' - - TTT"R RTTVTiA"V . m?Ff!nVT V . rftT'T vn vnTrmrnnn m. . - . 6.6 MILLS LIKELY TO BE SCHOOL LEVY Net Pruned Down to $1,887, 862 but Allowance neces sary for Contingencies. RECEIPTS PUT AT $760,900 Principal Cut Made in Provision for Buying -Grounds and Erecting Buildings Better Salary for Clerk Advocated. A levy of not less than 6.6 mills Is the latest prediction for the school as sessment of 1916. According to the oudget as completed at Friday's ses sion a total of 12.648.762 will be needed to meet the actual . penses of the i?Snnnd,f5iCt and from that amount year wi..heK6Stlated receipts for the 1 e subtracted, leaving the ',1 "et --.suessment "t 1. 887. 862. That l-r ,1fn a levy uPn th district of 6 47 nrmis. There have always been a number of contingencies that the dis classifled. t0 me6t Which cannt be hh"1?.?1 Clerk Thomas. who has han dled the preparing of the budget sln-Kie-handed. thinks that at least $30,000 m be needed for meeting those con tingencies, and he will ask of the Board the amount that will Increase the levy to 6.6 mills. The 1916 budget is the first that has been prepared under th , new law. and when the committee from the Taxpay ers League and the School Board met to revise the figures proposed by Mr Thomas but few cuts were made in the actual branches of school administra tion and operation. Most of the big cuts have been made in the purchase of new grounds, erec tion of new buildings and the incor poration of new branches in school op eration. Mr. Thomas has been present at all the meetings of the budget com mittee, and has been able to furnish detailed figures for the committee to base estimates for the 1916 budget. Following is the revised budget in full: Buildings and Betterments. Hot water 1,100 Automatic sprinklers " 1"''4-j0 Drinking fountains "'ion 'ire esiapes j j00 It.'motleIlnfr rooms (20 rooms) 6000 Window guards l'ooo Enlargement of water service ...". 'loo Cesspools 000 Assembly hall exits. 30 & $400 : . li.ooo Metal lath and plastering- (boiler room S) , y n()u Humidifiers In furnaces ..'' l'-,4to Punic, bolts . . ." 15O0 Outing in new exits i;ouo yirinc 2 mm Plumbing (5 schools) u'uuu fclfsnal bells l'ooo Contract balances 4h',7o Klre walls in boiler-rooms 0 0(10 Manual training buildings. Linnton (Rio fct-wlng and cooking-rooms 1 ;,un Moving picture booths. 1 at $230 '200 New Buildings and Additions. Terwllliger 30 000 Franklin 2oimjo J1""0" 2OO.0H0 Oapitol Hill 10.000 Portables, general use 5 00O Portables, cooking-rooms 4500 Improvement to Grounds. degrading 1.000 Concrete It.OOO Grading and seeding 0,000 M istcelluiieous .................... '700 Hulman ', :i000 Benson 10,000 Iranklin 7,o00 Purchases. J-,"?1 40.000 Jlolman 10,000 Woodstock 10.000 blreets. sidewalks and sewers 20.000 Kquipment. Conklntr g .200 Ocneral 4S..-.00 ' hairs 6,000 ( harts, maps and tellurians 1 1100 Janitor 1,'too Manual training 3S MOo -"niJ 1.S30 IJrawing :i0l) Vnpald balances on equipment lo.oiio Moving picture machine ;iuo Instruction Free text books 3 000 Oraduatlng exercises ' "soo Library and reference books n 000 Salaries T rawing 7 , ;"Hing i4;?So Itegular day teachers 785.575 Manual training Klementary ... . 30 500 Trades, jays' y 31.000 Trad.-s. girls' 30.000 Mukic 21 50 IVnmanshlrt l'soo Physical training ';,'"; 117.-.0 Principals (supervising only) ....1. 76' 4O0 Principals' secretaries 6' TOO fji'Wing 15'a00 Supervisors 3 3."0 Kvening schools .1""! 2fib'n0 Special schools ll','j Vacation schools .... js'q Substitutes 20.000 Printing Dept. (Jefferson High).... 3.900 II tgh. schools 278 400 Supplies. Cooking 5 49" Gardens . 1000 General . ... 16,000 Manual training H ;, Music . ') Drawing z 430 Physical training goo Sewing l.Tofl "Unpaid balances on supplies. 1915... 15,000 Maintenance. Vpkeep of grounds 5 500 Insurance l'ooo Moving portables (item 105) Repairs and Replacements. Buildings 47.000 Kauinmont c non Operation of School Plant. Freight and drayage 5 000 . 47,-20 Janitors salaries 113,0(0 Janitor supplier ................... 7 (hio Light and power 1230 Kent ............ . 1 ,m Telephones '''30 atcr lslooo Administration. Attorney fees and legislation 3 000 fVnsus 300 l.lection j 500 nt 1,440 Salaries. Superintendent s office 15 550 :prll' office ; 35;,0 Purchasing agent 5 j00 Superintendent of properties 10 000 Truant officers o.HO Automobiles. stornge and care son P.cpairis and replacements 3 (u) Kquipment 1 ro Tn-furance roo Supplies 1.01) orftce and shop equipment.......... 3,000 (ffice and shop supplies. ....... loloeo Telephones 910 Iebt Account. Bonds 10.OAO Interest on bonds 42,000 M iscellaneous. Insurance, liability 1850 Kxhibits 3000 Teachers' retirement fund ... 1100 Kinking fund 65.0-0O TotaI 2,64S,762 Rereipts, Kstimated. State school fund $ S 000 (ounty school fund !'."'.! 335' cx0 interest on balances In bank 6 noo Tuition I'oisrt l'elinquent taxes ' 1V0.V0 Mr. Henson luOooS County high school fund S9'()00 Probable balance on hand lS2i9uO Total - $760.900 BAKER VALUES INCREASE Assessor Places Gain at $343,660 Over That or Last Year. BAKER, Or., Nov. . (Special.) That property values have increased $343,660 in the last year was the re 1 port made late today by Harry G. Hyde, County Assessor. The valuation "this year, on which taxes will be collected in 1916. is $18,398,340. while in 1914 the valuation was $18,054,680. In 1914. with the addition of values of public serv ice corporations' properties, the ap praisement was $23,828,720. This additional amount, which is fixed by the State Tax Commi ssion, has not yet come in. but Mr. Hyde believes it will be considerably larger than last year, due to the commencement or op eration at the Ox Bow plant, taking the property from the dormant to the active class. City valuations In the county are as follows: Baker, $5,272,840: Sumpter. $173,029; Haines. $389,847: Huntington. $766,008; Halfway. $120,115; Richland, $111,828; Copperfield. $14,584; Whitney. $13,960. Seven school districts in the county have a valuation of more than $500. 