The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Writers Believe Investment
Should Be Encouraged
and Good Roads Built.
B. K. Brodie Is Re-Elected President
lust Before Close of Session,
Prison TJoHey Indorsed and
War as News Explained.
ftALElI, Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) Res.
olutlone 'favoring- legislative action to
encourage investment of capital in
Oregon, good road construction, main
tenance of the present freight rates
between Portland and Willamette Val
ley points and California and approv
ing the administration's policy to pro
vide employment for convicts at the
penitentiary were adopted today by the
Oregon Sate Editorial Association
prior to its adjournment after a two
days session.
The association re-elected E. E.
Brodie, publisher of the Oregon City
Knterprise. president. Philip S. Bates,
publisher of the Pacific Northwest,
Portland, for the last five years secretary-treasurer,
was again chosen.
Oeorgo Palmer Putnam, publisher of
the Bend Bulletin, ana private secre
tary to Goverhor VV'ithycombe, was
elected vice-president, and Joseph P.
Hurley, publisher of the Washington
County News-Times, Forest Grove, was
chosen as a member of the executive
committee of the association. All the
elections were unanimous.
Two Cities Invite Kdltors.
Invitations for the asoi-iation tq meet
next year at Astoria and Marshfleld
were received, but the choice was left
in me nanus or tiio association's offi
cers. After the formal programme, the edi
tors were guests of Dr. R. Lee Steiner,
superintendent of the Oregon State
Hospital for the Insane, and the mem
bers of the State Board of Control
l a ainner served at the hospital.
J ney were then taken by automobiles
to the different state institutions ' for
inns 01 inspection.
opposition to the adoption of the
resolution favoring press and Legisla
tive action to encourage investment
01 capital in Oregon was registered by
K. II. Magg. editor of the Warrenton
News. Mr. Flagg expressed fear that
Kuch action might seem to show that
Oregon laws are inimical to capital,
but after discussion the resolution car
ried witn only Mr. Flagg dissenting.
Change of Rates Opposed.
Although the association wunt iinun
imously on record for "construction of
Kooa roaas along modern lines,1 it re
lusea to adopt E. Hofer'a resolution
urging paving of all state highways,
sna tne issuing of bonds to pay for
liieir construction.
The association unanimously indorsed
the resolution recommending that the
Interstate Commerce Commission take
no action to change the railroad freight
rates now operative between Portland
and Willamette Valley Points to Cal
ifornia, and declaring that such action
would tend to retard development of
the Willamette Valley sawmill industry.
In expressing its approval of the
state administration's policy of fur
nishing employment to convicts at the
penitentiary and of the efforts to de
velop the flax industry in the Willam
ette allej-i the association declared
tuat It was one important step in the
rrogramine of developing Oregon's in
dustries. Rill Regulating Legal Notices Plan.
The association adopted resolutions
in appreciation of courtesies shown by
state and city officials during their
stay in Salem. Appointment of a com
mittee of three by the president to
prepare a bill to present to the Legis
lature providing for just rates for legal
advertising was authorized, and George
IT. Himes, of the Oregon Historical
Society, was requested to compile a his
tory of the association.
Speaking of the conduct of country
newspapers ana inose in small towns
John E. Gratke. of. the Astoria Budiret
declared that he believed such papers
should print but the news of the com
munity, leaving telegraph news and
the discussion of the larger issues to
the metropolitan dailies. The bi
dailies came in for criticism on the
V round tnat tliey devoted too much
space to stories of scandal and "over
played" the present war in Europe.
Importance of War' Explained.
Prefacing his address on "Journal
Ism. Conservative and Otherwise." with
a reply to Mr. Gratke s criticisms of
metropolitan dailies, Edgar B. Piper,
editor of THe Oregonian. contended
that the space given by the press to
the European war and other big issues
is justified. The speaker pointed out
that the war's effects are felt by every
person wnatever nis station, and. there
fore, the newspapers should chronicle
its events with more than usual de
tail. Friendly issue also was taken
to the Astoria editor's view against
the small country newspaper discuss
ing National topics.
Mr. Piper discussed the tendency in
National and state legislation to exer
cise a censorship over the press, de
claring that in this lies a menace to
the right of freedom of the press.
