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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1915)
V ' i V , FOB BEST. IOR jujjjx I , ; j ; Furnished Apartments. I Cnturnlshed Ammmmi. : I FOB KEST. I FOR KEST. I " LPARTXENTS IN A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, reunea. clean, aafe, popular, well known and of tha hiht standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features: BALLROOM, BILLIARD AND CAHDROOMS, LADIES" PAKLORS. THE WHEEL0OS ANNEX, 10th and Salmon Sta. THEJ CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank tore: Rood surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, ail "umiuo, wun rrencn aoors ana oaiconies. RATES REASONABLE. PAY WEEK MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, 186 VIta ave.. near 23d and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, all sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everything modern. Special rates to those having linen or sliver. Reasoa- KDie. waiting aistauue. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on tha Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection, walking distance. References. SERENE COURT, E. 1st and Multnomah Sta, The most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fui ntshed apartment-house: each suite has w disappearing beds and two dressing-rooms,-roof garden and sun parlor; rent $27. &0 up. East 1426. WAGONER APARTMENTS. -ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. $40715 Wayne st., best location, walk ing distance, largo outside rooms, front and uide porches, plenty of hot water, steam heac, private phone; adults THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments , liimn. silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping ' porch; nearest the Union Depot of East aide apartments. 285 cor oner Clackamas and Koss sts. East 8172. IONIAN COURT, ISth and Couch. 3 and 4-room apartments, large, sunny rooms, all outside; private bath and tele phone In each; central, $27. SO to $35. CHESTERBURY, Hotel and Apartments. Dining-room in connection. 30th and Kearney. Marshall 7S4. A 4453. WESTFAL, 410 5th st. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apts. ; auto matic elevator, easy walking distance, mobt reasonable rent, day, week or month; $20 to $30. Main 2079. X-EONCE apartments, 22d near Johnson ; have two vacancies, two and three-room furnished apartments, large kitchens; all Outside rooms; excellent service: $18 to $20. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Cor. Park and Taylor. Hardsomely furnished 2, 3 ind 4-room suites; best location In city; reasonable. Main 1101. Washington grand 2 and 3-room fur. apts., $10 mo. up. Hot and cold 'vater, heat, tight and bath furnished. One week's rent free with first month's rent in ad vance. Grand ave. and E. Wash. E. 4449. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 room apts., 10 min. from business center; save carfare, rates moderate ; references. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, first-class; reasonable rates. Main 7337 4TH AND LINCOLN APTS. 2-room apts., $is to. $25, including pri vate phone, bath, lights and steam heat. Laundry room with steam dryer. Garage convenient. Main 1377, A 4152. DRICKSTON APTS. Nice home for the Fall and Winter, fine view of the city; all outside rooms; light and airy, clean, modern : rent to suit the times. Kindly call 443 11th et. 2JARRIMAN APARTMENTS, 164 24th St. N One large 3-room, all modern, furnished apartment, with large porch ; also 2 dis appearing beds and sleeping porch; refer- ences. Main 356. IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 3 and 4 room apartments. All modern conven iences; walking distance. Rents $22.00 to $32.50. Main 1192. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms: light, pleasant and well fur nished; walking distance; $20 to $25.00. Main S757. TWO front rooms and kitchenette, with private bath, furnace heat electric lights, phone, very reasonable; walking distance, o U E. Morrison, corner 17th. MADISON PARK APTS. park St. at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apart rnenta. close in. by week or month. H1SLOP HALL, cor. East 0th and Kaw ; thorne. 2 and 3-room apts.. private baths and phone; also single rooms; well fur nished; $12.50 up. Phone East SS2. THE EVERETT, fill Everett, bet. 2uth and Ella sts.; furnished 3-room upts. ; with or without slopping porch; modern. I E LAHUNT COURT. 2STH AND SANDY BOULEVARD 3-room apartment, fur nished, including linen, swell. Phone East 3300. SlUNCEY APTS.. .190 Clay, between 10th and W. Park. Two rooms and kitchenette, $13 and up. 565 Vj WASHINGTON 1 and 2-room fur ntshed apartments, free gas, electricity, m steam heat, phone. bath, $10 month up. JACKSON BUNGALOW" 3. 4 and 5-room apartments, all furnished, modern, walk ing distance, good heat. 454 11th st. NEW, beautifully-furnished 6-room apart ment for rent. West Sido, Nob H1U dls trlct. AH 212. OresonlH.ii. EVERGREEN Apartments. East 8th, corner of WashliiKton. 16 rooms, gas, water and pnone. tome nna see it . - II A XI . Modern furnished 2-room apartments. $20 up; close In. Main 22S6. t.' A Tl -VI rT- X-T A DT , v.. IITr, KICELY furnished 2 to 4-room suites, 2 50 a week up; walking distance: free light gas, phone, bath. Marshall 897. 3u4 3d st'. HANNER. 4S9 Clay St.. 2 rooms, furnished S to $l, including heat and light; walk- 1J ELI .AND APARTMENTS, 16th and Love Jov Choicest 3 and 4-room furnished and u... u. ,lol.u ni-,... lutes ioest. .Main 1H(7. S-ROOM modern apartment, newly furnished walking distance. 143 Grand ave. North. MODERN S-room furnished apartment; 1S3 Porter st. Phone Marshall 743. THREE-ROOM front "apartment- private hath and phone; $22.50. Phono East 20S. t nfurniwhed Apartments. BRUCE APARTMENTS. 25 til and Nortlirup. $ large outside rooms, heat, w-ater, phone. Janitor; residence location; reduced rentals. Main 4008. FOR RENT 2-room strictly modern apart ments, all modern built-in conveniences; rent only $20 a month. Hot water heat. no v.napman st KNICKERBOCKER APTS.. 30th and Har rison; one 3-room apt., corner, private S1ic5'?y .an1 Phone; splendid location; $27 30. Main 1320. bHEFFlELD APTS.. 270 Broadwav Vi,m ap.?" lst r!oor' 1 :room apt., 2d floor iront. 2 wall beds. 2 clothes closets. Main 23n0. IAMILY APTs., 4 large rooms and sleeping porch, janitor service, hent and water fur-nlhei?- .S'.c' "f'Shborhood and fine view. new building. Mat 3-iS. Call l to 5. A MODERN 2-room apartment completeTy furnished. $3 a v.eek; also one with Dano 5 blocks from Wash'ngton on 10th. Saw-y.-r Arnrtments. A 2-'3s. . ELEGANTLY furnished Vroom front anart" ment to high-class bachelor; everything complete, linen, silver, service. Marshall MAYO APARTMENTS 503 H Union ave. N.. near Broadway, new strictly modern o-rooin ats.. reasonable! 