The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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Julius L. Meier Announces Re
sults of All-Summer Com
petition in Entries.
Schools and Firemen Are Especially
Commended lor Participation.
Checks to Be Mailed to Win
ners in lew Days. '
Julius U Meier, chairman of the
, City Beautiful committee, yesterday an
nounced the results of the all-Summer
contest of the gardens of Portland.
ma number of the districts no en
tries were made, and in some districts
jois or only one size took part in the
contest, and the only places Judged or
t-iiiiuea xo De considered for prizes
'were those formally entered in the Citv
Beautiful contest on the regular entry
...r. OTitr. in speaking of the con
Granddaughter cf Bird Which Astonished World With Lay of 291 Eggs Is Performer-Numerous High Individ-
ual and Pen Records Being Established at State Station.
'test, said:
am quite stratified with
the interest shown in the City Beautiful
contest for the first year, and am quite
sure that if it is conducted another
year the interest will double, for many
persons will enter their places which
did not take part this year. It is par
ticularly gratifying to notice the in
terest taken by. the schools and fire
men. " ' ' Special I-rlzea Olrrnd.
"They both deserve much praise for
the work they accomplished. We made
special prizes in each district for va
cant lots, and the prizes were suffi
ciently large to reimburse the winner
for much of the expense he would so
to in keeping- his-vacant lot clean, but
I regret to say that few owners took
advantage of our. generous offer. By
another year they will recognize the
l-enents of our plan, and I am quite
confident that in 1916 the number of
entries will be doubled.
."The checks for prizes will be mailed
to the winners in a few days. I de
sire to thank all those who showed
their interest in the movement bv en
term . their places, and also c'xtend
thanks to the various members of the
committees and the judges who have
made the City Beautiful contest so sat
isfactory." The list of prize-winners' follows:
''rl,7rSchoo"'ouses ar"1 companies,
f.rst .m: second. $10: third. H: business
Maces, first. $7 : second t; third
rhiirclK's. first, 7: second, $4: third' $:
vacant Iol, first. J4: second, :!; third' T:
lots Oxloo feet or less, first ft; second J-'-third.
$1; lots over 50x100 feet, first' 7:
ecn.1. 3: third. $J. '
The . prize list follows:
..."'r1'"1 J?"" "" o the wt Side of
the city First prize, Ladd School; second.
Knvl. school: third. Alnsworth School
JJistnct No. Kast Side of the city, south
or sulllvans Uulch First prise. Kerns
School : second, Brooklyn School; third,
J.lewellvn School.
nlstrlct No. 3, Kast side of the citv,
m. th of Sullivan a Gulch First prize, Hoi
luday school; second, Kenton School: third
r.Jiot School.
Fire Houses.
West side Klrst prize, engine No
Third and Ulisai. streets: second, engine
. ' ''nsJa' and Montgomery slreets;
th nl. engine No. 10, Portland Heights.
hast Side First prize, engine No. 18.
TKtnty-fourth and Thomneon slreets- sec
ond, engine No. 9, Thirty-ninth and Bei
niont streets; third, engine No. 24 Patton
avenue and Willamette boulevard
Business Places,
prize, I'antages Theater. No other
I. a lie
prize. Vhurch of Jesuit rin-i.t
Duv Saints T.,.-...,
Mn.ll..... - - .. '-"".-"'"U UH
Bum. .o oiner entry.
I'rlvate Kesiilences.
Atnsworlh district (Portland Heisht
"Y" SllxK' feet First prize, Linda
f. 'iein'z. Goti Vista avenue; second, Mrs
L" .. Kull,r. i0:i Spring street: third John
h. Lradley. ISS Vista uwnue: lots 30x1 uu
ion r?r U'"S- first Prize. -Mrs. A. K. Lincoln, Davenport street; second, Rene Kotsaert
Montgomery- drive.
Arlela. lota more than 50x10(1 feet First
L'.rrce; ,s' u,". " Seventy-third
trc-t southeast; second. Edgar W stahl
-.l-' Forty-seventh avenue Southeast. No
other entries.
Albina Homestead, lots f.OlOO feet or
less First prize. A. W. Young, 411 Klick
itat sttvet. No other entry.
