The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Frank Carney, of Jefferson,
Tells Story of Logan
berry in Music.
nope was expressed that
adjustment will be made.
ine delegates listened to a talk by
jacK ttosen, or the Sailors' Union, re
gardmg the alleged remissness of th
government officials In not orovidin
sooner facilities for the examination of
Seamen tO meet thA nt-Avtolnn.
iafoiiette bill. Mr. Rosen said that
II shipping' Is hamnered anvwhere
would be the fault of the officials at
wasnington. He also said that th
""J" examination is too severe,
oven more so than 1 ronnirAH nf un
listed men in either the Army or the
Mrs. Gee reported that the garment
v. uiers would De put on full time, be
Sinning next Monday.
The delegates listened to the report
of the committee on a site for the new
labor temple, which is
iimsnea Derore Labor day, 1916.
. it will be the best temple In the
country,- said A. W. Jones, one of th
uiciuuera or me committee.
Ad Club Quartet Sings Several of
Ilc-t Offerings Before Crowd at
Land Show Other Prizes''
Are Awarded students. :
" nr.n l HOWEVER, TAKE
1'ltODl ,TS SHOW.
Multnomah County day.. Rufus
E. Holman,. chairman; Orenco
day Frank W. Power, chairman.
1 P. M. Doors open. Afternoon
admission: Adults, 15 cents; chil
dren, 10 cents.
2 to 4:30 Pi M. McElroy's band
in concert. -
2 P. M Orenco's delegation
arrives, headed by Orenco band.
3 P. M. Concert by Orenco
3 to 6 P. sr. Motion pictures
showing Union County farm
scenes and school gardening:
work. Watson Sisters in dances
and vaudeville features in the
3 to S P. M. Sons of Spanish
"War Veterans Drum Corps.
8 to 10:30 P. M. McElroy's
band in concert.
8:30 P. M. United States For
estry films in theater.
9 to 10 P. M. Ad Club quartet
in concert.
Frank Carney, age 17 years, a stu
dent in Jefferson High School, won
llrst prize of $150 Friday night at the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Show, at the close of the loganberry
song contest, whicn has been held
under the auspices of the Portland Ad
Club to stir up interest In the exploi
tation of the loganberry in a com
mercial way.
.Jefferson limn School also furnished
the second prize winner. H. Russell
Demmon, age 18 years. This prize is
' V5.
Kva Charlotte Rash, of the Holman
School, age 14, won the third prize of
While the judges were working on
the final awards the Ad Club quartet
gave a concert in the ballroom of the
Armory, singing various songs that
were in the running for prizes in the
content. The room was packed with
people, and the songs were received
with enthusiastic applause.
The awards were made on the basis
or the value of the song as an adver
Using medium, the adaptability to the
iune suggested, originality, etc.
Ten other prizes .of merchandise, of
fered by local concerns, were award
ed, as follows: Ruth Young, of Port
land; Alta E. Matten, of Salem; Mary
nacKeit, or McMinnviiie: Ruth Mc
tiarry. of Portland; Hester B. Thorpe,
i uresnam; iirac Matthews, of Port
land: Kuby H. Hunt, of North Be ml;
Maud Allen, Leone Eddy and Iver S.
itoss, of Eugene.
Ine distribution of th
iuonpicr and Uyrm Are Defeated It
Madden and Bated la Fast Mills
in Northern Ring;.
blATTLE,. Wash.. Nov. S. fSnacial.
At a smoker which everybody who
attended declares was one of the best
snows ever staged here, Seattle box
ers aeieatea both Multnomah repre
Bcmaiives last night in the inter-clu
Madden, who KtihttMitri -t-i ,..-..
Gleason. and Baird botn took their
bouts from Monpier and-Bvers. the
iwo oest men In the Southern Mnh
" were picked to represent Mult
noman in the California tom-namon
vma monin.