Shortly before adjournment the as
sociation adopted memorial resolutions
on the deaths of Mrs. Abigail Scott
Buniway and C. S. Gray, founder ' of
the Bend Bulletin.
Vader. whose death occurred at a Port-
ima nospital October 28. following a,
surgical operation, was born in Lisbon.
Me.. April 5, 1839. When 18 years of
age. he went to sea and 49 years of
his life was passed in that occupation.
He married Elizabeth E. Shea. Octo
ber 28, 1865. His death occurred on
tne &oth anniversary of their marriage
and at nearly the same hour.
Two children were born to Mr. and
-irs. wnitmore, Robert Irving, who
in cnuanooa. ana Arthur F. Whit
more. Durinff his. life. ,.. .... -. ;
Captain Whitmore commanded a num
ber of vessels, one of which was the
Parker M. Whitmore. He made his last
voyage in tne -Hence nine years ago.
Since then he had resided at Vader. He
is survived by a widow, his son and
one sister, airs. selden Gilbert, of
orooKiine, jviass.
Increase of
and IS'e
Jiving Wish of John AY. Ttidgeway
Fulfilled Near Lebanon.
ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.)
The ashes of John W. Ridgeway. who
died in Portland last July, have been
scattered on the top of Ridgeway Butte,
which lies just east and across the
South Santiam River from the City of
t Lebanon.
Before he died Mr. Ridgeway re
quested, that his body be cremated and
the ashes taken to the top of this large
butte. which is on his father's old do
nation land claim. The final step in
carrying cut his wishes was taken this
week when Mrs. Jennie Vsher. his sis
ter, and Mrs. 11. Dukree. his niece, both
of Portland, went to Lebanon for the
purpose. On top of the high butte
overlooking the City of Lebanon and
the surrounding country for many
miles the ashes were scattered as requested.
Captain Whitmore, of Vader, Sur
vived by Widow and Son.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Nov. R rs.
tiai). Captam. Lextfir. Whitmore. pf sister, Mr , Sarah, Hays. of. BoyJJ, idafao,
Crops In Iowa
brastui Noted for Affect on Market,
but Sales Still Good.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. Nov. 6. (Spe
ciai.j on this year, for the first time
since Hood River began shipping ap
ples, the quality of fruit in the states
of Iowa and Nebraska has come in
direct competition with the product of
Hood River orchardists. The activities
oi Horticulturists in the agricultural
coueges and experiment stations of
those states who have been teaching
ujuuaruisis now to grow and pack ap
ples of quality for the past several
jdrs. nave Dome fruit this season.
A letter received here from Lagomar
cmo-Giupe & Co., one of the largest
uiairiouung nrms or Cedar Rapids,
says: "We do not think Iowa has had
such a quantity of apples in 20 years
and we have never seen the quality
Despite this condition of the Middle
western distributing centers. Wilmer
oieg. sates 'manager ot the Apple
growers' Association, declares that the
locai crop will be sold and shipped
and pools will be closed earlier than
ever before in the history of the val
ley's industry. The usual keen demand
ior isortnwestern box apples from the
cities of the Far East has prevailed
and the consumption of Hood River
apples is being increased in Pacific
t-uaat cities.
While the acreage of the variety is
comparatively light, prices for Arkan
sas Blacks are averaging as well as
the prices from, the standard commer
cial varieties of fruit. The associa
tion is selling its Arkansas Black crop
at the following net figures: Extra
lancies. a; lancies, tl.75, and C-grade,
Ne-w Contract Providing for Adminis
tration and Maintenance Is De
feated at Special Meeting.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) Failing at a special meeting this
morning to adopt the new contract pro
viding for the administration of the
local Carnegie Library, the agreement
having been ratified yesterday by the
County Court and passed on to the
city government, the City Council
opened anew a breach that has been
existing the entire year between the
members of the County Library Board,
now in office, and the members of the
Hood River County Court.