Brooklyn, lots more than r.OxlOO feet
i'.ri. Pv-Ze' it' J- t!- y"u"- ' Brooklyn
street. No olher entry. Lots 50x100 feet or
l;ss. first pnze. Klmer S. Cox, 719 East
.N:nth street; second, 11. A. I'lumadorc. 7u6
fcast Light h street South.
t'hapman, lots mono than OOxtoo feet
M,r5',-i- ?' "I Overton
tieet. second. Ldwin Caswell 7yl Over
Jon street: third, Thomas E. Wallace
riventy-slxth and Northrup streets. Lots
i. ovliio feet or less, first prize. Thomas B.
," "P" -Mal!ih" olivet; second. Frank
VvllUer. 9S4 Thurmau street: third. John
lavls, 9(. Savier street.
Couch, lots ,-iuxltw feet or less First
prize. .1. o. Jones, BSti Hojt street Only
entry made.
Clinton Kelly, lots moiv than T.OxlOO feet
rust prize. Mrs. J. A. Keaenlck. Clin
ic" "eond. Mrs. Mattw Zlnnwalt.
sci.v t,;lJit Twenty-seventh street. Lots SOxlOO
feet or les, first prize. Mrs. o. 1'. Uowney
s:'i; Brooklyn strc t; second, Linn K. Coooer!
64.-. Kast Thirty-fifth street.
creston. lots .".OxlOO feet or less First
pi-iae. Mrs. Margaret Kessler. 320 Fifty
second Btreet Southeast. No other entry
KHot. lots more than .".OxKHl feet First
prize. A. li. Klink, .-.ti9 North Union avenue;
second. Alice U. l.indell, s:.3 Sacramento
street. No olher entries.
Kastmoreland. lots more than r.Oxloo feet
First prize. W. K. Uunjme. 1193 Bvbee
avenue. No other entry.
Falling, lots more than 50x100 feet First
prise. John Weber. 7L-9 Hood street; onFy
entry made. Lots 50x100 feet or less, first
prize. Lucy tjiovursjtti. i'7S Hooker street
se. ond. Mrs. L. Ooldenburg. Sll Kelly street;
third. Maria Destlfano. t7 Sixth street.
tlleneoe, lots more than 50xli0 feet First
rrire, Mrs. 'illiam Reid. 1;:43 East Stark
street; second. Wilbur 1'. Held. 1355 Bast
Stark street: third, Edward H. Sutton 1-M9
Kast Taylor street. Lots 50x100 feet or less
first prize. W. W. Reading. 255 East Fiftieth
street; second. Kate B. o. Chance, 173
Broughton avenue.
Fernwood. lots r.nxKio feet or less First
prize. W. A. Ward. ILMS Hancock street
second. Richard 11. Anderson, 261 (Jlenn ave
nue. N'o other entries.
Holladay. lots more than 50x100 feet
First prize. J. C. Mann. 4ul Hassalo street:
second. Mrs. Charles Jennings, 533 Wasco
Btreet. No other entries.
Highland, lots more than 30xlOt Caet
Kirsl prize. Jennie M. Fmlng. lis- Mallory
avenue; second, Mrs. Charles Starker 470
ITescott street; third, jr. P. Oakerman S58
l:ast Eighth street North. Lots 50x100 feet
or less, first prize. Mrs. M. T. Tatom. 1055
Cleveland avenue: second. L. M. Kolleher
9-JO Mallory avenue: third, H. Anderson 9S4
Fast Sixth street North. Vacant lot first
prize. I'. Madsen, 105S East Seventh street
llolman. lots 50x100 feet or less First
Jiclzc. Mrs. K. Neubauer, 770 Macadam
street. No other entry.
Hoffman, lots 50xl0t feet or less First
prize. Mrs. E. W. Smith. Jr.. 63' Forty
third street Southeast. No other entry
Irvlngtoii. lots mope than 50x100 feet
First prize. Mrs. Emery Olmstead. 610 Knott
street, second, Mrs. Ada L. Herteche 501
East Twenty-sixth street North; third O
I- Kennedy. SS0 Broadway. Lots 50x100 feet
"; f,rst PriXf. George E. Herrman.
4SS East Seventh street North.
Kerns ljts ."OxliHl feet or less First
prize. Mrs. F. K. Reed. 171 Royal" Court
second. Lee M. Clark. 747 East Couch street
third. Mrs. John S. Eubanks. 7S7 East Asb
Kennedy Lots more than oOjtlon feet
First prize. Mrs. William Milne noo Kil'
1-ngsworth avenue; second. Curt tittmn
1: East Thirtieth street North. No other
l.add Lots SOxlOO feet or less ' F.rst
prise, i. tiamueia, oSl Twelfth street- sec-
i . -
r 11
!r: - -- 1
" :- ,, T 1
.I , k J i I
Unless you go direct to Simon's and participate in the
bargains offered, you'll never know what real bargains are.