- .. tj itittauen.jionn pr p-n woe
which will be long remembered for its
fierceness. From whistle to whiHtlo.
i..i. 1 ....
win uuys were at It hnmmpp an
'BS' slugging and swinging. Mon
pier put up a great scrap, but Mad-
uen DeSieO. mm nrf wnn th. riAl.i
cairo. naa an easier time beating his
opponent, although Byers looked like
n even Det for the first two rounds.
iiie neatue boy won in the final d
l 10 iu 11 wnen no speeded un. Rntji m
mese contests wcrp rnrA
bouts ever seen here.
xn me wrestliner nvcnl. Vi
club did not oome out on the cam
end of the stick. Genre- Hurt
135-pound mat man which the Mult
nomah Club sent ur to tacki.
Bradshaw, downed the Seattle mun
twice. George McCarthy, the Portland
heavyweight, threw Ja.m. umi. v.
local representative, twice, also giving
ioiiiiiS wresuers a clean sweeD.
mo summary;
Karl Baird. Seattle, heat
Multnomah. decision, three rounds
Lloyd Madden. Kuntti. '
Multnomah, decision, three rounds.
George McCarthy. Multnomah Tmu
" iwmaiK, eiruisai Tails.
oeorge Clark. Multnomah, beat Ham
as any
Bradshaw, Seattle.
" raiM on Resources Are cl
at Each County Booth as Crowd
Passes Through Land Show.
be made by the Ad Club committee con
sisiing of Ueorge E. Waggoner, D. N.
Mosessohn and V. H. P. Hill.
in addition to the Ad Club quartet
lasi nignt Mrs. JelplHne Marx and Mrs.
Herman Polltz sang several solos.
Judges in the contest were: President
1: 1 Campbell, of the University of
Oregon; J. A. Churchill, State Superin-
tenuern. or acnoois: Mrs. Clara H.
Waldo, of Oregon Agricultural College;
Clark Letter. A. C. Reese, Dean Collins
ana jacK seating.
j ne prize-winning song was a clever
parody of "This Is the. Life," with a
catchy chorus expanding on the virtues
.eastern uregon counties wet-a dki.
cimer 10 oner a Better series of talk
-'(-, V 11 1 11 v HNL.rn jr.n-nr.
tuey were iortunate in securing a bet
ter series of oratora in thutr k.h.n
prizes will Realty .Board, contest Friday night
for all four of the prizes awarder! went
to speakers for Eastern Oregon coun
Phil Metschan. Jr.. snsalinir
sorrow uouniy booth, won first prize
. J. Steinmetz, for Klamath Countv.
" dcwuu. r unit mcuruns, lor Jack
son, tnira, ana l-rank McFarland
Wasco County, fourth.
judges were C. J. Sinsel. F. A. Jirah.
and J. V. Brewer.
The Realty Board visited th Mr.
facturers' and Land Products Show in a
oouy Dotn yesterday afternoon nnrt
nignt. out it was in the evening that
ui.cjr iui. uU me uig oratorical stunt.
the old-style drinks.
of loganberry Juice as compared to all I A speaker was assigned to each countv
UU"L". wiiii nve minutes in
wncn to outline tne advaniaitM o,,h
opportunities offered by the county he
represented. L. W. Cronan handled the
"ballyhoo" work and intrduced Mrh
speaker, drawing the crowd from one
ooota to anotner as the contest progressed.
The speaker assigned to T'ni u- , ,.
having failed to appear, D. M. Lowe,
of Jackson County, stepped into the
booth and gave an earnest talk for
Polk County. W. E. Meachem spoke in
behalf of Baker.
The committee on Realtv Ttna-A
follows: 1
Clayton Ochler. general chairman- t
M. Ayers, R. G. Closterman. L. K. Moore"
W. D. Seckendorf. W. W. Jordan n v
Everett. R. F. Keemster. W. J. Davis
W. H. Selti. F. O. Northrup..C. Wilson'
Robert Krims, w. H. Dufur, E M
Brown, R. H. Blossom. C. B. Dean v; a'
Crouchley, F. Readcn, L. Hargrove G
Henry, W. Ross, W. Hansen, R. Fischer!