000. as follows: Baker, $5,859.03$; Hunt ington. $1,302,795: Pine Valley Union High School, $1,215,581; Eagle Valley Union High School, $1,109,051; Muddy Creek. $975,010; Durkee, $560,468; Rock Creek, $508,325. EX-MAYOR SENTENCED ST. I.. WARD, ATTORXEY ACCUSED BY WOMAN', GETS TERM. Appeal on Embnilement Charge la to Be Taken From Term of Six Months to 15 Years. GOLDEN'DALE, Wash.. Nov. 6. (Spe cial.) Nathaniel L, Ward, ex-Mayor of Goldendale, and well known as an attorney, was sentenced by Judge R. H. Back to serve an Indeterminate sen tence of from six months to 15 years at Walla Walla, in the Superior Court here today. Ward was convicted by a Jury on an embezzlement charge last January, and Judge Back subsequently overruled a motion for a new trial. Ward was arrested upon complaint of Mrs. Sarah C. Hughes, a former resident of the White Salmon country, who came all the way from Sallisaw, Okla, to swear out a warrant. It was charged that the lawyer ap propriated $850 of the woman's money that came into his hands while acting as her attorney. It was shown at the trial of the case that settlement had been made for the money involved with Peter Hughes, husband of the woman, afterward arrested. Ward's attorneys served notice of ap peal to the Supreme Court immediately sentence was imposed, and the . court gave him until next Monday to furnish a new bond. . Judge Back, of Van couver, Wash., acted as the trial judge in the case, taking the place of Judge Darch, of Goldendale. PAROLE OF 7 ADVISED BOARD PASSES OS PRISONERS COM PLETIXC MINIMUM SENTENCES. Prison Record In Each Case Is Reported Good and Employment Will Be Found Before Release. SALEM. Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) Seven men who have completed serving their minimum sentences at the Peni tentiary were recommended to the Gov ernor this week by the Parole Board for paroles. In each case, the prisoner had estaolished a good prison record, and before release employment will be obtained. At the Board's meeting 26 cases were considered for parole. Those paroled are: John Mcljain, Jackson County, lar ceny; sentence one to five years. Barney Murry. Wasco County, receiv ing stolen property; sentence one to three years. Kdward Parks, Clatsop County, lar ceny; sentence one to seven years. A. R. Fairfield, Sherman County, lar ceny; sentence one to 10 years. Tim Downey, Umatilla County lar ceny; sentence one to five years. Valt3r Quick, Lake County, larceny; sentence one to seven years. M. F. Hutchinson. Umatilla County; obtaining money by false pretenses: sentence one to five years. SECRETARY TO SEE PRISON George P. Pulnum to Study MetliotU in Eastern States. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.) George Palmer Putnam, private secre tary to Governor Withycombe, will leave tomorrow for New York and other Eastern points. He expects to return within a few weeks. The trip is ne cessitated because of the recent death of Mr. Putnam's father. J. Bishop Put nam, of the publishing firm of G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. Before his return to Oregon Mr. Put nam, at the request of Governor Withy combe. will visit Sing Sing prison in New York and the Minnesota prison at Stillwater. He intends to inquire into the methods of prison administration. He also will meet a representative of a flax manufacturing firm in New York, who is contemplating establishing a flax plant in Oregon. WAVES IMPERILING HOTEL Moving of Bar View Beach Structure Is Expected Soon. BAR VIEW, Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) Because of the way in which the waves have been eating into the coast at Bar View since the Tillamook jetty was put in, it is probable that Dr. V. A. Wise, prbprietor of the Bar View Hotel, will begrin work tomorrow to move that structure. The waves cut into the beach below the hotel about three feet today and the washing- away of about ten feet more would mean the under mining of the hotel. Several high tides are now due, the first one tomorrow, and it is feared that with the heavy seas now running, even greater inroads on the coast will be made. Several small buildings al ready have been moved to save them from collapsing into the sea. Gresliam Kural Routes Keport In. GRESHAM, Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) Following Is the amount of mail col lected and delivered on the four rural routes out of here, for October, both the number of pounds and pieces: Route 1. pieces delivered ,10,002. pounds 1454; route 2, pieces delivered 11,039. pounds 1S27; route 3, pieces delivered 9706, pounds 1521; route 4, pieces de livered 589S, pounds 1063. Route 1, pieces collected 1364, pounds 114: route 2, pieces collected 1855, pounds 220; rute 3, pieces collected 1261, pounds 61; route 4, pieces collected 888, pounds 78. Gresham liaises $3 100 byvLevy. GRESHAM. Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.) The sum of 93400 was raised for this year's revenue, but it Is expected that a slightly larger sum will be needed for next year. Last year's levy was 6.5 mills. The property valuations in side the city limits on which last year's levy was made, are as follows: Land values, $221,855: improvements. $137, 360; public service companies. $132. 860: personal property, $88,100; total, $580,175. DRYS START FIGHT National Prohibition Issue in Oregon Campaign. 40 MEETINGS ARRANGED Representative Hobson Heads 1,1st of Speakers, Which 1 Includes t Governors or i Kentucky, Idaho and Washington. A statewide campaign for a dry Na tional issue Is to be started in Oregon tomorrow and 40 central meetings, with speakers of National reputation, are to be held in all sections of the state during the next 10 days, closing with a state convention in Portland Novem ber 16 and 17. Captain Hobson, of Merrimac fame, and Congressman from Alabama, heads the list of speakers. Mr. Hobson is the father of the Hobson - Sheppard dry National Constitutional amendment, which received a majority in the House of Representatives December- 22 of last year. Among the other speakers are: George Wellington Toung, of Kentucky-, styled the "Abraham Lincoln of the South"; Governor Moses Alex ander, of Idaho; Governor Ernest Lis ter, of Washington; Rev. Daniel A. Poling, acting head of the World's Christian Endeavor, and Rev. Louis Al bert Banks. D. author, preacher and lecurer. of New Torlc City. Both Rev. Mr. Poling and Rev. Mr. Banks are Oregon men. Rev. Mr. Pol ing is the son of Rev. C. C. Poling, of this city, and Rev. Mr. Banks was reared at Bellfountain, in Benton Coun ty, where his people still live. Governor Moses Alexander will take as his subject "What Prohibition Does to business." and Governor Lister "The Common Police Problem of the North west." The programme of the state conven tion to be held in Portland includes among its speakers: Governor Withy combe, Attorney-General Brown, Jus tice T. A. McBride. Mayor Albee, Dis trict Attorney Evans and Marion B. Towne, the first Oregon woman to be elected to the Legislature. The schedule of meetings is as fol lows: Monday, November 8 G. W. Toung, St. Helena: L. A. Banks, McMinnvtlle. Tuesday, November 9 G. W. Young, The Dalles: L. A. Banks, Cottage Grove. Wednesday. November lu G. W. Young, Enterprise; I,. A. Banks. Eugene. Thursday, November 11 G. W. Young, La Grande; L. a. Banks, Xewberg. Friday, November 12 G. W. Young. Vale: L. A. Banks. Heppner. Sunday, November 14 Afternoon. G. W. Young, Xyssa; night, Ontario; afternoon, I,. A. Banks. Athena; night, Milton-Free-water Tuesday, November 10 Governors Moses Alexander and Ernest Lister. 7:30 T. M. opening of state convention. White Temple. Portland. Wednesday. November 17, state conven tion. White Temple. Portland Forenoon, laymen's law school. Attorney-General Georire M. Brown, District Attorneys Walter H. Evans and J. M. Devers, Sheriffs W H Bodine and Thomas Johnson. Dr. J. E. An derson, Oswald West and E. A. Baker; aft ernoon. Justice T. A. McBride. of the Supreme Court; Governor Ernest Lister, Representative Marion B. Towne, Dr. J. K. Balllle. Dr. T. W. Lane. Dr. C. -A. Phlpps; night session. Armory, Representative H. P. Hobson. The famous Hammer Male Quartet, composed of Albany business men. is to sing at the sessions of the convention, and Harold Humbert will direct the singing. Thursday, November 18 Hobson. Salem. Friday, November 19 Hobson. Corvallis. Saturday. November 20 Hobson. Roseburg. Sunday, November 21 Afternoon, Hobson Medford; night, Ashland. Monday, November 22 Hobson, Oregon City. Tuesday, November 23 Hobson. Baker. ACCIDENTS JN WEEK 174 Or Total, 124 Are Subject to Provi sions of Workmen's Act. SALEM. Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) For the week ended November 4, there were reported to the State Industrial Accident Commission 174 accidents, of which number 124 were subject to the provisions of the Workmen's compen sation act; 21 were from public utility corporations, and 29 were from firms and corporations which have rejected the act. Following is shown the number of accidents by industry: Sawmill 44, log ging 23, constructing 9, meat packing 13. paper mill 10, rairoad operation 13, light and power 7, telephone and tele graph company 4, steel and iron works 6. stevedoring 3, oil company 3, dredg ing 4. pasesngers on railroad 6, trans portation company 4, quarry 3, and two each for milling, laundry, paving, gar age, machine shop, and one each for the following: woolen mill, brewery, auto works, brick yard, meat market, mining, warehouse, bakery, rope manu facturing, sand and gravel, tin shop, rock crusher. 1A1LV METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Nov. 6. Maximum temper ature, nQ degrees; minimum, 41 degrees River reading, 8 A. M.. 3.1 feet; change In last -'4 hours, 0.3 foot rise. Total rain fa 1 (5 P. M. to S P. M.J trace. Total rain fall since September 1, 1915. 3.18 Inches; normal. 6.71 inches; deficiency, 3.63 Inches Total sunshine, none; possible. 9 hours 51 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) 5 V. M., 3U.05 inches. THE WEATHER, Wind STATIONS State of Weather Baker Boise ......... Boston Calgary Chicago , Denver Des Monies Duluth Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas City . . Los Angekw . . , Marshfieid . . . , li 56 0 4S 0 44:0 58 0 64 0 74 0 . 00 ! . . :N .00110 w .00 lo.N .0O calm .00 10 E .00 26 SW Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear 00 . .iE 52 0 56 0 7S 0 48 0 820 820 55 1. 5i 0 56 0 S4 0 38 O 80j0 48 0 50 0 .00 . AS Pt. cloudy Clear 00 14 N 0U12 SE OO . . SW Clear t't. cloudy 00 lO NE Clear 00;1S iClear 06t 6 SW ICloudy 0O..;W .Clear 00, 8 NW Pt. cloudy 0012 E Clear 00! 