6 THE "STrXDAY OREGONIAX, POKTLiAXT), NOVEMBER 7, 1915. PORTLAND MAN GETS FACTORY POSITION Roberts Chosen Northwestern Representative With Head quarters Here. CHANGE OF OFFICE NOTED JJntire Pacific Coast Previously Controlled From Branch at San Francisco Features of New Cars Are Enumerated. . ' This ia to introduce H. R. Roberta (our own Bert), as Northwestern rep resentative for the Hupp Motor Com pany, with headquarters at Portland and with territory covering Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Montana. ' ;Ever .since Mr. Roberts left the Riles managership of the Frank C. Rlgss Company a few months ago all of the men alonir the automobile row and Bert's countless friends in other lines of business in Portland have been Wondering what he has had up his seeve all this while. But Bert 6nly smiled knovingly. He spent most of his time last Summer at the beach and lately has been Ashing and hunting SEW AUTO LICENSES READY SOON. Before the close of business tomorrow the workers in the Sec retary of State's office at Salem will mail to every present auto mobile owner and motorcycle owner in Oregon an- application blank inviting him to fill It out and thus apply for his 1914 li cense number and tag. The action this year comes about three weeks earlier than usual. The applications are sent out in advance of the first of the year in order to give every owner a chance to get his new number before January 1 and to facili tate the work in Secretary Ol cott's office. Blanks are being mailed to about 24.000 automo bile owners and 3200 motorcycle owners. The new tags will be on a bripht red background with white lettering. L.ast year the new license appli cations were not invited until De cember 1. irt order to place himself in the best or health to tackle the arduous duties if the responsible position he is about ti assume. !n response to a telegram from the factory officials Mr. Roberts left last I'uesday night for Detroit, where he will pass about a fortnight studying thw 1916 Hupp car and getting thor oughly acquainted with the factory officials and policies. Before departing he said he did not know where he would locate in Portland, but that he would maintain an office within the recog nized automobile district. Compliment Paid to Portland. - "Previously the entire Pacific Coast has been controlled from a branch of llye located at San Francisco," said Mr. Roberts. "The creation of a separate district with a branch office at Port land Is a distinct recognition of the Importance of this Northwest terri tory and a compliment to Portland. The change has been made to take care of Mje increased business permitted by an nlarsed output at a greater factory. i-"My appointment as branch manager fpr the Hupp Company will have no effect on the present agency connection with the Dulmage-Manley Company, of tSortland. K. N. Brandt, who has traveled for the Hupp Company In this territory, will continue to work under ttfc direction of the San Francisco "branch. ; "Bert" Roberts, after serving several yrars as factory representative for the "Winton Motor Car Company, came to Eortland as branch manager for the company. When he completed Iwi third year as head of the local Vinton branch he resigned to become affiliated with the Frank C. Riggs Company and was soon made sales nianajr of that pioneer organization. Z Valuable Services Keconrnlmrd. -During the 1914 season "Bert" held the gavei over the destinies of the Rortlnnd Automobile Trade Associa tion and made good in such a thorough Manner that his fellows presented htm with a hundsome solid silver cigarette case upon his retirement, as a recog nition of his valuable services.. ".'"Without radical change in design nl without any loss of the famous Hupmobile simplicity, the 1916 mode! has 20 per cent more power than the 1315 model," says Mr. Roberts. l"The crank shaft and its bearing3 hjve been materially increased In eize, Mie connecting rods are. lengthened Rid the valves are one-quarter inch lSrger. The result Is vibration re djiced to a minimum a powerful, si lgnt. Bmooth-riinnlnar power plant. -"The 191 Hupmobile has a new mul tTple disc clutch, with more plates and rffore springs. The result is the srnoothest operating and strongest outeh on the market. "Throughout the chassis there have 13-en similar refinements. The new M-upmobile has the improved Zenith oarburetor and its cooling system reaches maximum efficiency. The oll 8s system remains unchanged. The ignition system is the improved At-water-Kent. With this highest type Battery ignition we offer simplicity, ijjimdpes.i, sturdiness which means rjie elimination of all ignition trou bles. "For 1S16 the Hupmobile is equipped 1th the famous Bijur starting and rjvhtlnjr system. This is the same sys tem that is used on the Packard, Jef fijiy, Winton. Apperson and on the tC-rnest priced cars of European make fS, is regarded throughout the automo- industry as unsurpassed for start ing and lighting." serve the same purpose as the plant at Oakland." said Mr. DeVaux. "At the Oakland plant certain processes of manufacture are carried on in con junction with the assembly of the cars and the same plan will probably be carried on at the Northwest plant when it is built. I have always been a big booster for Portland and you may rest w me Koae city will get full