A. R. Johnson, C. Rinsrler.
One Collision, Firo and Rklps
Driving Charge Are TJeportcd.
x urade and Programme Arranged
by Supply Men for Monday.
For several weeks the electrical men
ci rortiana .nave been busy working up
an entertainment for Klectrie nlarht.
Monday, at the Land Products Show. A
ariea programme has been completed,
and there will be a number of unusual
iMiun's presented.
There will bo a large electrical ve-
nicie parade early in the evening, be
ginning at 7:15 o'clock. Fifty vehicles
have been signed up for this parade
...u in uuuiun inert will be music,
devils, red fire and electrical displays.
1 ne committee in charge of this feat
ure consists of W. R. Spalding, A. N.
stanton, u. t. Keese and E. A. West.
ne or tne interesting features of the
snow win be a prize distribution
Allien win taKo place at 10 o'clock.
A large number of current-consuming
devices have been furnished by various
companies, and these will be on display
in the store window of H. Jenning &
'.uiutiaiiy until iuonaay nignt.
Court Scows liawyer for Part
David Lamar's Practices.
v NEW TOUK. Nov. S. Edward Lau
terbach. who was counsel for David
1-ainar at the time of Lamar's alleged
impersonation of Representative Pal
mer and Speaker Clark in telephone
calls to friends of the late J. P. Mor
gan, was severely censured today by
1110 appellate division of the Supreme
Court for the part ho played in Lamar's
This consisted largely of seeking to
obtain employment as an attorney by
J. P. Morgan & Co. through misrepresentations
at, .'ib-tr,nthAn those disclosed CONRAD DELBRDCK KILLED
-- " iKi.ciiiuei, 1.-11, on
the charge of having impersonated a
oinciai. were mentioned
in the court's decision. , Lamar was
iuudu Kunty ana sentenced to
l'eX3" imprisonment.
Two automobile accidents occurred
Friday night. No one was injured. A
machine driven by F. H Crumn. 4S29
Thirty-first avenue Southeast, knocked
down Bernard Lake, & messenger boy,
who was riding a bicycle at Eleventh
and Alder streets. A machine driven
by S. Coplow. 103 North Sixth street
collided with one driven by F. M.
Buchtel at Second and Burnslde streets.
An automobile owned bv Hnpv
Laurer caught fire at Sixth and Stark
streets from ignition of leaking gaso
line, iue aamage was small. Jordon
Miller, a chauffeur, was arrested on
charge of reckless driving- t T-r.t
and Sheridan streets br Patrolman
Jose Orozco Confesses, Say
ing $1,000,000 Backing by
Clericals -Was Ready.
Plans for Uprising Said to Have
Been Made In United States,
AVith Ramifications in
Several States.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. S. Jose
Orozco, former chief lieutenant of his
cousin. General Pascual Orozco, and
who is a prisoner at El Paso, has made
a complete confession of the plot to
restore Victoriano Huerta to power in
Mexico, according to Information given
OUt tonight at th nffln rt TTnltorf
States District Attorney Camp in San
it 13 understood that warmnta hnva
been issued for the arrest of at least
men sata to be implicated in the
plot Orozco. it is said, detailed the
story of alleged plans for an unriKlnB-
with ramifications in a half dozen states
and for which agents in New York.
orieana, liaiveston and San An
tonio were workme-. Hlier-tr, waa In
rew iorK while the plans for the in
vasion of Mexico from the United
states were being arranged, according
m imormation irom the District At
torney s office, but left there for the
west when everything was ready for
launching the scheme to xeir.n .liurn
ana mane it the provisional capital of
Orozco Jumna His Ball.
Then came the arrest ctf th riii-mo,.
dictator in El Paso. According to the
uiwmtm, mis aia not prevent Orozco
irom attempting to carry outtheoric
inal plans. Orezco crossed into Mexi
co, jumping his bond given in the
United States, and Joined Jose Orozco
in an attempt to get men and arms
across the border to Mexico at a point
east 01 Juarez, tno confession says.
