The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 51

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SOME people who "recite" and give
little parlor "readings" will never,
never be able to understand why
others who don't are so much more
popular with their neighbors.
If you were a tenor and someone
sprinkled salt on a perfectly nice or
ange you were going to eat Just before
you went on to carol, would you con
sider it sufficient cause to take your
walking stick (if you are a tenor you'll
have the walking stick) and beat the
offender on his silk hat?
"Well, that's exactly- what Canco de
Prlmo, a tenor of the Boston Opera
Company now at the Manhattan Opera
House in New York, is accused of do
ing. Because he did it the owner of
the silk hat. whose head was In the
hat at the time of the caning, has had
Canco de Primo haled into court.
The hatted one is Paolo Ananian. a
Turco-Armenian basso, also of the com
pany. The court proceedings are proceed
ing in New York, but the typical
cabotin row started in Detroit and has
teen pleasantly pursued at every stop
ping place. '
"When the company was playing in
Detroit a sandbag was dropped from
the flies to the stage a" few feet from
where De Primo was standing. In
Toronto scenery was overturned, nar
rowly missing the tenor's head.
The tenor became so nervous after
the episode of the orange that ha says
lie had to call upon his private secre
tary, John Escalano, for safe conduct
to New York. And upon their arrival,
cays Ananian, he was attacked by the
tenor and Escalano in the executive
Toom of the opera-house, the tenor
striking him with a cane and the sec
retary punching him in the nose with
out cause.
Among the pretty developments is
25scalano's complete denial of Ananian's
version, saying Ananian brushed into
de Primo and called him a soiled pig.
&v the secretary: "At that time the
tenor had a portfolio in one hand and
a. cane in the other, and that when
Ananian grabbed him by the arm De
Primo struck him on the hand with hie
cane. The secretary says he merely
had gone to act as peacemaker when
Ananian attempted to strike him, and
in self-defense he struck first.- .
And then the tenor went to bed and got
a medical certificate which says he
can't come to court for days and days
and days because he's so upset.
This, by the way, is the eame Boston
Opera Company that is headed by Pav
lowa, the dancer and Felice Lyne,
prima donna.
Because th New York Hippodrome
1s presenting a ballet on ice skates
the livening Sun remarks:
"Two hundred pretty girls on ice,"
A show bill says. The dickens!
Who'd pay the front seat purple price
To see cold storage chickens?
A new note in causes for divorce has
been sounded in the suit filed by Chris
tine Olive Wirt Eckman for the annul
ment of her marriage to Harold N.
Eckman. Harold is an usher in a the
ater and Christine Olive eloped with
him from Seattle. The suit has been
filed in the Superior Court in Cali
fornia and the grounds specified are
that they married before they were of
Christine Olive is the sister of Sldi
"Wirt, the professional exhibition dan
cer whose recent marwge to Jack
Bpreckles about 10 minutes after he
2iad received hie divorce decree, was
the nine days' chatter of San Fran
cisco. Sidli, it will be remembered, was
the pioneer in exhibition dancing at
tea dansants in Portland at the Mult
tiomah Hotel. Well, Sidi is now Mrs.
Jack Spreckles and, while Jack's folk
aren't falling all over themselves about
it, she has made a place for herself
and is a email power to be reckoned
So, in the case of Sistef Christine
Olive's divorce troubles, according to a
Ban Francisco account of it. an at
tempt was made to induce Harold to
consent to the annulment without a
court battle. No money was offered
him, but it was represented that when
one sister marries as fortunately as
Bidi Wirt did when ehe captured Jack
Spreckles it was not seemly for the
other sister to continue to be the wife
of an usher in a theater. But the per
euasion failed to persuade. So the suit
was filed.
From London comes news that Dion
Bouccicault, for the last 14 years the
English producer for Charles Frohman,
lias arranged with Sir Charles Wynd
ham and Mary Moore to enter the man
agement of the New Theater at Christ
mas, producing there 'Teter Pan."