6tE Clear 001 . . :SE 'Clear 00il6 NWjCiear 011 4 X Pt- clonriv j Medford j.iiuicafuiiii ... Montreal ..... New Orleans . . New Yorlt .... North Head ... North Yakima Phoenix Pocatello Portland , Roseburg acramrito ... St. Louis Salt Lake San Francisco Seattle Spokane ...... Tacoma Tatoosh Island Walla Walla .. Washington ... Winnipeg 5S0 74 O. 56 0 50 0 .00 . .,NE krlear 44 12, W Pt. cloudy .00 . .jw ICloudy .OO 4,NW,Pt. cloudy .00... W (Clear .00 . . s iClear 54 0 OjO 82 0 .00 16 SW IClear .1012 UWIRaln .00 14 W (Clear 64 0 62 0 52 0 .00 (SE .Cloudy .00.. ,E Cloudy .00 . .!SW Pt. cloudy .34 4 W IClear 42 O 500 50 0 52'0 OOi. ..SW Clear 00 . . X Clear 48 0 4S 0 .00 .. :X PL cloudv WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderate disturbance overlies the Basin States and precipitation has occurred In Southarn California, Utah. Arizona and Co', orado. Light rains also have fallen In West ern Washington and British Columbia Generally fair weather has prevailed in most other sections of the country. The weather is cooler on the Pacific slope. In the Plateau northern Rocky Mountain and northern Plains States. Mississippi and Ohio viid-. and Lake region. Temperatures are above normal in the central Plateau and Plains States, Mississippi and Ohio vallevs Upper Lake Region and Central Canada :"hey are below normal in Oregon. Arizona and the nnu .x'rin Aiiaoiic states. The conditions are favorable for occa sional rata Sunday in Northwesters Wash- ington and Southeastern Idaho, and for generally fair weather In the remainder of this district. Temperature changes will be alight, and winds will be mostly westerly. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair: westerly winds. Oregon Fair: westerly winds. , Washington Generally fair, except occa sional rain northwest portion, winds mostly westerly. Idano Generally fair, except occasional rain, and cooter southeast portion. THEODORE F. DRAKE, Assistant Forecaster. PYTHIANS PLAN FOR SHOW Reproduction of Early Days at Ab erdeen to Be Given. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Nov. 6. (Spe cial.) Aberdeen Knights of Pythias have begun preparation for their third annual Frontier Days Show, represent ing Aberdeen in the early days. The show will take place early next year. Its main feature is the operation of all kinds of games of chance. The money used is an issue of "currency notes." ranging in value from $500 to $50,000." A small admission fee is charged. The committee named to handle this year's celebration consists of J. M. Bowes. D. M. Bowes. W. W. Maxey, W. H. Cady. E. B. Riley, A. B. Caly, D. M. Castle. John Tenwick, Roy Dunn. A. J. .Fletcher. Hans - Hansen. C. M. Cloud and J. A. Shiels. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marria Licenses. BAKER-GRAHAM Gilbert O. Baker, lescl. 1119 Tenino avenue, and Clara A. Graham, legal, 10Z4 East Eighteenth street North. JACOBSEN-STEFFENSEX George J. Jacobsen, le?al, lel Mar apartments, and, Jane Steffensen, legal. 1038 East Thirty-second street North. NEWELL - SCHWAB AUER Fred U Newell, legal, 3 East Seventy-sixth street, and E. Scliwabauer, legal, 4 East Seventy fifth street. BALDVVUV.MAVPIN Clarence A. Bald win, legal, Yucaipa, Cal., and Lucllo Q. Maupin. legal, 41 Tillamook street. PERRY-BROVN Hal H. Perry. legal. 1190 East' Burnslde street, and C. Edith Brown, legal, same address. BUCHANAN" HOG AN 1. A. Buchanan, 29. 160 East Sixteenth street, and Kathleen M. Hogan, 23. Sargent Hotel. StTTER-MOXlH Wallace W. Sutter, 24. Lents, Or., and Iaisy. I. Monlsh. IS, bi t'nion avenue North. PEDERSEN-HONGSETH Arnoldus Ped ersen, legal. 350 Kearney street, and Petri Hongseth, legra!. same address. NAYLOR-GOULD Arthur M. Navlor. le gal. 744 East Bcmslde street, and Anna Carrie Gould, legal. 481 East Fifty-third street North. Births. KENNEDY To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Kennedy. SO North Eighteenth street, Oc tober ol, a son. WILLIAMSON To Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson, SIT East Tenth street. Oc tober 31. a son. S KOOGLUN D To Mr. and Mrs. John E. Skooglund, Linnton road. October 26, a son. MORRISS To Mr. and Mrs. Arba A. Mor riss. t13 East Twenty-third street North, October 20. a son. HICKS To Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hicks, 2 04J Fast Fifteenth street North, October 25. a son. WHALE.V To Mr. and Mrs. William P. Whaien, 1071 Belmont street, October 26, a son. H A NSEN To Mr. and Mrs. George N. Hansen. Buell. Or., October 27, a son. GARLOCK Ti Mr. and Mrs. Hiram A. Garlock, Lent3. Or., October 24, a son. Buildinjr Permits. EVA M. GARFIELD Repair one-story frame garage. 31 East Seventh street, be tween East Burnsitle and East Couch streets; builder. C. D. Garfield; 2r0. M. A. PIERSON Repair one-story frame dwelling, 720 East Seventy-ninth street North, between Fremont and Klickitat btreets; builder, ame;?73. J. C. MORPIS Erect one-story frame garage, 1770 Sandy road, between East Sixty-eighth and Club avenue; builder. Take Down Mfg. Co.: Jt.iO. N. A. PEARSON Repair one-story frame dwelling, 929 Tacoma avenue, near John son Creek; builder. Fred L. Mills; $250 S. C. HAYES Erect one-story frame ga rage, S7? Seventy-first avenue South East between Elphty-scventh and Ninety-second streets: builder, same: so. O'SHEA BROTHERS Repair three-story uruumij aiures ana IH'IPI. 4U4 4 W ashing ton street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets; bui.der. Bert E Boice: 100O MRS. ANNIE SMITH Repair one-story fram.