259 torn ST. Close In, 2 rooi. steam heat Mat -i-bfne' sa 'ncluded. strictly clean. $36 50 UNFURNISHED APaRTMNT Heat, telephone and plenty if hot water furnished. Call Main 62S0. ' r HOT water heated, fine new 4. s-room and breakfast-room, built-in conveniences. sleeping porch, verandahs. Wdai 10S0. WALDORF COURT. IRVING-ON room. large porch, everything ned rn. J Schuyler. JSast 347. c ltes. TtpSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Tefl I.rson--r.iesant unfurnished apaitments. flrst-clsss service, prlyateTpjione: "f KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. NowTs the time to secure high-grade perSJnent apartments; references. Mar. 3753. LNbLKNltHED apartment, sia!l hTaTrt West Side close In, not over $13 or s-' AH 206. Oregonian. J;OOSEVELT 670 Kearney St. -lve room' $25 and $30; attractively arrange! THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johison 3 4 3 rooms, reasonable. Mar. 5360i ' 70 IRVING. sun ny outside i sleeping porches. Refs. OOIT1IA t n-n Marshall 175S. -inn. XAHLr.UKUi.Un, lst ar.JI FUndcrs Large, light 3. 6 rms.. reas. M (31;. A2076T KEARNEY APT. 5 rooms, light end alrv cheap. Apply Manager. 7a iLtjvay, ' 1 I 1 : ' J.O Jrl RLNT One of Portland-, beat equipped, most modern and elegantly ap pointed 6-room, unfurnished apartment fiit; building fireproof, finest plumbing, shower bath, kitchen inlaid linoleum, best enameled refrigerator, gas atove. vault tor your valuables; modern Indirect light ing system; one outside apartment, rent per month, including heat, water. Janitor, telephone and garbago service. Call Main aim or Main 8B. lEVlNGTOX. 17th and Tillamook Sta. One corner 5-room apartment, hardwood floors, tile bath, private front porch sleeping porch, steam heat, best Janitoi service in the city, gas range, electric fire-P'-'-ei among the finest homes In Irving ton, one block to canine; rent 150: no children. F. E. BOWMAN -at CO- Broadway 3023. A 1231. FORDHAil APARTMENTS, 170 S-ord. St., at Washington. The most elegant and beat finished 3. 4 and o-room apartments in the city. Fin ished In oak and mahogany, hardwood floors, elegant plumbing, tiled baths and every modern convenience. 3- room and bath, 130.00 up. 4- room and bath, I'J7.B0up. 5-room and bath, $42.50 up. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, 188 Vista ave.. 'near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. Everything modern. Private balconies, tine location, unsur passed view. Keasonable. Walking dia- LUCRETIA COURT, on Lucretia St., 100 feet north of 23a and Washington; most beautifully located high-class apartments, 2 and 5 rooms; all large outside rooms; 2 apartments newly furnished, prices reasonable; references required: see them before locating. Man ager. Marshall 1513. CARMEL1TA APARTMENTS. 4 and 6-room unfurnished Main 208. 13th mail Jefferson. THE WICKERSJJAM. 18TH AND FUANDiiRS STS. Beautiful 5 and 6-room apartment; all outside rooms; ideal location; see these before locating for the Winter: prices reasonable. .ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt. S and 4-room Unfurnished Apts. $22.50 to $37.50. Exclusive residence district, near school, and shopping district; splendid car service MODERN 6-room apartment, all outside rooms, larse front and back: porch. Nob Hill district; also 4 rooms furnished. Main 8231. Fnrnlshed or Cnfuralshed Apartment. THEJ BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving uimsweu ujiu unturnisnea apartments in 2. 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaners free; also 4-room basement apt., $13. Phone Max shall 2061. MORGAN, FLEIDNEB & BOYCE. 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parta of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. x 2015. HANOVER APARTMENTS. 170 King St.. Near Washington. Under New Management. Absolutely fireproof building; private balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart ments, furnished or unf urnijshed; from $17.50 per month up THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th St Near Taylor. Mar. 2384. 5-room unfur. or furnished apts., walk Irg distance. fln view, all outside rooms, everything first-class; references. WELLINGTON APTS.. 15th and Everett: -c"hai. misc. ugnt rooms, corner uuiiumg o r. lurnisnea, x.ou; 2 r. fur nished, $20; 4 r. unfurnished, $17.50 Main 1245. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment-house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, waltr- lug distance; references. M 1091, H 1052. CECELIA APTS., 22d and Gllsan Corner uuuuing, an outsiue apts.. private ba' conies, direct phone service, one 3-room, $20.50 furnished; one 3-room, $22.50, un furnished. ROSENFELD APTS. 14th and East Stark -out:, oiug.. strictly modern ; 3 and 4-room apts., all outside rooms, private phones, Janitor service, reasonable rent : refs. BEAUTIFUL partly furnished apartment for rent cheap, $14; steam heat, private bath private phone. Waverley Court. East 26tb and Clinton sts. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS THE HOUSE OF TONE, 48-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. CLA YPO.OLE APARTMENTS, corner 11th and Clay 2 rooms furnished, $20; 3 rooms, unfurnished, $27.50; close In. splen dld. well-kept building. ' ONE. 2 and 3-room modern furnished and unfurnished apartments, private bath, heat, etc., $14 up. 429 E. Morrison. East 4310. FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at 244 Kllllngsworth ave.; low rent, close to cars, phone Woodlawn 1907. STEAM HEAT, free phone, lights and water 5i mo. ana up; z ana 3-room apartments Phone East 1473. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King St. 3 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. 4 AND 5-ROOM apts.. wlthSieeplng"Dorches. 185 E. 15th. near Yamhill st. REX ARMS, 13th and E. Morrison 2 and 3 rooms; reasonable, modern eervlce. 421 WEST P ARK rent reasonable; Four rooms; steam beat; no children. "Flats! 5-KOOM flats with sleeping porch, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service, 12 minutes' walk to P. O. Inquire 123 N. 12th st. 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT 782 GLusan St., hardwood floors, nearly new, good condi" tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and fur nace; $18 per month. Call Main 2015. SUNNYSIDE CAR 5-room flat. In two" famlly building; hot water heat. Janitor service; new, entire floor, porch, yard. Phone Tabor 51SS. 126 E. 34th st. PRETTY corner flat, unsurpassed location, accessible to business and churches, -light, clean, ctrictly modern, 15 davs' free rent, open for inspection. Owner. 06 N. 19th. FOR RENT Two 5-room flats, upstairs and downstairs- furnace, newly tinted and painted: 10S7 Hawthorne ave. Phone Wallace Drug Co.. B 2527 or Tabor 773. 5-ROOM upper, large, well arranged all conveniences, excellent neighborhood." $18. 2(19 E. 23th. near Hawtborne. Phone Woodlawn 1797. MODERN 5-room flat, with all built-in con veniences. West Side. 2d St., close in; rent $14. H. B. Davis. 453 4th st. Main 2421. WEST SIDE, 8-room flat, large lawn and porches. Adults. 252 S. Broadway, or Main 34SU. SWELL modern 7-room flat; furnace and fireplace; $23. 