MAGAZINE SECTION VOL,. XXXIV. s t i i ' 1 r 3 i 1 rtfJ If? -4 S -Sirs vUJ mm V f s .11 HEAVX TRAFFIC ON A PORTLAND BRIDGE. THE main arteries of Portland's business and social activities between the East Side and the West Side are the five big trans-nver bridges. Daily, accord ing to the citys latest statistics, 12,276 vehicles pass over the five bridges, carrying their loads of freight, both human and commercial. A total of 5906 auto mobiles cross the structures in an eight-hour day; 1678 auto trucks, 2417 horse drawn vehicles and 2275 streetcars. The O-W. R. & N. bridge, on which this picture was taken, is one of the largest of the five. Of the total-of 12.276 vehi cles, carried in eight hours on all bridges this one structure accommodates 2765. -1 , i "Is- in & ? 5 ' w k y? , t Si I if - il l - i f! SECTION SIX Pages 1 to 8 r w A i f si f'i MM