" THESUXDAY OltEGOXTAN. PORTLAND. yOVEMBER 7.'. 191 5. f TRADE BODY PROVES HELP TO BUSINESS Federal Commission Organizes Work So as to Aid Rather fc . Than Hamper. MORAL EFFECT NOTABLE - tTliat Firms and Corporations Will v- Discontinue Practices Known to Be in Violation of Lur Seen From Cases Cited. r bt J. CALUN oxauohun. - WASHINGTON. Nov. C The Federal . trade commission haa Just adjusted ' amiicably cno serious trade difficulty involving a. large Illinois corporal business. It has adjusted others also, but no report is to be made of the work It accomplishes through advice and peaceful means and its records will not be kept open on such cases where lui compliance lB made with the law. Talis lha rum in i . . . . n . Its work to aid and help business, not . to vex or hamper business. And "big r . " Deer nor worse than - ".vie Business - when it is kept withii tno jaw and learlesslv gsi. n, nient officials to investigate and to counsel. it was permitted a representative of the Chicago Herld to make a general survey of the preliminary work of the commission. This investigation dis closed the interesting fact that the urst three cases coming before the . commission on which the Indorsement . settled" was made were disposed of milium, me necessity for action by , this new governmental body other than - a notice to the accused that complaints , " uiva mea against mem. Moral fcffect Notable. And this fact, say those who have ; watched the progress of legislation looking to the creation of ti,. t.rt commission, and are confident that it . win prove au that has been claimed . .lor it, points a moral. in that it indi : cates that manv trade nonce a en gaged in practices known to them to '; b in violation of law will discontinue , these practices once knowledge is had lum iney nave oeen called upon to ap pear before this new Federal lnvii. 'gative body and explain. In other words, those knowing themselves to u in ins wrong, in many cases, will , uovui ii oetter ana cneaper voluntarily -to abandon. such practices. During recent years rapidly ehang , ing economic and financial conditions - throughout the United States brought about such a situation as to call loudly for the creation of new Federal ma. chiuery that would prove adaptable, , effective and prompt in promoting the . square deal in trade. The Federal Trade Commission resulted. Those . no iuok tne initiative, therefore, in . the passage of the act under which , this new aid to commerce is made pos sible, may point to the. resulta nf th... first three cases, settled through the commission, as indicating full justifl ' cation for their faith in the new rem. , edy. Public interest and sympathy promises , i. bo aireciea toward the work of the Federal Trade Commission more and more as the members work out the ln- teresting problems before them. A -reaerai interstate body which is au thorized to inaugurate, modernize and ' simplify practices looklne to the nrn- ; tection of the weak and the upholding of the rights of the powerful, in th commercial life of today, is assued of a vase neid in which to engage its powers, and the docket of the trade commission already speaks eloquently of the inclination of tho business In terests of the United States to saiv the relief which Is guaranteed them unaer tne act. Details Are Withheld. Tho Federal Trade Commission, in ; pursuance of its fixed policy to protect trade secrets and other information gained through tho filing of petitions .or hearings had before it unless the ; processes of the commission make it . necessary mat such matters become jjuuiiu, ins witnneia aeiails touching such secrets or records of the three cases Just referred to as having been i-eiiitsa quiciciy. uut oiticers or the com , mission authorise the statement that in eucn instance ready acknowledge ; nient was made of the errors charged. Two of these complaints charged 'practices In restraint of trade. The third charged unfair competition in trade. The first one received was Trom a company whose business is general throughout the United States. - it complained of the refusal of a man ufacturer to sell his products to the complainant because the latter had in tended to dispose of such product at wholesale prices. Thi3 complaint brought in, to an extent at least, the much-discussed proposition of rc-sale prices. The commission acknowledged , receipt of the complaint and then sub mitted to complainant a set of ques tions touching the various points in volved, that it might determine whether the offense charged was one of which the commission could tako