446 Park st. Tabor 763 or East 1431. DESIRABLE 4-room upper flat; furnace, sleeping-porch, hardwood floors: 361 Lar rabee, near Broadway bridge. Main 4868. MODERN 5-room flat. near Broadway bridge, reasonable. 21o Benton st. East 2o79. NEW, up-to-date 4-room and bath lower flat, between 2 good carllnes, $14. Phone Wood lawn 1149; 10-ROOM flat, close in, on West Side, mod ern. pleasant location, rent greatly re duced. Main 4172. 5-ROOM lower, furnace, gas stove. watsr heater, good neighborhood. 630 Marshall, SIS. 00. 4-ROOM flat, strictly to date, walking aisiance. -a-o mvn LKx'naery. eta. I1 Ted S. Williams. 92 Vi First St. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carllne: desirable location. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. B E ACT IFULLY located- 5-room flat! with sleeping porch. Reduced rent. .xst and Haw thorne. Eas4 2417. MODERN 5-room flat, cheap; will pay to call: IVs blocks from east end Broadway bridge. Key SJO Crosby st. E 1413. 6 OH 8-ROOM upper flat, close In. newly tinted. 275 14th cor. Jeff. 3-ROOM basement flat, gas stove, heater and water, $10. Call 275 14th. 739 Overton, choice location, modern, sun ny upper flat, attic, porches. Main 73S4. 6-ROOM lower flat, modem. 188 Lownsdaie St. ' inquire 175 16th st. S. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath! 73 Hoyt it. Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 6 and 7-room flat, close in. In qulre 1S9 16th St. 4-ROOM flat, every convenience, lowest rent near 23d. Washington. Main 89SS. A 2676. MODERN 6-room flat. 5th near Jackson, West Side. 10 min. walk. East 2377. MODERN flat cheap. 430 MiiL Main 4013. 12th and Mill st. 4-ROOM flat, 303 E. 11th. and 510 E. Clay: low rent. East 963. 5-ROOM flat, sleeping porch. 533 Montgom ery; sightly, nice home. STEAM heated. 5-rooms. good location, very central reasonable, 5o4 Couch, THE STJyPAY OREGOXTAN, PORTLAND. NOVESfBER 7, 1915. " MODERN 5-room lower flat, corner E. 10th and Halsey; large veranda, furnace, fire place, gas range, linoleum, open-air bed K?inY. Mlmes disappearing bed. W. i. Swank, Main 1608, East Ha? Fi?,i?E,N'I,T'"roomrflat' Irvington district, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors fire place, built-in sideboard anil bookcases; furnace, gas range and heater; tile floor ... ufliu, per montn. Call E. 2171. WILL rent 4-room basement flat, with gas range and beater and fireplace to elderly couple who may pay rent by doing small amount of work, .e 2171. 427 14TH ST., 6-room lower flat, newly decorated, modern plumbing, splendid t W't. 'C"' 15- lmulro S3 Hal1 Furnished Flats. MODERN 5-room flat, large rooms neatly furnished 29214 Margin st.. foot of Ual sey. fronting river; must be seen to ap preciate. See this before you put in your VS Inter wood. East 8612. J'BETTY fuTniBhedlower 6-room flat, , modern. In a strictly residence district, upstairs tW carllnea- 817 Malay Key KEATLI furnished 3-room flat cheap to quiet elderly couple. Owner away. Call mornings only. 671 Belmont. MODERN 5 rooms, neatly furnished, lower -K "t"' V-1' inc'udlng electricity and ""dune .1 8UO AiiiwauKie St. RENT reduced, strictly modern 5-room flat, choice neighborhood, olose In. Phone East 131o. . i WtL",FDR,NISHED lower Hat, $25. includ- : " i.Kiita. pnone. water and gar Page coll. 504 E. Conch: walking distance 3 MSan(1 Private bath, light, water, pnone; Sunnyside car; very reasonable. oo.. imp iu. Mormon. 3"PiMu Spiier. llat- "eht. pleasant, well lurnlshed. desirable location, walking dis tance. 893 E. 2d st. soi i 540 TAYLOR, near 17th. nicely furnished 4-room apartment; piano; $20. 4-KOOM furnished and unfurnished flat, reasonable. East 1719. 664 Williams ave! "rV" iV '? ?k; feouth VfoT- KJCUUUU. MODERN 6 or 6 room, furnished or un- fu.rnlshed.8 East 12th Mar. 7B7 FOR RENT A 6-room upper furnished flat; very reasonable. Main 1511. 18214 Glbba' AND 4-room furnished flats, close in: Clean and reasonable. Main 3470. RihAiNi 6-room flatB. close In, Couch v. cnegp rent. Main S020. $22 NEW modern 4-room furnished flats, park, walking distance. 66! Market. A?ARH,5NT 6 rooms, steam heat, $43. west Side. Main 3502. Honsekeeplna; Rooms. $3 WEEK up completely furnished house keeping suites, absolutely cleanest in town; hot water, baths free; large, llisht rooms, bay windows; large comer room, disappearing gas plate, $2.76; desirable people only: save carfare. The Cadillac 8d. near Jefferson. THFB.EAVER- )2th and Marshall. fur nished tor housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $8 month up; clean place. Phone A 4500 NICE suites of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, at 244 Killings worth ave.. cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 1907. - Mill, all upstairs, S larg house- ijiiib rooms, almost completely fur nished. 3 ROOMS and private bath, lieht. water phone, Sunnyside oar; very reasonable. Tabor 1352 -to i o 12, Atorrlson. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. TWO rooms, light, heat, bath, $10 to $12 per month. 14 Grand ave. N. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 3 NICE furnished rooms, toilet and bath uasement, iront and rear porches, on ground floor; splendid view. Close to car line; free light, phone and water; very .toauimuii i)l A!.. Ollin St. WELL-FURNISHED H. K. rooms, all con veniences; 2 and 4 rooms. $12 and $14. 808 College street. Main 8510. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, S,n.k;,.8as ranse. free light, bath, phone, $12.50. 475 East Buraslde, corner 9th. TWO lower rooms, sleeping porch, pantry $11 month; sink, gas, free electricity, phone. alBo large single room, 392 4th. TWO nicely furnished h. k. rooms, close in. ' electric lights, phone and bath, furnished, va?ry reasonable. 9 E. 7th st. $2.50 H. K. rooms, with kitchenette, gas, electricity, private entrance, bath, phone; "'ngle h. k. rm., $1.75 week. 208 13th. 2 FRONT rooms, also single room; central reasonable rent. 151 Lownsdaie. cor Mor rison. LARGE, light front rooms for housekeeping, $10 per month, at 370 Weidler st., corner Union. VERY desirable housekeeping suite, all mod ern conveniences, heat, light, phone free; easy -y.ilklrg distance. 328 Clay st A $16 SUITE of H. K. rooms for $S; close In. free phone, all the usual conveniences. 308 Mill St. THREE furnished and 4 unfurnished house- ncciiuis rooms in private house, with al cove, bath. 124 N. 19th st. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments ail front rooms, from $7 to $12 per month. At 370 Weidler st.. corner Union. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, steam heat. Phone, lights. Phone East 1449. 234 East 18th, cor. Main. WHAT you want. Large parlor suite, first i.V??Iv, 15; aUo 2-room suite, all modern, $10.50. 67 N. 20th St. Marshall 713. AND 3 nice, clean, runny, front H. K. rooms: free electric light, phone and bath stove heat; cheap. 214 13th. $8 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, bath private family; walking distance. 290 $0 MONTH1, light H. K. room, extra clean, walking' distance. bath. phone; ladies only. 288 14th, near Jefferson. COMFORTABLE H. K. and sleeping rooms 1.25 up; modern; near Washington. 