The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Image 49

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Pages 1 to 8
Order Your Private
Xmas Greeting
Cards ;
now while the stocks ' are most
complete. We are now showing
an assortment of distinctive enr
graved greeting cards in beautiful
new designs. " We will engrave
your name from your own plate
on these cards at a very slight ex
pense. Paper White Narcissus
Bulbs from the Rust
Craft Shop ,-'
packed in dainty holiday boxes.
25c and 50c box. Each box con
taining three to six. First Floor
Staple Ribbons at Half Price
Double faced satin ribbons, satin taffeta ribbons, lingerie rib
bons, satin ribbons and taffeta ribbons now so much in demand
for f ancywork and for underwear trimmings. In white, pink, blue,
lilac, old rose, green, coral and cardinal.
60c satin ribbon, 7 inches wide, for 30c
45c satin ribbon, 5 and 6 in. wide, for 23c
3uc ribbons .......... 15c
25c ribbons . . . . 12c
,20c ribbons .......... 10c
10c ribbons ........... 5c
7c ribbons ......... ,3zc
15c ribbons 8c
13c ribbons . . . . . . . 7c
8c ribbons 4c
6c ribbons 3c
12c ribbons . 6c
Plrnt Floor.
Free Lessons in Wool Knitting and Crocheting
By the well-known teacher, Mrs. Chundelah, every day
tiflh Floor
from. 9 to 1.
Tailoring Service
Extended to all
women purchasing
their materials at
our Dress Goods
Mr. Edmund Gurney
(The well-known custom tailor )
has been permanently engaged to help
you select your materials, advise you
as to styles, cut, etc.
He will cut your skirt FREE of
CHARGE in your choice of ma
terials in stock.
Second Floor
Red Fox Furs
In the latest and most correct
styles for mid-Winter wear.
Red Fox is the most fashionable fur
of the season, and our stock of Red
Fox furs is most complete.. They are
choice furs in every instance.
The Scarfs
In full animal shape.
At $9.85, $13.50, $15.00 $24.85
to $38.50. ;
The Muffs
In both pillow and melon shapes.
At $7.85, $10.65, $18.35, $24.85
to $38.50. Third Floor
in Time for
Rainy Weather
200 of Them, in a
Regular $3.00 Style
For $1.98
For women and for men.
Made of an extra fine quality
union taffeta having the regula
tion paragon frames with plain,
carved and silver-trimmed han
dles. Finished with loops and
tassels. In 26 and 28-inch sizes.
First Floot
Straight to the Point, An Unexampled Sale of Crepe de Chine Lingerie
One Garment from each group is illustrated.
Prices in This Sale, Quality Considered, Have No Precedent
$3.00 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise 1
In two very dainty designs of white and flesh crepe de chine. Fashioned in yoke style and "$2.39
trimmed with lace insertion, and finished with chiffon rosebuds or satin ribbon. Special .... J
$1.75 Crepe de Chine Waist Slips
Made of excellent quality crepe de chine in white and flesh,, with kimono sleeves trimmed with
beading, lace edging and ribbon drawn, finished at the waistline with elastic. Very special. .
$2.50 Crepe de Chine Bloomers
' In white and flesh, made in the regulation bloomer style, reinforced and finished with elastic
.at the waist and knee. Very special
$5.50 Crepe de Chine Gowns
In three extremely Drettv stvles in-white and flpsh m'nlr Fmr;r k,1 l. i
hemstitched yoke V-neck empire style with yoke and sleeves of shadow lace insertion
square hemstitched yoke and sleeves. Finished with tiny French ribbon bows, rosettes or
uiiiii ruscuuus. oaie. ...............t
$1.75 Crepe de Chine Camisoles
In four styles shown in white and flesh. V-neck with band of ecru lace insertion and
sleeveless- another with shadow lace insertion back and front and with sleeves, finished
with chiffon rosebuds and ribbons the fourth has fine wide shadow lace insertion nJ W
edging. Special
$2.75 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise
In white and flesh trimmed with lace yoke back and front, lace edging and ribbon drawn,
the most attractive chemise ever offered at this price
$7.00 Crepe de Chine Gowns
An excellent grade of crepe de chine is used in these gowns modeled in the French style
with square neck back and front, empire effect, with sleeves and yoke formed of wide hem
stitched bands. Finished with ribbon. Special
$2.50 Corset Covers and Camisoles
Of white and pink crepe de chine with yokes formed of laces, with the new cap sleeves, lace
trimmed down the front. Also French style with ribbon straps . . . .