Jose was arrested in Tnia iiiia
trying to take these arms across, and
Pascual was killed several weeks later
in western Texas, while he wa en.
deavoring to recross into Mexico to
head a large body of troops collected
and awaiting a commander
I 1.000,000 Behind Movement.
The following extract is tak en frnm
the alleged confession, which was not
made public in full:
There was hehinri th
Huerta movement, and the former
clerical party In Mexico was backing
it. Pascual Orozco, Jose Orozco, Isa
bella Gomez Robello, former secretary
to Orozco, now living in San Antonio,
and General Jose Tnei Salazar, now in
prison in New Mexico, were to have
been the Huerta generals,- who were
to launch the revolt. As soon as thev
captured Juarez, Huerta was to have
pronounced it, his provisional capital.
Six thousand rifles had been ordered
for the revolt, also 60 machine guns."
According to the Dlst-le A ttr.,
office, Orozco decided to make a clean
breast of his knowledge of the alleged
plot when certain friends in Whom he
trusted and to whom he gave money
proved false.
United States Turns Down Request
Made for Villa's Men.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. General
Villa's request for permission to move
his wounded from Naco to Juarez over
American territory was denied today
by the State Department. Such a priv
ilege, the Department holds, cannot be
ganted to forces in arms acainsf the
de facto government of Mexico recog
nized by the United States.
An investigation was ordered hv tv.
Department of the reported death of
two American surgeons and their
chauffeurs reported killed between the
Carranza and Villa lines at Agua
Prieta. Advices to the Department to
day said the men were alive at
to radio messages received hero' from
the San Diego tonight.
The cruiser reported that it would
stand by tonight and take the passen
gers and crew aboard in the morning.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. Safe landing
on the beach - of the passengers and
crew of the steamship Fort Bragg was
reported to the Navy Department to
night by Rear-Admiral Winslow. A
wireless dispatch from the Admiral said
his flagship, the San Diego, was steam
ing full speed to the rescue and would
arrive about 8 o'clock tonight.
"About 6 o'clock this nrorning," said
the message. "I received a distress call
from American steamer Fort Bragg,
bound Guaymas to San Francisco, say
ing on Rocks at Pa! mills, Point, 20 miles
northeast of Cape San Lucas. U. S. S.
San Diego then near Tresmarias
islands, 25U miles distant. .Have bee
steaming full speed to her relief s.n
will reach her about 8 o'clock tonight.
"Last reports from the steamer Fort
.eragg say sne has 23 crew. 24 pas
sengers aboard. - Heavy surf running
taking water; tire flooded steamer has
line ashore landing passengers on
beach. Her crew will stand by the ship
as long as possible. All the passengers
emu new 1 ne ik reported sate.
-we nave heard nothing from he
since 10 -a. M. Probably filled with
water ana going to pieces.
passengers have reached shore
Scientific and Mechanical Aids for the correction of human defects or
aDnormauties, inherited or acauired. Our pntir Fourth vi,- on mij
and women devote their exclusive time to the responsible tasks allotted them.i
Dock Official Kinds Cases Steaming
on . Cold Day.
NEW YORK, . Nov. 1. Inspector
Matthews, of the Health department,
while making bis rounds recently,
round 3400 cases of prunes on Pier 27.
East River, which gave out from their
paciting cases entirely too much heat
10 rj no cold a day. Thinking the pier
"But of on nre, tne inspector and all
the stevedores on hand began to look
for the fire. No smoke or flame could
be discovered. Although the pier was
excessive neat issued from be
tweera tne cases containing the prunes.
v many Matthews broke open a box
ana lounti that the heat caused by fer
mentation nan cooked some of the
prunes, wniie otr.ers had decayed
Some prunes were perfectly cooked and
In good condition, but many had been
The cargo should have conn to rv.
penhagen six weeks ago on the steam
er t-aurum, out wnen tne ship was at
tached by a United States Marshal the
prunes were stored on the dock.