consideration when it comes to picking out the branch location. "The Chevrolet Company is known as a 420,000.000 corporation. Mr. Durant, the man behind the car. started the Buick plant in 1904 and to this day he owns a controlling interest tn the Gen eral Motors Company, which manufac ture the Cadillac, Buick, Oldsmobile, Oakland and trie G. M. C. truck. There is absolutely no foundation to the rumor that .James Couzehs, Henry Ford's former partner, is to be affiliated with the Chevrolet Company." ' Mr. DeVaux is given credit for start ing F. W, Vogler In the automobile business by giving him th Anhrn agency for this territory in 1908. Two years later tney formed the Northwest Buick Company. Mr. DeVaux moved to San Francisco some time ago and now has charge of the Chevrolet distribu tion for the entire Pacific Coast In. leaving Portland Thursday for Se attle and Spokane. Mr. DeVaux an nounced that he would return next Wednesday and their, after a confer ence with Mr. West, announce the name of the Chevrolet distributor for the territory immediately adjacent to Port land. By that time a full line of the 1616 Chevrolet models will be in Port land and the company officials will be BIG PLANTS STUDIED ON TOUR IN EAST Stanley Clemence, of Ballou & Wright,:Reports Auto Con vention Big Benefit. WAR ORDERS TAX SHIFTS Veedol Factory, Among Those Sup plying Accessories,. Is Declared Vast, Walled City In Itself With Huge OH System. He spent so much money that he hasn't the" heart to add up his notes and put in his expense account. Stanley Clemence, the popular and state that their word Is as good as their bond. "Among other things, they are cele brated as roadbuilders. This In Itself is an indication that they are familiar with roads and the vehicles that should be "used upon them. Seven Hud son cars are owned by the Ave brothers." PATHFINDER HAS SEW OXK Proposed Transcontinental 1 Trip to , Be Made AVith Only Two Gears. The Pathfinder Company, of Indian apolis, has sprung a new one on the unsuspecting public in their proposed transcontinental trip, which. It Is said, will be made by Pathfinder the Great, their new twelve, with no gears in the car excepting high and' reverse. If they succeed in making the cross-country trip all the way on high, they will have Bet a new record in automobile accomplishment. Certainly nobody has ever. yet had the temerity even to sug gest such an undertaking. "There is no question," says W. E. Stalnaker, vice-president and director of sales of the Pathfinder Company, "about our being able to do the thing. We will not attempt it until the road clear up in the Spring. But we can go anywhere with this car 'on high' that the ordinary car can go when using its full gamut of gears. This we have established in actual tests of the most severe nature. Pathfinder the Great, when it comes to hill climbing, need never shift gears, even when un- - Gossip Along the Row THE Oregon agency for the Chevrolet car will be announced next Wednes day. The Oregon agency for the Chevrolet car will be announced next Wednesday -The Chevrolet Motorcar Company is lH.-tnning the installation of a large as. .-embly plant and factory in Portland it xt year. iN'orman DeVaux. the "boss" of the Oevrolet interests, dropped off in Port land last week for a chat with Fred vv. "v est, the branch manager for this territory, and remained long enough to nxike the above announcements. He i2o guaranteed that the little Oievrolet "490" could climb nearer the ry of the -world hereabouts than any wther make of automobile on the hisrfi war and offered to back his faith in tSe car with a bet of cabaret dinners tor the crowd. "The plan of W. C. Durant. the "head of the Chevrolet factory, is to ellct either at Portalnd or Seattle r.nAs tsembly plant and factory that ffill PORTLAND'ERS RETURN AFTER DRIVING 25,000 MILES. '."-.TiOtPft.... .-a i MR- AM MRS. W. M. SNIPES I!V THEIR STIDKBAKER CAR. nr ftr. driv'nS their Studebaker automobile for 25.000 miles during the last year and a half, Mr. and Mrs W. M. Snipes have returned to Portland with first-hand knowledge of road conditions In every corner of dog "Teddy " ' them upon their arrival the other day was their 14-year-oid son, Ralph, and their Mr. and Mrs. Snipes declare that their mode of travel has resulted in surprising economy. ready to go ahead with their 191 campaign with a whoop. Upon his return last week from a trip to the Eastern automobile centers, H. Ij. Keats, the dean of the industry in Portland. admitted that he had something pretty nice in store, but that he would not be able to make any an nouncement until the latter part of this month. Mr. Keats returned to Portland Sunday, with C. A. Pfeffer. Mr. Chalmers' right-hand man at the factory, and took him for a drive over the Columbia River Highway while he was here. Mr. Keats says that every automo bile and accessory factory 1n the East is humming with activity and that the only wail heard Is based on the lack of materials. Clear the alleys for the automobile bowling league. Jast week the huskiest salesmen at the J. W. Leavitt Company, Covey Motorcar Company, Northwest Auto Company, Dulmage-Manley Company, the Studebaker Company and the Howard Automobile Company, or ganized a bowling league that will fight for honors during the coming rainy months. The bowlers will meet