The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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State Offers Virgin Field to
Aspirants to Presidential
State Officials Are Not Considered
Factors in Selection of Delegates
'.to National Convention Sims
Is Supporting Weeks.
6X.YMPIA, Wash., Nov. 6. (Special.)
The State of Washington offers
virgin field for candidates for the Re
publican presidential nomination. No
one of the numerous receptive eandi
dates who has visited the state during
the past Summer appears to have made
any appreciable number of active con
verts and state officials- declare that
in -their memory there has never been
an ante-Presidential year so far ad
vanced and so "open" in its political
Without .exception the Republican
officials declare their own minds still
open to suggestions. There is. in fact,
much less of an approximation to a
choice than at any previous time within
the last few months, as ex-Senator
Boot, of New York, had been looked
up to by many as a. likely candidate.
Since the rejeotion of the new New
York constitution, there is less talk of
Root as an available candidate.
- Senator Weeks Is Supported.
In any .event, however, it is unlikely
that any of the state officials will be
factors in the selection of Washington
delegates to the Republican National
convention, as with the exception of
State Treasurer Edward Meath, who is
Ineligible for re-election and the pos
sible exception of Attorney-General W.
V. .Tanner, who may decide to enter
the field of private law practice, all
officials will be candidates to succeed
E. A. Sims, of Port Townswend, ac
knowledged majority leader in the last
three legislatures, has come out for
Senator Weeks, of Massachusetts, for
the Presidency. In the event that he
is not himself a candidate for state
office, Sims may prove a strong factor
In the pre-convention campaign in this
state and his choice is interesting from
this, viewpoint, but otherwise Weeks
does not appear to have made strong
' Bull Moose Return Intimated.
When Colonel Roosevelt paid Wash
ington a flying visit a few months ago,
he left the impression, among Progres
sives who met him in secret conference
that the candidacy of Justice Hughes,
of the Supreme Court, for the Presi
dential nomination : might afford an
ideal opportunity for Bull Moose to re
turn to the Republican party without
too much inconsistency and at the same
time possibly gain control of the party
With Justice Hughes a candidate and
under conditions of popular selection
of delegates, the former New York
Governor undoubtedly would appeal
strongly to the average voter in this
state. Washington, however, has no
Presidential primary and delegates to
the National convention next year will
be selected by convention and there is
among- the Regulars a suspicion that
Hughes la essentially a Bull Moose
Impression Fostered by Inquiries.
This impression, originally left by
Roosevelt, was fostered to some degree,
by inquiries made in Hughes' behalf,
during the session of the recent leg
islature, by Federick Davenport, Pro
gressive candidate for Governor of New
York in 1912.
The fact that since his visit to this
state Davenport has announced his re
turn to the Republican party has not
endeared hira to an element of the
party leaders, since the New Yorker
made his trip serve also as the basis
for an article in the Outlook, severely
criticising the recent legislature for
its conservative tendencies.
State officials are practically a unit
in declaring that Senator Borah would
be a strong cndidate except for geo
graphical conditions, which generally
are considered insurmountable.
Lively Issue Is Expected.
It is likely that the absence of a
Presidential primary law in Wash
ington will be a lively issue in the
state campaign next year. With the
memory of the twin Chicago conven
tions and their twin . Republicans at
Aberdeen in 1912 still fresh, the 1913
Legislature, it seemed probable, would
make the passage of a presidential
primary law one of its first acts.
Dissension developed between back
ers of two different bills, however, and
finally the House passed a bill, next to
the last night of the session, too late
for passage by the Senate, leaders de
claring, however, that there was suf
ficient time at the 1916 session.
The Democratic-Progressive minority
introduced such a bill at the recent
session in accordance with the recom
mendation of Governor Lister's mes
sage, but the majority declined to ac
cept the proposal and brought forward
no other measure in its place.
One-Term Plank Overlooked.
There is no discussion whatever
among Democrats of any Presidential
candidates, party leaders" generally ac
cepting the candidacy of President Wil
son for re-election, notwithstanding
the one-term plank in the National
This view is shared by the former
Clark supporters, whg carried the state
three years ago and who are in con
trol of the party machinery here now.
