The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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Affidavit Made in Reply to
Charges Filed by husband
in Suit for Divorce.
Judge Catena Says Appointment of
Keferee Is Possible With Ob
ject or Keeping Details From
Morbidly Curious Public.
Pending the outcome of her hus
band's BUit for divorce. Mrs, Iva M.
"Whiting, wife of Dr. Kan ford Whiting,
was allowed 21'0 month temporary
alimony by Circuit Judge Gatens yes
terday. Two hundred dollars attorneys'
lees also was allowed.
Mrs. Whiting accompanied the hear
ing of her motion- for suit money and
ulimony with an affidavit in reply to
the charges made against her by Dr.
Whiting: in an affidavit filed two
months ago.
A general inclination to try the di
vorce suit before a referee and behind
closed doors whs manifested in the
courtroom yesterday morning when At
torney Malarkey, for Mrs. Whiting, and
Tom Mannix, for Dr. Whiting, argued
their motion before Judge Gatens. Mr.
-Malarkey said he had heard that the
plan of appointing a referee had been
considered. Judge Gatens interrupted
him at this point.
Private Hearing Approved.
'It is true." said the judge, "that I
have considered naming a referee. Not,
however, through a desire to shift the
responsibility of hearing this case, but
because I knew such a trial would be
accompanied by a swarm of morbidly
curious people, who would pack the
. courtroom merely for the purpose of
hearing any possible salacious testi
mony." Mr. Mannix and Mr. Malarkey agreed
that the referee plan would be highly
acceptable to their clients.
Mrs. Whiting's reply affidavit, which
makes some stinging charges against
Ir. Whiting, was read in court by Mr.
Malarkey. In part, it is. as follows:
"In his affidavit plaintiff says I am
seeking notoriety and publicity in this
suit. That is untrue and plaintiff well
Knows it is untrue. I am a quiet, home
loving woman. The publicity already
attendant-upon this suit has caused rue
much suffering. 1 shrink with
dread from the further publicity that
-will probably attend on this suit: but
my own self-respect and my duty lo
my two children compel me to defend
myself and seek the rights to which
they and I are entitled.
Salt Declared Groundless.
"It was plaintiff and not I who be
pan this suit. He began it without the
least ground because he had become
infatuated and intimate with Mary
Merges and wanted to get rid of me
and marry her and after I had refused
to be driven by his shameful conduct
and brutal treatment or persuaded by
his emissaries to seek a divorce. Fail
ing in his efforts to get me to sue, he
took the desperate step of suddenly as
suming the role of an injured spouse
and suing for divorce. -He dragged me
and our family affairs into court and
then adds insult to injury by saying- I
am seeking notoriety and publicity in
this suit.
"If plaintiff had been a good husband
and true to his marital duties and vows
and had not abandoned his home and
deserted his family over a year ago, or
if after said abandonment and deser
tion he had returned and behaved him
self when I asked him to do so and of
fered to forgive, there would have been
no divorce suit. . .
"Since plaintiff deserted me I have
had no money or income except what
I have received from him and what I
have had to borrow from friends, be
cause he did not give me enough prop
eriy to care for and maintain myself
and our two young sons. I have no
property from or out of which I can
raise any money properly to defned this
suit and care for myself and said sons
during the pendency thereof. As
plaintiff well knows. I have no near
relatives to whom I can appeal for ad
vice and assistance in this case, and
I have been compelled to seek financial
flid from those who are only friends
since he deserted me.
Woman's Hmc Mentioned.
"In his affidavit he denies none of
my specific charges except only that he
Eiys that he did not commit adultery
with Mary Merges before his desertion
in July. 1914. By his silence he admits
infidelity with other w-omen before
and with her since such desertion and
:ulmits that he deserts me because of
his infatuation for her and wants to
divorce me so he can marry her. Be
cause ot his inability to contradict the
dohnite and relevant accusations 1
was compelled to make in support of
my proper application for alimony and
suit money in his unjust suit against
nic, he seeks in his counter-affidavit
to befog the real issues and besmirch
my character with charges he knows
to he false.