- dwelling. 71fl Insley avenue, between East Twentieth and P!at Ta,'Pntv.Mnri streets; builder. A. B. Clayton: $."0. ADOLPH MILLER Erect one-story frame stable. 804 Gladstone avenue, between East Tweniy-ninth and Kenilworth avenue; bulld- er. pnme; .fiOO. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS SACRIFICED. Parties going East will sell all furniture Inc.uding Steinway piano and Victrola for cash only; most articles are new and all excellent values. Phone Tabor 4t3 YOl XG married couple desire to rent fur nished house or apartment on East Side, preferably north of Broadway, after De cember 1. State method of heating and lighting; also conveniences. S 217. Ore- ponian. WANTED To exchange, 1 cruiser boat. 50 ft., 10 ft. beam, cabin, has SU horsepower gasoline engine in good order. Will trade for good truck or automobiles. BD 20$ Oregonian. NEARLY new golden oak dresser, dining room table, tt-hole steel range, wood or coal. New Home sewing machine; must sell. 47 Jackson st., between loth and i m sin, TO trade for cord wood or standing timber, JltKM equity in bungalow, $400 worth of furniture, clear. Including wood range, gas range, heater, fireplace, $35 short wood. S4U'l rRsh. AH 17 flrog-nnlon $1000 EQUITY in new, modern bungalow for sale or trade for clear lots or acreage in Willamette Valley. Young, tiOli 40th St.. S. E. Sellwood 1339. PRIVATE housecleaning, kitchen helper, moving helper, carpenter helper, wood splitter, key fitter. H. C. Mountjoy, East EXPERT bookkeeper open for position; ex perience, general knowledge of stenog raphy and Spanish; will go out of city. C 2r6, Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE Will exchange four lots on carline in Vancouver, Wash., for good residence; will assume or pay cash. 327 Worcester bldg. WANTED Two young men to advertise lor Eastern firm; call Monday, ask for Mr. Dufek at Hotel Carlton after 8:30 a. M. ; don't call unless you want to work. MEAT and produce market for sale or trade; good chance for responsible party. B 213, uregonmo Ail or part of furniture goes cheap In small apartment, ideal for two or more. Marshall 55SS. WANTED to rent by reliable party, good farm for cash or on shares. AG 23, Ore gonian. CHAL'FFEUR, flrst-class: experienced; ref erences. Phone Tabor 91 or AG 221, Oregonian. W ANTED To exchange 2-apartment flat for farm or ferm lands. BF 179, Ore gojiian. WANTED To exchange 5 acres good land within IS miles Portland for automobile. BO T.VS, Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter and cement work, day or contract; garages a specialty. Tabor CARD WPITER, must be quick and do good work, for special sales. Call for Woodlawn 211 WANT a loan of S0M on well improved property; will pay 7 per cent interest. B '-'15. Oregonian. (30O0 ON well improved property, 7 per 'cent interest. C 229. Oregonian. PUPILS for piano. 2 lessons a week 75c Mrs. Bronson, 367 Sixth st. Marshall 5535. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cockerels for sale or exchange. Tabor 405. SPITZ, Fox terrier pups. Monday. Main MODERN 5-room upper flat. 352 H Jackson st.. Call 4Br, park st. WANTED To exchange good-sized diamond for good runabout. PC 21X), Oregonian. WANTED A 4-cylinder motor, 5 or 5 str3ke. Main PAX. 201 McKay fcldg. SPANISH students tutored. Call Wood lawn 1542" for appointment. WANTED A boy with motorcycle at 410 Aider Et. DAY'S work wanted by reliable colored wo man. Broadway 164i. TO EXCHANGE Donkey engine for auto or truck. E 219. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Horses for auto. D 215. Oregonian. CITY lot for sale or trade. eon Ian. AG 220, Ore- REO touring car. 1912. modern looking $335: ( caah, 10 71 E. ?4th N, A. M. LOST A black fur at Armory. Wood law 10. Reward, t n . I " I his directory is for the information of the public, to give as far as possi ble the different lines of business which the average person mav find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be cladly furnished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ABSTRACT AND TITLES. ' PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title & Trust Co.. 7 Ch. of Cora. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, side pleat, buttons covared; mail orders. 209 PUtock block. Broadway 1099. Pleating. hemstitching. buttons covered. Eastern Xoveity Co.. S34 Otb, B'way 2000 ADDING MACHINES. WALES visible adding and listing machines. A. H. Workman, mgr.. 107-S -".V. Bk. bid. ASBESTOS " BOO FIX O MATERIALS. Inquire about Asbestos Rubber Roofing and Asbestoa Cement. Rate & Co.. Dekum bldg. AS SAY KKS AND ANALT1STS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142V4 2d. Gold, silver and platinum bought. CANCER. LOWELL, M. JONES. M. D.. Practice llmlt ed exclusively to cancers. 312 Morgan bids. CARPET WEAVERS. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car pets. rag rugs. 188 E. 8th. Both phones. CELLCLOID BUTTONS BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSOX "COMPANY. Si Washington l Main S12and A 1254. ' CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors, S02 Gerlinger bldg., southwest corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring" M rs. M. D. Hill. Office. Flledner bldg.. Main 478. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. McMAHON, sixth year, chronlo cases taking time, 31 treatments. $16; worth .i0; sava the difference. 121 4th St. COLLECTIONS. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere, highest, claas refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 4 26 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 480. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge. Established 1C0. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 85V. 5th St.. bet. Stark and Oak; sp'l rates, 4 pri vate lessons S 9 mnmin? nttfrnnnn .von. ing. all latest dances guaranteed; claas i nun. oat. evenings. 7-8:30. BdwT. 2160. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons dally; class i ubb. rn. e-we., 5 to lo. 3US 2d at., bet. Wash, and Stark. Main S205. Lessons 25c MULKEY BLDG., Id and Morrison 10 lei sons $5; classes Mon.. Fri. eve. Mar. 313. GEXEE DE REAU European dance artiste r-rivBie or class lessons. Main 1067. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casaaday. 517 Dekum bid., 3d & Wn. FEATHER RENOVATING. WE maka feather mattresses. Summer and v inter sides, we renovate any kind bed ding good as new; cash for old feathers. 270 E. 20th. Tabor 2624. FIRE INSCRANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. INSCRANCE. JEROME B. STEINBACH. gen'I insurance; fire, automobile, 615 Corbett bid.. Mn. 6716. " LAWYER. LAWYER Consultation free, block. 618 Plttock H. Y. FREEDMAN. Consultation free. 930 Chamber of Com. LUMBER. CHAS. R. M'CORMICK CO.. 914 Teon bldg. . MCS1CAL. SCHOOL OF XIl'SIC, STAFF of TEACHERS, .u.Aai'.r. y At uk i 141 jjtn at., at Alder. Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 4160, Marshall 1629. WHOLESALERS AND ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. Dt'BRILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 2d Bt. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Parte & Davla. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Cong. Inc. 11th and Bverett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1XHARD, 10thand Bunuide. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. FURNISHINGS. FLK1SCHXKR, MAYER A CO.. 201 Ash at. ELECTRICAL-SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electrical Co., 6th and. Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall ti. !. rtOLa-cj-tt. uoara ot iraae J3iag. GROCERS. WADHAMS & CO., 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THAXHAU5ER HAT CO., 53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAH.N BROS.. 191 Front street. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., 33 oth St. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Dmiijr mud Sunoavy. Per line. One time ! bune svd two consecutive time. ..... 2 banw svd three consecutive time .V bame ad six or seven cMUecutive times CM The above rstes apply to advertisements onfler "New Todny" and all outer rlwifi cntions except tike following: Situations Wanted Mnle, situation k Wanted female. ' er Rent, Jioom Pnvae F ami Men, Board and Rooms Private iamilit. Uouackcepinr Rooms -Prtvate JranUilem. Atnte on the above ciaMUltcatton 1 vents a line encb Insertion. On "ciiarge" advertisements charges will be baseti on the number of lines sppcsriss in tbe paper regartiicM of the number ol vrarda In caclk line, ulnimum cuMrne, ( Ua ee. ioe Oregonian will accept classified ad vertisements over tbe (telephone, provided tbe advertiser is a subscriber to eitner pbone. No price will be Quoted over tbe phone, bus bill will be rendered the follow ing day.. Whet be r subsequent advertise ments will be aceepten ever tbe phone de pends upon the promptness of payment of telephone advertisement, bituations antei and personal advertisement will not be cepted over tbe telephone. Orders for ooa insertion only will be accepted for arm lure for ale," MUiuiaee Opportunities ' "Kuoinkuz-iluuxes" and "Wanted lo iteaC ' Telephon . Main "u?u. A 60W. Advertisements to receive proper classi fication must be in Xbe Oregonian office before 9 o'clock at nigbt, except baturda. Closing bour for 'Xbe Sunday Oregonian will be 7:80 o'clock Saturday night. 'Xbe office will be open urtll lO o'clock P. M.. a nsuni. and nil ads received too late for proper clntMtif ication will be run under tbe beading "loo Late to Classify.' MEETING NOTICES. EUREKA COUNCIL No. 204 KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Special meeting Monday evening, November 8. Revision of by laws. Address by District Attorney Walter H. Evans. Every member should be present on this occasion. MAUD L. JOHNSON Sec A AND A. S. RITE General meeting for all members in audi torium, bcottisn rtite catnearai. Tuesday evening next at S o'clock. Sov. Gr. Inspector-General will describe last session of the Supreme Council and show views of the new temple. KIRKPATRICK COUNCIL 2227, Knights and Ladies of Security Big open meeting next Friday. November 12, 8:30 eharp. Moose Hall Morrison and Broadway. Cards, "500;" entertainment; dancing. Hock's union music. Good prises. Admission 15 cents. Com for a good time. "Help us carry Portland greetings to Detroit." ANCHOR COUNCIL, NO. 746, K. and L. OF S., will give a big dance Wednesday evening. November 10, 1915. at Forester's Hall. 129 4th street. Come; bring your friends. Union music Admission 25c COME to the Portland Art Club's big spe cial 500 pany Tuesday afternoon. Six nut plates first. Ten prizes every Saturday night, 129 4th st- Admission 25c Everybody wel come. PORTLAND TENT, NO. 1. THE MACCA BEES, will give a card party and dance Thursday evening. Pov. 11. at their hall, 409 Alder st. Everybody invited. Admission 15 cents. MULTNOMAH CIRCLE. No. 744 WOM EN OF WOODCRAFT will give a 50O and dance and refreshments Friday. Nov. 12, at 11th and Washington st. Admission 20c ROYAL CIRCLE 000 party and dance given at 128 11th su. W. O. W. Temple, Wednesday, Nov. 10. Nice prizes. Cards at 8:30. Admission 2Qc. CaXBLEsl jewelry buttons, charts, pins, new deslsrus. Jaeger Bros., lil-l Sixth st. DIED. SHTVES A the residence. 