THE SUNDAY ni?FRnYTiv nnoirr tt - ' - "ihuajj, nuvjciJiUfc'K 7,. 1913. LAND SHOW HAS BIG ATTRACTIVE EXHIBITS AND TV. O Ktfpt a tvrDO v.;. . "i-'i-uo i iHA-TitrAiiLKtKS AND LAXD PRODUCTS SHOW HOT DOG'S DAY HERE BILL FOB LAST WEEK Land Show. Is to Gather in Boy-Owned Mongrels. Pretentious Special Events Are Scheduled for Closing Days of Exposition. UGLIEST TO" WIN PRIZE - -.. - 1 I RETAILERS RULE MONDAY Federal ransin Women's Clubs Are Ar I'rosrammc of AinU; and Speeches Dealers Are Planning Miniature Parade. 1 PR-OURAMME FOR NOVEMBER. 8 TO is. Monday, ovrmbrr S. Retail Healers' day C. C. Brad ley, chairman. Electrical night J. E. David son, chairman. Federated Women's Clubs Mrs J. W. Tifft. chairman. Tuesday, November 9. Jobbers' day Nathan Strauss, chairman. Retail Grocers' day W. C. Gunther, chairman. Wednesday, ."November lo. Military night Adjutant-General George White, chairman. College night Phil S. Bates chairman. Thursday, November n. Chinese Baby Show O. M Clarke, chairman. Friday, November 13. City of Portland day Mayor H. R. Albee, chairman. Gresham day George K. Honey, November 13. Closing day. Muts nisrht W. TV RlrsnilW chairman. ' The Manufacturers and Land Prod ucts Show commences its third and last week tomorrow, and some of the biggest special events of the exposition season are scheduled for the closing days of the show. Retail dealers, electrical men and the Federated Women's Clubs will h ih. Monday features at the exposition jMecincai nignt will bring forth man unique features, including a downtow iiaraoe oi electrical vehicles. J. Davidson, general chairman of the day. me assistance oi a large commit lee. Prizes are to be distributed and th xi tueuier win oe me scene of an electrical show. Motion pictures, show ing the use of electricity on the farm win aiso oe displayed. airs j. v. Tifft is chairman of the .iiee- in cnarge of Federated Women s Clubs day, and Mrs. Sarah A. Evans will deliver a talk on "Fed eration." Talks will be given also by Mrs. Frederick Eggert and Mrs. Isaac owen. juiss Elizabeth Woodbury wil . it-suing ana the musical pro gramme will be in charge of Mrs. H a. rieppner. Mrs. Myron Ross,-soprano B"u -ftiDert ureitz, violinist win take part in the entertainment i.ioiiuay win cring the retail deal- ine city to the show, and C. C. ".u.e.v. cnairmaii of the committee in cuaige, win De assisted by iv. xj. carpenter, l). A. Dinsmoor, J. E. j ,. m r Vr V . A'.. "el'ni?er. Thomas J n-.r. i. V 'r aul namberlaln, W ,V, Vh. T.'-T-'0i.e' A- Knight. J. R Jr i; t '" ,v- Barton, w. I. V 2 i ."""can. J. H. Duncan. L. w ."""a Kouerts, B. struplere, 'i a -d . T ' ureen. -"ax Smith johii -. . asey, John M. Thomp A "nmelon- H- Rankin. C. J ...u..,,,. v.mni i-negiey. a. Sw-ett, J. p. put . uoiom, i . i,. Adams, A. Felden- u uosepn r jaeger. The programme will include a spec ..u.ii puiaue or merchants in the Ausuiun Dunaings Introducing min iature floats and novelties. The fol i !(, urms already have entered lloats for the procession: ?ee1',e Craft- Jon-s Market. Woodard lcrke Company, Cavender & Phelev Lion Clothiiiif Company. Columbia Orapho-' phone company, o. C. Bradley, Independent r ." ' "a,els ruel Company company. Lipman, Wolfe A Co. XT . company. Oekum Hardware t-ithi t woolen Mills, c. J. li.'y.:::.. ,,;'".'" "ortman & Kins, Ld ui'.b,, jaas :?mith, Ira Powers len ViHS. &um- Portland Gas Companv.' jaeer Bros.. Sherman-Clay Company. Kilers Music House. Toledo Scale Company. Knifrht Shoe Company. J. K. Gill and Underwood Type- uisirioution. or prizes will be a feature of the retailers' night at the show and the gifts are on display in Henry Jenning & Sons' establishment . aciiiiiKion street. One of the spec tactilar features will be the "Electro cution of the Itinerant Salesman." Ac Corrime- In Ilia ...An - . ' . I "lertnants bureau of the Chamber of Commerce this man is the salesman