"Porcli Climbers" Raid Wealthy
Home at Port Chester, Conn.
GREENWICH, Conn., Nov. 1. Porch
cumbers, who have had a "successful
season among the homes of the wealthy
in this section, got $5000 in jewels
from the home of W. Howard Buchan
an, at -orc Chester, recently and '92000
in jewels from the home of Louis C.
.iertz. a neighbor.
.tsotn iamuies were at dinner when
the burglars climbed porch pillars and
searched rooms upstairs. A maid in the
.nieria nome neara a chair fall and ran
upstairs, where she found n ninnm
bpen. On the lawn she saw a man. who
called to her that a burglar was in the
house. She screamed a.nd the man ran.
at is Deiievea ne was one of the bur
U8 OI tne jewels Stolen frnm th.
Buchanan home was a platinum ring
i-1 ii uii mug
18 diamonds and valued at
Runaway Grows Tangled and Ad
mits Adventures to Police.
Gordon McKenzie. 10 years old. nr.
iiveu m r-ortiana irom Jfendleton on
iMovemoer 3 to visit his aunt, accord
ing to his own story. The lad said
his aunt failed to show up, so he hung
around the Union Station, eating and
sleeping wnerever ne got a chance.
travelers at the station were im
pressed by the boy's brightness and his
courage. He became a sort of net
""J"S tne station naDitues. one man.
the child told the police, even bought
the youngster a hat.
But last night the police net
that the station was a poor place for
the homeless child. They took him to
headquarters. The boy's storv a-rew
tangled, and the policemen waxed sus
picious. Finally the boy broke down
and confessed that he had run away
from his home at 6825 Foster road.
Son-in-Iiaw of Richard Kochler Dies
in German Battle Line.
Council Opposes Elimination or Item
x in City Budget.
The Central Labor Council went on
record Friday night as being strictlv
opposed to cutting in the city budget
the item for the provision of music
during the Summer months. There was
a strong feeling that It would be false
economy to strike from the budget that
particular item.
The trouble that the Council is ex
periencing from the Heilig Theater was
placed la the hands of the executive
committee, with, power to act, strons
A cable message yesterday was re
ceived by Richard Koehler "from The
Hague that his son-in-law. Conrad
Delbruck. a Lieutenant in the German
army, had been killed in action. No
particulars of the death of Lieutenant
Delbruck were given in the cablegram.
Lieutenant Delbruck was married to
Miss Elsa Koehler, his first cousin and
daughter of Richard Koehler. but a
few years ago. Lieutenant Delbruck
leaves one child, a daughter.
Mrs. Delbruck was in, this city a year
ago visiting her parents, who re
cently visited their daughter and son-in-law.
They stayed in Germany until
Lieutenant Delbruck was called to the
front in September.
Taore are about 35 000.000 fur f"rt'
made In the United States each year
about i.OOu.OOo wool felt ones.
"V. W. Leader Scld to Have Admit
ted Makiug Molds for Coins.
Other Arrests Made.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. (Special.)
While acting in the dual role of I. W.
W. leader and street railway spotter,
Mrs. Jean Bennett. 41 years old. was
harged today with being also the head
f a gang of counterfeiters. Secret
service agents found the woman there
today, together with her aged, para
lyzed mother, Mrs. Alice Sands, and
Claude Lawless. A fourth arrest was
made later, when Clarence W. Farlan.
alias Louis Jestor, alias "Dutch." a
one-time prizeiighter. was found at
"V. W. headquarters.
A complete outfit for making E-cent
pieces, quarters and half dollars was
seized. Mrs. Bennett admitted mnkln-r
the molds. An improvised furnace
and crude crucible were used.