. The Council stood divided equally on
the new contract, which provides that
the city and county each shall appoint
three representative citizens, who may
be women, the Library Board, these
selecting a seventh member to ho
chairman, and that both city and county
diem i ii i .i an annual minimum tax of
$1750 for the library support and main
tenance. The split was caused by the county's
demand that the city raise a sum by
taxation equal to that raised by the
County Court's budget. The opposing
Councilmen refuse to agree to a new
contract until it is provided that the
city shall be privileged to raise no
more than an annual minimum of a
half-mill levy.
In consideration for the city accept
ing the new contract the members of
the County Court had agreed to settle
out of court a lawsuit instituted by
the Library Board against them last
Spring, when they failed to pay the
full contract amount of the salary of
.miss ueua. jr. rMortney, former librarian
At last year's budget meeting the Court
cut Miss Northey's salary from $90 to
i o a monin, aespite tne contract ex
isting between her and the Board.
Assistance In Railroad Promised.
ROSEBURG, Or., Nov. 6. (Special.)
Another meeting of the railroad boost
ers of Douglas County was held at
Glide last night. There were quite a
number of farmers present, and much
interest was manifested in the dis
cussion of the railroad project. The
farmers of the Glide vicinity promised
to do everything in their power to se
cure the rights-of-way, on which the
success of the road hinges at the pres
ent time.
Cost of Providing Education
Declared Low and High
Results Attained.
Suggestion Made That Faculty Bo
Given More Voice in Adminis
tration and That Duties Be
Distributed Differently.
Klamath Work Being Pushed.
' KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Nov. 6.
(Special.) Don J. Zumwalt, who has
a crew of surveyors at work on
Klamath Marsh, in the northern part
of this county, reports that the pre
liminary work in the drainage of the
marsh is progressing nicely. This work
is being done under supervision of the
Klamath drainage district and Is for
the purpose of determining lust hnw
much of the land can be drained and
also what the cost will be.
dCD dp "ft
Mr. and Mrs. Juki Calvert.
JUNCTION CITY, Or. Nov. 6. (SDe-
ciaL) Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert, na
tives of Oregon, celebrated their 40th
wedding anniversary Sunday with 40
relatives and friends present. The Cal
verts have an interesting historv. Bath
graduated from the Junction City school
in IS i. They married in 1875 and have
resided since that time on a farm two
miles south of here. They have seven
daughters, five sons, four son-in-laws,
two daughter-in-laws and 17 grand
children, making a total of 23 direct
descendants. Mr. Calvert's two surviv
ing brothers and one sister were pres
ent, the only relative absent being is
Nov. 6. (Special.) The long-expected
Government report, covering the recent
survey of the efficiency of the Univer
sity of Oregon, has been submitted to
the president and the board of regents
by Dr. S. P. Capen. of Washington. D.
C specialist in. higher education of the
United States Bureau of Education.
As to the spirit in which the work
was done, the investigator says he has
assumed- that the university, which
asked for the survey, "wished the
frankest statement from an outsider as
to its defects and the freest sugges
tions as to its future policies." The re
port, which is about 15,000 words in
length, will be published entire and
given considerable circulation within
me state.
Conclusions Summed Cp.
The investigator's general conclusion
is mat "tne state may well take prid
in its university. It should cherish it
ana be loyal to it . . . The spirit
of the institution, as observed in the
j.v oays following registration, is ex
cellent. ... It appears that there
is a clear demand for its present teach
mg activities. . . . The University
' ureson is one or tne state s most im
portant instruments for the production
or a more intelligent and efficient
democracy. . . . its faculty as i
whole is alert and capable; the stu
dents clean, intelligent and, for the
most part, well prepared. . . . As
a teacning Institution it fills a field
not otherwise occupied a field which
promises to De permanent and to ex
He finds that the cost to the state
for each student appears to be low and
the number of students to the popula
tion mgn.
The extension work of the university,
Dr. Capen believes, could with ad
vantage be reorganized. It has been
necessary, he says, "to make use of the
spare hours of professors already suf
riciently burdened with teaching," and
he does not believe that this is the ideal
organization or the final solution of
tne problem. "Special talent and ex
perience are necessary for the fruitful
performance of this work." By'haviug
special faculty for extension he be
lieves that the work might be strength
Research Support Urged.