who comes to the citv Z-rZ ,. i , consumer wearing appaiel. shoes, etc. He pays no rent. nO III TS Hnna . . . . . . ' - -------. nui. i uuLriouie to com mercial organizations, his entire ex pense is his hotel bill and secretary's Nathan Strauss, chairman of Job JA. ? lne fcxPltion, will have the following committee to assist him: . coT' Mlelke. H. Prank, "V . woodruff, w. A. Mont- h,; V,00"m;n' K:.s-Vt. falter ---.e,c i.ienee. jr.. t;. c. Pier Ed Phr man. O. C. Calhoun. Edwin .Neusta'dte? J P Kasmussen Knnf.. 1 uamuitr. j. f. O l C',T-J?OTn Zan' "enry Hahn. O. II. Fithlan and Thomas Honevman Tuesday brings the retail grocers of the city to the exposition, and they will stage a three-ring circus to show the modern grocery, the old-fashioned aim si uuriesque on th public mantel. . (j. Gunther is of the dav. chairman Wednesday will be observed as Mili tary day and College night. The com. win t,f ,he,reKon -National Guard hsnrt OUt " Parade with two band.- and college presidents of Ore gon will march to the exposition after a banquet at the Chamber of Com- Thursday brings the annual Chinese baby show, with C. M. Clarke as "en! chairman. Friday is City of Port land day. with M uh.' ... rh.irm.,., . " ' Kenerai with a big delegation ti,. ,r...: ", e rtini ciresnam n- the show Saturday. Milliam Jlontag Is Near Death. ,WJ!'iam, XIon,a? SS3 Commercikl MarshJi"; I bIUler of Cnited States Marshal John Montag. lies in a serious condition at Ins home, and his death s sa,d by the attending physicians to be a matter of but a short time Mr Montag is an elderly man. and ha been engaged m the foundry business for many years. Tuberculosis was con tracted some time ago. and for the nnfd To-h?. Si."10"- - V- Garage Going Vp at Grandview. -Ci1?A?VLEW- Wash" Nov- (Spe cial. tUork was begun. Thursdav on a. new brick garage builrii.. r i i Geaney and the Mask iina Company. The building will be 50x60 feet. "2 - ' .j it r - -! rt , ri4 J 1 Sv. Ytf 1 l i,- "n 1 1 ;f . 'X -IS 1 i-" llllllllll 1)1 f J If, n1ecessa,ry ,( Pro'ect BEalnst scab. Cook jr , Oils -!-V?t 7'"' "" o v ealy and are o "ne flavor. iVSrCVt IXlwlMjO , Thl viety haa been produced - to a I f J fife! iTSSSf JSp i V-i IT KdfSre? than any of tno "'her varie- 5? W r liiMtim. JTLt ,f ties, but after a very thorough test has . 9 IWNETftr ll!?-' " cfim.,,fOUn1T weli ad"P"d to the solf Tnd I IKLLUrtllLMfttUULU rt&rfnii;h uilkii ssvu-JiSJ. "-nrT. Potato Contest Is One of Most Interesting at Land Show. GROWERS WILL GET DATA Judging Conducted by Xciv Sfetliod So Valuable Information May Be Obtained by Producers for Future Entries. Prize awards in the various fruit and vegetable classes in the land prod ucts section of the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show were completed Friday night ana Chief Judge C. J. Binsei. ot noise, submitted, the com plete report of the committee to the management of the show last night. In the Judging Mr. Sinsel was assist ed by Professors A. G. B. Bouquet, of Corvallis;. H. D. Scudder, of Corvallis, and W. I. Swank, of Portland. The judging this year was conducted on different lines from that of prev ous years, the judges endeavoring to secure, .with the other data, information that will be of value to other grow ers in developing products for future contests and for commercial uees. The county exhibits and the ind yidual farm exhibits will be judged tnis week. Potato Content Clone. The official report of Chief Judge C. J. Sinsel. as far as the judging has been completed, is as follows: One oi the most interesting and closely contested exhibits at the Man ufacturers' and Land Products Show that of class 8. Xo. 13. riotatoaa- calling for a collection of 10 varieties oest adapted for the Pacific North "cjjl commercial crops. rue various contestants were asked to give reasons for their selections in this class: nt for the benefit of producers as well as consumers, we nere give the com plete report of the exhibitors who' aro acknowledged experts in the nroduc- lon ot potatoes. Among these exhibitors we find Mr Asahel Smith, commonly known as the potato King." who hase 10 varieties most of which are new. Mr. Smith has given us a complete report regarding ii cnarucier ana possibilities of hii pecial varieties. ASAIIKI, SMITH ENTRY. 