John F. Loan showed John Logan,
Jr., a picture of an imposing person
with a full-bottomed wig and a dys
peptic air and told him the man's name
was Handel. And a few days later the
child proudly pointed out the picture
and said, "I know him; his name is
According to Rennold Wolf, In the
New York Morning Telegraph, it has
just come to light that Bert Levy,
vaudevillt.m, lecturer and newspaper
cartoonist, has voluntarily sacrificed
115,000, rather than run any risk of
offending his fellow Jews. The action
has attracted widespread interest inj
jewiun circles, and nearly every publi
cation supporting that faith has in
dorsed it editorially. The facts came
to light at the Palace Theater, where
2Ur. Levy is to appear.
Mr. Levy had arranged for a series
f cartoons, known as "Samuels and
S.vlenx," to be published through a
syndicate In about 60 newspapers. They
were not intended to be offensive and
were not generally so regarded. How
ever, when Mr. Levy learned that the
Anti-DefamatlSn League, organized to
eliminate offensive references to the
Jews from the stage and newspapers,
bad decided to consider the character
of his cartoons, he promptly decided
to suspend their publication. To do this
Madame Lucie Valair
Dramatic Mezzo-Soprano
From Paris, France.
Sunday, Nor. 14, at 3 P. M.
Varied programme, ranging
from sacred music to opera
in costume. Madame Valair
will be assisted by
Miss Katherine Ensey,
Mr. G. C. Kirchman,
Mr. J. Hutchison,
Admission 50c, 75c and $1
Tickets also at Sherman &
he canceled contracts amounting to
more than $12,000. and paid in addition
2200 to disgruntled publishers.
"I withdrew the series," said Mr.
Levy, "because I do not want one fellow
Jew in all the world to think ill of
me. Editors all over the country, who
subscribed to my series, absolutely ob
jected to my changing the name of the
series, or the characteristics of the
principals, which they considered kind
ly and quite harmless. In order to
meet the wishes of the Anti-Defamation
League, whose principles I admire,
I voluntarily gave them up. Twenty
Anti-Defamation Leagues could not
have suppressed them."
The cyclonic comedienne, Eva
Tanguay, is ill In a Chicago hospital,
where she is to undergo an operation
upon her vocal cords. A bit shaker.
?Va JPtlmistic I-don't-care philo
sophy. - I am afraid that I am losing
my voice." she said, after a surgeon
had made an examination. "The trouble
has been coming on for some time. It
all comes from shouting so loudly in
my songs. The people like it. and we
? ,ve in to them. I've can
celed all of my engagements and will
stay here until I get well, if I can get
well. ,
(Continued From Pate 2)
fore the American public today. Ma
hatma is a mystery and she will en
deavor to answer all sensible questions
given her. She has appeared in the
larger cities of America and foreign
countries, and has baffled the scien
tists with her performance, which is
one of art, adroitness and dexterity.
Amid settings of gray and old rose,
with costume changes to match, a cou
ple calling themselves merely "Grey
and Old Rose," have what is believed to
be the most artistic singing and dancing-act
that has come to the Empress
this season. Piquancy is added by in
timate glimpses of the dainty dressing
rooms while they change costumes.
They sing pleasingly, and dance every
thing from the old-fashioned mazurka
to the fancy step and whirlwind ath
letic dances.
The Four Wanderers will offer mirth,
music and melody. There are three
young women and a young man in the
offering. Seymour and Dupre, another
"big time" attraction, will present a
novelty entitled "In a Real Vaudeville
Act." Their skit consists of comedy,
singing and piano selections.
The Rice "Brothers, character come
dians, will present new narratives and
nonsense. O. M. Bicknell and Mariam
Gibney will present a vaudeville trivial
ity called "A Small Town Johnny." The
new bill is looked upon as one of the
best Sullivan & Considine show en
"Tlie AVrong Mr. Wright" Is Play
of Many Complications.
Starting with the matinee today and
running all wee., with daily bargain
matinees, Dillon and King, with their
Ginger Girls and company of princi
pals, will present at the Lyric Theater
the farce comedy with musical inter
polations, "The Wrong Mr. Wright."