Although Bryan formerly had a
strong following among Washington
Democrats, his break with the Presi
dent on the preparedness issue ap
parently has alienated his strongest
supporters and there is no doubt but
tnat- in the event of a widening of
the political breach between Wilson
and Bryan, the overwhelming majority
of Democrats in this state would follow
Hosrer Younians Company Exected
to Build Mill Near Prineville.
PRIXEVILLE. Or., Nov. 6. (Special.)
The development of the lumber in
dustry in Central Oregon is expected
to cause an immense increase in the
business and population in Prineville.
Reliable information confirms the ru
mor that the Roger Youmans Lumber
Company has practically completed its
trade with the United States Govern
ment, by which ihe lumber company
will exchange a large amount of scat
tered lands and get a solid block of
about 40.001) acres of valuable timber
in what is known as the Ochoco forest
The company will have in the neigh
borhood of 300.000,000 feet, whiA will
have to be milled within 20 years and
will necessitate immediate construc
tion of a sawmill and railroad.
Two mill, sites are under considera
tion, one or which is In Prineville,
which the business men of Prineville
no doubt -will donate to the company,
and the other is about 20 miles above
Prineville on the Ochoco River. -
Chehalis Club Is Considering Devel
opment of Industry.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. . (Spe
cial.) The growing of basket willows
has been successfully demonstrated
here by Dan Wisner, a well-known
farmer living ten miles west of this
city. Three years ago Mr. Wisner
Planted a basket willow -shrub and
this year cut about 100 fine shoots
from the same, some of them being 12
feet long.
Mr. Wisner states that the basket
willow does best, In this country, on
the clay of heavy soils and he would
recommend that it be grown on that
kind of land, rather than on sandy soil.
Inasmuch as the manufacture of furni
ture and baskets from the basket wil
low is a great industry in some parts
of the United States, the Citizens' Club,
of Chehalis, will make efforts to get
in touch with someone who might be
interetsed in the development of an
Industry of the kind here.
Oregon Lumber Company Not to At
tack Interests Around Salt Lake.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) Charles T. Early, manager of
the Oregon Lumber Company, lias
quieted the fears of local people, who
have entertained the opinion that the
lumber company would direct its op
erations toward Lost Lake, and that
the shores of this scenic point would
be despoiled of the magnificent growth
of firs and cedars. Mr. Early has as
sured members of the Commercial Clu
that the lumbering operations of the
company will be pushed south of the
west fork of Hood River, high up on
the base of Mount Hood, where timber
is available for the next 15 years.
"If we happen to strike the new
proposed troad to Lost Lake," says Mr.
Early, "we will leave a protecting strip
of timber on each side of the route.
There is little, fear of us ever attacking
our Interests around Lost Lake."
College Attendance Requirement for
Test Held Enforceable.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) The
rule recently laid down by the Oregon
Board of Pharmacy that, besrinnim? th
"first of next year, all candidates for
examination for pharmacists or phar
macist assistants must have attended
at least one year at a college of phar
macy recognized by the American Con
ference of Pharmaceutical Faculties
and that beginning January 1, 1917, all
must be graduates of a college of phar
macy recognized by the American con
ference, was held today to be unen
forceable by Attorney-General Brown.
The Attorney-General gave the opin
ion in response to a request by Frank
Ward, a member of the Oregon Board
of Pharmacy. The opinion sets forth
that as the statute expressly defines
the qualifications of applicants for
pharmacist certificates the board can
not make other regulations.
Germans and English Coming Here
' After War Is Over.
HOOD. RIVER, Or., Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) During the past week R E.
Scott, secretary of the local Commer
cial Club, has received inquiries about
Hood River and the Oregon Country
in general from England and Germany.
Two of the letters from England state
that the writers contemplate locating
in the Northwest as soon as the war
is ended.
The club also has received an inquiry
from an American Army officer in the
Philippines, who says he will seek a
home in the Northwest as soon as his
term of service in the islands expires.
Party Leaders Relieved That
Liquor Is No Longer to
Be Issue in State.
Preparation Made for Enforcement
of Stringent Measure and Advice
as to Powers Is Asked of Attorney-General
BOISE.. Idaho, Nov. 6. (Special.)