26 N. 1 1 th. NICELY furnished front room and alcove, for light housekeeping: very reasonable. 229 16th St. N. Main 5487. FURNACE heat, electric lights, phone, 2 front rooms and kitchenette, private bath short walk. East 4438. THREE unfurnished front rooms, including ." '""sp neater, oflj Sjlisan 8t. FINE front bay window suite, sink, range, porch. $3.50 week. 533 Yamhill. TWO OR THREE desirable rooms complete ly furnished for housekeeping. 541 6th st. THREE large front housekeeping rooms, lst floor, convenient and cheap. 674 Gllsan. ONE furnished housekeeping room $2 50 week; steam heat, bath, phone. 147 13th. TWO well furnished H. K. rooms $11 mo including wood. 314 Main st. -ROOM basement H. K. suite, $1.30 per THREE unfurnished H. K. rooms gas and bath. $S. 143 E. ISth st. light. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $1.50 week and ud nil 4th st. S. Main 4964. THREE cozy housekeeping rooms, $10 per mo. 3SS Pettygrove. Main 3423. $12 Two rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, gas range, phone. 445 Columbia st. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 355 11th su THE ELMS, 191 14th st. 2 and 3 rooms. clean, bath, phone, lights, heat. $14 up. NICELY furnished front H. K. room;' rates reasonable, tent house cheap. 3S7 First st. UPPER or lower floor In a widow's 7-room home; adults. 539 E. 36th st. Richmond car NICE bright rooms and use of kitchen for 1 or 2 ladles. 770 H Johnson. REAL SNAP $6 month. 2121. Phone Sellwood FOUR larpe, newly-papered and rooms, close in. Call A 523T. HEATED H. K. suite for rent. $2.50 up. 314 Millet; 2-ROOM front suite, free phone; $9 month!. 3-10 14th st. Fl'RNISHED rooms in quiet private home. Phone mornings. A 37C2. $7 AND T7P Large h. k. rms. ; free phone, bath, electric lights. 651 E. Momaon- 467 WEST BROADWAY Front" connecting H. K. rooms, every convenience, cheap. a. i 1 , n a-, eneenui Dasement n K.. room, every convenience, $1.50 week. 123 N. 23d. FURNISHED housekeeping room; distance. 548 E. Ankeny st. walking TWO neat trout rooms for housekeeping, lights, bath, phone. 403 4th at. GOOD cheap furnished or unfurnished house- neepmg rooms. i inn St. North. LADY rent room, use kitchen, 20 minutes' walk. East 3099. CHEAP, nice, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, modem. 435 Alder. FIRST-CLASS, modem. 3-room apartment. $12. Tabor1463. "" 203 20TH. cor Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. DRY, light, clean basemert rooms: house keeping; $1 per week. 294 Jefferson. TWO nice, clean housekeeping rooms, gas phone. etc Sellwood 2533. floor. 420 Main st. 1 H. K. ROOM, very suitable for women employed, $6. 690 E. Burnside. TWO clean furnished housekeeping rooms for rent cheap. 70S Glisaa st. Housekeeping Booms In Private Family I " " - J ' 1 nooses. I . . 1 v ' - x O well-furnished housekeeping rooms, in " 'o m.i residence aistrict; second floor, all front, with extra large clothes closet: bath and toilet oa same floor; includes light, heat, gas tor cooking, use of laundry and telephone; all for $17.50 a .month; adults only; 624 Flanders St.; only 1- minutes' walk to Broadway. Main 7lo. $14 MONTH; large, very nicely furnished room, with kitchenette, including furnace neat, electric lights, phone, baths, laun dry, choice location, walking distance, near Washington st. carllne; modern resi- dence. 60 N. 21st st. LARGE rooms, with kitchenette, new and clean, hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heated, everything furnished, $10 to $12 monthly, walking distance. Main $3.00-$3.75 PER week one 2-room and 1 room furnished apartment, hot and cold water, phone, furnace, heat and janitor service. Keystone Apts., 11th and .letter eon. LARGE well furnished housekeeping room and big sleeping-porch, private family, de sirable neighborhood, all modern con veniences. Including electric washing ma chlne. Phone Tabor 5085. PRIVATE entrance and bath; suite four rooms, furnished housekeeping, $15 month. Phone, water included. 733 Rodney, corner jremont. Williams or Unlon-ave. cars. LARGE front room with den for one or two J"? mon! .larSo closet, modern, private family, walking distance. Phone East 1117 East 3d st. North, cor. Hassalo. $7 MONTH, furnished H. K.. cheerful, warm, front, basement room, gas range, laundry. -..j .ju..i,ati;flp ciuse in, near wasning ton st. 69 N. 21st st. or tnree large, sunny H. X. rooms, private bath, porch and entrance, adults only. 072 East 6th st. Phone Fell wood 16o. FOR RENT 5 nicely furnished housekeeping - V , ' uivi-n. ii um grocery store, i ?i2S.k" from car. 93S E. Taylor St. Tabor 4700. f 4 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pri vate family, $10; tine neighborhood, nice 493U3-aste23df!.l " 'tance. ONE large housekeeping room, pantry, hot and cold water, $; also new Bleeping porch room, reasonable. 17tn and Jef ferson st. COZ, well-furnished den with fine piano and light housekeeping for adults, $3.50 week; also other rooms. 171 13th. Main TWO nicely furnished rooms with use-of kitchen and parlor, gas end heat. $6 and JS,p,,mntl; buBinea woman preferred. 581 Clinton st. ONE and two front housekeeping rooms very pleasant, cosy, heat and light, water, tel ephone, nice location, walking distance. THREE beautiful furnished front-room --. ."tinoc, cicciiiug porcn, lur- nace heat, electricity, sink, hot and cold lauiiui), rirsL tioor, JU, 1Z3 IV. 23d. LAD alone, 'modem home, would like busl ntss woman to board or room and break T.'i'V homo comforts Included. Sellwood oOl Sunday eve. Is EAT front room with use of large kitchen In modern home, beautiful neighborhood, close In. one block of Hawthorne car; terms reasonable. Call E. 4000 i LRNIoHED housekeeping and single rooms clean and' homelike, place for bachelors: free phone and bath. 295 Montgomery st. cor. fith. ' TWO large, light H. K. rooms, first floor; f "'ngle or H. K. rooms, 2d floor. All com plete. Fine location, walking distance. 387 College st. FINE large housekeeping room. East or Went SlrlA n!l.,.. - . . '. . ...... cucu wuipieini spienaia location, yard, walking distance; 561 E. 4 ROOMS, furnished complete, upper floor, porch, bath, range, electricity, private res idence, 1 block Hawthorne car. B 1949 lbn ITOft TO t . ii . ' . - - u. it jz. jimiiiwn st. TWO large rooms for housekeeping, with phone, light, bath and wood; walking dis tance: $14; also front sleeping room. $'J 25 per week; 233 Chapman st. Marshall 3938. TWO modem furnished housekeeping rooms with kitchen; walking distance; 227 Chap man. Marshall 3015. NEAT, clean housekeeping rooms, reason able; also sleeping rooms, bath, phone. ...... .a ......Mm;., -i x - lay lur fel $8 THREE desirable completely furnished rooms; free water, bath and phone; one block two carlijiea. Woodlawn 1499. TWO newly furnished H. K. rooms, light, heat, phone, all conveniences, no carfare $10. 92 N. 16th. $2.25 WEEK Large south bay window room, heated, close in. 295 Tenth. Houses. 