V THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 7, 1915 JAPAN WILD WITH NATIONAL LOYALTY .1 JAPAN'S RTTI.ER. HIS rnvsnRT ivn bi Arc n ncDr nni .'. " T.T , . ' - " - iv-Ti-ij tiiuvuAMAilUA V r.ntJIU.N I 1 L.L. BE MlaLD. I If- - App and arel for Young Men Men Cities Are Like Fairyland as People Assemble in Hom age and Worship. KIOTO AWAITS ARRIVAL IJulcr's .Tourney to Attend Corona tion Ceremonies Attended by Kemarkable Scenes of Devotion of People. THE great idea at this store is to dress you in the suit or the overcoat best suited to your individual need. We like to meet the man who discriminates, for he will. appreciate the style and the quality that appear in these garments he will appreciate as well the fairness and the moderation of the prices at which they are sold. These are clothes that embody the most skilled and thorough workmanship and the finest motives in design. Perfection will be found in the unseen as well as in the exposed parts. Suits and overcoats of exceptional worth at $20 and $25 some higher, some a little lower but the same unvarying quality in all. Men, Main Floor Young Men, Second Floor NAGOTA, Japan, Nov. 7. The Em peror, attended by the whole court, who passed last night at the Nagoya palace on his war to Kioto for the ceremonies of coronation, left Nagoya this morning and received an enthusi astic and impressive greeting from the people. The city was in brilliant festive Barb. The streets were decorated with festoons of flags and lanterns and gar lands of flowers. The imperial sanc tuary was followed to the railway sta tion by the carriage of the ISmperor and those of the Princes and Princesses of the blood and other members of the retinue. Wild Entbuiilaam Shown. The imperial train conveying the court departed amid the strains of the national anthem played by a military band and shouts of "banzai" from the populace. The Emperor was greeted with wild enthusiasm at every stopping place along the route to Kioto. KIOTO, Japan, Nov. 6. The progress of Emperor Yoshihito from Tokio to Nagoya. the first stage of his journey to Kioto for the coronation ceremonies, was marked by a remarkable display of national loyalty. In every city and town through which the ruler 'passed the entire population assembled at the railway stations and in the adjacent highways, paying homage to the Em peror and bowing low in worship to the Kashikodokoro, or divine mirror, which represents the spirit of the grand imperial ancestress or sun god dess, Amaterasu Omikaml, and which is a part of the imperial sanctuary. Horizon Black With People. Jn the rice land the peasants, aban doning the mattocks, led thier children along the railroad and worshipped the sanctuary. Everywhere the horizon was black with school children, grown people and troops, mounted and on foot. As the Emperor entered Nagoya at dusk, the ancient castle burst into a bewildering illumination, visible from afar. Kioto is an enchanting fairyland. There is a mammoth electric monument at the railway station and the long, wide avenue leading from the station is dazzling with electric garlands. The narrow side streets are a mass of yellow and red paper lanterns, while huge pillars of light guard the city here and there like giant modern Sa murai. The Emperor is expected to arrive here Sunday. CITY PROHIBITS " LIQUOR AVater ' Department Employes of Spokane Must Be Sober. - SPOKANE. Wash.. Nov. 6. (Special.) Water today was indorsed as the of ficial beverage of the employes of the City Water Department, and anything stronger is strictly prohibited. "This department wants only sober men in its employ," is the concluding statement of a letter sent to Superin tendent Lindsay, of the water division, by Mayor C. M. Fasett. "Any man win be immediately and permanently dismissed," says the or der, "who brings intoxicants to any city work or who drinks intoxicants during working hours or who attempts or offers to go to work while under the influence of intoxicants to the elightest degree. "Any man who cannot commence his day's work and complete it without stimulants is not capable of giving the city its moneys worth of intelligent labor." The prohibition of the use of liquor among the employes of ,the water di vision follows testimony of excessive drinking, offered by former workmen. DANIELS' PAPER BURNS Secretary Loses by Fire for Second Time Since Taking Office. ItAL-EiGIT. N. C, Nov. 6. The build ing and plant of the News and Ob server, owned by Josephus " Daniels secretary of the Navy, were destroyed by lire early today. It is the second time the newspaper has been burned out since Secretary Daniels entered the Cabinet. The