The action of this comedy is exceed
ingly lively and affords a series. of un
usual complications to the various
members of the company. Several
elaborate costumes will be worn by the
Ginger Girls, who, under the direction
of Teddy LaDue. will be seen to ad
vantage in well-arranged ensemble
The plot of the comedy deals with
the troubles of two married men out
for a good time and the complications
that arise from the explanations that
they rind necessary to give to their
. Charlie !
1 fl 1
1 r E
B as if
E f X
si i
B I 5
wives. Mike Dooley is kept out
vwsn, owing to the break
down of the machinery in a pleasure
device at the Pacihc-Panama Exposi
tion. Returning home next morning, he
is confronted by his wife, who demands
an explanation. Mrs. Leshinski ap
pears unexpectedly and demands a pair
of field glasses that Dooley borrowed
from her the night before at the ex
position. In thia manner the usual
woman in the case turns up. The fun
reaches, its height when the real
bright, of Bluflville, appears in an
swer to the telegram sent by Mike's
wife. The following have been cast
to splendid advantage: Dillon and
i, VfrL ,Lawrence, Charlie Reilly.
Frank Harrington. Grace Allen. Clar-
LalJue ' OHVe Artoa and Teddy
The music programme has been care
fully arranged by Producer Ben Dillon
as an extra feature he win present
o.ri3 Ani. Oakley and the Ginger
Girls in "Charlie Chaplin's Feet," one
Of the funniest musical numbers ever
presented on a stage. The girls will
give a correct impersonation of this
popular movie star and a good laugh
is- assured all the Lyric patrons. Tues
day night will again see the profit
sharing plan. This was a great suc
cess last week, the patrons being more
than agreeably surprised. Friday night
after each contest the popular chorus
girls contest will be held after each
Performance. The matinees are at
iiik Toniht three performances
? . , siven. the first commencing at
6 o clock sharp.
"The Man Who Couldn't Beat tied"
Is Thrilling Picture.
Undoubtedly the most weird produc
tion in motion picture drama is "The
Man Who Couldn't Beat God," in which
Maurice Costello, the universal .favor
ite, begins a three-day engagement at
the National today. It is a five-act
'Big four" Vitagraph special, in which
Costello is seen at his best. His cast
is also notable.
"The Man Who Couldn't Beat God"
is a story of love, success and wealth
but with a tinge of -horror of long
ago appearing as a nemesis throughout.
Martin Henchford is a man of peculiar
character He believes heVkn erase
from his life the memory c' a horri
ble past, that he can destroy in his
own mind every trace of a crime.
Years before he had committed mur
der on one Lord Rexford. His cun
ning saved detection. Later he turns
up in New York, where, in the inter
est of his vocation, he is brought into
great danger. He proves a hero. In
the excitement which ensues the im
age of the past flits across his vision.
Then follow successes, one after an
other in business, in honor, in love,
put an ever-increasing series of visions
Is produced by his conscience.
This is augmented by the unbelieva
ble and most strange recurrence in
the shape of unforeseen accident, of
haunting "shadow of the vallev of
death," which dogs his footsteps. With
everything in his grasp the Governor
of the state, the husband of one of the
sweetest women in the world he is
unable to forget: is able to erase all
but a conscience. He still believes he
can beat God. Does he succeed? This
Is powerfully brought out in a true-to-
life ending not a story-book finish.
Photographic and scenic portrayal are
also good features of this production.
Two good comedies, one a slap-stick
and the other unusual, are also on the
bill, making a varied as well as spe
cial feature programme. There is also
the special Sunday music.
New York Banker Declares He Was
Forced to Sign Drafts.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. George Ban
croft, a banker, paid $2500 to bandits
who held him up in the University
Apartment Hotel, according to the
story he told in Magistrate House's
court todayi Don Collins, a salesman,
was arrested by Detectives Hasklns and
Kajly, on complaint of Bancroft, who
said Collins had pointed a revolver
at him and forced him to sign two
sight drafts of $2500 each.
"I met Collins at my office at It
Beaver street a month ago," Bancroft
told the Magistrate in the West Side
Court. "He represented himself as a
possible purchaser of stocks. On the
night of October 10 I was met by
Collins at the hotel and taken to a
private room. Two men entered, and
before I knew what had happened Col
lins had drawn a revolver and pressed
it against my head. He ordered me to
sign two sight drafts for $2500 each.