- 1 25c Wash inK IO-1-1 Res-. 15c cans Heinz'nr. I in- ,
49-lb. sack
of c hoi
Flour .
Or by the,
barrel you.
pay only.
We deliver purchases
of $1 or over.
25c Was h i n e; I n-1 -Compound
for... I L 2
15c Catsup, the bot
tie now at.........
25c Catsup, the
tie now at
50c Jap Tea on sale QC.
now for.. 2.Jb
10 pounds of Rice
on sale now for,
our cans of Solid
r- a z k. eo. x omatoes
now for.
Beans, three cans for
Tillamook FullCn
Cream Cheese, lb... I 31
10c bottle Must ard C
on sale' now at..,..."JU
M pounds
very fine, at OUu
25c Almonds, 171 f
new crop, at. ... 1 2"
15c String- Beans71
on sale now at... 2l
loc Olives on sale
Beans at, the can....
15c NEW D r y C
Peaches at. pound... 3 u
15c XEW Black Figs Cn
at, the pound. ., Uu
10c Herring on sale Cn
at only DC
10c Van Camp's (
loc Oysters now'
at onlv..
3oc Three-Star Jams I Cn
on sale at. I 3d
0VTv?v AGRICULTUR AIj COLt- t throughout the "United States published
LtGL' Corvallis. Jiov. 6. (Spe- simultaneously a full-pace article
CiaL Hen KIT nf th I nhnnl f ! a . l
cial.) Hen E115. of the Oregon
station, finished her first year's record
October 30 with 301 eggs laid. The
year ran from "the date she laid her
nrst ess. Thi
S millet VL'au t.or.l.a ' . .
Anril M 1 ni a o.i .i f "ens.
. . u..u . iiiciriui c annual
7 months old when she began laying.
Her esrss were white and of good aver
age size. She weisrhs about four pounds
bue is one of a flock of 60 of similar
breeding that will averasre about 220
essrs each. A sister of this hen finished
hei- year with ' 285 esiis. Her grand
mother was C54J. which two years as?o
made the remarkable record of 91
eii-fts. The mother of K115 was B42,
which recently finished four years' lay
ing, or 48 consecutive months, with
a record of 831 eggs. This is a world's
record for four years. The highest
four-year record heretofore was 819
eggs, made by another hen at the Ore
gon station. The sire of 10115 was a
son of C543. . .
The station has manv other good
layers from this family of heavy layers
The photographs of Klla and C543
were both taken when the hens finished
their year's laying and show their
plumage a little the worse for wear.
Both are active, vigorous hens. E115
inherits an erect romh fmm ho,- yt ..
Her grand-dam's comb falls r t..
side. These hens are of a new strain
which has been called "Oregons." de
veloped at the station from crossing
Barred Plymouth Kocks and White
Title l-'Irst Kstahlished.
This is the second 300-egg hen that
has been produced at the station. The
first was lady Macduff. C521, which
made a record of 303 eggs two years
ago. Lady Macduff has the distinction
of being tiie first 300-egg hen that has
been discovered anywhere. It is not
presumed to say there were not other
hens that have laid as many eggs, but
there were no records of individual
performances reaching 300 eggs.
These two hens. C543 and IT2I re
ceived great publicity and it is no doubt
true mat no other hens in history have
been more talked about than those two
throughout the United States and the
about one of these hens. A great many
of the leading magazines of. this coun
try and other countries, practically all
the farm and poultry journals of the
united States, devoted much apace to
tne nens. t ntil a week airr. the r.r-
formance of Lady Macduff, so far as
records made in laying contests and
at experiment stations were concerned,
had not been equaled in the two years
Kastern Hen Hichrr.
The day after E113 finished her year
with 301 eggs a hen at the Delaware
experiment station entered -fn a laying
competition conducted under the aus
pices of the North American, of Phila
delphia, made a remarkable record of
314 eggs. Lady Macduff therefore re
linquishes the seat of honor to . the
Delaware champion as ' the greatest
layer in one year of laying.