this week to elect officers and draw up a schedule. R. F. Fike. who has been a salesman for C. Lk Boss & Co. for some time past, has accepted a similar position with the Covey Motorcar Company. RACER IS TAKING IiONG TRIP Eddie O'Donnell and Family on Way to Exposition. After winning fame and fortune on the big circuit during the year, Eddie O'Donnell is taking his family on an T ? X I 1 x Pi i -I 3 1 b' 'fx A n " x 1 p I X - Kobertu, Portland Man, I bo Hxi Brrom . nrt k T I Branch Mimr, for the Hupp f I Motor Cmput. I i 11. a Who Hxi Brrom . nrt k Branch Mimr, for the Hupp Motor Cvmpur, 4 overland rip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition. O'Donnell has proved one of the most consistent drivers on the big circuit this year. Out of 11 starts with his powerful Dusenberg he has finished in the money nine times, w-inding up his season's work with a $5300 prize for taking third place in the recent 350 mile race at Sheepshead Bay Speed way, New York, where he averaged 100.4 miles an hour. Eighteen months ago O'Donnell was breaking speed records testing Mitchell cars on the three-quarter-mile track at the plant of the Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company, at Racine, Wis. He entered into the racing game as a mechanician for -the Duesenberg team. His experience on the old three-quarter-mile track stood him in good stead, and he quickly showed his class, be coming the star of the Duesenberg team within a year. Immediately after the finish of the last big race In the East he placed his order for a new Mitchell "The Six of '16." He knew how the car was made having worked at the big Racine fac tory, and he is now on his way to San Francisco in his new pride by way of Denver and Salt Lake City, expect ing tp complete the triD In about 20 days. good-natured city sales manager of the Portland branch of the wholesale ac cessory firm of Ballou & Wright, ad mits that such is his present predica ment. . But during his five weeks business pleasure trip through ' the principal centers of the East, Mr. Clemence vis ited many of the big factories that send their products to Ballou & Wright for distribution, and he came back home the other day "wised up" on all of the ins and out3 of the accessory business. Convention Declared Treat. "The three days' convention of the National Association of Automobile Ac cessories and Jobbers at Kansas City was a real treat and a complete educa tion in itself," said Mr. Clemence be tween telephone calls yesterday. "A to tal of 108 men, representing manufac turers and jobbing houses, met at that convention to discuss a general better ment of the trade and the elimination of cut-rate houses that follow illegiti mate tactics. "The delegates hailed from all parts of the United States, but I was the only one from the Pacific Coast terri tory. At the next meeting on the Mon day and Tuesday following the New York show, in January, It is probable that a large number of Pacific Coast men will be in attendance. "The Eastern manufacturers report that they have full shifts working night and day filling war orders. The demand for shells seems to be much heavier than that for powder. All of the big manufacturers are trying to make good citizens of the foreigners who are working in their shops. Teach ers have been employed to impart to them an understanding of the English language and to appreciate the Ameri can flag." Veedol Plant "Walled City.". Among the factories Mr. Clemence visited were the great plant of the Veedol oil concern at Bayonne. N. -T.-: the Continental Rubber Works at Erie, Pa.; the great United States rubber plant at Detroit and the McQuay & Morris leak-proof ring factory at St. Louis, Mo. The products of all these great factories are handled in this ter ritory by thelrm of Ballou & Wright. "The greatfVeedol plant is a walled city of 1800 workers all by itself," said Mr. Clemence. "It is the terminus of an underground system of transporta tion stretching across five states, over mountains, under rivers and busy cities, through which petroleum is flowing night and day from thousands of wells. "By this means there are delivered Into the city within a city every 24 hours from 10,000 to 11,000 barrels of crude oil. Thirteen stations equipped with powerful pumps keep the flow uniform throughout the many miles of its underground route. Vast Network of Llnra Used. "A vast network of gathering lines conveys the oil from the different wells to central storage stations, before it begins its Journey through the trunk pipe lines. In the Pennsylvania field 1814 miles of gathering lines are re quired to collect the oil from 16,550 wells. The storage -tanks in the oil fields and along the pipe lines have a capacity of nearly three million barrels of oil. "Upwards of 900 miles of telegraph and telephone lines are required to di rect the handling of this oil. "It would require a whole day merely to walk through and visit each part of the refinery at Bayonne. It would take many days to follow out the various complicated processes whereby the pe troleum from its crude state is trans formed into the many useful products with which all civilization is familiar." FAMILY ALL USE HUDSON CAR Five Bridge Brothers Own and Run Seven Machines. "When one particular make of auto mobile is used by every member of a large