"He says, without stating the evi
dence, that I gave evidence of being
t:ongcnitally jealous and suspicious be
fore our marriage, but does not explain
"why he married me when knowing
"He says T have accused him with
intimacy with at least 25 women. That
is grossly untrue.
"Plaintiff's effort to make it appear
that the mother of his children is a
drunkard is contemptible and cowardly.
That he knows ho thereby slanders me
is manifest from t-he fact that in his
tame counter-affidavit in which he
seeks to create that impression he says
he is willing to let those children re
main in my custody.
Drink. I rsed on Her, She Says.
"X never drank liquor of any kind
prior to our marriage. What little
social drinking I have since done has
been induced by plaintifr.
"In his counter-affidavit he names
three specific occasions during our 12
years of married life on which, he says,
I was intoxicated.
"One of the occasions is when I be
came deathly sick from eating oysters.
Hoof-Cllmblns Episode Explained.
"The roof-climbing episode so dra
matically stated in plaintiff's counter
affidavit is a shameful perversion of
the facts. One season the gutters and
drain pipes on the roof of a little porch
of our house at $12 Johnson street
clogged and choked up with leaves and
moss and other debris, causing rain
water to back up and leak into some
of the downstairs rooms. Wo com
plained to the landlady's agent, and he
fcent a man to open up the drains. They
claimed it was our fault and wanted
-us to pay the bill. The next season 1
asked the doctor either to remove the
accumulating debris from the gutters
or hire some one to do it before it was
too late and the leaking occurred
assin. He failed to do either. So fin
ally, with an old housedress on. 1
climbed out of the second story win
dow on to said porch roof and did the
necessary work. While engaged there
in plaintiff came home and scolded me
for doing such work and said he would
ie ashamed to have the neighbors see
me at it I had often done similar
work in the basement but as that was
out oi signt he made no objection. X
was never more sober than when I
did that roof-cleaning job and was
- proud r my accomplishment.
"His statement about finding me wal
lowing in the mud in an intoxicated
condition in the back yard of our East
S'Jfth street house is entirely false.
Plaintiff's stories about my hav
ing attempted suicide are likewise false
Irregular Honrs Is Allegation.
"It is true that duriiflr the last year
or two prior to plaintiff's desertion,
and particularly after his affair with
Mrs. Merges began, he and I occasion
ally got into wordy altercations brought
on by his neglect or mistreatment of
me. Often he would remain away from
home all night, and. when I would ask
where he had been, he would answer
that it was none of my business.
"One -night shortly before his final
desertion, plaintiff came home about 1
A. M. He came to the room where I
was in bed. He showed signs of drink
ing. I asked where he had been and
uj Ba.iu it was none of my
business.' One word led to another and
he talked abusively and insultingly to
aim taiieo me a big rat slob."
Goaded by his treatment. I picked up
the extension telephone instrument,
which stood on a stand at the head of
the bed in which I was lying, and threw
it at him as he stood near the bed in
sulting and tormenting me. I think
the mouthpiece of the instrument was
slightly broken, but I do not think it
hit him.
"Plaintiff's statements about my
striking him in the face with my fists
and throwing hairbrush and other small
articles at him are untrue.
Credit Is Denied.
"Plaintiff did not insert any adver
tisement about me in the newspapers
before his desertion, nor did I say he
did in my former affidavit herein. What
he did shortly before leaving home was
orally to notify shopkeepers where we
traded for years to give me nothing
more on credit. He had no good rea
son for doing such a thing. He did it
without telling me in advance of his in
tention so to do or notifying me after
that he had done so. I first learned of
it by being refused goods on credit at
the Olds. Wortman & King 3tore. One
of our altercations was occasioned by
my remonstrating against his actions
in this matter. After he left home ne
published notices in the daily papers
notifying the public that he would not
be responsible for any bills I contracted.
"In his counter-affidavit plaintiff
says that about two weeks prior to his
desertion I was out three successive
nights with other men and women
once at a Clackamas roadhouse and
twice at Portland grills.
"The roadhouse referred to is Erlck
son's Tavern on the Clackamas River, n
dining place patronized in the Summer
time by many respectable Portlanders.