Lady. Macduff still retains the honor,
if not a greater honor than that of the
Delaware hen, of not only being the
first 300-egg hen. but of being the
greatest producer of any known hen,
whether considered on a two-year
basis o- three-year basis. Her remark
able laying proclivities did not leave
her in her first year. At the end of
-4 months of laying she had 512 eggs
to her credit. Her 36 months of lay
ing will soon be passed and she now
has 670 eggs to her credit for three
years. Her year is not up. but she ap
parently has finished her laying for
season. These are the trrentot
ontl. O. p. Clem. 309 Thirteenth street.
I.ents Lots more than ."OxlOO feet. First
priz.'. Mrs. I.. B. Tnilllnm m..,,-.i,
street and Fifty-sixth avenue. No other
.Montarilla Lots more than Sn-xloo feet
first prize. J. K. MrlTusIin. 1H.-.3 bf AMor
street; second, c. Deickson. ISS East Seventy-third
street. Lots r.Oxloo feet or less
f Irst prize. J. Arthur Mn7iM r;A tt.,,
ninth street North; second. Andrew M. Han
sen, lit! Kast Seventy-third street North.
v-'cme 'treen Lots i.uxitMl feet or less
1-irst prize. Mrs. iKhpl Huu-An -n
Jessup street; seronil. John A. GoTdralner.
eet Jessup street: thit-H Mr, t'
31 West J.essup street. '
Kose City 1'ark Lots .".Oxioo feet or less
First prize. Joseph Tt. Rheude. 6(56 West
Hifty-ninth street North: second, Kd M
Mark, dsn East Fifty-seventh street North
third. H W. HitiBley. 410 East Fifty-second
street North.
SeUwood Lots more than r.Oxlon fet
First prize. Mrs. C. I.. Whipple. Kil;: Eust
Sixteenth street; second. Mrs. C. I. Brock
Tt.'U Spokane uvenue: third. Mrs. James Ren
tier. Gos Maiden avenue. Lots r0x 100 feet or
less. First prize. Mrs. J. M. Standley .-.30
l.eo avenue: second. Mrs. Sadie Uean. 6J6
Spokane uvenu: third. Mrs. J. p. Hornaday
o!4 Ten i no avenue.
First Sunnyside lilstrict Lots .-.0x100 feet
or less. Firs-, prize. Walter Lensen. 10S0
East Morrison street! second. Charles Cor
yell. :!4'. East Twentieth street; third. Helen
Moore, loot Last Salmon street.
-oSio?nd.- tfVnnSid' 'rict Lota ,,. tha
..OxlOO feet. First prize. Earle Morphew
-tM Last Thirty-second street. Onlv entry
made. Lots ,'oxlon feet or lets. First prize
Paul D. Hunt, L'tio East Thirtieth street;
second W. s. McElwee. 1J54 East Main
street; third. .T. H. Anderson. 0J1 Belmont
fy.feU ant lo,s i'-st prize. H. H. staub
Kast Taylor street; second. Mrs. James
N. Davis. 861 Hawthorne 'avenue: third
Kenneth R. Field. UM East Washington
Stephen Lots TVOxlOO feet or less. First
prize. Robert Krohn. 311 East Twenty-second
street: second. Marsaret B. West, 443
Last Eleventh street. No other entries
Shaver Lots ."VOxloO feet or less. First
prize, t!. L. Larson. ICS Farso street. Vacant
lot. First prize, tt. L. Larson, 16S Fargo
street. No other entries.
Shattuck Lots 50x100 feet or less First
prize. Aaron PhiTan, 09 Sheridan street
second. Mrs. Casper. 600 Fifth street No
other entries.
Terwilliser Lots .10x100 feet or less First
prize. A. S. Calkin. 1380 Hood street Only
entry made.
Thompson Lots 50x100 feet or less First
prize. C. B. Den, lOl- Commercial street
Second. . c. Kerron. S2r Kerby street
third. Mrs. E. Jorgensen. S7 -tiantenbein
West Morel.ind Lots .-.0x100 feet or Ies
First prize. E. R. Pelton. 13.0 East Nine
teenth Btreet: second, Mrs. L. a. Merton
13.... East Eighteenth street. '
Wdodniere Lots more than .-.OxlOO feet
First prize. Mrs. Phoebe A. Rover 461-;
Seventy-third street S. E. Only entry made"
Woodlawn Lots more than iioxloo feet'
First prize. D. Clinton. 307 Dekum avenue
second. Frank D. Reasan. U15 Brvant street :
third. Arthur J. Bradley. L'vB East Seven
teenth street North. Lots r.Oxloo feet or
less. First prize. J. M. Atterburg. 311 De
kum avenue. Only entry made. Vacant lots
First prize, Frank U. Reagan, 613 Bryant
Sellwood No. 2 Lots more than 50x100
feet. First- prize. Mrs. James M. Rice, litis
Schiller street. Lots 50xluo feet or less
F;rst prize Corbiy. Randall and John"
Lnurcn, i.!4 Lexington avenue. Only entries
T.akc Keoclielus Dam Xcarly Ready.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Nov. 6.
