The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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Cafeteria and Dairy Lunch s Skirls Cat without charge by I s -The Wall Paper Store- I -Purchases mav be made nZ,
Why Inauguration Month Should the arfiatfist TovPiT.hpr ir.
T 7T
eier "Frank Company's "pjistory
c uiuuius piepaiing iur tne greatest ran Business we've ever had. For months signs pointed toward "Prosneritv "
i&ISSy" r03dbcf oSinae SSSFUi Our exports to Europe nave Urease,, The United
IrgeSer prepared to meet the wave of Prosperity that was sure to come. Trained in the school of preparedness our buyers have stocks on hand and on order that will take care of any
TlllS nrPTinyPflnoec 10 nrnvon in Vi a Vii rr cnlot. rtnA f-r.T n-n --l-.. 2.- a : mi . 11 .. .... ...
saringsarrreldi .omor.uw. ; 1 n wnoie "inaugurauon Month" wlU be one of exceptional values. You will find now that great
Sk Nffia $9.95
$15 to $25 Grades
Beautiful negligees in crepe de
chine, taffeta and lace.
Light blue, pink and rose, in accordion-pleated
and little-coat
styles. Not all sizes of a kind
garments that are slightly soiled
from handling regularly priced
from $1& to $25. Special at $9.95.
4; Comfy warm ones for cold Win
r nights. Of high-grade outing
and blue pin stripes. Trimmed in
ribbon and silk stitching.
All bear the Consumers' League
Priced at 98c, $1.27, $1.47 to $1.75.
Third Floor, Sixth Street
Inauguration ftale of "eckwear
Fur-Trimmed, Lace and Ostrich Pieces
A wealth of the prettiest neckwear you've ever seen. Recently, in
the East, our buyer made a wholesaler an offer so absurdly low
he scarcely believed it would be taken up but the neckwear is here
anu speaKS ior useil.
We have a complete showing of the
season's approved
"V. ' "ot moderate prices.
Every Fur guaranteed. .'
Expert Fur Remodeling
Fourth Floor, Fifth Street.
75c to $130 Imported Pieces, 39c
Some of dainty lace, others of net, with a
goodly sprinkling of hand-embroidered voiles,
organdies and batistes. Collars, Sets, Vestees.
guimpes, military collars all styles and
sizes. Special at 39c; 2 for 75c.
75c JTies for 35c
15 dozen Windsor Ties. Excellent messa
line, 1 yards long. Plain colors, plaids and
$2.95 Ostrich Boas, $1.49
200 beautiful boas of long, fine flues. 22
inches long with silk-tasseled ends. Black,
white, combinations, natural and white, navy,
delft and mottled, green and white. All beau
tiful and stylish.
50c Maline Ruffs, 33c
12 dozen dainty maline ruffs in plain colors
and combinations. Some with ribbon bands.
$1.25 and $2 Pieces at 79c
Beautiful hand-embroidered neckwear. Fin
est nets and organdies and voiles have gone
into the making of these. In every attractive
style, some Val. trimmed; others in frilled
effects. Values from $1.25 to $2 at 79c, 2
for $1.50.
New Fur-Trimmed Collars, 75c
A special 'inauguration" sale of the new
est fancy silk braid collars trimmed with
white, brown and black fur. Every desirable
and beautiful color to be found. See them!
Main Floor, Fifth Street
"Holiday T ,aces
as sweet and dainty as the gifts
they're to elaborate ! . Plan your Christ
mas gifts now these Laces will save
you many "pennies." Pretty for aprons,
.camisoles, lingerie, children's wear, etc.
10c for 12c to 25c 'Vals
Dainty French . and German Vals in
round and diamond mesh. Widths from
SA to 2y2 inches.
25c for 30c to 45c Laces
. Linen Barmans in white and ecru, for
art squares, etc. Excellent imitations
of real Cluny laces.
$1.19 for $2 to $3 Laces
Net Top Laces 12 to 24 inches wide.'
On white or ecru ground, embroidered
in metal and colored Dresden designs.
New Embroidered Crepe
Exclusive showing of 42-inch Geor
gette Crepe embroidered : in exquisite
silver designs. Particularly pretty for
panniers oi party irocks.
FiXtraordinary Sale of Women's ftuits
fhe gig ale of
"Reds and "Redding
is daily attracting throngs of economical shoppers. This is
one of the biggest money-saving events in this whole month
of extraordinary values !
Brass Beds, Iron Beds
Enameled Beds, Cribs
Sanitary Couches and Springs
all at reductions from 20 per cent to 50 per cent. It is
quite impossible to go into detail as to price and description.
Enough to say every one is guaranteed.
Every Mattress Reduced
This means our own special "Solid Comfort" and other
brands including famous Ostermoor Mattresses. You know
how high the Ostermoor standard is. -
This is a sale of such magnitude that no home furnisher
should miss it ! See these wonderful values tomorrow !
f That emphasizes our determination to
offer the highest quality merchandise
at very lowest prices.
-The very best Suits that any American designer can produce are
included in this phenomenal sale.
Suits that express the newest conceptions of our foremost manu
facturers. Included are many of our most beautiful
Max M. Schwartz & Co.
creations. And besides those, many of our exclusive models. The
materials are fine broadcloths, gabardines, serges and novelty
cloths some fur-trimmed and fancy, others "severely tailored.
Every style and color represented.
Truly an amazing sale at the beginning of the season !
$48.50 to (FO a p-A
$52.50 Suits pO4.0U
$55.00 to yf O JT f
$65.00 Suits $4Z.DU
New Apparel Salons Fourth Floor Fifth Street.
npwo Special ' "Presses
are being offered for tomorrow. These also represent excep-
.ivi.ixiiy guu vaiues. ine sxetcn gives an idea o their charm.
