 1"C-J 21 Ta 4.-'. 10' S 32 to Mil 124 93 344, IS Mi 12.. 4 tl4 la 1S 102 'x hll'4 11st ii't'4 32 ' 434 .', lam lx 2 S2N M "4 102", 23-. 17.2 itil 1311 Va 84 l)-1i 77 77 US 87, 7H ' 7 63 14 j 420 .".O 30 ,1.1 nfd TJ . Steel ftah Copper. . . . earern t nion .. Wealing Eire... xaa.nf.na Poaar Oenrral Motor Wahaih Is ttd.. i"'" Intrr iter pin.. w lotai aaira lor ana u.. o.w.vuv BONDS. V ref. I, reg. aW INorth Po 4... 04 dra. coupon .. l INorth o 3s.... .i U S S. reg ...lOlVaiPac T T 3.. I' da coupon . . 111 v 1 t'enn con. aa.. a"-s U 8 4a reg. ..1"9N South Pe rcf 4 PON do. coupon ..ll'l I, fit Pc 4 97 Am emeu tia...iia m u r "'- -- '":'-'? Atch gen. 4... 4H !t: R 8teel Ha. . .14 I) a R . rrf. .".a v0' South To c. 6CIO1 H . . . . 1: . 1111. . 1 V, r.l a 73 a . a a 1 ' Money Kxchange. Etc. NEW TORK. Nov. 20. Mercantile paper. 3tr.1s- Ptarling. JO-d Mils, 14. H5: demand, $4 WHO. cables. 4.PS3. Barsllvcr, SI Vic. Mexican douara. :itaac. Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds, firm. AX FRANClfCO. No. 10. sterling. W day.. 14.64 Hi demand. 14.6414; caoie. 14 70a. Mexican -doMr. tie: draft. lrht, 0114 par cent; do telegraph, 03'a per cent. Stark Dnll at London. LONDON". No. 21. American securities 1 th stock market lacked upport and dropped. blor parity. Th closing was dull. ACTTAIa 8ES.ERVK CHANGE IS SMALL Modrralo Increase la Loaoa by New York Banks. JCEW TORK. Nov. 20. Th ttement of the actual condition of clearing-house banks and 1 ma 1 companle for the week show that they held 1193. 674. t-6il reaerv In execs of th legal reajulrement. Thl I a decrease of I17O.410 from laat week. Tha statement follow: Increase. Loan lc 13.11. 4SS.0V I.S.7.-.2.trOO iteaerve, owa vault 57,13s.OOO t.ooo.OUO Keaerve In Kardara. Keer Bank 16aD.io2.000 8.139.000 Raaaa4brV it OthtT ilxT B TpTtSrle. M.44O.000 t 83H.UOO v- demand d.postt S.M4.'---.l.i''0 5.442.1J Net tin. d.po:t.. 14.-..521.0OO 7j:j.l0 Clrcui.tlon 4-.051.lHM OtM.ooo ehlch 847S.5tl.000 la specie. De- Of A.arrca'e re.crve. I7S0 910.000. Excess re serve. l"3.674.eaJo; decreae. 1170.410. Hummr- of tat bank and trtjjat rrrm-pxnl-a in Oreater New York, cot Included In ciearlng-hou.. etat.nt.nt: n?"t Loana. tc !pecl Lata: t.-nder. Total dptialt. . 617,.:'7.HOO 84..27.VO 621 S41. flora 34.5'0 9 467 f'O J9. IOO .. S20.l.S.6o" 1.2t2,ioJ r.anke- ca.h rcaajr-re In vttltw I1 1.190. iO0. Trua' companle' caah reaerve In vaults. IjO. 6 IS. 4C. R.4ILKOAB TONNAGE NEAR MAXIM CM Problem at Freight Handling Will Soon IWfcom. Acuta. NEW TORK. No. 20 laosae In qaotad valuea and a pronounced diminution of ac tivity were the main feature of the finan cial situation thla week, which was ruled largely by th operation of the speculative .t.n further abstention of public In- trreat or Investment demand waa reflected In th hravlneaa or certain issues, r-.pecia.iy that croup of epecla'tle which made great eat galna during the mid-Summer. It la Interesting to note that aome of the war har4 ar now 23 to Ml point under their best, while Bethlehem Steel, at It minimum of 440, showed a decline of 180 rrora its maximum of recent weeks. Metal shares uere the strongest features, with several new records, a natural outcome of the higher prices quoted for refined cop per, together with the enormous increase of domestic demand. Petroleum stocks also figured to a con siderable extent at marked gains. Texas Company was foremost in this class, its rise to 2ti3 representing a gain of 34 point tor the week. Condition In the steel trade may be dis missed with the significant statement that every mill of Importance is producing fin ished products to the limit of capacity. Railroads in all sections are carrying al most the largest tonnage in their history, and the problem of freight handling will become more acute when the crop move ment reaches Its flood. October sta:ements of earnlnss are expected to exceed ull rc ords of rcent years. ' LARGE INCREASE IN GOLD RESERVE Federal Bawks Report Gain of 818,000,000 - in Week. WASHINGTON. Nor. 20. Tha gold re serve in the Federal Reserve Banks -increased xbout Slb.OO0.0OO