(Special.) Construction of the Gov
ernment dam at Lake Keechelus is
practically complete, and the storage
works at that point will be completed
easily next season, according to C. E.
Crownover. engineer in charge. The
Government now is advertising for
bids for cleaning the reservoir site.
Work will close down on December 11.
but a small office and shop crew will
be kept through the Winter. '
I.ouishkin. the slant Russian drum-major
of the Imperial Guards, was S feet.u Inches
117., n .1 J 1. . .
mice-tear records Known in
the world.
Ksslrrs Record Kclipned.
In the dispatch from Delaware it
was aid that the pen of five in the
contest there had made a United States
record of 240 eggs each. While that
is indeed remarkable and so far as
published reports go is no doubt true
this station, however, has a pen rec
ord from 10 hens, all daughters of Lady
Macduff, that will average considerably
more than 2 40 eggs. The average at
the first of the month is better than
241 and the year is not yet complete.
This record is interesting as showing
that Lady Macduff was not onlv a
world. Twyjirarsejiejwjman
Washington State College Is
Honoring Reed Professor.
'::". .":::o.o.
m : - i
Five pounds White. I flfl
Enamel for I lUU
2.50 Wall Enamel how I nn
at only O I .UU
$2.50 Varnish on sale. I ff
at. the gallon 0 I UU
35c Brushes on sale now OOn
at only ZUG
$2.00 Varnish Remover I nn
on sale for. V I .UU
25c-35c Putty Knives on I
sale now at. each
J3.50 Wood Stains on 0 I C(i
sale now for only V I .Uli
JS.OO Mackinaw Coats are
selling now at thefC QC
small price of Ou.UO
J7.00 Mackinaw Coats are
on sale now at the P t QC
reduced price of OH-iOU
14.00 Regular Mackinaw
Jacket on sale now 0) cn
at small price of... OiiOU
$5.00 Mackinaw Shirts are
to go at the great
ly reduced price of..
4.uu jvlacKlnaw Shirts on
sale at . the veryM ir
small price of 00. 1 O
$3.50 Mackinaw Shirts to
go at the greatly q nr
reduced price of..v.D3
$5.50 All -Wool Sweaters
on sale at the very tf 0 OC
small price of 00.Z3
$2.00 Boys' Gray and Red
Sweaters will be on sale
at the greatly re- c I nn
duced price of....JI.UU
J2.50 All - Wool S h i r t a
will be on sale st the
very greatly re-0 I Cfl
duced price of.... vliuU
Kow Selling;
y&3 t, CrrKSjycF mo
good layer, but her daughters pos
sessed the high-laying trait in a re
markable degree. Each of the 10
daughters have records of more than
200 eggs.
It will be interesting to compart
these records made at the station with
other and former records in laying
competitions and experiment stations.
Previous to the record made by the
Delaware hen the highest hen record
made at any laying contest or at any
public institution in this country was
2St eggs. There have been laying con
tests conducted in Connecticut, Missouri,
Pennsylvania and other places for a
number of years under state control.
Breeders from all parts of the United
States and from foreign countries have
entered their best layers in these con
tests. Outside of the Delaware record
this year, none of the other contests
have records anywhere near equaling
more than a dozen that have been made
at the Oregon station. .
To appreciate fully the importance
of these high records it should be un
derstood that the average production
of all the hens of the' United States,
according to the last census report,
was SO eggs a hen. These records,
therefor, draw attention to the tre
mendous possibilities for increased egg
production in the American hen
Jlwojriiizert Psychologist and Art
Critic Will Be at Pullman for
Tour Days Hcccptions and
Social Functions Planned.
Dr. Eleanor Rowland, dean of the
college of women and professor of
psychology at Reed College, is passing
four days as a special guest of honor
at Washington State College at Pull
man. It is tiie custom of that institu
tion to invite some disinguished per
son to visit them each year and inspire
them with new zeal in their pursuit of
This visit is always the occasion of
numerous receptions and other social
functions in honor of the g-uest, as well
as intellectual activities in the way of
lectures and conferences.