family, it may be regarded as an indication that those cars are most satisfactory." says C. L Boss, the Hud son, distributer for Oregon. As proof of his statement he cites the five Bridge brothers of Hazard vllle. Conn., who use Hudson cars exclusively. "Three of them -own one Hudson each and the other two own two each, which are in service 365 days in the year from 6:30 in the morning until late at night. - "The brothers are members of the firm of Amos D. Bridge's Sons, an old concern doing a large contracting business. They also generally monop olize business in their section, and it is known throughout their part of the der full load. When you realize that this statement is true you begin to un derstand what a simple thing it will be for this car to cross the American con tinent on 'high.' " FRANKLIN PLANT EXPANDING Addition Being Made to Increase Floor Space One-Third. Building operations that will give the H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Com pany, of Syracuse, N. Y.. makers of the Franklin car, one-third more floor space than at present available, are now under full sway. The three ad ditions in the course of construction will cost approximately $500,000 when 'u'l.v equippea with ma CI Mr. E. PhU. Merrill, the well-known automobile lecturer, will be in Portland November 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th, and will deliver an address at our salesroom, 21st and Washington streets, during the afternoon and evening on each of those dates 2:30 in the afternoon and 8:15 in the evening. J As the most eminent authorities in the engineering world are almost unanimous in the opinion that the eight-cylinder "V" type marks the ultimate in motor car engines, all who are interested in the progress of automobile construction should find the talk well worth hearing. 'f In connection with the explanation of the principles of the "V" type motor Mr. Merrill uses a stripped cut open chassis, which is arranged with electric lights and glass plates in such a manner that all of the working parts of the car may be seen in operation. CJ Visitors will not be importuned, and we hope that every automobile owner in Portland will hear at least one of these lectures. You are cordially invited to be present on any of the dates above which best suits your convenience. WASHINGTON STREET AT TWENTY-FIRST chlnery, and will bring the total floor space up to 10 H acres. New buildings have been erected each year since the company first started in business back in 1902. but this is the largest single expenditure ever invested! at one time for expansion purposes. J " 'as aaaitlon to be mnde will I be si- stories high, and will represent approximately 136.000 square feet of floor space, and will cost $200,000. The new equipment for this building alone will figure around J150.000, making a total investment of $350,000 for this One bulldlnr T t win K , . . , about the first of 1918, and when made a unit with a companion building al ready in use, will form the largest fac tory building in 'Syracuse. The February record, of th mihllf ..rair-. commission of New York City thow that of 7-'0 gas meters tested on complaint, about Per Vi1 rn 8 Per cent low and the . ............. i wnnin tni leirnl limits. - 1 '"" me nrst or 1B18. and when mortal - - ""-.ti -mic-t wnnin tnp legal limits. As long as there are hills your car MUST climb, why not buy a car with POWER, to climb them EASILY? When you invest in the vicinity of $1,000 or more in a car, think not of the name of the car, not of its price but of what the car must do when you get it on the roads. Hills there are and always will be. POWER you must have to climb them. And all things considered, we believe this new Studebaker 4-cylinder car at $885 is the greatest hill-climber among the Fours of the year and we will gladly more than gladly test it against any other car of its class. In POWER and flexibility, this 4-cylinder motor equals most of the Sixes now on the market. It is the ONLY 7-passenger, 4-cylinder car with a 3ji -inch bore z 5 -inch stroke, FORTY Horse Power motor that has ever been offered in 'America or Hurope at less than $1000. And this new Studebaker sets a new standard of VALUE for Fours. Its price has been reduced from $985 to $885. Yet nothing but the price has been lessened. In POWER, size and quality the car has been GREATLY INCREASED. Wherever materials have been changed, BETTER materials have been used. The upholstery, for example is the finest, hand-buffed semi-glazed leather purchasable. ' Certainly in the face of such FACTS facts that can be proved by yourself to your own satisfaction, you cannot wisely buy any car until you know how much this Studebaker offers. See the car today. STUDEBAKER j South Bend, Ind. Detroit, Mich. WalkerviHe, Ont. Biorso power 7 p&ssosider Four Cylinder Models Tnmu Cw, T-psMiter . $ 885 KditM-, 3-puuotr . . ft SO Lucira-Roadster. 3-pu. . 1 18S $875 850 875 9105O lOOO 13SO 15SO 2250 0(5)(? 1 Commercial Cars Paaa! Delivery Car . vfpn tipren -v Station Wagon Six Cylinder Models Tovrinff Car, 7-pt agar Raadrtar. 3-paaenter Laxia- Romiter , 3-paa. Coupe, 4pjNBc Limousin. 7-puMBtr F. O. B. Detroit asBnajLawBM jpew OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Local Distributors . Chapman and Alder Sts. Main 9402, A 7656 'llA'liJWl -. S.U. '