100x100 COR. LOT, small house, sanitary barn, fruit, fine for team, chickens, cow auto. $7; 6404 52d St.. S. E. Woodstock car. "I SOUTH JERSEY ST.. ST. JOHNsT" $-0 double house, good for 2 families, SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange. $12.50 910 E. Morrison. 5-roora bungalow modern- flr.nla,.. i ' -. --- - .w-,... w, iaiKD fiaruen. East Sso" m SunuyBide carllne. Phone ABSOLUTELY modern 6-room residence and Inclosed sleeping-porch: best part Rose City Park; $25; open for Inspection at 424 E. 49th st. N. FOR RENT Fine, modern 8-room residence with stone garage. S. W. corner 29th and E. Salmon. $25. Inquire H. H Stauo. 1027 Belmont. Tabor 219. STRICTLY modern 8-room house, first-class condition, reduced to $20. 734 East Burn- side, near East 22d. East 3474 WEST SIDE, modern 8-room house; sleep ing porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, a-ju.ciimiivca. -w rsortn Loth. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern 6 and 7 room houses, $1; and $22. Write 60a Hoffman ave. FIooE"iJOOM, c"ge In A No. 1 condition. 294 Lincoln, corner Fifth. Inquire 313 A MODERN 6-room house, 13th, near Mar ket st. Inquire 466 Market or phone Mam 0820. ROSE CITY PARK Modern 4-room bunga low. 1 block to car and school; $14. Phone Mar 5521. ACRES in cultivation, house barn 5 cent fare, fine eoil, $12.50 per' mo. Main 6774. IRVINGTON HOMES ALL PRICES. NEU MAiE8N078? 703 LEWIS B",Q' 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, newly-painted inside, on Belmont et. Call D 1704 or Main 4444. 7 ROOMS with garage, hot water heat, tile bath with shower. Best residence eec tlon; low rent. Main '937. 12-ROOM house on Broadway, West Side rent only $23. Fred S. Williams, 0214 First st. FOR RENT S-room modern house, hard wood floors, tile bathroom, shower, nice yard, $40; Laurelhurst. Tabor 5762. MODERN 7-room house on Nob Hill; hard wood floors, hot water heater, etc.; very desirable and reasonable. Main 6676. W EST SIDE, 5-room cottage, all modern conveniences, wood arid gas stoves con nected. $12. Main S5S0. 1002 EAST IRVING STREET $32.50 7 fine large rooms, fine lot, every modern convenience; bungalow. NEARLY new 6-room house. 4 lots, garden Tabora6092 block" Cars: "a!. electricity. $20 Seven-room modern house; S bed rooms, furnace; Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4679, FIVE-ROOM house; bath. gas and Just cleaned. 626 6th: 15-minute walk tn town; low rent. Inquire at 603 6th st. 806 OREGON ST. 5-roora cottage, hot water heat, thoroughly clean, $17.30. Main 8-ROOM thoroughly modern house In new Couch School district for rent cheap to steady tenants. Phone Main 2474. IRVINGTON Beautiful 6-room house for rent: $20. Phone East 336. C 2035. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Fine new home at very low rental: fine view. Main 2171. NO. 4210 EAST 76TH STREET S. E. $7.50 Q-room modern house ; i acre. FOR RENT 5-room cottage: nice ward, wa!kingdistance. ESQ Clay st. Call 5.12. MODERN", desirable, 6-room house. 392 San Rafael, near Union: close in. East 16S5. $9 -5-ROOM cottage. West Side, walking distance. Inquire 525 Clay. MODERN 4-room house, with bath, cheap; Portland Heights. Phone Broadway 1715. MODERN, 0 large, sunny-room house, $20. 4S7 E. Ankeny; references required. 6-ROOM modern house, 245 E. 53d St., near nawmorne, alter uec. X. East 446S. 15TH AND East Washington street. Modern u-i win nouBe. e ii Bat p. Jiain t aJ-4Z. 474 STAFFORD 6T. New bungalow ; five rwuuo , a jji until. jnain u to. FOR RE NT East 1778. -room house and garage. Call 1153 EAST GRANT ST., at 39th; S-room bungalow: rent $11. 715 Pekum bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 429 E. 32d st.. ucai v laiuii . .Kuranan $12.50 5-ROOM COTTAGE, near Grant. 673 6th FINE modern 7-room house; 556 E. 42d st. N.; Beaumont carllne. Phone East 3478. 549 6TH ST.. yard. $25: also cottages $10, $18. Prakfg. 011 SelHnr- Main 3392. 4-ROOM modern house, rent cheap, near w . . car. r.. iturn st. ROOM house.. 4&OE. Madison. Cheap. MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. em tioor, asi Building. Complete and reliable list of vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the CltV. Mftll. iiaa .f ,M. . ... I.. you desire. This does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to help 'u in locating. Newcomers in Portland wlil find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their unoc cupied apartments, flats and. houses at Meier & Frank's Free Rental Bureau. HOTTSFS $10 4 rooms, neat cottage, with nice yard. 4138 49th ave. S. E. "WW" car. $1' 7 rooms, 7S9 E. Ash at $25 rooms, 3S2 E. .Taylor St., comer $-0 10 rooms, 144 N. lsth St.. near Hoyt; good for housekeeping apts. FLAT. $306 rooms, modern, 34 E. 19th St. N. near Sandy ' boulevard; Hose City H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 44 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699. FOR. REST 6-room modern house; furnace and fire place, flu. 6-room cottage. SO E. 46th rft.. $S. 6-roora house, 1049 E. Orant St., $12.50. 8-room house. 1433 Hassalo St.. $12.56. 0- room cottage, 467 E. Couch. $10. 8-room house. 511 e. Grant St., $1.50. 5-room cottage. 338 E. Market St., $s. 1 - room house, 545 Front st.. flO. S-room house, 413 9th St., $S. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 171 4th St. M. 6915. A 2810. FOR RENT. O-room house, modern, freshly tinted. ,- viK.amuu ave. A1SO A.rnTn hmi.A Q Aft ' 1 . : . ., - .-n.jinui c, Buvu VUUOI- tlon; want good reliable tenants for these houses; make special rentals to right par- 6-rojm cottage. 13T Idaho St.. newly tint tl' -lVC n'y 10' Ca" owner 21311 BARGAINS. $lo"rm hous'- EaBt 9ttI and Morrison. 10-room house. Grand are. and Oregon. 10-room house, 321 Montgomery, near Phone Main 344. BEAUTIFUL $16,000 suburban home, over looking Willamette, only $30 until May 1. Several Rose City Park and Beaumont ..viusw, w i i rooms, $lt to $-a. Otiier houSOS. all siyen. varinn, A. tlons of city worth asking about. Renting . ilu unit oiara. - HARTMAN & THOMPSON NEW 7-room bungalow, close in. West" Side, 3 Carl i nes. furnace, sleemnr nnrch nlnta windows, hardwood floors, fireplace, book- i.a.ocs, uuu.i, uuicn Kiicnen. Deautiful view; take S" cr or Jitney to Bancroft, . mo two blocks west to- first street. Mar shall 1761. $25 38T 11TH fr'T., Rood 8-room house suit able for large family, for housekeeping apartments or for rooming-house. Newly papered and tinted; walking distance; jfood car service. FOR RENT Neat, clean, modern home. 6 rooms. East Side, walking distance ; fine ueignooinooa; very reasonable rent to de sirable tenants. Garage with house If wanted. Better look at this. Get set tled before Winter. 30 and 34 East 22d t. Call 747 E. Burnside st. FOUR-ROOM modern house; limine and dining-rooms In genuine mahogany; imported wall paper; bedroom, bath and doors In white enamel; space for two additional rooms upstairs : restricted dlBtrict ; $1000, terms. By owner. 