I had dined there twice before. Each
time plaintiff took me and once we
took our two little boys along. On the
occasion he mentions. I accompanied
some friends whom I had met through
pia.iiLin, inciuaing a married couple
who were his patients. Plaintiff had
been invited to join the party. He
said he was unable to go and expressly
approved of my going without him.
"On the two other occasions he re
fers to I was with respectable married
people who were friends and patients
of his. and nothing improper or un
seemly occurred, as he well knows.
Alienation Is Discussed.
'In his counter-affidavit nlalntiff
says that Mary Merges did not alienate
his affections from me because he had
ceased to have any love or affection
for me. even before he became well
acquainted with her. His statements in
mat regard are false, and his only pur
pose in making them is to build up for
her a defense against my charge that
she did alienate his affections.
"It is not true that I have, either be
fore or since his desertion, interfered
with or tried to injure plaintiff's busi
ness. I have no feeling of that kind
toward him, and I have always fully
realized that the more successful and
prosperous he is the better we will be
able to raise and educate our two boys
and the better he will be able to pro
vide for his entire family.
Facts Declared Distorted.
"By cleverly telling only a half-truth
in his counter-affidavit, plaintiff dis
torts the facts concerning the sale of
some property he owned in Minnesota
and seeks to make it appear that he
deposited $2250 received from the sale
of that property in the Hibernia Sav
ings Bank for the present benefit and
support of my children and me. Such
is not the case.
"His statement that I spent none of
the money he so gave me on our sons
and that he has paid 'every expense of
their well being' is grossly untrue.
On the other hand, their food and
shelter and general care and every ex
pense of their well being since plain
tiff's desertion has been paid by me out
of what he has allowed me as above
stated, with the exception of some of
their clothing and part of the expense
of their schooling. Prior to January 1,
191S, I bought practically all their
clothes, but, though since that date he
has furnished the greater part thereof,
I have still had to pay for considerable.
"In addition to that; he has, since
filing his counter-affidavit herein,
taken from the. home much of the fur
niture and nearly all the table silver
ware and wall pictures and books, and
I have not the means to replace what
has been removed with other articles.
"I have had no funds with which to
buy any wearing apparel for myself
since plaintiff's desertion. Th
things I have had" Miss Parker advanced
uif money lor.
"I tried to effect a reconciliation be
tween plaintiff and myself and avoid
divorce. I have offered to meet plain
tiff more than half way: but he has at
all times spurned me and refused to
listen to my entreaties. At one time I
put my arm about his necR and kissed
him; but he jerked away from me and
ran upstairs and put on his hunting
clothes and left the house. I have
been and am willing to listen to over
tures for any amicable settlement
which I could accept in justice to my
self and with due regard to the wel
fare of my children."
Buyer Declares He Didn't Know
Price Wasn't as In Catalogue List.
When Victor Brandt bought an au
tomobile he didn't know that prices
had dropped within the last few years,
he alleges in a suit filed in County
Clerk Coffey's office yesterday. So.
when the agent snowed him a 1913
catalogue, in which an automobile was
priced at $1600. he bought.
Later, he declares through his attor
ney, Conrad P. Olson. he discovered
that since the 1913 catalogue wan is
sued the price of the car has dropped
to $1400. He asks he Circuit Court to
give him the difference.
The Dulmage-Manley Auto Company
is named as the defendant.
Ernest Voiticr, on Visit From Eu
rope, Engaged for Entertainment.
Thd firt nnhli.. ......... : . .. , . .
. 7 - 1 . Lrt t ui r.r-
nest oitier. who is in this city on a
-on. ivn aju! upc, lanea place at the
Hotel Benson Thursday night, and from
the art of the pianist will be of nota
ble importance.
For the most part, the programme
w-ill consist of novelties and less fre-
, ........ j I.. . iknuiucrs, iiuue an inno
vation compared to the programmes
usualy offered by pianists.
Early Meeting to Begin Arrangements Expected Twenty Thousand Dollars Is Pledged by Chamber of Commerce
for Next Year's Carnival.
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ELEVEN of the 12 directors that are
to have charge ot the 1916 Rose
festival have been chosen and
the 12th will be named within the next
few days.