cognizance. in response to that inquiry came a communication from the plaintiff ask ing that the matter be dropped, and stating .that the misunderstanding" between the two companies had been satisfactorily adjusted. Other instances, doubtless, will de velop as time goes on and will aid tho ( commission in simplifying to an ex tent at least the work before it. GOVERNOR BACKS PLAN STATE'S GREATEST XEED IS PAY. HOI.LS HE BEITERATKS, The development of manufacturing will pro. vil w for many of our Immisrants v, . tbe'- . ln turn. Trill supply tnarkata "nleli will ma'i.i profitable the agricul tural development undertaken by others. i propoo that you authorise the appoint ment of an unsalaried committee of seven experienced business men whose duty It shall be to investigate the possibilities Of Profit to Oregon's existing institutions, and the establishment of new Oregon industries, created by the pending changes in inter national trade and manufactures due to the fa-uropean war, the shirting eoonomio con ditions produced by the Panama Canal, and our rapidly enlarging commercial open ings In fiouth America and the Orient. And suggest that come portion of tho money hitherto devoted to publicity be placed at the disposal of this committee for the em ployment of an expert who shall devote his ...... w me wora., unaer tne supervision of "'Dill 1H1B. I have felt for several years that a work of fundamental and substantial benefit could be accomplished in thi riirottnn r am confident that we are Importing much that -w viupuriy oeuia manuxacture here and I am eqpually confident that our changing ecenomio conditions are opening the possi bilities of new manufacturing development in this elate. There is certainly nothing ,iutJUriani ior our aeveiopment than the encouragement of such nctivitiM Tou mav count unon mv . .......... . "i-"" ir your plan materializes. n I hope it Wilt, and 1 shall be glad to be kept informed as to what you are doing In tne premises. FEIV FARMERS OPPOSING OJiXY TWO FAVOR ABOLITIOX OF .AGRicrirriusT. U'GQHBS TO PASS At Least Fight on Chairman Will Be Bitter. la Letter to Portland Chamber of Com. meree Official Mr. WltkM-omhe Fledge Support and Aid. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 5. (Special.) Indorsement of the plan of the Port land Chamber of Commerce for making a. statewide survey of industries to larn what lines of manufacture can best developed in Oregon, was given by Governor Withycombo today in a communication to George K. Hardy, head of the Portland Chamber. Declaring that Oregon's greatest need 'is payrolls, the executive says that he will do all In his power to aid in pro moting the proposed survey: He writes: It seems to me that this industrial sur vey la a most excellent step in the right direction. In this connection I might men tion that in my Inaugural message to the I.eglsature I attempted to sei-uro the co operation of that body for just such an undertaking. t that time I said in part: Of late we have devoted large sums to the exploitation of the state's resources. An organised publicity campaign has been con ducted, us double purpose to make known Oregon's attractions throughout the world and to bring settlers and Investors to the tate. It Is my judgment that the time lias come to transfer some of this effort Inia other channels. Rather than continu ing vo strenuously our endeavor to draw Teople here, let us devote more of our aal and more or our money la establish ing .thera after they arrive. . . Today Oregon's greatest need is payrolls, I President of Salem Commercial Clnb Hopes to Induce Court t Recon sider Action. SAL, KM. Or.. Nov. G r.qn..;. . - n-i- a few farmers in the oiithirn s. Marion County are opposed to the county employing a county agricul turist, is the declaration of members of the Salem Commercial Club, who have been active in urging the County Court to provide financially for con tinuing the work of I J. Chapin, pres ent agriculturist. It ia argued that Only those who have come In contact with the work being done by the county agriculturist have opposed his retention for an other year. Letters recently sent out by the Salem Commercial Club Asking farmers throughout tho country their opinion of Mr. Chapln's work resulted In many replies being received, and but two favored the abolition of the office. Although the County Court has re fused to accede bo far to tho request of the Salem Commercial Club to pro vide for the continuance of tho county agriculturist. President Hamilton said today that it had hopes of inducing the court to reconsider its