459 E. 8th st N.. November ft Alexander Shives. aged - 72 years. Announcement uf funeral later A MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycle and bicycles. Phone Main 63. A 2153. OLD GOLD. I BUY OLD GOLD. Old Jewelry a Speeialty. Ores bought. Assayer. F. A. Sennett. 510 Northwest Bldg... 327 Washington St. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. A fight on high prices. First - Quality lenses per. fectly fitted to your eyes in o:d - filled frame for $1.50. Torlc and double vision lenses, 9.u0 ana 1 1 ti w h v n a v more Lenses duolicated. HOOO satisfied customers s reference. .Man orders. CHAS. w . uuuo MAX, optometrist. 06 Morrison Main 2124. YOUR EYES fitted with best lenses, gold-f liled mounts. $1.50 up; tones. S2.50 ud: near and far bi faraliL S2 T.il ud: lenses duplicated; mall orders. Dr. J. p. Meredith, 429 Washington St PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C WRIGHT 22 years- practice U. S. and tmcjgu patents, but ueKum Olag. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and oirice near 24th and York sts. Main 31S9. PATENTS. PATENTS that protect and pay; advice and books free: hiehest reference: best re- suits; promptness assured; send sketch or moael lor search. Watson E. Coleman, patent lawyer. 624 F St., Washington, l. C PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr., Printing and linotyping. 100 Front St., cor. Stark. Main or A 1418. RAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGS. New rugs from old ingrain. Brussels Smyrna, Axminsler carpets; carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing, country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. WESTER TTT.ITlT'jr WT'fi r0 64-56 Union ave. 2f, Phone E. 6516 B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., Wilcox bldg. H. P., 404-405-406 ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO.. 621 Yeon. BENEDICT BROS.. 930 Hawthorne ave. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST. Household Goods Specialists. Storage, Packing, Ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Id and Pine sts. Broadway 596. A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in city. MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER Co. Reduced freight rates to all points. Moving, packing, shipping, storage. Broadway 703. 9th and Hoyt sts. MAD I SON -ST, DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison. General Merchandise and forwarding agents. Phono Main 7691. WOOD. S4.25 WOOD J4.25. Dry seasoned second growth fir wood delivered anywhere In Montavllla or Mt. Tabor district. $4.25. Tabor 5470 GREEN and dry slabwood, blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 5720. A 3899. DRY blockwood, dry slabwood, bark. Mult nomah Fuel Co., M 5540. A 2116. MANUFACTURERS MILLINERY BRADSHAW BROri.. Morrison and 7th at. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. RASMTJSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M". L. KLINE. 84-86 Front street. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERC HANTS. EVERDINQ & FARRELL. 140 Front. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAFETY RAZOR HONLNG. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO., 189 th. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. WALL P - IK R MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 Sd St. FUNERAL NOTICES MAC KAY At the family residence. 61 N ltith. November 6. Jan "M n rUt v n p-H : years 10 months 6 days; beloved wife of j-suuaia aiacnay. j nenas mvitea to attend fune-al services, which wili be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Monday). November 8. Interment River- view Cemetery. Services at the grave y i ivttke. ir ituse omit xiowers. MACBRATNET In this city, November 5. Mary Green MacBratney, aged 65 veara beloved wife of William C. MacBratney. late of 303 12th st. Funeral servir. m be conducted Monday, November 8, at 2 i jm.. irum rearson s unaertaKing par lors, Russell st. at Union ave. Friends invited. Interment at Masonic plot Greenwood Cemetery. BOX AR In this Cit V. Vnvomhop a un Hattie Bonar, aged 59 years. Remains will be forwarded by the Holman Under- " laniiig io aaeaiora, ur on tne ailZ P. M. train today (Sunday), November 7, where funeral services will be held. In- terment in family plot. FUN ERAL DIRECTORS. Tb. oal raia.nc onaertjucinr estabUtt UMil in ioruuid wltb private oriv.w. Mam u, x loaa. t. P. FINLET & ION. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. KDWARD HOLMAN. tb. leadlm funeral director. 22t Tnlrd street, corn. fcalmon, u assistant. A lail. Mala suj. 9. R DUNNING. INC. East Bide Funeral Directors. 414 East Al Jer street. East 62. B 2o3S. A. K. ZGLLLa CO.. bl WILLIAMS AVSL East lima, l. luss. attendant, oaj ana mgnt sT vice. UUNNLNU & M'nlNTEfi. funeral directors. Broadway a-a fus. rnone slain JU. A Lady attendant. JIILLa at TRACE!, Independent funeral directors. Funerals as low as $2U, 940. S0O. Washington and Klla sts. Main aawl. A 7aaa. P. L. Lercn. East lltb ana Clay streets. may assistant. g.aat lei. 6K.EWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, an and clay. Main 410a. A 2321, Lady attendant, B. T. Byrnes. Williams ave. and Kjutt. is. ma. c iwj. Lady attendant. BREEZE & SNOOK- Sunnyslile Parlor. auto bearse. 