The following directors were named
last week by the Rose Festival auxil
iary, representing 59 fraternal, civic
and Industrial organizations that have
been active in Festival features of the
O. C. Bortzmeyer. assistant , cashier
Scandinavian-American Bank.
S. C. Braton, commercial manager
Portland Clas & Coke Company.
O. B. Coldwoll, general superintend
ent Portland Railway, Light & Power
J. H. Dundore, manager Sherman.
Clay & Co.
tr. A. K. Higgs. physician.
E. J. Jeager. Jeager Bros., jewelers.
Oliver K. Jeffery. president Oregon
Home Builders.
Frank S. Myers, postmaster.
W. C. Wilkes, assistant general
freight and passenger agent North
Bank Road.
Director, previously named by City
Council, J. O. Convill. city park super
intendent. One additional director to be named
by School Board and one by Chamber
of Commerce.
J. O. Convill, city park superintend
ent, has been named by the City Coun
cil, and S. P. Lock wood by the School
Board. Mr. Lockwood is a member of
the School Board and is manager of the
Columbia Life & Trust Company.
The Chamber of Commerce has been
authorized to name one member, whose
appointment will make the board com
plete. It is expected that the 12 men
w-ill hold an early meeting, and make
Burn fn Ontario. Home Established la
Portland In 1S71 and Imprint Is
Left by Good Deeds.
Mrs. Jane Mackay. wife of Donald
Mackay, president of the Northern Pa
cific Lumber Company, passed away at
her home, 61 Sixteenth street North,
yesterday morning at the age of 63
years. The end was peaceful and con
cluded a life devoted to extensive but
unostentatious charitable work.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day at 2 o'clock from the residence by
Dr. John H. Boyd, of the First Presby
terian Church. The pallbearers have
not been selected. Interment will be in
RIverview Cemetery.
Mrs. Mackay was born in Hamilton.
Ont., and became the wife of Mr.
Mackay in 1871. The first year of their
wedded life they came to Portland, and
except for vacation tours all of the
succeeding years were spent in Port
land. Though her private . charities were
known to hundreds of poor people of
the city, Mrs. Mackay was never in
terested in public charitable work, pre
ferring her benefactions to remain un
known. Many families owe their com
fortable existence through hard Win
ters to Mrs. Mackay's charity.
Besides her husband. Mrs. Mackay
leaves a sister in Hamilton, two chil
dren, W. B. Mackay and Mrs. William
H. Skene, of Portland, and two grand
children. Donald Alexander Skene, who
is now at Lawrenceville Preparatory
School, and Jean Mackay Skene, of
Girl, 7, Teasing Dog, Is Bitten.
. Emma J. Davidson, aged 7, living at
513 Hood street, was playing with a fox
Hi : ? i ? : Art
i Jf'lL:J
U) O. C. Bortzmeyer. 2 S. C. Bratton. (.1) o. B. Coldvteli. 4 J- . rjim-
dore. r.) K. J. Jaeger. P. s. Myers. 7 V. V. AV likes. S Oliver K.
Jeffery. (9) J. O. Convill, for City. lO) S. 1. Lockvrood, for School Board.
1 1 1 ) Dr. A. K. II lggB.
plans for the 1916 scries of entertain
ments. Under the present policy of con
ducting the Festivals a new set of di
rectors is chosen each year. The idea
is to instill new blood into the organ
ization with the view of obtaining new
Ideas and new methods of entertain
ment. .
terrier yesterday and received a severe
bite in the right foot. She was teas
ing the animal with a stick, and the
dog made as though to grab the stick,
but instead snapped his jaws on the
foot or the girl", inflicting a deep
wound. She was treated at the Emer
gency Hospital by Assistant City Phy
sician Savoie. The dog was not thought
to have been mad.
Hibernians to Observe Manchester
. Martyrs' Memorial Soon.
Tentative plans for the observance of
the Manchester martyrs' memorial in
Hibernian Hall Sunday night. Novem
ber 21, were formulated at the regular
meeting of the Ancient Order of Hi
bernians Monday night.