1. Ninety Fold. Ninety-Fold grows true to type. Is a nro. ific yield good keeper and shipper disease resialer and adapted tt routli and II varieties of foils. Aieaium early ma- turlty. S. Sutton's Reliance. This potato grows true to tvDe. U'nnH,.. fully proline. Good baker and boiler, with any qualities adapted to heavv and iw,h. lands. Keeping qualities none superior 8. Extra Early Moonlight. The Extra Early Moonlicht nutn s. oted for its early maturity, good cooking u.iii.o .uu ,utt.uvu ai various sons. Jt i a fair ylelder and white in color. 4. California Rnsset. The California Russet grows quite trui type: has a hlh percental nd fine grained. Good drouth resist!- Tt. cooking qualities are of the best. Is a gooi nipper, very desirable potato. Avau. yielder. 5. Royal El prens trons grower. Large yielder and good keeper. Mostly adapted to high lands hair disease resisler. Is a later croppar. White and in Scotland considered one of the best potatoes. . 6. British Queen. Tills - potato is of fine flavor True to type, with small percentage of loss In par ing. Lata maturity. White. Average yield- CLZcst' ,i 'niii; i "t- - - r i i iv r t ir - 1 ' er and adapted to various soils. Good dis- ivaiew auu ot nne appearance. 7. Satisfaction. Satisfaction Is a strong grower.' Plat long, white and good cropper, also good Att Averase quality. True to type and fwarance. Y"es ot soils, jnno ap 8. l'ride of Multnomah. i e x-riue ot Multnomah is a strong .... , vi ilc maturity, wnite meat and 3 jieiuer. uooa drouth resister. 9.' Hume's Ideal. .1,5 Potato is a strong grower. Goofl ,, , A wnue Potato of many durable qualities, with a record at 4 years old of iuiii iier acre. is or nne uppearance. ..-c uu very email loss In parlns. 10. Bnrbank. Average yielder of many good qualities standard variety and lamlliar to all growers. Another very prominent and success- iui potato grower who has an exhibit is fa. D. Mustard, of Redmond, repre sented' by K. L. Schee. of Prineville Mr. Mustard here trivet a vt- i. esting outline of the 10 varieties he considers best adapted for the growers as a commercial potato in the North west. The principal market for the irrigat ed potato of Central Oregon has been in Oklahoma, Texas and to some ex tent in San Francicso. A study has been made of these markets nH nni,. toes selected that meet the require ments of these disticts. A white, uni form sized tuber, ranging in size from 6 to 10 ounces, is best suited to meet the demand of these localities. It is also necessary to have a potato of a good keeping quality, as it ie difficult to keep potatoes, especially in t,.o. and Oklahoma. . These facts, combined w-lh th -n and climatic conditions of Central Ore gon, are the real things that enter into the selection of varieties adapted to the region. All of the varieties thrm-r, t- . Jiibit have been given the most severe test as to their adaptabilitv anri h -.".cii oauoiaciory in every way So faT as can be .i good resisters of disease eKnciii i ' the soil and climate in which th grown.- . - 8. D. MISTiKD ENTRY. I. Irish Cobbler. The Irish Cobbler irhn. . in the outside ,;...:. ' has proven exceedingly popular in the out side market. It Is a good yielder and as a rule very free from disease. As an irri gated cror has been verv ..tiufo... u spulendid table qualities. Matures early 2. Uncle Sam. The Uncle Sam i. ti-ni..Ki.. - .. an,d. most p",pu'ar Potatoes of the dis-f- i.. " Bnera uniformity of shape and form has created for It ..... . 