during the past week, according to a statement of the banks' condition November 111. issued today by the Federal Heserve Board. It shows: Gold coin and cerliffcates in vault I245.4O0.OO0 Gold settlement fund 69.34o.0o0 Gold redemption fund with United States Treasury 1.232.000 HOPS ARE TAKEN 111 Growers' Association Finances Its Holdings. HAS POOL OF 30,000 BALES Total gold reserve 81.1,077.000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc.. 32.173.ooo Total reserve 84S.150.0uO B'lls discounted and bought Maturities within 10 day 8 4.603.000 From 11 to 30 days 12.320,000 From 31 to no day 13.R33.ooo From 1 to HO days D.OlS.ooO Over Wl day 3.373,000 Total 8 45.149,000 Investments: Cnited States bonds 8 12.674.000 Municipal warrants 27.519,000 Federal Reaerve notes net 18.792,000 Due from Federal Reserve Banks net l.-..S2T.ono All other rosources 3.662.000 Total resources . Liabilities: Capital paid In Government deposit Reserve deposit net Federal Reserve note net All other liabilities Total Mabllltie $471,773,000 8 R4.S54.oon 13.000.000 3S4.9H7.0O0 . . . . 12. 923. 000 3.9V0.OOO .$471,773,000 Gold reserve against net liabilities, 79.0 per cent. Cash reserve against net liabilities, S7.7 per cent. Cash reserve aarainst net deposit liabili ties, after settlni? aside 40 per cent fold reserve aarainst net amount of Federal Ke serve cotes In circulation, 89.3 per cent. WOOL MEETING IS LATER DATES OF PEXDLETO.V SESSION ARE CHANGED TO DECEMBER 3-4. Dlapoaitlon of Public Landa and Foreat IllKkvraya Are to Be Amenp; questions to Be Discussed. The dates for tho ISth annual conven tion of the Oregon Wool Growers' Asso ciation, to be held at Pendleton, have been changed to December 3 and 44 Tho change wa made so the convention would not con flict with the Pacific International Live stork IShoa- st Portland. The call for the convention. Just issued by the officials of the association. s;i: "Some of the questions before the con vention will he: 'Disposition of the Pub lic Domain." This is an Important question to every man In the West, whether he be engaged in woolgrov. ing or not, but espe cially to the woolgrower. Many believe that the final disposition of the public lands will be mad, by the next Congress and It behooves every one of us to be on our guard and try to gft such Iejrislation that will be best for tho West In general. 'Driveways to and In National Forests.' Regulations to and In National forests is a very important matter to sheepmen, as In a few years it will be almost: Impossible for sheepmen to get their stock on some for ests, if the drlveaays are allowed to be hemesieaded. "Other Important questions will be: 'Pure Fabric Bill.' 'Railroad Rates- and Service.' Quarantine snd Control of Contagious Dis eases.' 'Forest Reserve. Grievances.' 'Scalp Bounty l.aw.' 'Mutton Market.' 'The Mar keting and Storing of Wool ar.d the Finan cing of the Wooigrower.' a "The Pendleton Commercial Club lias in vited the woolgmwers to meet there.'' New York Fin gar Market. NEW TORK. Nov. '."'. -Riw sugar Firm; centrifugal, 4.77c; molasses, 4c. Refined, dull. The market for sugar futures was firm on trade buying and covering, closins un changed to five points higher. Sales. ,4.'.00 tons: December. 3.61c; Jlarch, 3.14c; May, 3.20c: July, 3.32c. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN. 111.. Nov. 20. Butter Higher; 60 tubs sold at 31c- p Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 20. Spot cotton Quiet; middling uplands, 11. 7.1c; no sales. Country Banks Show Prosperity. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Nov. 2f. (Spe cial.) The statements of many of the smaller banks of this vicinity, following- the call of the Controller of Cur rency, show an increase in deposits on November 10 over those of September 2. The deposits of the Citizens Bank of Tenlno totaled $2.1, 464. 