The celebration, which is also known
as "Patriots' night." .will be open to
the public, and there will be a pro
gramme of addresses and musical se
lections. The speakers will be'ehosen
now in a few days. The committee
chosen to have charge of the affair
consists of: B. H. Deery. John O'Meara.
Francis McMenamin, Robert Day and
D. W. Lane.
The Manchester martyrs memorial
gets its name from the fact that three
men Allen, Larkin and O'Brien bet
ter known as the Manchester martyrs,
were executed for espousing the cause
of Ireland. November 23. 1867. Since
that time their memory has been hon
ored each succeeding year.
Charles S. Fee to Arrive Tomorrow.
Charles S. Fee. passenger traffic
manager of the Southern Pacific, will
arrive in Portland tomorrow for a few
days' visit to local Southern Pacific of
ficials. Mr. Fee has been in the East
and is returning- to his office at San
Francisco through the Northwest, John
M. Scott, general passenger agent for
the Southern Pacific in this city, has
gone to Seattle to meet him. Mr. Fee
will remain in Portland three or four
ss vs?ro m
When the Chamber of Commerce was
reorganized last Spring, its officers
pledged J20.000 to the festival fund and
in consideration of this contribution
the festival auxiliary has urged that
no further solicitations be made from
members of the Chamber.
It is probable that about $25,000 will
be required for the 1916 festi val.
Portland Theater Manager to Give Bu.
. qet to Producer and Silas Bent,
of Mutual Corporation.
Great interest is evinced by film men
both of Portland and other parts of
the state, in the visit of S. L. Rothap
fel, . of New York, and Silas Bent of
the Mutual Film Corporation, who will
arrive in the city this morning and be
given a banquet at the Multnomah Ho
tel at 5 o'clock this evening.
Mr. Rothapfel is known throughout
the country as the most successful ex
hibitor of America and is the builder
and manager of the Rlalto Theater,
that has Just been erected at Broadway
and Forty-second street. New York
City. He has had an eventful career
and has directed some of he greatest
of America's motion-picture houses,
among which is the Strand Theater of
New York.
His tour throughout the country has
been arranged to give the Western
Southern and Central exhibitors an op
portunity to hear how a man who
started at the foot of the producing
industry rose to the highest place as
an American exhibitor. Mr. Rothapfel
will speak to the film men at the ban
quet tonight and give suggestions.
Mr. Bent is accompanying Mr. Roth
apfel on his tour, both to care for the
publicity of that distinguished man and
In the interests of the Mutual Film
Corporation. The guests will leave
Portland tonight for California.
Judge Bntler to Eulogize Elks.
Judge R. R. Butler, of The Dalles,
will be the orator of the day at the
Elks' annual memorial services on
Sunday, December 5. John .C. McCue
will deliver the eulogy for Uiose tuoia-
bers of the Portland lodge who have
died within the present year: These
services are to be held in accordance
with - the ritualistic requirements of
the order and are commonly observed
by the Elk lodges throughout the
Creaham Principal Announces Stato
Superintendency Candidacy.
Elmer S. McCormick, principal of
the Gresham public schools, will be a
candidate for Superintendent of Mult
nomah County schools, subject to the
decision ot the Republican primary
election next Spring. Mr. McCormick
has been considering the advisability
of entering the race for several
months and decided yesterday to be
come a candidate.
Mr. McCormick waa born in Illinois
4- years ago. He was educated in the
public schools and colleges of his na
tive state and of Kansas and has been
teaching school for 25 years. He
served two terms as County Superin
tendent of Dickinson County. Kansas.
He has been In Oregon for four years.
Committee Is Named to Arrange for
Programme December 28-30.
The annual Oregou Irrigation Con
gress will be held in Portland Decem
ber 28-30. at the Imperial Hotel.
This date was decided upon yester
day at a meeting- of the Oregon devel
opment bureau of the Chamber of Com
merce. The following committee was ap
pointed, to prepare the programme for
the coming congress, and a meeting of
the committee will be called at the
earliest possible date, for that purpose:
George K. Hardy, manager of the
Chamber of Commerce: C. C. Chapman
chairman of the Oregon development
bureau: Fred M. Wallace, of Tumalo.
secretary of the congress,, and Ji W.