action. -County Agriculturist Chapin," said President Hamilton, "haa accomplished wonderful results wherever he has worked in the county, and it would be a loss if Marion County should not have the services of an agriculturist next year. Owing to the great de mands for Mr. Chapln's services, he so far has been unable to visit every sec tion of the county, most of his work being: done in the northern part. If the farmers In the southern part who have protested against his retention were familiar with what has been done, they would not have persisted in their atti tude. "An appropriation of $1200 by the Marlon County Court, together with 1200 which they appropriate for the work of tho county fruit inspector, would assure us $2000 from tho state, and with this money the farmers could bo aided materially." BUSINESS IS REVIVING INDUSTRIAL IXSITIANCB LIST IX WASHIAGTOX IS HDEI. ADMINISTRATION HAS HOPE Commlasiosi Expects Record of New Accounts to Be Exceeded by Far in November. OLTMPIA, Wash.. Nov. 6 (Special.) In tho listing, during the month of October, of 883 new employers, the Washington Industrial Insurance Com mission . sees indications of reviving hiinln.ca a.. .1..:... I . ; . i - . - v.. nvunvj. xuiius iue iirsi uve days of November so many new ac- "av uc-eii repurteo. mac It 18 likely that the record of this month will exceed. October's. Prominent among the new firms listed are many In class 10, which includes all employers in th lumber business. Most of tho new firms in this class are to engage in log-sing activities. Thft Cnmmieatnn I. .. .. I .... . .... . .wu.v. i'n.1 JU.1L UUllipiCLCt: a segregation of the 8098 new accounts uu.us jer enaing Septem ber 30, an average of 258 a month Of these 1123 were in class 5, genera construction work. Including many persons building their own homes by rlnv 1 'i hnr Th. 1 . . l . 1 - . rt - ' " ' ' lumuci mass, i u. lv, had 415 additions during the year. au -n new employers in road and street building were listed. A considerable portion of the addi tions during the year ending Septem- rt. ?n ... i .... ,9i,A i . . " - ....... uc .vj uvm viiisses ot word brought under the law. tho ruling ex tending the -law to teamsters, for In stance, bringing 510 fuel and feed firms under the law, while a ruling includ ing motion picture machine operators i. uu&ui. in jja new employers. Thft miinha r.e ' 1 .. . . -- . siiijjigyera ustea aurlng the past month, however, is at- -1 . m ui wiucnmg or tne scope Of the law and is particularly noticea ble, ns continued in Novembor, since tho Fall months ordinarily bring a lessening of activitv. DRYAO THRIVING TOWN MILL EMPLOYS SO MEN, AND STORES ADO BUSINESS. Growing Church Enlarges Bonding, and,. School Enrollment Is Good. Athletic Clnb Organizes. DR1TAD. Wash.. Nov. f f S r .... i -i t 1 Dryad, a beautiful town of about 600 people, is situated on the Chehalis River 17 miles from Chehalis. The Northern Pacific and the Milwaukee railroads run freight trains through Dryad and the Northern Pacific has fine passenger service. Luedinghaus Bros., manufacturers fir lumber and shingles, have a saw mill and lumber camp here. They em ploy about SO men. and in an eight hour day they cut on an averaar if SO, 000 feet of lumber. The Luedinghaus Bros, also own a fine general merchan dise store. There are several other business houses, two hotels and a restaurant. Dryad also has a Baptist Church. Rev. T. F. Schlosser is pastor. The In. creased enrollment of the Sunday 1 . ii ii ii i3 al present zzv. has necessitated the building of an addi tion to the church. Professor R. E. Bennett Is" at the head of the public school. There are five other teachers. The enrollment of tho high school is 30. and of the grades is 110. The Dryad Athletic Club recently or ganized with about 48 members. Th club has rented and remodeled a build ing which will be used as a gymnasium The women of Dryad served a supper recently for the benefit of the club' which netted 36. Basketball is being practiced. .A fast little team is promised. That Head or Democratic National Committee Will Be Satined With, One Term Is Expectation, but Convention Is Awaited. OREGOMIAN MRU'S T?T?r? ttt a t t -nr.. i. lngton. Nov. . Ruction in ti,' n. cratic National Committee sooner or later win rorce William F. McCombs to relinquish the chairmanship of that body, but there is no likelihood that me committee will unhorse its chair man at tne meeting called for De cember 7. Af that meetinc the t-nm mittee. aside from transaction of a little inconsequential business, merely win select tne time and place for hold