Party leaders are actually relieved be
cause the days are numbered for the
salooi In this state. In less than two
montns It will be the most- arid spot
in the entire West, for what is said
to be the most rigid prohibition law
ever passed by a Legislature and held
constitutional by a Supreme Court
will become effective January 1, 191?.
Since territorial days the saloon has
been a factor in politics, and there has
been constant agitation against it. In
the future, it is hoped, party leaders
will not have to face an embaxassing
liquor issue.
But this issue will not entirely be
eliminated, at least for another year,
for at the general election voters will
pass upon the question of amending
the state constlution to prohibit for
ever the manufacture of intoxicating
beverages in the state. Even the
liquor people concede the amendment
will -carry. It Is now doubtful if they
will attempt to make a fight against
it. A majority of 15,000 " is predicted
for the amendment. The prohibition
ists, however, are taking no cbances.
Already they have taken steps to or
ganize the state by precincts to make
pertain of the predicted victory.
I.atv to Be Strictly Enforced.
The saloon has seen its last days
in Idaho. Although probably only
pledged to their constituents to pass
the constitutional amendment for sub
mission to the electors, the Legislature
went two steps farther. It passed
the stringent local option amendatory
act, which now applies to counties that
are dry and will apply to the state as
a whole next January.
Then it passed a state-wide prohi
bition act. making Idaho prohibition
territory on that date.
That there will be as rigid enforce
ment of the law in the state as it is
severe was made evident to leaders of
all parties this week by Governor Alex
ander when he wrote to the Attorney
General asking for advice as to his
powers in regard to law enforcement.
Governor Asks'' as to Powers.
"I would like to know," said the Gov
ernor, "what power the Governor pos
sesses in order to aid the various Sher
iffs and prosecuting attorneys of the
state in the enforcement of this law,
and if any of the county officers should
be negligent in enforcing such law, let
me know If the Governor possesses the
authority to compel them to enforce
said law."'
The greatest objection to the strin
gent prohibition act, is the so-called
"possession" clause and to test out the
alleged violation of the Constitution
of the United States regarding per
sonal rights, the liquor interests pro
pose to carry their case to the United
States Supreme Court. The appeal is
now being perfected. It is based on
the judgment of the Supreme Court of
this state in the Crane ase wherein
the district or local option amendatory
law was attacked.
Saloons Lose Rapidly.
This law absolutely prohibits the
possession of liquor by any corpora
tion, firm or individual in prohibition
territory except when it is procurea
for medicinal or scientific purposes.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Duel, of Sheridan, Who Lived in Cabin on Site of
Omaha, Celebrate Anniversary.
''h - - k y - -1-
I .... ggfl ' ' '" "
SIR. AND MRS. a. II. H El,.
SHERIDAN, Or., Nov. fr-(Special)
. Mr. and Mrs. G, R. Duel, pf this
place, celebrated their sixty-second
wedding anniversary October 27.
Their health is good, and acpording to
Mr. Duel "a few years more and we
can celebrate our hundreth." He is
86 and she is 82.
The couple were married in Warren
County. Iowa, in 1&53. At that time
marriage certificates were not required
and it was only last Summer that after
the request of Mr. Duel he received
their marriage certificate from the
County Clerk of Warren County, They
had been married for 63 years without
what is now a necessary document.
In the Spring of 1854 the two went
to Nebraska and Mr. Duel took up a
claim on the site of the present. City
of Omaha.
"At that time there was but one
cabin besides my own where Omaha
now stands," says Mr. DueL "But there
were plenty of Indians and mosqui
toes. And that was a combination hard
to beat. If we didn't chain the steers
up every night the Indiana would take
them. And if we chained them up the
mosquitoes tormented them.
Indiana Provo Exempt, . -"But
the pests did not bother the In
dians in the least. The old bucks
would roll up in their blankets and
sleep the whole night long even if
they couldn't see the moon for clouds
of mosquitoes."
Mr. Duel was a brick moulder and
attempted to establish a brick plant
for a company. He moulded the first
brick for Omaha and was just getting
the plant well under way wheg his
H'ife became ill and necessitated their
removal from Nebraska. In July of
1855 he faded his claim for a yoke
of steers and a log chain and left with
his wife on the return trip to Iowa.