Fourth Moor
Disposing of Newest, Smartest
Trimmed Hats
.Assembled in Three Assortments .
$3.95, $5.95, $7.95
For the woman with a millinery question unsettled, this is indeed
a rare event as it is a sale of the very latest models at the very
height' of the season hats that have but lately been designed and
shown for the first time. 1
f comprises elegantly trimmed hats of
Silk Velvet, of Velvet, of Hatters' Plush,
.and of Velvet combined with plush. In '
black and some in colors.
Hats for dress wear hats for tailored wear hats for street wear hats for
all kinds of wear. Hats in sailor shapes with the broad brims, turned-in curves
and droops that are quite new and different; little gems of toques, turbans and
tricornes, with the simplest kinds of trimmings; the Puritan bats with small or
large brims; hats that are large and picturesque. ,
Trimmings of ostrich, with novelty feathers, with grosgrain ribbons with
silver and gold ribbons and ornaments with fur and with wings.
Come early in the morning choose the hat or hats that please you best.
, Third Floor
A Special $1.50 Year's Subscription to the
Pictorial Review for $1.25
Good until November 25th. Order your 1916 Pictorial
Review subscription now at our pattern department, Sec
ond Floor.
From the Apparel Store
Correctness in
In milady's boudoir the arrival
of a new pair of shoes is as much
a matter of moment as the arrival
of a new frock. The smart woman
knows that her shoes will make or
mar her costumes. She therefore
uses extreme care and discrimina
tion in their selection.
in grace of line and detail, per
fection of fit and general distinc
tion of style, takes first place this
ieason with the well-dressed women.
We are showing these Gypsy
Boots in a French Bronze, button
st)le with the new narrow, reced
ing toe and Louis Cuban heels.
m $7.00 $mr
econd Floot
Just Arrived Another Large Shipment of
Innovation Wardrobe Trunks
$85.00 model for $70.00
$25.00 model for. . .$19.95 $40.00 model for. . $30 00
$50.00 model for. . .$40.00 $65:00 model for. . .$50.00
Seventh Floor
Do You Need Curtain Materials?
Here Tomorrow Is Your Opportunity!
40c and 50c Cretonnes for 29c Yard
3000 yards of the prettiest cretonnes. Art Linens, Taffetas. Radium Cloths
and Chintz in the most artistic and desirable colors and combination colored
effects in floral and conventional designs suitable for living-rooms and bed
rooms. .
50c Bungalow Curtain Nets 39c
- Pancy curtain nets in pretty allover patterns and mission designs. 45 to 50
inches wide. In white and Arabian color.
40c and 50c Fancy Curtain Scrims 27c Yard
Fancy bordered curtain scrims, hemstitched, fancy borders and with plain
centers. In white, cream and ecru.
25c and 30c Imported Curtain Madras 19c Yard
An imported curtain madras in allover figured designs for bedroom windows.
35c and 40c Curtain Nets 29c Yard
Fancy curtain nets in white and ecru color. 45 and 50 inches wide. An
attractive assortment.
60c and 65c Imported Madras 49c
Fancy curtain madras in pretty floral and figured designs. In white, cream
and colored figures in pink or blue and yellow. "40 to 45 inches wide.
' 75c Fancy Curtain Nets 59c Yard
In the most desirable patterns in white and Arabian tolor.
30c Plain Curtain Scrim 22c Yard
Plain scrim in white, cream and ecru. A splendid quality, 40 inches wide.
Fifth Floor
Garments on sale in styles as illustrated.
New Velvet Suits
TTie smartest of velvet suits in the most attractive of styles
and shown in such popular colors as soft browns, greens,
navy blue and black. Fashioned with straight jackets
with belted jackets, and with braided jackets trimmed
with fur at the neck, sleeves and some down the front
fastening with jet or. velvet-covered buttons. Straight,
flare and gathered skirts
Suits of Wool Poplin
Modeled with the medium-length jacket, novelty belt
across the back and stitched belt across . the front, high .
turn-over collar inlaid with velvet, trimmed with- velvet
buttons. Straight flare skirt with panel back. In navy, .
brown and black. Special :
New Shower-Proof Coat
Of wool mixtures in brown, green and gray a loose
slip-on model with a convertible collar. Very tailored
and smartly cut. Special price of ."T. V .
Klosfit Petticoats
Of chiffon taffeta silk jersey tops with messaline flounce,
and of all-silk messaline in a variety of ; new flounce
styles, trimmed with clusters of accordion pleating and
narow ruffles, some have corded scallops, stitching, smock
ing and tucking ; also silk under ruffles. - In plain colors
and changeable effects. At the one price of. ; .