Research was a subiect into whirh
Dr. Capen went at some length. He
found that scientific investigation was
neither valued highly enough by the
people or the state nor sufficiently en
couraged financially. Under the cir
cumstances, he says, "the investigator
expected to rind that the university
faculty had done practically no re
search. To his intense surprise reports
gathered from the faculty proved that
its members had been uncommonly
Some thirty-seven members of the-
faculty have made distinct contribu
tions, a few of them noteworthy con
tributions, to their several fields," he
says, and adds: "The fact should be
emphasized that the state has profited
far beyond what it has paid for
through the voluntary efforts of the
members of the university faculty in
time stolen for the most part from their
legitimate periods of leisure.
In several other respects the faculty
of the university impressed Dr. Capen
as being not only good, but out of the
Elective System Criticised.
In criticising the major elective sys
tem which prevails at Oregon and many
other state universities. Dr. Capen
takes occasion to point out that the
evil results theoretically inevitable
have not been felt here, because, he
says, "either the major instructors
have been unusually conscientious or
the Oregon undergraduate is wise be
yond his generation."
The investigator reports that the pay
of Oregon professors is too low, and
produces elaborate tables of salaries
paid In other state institutions. He
favors better pay, a more systematic
method of promotion, a lessening of the
load of heavy classroom work on some
members of the faculty, and the release
from extension work of those not best
fitted for it.
Governing Chaise Proposed.
The faculty should also, Dr. Capen
declares, have a greater share in gov
erning the university and determining
its policies. He advocates the forma
tion of an administrative ,council to
advise with and to assist the president.
He would like to see the office of dean
made more important, and to have the
deans relieve the president of some of
his administrative duties. The Board
of Regents, he believes, would do. well
to allow the faculty to participate more
potently in deciding important issues.
The personnel of the Boards of Re
gents, past and present, is highly
praised, but their- acts in the past, as
shown in the records, come in for crit
icism. One organic weakness of the
Board Is declared to be the presence of
three ex-officio members (state offi
cials), only one of whom stands in
intimate relation to educational affairs.
Lack of Advertising Criticised.
Dr. Capen Inclines to blame the uni
versity slightly for not making its
numerous activities better known to
the people of the state.
Some of his findings are:
"Requirements for degrees have been
greatly strengthened in their enforce
ment. The work of the university on
this point Is 'sound and honest.'
"The amount of teaching performed
by the faculty is all that can be fairly
demanded. '
"The Board of Regents should meet
quarterly instead of annually.
"The work of the registrar deserves
special commendation. The Investi
gator has had opportunity to examine
with some care several score of regis
trar's offices in different parts of the
country. He knows of none more effi
ciently managed.
"Entrance requirements are "very
high." and conscientiously enforced with
absolute fairness.
"The University of Oregon is, on the
whole, adequately equipped for the per
formance of such work as it now at
tempts to give."
Polk Advertising at Fair Felt.
RICKREALL, Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.)
Polk County's booth at the Panama
Exposition, and the distribution of
thousands of small booklets describing
the resources of Polk County, have led
to a large Influx of inquiries concern
ing the adaptability of the soil here to
various industries. The inquiries re
ceived by the county commercial clubs
are from many states, and the ouesr.
tlona Have Wide range.
ICS... .i-J - 3 All TV 1 f
r ui uuure ciiiu !inas OI riOUSe
Furnishings Suitable to Every Taste
It wiU pay you to read these announcements every Sunday. It will carry a message of economy to every householder
money-saving offerings only possible to be made by a firm that purchases all lines in great quantity and sell at very mod
erate profit. Our plan has always been to move goods quickly and to carry but this policy it is necessary to use the
magnet of low prices. That this policy has been successful and is appreciated by the public is attested by our phenomenal
growth. Call and see us; we will make trading here a pleasure to you.
Select Holiday Goods Now
We have made unusual preparations to supply the holiday
trade this year and our building now contains hundreds
of beautiful and useful pieces of furniture, bric-a-brac,
rugs and novelties which will make a Christmas present
of real value and one that will remain in service for years
to come, a constant reminder of the donor. It is time now
to make your selections and it will be a pleasure to show
you our beautiful stock.
A small deposit will secure any of these articles, which
will be held subject to your order and will be delivered
whenever desired. Our prices will be found very attrac
tive. .