1 t is one of the most nrnllffi. . . Central Oregon district and has proved it telr a good resister of dUease Nearly one-half of r h.. Vi.i . . able potatois will run In sire from i tn - ounces, and as a result in. ts--....k era Pacific Railway has given to the dis trict the. contract to supply their dining-car service with the material for their "ble f.."l,Pi J"'0',', Tb. balan-'e of the market? .n2S ld. "'"'U' 'rom 8 to J4 ounce, and as well las found a ready outlet in the general markets. Is standard variety Be longs to same group. 3. Gold Colu. tne Gold Coin Is one of the varieties test ed by the Oregon Agricultural College dem onstration farm at Redmond and has been recommended as one of the varieties best auaptea to the region. In 1912 the farm leportea an average yield of 191.6 bushels maraetable potatoes per acre. It lias al ways found a ready market and has been successfully as an Irrigated crop. A splendid main potato crop, very hardy vig orous and most productive. Smooth skin. , i ani1 eooks dry. Matures early 4. Hundred Fold. ,. e the Burbank and Netted Gem n t "u,lurpa roid is probably better ii-.7 . i. "'lrKels than any other va riety of white potato. On the dry lands of Crook County this variety yielded i:;i bush els of marketable potatoes, according to the . I, aemonstratlon farm. It with stands drouth as well or better than any ?riitr the varieties tested in that dis trict. It has taken well in the markets and while not so universally raised, and a few of the other varieties rapidly becoming bet LknTD' " 15 weU received wherever in troduced. Same type as Uncle Sam. Is white dry and mealy at all stages ot development! Has a russet skin, which is a mark of qual ;.' . ? very narJ5'' with small vines, but the tubes are large and uniform. 5. Burbank. The Burbank Is a inA..d ,. really needs little Introduction in the mur trlet have been supplied by the dis- The result of the demonstration farm tests proved the Burbank lo k i k. ii.i; of any ot the varieties tested. In 1912 the Redmond farm reported a yield of 193 bush els per acre of marketable potatoes The general shape and form of 'the po tato Is in Itself a recommendation and it has always found its way on the markets without difficulty. Pnrf..l Is very necessary in this variety in order to maintain a standard and to keep them per fectly clean and free from disease Thus Jar little disease has made its appearance in the Central Oregon Buihanlc. . 1,1. qualities. 6. Early Ohio. The Early Ohio in rntrii r- 1 proven one of the best and most popular of the early potatoes. -While n. . extensively as the white potatoes, a readv market has alwaya been found. The soil and climate has been found particularly fitted. 7. Peerless. This variety Is one of the most uniform ami-smooth potatoes thav Is raised In this territory. It has been impossible to supply the demand that has been created for it. v-J1 -.'Lare m?'' ,be ln aPPllng water et with caution it will produce as well as ... t .uiu variety and with as inUthe 01r11poe"b,y more uniformity of size It is usually very free from all disease and Is a very popular potato ln all mar kets. Matures late. Is a typical commercial type. . Early Rose. . J V K.Se " Probably the most popu. n .earJ?" varieJie- b"t does not find n outlet in the southern markets with the an s peculiarly adapted lo the Central Oregon district. On dry laud is the best yielder of any. producing on the '""I demonstrations 133 bushels of marketable potatoes per acre. On the lrri gated soils this variety will often produce four or five potatoes to the hill that will run from two to two and one-half pounds each, although with proper care in the ap plication of water, a smaller and more gen eral market size can be secured. Thev are very solid even ln the la.-,... . . . , J rule, free from disease. selection n'r ... 