In the theory of the officers Mrs. Ben-
ett passed most of the monev thi,
hands of the railroad companies that
mployed her. Mrs. Bennett
husband. Charles Bennett, is a civil en-
lneer or r-ortiana. Or., and that h
one is in Kansas City. Both she anri
Farlan admitted having been arrested
in the north Tor making violent
speeches in behalf of the L W. w doc
trines. Mrs. Jean Bennett took a prominent
part in the I. W. W agiiation in Port
land In the Summer of 1913. She was
arrested twice in company with Dr
Slarie EquI, Mary Schwab and Pauline
Haller for her activities. After her
second arrest she was bound over to the
grand Jury on a charge of inciting a
riot. She had been released the tirst
Charles Bennett lives on a farm out
side the city limits.
Fort Bragg Lands Passengers With
Line; Warship Is Near.
SAN DIEGO. Cal.. Nov. 5. The United
States cruiser San Diego, speeding
to the scene or the wreck near San
Jose del Cabo, Lower California, of the
steamer Fort Bragg, arrived off Point
Gordo at 7 o'clock tonight. Passengers
and crew of the Fort Bragg.v which
were landed from the stricken vessel
by means of a breeches buoy, were
grouped about bonfires on the beach.
All were believed to be safe, according
Pennsylvania Railroad Places Huge
Orders for Steel.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 1. Orders for
175.090 tons of steel rails for its lines
east and west of Pittsburg were
placed by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. Those rails cover the 1916
requirements of the Pennsylvania sys
tem. The orders were divided among
the Cambria, Pennsylvania, Lacka
wanna, Bethlehem and United States
Steel companies.
In addition an order was placed with
the Baldv-in Locomotive Works for the
construction of 75 heavy freight loco
motives for immediate delivery. These
locomotives are for the lines east of
Fitted Giving specific sup
port at exact points,
as well as freedom
of motion and per
fect comfort. Cor
seting is a specialty
fully as important
as fitting support
ers, trusses and the
Mil r
Our Fitters Are Experts
- Men and Women.
Single Elastic I flfl
Truss on sale at 9liUU
Double Elastic I Cfl
Truss on sale at OliOU
back. $2,50
i '
A '
COVERS JoUets'eacShS2.50
l l ?'; Y'.s.Sl
h for the wmsx mm
i $S7l matically by pl.-tc- K SS Jffi j
lif1W)3 I insr foot uPn ban- I ggsXi
Vy die no unneces-
TWjMfepySFf eary stooping.
' KiiSlRlY I Galvanized Iron. SYRINGE OUTFIT n n e C ts Wit"
rW si. 40 to $1.75 ruSriildt obna,vh:$2.oo hfm&
fwl WhitS Ename1' MKXP RUBBER COOPS.
,14 $3.25 to $4.00 TOWEL A
II TO AW AV..I.I-- -SSS2 H-TTOCL-DV "i "jt
"TUB h-L 1 $2.75, $3.25fl 1 BATHTUBS
, . , ,
IIII I . 1 A Boole or S. If. Stamps Saved
llll I 'J'rdlng I Several Dollars Earned.
nil jr , ol
I Floor ALPrg STKgETAT WEST PftgK --MAE.SHMJ. .4.7PO-HOMF A 6171 f'r O m 2 p. M. until
we close at 3 P. &L
Unbleached Linen Friction I Cfl
Towels, large size. each.. . . V I iU
au.b:.Dr:.T.owf:s 35c, 50c, 65c
L a r sr e TurXisb. Towels on O I r rf
sale at $ I .9U
Full Line Bath Mitts, Brnshes,
Sprays and the New
FREE 10 Ht
STAMP0 with all ice
u nun w )
Danny O'Brien Lacks Power
to Deliver Punch.
Car Found at Salem; Boys Held.
An automobile stolen from -the home
of H. C. Jorgensen, 4243 Fifty-third
avenue Southeast, early this 'week, was
recovered in Salem Friday night. The
Salem authorities notified the Port
land police that two boys had been ar
rested and charged with the theft. The
machine was stolen by two lads armed
with rifle and revolvers as If going on
a hunting trip. The firearms were
found in the machine.