fire started in the large printing establishment of K. M. Uzzell & Co. "Virtually nothing was saved. W. H. Bagley, business manager of the news paper, was painfully hurt when trying to remove the books from the building Two firemen were injured. The News and Observer will be Issued from the office of the Times tomorrow. LIVES LOST IN BIG FIRE t (Continued From First Page.) They were able, however, to gain little information tonight, other than that the fire appeared to have originated in the Diamond Candy Factory, pro bably in the basement, where the'eook inpr was done. The loss of life was chiefly among trm employes of the Essex Shirt Com pany and. the B. W. Tailoring Com pany, who occupied the third and fourth floors. Owner of Building Arrested. After' a preliminary investigation by the authorities tonight. Mrs. Edward ""inonu, owner or the building, and her husband were arrested on a charge tl criminal negligence, and remanded ja.i r unout bail. iir. Diamond said ",.3 ln Tne building at the time of ..... ...c asserted ignorance as to the cause. Four separate investigations were tinder way tonight in an effort to fix responsibility for the loss of life These were begun by the Coroner" District Attorney. Fire Marshal and police department. Big Bounty I'rnuds Disclosed. KAU CIA1RE Wis.. Nov. 6. Whole sale frauds which are ,.sHm,j . have cost the state J500.000 in the last icw jcais. in connection with bounties on the scalps of wolves, u-hih '". are aiiegea by Deputy onservation Warden Henry Lee. who has been carrying on an investigation here. ABOVE SCENE OF FORMAL CEREMONIAL. BELOW EMPEROR YOSHIHITO AND EMPRESS SADAKO. o!l0daPanee.artistha3 e?ecuted these pictures to illustrate accounts of the coronation. It has teen an ounced that no photographs to illustrate the event will be taken, by order of the Emperor SOUTH HAY. CONTROL Caucus and Cloture to Be Programme in Senate. NORTH FAR OUTNUMBERED President's Leanings Said to Be Fea ture in Probable Plan and Ma jority Would Even Permit of Losing Insurgent Votes. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash., Nov. 6. The South, not content with dominating the, House of Representa tives, is laying plans deliberately to grab control of the United States Sen ate, and thus make its dominance in Congress complete. This it proposes to accomplish through the instrumentality of the Democratic caucus and a clo ture rule. If the plans of the Southern brigadiers go through, as they may at the coming session, the South will be in the saddle, and the rest of the coun try will be forced to bow down to Southern domination at both ends of the Capitol. With a President' who is Southern born, and whose sympathies are strongly Southern, the entire gov ernment will thus be in the grasp of the South. Already the South dominates the House of Representatives, through holding all but one of the important committee chairmanships in the lower branch of Congress. Committees, as is well known in Washington, are domi nated by their chairmen especially House committees and because of their strangle-hold on , the House or ganization, the Southern leaders are in position to run things their own way always with the sanction, and approval of the "captain of the team." South Han Party Majority. In the new Senate, more strongly Democratic than before, the South has it in its power to assume control. The South will have 31 Democratic members of the next Senate; ' the re mainder of the Democratic member ship'. 25. hail from the North and West. Outnumbering the other sections by six, the South will therefore be able to dominate the Democratic caucus, and the activity of Southern Democratic Senators, even in advance of the con vening of Congress, shows that the South intends to "come into its own." Tin South, in so many words, intends tc enforce the caucus gag at the com ing session, whenever and wherever possible, and to bind the Democratic majority to support caucus action. There is some Democratic opposition to caucus rule, but the opposition comes from Senators who do not hail from the South. Therefore, this oppo sition is negligible, especially in view of the fact that the Democratic ma jority of the Senate is now big enough to carry through caucus plans, even though six or seven, or eight insurgent Democrats refuse to be bound by cau cus decree. Cloture Role Proposed. After adopting the caucus gag, and compelling Northern Democrats to submit to the dictates of the 31 Demo cratic Senators from the South, it is proposed to adopt a cloture rule, in order that the decrees of the caucus may be put through the Senate by Democratic votes, without having their programme endangered by filibusters. There is just one way by which the South may be prevented from carrying through its adroitly planned scheme; that is by defeating the proposed clo ture rule, and giving to the Senate its right of unlimited debate. Once the South becomes master, the following Senators become the effective force in the Senate: Bankhead arfd Underwood, Alabama; Clarke and Robinson, Arkansas; Bryan and Fletcher, Florida; Smith and Hard wick. Georgia: James- and Beckham, Kentucky; Ransdell and Broussard, Tintlisliinti" KmWk n 1 f An , . 