ing the Democratic National conven tion In 1816, and then the committee win nave no further duties to per torm until that convention assembles. The fight on McCombs will come to a head when the National commit lee reorganizes at the next convention and makes its plans for conducting the Campaign for the re-election of Pres ident Wilson. The man who then, is cnosen chairman of the National com mittee will manage the next Demo cratic Presidential campaign, and a strong errort will be made to prevent the selection of Mr. McCombs. Wheth er Mr. McCombs will ask for re-election or whether be will retire at the end or his four-year term has not been announced, but there is stronir hone In Administration circles that Air. Mc Combs will be content with one term as National chairman, and then will re tire without a fight. The objection to McCombs is led by oecretary aicAaoo, or the Treasury De partment. In the last campaign Mr. McAdoo was vice-chairman of the Dem ocratic National Committee, and when McCombs was taken ill shortly after the campaign opened, the conduct of tne campaign was entrusted to - Mc Adoo's hands. Being a novice at pol itics, however, McAdoo made so many Dreaks that the executive committee was forced to take over the direction of the campaign and to check up on mr. mcaooo. Mr. .McAdoo blamed Mc Combs for this interference, for. in fact, it was McCombs. though sick. who discovered some of the breaks McAdoo was about to make, and it was at McCombs' suggestion that the executive committee stepped in and interfered. Aside from opposition that McCombs will have from McAdoo, he will have comparatively few enthusiastic sun- porters Mn the Democratic National committee. He has never been a fac tor in politics, except for his efforts in 1912, and they were minimized by his illness. Prior to that time he had not been a party worker; he was not Known Nationally, and his illness pre vented him from meeting many Dem ocratic leaders in the. one campaign he nominally managed. Mr. McCombs was made National chairman In-1912 at the request of Mr. Wilson. Whether President Wilson would ask for hie re-election, in view of the hostility of ms son-in-law, Secrerary McAdoo, is a question. The chances are that Hc- Coombs will be replaced by Frank Lynch, or Minnesota, when the Na tional committee reorganizes, but hard ly before then. NEED FOR EXPERTS IS CITED Agricultural Dairy Department Chief Says All Graduates Are Placed. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis. Nov. v. (Special.) Profes sor R. R. Graves, head of the dairy department of the Oregon Agricultural College, announces that the demand for men trained in the dairy industrv ls far in excess of the supply, as every graduate or this course in the last two years is either located in a responsible position or completing the reauire ments for a higher degree in various institutions. A number of the graduates of this course have obtained positions as of ficial testers for cow-testing associa tions tnroughout the entire West. The production and manufacturing courses are so arranged that the student may major In one course, and yet elect enough of the other course to enable him to have a working knowledge of mat pnase oi tne industry. Klamath Free Delivery Hopes Vain. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Nov. . (Special.) Postmaster W. A. Delzell, of this city, says that according to ntc" iuviji-w irom vasnington the GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID DISEASE Humors in the blood cause internal derangements that afect the whole system, as well as pimples, boils and other eruptions. They affect all the organs and functions, membranes and tissues, and are directly responsible for the readiness with which some people contract disease. For forty years Hood's Sarsaparilla has been more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and outward ef fects. It is distinguished for its thoroughness In purifying the blood, which it enriches and invigorates. No other medicine acts like it, for no other medicine is like it. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Insist on having Hood's. BREAKS A COLD IN A FEW; HOURS First Dose of 'Tape's Cold Com pound" Relieves . All Grippe Misery. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing Rnnffiinvi a j . - . . UU0 of Pape's Cold Compound- taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end. grippe misery and break up a severe 'cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. 