Brewer, secretary of the committee,
Oregon City Elevator, I-ong Delayed
by Courts, to Bo In Use Soon.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) Three years, almost to the day,
after tho voters authorized the con
struction of the Seventh-street munic
ipal elevator, the big shaft will be put
to use. Mayor Linnwood E. Jones to
day announced that the elevator would
be started within the next 15 days and
that minor changes are now being
completed under the supervision of City
Engineer Miller.
Tolls will not be charged, at least till
the first of the year, said Mayor Jones.
Heavy pipe connecting with the res
ervoir will be installed at once. Use of
the elevator has long been held up by
the courts.
Oregon City Merchants Are Called
On In "Bay at rtome" Campaign.
OREGON CITY. Or., Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) When Oregon City stores can
equal the prices, the service and the
merchandise of outside stores, local
buvers w-ill Vip uhIh t n tQA .. . i. ..... ..
This is the declaration of promoters
oi tne -uuy it in Oregon City" cam
paign being organized here by the
Live Wires of the Commercial Club and
the Board' of Trade. The campaign
will begin with the merchants them
selves. Dr. L. A. Morris, chairman of the Live
Wires committee, announced an essay
contest for high school students, a win
dow display and a reception night.
Habeas Corpus Writ Threatened.
According to telegraphed advices
from Chief of Police Ira M; Conran, of
Sacramento, the California authorities
Aits meeting: oiciicujties in securing
extradition papers for Louis Leona, an
Italian wanted in Sacramento for a
confidence game in which he is alleged
to have made $200. Leona was arrmt.j
by Detectives Moloney and Swennes, a
ween ago. ana threatens to procure
writ of habeas-corpus.
Pythian Official Ends Long Trip.
UNION, Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.) Mrs.
Marion F. Davis returned home Thurs
day from a trip through Eastern states
coverinar a nprinH nt ..-.-...-., i ......... .
in the interests of the Pythian Sisters.
She is the executive officer of the
lodge for the United States and Canada
and the work attached to the office has
taken her through a large number of
"crn states during the Summer.
Chicken in. Delivery AYagon Stolen.
As H. E. McCauley, 664 East Irving
1 maning a aenvery yester
day, 22 pounds of chicken were stolen
rrom his wagon. A short time after
this a man who resembled a farmer
sold the Portland Heights market
(George Haefling) 23 pounda of chicken
for $4, signing the receipt with the ini
tials. "N. M. K." McCauley thinks it is
jus cmcKen, Dut cannot prove It.
Empress Theater Features Novelty Offering in Which Dainty, Graceful
Girl Dancer and Partner Give Delightful Performance, Pleasingly Staged.
IF THERE Is any truth in the time
worn theory of heredity, then be
ing a leader In her chosen profes
sion comes quite natural to little Miss
Old Rose, diminutive but nevertheless
equal to half of the act of Grey and
Old Rose, who will present an elab
orate dancing novelty at the Empress
Theater -this afternoon and all week.
Anyway, that's what Miss Old Rose
says, and to prove it points to two dis
tinguished members of her family, each
of whom has demonstrated -that he
was no laggard.
George W. P. Hunt, philanthropic
Governor of Arizona, and Governor
Yates, war Governor of Illinois, are her
evidence, as both Governors are related
to the little actress. Ever since Miss
Old Rose was a little tot. with pink
ribjons on her hair and sasb i around
her slender little waist, she has been
entertaining mankind. Then no social
affair was complete in her home town
unless she sang or danced.
When she was 12 her parents gave
her a three-year course in dancing
under Professor Piraque, in Paris. She
is still a dainty, graceful little girl,
and she still loves pink ribbons and
sashes and applause. The ribbons and
sashes she buys, and the applause is
the gracious and deserving gift. For
an audience to Bee her is to fall a
willing victim of her dainty charms
and graceful dancing.
The New York Telegraph had the
following to say about their act:
"Grey and Old Rose get away with
the honors at the Colonial this week.