! .STWBfl P
CARL40 j J
I Liberal Terms
of Credit
When Desired
4000 Yards Axminster Carpet
With or without borders. 20 patterns to select from in
Oriental and floral designs, suitable for parlor, dining
room or bedroom. Do not miss this your last opportu
nity to buy a carpet at a factory price. Prices are ad
vancing in the East every week. Regular t -m -
price $1.60. Special, per yard 3 1 1
Sewed, Lined and Laid.
Brussels Rugs Greatly Re
duced in Price
Made in one piece and showing an unequaled variety of
patterns. The most exacting customers will find numer
ous designs to their liking. Regular price d 1 t r-rr"
S16.50. Special f. 1 1.5
Special Prices on Blankets
Bedding Dept. on 2d Floor Most complete in every line.
Cotton Blankets, very heavy grade, white, tan and gray:
Regular price $3.75. larsre size snecial r
Regular price $3.25, regular size special S2!35
The Most Famous
Range on Earth
This is not an exaggeration.
The Garland is the best known
and most justly famous range in
existence. The manufacturers of
"The Garland" are always striv
ing to make their ranges better.
"The Combination," their great
est achievement, burns both coal
and gas two stoves in one. Dur
ing the past week we sold scores
of these truly remarkable ranges,
and we desire every householder
in Portland to come and see this
remarkable product, whether you
desire to purchase or not.
Snaps in Davenports and
Second and Morrison-Street Store
Large arm quarter-sawed oak rocker, fumed oak finish,
genuine leather pad cushion back and leather t r rr
auto seat. Regular price $15.00. This sale ipO." U
Large quarter-sawed oak rocker, shaped to
back. Regular price $5.00. This sale Jpj.OO
$30.00 Bed Davenport, solid oak frame, ct 1 O
golden wax finish JpllOt)
$35.00 Bed Davenport, solid oak, any fin- tirr o
ish. This sale J)si03
$50.00 Bed Davenport, Colonial style, all quarter-sawed
oak, covered in very best quality of Chase Ur r r
leather iboO.OU
Henry Jenning & Sions
eT" "." - -mm '
rittn ana Wasnington
Also Second and Morrison
All Cars
Our Doors
V 1
Rev. A. Bates, of Warrenton,
Hears From London Friend.
Darkness in Streets Is Declared
Dreadful and Constant Fear Ad
mitted Battle "Watched on
Clear Night for Half Hour.
WARRENTON, Or., Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) Rev. Alfred Bates, pastor of the
Warrenton Methodist Episcopal Church,
received the following letter recently
from a friend in London, England, in
which she said:
London is a terrible nines to live in
just now. We have had six Zeppelin
raids since August and frequently re
celve news that they are coming and
dare not go to bed until we know they
have been driven back.
"The darkness is dreadful, too. Im
agine London streets with all their
traffic, yet in dense darkness. It is
impossible to describe it. Our home
lies between the two main Zeppelin
routes. Last Wednesday the Zeppelins
came earlier than usual, just 9:15. My
daughter, Gladys, came in and ex
claimed. "The Zeppelins are near!' and
immediately the bombs began to fall
and the guns to Are all around us.
"No words can describe the terror of
it all. The noise is terrific and one
never knows where the next bomb will
fall. We saw the Zeppelin quite plain
ly. It was like a silver cigar shining
in the searchlights, with flashes from
shrapnell all about it. It eventually
passed, but we were warned by the
police that we must not go to bed un
til after midnight, as others had been
sighted. At 11:45 P. M. we heard a
dreadful cannonade and saw another
Zeppelin. It seemed to follow the
river in the direction of Woolwich. The
night was clear. We went out into the
garden and watched the battle for
about 30 minutes. The guns seemed to
follow it but could not get the range.
Only once we thought it was struck,
as it seemed to dip one end.
"The sight was one never to be for
gotten. With the sky so calm and
bright, with the stars out in their
millions. It does seem terrible that
such death-dealing machines can stay
up there.
"As daughter and I . passed down
Moorgate street we saw, scores of
wounded persons lying on rows of
stretchers after a recent Zeppelin raid.