10. Netted Gem. r.rX?'ptirs ,he Burbank this is the most Popular potato that is raised In Centra5 Oregon. More dlfticlulty was at first ei- Sceounnt3aofnthBettin,f " " the Kton nt the color and the apparently h8L k " AfUr " became known there has been a great demand for it. which it has been almost impossible to supply It Is the best disease resiiitni- ! .. .... Jhln t S.i rUnS ,,m"re even and uniform oola?.f 21 ? JVcry few rough or knotty potatoes are found and the yield has been .7 1. excellent. it has a very high mH ana irom all starch tests iT. .1., . al oc any other varletv District. As tato It has no equal amon Oregon potatoes. baking po me Central J.,nlDuo.r ' Chester MIckelsen. .i.ihi j " , 0 cas a ver" creditable oi .1 .nere g'v'e Mr. Michelsen' .vT . , reans for presenting t. ThV- S the best 10 varieties adapted .it- ...i. ..oiiiuierciai potato Inter CHESTER 5IICKEL8EN ENTRY, 1. Garnet flilll I And this a good yielder; finding ready sale on the market and an excellent late- S. American H'nn .iT'Ie AmerIean Wonder has proven a good Ia'3uf f.r,ct'n' .b;?T- a markets of to xinh.' W E 3. v1ilte Star, ' Mr. Mickelsen considers this the best po ind i?rhn 1,t hiB flrst year growing ' J e weii. ii as the an 01 a Burbank. Is a good baker and conceded to be one of our best new -uiakures aDOUl August 1 4. Early Ohio. , I considered one of the finest T "i -"". is wen and favorablv V ;w rrven to bo a Sod aker and Micke'sen0 ear'y potatoe" by Mr. S. Burbank. knZ a'a,k.V and favorably a rnflnV 'tl3! , cld additional laurels to - tz 4uauim, 6. Mar rinir The May Flower matures' about August ZlnnV.t i i ue good yielder. vi,..h i. ipe, iooks sometning like Wntri. nas sP'endld white meat. eisen got nis flrst aeert frn r'k.i i. j . . (.Eiic.aii.. M . (juite extenslvely 7. White Michigan. Tf 1. I . . ..... " nu .men ean- Tnntn... .. v. . . to -- t can; variety, it nas proven yielder. Rather lonir w. .t.inu Muuiuv anil splendid SDlenrii ii7l-ll j . -. ""ive. - i j sooa Keeper. 8. White Montana. ar,5 f ?. iJurbank- Has proven a good yielder. Mr Mickelsen secured ih ...5 . mo uukd.u tne sn;inA i.nrt aiviu me ijiny exjen nmnanc . ; if Us nt year. Its Origin la 9. Early Stuiriso, h- - - o - "..ts "uvoio una as proven to b a good commercial aa w.ii as producing potato. Matures as early as vyniK cry wen lor later usa. 10. llrst Choice. t irst unoice is a fartre. round n-hita tato. Matures early, with n orrpiion . Cobbler family a potato well and most fa- voraoiy xnewn. After havififr ccored the above varieties f potatoes according to nil v -1. it uunnin me premium list of the Mttnufac ci b uuu i.unu rroautis is now. itur. . considering the reasons as advanced by the different growers, we have awarded the wi-so ior luiieciion or commercial varieties to S. D. Mustard, of -Redmond. Or - We " would reeommfnrt th.t - be given Aasahel Smith, of Clatskanie Or for his excellent exhibit of promising' new varieties. PROFESSOR A. G. B BOUQUET ' . ' Lyal'ls, Or. W. I. SWANK. . Callis. Or. C. J. SINSEL, Chief Ju4 r' Boise, Idaho. AVyARDS. Potatoes. Biirbanks First prize, w. E. Abbey. Red mond, Or.; second prize, S. r. Mustard Red. mond,- Or. American Wonder First prize Mickelsen, Portland, Or. second' Kelly School, Portland, Or. Early Moonlight First prize, Chester Cllnton- Asahel Uncle Sara First prize. S. D Mustard Redmond. Or.; second. Mr. Martin, forest Grove. Or. Garnet Chill First prize. A.' V. Denney; second. Chester Mickelsen, Portland Or One Hundred Fold Kirst prize, s t Mus tard, Redmond. Or. " Netted Gem First prize. S. I). ' Mustard, Stm,ndA. r': second- Klamath Falls Com. . iviamwn fans. California Russet First Smith., Or. Sutton's Reliance First Smith. Clatskanie. Or prize, Asahel prize, Asahel Early Rondyke First prize, 'alentine Smi,!itskanle.OIOrIl-Flr8t PHze' A8ahe' Onions. veSri-he.beat, 30 Punds Yellow Globe Dan r ? ' rTlze- Mr- Johnson. Clackamas