73: the Toledo State Bank. $59,764.16, and the Little Falls State Bank at Vader, $55,216.58. Mount Angel to Build Sewers. SILVERTON. Or., Nov. 20. (Special.) After a delay of several months the City of Mount Anpel has decided to build a. sewer system. The matter was brought to a consummation at a rocent meeting of the City Council, and con struction work was- commenced this week l: ('forts to Break Vp the Organisa tion Meet With Failure) Fitteain- Cent Murk Is Goal Set. Outlook for Future. SALICM. Or. Nov. 2o. (Special.) An nouncement was made at the headquarters of the Oregon Hop Growers' Association this morning that arrangements have been completed whereby the hops signed up with, the association will be taken in and the work of receiving; has beg-un. This an nouncement is made in refutation of the re lort which has been circulated by enemies of tho tssociation to the effect that the association would not be able to finance its holdings and. in consequence, the or ganization was on the verge of collapse. The association Is also In possession of irrefutable evidence that tremendous pres sure has been brought to, bear upon the banks of the Willamette Valley to prevent them from extending the association fur ther financial assistance. In the effort to force the organization upon the rocks, but. notwithstanding tills powerful influence, the associaion has b.en successful In makin-r all necessary arrangements to provide suf ficient funds to carry its stocks over au indefinite period without -embarrassment. In the efforts to break up the association pool and forco ita holdings of 30.000 bales upon the market wnen it was in the midst of depression, the association officers state that banks of the Valley, which are handling the association finances, were beiuic urgently prevailed upon to compel the organization to et go at 9 cents, without success, and. by reason of its being able to hold out against any and all emergencies, the asso ciation feels that it has already made 3 cents, or $180,000. for the growers, as 12 cents and better is being freely offered the association by dealers. The association has teen holding out for lo cents and will continue to do so in definitely, and the officers believe that pre vailing conditions warrant this price and that it will be re ched in the very near future. Lowest dealer estimates on the 1013 Pa cific Coast crop and hops remaining unsold in growers' hands credit California with a production of 117.000 bales. Washington 000, and Oregon 11,000. or a total of 214. 000 hales. Their estimates of hops remain ing nns.Id is: California. .10.000 bales; Ore gon. 30.000 bales, und Washington 12,000 bal8. a total of 112.000 bales. The asso ciation's latest statistics show .1 total pro duction In California of 105.0O0 bales. Wash ington 35.000 bales, and Oregon S.I. 000 bales, a total of 225.000 bales. Of these remain ing unsold the association credits Washing ton with iiot to exceed 10,000 bales. Ore gon lees than 40.000 bales, and California not to eaceed 50,000 ba:es, a total of 100,000 bales. Of the California hops remaining unsold, 32.000 bales are tied up in the association, and such others aj are not in strong hands are of inferior quality rot suitable for ex port. Of the Washington balance, it is fitrured that the better grades have been sold and inferior quality is In the pre dominance. Of tho Oregon balance, of not over 4v..0OO bales. 30.000 are in the associa tion and over 4000 bales are being held in stron- hands in Ue Independence district. Information from authoritative sources In dicates that between 44,000 and 46.000 bales of Oregon hops have already been shipped out of the state, the greater bulk of which Is for export delivery. "The normal English consumption Is ab04t 600,000 cwt.. which. C at) account of th') war. lms been reduced to about .lOO.OOrt cw-t.." said a member of the executive com mit ee of the association today. "Authori tative reports indicate a shortage in the English supply of about 240.000 ext., or 1.10,000 American bales. Last year the American brewers Imported about 20.000 bal is of German hops, equal to about oO. 0O0 American bales. The normal English imports fro'n Gu'many and Belgium is equal to 150.O0O cwl, or 90,000 bales. South America. Austrajia and Japan formerly