The next morning the police ordered j
all business people to leave their offires 1
by 7 o'clock. Our church services are
being held earlier. It is not safe to
be on the streets now. As the evenings
get dars: earlier the Zeppelins have
better chance of coming sooner. Schools
are all closed at 3:30 P. M. Can you
Imagine how we feel? We seem to
live just from day to day, yet with it
all there is no panic. -While the raids
are in progress one can hear through
the dark streets the buzz of people
walking and talking, but next morning
we nnd Dusiness as usual. "
E. U. Smith. Hon of Rev. Samnel Francis
amnn, wno wrote tne woras or America,
is a clerk In a drugstore at Lamanda Park
Cal., having refused a competency for the
famous manuscript and presented it to the
i niversity of aiirornin.
Reduction on All Suits or Overcoats
Ordered Before December 1st, 191
9-610 IVorthwest Building, Sixth
and Washington.
That Does As He Advertises Inspires Confidence
r:' saw
lv " :- - ' hi
I ..... ... ' , . .w.V.rV--
ma n
DR. E. G. AtSPLUND, Jljr.
The Time to Have Your Teeth Fixed Is Now!
No matter who you are or where you live, I can satisfy you and save you money.
I publish a price list and live up to it All our patients and their friends say,
"What beautiful dental work! And so very reasonable!"
15 Year Written Guarantee Remember We Are Here to Stay
Open Evenings
Lady Attendants
Good Plates
Porcelain Crowns.
Gold Fillings ...
Flesh-Colored Plates $10.00
-So.OO 22-k. Gold Crowns $5 and $3.50
$5 and $3.50 22-k. Gold Bridge $S3.oO
JjJl.OO Painless Extracting 0
In .the. Two-Story .Building
Corner Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland Oregon
M AYR'S Wonderful Remedy.?
Should Convince You That Your .' .
Suffering Is Unnecessary.
A million people, many right in your "."!
own locality, have taken Mayrs Won--'
derful Remedy for Stomach. Liver
and Intestinal Ailments, Dyspepsia, 'V
Pressure of Gas Around the Heart,
Sour Stomach, Distress After Kating.
Nervousness, Dizziness. Fainting
Spells, Sick Headaches. Constipation, '
Torpid Liver, etc., and are praising it
highly to other sufferers. Get a bottle
of your druggist today. This highly -,
successful Remedy has been taken by .
people In all walks of life, among ;
them Members of Congress, Justice
of the Supreme Court, Educators.
Lawyers, Merchants, Bankers, Doc
tors. Druggists, Nurses. Manufactur- ''
ers. Priests, Ministers, Farmers, with"
lasting benefit and it should be equally
successful in your case. Send for 1, '
free valuable booklet on Stomach Ail- "'
ments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist,.",.,
154156 Whiting Street. Chicago. 111.
"For sale by druggists everywhere.
For Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses)
Just because you start the day worried
and tired, stiff less and arms and muscles.
an aching head, burning: and -bearing-down
pains In the back worn out before the day"
begins do not think you have to stay In
that condition.
Those sufferers who are In and ut of
bed half a dozen times at night will ap-
predate the rest, comfort and strength our -lrsAtment
gives. For every form of bladder " 'J
trouble, scalding1 pain. or weakness, its "
action is really wonderful.
Be stroii tj. well and vigorous, with no
more pains from stiff joint", sore muscles.-nc
rheumatic suffering, aching back, or kidney v
or bladder troubles.
The Williams Treatment conquers kidney JT
and bladder dirteattes, rlieumatiMii and all -uric
acid troubles, no matter how chronic t
or stubborn. If you have never used the . . .
Wtllltuns Treatment, we will icive on .Vc '
bottle 31i doses) for your own use free ,(
Contains no alcohol or habit-forming drug! '
Does not affect the heart. . I.
Send this notice with your name and ad--
dress and 20c to help pay distribution ex- '
pensea, to the Dr. 1. A. Williams Com-
pany, Dept. 'J-J68-D. New Postoffico blork,
East liampton. Conn. You will receive by .
parcel post a. regular f0u bottle aJ doses)
without charge and without incurring any 11 1
obligations. One bottle only to . & family
or &ddro&9