Fifty yesrs ago tea was too dear to be an
ordinal y bt verag.. In th average household.
Knowlton Appears to Be in Much
Better Form in Bout With Car
penter as One of Prelimi
naries at Rose City Club.
Ralph Gruman, local lightweight.
again showed his class Friday night at
the Rose City Athletic Club's boxing
how by winning a decision in six
rounds over Danny O'Brien, also of
Portland. The affair was a good deal
closer, however, than the one in which
Ralph trimmed Walter Knowlton.
Danny showed much of his old-time
peed in tne first four rounds, while
Gruman did not get into action until
he last two frames. In these two he
had a decided shade on the Irish lad.
The first three rounds were practi
cally a toss-up. It was in the fourth
that v Gruman started coming stronger.
Danny boxed a heady exhibition.
and both put up a clever scrap. It was
lainly evident that Gruman had the
arder punch.
All through the bout he made Danny
the leadinc and laid back waitinir
for an opening. Gruman said after
he battle that Danny is a miehtv
clever bey. '
Grnmnn'a Strength Develops.
O'Brien took several nunchpa on ih
Jaw that did not seem to bother him.
while Gruman also gave a receipt for
right to the molars. O'Brien worked
on Gruman's stomach a portion of the
battle without any telling effect as
far as could be seen by observers at
the ringside. In the mixes Gruman
showed his strength and the advantage
must be accorded him.
In the fifth round Gruman put a
straight left to Danny's face and shot
in a right cross that slowed up the
Irishman. It was evident during the
contest that Ralph wasted but few
punches, while Danny missed his oppo
nent frequently.
In all probability, if Ralpn remains
here long enough. Tommy Clark will
be the next one to get a crack at him.
Tommy challenged the victor last
night. . . '
The 1100 or more fans who witnessed!
the Gruman-O'Brien match also saw a
good scrap in which Walter Knowlton
and Jack Carpenter fought a six-round
draw as the main preliminary. Knowl
ton fought a different battle than
against Gruman. He showed flashes
at times that nearly took Carpenter
off his feet, but Jack proved strong
and kept boring in.
Jockey Bennett refereed the prelim
inary events, while Frank Kendall was
the third man in the ring during the
main set-to.
In one of the preliminaries, Victor
Wright, who came here from Cincin
nati with a good record, was bested in
six rounds by Jack Allen. The East
erner appeared heavy on his feet and
seemed rather slow in comparison with
the boy from the stockyards.
in tne initial encounter of the even-l
Ins, Snel McCooI. a newcomer, hung i
the sign on Clay trlsbie. the clever 120-
pounder. McCool received the decision
after six rounds of milling.
The other preliminary event was fur
nished by Bill Brown and "Blazy"
Blazier. lightweights. The decision
went to Bill -when the gong tapped at
the end of the sixth session.
Americans Ordered Released.
DOUGLAS. Ariz., Nov. 6. General
Villa has ordered the release of Drs.
Thigpen and Miller and the two Amer
ican chauffeurs whom he reported dead
yesterday, according to a message re
ceived today. The men were prisoners
at Cananea. The doctors, nowever, wtll
remain at Cananea to care for the
wounded. Villa said he was mistaken
when he reported the four killed.
Saved Her Life
The nnnaallfled endoraement of FrniAi. -t. ,
letter from Mrs.
m oinrr su.lrrers from tnmni.h ....
tVrindle HA).t
bleti. Mr.
intestinal trou-
The doctors had given me up. saying the onlv hope
left was an operation. I tried Fruitola and passed hun
dreds of gall-stones with the first two bottles Am
now feeling better than I have for years past. I will
be glad to sell any sufferer how it has helped me for
I owe my life to it."