vertony,OrF": second' ""ry B. Leedy. ijea- Squash. For the largest squash. First prize G M LawII. Oregon City, Or.; second, 1). M. Lowe' Asniand, Or. ' Evaporated Fruits. evaporated apples, not less than 2DO pounus riikt prize, Dayton Evaporating & Evaporated prunes, not less than 500 poundsFirst prize, Willamette Valley Prune ...... - " jr. , secona, 1 lie J lv Armsby Company, Vancouver. Wash. Collection of Evaporated Fruits and Vegetables. Collection of evaporated fruits and veee la.Sfr"F!Jat pr,ze' Da'on Evaporating & rackme 1 rimriH n i- Tiu ....... . . AVainuts. ,'" '"e Desi collection ot walnuts First ' . jiiv.i ui xiiiisDoro, Or. Filberts. nest collection of filberts First r viucuuoerg, Vancouver, Wash. Threshed . Grains. avV, thf J5e5t 10 Pounds milling oats Shadeland Eclipse oats First prize, C D. Nairn, Amity, Or. ' ' ' Apples. For the best 10 boxes following varieties: Dal?e"orn Flr" prizeJulius Sandoz, The traiP'nbe"r?Flr,t P,rlze' Con Tl"- Cen Oregon. ' 1 atcond- - E- Gale. Merlin. Hood1"ver?WornFlrBt US M"l6r- For the best five-box exhibits: Dan I AnFlrSt P""'1 Julius Sandoz, The Delicioua Dalles, Or. -First prize. Julius Sandoz, The Jonathan First prize. Julius Sandoz The Oiglin. second'.- P- Underwood, Dufur, Tr"JT Nsfftown First prize. Gus Miller, land OrV'r r ; econd" B- M- Lowe, Ash Red Cheek- TMr-.nlr. 1Tt.. . . .. Sandoz The Dalles: 6r.t second. Ilex. San! doz. The Dalles. Or tr,,m Bea'y First prize, Palouse County Fruit Company. La Grande Or ThtPDleiRs':ro"r:Flr8t JU"US Sand0a nrSt1,ama?.''wlnesap Flrst Prize. Balin Cove Orchard Company. Dufur. Or Banana. First nHu u .. i ... . Company.- Dufur. Or v-u, "rcnara Indlvidual farm exhibits scored as follows: D. M. Lowe. Ashiand. Or i nr.nt.. r tlolnStPlt&U V3 PintS; d Uilkey. Iearfi. For the best two half boxes: Clairceau Klrst nri7a r. t . . , land, tJr. "' ""'Yc' J"n' Anjou First prize, w . -. . i , . ,, Or : second. D. M. Lowe, Ashiand, Or. Oregon M. Lowe, Ashland, Cornice First prize, D. Oregon. M. Lowe, Ashland. Buerre Eaatet The Dai'.cs. Or. First prize. Julius Sandoz, Winter Nells First prize. H. E. Gale. Danes'' Or1""'' 6eCOnd Julius Sandoz, The WALLET FOUND, MINUS $270 Cash Abstracted From Liost Pocket- ' " book, lief t In Mailbox. The pocketbook of S. I.. Thrown VI n Market street, has been returned to its owner after having been lost Thursday nightj From the wallet had been ab stracted currency to the amount of $2.0. all it contained when lost. Re maining in it were certified checks on the United States National Bank for 15 each and a certified check on the Kenton Bank for 200. toeether with a letter of credit on the United States aiiuudi AJ till IV. The wallet was found in a Friday night and- was returned by postoffice employes. Mr.. Brown re turned to . the city from . a . visit to Beaver Creek Thuredav.rtook bi.i ner downtown and went .to a moving, picture show. When he got home he iuuuu nis pocKeioooK was missing. Klection Interest Lags. WEXATCHEE.. Wash.. Nov. a fsrn.. cial.) Registration for the citv pri maries -continues to lag. The total registration is only 688. as compared with more than 2000 last i-ear who,. the wet and dry issue was fought out. Men registrants outnumber the women, two 'to one, only 208 women having registered. Only two offices are con tested, the city attorneysliin and treaa. urship. Pedigrees and Poumlmnstor Arc to Be Kxcludcd November 1 S. When Kxrilbition Is to lie lleltl and Coiumittec Already Is lSuxy. The ornery, homely, bcloved-by-his-master-only "mut dog" will havo his day at the Manufacturers and Land Products Show Saturday night, Novem ber 13. Pedigrees won't go and aristocratic appearance will be a discredit tn mut exhibited. The last shall be first in the Judging, and the first last, and the grand sweepstakes prize shall adorn the most miserably worthless cur dog in the entire