I did.
"Collins then threatened to circulate
Improper stories about me if I made
any complaint."
One of the drafts was presented at
his office next morning before he came
to business, Bancroft said, and was
promptly paid.
When the second draft was presented
for payment. Bancroft continued, it was
refused, and complaint was made by
him to Assistant District Attorney Em
bree. Collins was held in $15,000 ball
on a charge of extortion.
Dean Haggett Would Replace Old
Building at University.
Nov. 3. The old wooden amphitheater,
a relic of the Alaska, Yukon and Pa
cific Exposition situated on the west
side of the campus overlooking Lake
Washington, is to be torn down and
replaced by a permanent structure,
provided the dream of Dean Arthur S.
Haggett is realized. His plan, which
Is now before President Suzzallo, is to
seek donations to cover the expense of
construction. Approximately $50,000
would be needed to build an amphithea
ter resembling that at California.
The site is superior to that at Ber
keley, in the opinion of Dean Haggett,
as the natural formation of the ground
would make little excavating neces
sary. The acoustic properties even of
the present amphitheater, which is in
such a state of ruin as to be useless,
are remarkable, an ordinary speaking
voice being audible in every part gt it.
When elephants are in the vicinity or
tt(rersthey beat their trunks on the ground.
Chaplin's 8
Special Feature "
With B
& KING i
In the n
at the ' g
Week Starting
Matinee Today g
Tuesday Night Prof- B
it-sharing. It's money g
in your pocket. -
Friday Night Chorus ?
Girls' contest. B
Bargain Matinees every
afternoon 2:30, Sun-
days and holidays ex-
Any Seat 10c g
Two shows week nights
7:30 and 9:10. 8
Tonight, Three Shows B
Commencing at 6 P. M. g
' yi:y -jSfL first ::
i Mahatma fj
I mm . ,. ,.
World's Greatest Mental Telepathist.
matinee 2:30, Tonight show 6 j
Ned "Cork77 Norton
and Girls
.. i...;... x ,.j ..-. -. - ? Mrii
Unequaled Vaudeville Broadway at Alder
World's Best Vaudeville at Popular Prices.
" a vuou, igun cee xl ai raniages.
Week Beginning Monday Matinee, November 8th
Two Honrs of Bls-TIme
at Popular Priees.
Flrat Cnrtala will rise at 7
P. M. Sharp Seconal at SiOS.
Matinee 2:30 Dally.
8 P. M. to 11 P. M.
Bo and First Raw Balennv
Iturrved by I'hODr. Main 4t3tt,
A ir'.Hl. Three 'hows Daily.
7 ana 8:Uo P. M.
The Broadway Revue
The Brightest Musical Production
From New York's Rialto.
Alexander & Scott
"Ail the Way From Virginia."
Ed Vinton & Buster
The Best Friends In Vaudeville.
Charles King &
Virginia Thornton
in "The Greater Price."
Prince & Deerie
"The Pets of Vaudeville."
Wills & Hassen
TIjS Masters of Balance.
"Where You Spend the Least and Get the Most for It'
Another Famous Basement Silk Sale
$1.25 $1.00 Newest Silks 59c
Messalines, Taffetas, Louisines, Surahs, Silk Serges
Just in by express. Every yard new. Every yard in styles and
qualities now in greatest demand.
A world of shades and colors blues from medium to navy all tie very latest
greens and browns many black and white effects and other colors and combina
tions too numerous to mention. This collection of patterns and designs is the great
est ever gathered together in a sale at one price. In shaded stripes, Pekin stripes,
block checks, line checks, Shepherd checks, and fancy effects.
Silks for street and party dresaea for tailored and dressy waists for coats and
wrapsfor children's wear for pettcoats for linings and an immense variety
especially suitable for fancywork and holiday gifts.
Many of these silks absolutely cannot be duplicated, owing to the critical European
dye conditions, and they certainly can never be duplicated at this price.