ViZf. """tlT" th" """- " much .fll Lnd XTilS? b
- eb,.,ed,.IThe OwT'L'ra. . lUtU- l0
Catarrh and Stomach
Trouble Suffered Much
Took Peruna. Re
sults Wonderful
Mrs. John Underwood, No. 82 Cy
press Ave., Columbus, Ohio, writes:
"Having had catarrh and stomach
trouble and having suffered very
much, I. after being doctored a long
while, as a last resort, took Feruna.
The result was wonderful. I would
hlehly recommend It as a grood
remedy. I still use Peruna and -would
not be without it. I always have it
in the house."
Our booklet, telling how- to -keep
well, .free to all. The Peruna Co., Co
lumbus. Ohio.
Those who object to liquid medi
cine can now procure I'rruna Tab
let. ;
It Is
A Good .
I Always
It In
House ,
K w
r - - " -
&y? '-5
Bessie" asks: "How may I make my
nalr grow long and thick? I have dan
druff and my scalp itches terribly."
Answer: As long as you have dan
druff you may not expect beautiful
hair. Use plain yellow minyol to over
come the itching and dandruff and put
the scalp in good healthful condition.
OIip the ends of the hair and a vigor
ous growth of hair should ensue. Min
yol is perfectly harmless.
"Chubby" writes: "I'm much too
stout. My friends csll me 'Chubby,' and
I want to reduce. Have tried exercises,
but they only increase my weight."
Answer: Arbolone tablets should re
duce your weight as much as you
would like to lose. They are harmless
and extensively used by those obexely
inclined to keep down excessive
"Young Man" writes: I have just
reached the age of 21. Have grown up
quickly and weigh 165 pounds, but I'm
""i "rung iiKe omer rellows in my
class. I do not seem able to applv my
self or centralize my thoughts. I
haven't any ambition. The boys say:
'I've lost my nerve,' and I have. How
may I re-establish my lost strength
and buoyancy?"
Answer: If you take the proper
amount of sleep and form, regular hab
its, the use of three, grain cadomene
tablets should soon bring you back to
new iiie and energy. Avoid excesses
Jrh Questions answered bIow aro
dhTelsts "1 ha-?lCter' thS 'Wo. o?
naiure!PP y in any. case of "Imilar
Those wishing further advice, free
ma ddres3 Dr. Lewis Baker, Coffi
Bldg., College-EIlwood Sts.. Dayton
enclosing self-addressed stamped "en
velope for reply Full name. End ad
dress must be given, but only initials
or fictitious name will be used in mv
hear of
answers. The orescrintinn.
filled at any well-stocked rt,-,,. . ' "
Any druggist can order of wholesaler."
and dissipation. Take the tablets
regularly and start using them now
"Tiny" says: "I'm so very thin thnt
my friends call me Tiny. 1 would like
uVyYr" my welht 20 pounds. How
Answer: The continued use of three
grain hypo-nuclane tablets taken with
Sh1"'18 Bllo"'d increase voir
weight in a very short time. I Mn,,V
a case where the use of these
fail to ini-riiu ...;..,.
mended. r re n'en," rccon-
"Engineer" writes: "My work brin'--
me out in all kinds of weather. I had a
tXre 2ld and U settled on my kid
n? They pain me very much and I
don t urinate much. My system seerr4
all bloated and at night my feet Si
Have some fever and often have chills
It has been several months since I first
noticed the pains in my back, and thev
keep getting worse."
Answer: Syinp'.oms indicate your
kidneys are In bad condition. There ia
tion y ."-07,e c,0"5estion and inflamma
tion. rtt a tube of balmwort tablets
and take regularly according to direc-
Hi Ary not to take col,f and in a
a a in. you snuld feel alright
medJcSeto ttVp1 mblLd"
ctipM'6- A,S 1 h"V ct"
Answer: Nervousness, sleepless nes.
sallow- complexion, coated tongue and
bad breath, with fever and headache,
result from Impure blood, which is the
result of constipation, indigestion et-
rLa' medicine lH three grain sul
pherb tablets (not sulphur). 1 have
prescribed these thousands of timos
with great success. Adv.