array. S. S. Hewitt is chairman of the com mittee that is arranging the Jtfut Dog Show, and with him are Dorr E. Keasey, Frank Watkins, Tommy Swivel and J.' M. Mann. Boys may register their dogs with Dorr B. Keasey, at his office on the second floor of the Chamber of Com merce building. It makes no difference whether the mut has any apparent good points or not; he's eligible more eli gible than if he had a traction ot a drop of blue blood in him. Faithfulness to Be Rewarded. "After all, the ordinary mut. without pride of ancestry, whose hand is against every dogcatcher and every dogcatcher's hand against him. and who is beloved of only his kid master, is something more than a joke." de clares Chairman S. S. Hewitt, "and while there will be no discounting the comedy in the Mut Dog show, seri ously, the faithful and unhonored mut is deserving of some recognition, be cause he does love his master and is loved by his master, and is just as faithful, even unto death, as the highest-bred dog in the most fashionable kennels. "It is to honor him that the Mut Dog Show is being held." Phil Metschan, Jr., will be judge, George L. Baker referee and Dorr E. Keasey umpire. livery dog must have a collar and chain and must be benched on an Ore gon appiebox. These are the principal rules of the exhibit. Dog exhibitors will be admitted free. A great "dog-eat-dog" contest will be staged, with the muts and a, bushel or two of Wienerwursts as the chief char acters. Poundmaater to Be Excinded. Prizes are to be given for the homeliest dog. the largest dog, the smallest dog. the fattest dog, the sad dest dog, the most affectionate, the Hungriest looking, the most forlorn looking, the most optimistic looking and the chummiest dog. There will also be the following prizes: Grand champion. $5; near champion. $2; almost-champion, i, and pretty-near champion, $1. Here are the classes in which the muts may be entered: Dog, cur. feist scroot. mongrel, ki-yoodie, yellow dog! flea hound, mush hound. Ford re triever, spare-rib spaniel, Missouri houn' dawg, bone setter, bowser, home pointer, cat terrier and sooner. The sooner class wil b e v, largest, and the owner entering a dog -in it will be required to register his "sooner" characteristic. "Sooner eat than sleep," "sooner chase cats than -eat," "sooner lie down than stand up," uC some ot tne classifications. The poundmastcr and dogcatcher are to be excuded from the l.nnrl sh..w the day of the Mut Dog Show. Polk Granges May Consolidate. MONMOUTH. Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.) -the urowlh of the t n .i ....... . . . - since its organization several v.-. ago. and the extending of its scope in farming activities, has led to talk of consolidation with granges at Lewis ville and Buena. Vista of the Luckia mute Valley. No definite ctinn ,.. been taken, but the advantages of con solidation have been widely discussed. The grange movement has been widen ing in Polk County since the meeting of the State Grange at Monmouth in 1913. Merchants to Provide Kree Movies. G RAND VIE W. Wash .. Nov c fas cial.) The newly organized Business Men's Association is goinjj to give free moving picture entertainments every Saturday during the Winter months. The first one will be given this week adies' Shoes . Latest Bronze Shoes, lace or button, b r o wn cloth top. short or e d i u in vamps, welt ed soles like cut; all sizes, all widths Speci'JOO Qt price.. OlitJO la reel Post Prepaid. Popular English : $2.48 tut Shoes These come in tans and blacks, cloth or leather tops, new English toe,, welted soles, all sizes. A big value at $3.50. The special CI) IQ price is 0 tiHU . Parcel Post Prepaid GREENFIELD'S Cor. Fourth and Alder Streets. MONDAY SPECIALS Small sizes, narrow widths, $4 to $7.50 values at 31.00 The Pair. Steps to Economy Dept. Knight Shoe Co. MORRISON STREET Near Broadway $2.98 f5 m