First Great Basement Apron Sale
5000 Aprons, in Many Styles at Economy Prices
T Kit .1 & r -mm . - .
ouy u tne Aprons You NeediNo Restrictions as to Quantity
25c Good Quality Percale
Bib Work Aprons . . . .1 9c
Splendid aprons, with large bib fastening in back of neck. Round
style In light cadet and navy, in figures, stripes, dots, ring dots, also
black and white checks.
35c Standard Quality '
Percale Work Aprons. . 25c
Made with large bib. and finished with white banding. Of extra qual
ity percale, full sizes, in a large assortment of light and dark colors, also in
pure white.
50c Regulation Coverall - v
Percale Aprons, Sale. . . 39c
Of good quality percale, in light or medium colors, in a variety of pat
terns. Coverall style with round neck, kimono sleeves, belted back. One
style with cap to match.
65c Percale Aprons and
House Dress Aprons. . . .49c
One style with elastic at waist, slips on over head, fastening down left
side, square neck, kimono sleeves. Another opens down side front, square
neck, kimono sleeves, full belted. Aprons finished with plain bandings
or pipings.
75c Regulation Coverall Aprons
of Scout Percale.
Light and medium colors in stripes and figures, made coverall style. Also
open side front aprons in dark percale, with kimono sleeves, and belted all
85c Gingham and Heavy
Percale Dress Aprons: . . OtC
A complete assortment of house-dress aprons, about I 0 different styles,
including Middy, elastic at waist, envelope, full-fitted styles, extra size
coveralls, rever style, open side front aprons, and aprons that button down
the back. Made of fine ginghams and heavy percales, in pink, light blue,
lavender, light and dark percales, finished with pipings, rickrack braid,
and contrasting colored bandings.
25c Children's Blue and White
Check Gingham Aprons . . 10c
Coverall style, round neck, belted back, kimono sleeves, pocket. Of
good quality blue and white checked gingham. Sizes up to 6 years.
Full Line of Plain and
Fancy White Aprons . Half PriCe
Full band aprons, parlor maids' and waitresses' aprons, and a great
variety of the daintiest tea aprons that would make the prettiest Christmas
gifts. Of fine lawn and dotted Swiss, hemstitched and lace trimmed.
20c Aprons 10c- 38c Aprons 19c 55c Aprons for 29c
300 Pairs of Double Thread
To $1.75 Nottingham Curtains
Economy Sale 98c Pr.
98c is an extraordinary price for this quality of curtains.
They come in attractive plain and figured centers with pretty
fancy borders. -
In white or ecru color. Full 40 to 50 inches wide, and from
2 Yi to 3 yards long.
Supply all your curtain needs while these curtains last.
Join Tomorrow!
218 Free
Sewing Machines
to be sold on our
New Payment Plan
This club offers choice of the
world's best sewing machine
The Free (every one specially
tested and guaranteed a lifetime)
on the easiest, simplest payment
Many enthusiastic women will,
we know, join this New Free Sew
ing Machine Club. If you would
do your sewing easily, quickly and
well, this is indeed your chance.
5 c First Payment
5 c first payment secures mem
bership and prompt delivery to your
home. Next week you pay 1 0c,
then 1 5c only 5c more each week
than the previous, and soon the ma
chine is yours. See the following
easy-payment schedule. Save as
you sew.
Se 70c $1.85
1st week 14th week 27th week
10c 75c $1.40
2d week 15th week 28th week
15c 80c $1.45
3d week 18th week 29th week
20c 85c $1.50
4th week 17th week 30th week
25c 90c $l755
5th week 18th week 31st week
30c 95c $1.60
6th week 19th week 32d week
35c $1.00 11.65
7th week 20th week 33d week
40c $1.05 $1.70
8th week 21st week 34th week
45c $1.10 $1.75
9th week 22d week 35th week
50c $1.15 $1.80
10th week 23d week 36th week
55c $1.20 $1.85
11th week 24th week 37th week
60c $1.25 $1.90
12th week 25th week 38th week
65c $1.30 Final
13th week 26th week $1.95
$ 1 .75 Cro wn Belt $1.19
For medium and stout figures,
from 22 to 36, of heavy coutil.
low bust, long hips and back, re
inforced over abdomen, heavy
spoon-shaped steels in front. Lace