Two months later this claim was sold
for $8000.
From Iowa the couple went to Kan
sas and thence to Missouri. They were
in -this state when the Civil War broke
out. Mr. Duel enlisted from St. Joseph
in 1862 and served In the Kourth Mis
souri Cavalry, Company K, three years
and 17 days. "Then he settled down
until in the '90s. when he. took a trip
West and went down into the Oklahoma
country.. At this time there was some
land about to be opened and he looked
over the territory with the intention
of returning for the jand rush.
Raee for Land Won,
When this land in Oklahoma was
opened in 1893 Mr. Duel was there.
"Thousands were on hand," he says.
"and everyone was wild. . I had a right
buggy and a good team and at the
opening hour I started out -on a 35
mile race. There were no roads and
it was a hair-raising, mad race from
start to finish because there were so
many who had the same intentions.
But I won and settled on some choice
Mrs. Duel came to the new home
later and the couple resided here until
1902, when stakes again were pulled
and the move made to Sheridan, Or.
This nlaoe has since been thein home.
Mr. Duel was born ,in New York
State and Mrs. Duel in Indiana. Their
children are Dexter S. Duel, of Okla
homa; H. F. Duel and Mrs. M. A. Trib
ble, ofNPortland; George A. Duel, of
Oklahoma; M, C Duel, of Sheridan, and
Mrs. G. L. Pattfe, of Eugene.
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiigg "
The skill of the American cabinet-maker
plus modern business
methods, make possible our of
fering you an abundant stock of
faithful reproductions and classic
adaptations at moderate cost, ap
propriate furniture for the home .
of good taste, whether mansion
or cottage.
Furniture Note Special
enameled - French Willow Arm
Chair with upholstered seat and
back in Verdure tapestry, $10.75.
and Floor
and Wall
Fifth St., Bet. Oak and Pine
when it must be obtained only on a
sworn certificate. This etrikes at the
lookers and .every other possible i at
tempt to keep liquor for personal use,'
Party leaders have witnessed a
strange transformation in this 'state.
In 1909 the local option law was
passed. There were more than 1000
saloons in Idaho then. Now there are
less than 190. Many of the breweries
have closed and the dismantling of
others is now Jn progress. Not a few
of them will be turned into cold stor
age plants, elevators or mills.
Since the passage of the act S3 local
option elections -have been held. Today-25
counties are operating under
that law and constitute dry territory.
Business Men Consider PJan for Or
der Similar to Kosarians.
DALLAS, Or., Nov. 6. (Special.)
The merchants and professional men
of Dallas have organized Business
Men's Association. The new organisa
tion will work for the interests of the
business enterprises of Dallas and will
co-operate with the Dallas Commercial
Club in upbuilding; this city. A march
ing organization similar to Cherrians,
Rosarians and Radiators is being con
sidered. While other sections of the state are
experiencing extremely hard times,
Dallas has not suffered to any great
extent, although a shortage of money
is felt here. The large payroll has
been continuous and but few men have
been out of employment. With indi
cations pointing; to the early reopening
of the sawmill at Falls City and the
commencement of operations in the big
cement quarry near here, Dallas ex
pects a most prosperous Winter and
Member of State Experiment Station
Gets Plant 30 Inches Tall.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) Probably the first cotton ever
to be grown to maturity in Oregon
has been raised this year on the J. F.
McLean place by LeRoy Childs, a mem
ber of the staff of the local branch of
the Oregon State Experiment Station.
While the cotton was' not planted until
in June, it is now 30 inches tall and
the branches are loaded with bolls
two inches in length. The bolls, filled
with fiber, probably will burst open
when touched by the nrst heavy frost.
"In a year with normal weather,"
says Mr. Childs. "I do not think the
cotton plants would have thrived so
well. The long continued dry, warm
weather of Autumn has allowed it to
attain its growth.'
A number of ranchers who have
never seen cotton plants growing have
journeyed to the experimental farm.
Toledo Seliools to Give Play.
CEXTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 6. (Spe.
cial.)-The pupils of the Toledo schools
will stage their first entertainment of
the year in the Oddfellows' hall in To
ledo on the night of November 12. The
production is a three-act comedy, en
titled, "Just Plain Folks." The serving
of hot noon lunches to the Toledo pu
pils was tried out this week and is
meeting with success.
coarvEXTiosr is announced.
Washington Association. In Session at
Spokane. Will Dlsoaaa Variona
Problems of Farpitng.
WENATCHEE, Wash., Nov. 6 (Spe
cial.) Secretary Trumble. of the Wash
ington State Horticultural Association,
has announced the programme for the
twelfth annual convention, to be held
in Spokane, November 15, 1 and 17,
The leading- men in the fruitgrowing
and diversified farm ins lines of the
Western United States will toe present.
The programme la as follows:
Monday, November J5, muming session
Address qf welcome, Hon. O. M. Fasstitt,
Mayor of Spokane; response, William F.
Sawyer, North Yakima; annual a4dreas of
President A.. C. Craig, Deer Park; report ol
Secretary ft, Edward Trumble, Wenaicheej
report of Treasurer M. Koran, Wenatchee;
report of commtttees.
Afternoon session "Are We Growing Fruit
Successfully? J. Howard Wright, North
Yakima; discussion; "Fruit Bud, Formation,
Professor E. J. Cross, Oregon Agricultural
College, Corvallls; discussion; subject se
lected, J. A. Tormey, Spokane; discussion;
"Some New Facts Concerning Fire Blight
and. Tomato Blight. " Dr. F. D, Healda
plant pathologist, Washington State Col
lege; discussion; ''Apple Mildew Control."
Luka powell,, ProEser; "lirowing Small
Fruits," J. H, Brisiawn, fruit inspector, Ev
erett, "
Evening session ."Intercropping in Or
chards," Paul H. We y ranch, manager J3 la
lock Farm, Walla Walla; discussion, A.
H. Banks, Manson ; J. R. GiUispie, Green
acres; "Some Phases of Gardening," A. A.
Kelly, Station B, Spokane; 'Some Orna
mental Trees and Shrubs and Where to
Use Them," V. V. West gate, assistant pro
fessor of floriculture and gardening, Pull
man; "Top Grafting of Fruit Trees' Mr.
Carlisle, Spokane.
Tuesday, November 16, morning session
"Apple Rosette," Professor O. M. Morris,
professor of horticulture. State College;
discussion; "Preparation for Market," J. B.
Adams, president of Growers' L,eague, We
natchee; discussion; "Aphides," Professor A
Me lander, professor of entomology. State
College; discussion; "Wenatchee League
State Inspection System," O. T. Clawson,
fruit Inspector Wenatchee; discussion.
Afternoon session "Controlling Coddling
Moth," S. W. Foster, entomologist for the
GeneraJ Chemical Company, an Francisco;
discussion. V. E. Do Sellem, fiult Inspector,
North Yakima; "Fruit Marketing,". W. H.
Pauihamus, chairman Growers' Council,
Puyallup: "Reciprocal Marketing Arrange
ments." H. N. Gilbert, manager Fruit Sell
ers, North Takima; "Fruit Marketing," W,
F. Gwin, manager Northwest Fruit Ex
change. Seattle: aeneral discussion.
Wednesday, November 17 "What of trie
Future as viewed From a personal observa
tion 7" C. Joseph De Vise, entomologist.
North Takima; discussion ; 'Soils," Profes
sor C. C. Thorne, department soil physics.
State College, Pullman; "Fruit Transpor
tation," Judge F. V. Brown ; discussion;
"Scientific Frutt Growing." Professor W.
L.. Howard, University of California; "Some
Field Notes for the Session of IBIS," T. O.
Morrison, assistant commissioner ef agri
culture. Olympia.
Afternoon session-! Subject selected, E. H.
Shepherd, editor Better Fruit, Hood River,
Or. "Economics of Apple Growing." Dr. E.
J. Brown. Seattle; discussion, Henry E.
Tweed, Brewster. J. W. Langdon, Walla
Walla; "Fruit Marketing In Western Can
ada," R. M. Winsiow, Provincial HorticuU
turist, Victoria, 13. C. ; subject selected, W
S, Thornberg, director of extension depart
ment. State College: election of officers;
reports of special committees.