It is a title chosen by a handsome
chap with a well-placed and well-managed
voice and his pretty and talented
partner for their melange of songs and
dances. The stage is hung in grey
and old rose satin, which, as assured in
a pert prologue, is meant to please
the eye. After this the two perform
ers proceed to please the eye in a
series ot grey and old. rose costuming.
Parent-Teacher Council to
Start Campaign for Re
peal or Amendment.
Action Is Taken After Judge Clcctoii
Explains Failure of plvorccd
Fathers to Aid Children
Causes Delinquencies.
The law which allows divorced
fathers of families to desert them ruth
lessly without fear of criminal prose
cution is the target for the Council of
Parent-Teachers' associations. ' and a
campaign to obtain an amendment or
a repeal will be made, according to
Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens, president of
the council, who has just received a
report of a committee recently ap
pointed to investigate the law and its
workings. ,
The mater' came to an issue Friday
afternoon when several hundred mem
bers of the council met at the Library
and heard and discussed reports in tho
various branches of the child-welfare
work. The women were engaged for
four hours without recess, and the
room was filled to capacity.
The activity against the law arose
with the address delivered at the Sep
tember meeting by Judge T. J. Cleeton.
of the Juvenile Court, who explained
the large number of young children's
caes before the Juvenile Court by sav
ing it was traceable in a large way to
the law enacted at last session which,
made it practically impossible to prose
cute fathers who deserted their fam
ilies. The law. by allowing that, tha
Judge said, made it necessary for
mothers to seek work, thereby leaving
their children to roam the streets and
Pick up undesirable company ajd get
into trouble.
"The amendment to section 1. chap
ter 244. General Laws of Oregon, was
amended to the extent that the law
prevents the District Attorney against
proceeding criminally against a man
who is divorced and whose children
have been given into custody to tha
wife by the court, and is so amended
that the wife's only recourse is to have
the husband cited to appear for con
tempt of court.
The report of the Juvenile Court
committee of the Council, of which,
Mrs. R. E. Bondurant is chairman, re
ported that 22 cases had been called
to the attention of the committee: 15
boys turned over to it; two positions
secured; three girls cared for, one
going to the juvenile judge and two
being taken care of under the "Biir
Sister" movement; two families sent
to better conditions; three motherless
families taken, in charge and one ward
temporarily lost through his runnins
The causes for delinquency, the re
port said, were: For larceny, 5; im
morality, 2; delinquency. 5; vagrancy,
2. Bicycles were secured for two boys,
enabling them to support themselves.
The committee on the parental school
reported that the County Commission
ers were favorable to the proposition
ot asking for B0 acres of the old poor
farm and 310.000 for building equip
ment and maintenance until 1917. at
which time the state would be asked
for an appropriation. The County Com
missioners and Superintendent of
Schools, Mr. Alderman, had promised
support, the report said.
The movement to secure "pure litera
ture" among the holiday and other lists
of books for children is gaining head
way, according to a report made to tho
Council. The stores which handle books
are setting aside special space where
books which come under the head of
pure literature may be found, and lists
are being prepared. The movement had
taken hold in outlying towns also, and
Eastern Oregon had several clubs al
ready, among which are those at Burns,
Prinevillc, Redmond and Bend.
The Council meeting was represen
tative of the 60 Parent-Teacher circles.
Walter H. Evans. District Attorney,
spoke on the necessity of a bureau for
juvenile and domestic relations. It is
this bureau which the Parent-Teacher
Association Council, tinder the leader
ahip of Mrs. Stephens, has started a
campaign for.
Owing to lack of time the council
was unable to take -up several matters
of business scheduled, but these will be
disposed of at future meetings.
Wire of Marshal Becker Is Dead.
Mrs. Margaret McKinnon.- of Los
Angeles, sister of Mrs. Leonard Becker,
wife of United States Marshal Becker,
of Portland, died while visiting a sister
in San Francisco, according to a mes
sage received in Portland yesterday.
Little Miss Rose at Empress
Theater in Feature Novelty.
singing and dancing the while. The
dancing is of fancy step and whirlwind
athletic type, which evokes enthusi
astic appreciation. They were one of
the hits of the bill."
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