1"U 'T-.T, didl ) lillHl, ..imams ana varaaman, Mississippi; Stone and Reed, Missouri; Simmons and Overman. North Carolina; Owen and Gore, Oklahoma; Tillman and Smith, South Carolina; Lee and Shields, Tennessee; Culberson and Sheppard, Texas;; Martin and Swanson, Virginia, and Chilton, West Virginia. MOB DETAINS 'SHIRKERS' PASSAGE FROM LIVERPOOL RE. Fl'SUD IMMt EMIGRANTS. LtnerVi Firemen, Absorbing; Spirit of Crowd, Refuse to Worlc If Me of Military Age Sail. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 6. Nine hundred Irishmen who intended to sail for New York today on the Cunard Line steam ship Saxonia. were prevented by the steamship company from taking pas sage. The company declined to permit them to sail after there had been several stormy encounters with street crowds, which took the view that able-bodied men should not be permitted to evade liability to military service in this manner. The arrival of the Irishmen' in Liver pool drew a crowd outside the steam ship offices. Two Irishmen were knocked down by women. Others were set -upon and decorated with white feathers. Ignoring cries of "Cowards!" "Traitors!" and refusing to listen to the appeals of a recruiting 'sergeant, the Irishmen marched to the dock. When they arrived there the Sax onia's firemen, witnessing the street encounters and catching the spirit of the crowd, informed the steamship company they could not leave with the Saxonia if the Irishmen were permitted to sail. y SLEUTH TURNS PRINTER COISTERFEITERS OK MEXICAN NOTES KALI. -INTO TRAP. Men Said to Have Stolen Plates From Which rarrinia Money Was Made Caught In San Francisco. SAN FrfAXCISCO. Nov. 6. Jacinto Herrero Leungo and Lorenzo Rovera Arivau were held to answer today to the Federal grand jury by Commis sioner Krull, on a charge of having counterfeiting material in their pos session. J. M. Arriola. special agent of the Consul-General of Mexico, testified that the two men had stolen original plates from which Carranza money had been printed, in November. 1914. when Zapata captured the city of Mexico. By means of alleged Spanish passports, Arriola testified, the defendants smuggled the plates or lithograph stones across the United States border. In his attempts to secure evidence against the men. Arriola conducted a printing establishment, where, he said, Leungo and A.-ivau arranged to have about $15,000,000 in counterfeit Mexi can notes printed. The prisoners, it was said, did not know that Arriola was a Mexican government agent until he testified against Iheru on the stand. FIGHTONARMYAHEAD Opposition Probable in Matter of Continental Force. GUARD IS MORE POPULAR Creation of New Volunteer Organ. Izatlon Is Favored by Many, Too, and Kesult or Divided Opin ion May Be Delayed Long. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Nov. 2. Th... . a real scrap , cess "over tha Phase of the Army programme wnich f ,? W'th the "organization of the Militia and the creation of a Con tinental Army. The President may be able, with mi itiftA. . votes to ""i- et enough gramme VhTci.looC-totht en?a?ge Sulal be"r 'Pment of fh, r6 ?y' b"l !' regard the ultimate outcome likely will be long in rinnht oe The Militia has been ' growins- ii favor of recent years in all parTs of tl, country except the South and th ria,0day haS "'re blends i? Con gress than, ever before. - With a view i.UPbUildjns the Militia, increasing U mon" ahiP- S'VU,S " better inetru 1 tion and more of it. and general!, makinir (h vrnj.: ' eenerailj more proficient Chamberlain, chairman of Uto ...... ? committee, will rein- Em V." MiUtia Pay biU in th 'o ln which it was in ntw o , aro , a year Representative Hay. of Virginia cha rman o the House mlIitar t? v'i..V forme-Iy was opposed to the Militia pay bill, has been converted tn f'Y',n JKin Senator Chamberlain" in a fight to bring about its passage On the other hand, there is develop ing a considerable sentiment in favor of the creation of a large Continental Army, such as the President will recommend, and it is becoming ap parent that there may be serious con flict of interest between the Militia on the one hand