7711 63d ave. S. E. 6-ROOM modern house. Just papered and painted, gas - range and heater, linoleum kitchen floor, cement basement. Furnace heat, stationary wash tub. Rent reasonable. BJelland's Grocery. Main 1807, A 1867. FURNISHED or unfurnished new, modern cottage, sleeping porch, etc. No. 65 Hol land st. Neat and clean, $12.60. including water; $3 mo. extra for furniture. iid wards Company. 5th and Oak. FOR RENT. Residence, 2G6 16th St., near Jefferson Rtisidence, 269 Cherry st., near Wms, ave Inquire of A. B. Stoinbach & Co., 615 Cor- bett bldg. Phone Main 6716. LARGE 8-room corner house, newly deco rated throughout; rent reasonable. Call today. 11th and Montgomery sts. $2o MODERN 6-room. house, 1021 Tilla mook. $18 month, 6-room house, 30th. Gllsan. $10 mo., large old house, Schuyler-Union CHAS. R1NGLER. 31G RY. EX. V, E HAVE a large list of houses, unfur nished and furnished, for rent in all parts of the city and in host districts. Call or phone Fred A. Jacobs Co. rental depart ment. Main 6869. No. 2C9 Washington st- MODERN 5-room cottage; large yard gas and electricity ; $9 per month In good condition; Southeast district. Tabor 1043 Monday. 4-ROOV. house, newly painted and reno vated. 930 East 18th St., south of Hol gate. Key next door. Only $S). Owner, U08 Commerclalblk Marshall 55Q5. J8 9-ROOM house, large grounds, suitable for truck gardeu and chickens, close in. 4245 4oth ave. W.-W. car. Woodard. 3-4 2d st. HOCSES. FLATS AND STORES, J. J. OEDER, Real Estate and Rental. Grand ave. at E. Ankeny FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, very neat" $14, Including water, or will sell the fur niture at your own price. 102-4 Borthwlck Bt., corner of Humboldt. GOOD sixroom house; full basement, walk Ing distance, on carllne; rent $ir a month Inquire at grocery store, 333 Vancouve ave. 7-ROOM house, corner lot 50x100, freshly painted, cement basement, within 2 blocks of Richmond School, $12.50 per month -gas,electriclty. Marshall 6450. TWO houses, one 8, the other 5 rooms. iirsT class condition. East Side, Montavilla carllne, rent $12.50 each. Phone Tabor WANTED In all parts of the city; our de mand la larger than the supply for mod ern houses. Phone or call at office. Fred A. Jacobs Co., 629Washington st. 6- ROOM bungalow; neat, clean; fireplace furnace, gas, electricity; desirable location E32d and Main. Call or phone Tabor FOR RENT 6-room house, walking dis tance. East Side; $12 a month, including water. Wm. C. McClure, 414 Falling bldg! FOR" LEASE McKinley Apartments, unfur niphed. Call owner Monday. Main or A 3 ROOMS, East Ankeny and Union ave For particulars see J. J. Oeder, Grand ave at E. Ankeny. MODERN 5-roora cottage In fine condition, 440 Ross st., near Broadway bridge. 111!, including water. East SH12. 6-ROOM house on East 49th St., near BeT mont; rent reduced to $15. Phone Tabor 4-5 or call at 170 E. 49th at. MODERN 6-room house, in fine neighbor hood, 1 block Sunnyside car. 1066 E Yam. hill. Rent $20. ONLY $13, modern 5-room house. West Sid a. walking distance. 614 Stock Exchange. Main 67C5. J- MODERN, 5-room cottage, 244 Dixon, two blocks Broadway bridge, reasonable rent. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 5-room bungalow, one block to cars fireplace, yard; $20 month. Main 4577. FIREPLACE, 5-roora flat, fireplace,- la"wn, good light, near in, cheap rent. Phone Mar. PO RT LAN D HEIGHTS Modern 9 -room bouse, quarter block, fine view, first bencn or will sell. 016 Selling bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, all modern Improve ments. 509 East 37th North. Phone E. RENT 6-room house. Phone East 8210. No. 331 Larabee st. $23 E. I2TH ST.. all modern conveniences: walking distance. 304 Morgan bldg. T-ROOM house, 70S HoyT St., near 23dit!- 2 bathrooms; rentreasonable. Main 5724 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Loveioy "near 22d. inquire 13Q 6th st. Main 6278. CLEAN cottage at Sunnyside very cbaao CS7 EVERETT Six rooms; gas, electricity furnace, walking distance. Pnone Ea s! 722 E. MA1X, 7 rooms.flreplace. furnace. water heateryardclose In, desirable. 8-ROOM bouse, newly papered aidpainted Inquire 56S Third st. FOR 1?E"T Warm 4-room bouse, 5. lstil ?5 A MONTH, 3-room furnished shack half acre ground, water. 6 blocks from Wood mere station. Tabor 232:1. MODERN house excellent location, close In. Just renovated, phone East loOS. GOOO 9-room bouse, electrlcltv. 3 lot.. R 5615 E. 67th a Marshall 4281. LARGE house for two families or two 4-room flats. AG 207. Oregonian. FOR RES"T--e-room modern house In Holla day Addition. Inquire at 329 E. 7th et N. M"t e"room house- - Phone Woodlawn FOp1honPeEE:TI9V'ngt0n b"""' " HOUSE, 4 rooms. "68 Mill st.: all ground floor; close In. FOR RENT Nice 5-room bungalow tflst and E. Morrison St.. 13 per. Phone C 2H07. S-ROOM bungalow and half-acre tract Gil bert station, ft per month, :i Teon bldg. . - uniTa UOUXML 13. 7-room mod. house. 1004 E. Lincoln. ". -room mod. house, 544 E. 14th st. j. 3-rm. house, large lot. Bloonunglon 1'k. o. 4-rni. house. 42G E. 44th st. 13, splendid 5-room modern cottage, large attic, stationary tubs In bai(Atnent. lot oOxlyo with all kinds or- rose,. ITirub bery and fruit trees, nice lawn, well kept, enclosed, cement walk. 442 Jarreit J;' --oiocks east of Union ave., opposite flednlont; best car service In' city. 10. 5-room nearly new. modern bun galow with large attic, interior of haunt nicely finished, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, located at las E. 7sd street N. "". 1 ,V?' ,5-ro,onl nearly new bungalow, nice ly finished inside, fireplace, Dutch kit chen, uai E. 7id st. N. OTTO & HARKSOX, 413 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 6-room house. E. 33th St.: fur f Ioctric lights, gas. good yard, $17. ,8 , -room bungalow, Hawthorne 5ar' fireplace, hardwood floors; a dandy lor ?lo month. owF,1iamooml.2"storT houe 'n Irvington; owner will make very reasonble rental. o-room cottage on Skidmore st.; good plumbing: can t be beat for 5 month B18KELL CO.. 217 Northwestern ; Bank bldg. Jlarahail 4114. A 4115? UNFURNISHED HOUSE. WEST SIDE Seduced to to deeirablo tenant; 6- room modern house, prettily tinted, wood wor i white and old Ivory throughout, fire place In living-room, fine, large sleeping porch, screened and with awnings A-J. furnace with colls, beautiful roses' best MarraBheari'C;?7 SaV1 st- 'Pho TO LEASE FOR 2 OR 3 TEARS. Modern 0-room house, 21st and Everett fits., $4o oer month. MmTS.B EHW-EAR COMPANY, Main o5. 102 Fourth St.- A 3300. HOLif.? 12 . ra tor sals when rented: S-lth N ., A" car Si2.f0 . lu.i E. 34th N., "A" car... $15 oo H -r-?hNr s roomi: :i5:oo T . - . ci i avi S3. Jersey aiu. Keys and Information. 1021 Teon bid g. FOR RENT or lf.ase, 0 or 6 months, attrac iV..bUengal,ow i. room. bath, electric lights, fireplace. Bull Run water, cement basement, laundry trays, woodlift; partly Main 5o45 Carson Heights, Oregon Elec- RTLAND Heights, walking distance, all hardwood floors. enameled and tiled kitchen and bath rooms; four sleeping m,S and slPlng porch; two baths; fireplace In living room and dlnlng-roora: TFe, Prcl, Mo canyon view; all nev and fresh, rent 50. Call Main 34:15. IRVINGTON HOUSES? 40 8 rooms, east front. i block. 