It is estimated that fl. 216. 625 Is invested
in the cinema business In Jeeds. England.
In proportion to population the city is said
to have more motion picture houses than
any other in the tTnited Kingdom. Although.
auoui id sucn iiitfMiBcs fa iu npctuvu.
others are contemplated.
A Few Instructions
to Wise Men
If you want to get a suit or overcoat MADE TO ORDER
(First) See that the salesman that sells you the garment is
really a tailor or a cutter, as he represents himself to be.
. (Second) -See if the merchant tailor carries a large stock of
woolens; then you knpw that he buys his material in large quantities,
(Third) Investigate, where your clothes are made, then yotj will
know that the firm is reliable and your clothes will be made right
and worth the money you pay for them. AU this you -will find at
BROWN BROS., TAILORS, on Alder street, between Second and
Third. Take advantage of our THANKSGIVING SPECIAL of our
black and blue serges and cheviots at
Regular $35 Values
244 Alder Street, Bet. Second and Third.
OOOOOQOOOQOOO oooooooooocoo
Delightfully Delicious Chocolates
In a Scenic Package
That Is Emblematic of Oregon
75c and $1.50 the Box
The package has engraved on it a three-color Picture of
Multnomah Falls and the likeness of Cy-mi-oke, one of
the famous chiefs of the Multnomah Indians. -
Confectionery and Restaurant
OQOOOOOOOOOQO oooooooooocoo
Model M
International Motor Truck
Model M, $710 cash f, o. b. Akron, Ohio
THIS price includes chassis and standard
express body, as shown above, finished in
rich brown. We can also furnish different styles of
body on special order. .
This is the truck which made International Motor Truck
reputation. Thousands of these Model M trucks are in every
day use in practically every lino of business. Retail merchants,
wholesalers, contractors, gas, telephone, electrie light, and power
companies find io the Model M a truck that pays from the
minute it starts to work.
1,000 pounds capacity.
Water-cooled, heavy-duty motor the long-wearing kind with
power to spare.
Sealed governor, preventing overspeeding.
One lever control, simple and easy to operate. '
Besides Model M, the full lino of International Motor Trucks
includes Model MA, air-cooled, 1,000 pounds, at $600; Model E
1,500 pounds, at $950; and Model F, 2,000 pounds, (chassis oUy)
at 91,500. All prices cash f. o. b. Akron, O.
Write the nearest address for complete information about the
trucks and about International Harvester service before and after
the sale.
International Harvester Company of America
Portland, Or. Spokane, Wash. Helena, Mont.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Agent Wanted in Unoccupied Territory. Write, Wire or 'Phone
With Your
a Man of
Known Skill
Reckless or bad work can never
be fujly remedied. '
Many people's teeth are ruined
by inexperienced and unscrupu
lous dentists.
I offer you the best work obtain
able, backed by 20 years' active
practice in Portland. Moderate
Painless Extnellra of Xecth.
K, W. Center Sixth and Washing
ton. Northwest BuildlnK.
Phones -Muln XI IB. A. SI IB.
Office Hoars, H A, M. te a P. M.
- Consultation ' Free,
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It.
T")r KrfwnHa' OMva Tnlilj thA sub
stitute for cajomel. act gently on the
bowels and positively do the work. "
Tnnr.1A offHf ad with h a A .-..-. t 1. iA
quick relief through rr. Kdwards'
Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar,
coated tablets are taken for bad
breath by all who know them-
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gent
ly but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulating them to natural action,
clearing the blood and gently purify-
iner thA AHlIrA RVNtum
They do that which dangerous calo
mel does without any of the pad after
All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
griping cathartics are derived from
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without
any kind.
Dr. V. AC Edwards discovered tha
formula after seventeen years of prac
tice among patients afflicted with
bowel and liver complaint with tha
attendant tad breath.
Dr, Edwards' Olive Tablets are pure
ly a vegetable compound mixed with
oliva oil; you will know then) hy their
olive color.
Take one or two every , night for a
week and nots the effect. lOu and 25o
bus. O. Adv.
Tha Oliva Tablet Company, Colum-
WUA. All UlUggiSlS.