11 promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages: atops nasty dis charge or nose running; relieves sick headache, dullness, f everishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compoui.d" is the quick est, surest relief known and costs only 15 cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice., and causes no inconvenience. Don't accept a substi tute. Adv. Why Sunday Laws are Religious Laws and Therefore Wrong Lecture by E. W. Catlin Tonight 7i4S K. of P. Hall (Cor. 11th and Alder) Free! Come ! only thing which prevents Klamath Falls from having a free city mail de livery now is the lack of funds in the Postoffice Department, due to loss of European business caused by the war. For a year and more Klamath Falls has measured up to every requirement insisted upon by the Government, and business men have been very anxious for free delivery. e Clothing Buyer Who Falls ,r "Price Without Oualitv" Is yoomed to Disappointment You should set aside a little time to see our Fall Clothes. They're worth know ingwe think you'll like them. They're wonders in every -way -in fit, finish, fabric and general make-up. They're CMies and we're featuring them at $20,$25andUp We have a splendid line of Suits for men and ypuncr men at $15. All sizes, all-wool fab rics ; blue serges and fancy weaves ; up to the minute in style. The best $15 worth you ever saw. Drop in tomorrow. Phegley & Cavender . Corner Fourth and Alder Streets . HP! 1 1 anKssivm Turkey-.F REE! g v mil s IrNX fill Edwards, the Big Furniture Store at Fifth and Oak Streets, Have Decided to Give Away a Number of Choice Turkeys as a Thanksgiving JSpecial HOW TO GET A TURKEY: Two ways by which you may secure one. First, with every Monarch range sold on credit or for cash before Thursday, Nov. - 25, we will Give an order on s. Pnrtlnnrl Tviarlroi -fVwi n m -r-.r,,.v, a 4-....1 ci j you have a Monarch range, we will give an order for a 10-pound tur- vv,j, caui &uu every purcnase maae oeiore ThanKsorivinjr amounting to $100.00 or more, either on credit or for cash. $5 Cash $5 Per Mo. Your Old Stove Taken as Part Payment. Monarch Ranges Last Longer Cash in dollars on the old stove. . Do you realize that you can discard your old stove with advantage and profit? In construction, workmanship and design, the Monarch is years ahead of all othor ranges. It is made of malleable-iron and steel. It has comnlete trinle wall iiV32I and steel, ful protection against damage or corrosion. The top and oven heat ouioklv Every seam is rivlted tight. No bolts or stove putty to loosen or f.li nit tLQS Pffi draft and hot blast firebox insure even heat and full Jse of all the fie? Ltha n uaes less fuel, causes less work and does better cooking. Do your work in hwfr .f with half the effort. Use a Monarch Malleable Itantre. your woi k in half the timo HERE'S AN OUTFIT At a Price That Defies Competition You'll like every article in this New Home outfit. Nine out of ten customers buy it just as it stands. It fits so perfectly into the average apartment. Without question it is one" of the most popular that we have ever sold. You know Edwards' have been selling home outfits for over 37 years. That is proof positive that we know pretty well what folks want. All the designs are new. There is quality and expert work manship in every article. And the price $15Down $10 Month Dining-Room $44; $5 Cash, $4 Monti. In fumed or golden -waxed solid oak dining table, which will seat 8 people when extended, $16.50; 6 solid oak straight-lined chairs to match at $2.50 each, and a 9x10:6 real Brussels rug in Oriental de sign at $12.50. . Sleeping-Room $58.85; $6 Cash, $5 Mo. Acid-proof brass bed has 2-inch continuous posts with -inch filling rods, $17.00; all-steel link springs, guaranteed not to sag, $5.50; 40 pound genuine felt built-up mattress, $7.50; hardwood princess dresser, $12.50; solid oak chair, $2.50; rocker to match, $3.25; bedroojn stand, $3.10, and 8:3x10:6 pretty wool fiber rug, $7.50. " Free Catalogue To Out-of-Town Folks, Let Edwards furnish your home on credit by mail a year to pay no interest charges, fnd today for catalogue. It's free. Living-Room $56.65; $6 Cash, $5 Mo. In fumed or golden waxed includes a solid oak library table, $12.50; 3-piece solid oak living-room set to match, which is upholstered in best brown Spanish leatherette; rocker, $5.90; arm chair, $5.90; settee, $12.50, and a 9x12 fine Axminster rug a number of patterns from which to select $19.85. Edwards' SLE EP WELL, Mattresses The kind sold with a guaran tee, built layer upon layer of all cotton felt. $10.50 to J18.00. Jl cash and $1 a week. Established lS77SSanSnB jj32sS31E3I 4