loo'-t-d to Germany for their hop supply. "Although Germany t-nd Austria fall sho-t of a normal crop by fully one-half this year, it is conceded that there will be a a uht surplus there, but. on account of the war. It will e impossible to ship any hops o it of Austria f.iid Germany, certainly not ia. England. Australia and Japan; and whera are these countries irolng to secure their supplies? They will be compelled to look to America snd. with a surplus of not to exceed 20.000 halt s of available hops in tho Vnited States (New York state being practically cleaned 'tp of desirable quality), everything seems to point very favorably and eneouraelngly toward a much better price for the association and the growers who are holding a superior grade of prod uct, which is very much in demand." fhe association members exercised extra pre-autictis in tha cultivation, care nnd picking of their hops this season, in conse quence of whir;,, lr is asserted by the offi cers, fully 60 per cent of its holdings will rrnfle r-rime Htvl choice. -E-rs n nnpnp we buy I nMrricnoioi cash eWaaV OVERBECK & COOfCE CO. Brokera. Mock. Honda, Cottoa. Grain, Etc. tltJ-217 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD Ok TBADX. Correspondent of I-ogan at Bryan. Chicago and Near Tork. MEMBERS New Tork Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Iloetou Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. New York Catton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Kxclijogo. New York Coffee Exchange. New York Produce Exchange. Liverpool Cotton aaaa - GET BIG MOSEY ftrs' and HIDES this leaion byhfppin to"B(GG3 AT KANS.AS ClTY.'r Raw Fur Prictt Use sent free. Not oa centdedDctea s-ScornmissiTO yoa ret all check by return mail. DiKKB Wfcr wea- ar atHaxa "Biggs' Better Service" Meane Ritr Mnnev f Of YOU Honest and Liberal grading. Fur ahlp. meat, taaia aaaarai. ' - rc.Hmra aar a. - . - iafactory- Over 31 years' aquare dealing. Half a million aatiilicl shipper have taea 40 van taa of Bus' big prices and tetter Service. Bim'GuyiirletHl Biita. gJS; and buc sizes; aH others buc snd tl.00. Your ..Ma. Kaw-ar if liw ikkCl't ill fJaxtMB agatC h. Get Our Raw Fur Price List. 8END TODAY for free copy of our monthly matT anr. "THE TRAPPERS' EXCHANCt"-ubcrip-tion free to any far ahipoer. Also Factory Price Cat alog of Trapper' Supplies. Vr sell Traps. Grins, Aaaunonition. etc at (.clary co.t. Ask f or I ree Fur (rood, and Tanning Catalog. Special prices to Bigg abtraraar. Big Fur Season aboad. E. W. BIGGS & CO., K'giTy,B'fla: a f a. I And pay hi.-rliest prices for Fln Fox. Mink. Marten. Rat, Lynx. Wolves and all other Fur. Hides Bnd GlnsenB. Best facilities in America. Send for Free Price List and Shipping Tags. No commi;aiion charged. ROGERS FUR COMPANY. Sept 443 Bt. .Louis, axtoa FOR SALE FIFTY SHARES Associated Fruit Growers OP HOOD RIVER. S8.S0 I'EK SHARE. BOX A.M 115. OKKGOMAN. TRAVELERS' GTIIIE. .Twln;MPalacea- of I 'VmeUie.". 432I a -UKEAT NORTHERN" "NORTHERN PACIFIC" SAT, FRANCISCO HONOLULU "Northern Pacific" sails for San Fran- NOV. 2;:, 27; DEC. 2, 7. Steamer express leaves 9 A. M. (lunch on board shlp. arrive San Francisco J:.0 P. M. text day. . Great Northern from San Francisco for Honolulu, November 2ta. XICKEl' OFFICE. 6TH AND STARK I'hones Croadway l20. A ftSll. Tickets also at 3d and Morrison, 130 3 34 Washington St. Parr-McCormack Steamship Line DIRECT FREIGHT SERVICE. SAN FRANCISCO TO PORTLAND (Pier 23) (Courh-St. Dock! 3 SAILINGS WEEKLY PORTLAND GENERAL OFFICE 181 Oak St. Phtau. Alaiu 2Kr0. A 8527. DailyBoattoTheDalles Stra. baUES CIl'Y anil STHA.UR Leave Portland dally, 7 A. M.. cat. cept Friday. Leave The ttnile dally. 7 A. M., ex erpt Saturday. ALIEK-S1'. DOCK, PORTLAND Phone Main 914. A 5112. - HONOLULU, SAMOA, AUSTRALIA Splendid in.nro ton. twin-pwrew, Ai-oHr. (rated 4L.lo.v1la I'UAli. Kailing. evpry 21 adaya. bydnsy mud return, 4.(.i- m. X clnding Japan. fc).WV Kiret Class. Hlk Hnnoluln. JTA.OO. Picture folders i'I Lv6' bailings: I .LY Ut'c.V,Dec.28, Jan. 18 Short LinC 673 aUrkal SU Saa Fruaac. CJ. hr a?. V M B 1 a HI 4 ft