A Serge and Silk at $11.45
is very "effective, with its silk waist embroidered in gold
outline. A dress that is full of style and very specially priced
at S11.45.
A Satin and Crepe at $18.45 .
is made in overskirt effect with touches of gold at girdle. This
is very simple yet beautiful in design. Specially priced
at SI 8.45.
Besides these styles there are dozens equally attractive.
Two of Scores of Savings
$30.00 Brass Bed
at $1930
Our most popular Bed at $30.
Two-inch posts with five 1 - inch
filling rods head and foot. Note
what a pretty pattern this is.
' Steel Coil
Springs, $425
The greatest bargain we've ever
offered in an all - steel coil bed
spring! 96 coils constructed of
high-grade carbon steel wire.
Fourth Floor, Fifth Street.
ew ilks and "yelvets
TTor Pall and inter
are lovelier and richer than they have been for years.
Some are dark and rich, others have pretty Dresden
designs, while many show beautiful stitchery of gold
or silver thread.
Silks from $1 to $3.50 a yard
Velvets from $1 to $6 the yard
Second Floor, Fifth Street.
Main Floor.
Outing "planner Qc
The Regular 12y2c Kind '
"Clover" twilled outing flannel 27
inches wide the best flannel to be had
for gowns, underwear, etc. Specially
priced at 9c the yard.":
Second Floor, Fifth Street.
New Buttertck Patterns Now In
Best by any test awarded grand
prize at Panama - American Exposi-
t10n Second Floor, Fifth Street.
Elgin and
Waltham Makes
You know what these names stand
for quality, workmanship, accuracy.
Men ! buy these Watches tomorrow
A t Big Savings
Men's 12 and 16-size, open-face, famous
Elgin and Waltham watches. Gold-filled cases
guaranteed for twenty years. Look, wear and
keep time as well as much more expensive
Your Initials Free
Tomorrow this great event. A fine oppor
tunity to secure a splendid new watch.
-Main Floor, Sixth Street.
Phenomenal reductions on good, warm
wool Blankets, just at the time when
they mean most to you.
$5 Blankets $3.95
gray wool blankets with colored
Tomorrow, $,J.95.
$7 Blankets $535
gray wool blankets with colored
Warmth without weie-ht. Tomor
row, $5.95.
$4 Pillows $335
Goose feather bed pillows covered with blue
and white striped ticking. Strictly odorless
feathers. Tomorrow, $3.35.
Second Floor, Fifth Street.
The Volland Mother Goose, $2.00.
The Sea Fairies, L. Frank Baum, $1.00
The Kingdom of the Winding Road,
Cornelia Meigs, $1.25.
Tommy and the Wishing Stone,
Thornton Burgess, $1.00.
, Child's Book of American Biography,
Simpson, $1.00.
The Little Buffalo Robe. Ruth Beck.
Out - of - Town
mail orders filled
from this and all
our ads if re-,
ceived w i t h i n 3
days of date of
The- Quality Sto rEr of PoktlaVi b
r iftK SipctK, "MoTTisof. Alder Sts.
Tad Lincoln and
His Father, Bul
lard, 50c.
The American
Boys' Workshop,
Kelland, $1.25..
Suzanna Stirs the
Fire, Blake, $1.25.
Penelope's Post
scripts, Kate
Douglas Wiggin,
Bement Balcony.
"Once upon a time a fir tree stood
in a big forest. Now; all the other .
trees "
but I must not finish this story for you, because
we have asked
Miss Cora Morris
"The Story-Telling Lady"
to come out and tell stories to all good children
and their mothers and friends every afternoon
for the next two weeks.
Tomorrow at 3:15 and 4:15
in the Black and White Room, Ninth Floor
Miss Morris will tell the most interesting stories.
Japanese fairy tales and Nature stories and In
dian tales some of them in costume every one
interesting and told in an inimitably delightful
manner. Come tomorrow and hear them.
ChicThe Skating
Toque and Scarf--
the absolutely new in
skating togs and smart
you'll think they are when
you see them.
White Satin
quite the fad in New
York where these daintily
tasseled Scarfs are thrown
around the Jhroat with an
air of chic not to be denied.
New White Hats Just In
for street and dress wear. Many with touches of fur,
others combinations of felt and satin or velvet all clever.
Besides these, the gold and silver laces are popular, too.
Priced from $8.50 tO $25. -F.nrth F,.M. Sixth Street.
Qur (Dorset PTospital
will help you get
the utmost wear out
of your corsets. It
will alter any defects
or any little discom
forts that your corset
may have.
Is your corset
too high do the
bones protrude?
If so, come in and
see the superintend
ent of the corset hos
pital. She will know
just what to do and
how to remedy mat
ters. Our new Fall
corsets have been received and lines are complete. Ask to see the new
models while your old corset is being repaired and have a couple
fitted. Priced $3.50 to $8.50.
Expert Corsetieres always at your service.
Third Floor, Sixth Street
The combination of fur with sheerness makes these
T ,ace 'Waists at $14
very exquisite. Soft, sheer lace
over flesh-colored chiffon with touches
of black and gold these are lovely
blouses, indeed!
Note the Charming
Model Illustrated
This is. but one of scores equally
attractive and all moderately priced!
Blouses of Striped
are pretty for tailored or demi-tail-ored
wear. The stripes are seen also
in crepe de chines white with clus
ters of pin stripes in various shades.
Priced at $5. Fourth Foor. Central.