8 rooms, modern, double garage. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. 'stock Exchange. RlvvpriA t it" w , . . : . . V """i wt'iiuiuui suDuroan nome on Oswego electric; attractive house and grounds; Bull Run water, pas, elec tricity; also for sale. Owner lotto Spald ing bldg. Main set!, or Mar. 17HG M5iE..R1S.5"rooi2 "ottase. walking distance. West falde, clinker brick fireplace, full concrete basement, all light rooms, small ilMY? yard; $20. 327 Lincoln st. a "-va a. Ulllttllia, W-ia J irSt. FINE home 4n Olmsted Park, new. modern, e rooms and sleeping porches, and garage, J40. Also good home, same size. Laurel hurst. $35, and others. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg? ROOMS, bath and full basement, on Al berta st., l block from Miss Ave. carllne. ill vepaint and paper inside. $15 per mo Umdenstock & Larson. 306 Oak st Broad- l?OR RENT 5-room bungalow in restricted district, close to car, onlv $12.50 to good tenant. Call at 001 Northwest bldg.. or C-ROOM cottage, close in. range and other furniture. 7oxl00 lot. fruit; paint house and apply on rent. Call 734 E. Madison. B 1J4.. East 172. Price $12 mo. r. HOUSES . FLATS FURNISHED ' HOUSES In all parts of the city. J. C. COREIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. SEVEN-ROOM modern home fn Laurel-.ur.ste-Phon& Mra- Carroll. Clark Hotel. .Main 823. Rent reasonable. Location of property 3213 East Flanders. NEAT UtUe house in Lents, near car. $."; acre. J-ennlngs Lodge, with neat bunga low, nice place; $3. 207 Panama bids. Main 3S97. SUNNYSIDE CAR 5- flat, in two- family building; hot water heat, janitor service; new, entire floor, porch, yard. Phone Tabor 5188. 126 E. 34th st OR RENT New o-room bungalow, on 41st st. near Hawthorne, for a vear or more P. J. Hanley, 28 N. 2d. Broadway 727 or A 22AO. FOR RENT, 5-rm. sunny upper flat, sleeping porch, automatic heat. 74t Kearney, near 2.'id. Cheap to steady tenant- Key down st.iirs. 6-ROOM modern house, partly furnished, near Franklin High School, rood neigh borhood; rent only $12.50. Phone Tabor VERT: desirable corner house, 8 large sunny rooms; newly painted and papered, cheap 3!4 Broadway, corner Harrison. Furnished Hot. He. FURNISHED house, large garden, .HO ino. Also lower part of furnished house, piano Apply mgr., Gllman Hotel, 14 2 i 1st st. 9 ROOMS, furnished; 6 bedrooms, 2 baths; reasonable to responsible party. Phone Main 3193, MODERN five-room cottage, $1S. small fam ily, adults; also 3-room modern flat. 514V E. 21st. Flat B. 4 ROOMS, very nicely furnished, on Skid more st., paved street. 207 Panama bldg. Main SS97. 6-ROOM modern house. Hawthorne ave., .completely furnished; furnace, fireplace a bargain. Phone Tabor 3439. ROSE CITY PARK, 5-room cottage, well furnished, near cor.; rent to family with out children. Main wt"74. WELL-FURNISHED bungalow flat, car line, first-class; married couple or 2 women $15. Tabor 2400. FURNISHED, to adults, $12.50; opp. Bap tlst Church. 4721 64th st. Arleta sta. Mr. Scott car. MY HOME to responsible couple until April 1. perhaps longer; reference. 131 E. 61Rh N orth. M V car. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park, nicely furnished, piano; lease onft year. Phone Tabor C231. . LAURELHURST furnished home, 7 rooms modern. C. RINGLER, Tabor 20"2, Main 1054 YOUNG LADY wishes to share comfortable home with man and wife; references. H 23 6. Oregonian. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 8-room house Pnrtlnnrl TTofc (.tn nw w'l i . Main 2094. 11 BUNGALOW FLAT FURNISHED. 4 rooms, porch, 2 beds, etc., heat. 109 E. 30th and Washington sts. LAURELHURST bungalow, furnished com plete, especially desirable Tabor 2271, All 195. Oregonian. IRVINGTON Part of furnished house, 5 rooms, on carllne; entire ground floor, in cdludlng heat, $30; adults. East 43S4. $30 7 roome, furnished, moderii house at 8SS E. Taylor st.. near E. 29th. Palmer Jones Co., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699. PORTLAND HTS. Five rooms, furnished, two sleeping porches, level lot. Main 7974. ' IF OU want something good end cheap m a 7-room furnished house phone Wood- lawn 1610. FURNISHED 3-room bungalow tent, large yard, on carlin. Phone Mllwaukle 52 W 6-ROOM modern furnished house on E. 35th at., near Hawthorne. Tabor NICELY furnished 5-room modern house. piano. ii'U7 Aioina ave.. s,ia. Main 2i'G0. FURNISHED cottage. 6 rooms, close in. 313 TlI?amook st. Rent $20. ATTRACTIVE furnished house, no rent, part RENT 5 rooms, attic, modern, age; 13. Tabor 25-46. FURNISHED live-room cottage with piano, $12 monthly; worth double. Main 8543. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow for rent. Rose City Park. Tabor 5ftr5. Near car. 6-ROOM, on West Park and Clay, $33 per month. Telephone Broadway 2167. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 0 rooms, close in j iiiimeumie possess. on. tast 5415. 7-ROOM house, partly furnished, fireplace, 2 bathrooms; reasonable. 124 N. 19tb. fiROOM furnished house for rent cheap in Hawthorne district. Tabor 3500. MODERN five-room bungalow, completely FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, 525 E. 4Sth N .. Rose City Park. $15 5-ROOM furnished cottage for rent 1006 E. Yamhill st. Phone Tabor 4S49. 4-ROOM house, Mt. Scott car. Phone Self wood 2483. $16 Cosy 5-room cottage; four blocks Broadway bridge; 436 Rosa. Broadway 514. $1S MODERN furnished bungalow, close in. o-o l.- n si. ai a ran an ;oo. j. MODERN 5-room house, 3729 67th st. S key next door. Phone Main 5110. NICE modern 6-room house, completely furnished: references. AJ 2ir,. Ore go ul ,i n . FURNISHED cottuge, 201 Benton et. Kmodern- nom. eight rooms, sleaping porcn, good furniture and carpeta. Piano'.a Plano. furnace, fireplace, wood all in for w .nter. garage, fine lawn. Southern ex posure; will rent only to adults and for not less than four months, $T0 per month, xias never been rented before, as thia has always been a home. Call at 829 East imgn at- corner East Twenty-seventh st. 71KsSuBEi7K'?r' "ooker opposite New Z w school. 6-room, well-furnished house, bath. gas. Ruud heater, furnace, fireplace, nice yard. $35 per month; re erences exchanged. Inquire in rear. Fred J. Pollvka. 714 Water, cor. Hooker. ,.r SACRIFICE. IS00. all furnished, with new furni ture, new, modern 4-room bungalow, 50x Ji0 lot, garage, good district; $5U0 casji will hanciie. See Mr. Fulton. G. S. Smita & Co.. 4;i2 Chamber of Commerce ANTED in air parts of the city. We hav caUs every day, and if you wish to rent yours, see us right away. Either phone or call at office. Fred A, Jacobs Co.. 2J W ashlngtoa jt. MODERN S-room furnished home; 2 sleep ing porches; on lower Portland Heights, very reasonable to responsible adult fam ily J. J. McCarthy. Abingtoa bldg. i BEAUTIFULLY' furnished" modern 9-room house, with large Bleeping porch, very desirable; will rent cheap to responsible party. Call owner, Woodlawn 3420, or J 1&5. Oregonian. FOR RENT 5-room. neatly furnished house. Fireplace, porcelain, bath, 2 lots tor garden, good place Tor chickens, conven ient to car; rent onlv $15 to reliable tenant. Phone Main 6175. ti-KOOM modern house, completely and nicely furnished, 1113 Vaughn street. Rent PARRISTT. W ATKINS & CO., 106 Second St. FURNISHED bungalow, 6 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, hardwood floors, player piano, a library, Haviiand china, electric cleaner, sewing machine, electric ircn. 1055 Vaughn nt.. Willamette Heights. $9 COMPLETELY furnished 3-room house, gaa, electric lights; W S car, 30 minutes from Postoffice. 