1US6 Belmont, lab. liis. B 1st f LOK1MTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 847 Wash ington. Main 2om, A 12UU. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison c Main or A lau Fine flowers and flora. designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7210. A 312L Selling ouuuing. oin van Aiaer Bis. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington t.. bet. 4tn and litn. Main aiuz. A liui. HONLHEKT8. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 34-266 4th St.. opp. City Ball. Main 8084. Philip Neu & aons lor memorials. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY S74 BELMONT ST. Phones Esst 1423, H 25 1&. Open Day nnn n lgnc Report all cases of cruellT to this or. foce. Lrethai chamber for small animals. Hortt ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone d. iriuc a xet may communicate w jm ua NEW TODAY. ESTABLISHED 1S92. We shall sell player piano and first class lurniture. rugs, etc., for a ladv who is returning East. We have moved these goods to our salesrooms for con venience of auction sale ON TUESDAY NEXT comprising- standard make player piano and records in mahogany case, antique tip-top stand, mahogany library tab -, upholstered mahogany parlor chairs, davenport, portieres, oak library furni ture, viz.. table, leather - upholstered rockers and rockers with leather seats, oak parlor desk, antique clock, hand pa in ted china pieces, larsre gold frame mirror, Italian inlaid table, sewing machine, quarter-sawed oak pedestal dining table and set of leather-seated chairs. Axminster and Brussels rugs, double parlor and hall velvet carpets, stair carpets, brass. Vernis Martin and enamel beds, best steel springs, silk, floss and cotton felt mattresses, pil lows mahogany princess dresser, quar tered oak dresser and chiffonier, birds eye maple tedroom rockers and chairs, nearly new kitchen range with water coils, gas range, parlor stove and many other household effects. Also chest of carpenter's tools. THE ABOVE GOODS WILL BE O-f VIUW TOMORROW. PARTIES l- l It MSHIN; SHOULD CALL AND IN SPECT THIS LIST OF FrKMTl'RB, AUCTION" OX TUESDAY KEXT AT 10 A. .M. ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall have another good lot of house furnishings to offer you. Qoods will be on view Wednesday afternoon SALE OX THIRSDAV AT lO A. M. FOR PRIVATE SALE. GEXriXE ROYAL ERHIXE. We Have 36 of These Beautiful Skins lor sale. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY HIGHBOY. DIM'LEV PXECHATIC CLEANER, WANTED. AXY AMOUNT OK GOOD SECOND HAND Fl KXIT 111 K, HUGS, ETC. WB PAY CASH, PRELIMINARY NOTICE Semi-annunl anctinn sola at ik. r r Pick Transfer & Storage Co.'s ware house. Second and Pine streets. ON WEDNESDAY, Nov. 17th, 1915 AT 10 A. M. We shall sell furniture nnH r t Vt effects for storage and other liens. Full particulars in next Sundnv'i nnnT- L.ist of goods can be seen at auctioneer's offices or at the C. O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co.'s offices, also in the Port land Dally Abstract. W. C. BAKER & W. It. DEAN, Fornitpre Dealers and Auctioneers. Both Phones. 166-108 Park Street. Auction Sale FORD AUCTION CO. 211 First St. MONDAY 2 P. M. We have some verv nice fnrnihiTu in be sold at this sale, includine- nlmnar everything- necessary to furnish your home. and. if you are interested in anything in the furniture line, it will pay you to come ana iook around, for you are sure to find something that will interest you. S3. G. FORD, AUCTIONEER. REGULAR SALES EVERY Monday, Wednesday, Friday, At 2 P. M. Each Day 211 FIRST ST. GOODS SOLD PRIVATELY AT AXY TIME. FUNERALS Beautiful adult pluan r broadcloth casket, embalming, rough box. heara, two limousines and services, for. ....... Mora reasonable funerals If desired for $20. $40. 60. Higher-priced funerals Jn proportion. AVe make our own caskets. Lady assistant. Private funeral chapaU MILLER& TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Washington and Ella Sts. Main 2691. A 7885. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans uuicitly closed. Call today. d Of.. LAHGB LOANS OH Z pT. -7 Brsi. l ;ss properties "y A. H. BIRRELL CO. tl'-Ulv Northwestern Bank BsUldlnc. Marsha 11 4114, A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS on business properties and close-in resi dence. Jwowest current rates. Income Property Managed for non-residents, rents collected, taxes paid, - repairs looked after, ground leases and sales negotiated. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 727 Chamber ot Commerce Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS 5, 6, 7 OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO. Stock Exchange Bulldinsr,. Third nnd Yamhill streets. BRICK. WAREHOUSE OS TERMINAL TRACK. Southwest Corner Fifteenth nnd - IoveJoy. FOUR FLOORS A.U BASEMENT. 25.000 Square Feet for Rent by the Month, or or Long Term, at Very Reasonable Rent. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Omr Own iUout j1 m current Rates) sIC Ml IF AL AND C'OUf OKA l lO.f BONDS, FARM AND CITV LOANS, tto Fourth St.. Board ot Trade Bld. MORTGAGE LOANS. A. W. .H'LAt'GHLIN CO. New York City. Unlimited Funds Quick Service. Large or Small Amounts. FRANK A. STKELE, representative. 808 Spalding Bldg. Main Sift. 4 1 1." i ' !L. i -4-5 i 41iak . ' o iT?T . . r come to HEAD QUARTERS yourMORTGAGE LOANS JOHN rYHKT ! KT SPALDING BLDG. . 41vUi.I PORTLAND, ORE. V 3. la On Cltr and Farm PmiwrflM In jf Aiit Amount at Current Bates kV'SfS HARTKAN-THOUPSOM. BsDXssa Comst .4 uuitk m& Made Streets, V