, ' Third Floor
See Third Page
This Section
For Additional Sales
A Thanksgiving Dinner-Ware Sale
Just When New Table China Is Most Needed We Are .
Closing Out Six Open Stock-Patterns at Third Less Regular
This dinner-ware comes from the best English and American potteries,
land China, offers the strongest inducement to supply your table china.
And this, in addition to the sale of Havi-
$ 8.92 dinner set $5.95
$ 9.90 dinner set $6.60
$10.89 dinner set $7.26
$13.34 dinner set $8.89
$12.31 dinner set $8.21
$18.57 dinner set $12.38
$20.95 dinner set $13.97
$22.95 dinner set .$15.30
$26.90 dinner set $17.94
$27.60 dinner set $18.40
)r you can make up your
own compositions at one
third off the regular open
stock prices. Our line of dinner-ware
is most complete.
Sixth Floor.
1 he ciiecC oi cor
rect corseting is as
pronounced upon
one's self as upon
others. The position
occupied by the
Front Laced Corset
results from the grow
ing appreciation of
that fact by women
who judge style keenly
Fourth Floor.
Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers
Merchandise cfcJt Merit Only"
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 6691
Elegant Scarfs
With Flowing Ends
Of heavy fine quality silks
in Persian designs, Roman
stripes, brocades, basket
weaves in handsome color
ings. Regular $1 and $1.25
First Floor
hite stripes and white
Bedding Needs from the Domestic Store
'" A Sale for Thrifty Housewives ;"
$2.00 Bedspreads for $1.69
Hemmed satin bedspreads, medium weight and closely woven, for
regular full-size beds. In several patterns.
$3.25 Hemmed Satin Bedspreads $2.50
Splendid quality, and closely woven for regular full-size beds. Heavy
raised patterns and several designs to select from.
$4.50 Scalloped Spreads $3.75
Extra fine satin bedspreads, closely woven with scalloped or cut
corners for full-size beds. Beautiful Marseilles designs.
Round-Thread Linen-Finish Sheets
They are made from extra heavy round-thread cotton and are a
splendid wearing sheet.
Size 214x212 yards, special 69c each.
Size 2yx2y yards, special 72c each.
Size 2x3 yards, special 81c each.
Pillow cases, size 42x38y2, special 15c.
Pillow cases, size 45x38yz, special 16c.
Cotton Batting for Comforters
These batts are made from the purest white cotton. They open up for
full-size comforters.
3-lb. cotton batts, sp'l 75c 4-lb. cotton batts, sp'l $1
Cotton batts of a fine grade cotton. They come for full-size com
forters. 3- lb. plain 'batts, sp'l 90c 3-lb. stitched batts, sp'l $1
4- lb. plain batts, sp'l $1.15 4-lb. stitched batts, $1.30
The finest batts made for filling comforters and cushions. They
are warranted pure wool.
Crib size, 1 -lb. weight, special $1.25.
For full-size comforter, 72x84 2 lbs., special $2.50.
For full-size comforter, 72x84 3 lbs., special $3.50.
For full-size comforter, 72x84 4 lbs., special $5.00.
Covered with cheesecloth.
For full-size comforter, 72x84 2 lbs., special $3.25.
For full-size comforter, 72x84 3 lbs. special $4.50.
For full-size comforter, 72x84 4 lbs., special $5.50.
36-Inch Comforter Challies and Sultan Cloth 12yzc Yd.
Medium, light or dark colors in pretty Persian or floral patterns.
Many different designs to select from. Second Floor
Boys' New $2.00 Suits
.of Tub Fabrics
For $1.59
In four styles
as illustrated.
In the new Billy Boy and
Middy styles of medium
weight galatea and twill,
with eton or sailor collars.
in all white in navy and white in cadet and
with contrasting collars and cuffs. Made with the new straight trousers.
All sizes from 3 to 7 years. .
Other Boys' Wash Suits at Lowest Prices
$2.50 Suits $1.98 $3.50 Suits $2.45 $4.50 Suits $3.45
Something entirely new for the little fellow in "Billy Boy," "Tommy
Tucker" and middy styles, with box pleats, smocking and gathered
pleats. In all white, French blue, navy blue and white and tan, with
contrasting collars and cuffs; straight knee pants or straight cuff trousers.
In sizes from 3 to 7 years. ' Fourth Floor
K!odai-t Corset"