50th ave, and SSth st. S. E. Phone Sellwood 809. FAMILY going to California will reat their large, beautifully furnished home tn Ir vington for the Winter months. Do not wan t small children. Call East 4761. MY beaut'iful new home for rent; will lease on year to adults only; everything mod ern, completely furnished ; nine rooms; West Side. Call Main 1644. A FINE, up-to-date 6-room bungalow, on E. 16th N, near Alberta car. elegantly fur nished with everything needed. Blanchard & Clemson, 7--3 Selling bldg. 4-ROOM furnished house, "West Side, rent $1 2. 8-room house, unfurnished. West Side, rent $15. Both modern. Marshall SMALL furnished flat Hawthorne district, sightly, hardwood floors, separate bath. Fieam heat, water, garbage. $16. 7S9 East Main. East 3024; also garage. $2.5Q. COMPLETELY modern 7-room furnished house In Irvington; reasonable rent to re liable parties. Call East 3011, morning or evening. WILL rent for 2 months furnished Irving ton home to couple or adults reasonable for good care of garage. Phone East 6121. - WILL rent furnished 5-room house near E. Hist and Stark; gas range, electricity, for $16.50 to couple without children. Call E. H. H yatt, 350 Alder ; references. MODERN 7-room furnished home, cheap to responsible party. Hawthorne district. Ta bor 5014. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, furnace; Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4679. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, nice yard and flowers; extra-well furnished, with piano; Alberta district. Phone East 39. 9-ROOM elegantly furnished modern ; fur nace, fireplace and yard; very reasonable. 703 Northrup st. before 2 o'clock. $22.50 MODERN, pretty homo, six rooms; unusual conveniences ; untqualed at thl price. Key 843 East 7th North. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room bungalow, piano, fine view, near car, West Side; reiu only $:i5. Main S4iM. $25 6 ROOMS, modern, finely furnished, piano, furnace, 5-mlnute car service. 4213 Bolmont Bt. Call 12ul Belmont. Stores. STORE 21st and GlNn central Nob Hill and good for meat market or barber shop, for rent. $20; also store on 2d st,, close in. with fixtures in for grocery ; rent $10. H. B. Davis. 452 4th St. Main 2421. FOR retail stores, many that are now oer cupled, wholesale or manufacturing loca tions, see H. M. Carqueville, of A. H. Birrell Co., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR RENT 2 stores at Linnton; modem, plate glass ironts; rent $10 and $15 per month. Hammond Mortgage Co.. 424 Chamber of Commerce. THREE-STORY and basement store, 49x80. Front st.; will arrange to suit tenant; good lease. 424 Chamber of Commerce, GOOD store on Third st., corner or Inside; will change front to suit. J. H. Middle ton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. TWO stores, each 25x94, Nos. 543 and 545 First st. O 7ner. 324 Worcester bldg. GOOD store for live cash grocery. See owner, 1053 E. 24th North. YOUNG lady wishes housework in the country, small family. 6S4 E 0th st. N. WELL-FURNISH ED private office. also desk room, $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMS, single or en suite, facing Morrison st.. 2d floor, Russel bldg., 4th and Mor rison. Lion Clothing Co. OFFICES from $7.50; furnished offices; desk room; city's busiest corner. 303 Swet- land bldg. DESK ROOM, including new desk, phone, care of calls, etc.. in light, airy office oil ground floor. 306 Oak st. DESIRABLE office space in ground-floor store. S06 Oak st. Jt DESK ROOM, $5 per month. 431 Chamber of Commerce. Halls. HALLS for rent. Ill 2tl st. ; $2 and up. Miscellaneous. GOOD location for a shoe-repairing shop ; living-rooms in rear. Kent very cheap. Main 1511. 184 Glbbs. TO LEASE. TO LEASE to responsible party, 9-room, modern house, 80x25 feet ground, for one or more years, $25 monthly. Tabor 3252. TO RENT or lease, a photograph studio McCown, Gen. Delivery. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTOMOBILE business wants u reliable partner; pay $165 month; experience not necessary beyond ability to wait on cus tomers, sell gasoline, etc.: requires amall investment. Call room 39 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Fuel business, with No, 1 equip ment. Including auto truck, saw, wagons, etc.; established business, fine location, with private spur; "only $2000. Phone Tabor 3392. $100 AND services will give you controlling interest in clean, light manufacturing business; big profits; object expansion. Unless you mean business, don't answer. Y 220, Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for someone to buy half Interest in one of the best of fice businesses in Portland ; only small capital required. Owner, AO 217, Orego nian. W ATCHMAKING, engraving, optical school, day and night classes, few months only learning, positions guaranteed : agreeable, steady, profitable work. 218 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny, Portland. A CLEAN-CUT established auto truck freight route, paying good income the year round, and which will stand your c.osest investigation ; tan be handled for $000 cash. AH 219. Oregonian. $Cu0 FOR $3.)0 Nice grocery and confec tionary, with four fine living-rooms, all furnished f $240 cash, six months oa bal. Call today. Woodlawn 18'J2. - NEED some one with small amount of money to help and establish agencies for a patented article, exceptional opportunity for right party. S 210, Oregonian. CASH grocery, live corner location, attrac tive place, fine stock and fixtures, doing $50 daily cash business, invoice with lib eral discount. 319 Lumber Exchange. LIVE little corner grocery, doing splendid business, best buy in city lor 9525. Sl Lumber Exchange. YOUNG single lady wishes a partner wrth a little money in good paying business. Y 210. Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY for active man, not over 85. nl.U t s-i Invatt 1flflfl .Tl " TOR fl lTl 1 1 IT Ol tl IT concern. K 20. Oregonian. BIGGEST snap in Portland; grocery Xur $700; am sick; must sell. Call at once. 50$ Stock Exchange. GROCERY, doing good business, cheap for cash. Owner. 8HO MUwaultle st. BARBERS 2 -chair shop, good - location, cheap rent, no .opposition. 035Vfr 4th. BARBER shnp. three chairs, first-class. W 2o7, Oregontan GOOD paying welding business for sale. P 220, Oregonian. BUTTERMILK business for sale. 28 Ea?t :.0th et. Phone East 1582. CLEANING and pressing business for sale; will sacrifice. V 23 2, Oregonian. B.iEi:Y for bale, good place for man and I itfc. Foster road. No. 9159, Lents,