and a Continental Army on the other. Both are to be voluntary orgainzatlons; both are designed to give military training to young men who care to enlist; both are to be in structed by officers of the Regular Army, and . both are intended to con stitute a "citizen soldiery." to be at the call of the President in time of war The main difference between the Militia and -the Continental Army, as the plans now stand, la that the Militia will, receive its training largely in armories, with an annual encampment of ten days, whereas the Continental Army -will instruct-its members in the field two months a year for three years and then turn them into the reserve. There is a growing fear among of ficers of the Militia that -the Conti nental Army may be developed to such a point as to draw many members from the Militia, and render it difficult to maintain that volunteer force. And among some .officers there -is a dispo sition, to frown, on the Continental Army idea, in the hope of inducing Con gress to provide solely for the upbuild ing of the Militia, making it the only citizen force in the United States. Advocates of. tne Continental Army contend that there Is no prospect of rehabilitating- the National - G-uard in those states, and that only by organiz ing a' Continental Army can efficient companies and regiments be built up in states where the National Guard has been -a failure. BEN SELLING Morrison at Fourth CHICAGO FUNDS TIED UP COl'HT DECISION WILL HALT MUNI CIPAL ACTIVITIES. Streets May Go Cnligbted and Horses Vnfed Unless Legislature Meets to Remedy Situation. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Chicago's street may be left without electric lights. horses in the fire department may no longer eat oats and scores of municipal projects halted as a result of a decis- on of the State Supreme Court today. tying up $304,000 of the city's funds. The decision stamps certain of the city appropriations illegal because they were passed alter the regular appro priation bill. In addition to affecting the electrical, fire and police depart ments, t'le decision stops the paying of lees to real estate experts attached to the board of local improvements. . Mayor Thompson tonight admitted that the decision would seriously crip ple the city and telegraphed Governor Dunne asking for a conference Mon day. It is expected that a special ses sion of the Legislature will be asked to allow the city to levy a special tax to meet the deficiency. . PETER A. B. WIDENER DIES Widely-Known Traction Financier Succumbs at Age of 8 1 . PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 6. Peter A. B. Widener, widely known financier, died at his home at Elkins Park, near here, today. Mr. Widener had been fit for some time. He was a dominant factor in the street railway systems, of this city. New York, Chicago and other cities. He was 81 years old. Death is believe! to have been due to advanced age. Mr. Widener started his business ca reer here as a butcher. For more than 20 years he bore an active part in all the important political movements of the city. He was a candidate for Mayor, but was defeated for the nom ination by Mayor Stokley. He is said to have accumulated a fortune esti mated at more than $60,000,000. ABERDEEN TO PARTICIPATE Special Train. Will Be Run to Ray mond for llailroatl Celebration. ABERDEEN', Wash.. Nov. 6. (Spe cial.) Twenty-five Aberdeen business men and many from Hoquiam will leave here via a special Milwaukee train on Monday morning for Kaymond to par ticipate in the celebration to be given there in honor of the completion of the Milwaukee line into Willapa Har bor. The train will leave here early Mon day morning and return late Monday night. Many others undoubtedly will make the trip by automobiles. PRINTING BILL- CUT HALF Journal or Legislature Proceedings Red (iced Materially. SALEM, Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.) By elimination of -superlluous matter from CUT THIS OUT OLD ENGLISH RECIPE FOR CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES. If you know of some one who is troubled with catarrhal deafness, head noises or ordi nary catarrh cut out this formula and hand it to them and you will have been the means of savins some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. In England scientists for a Ion? tlm? past have recognized that catarrh is a constitutional disease and neces sarily requires a constitutional . treatment. Sprays, Inhalers and nose douches are liable to irritate the delicate air passages and force the disease Into the middle ear which frequently- means total deafness, or else the disease Is driven down the air pas sages toward the lungs which is equally as dangerous. The following formula which is used extensively in the damp English climate is a constitutional treatment and should prove especially efficacious to suf ferers here who live under more favorable climate conditions. Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmlnt (double strength). Take this home and add to it h pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar; stir until dis solved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from distressing head noises. Clogged nos trils should open, breathing become easy "' " 1111 laiiniiHllon 1 in the eustachian tubes Is reducwi. Parmlnt 1 is used in this way. as It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system and has a slight tonic action that facilitates the recovery of the patient. The preparation is easy to make, costs little and is pleasant to take. Every person who has citurrh should give tlii treatment a trial. Adv. I Oregon's House and Senate journals of the 1915 legislative session and con densation into one volume, the cost of publication this year was cut to $2753.03, as compared with $4320.5.. paid out for the 1S13 journals, printed in two volumes. Two years ago the average cost a page for printing the two volumes of the Oregon legislative proceedings was $1.66. The 1915 journal contains but 535 pages. Had the old system been followed Oregon's House and Sen ate journals this year would have con tained afeout 2000 pages. The combined Oregon journal for 1915 was made by Secretary of State Olcott by authorization of the State Printing Board. R. J. CLEMMONS IS BURIED Late White Salmon Man Was Civil War A7eteran. WHITE SALMON', Wash., Nov. 6. (Special.) The funeral of Robert J. Clemmons. who died here Monday, was held Thurscf.y under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Clemmons was born August 9. 1819. in - Fulton County, Indiana. He enlisted in Com pany K, Second Nebraska Cavalry, and served during the Civil War. At the close of the war he served In the West for a year. lighting the Indians. In 1870 he was married to Martha J. Smith. They moved to Washington in 1887 and to White Salmon in 1883 and homesteaded what is now known as the Hessler Orchards. Four children besides the widow survive him. Richard A. Janev. Rose Good judgment Were ljou on the point of buying a diamond, mould xjou not ap preciate a feru enlightening remarks which would help you com prehend the situation yourself? It is pore difficult to buy a piano than a diamond, and the results of error are more annoying. Two Bad Investments First In buying an instrument, it is a great mistake to select a combination of cheaply made commercial piano or player-piano at a low price. Second It is equally as great a mistake to pay an exceedingly high price for an instrument that is expensively advertised and exploited through famous artists whose indorsements are costly. The cheap piano will represent money thrown away and dissatisfaction; the high-priced one, money wasted. Simplicity and reliability are the foundation stones of my line of pianos. I am not dealing in the cheap class, neither in the over-advertised class. When you buy an Emerson, Vose, E. H. Holt, Hobart M. Cable, Kohler & Chase, M. Schulz, Kohler & Campbell, every dollar invested is a dollar's worth of intrinsic as well as artistic value. Meet Me Personally. Easy Terms. E. H. HOLT 325 Alder St., Oregonian Building Store Open Evenings ED BY BLOTCHY SKIN If you nro a sufferer from Eczema or un siRht ly pimply ikin, you know just what it means to have that humiliating, backward fe?lintf alwut meeting: strancers and often times friemls. Many u. time you have looked into the mirror and wished that your skin wo jlil be like other people that you know, "without a blemish." This wish can be vourj for the asking. If you will go to the drug gist and jirocure a bottle of D. D. D . the croatest of all akin remedies, apply it accord ing: to directions, in a. short time your akin will be aa soft as velvet. Come in and ask for a bottle today on our money-bark guarantee. Ask also about L). L. I. froap. that keeps the skin healthy. Skidmore Drug Co.. TUo Owl Drug Co For 15 Years the Standard Skin Remedy E. Clemmons. Susan E. Clemmons and Robert Webster Clemmons. STOPS TOBACCO HABIT. Elders Sanitarium, located at 518 Main St. St. Joseph, Mo., has published a book showing the deadly effect of the tobacco habit, and how it can be stopped in three to fivdaya. As they are distributing- this book free, anyone wanting- a copy should send their name and address at once. Adv. Maintenance or prisons In England cosis f -.S-'iiymn a yar. WHY SHAM