Dr. Rowland has a Nation-wide repu
tation in educational circles as an ad
vanced psychologist and an art critic.
She has written a great many articles
I --......
T :W:a:r'wg-y-..-v.ix'.i..y::..wi -x
V - t- - i t
5 ' - - n " - "i I
i; -H
t fmi:m:imm& - i t
t ' ' A
a , , ; I
imm&t&!H :tc ' . H t
Or. Kleanor Ronlsod, Reed Pro.
fesaor. Whom WuhlDgtn Col
lege Ja UoDorlBx, '
for scientific magazines and has come
before the - popular notice as the
authoress of "The Significance of Art"
and "The Right to Believe."
Dr. Rowland left Portland last Fri
day night and was received by the
Pullman students as their honored
guest at the football game yesterday
between Pullman and the University
of Montana, and in the evening attend
ed the reception given in her honor by
Dean White. .
This morning she will be taken for
an automobile drive through Pullman
and the surrounding country, and will
be the guest of the Pi Beta Phi Soror
ity at dinner. In the afternoon she
will deliver an address before the
Twentieth Century Club, an organiza
tion of the faculty and most distin
guished students, on "The Newer
The Sigma Beta Phi Sorority will en
tertain her at supper, and in the even
ing, the Faculty Club will give a re
ception in her honor.
Dr. Rowland will hold a conference
with various students and organiza
tions tomorrow morning. In the after
noon she will speak before the Women's
Club on "Archaeology in the Greek
Tuesday morning she will address
the Pullman students in chapel at
which time she will discuss student
characteristics throughout the. world
Tuesday morning she will hold confer
ences with women's clubs and student
Her last address will be on Tuesday
afternoon, when she will speak to the
women of the institution on "Problems
In Women's Institutions."
fr- W. S. .-Newberry, Early-Day
Business Man, Seriously III.
Ex-Mayor W. S. Newberry, promi
nent in the early business and political
activities of Portland, lies in a serious
condition at the . Alco Apartments,
Union avenue and East Couch street,
as a result of a stroke of paralysis
sustained Thursday morning. Mr. New
berry had been in the best of health.
Mr. Newberry Is 81 years of age. and
up to recent years had led an active
life. He came to Portland in 1870 and
was associated with Dr. J. c. Haw
thorne in the agricultural implement
business. In 1877 he became a candi
date for Mayor of Portland. and was
elected by a large majority. E,r sev
eral years Mr. Newberry had ilved in
Baker County and practiced law at
Baker City and other points in that
county.- returning to Portland about a
year ago.
Police Await Fresno Word.
"W'lth a large bankroll of Mexican
currency in his wallet, a man giving
his name as Ferrera Antonia. aged 34,
Italian, was taken into custody by De
tectives Swennes and Moloney yester
day on suspicion. After a little in
vestigation, he was identified as Muso
Vincenzi. an Italian wanted in Fresno,
Cal., for a bunco game perpetrated
last January. He is being held pend
ing word from Chief of Police Goehr
rlng, of Fresno. t
& BRO.
131-133 First St.
Horticultural Society to Ex
hibit at Corvallis Soon.
Oregon Society at Annual Sleeting,
Xoveniber 16-18. to Ciive Points'
on Fruit-riaising and Work
Done by College.
Numerous phases of the raising and
marketing of fruit will be realt with
by able speakers and prominent horti
culturists at the 30th annual meeting
of the Oregon State Horticultural So
ciety, which is to be held at Corvallis,
November 16 to 18, inclusive. In con
nection with the meeting, a horticul
tural show will be held by the stu
dents of the college, thus giving those
who attend an opportunity to see what
the college is doing and also probably
get some pointers in fruitraising
President R. C. Washburn will pre
side. at the sessions of the society.
The programme which has been ar
ranged is considered one of the best
ever prepared for a gathering of the
society. It is expected that there will
be a large gathering of the members
from all sections of the state. All rail
roads have granted a one and a third
fare for those attending. This is on the
certificate plan and all who attend
should get receipts for fare paid.
The programme to be given follows:
Address of welcome, W. If. Kerr, president
Oresron Agricultural College.
Response, R. c. Washburn, president
Horticultural Society.
Greetlns from the Stale Board of Horticul
ture. Charles A. Park, president; response,
A. P. Bateham. ,
"The Early History of the Prune Indus
try. H. M. Williamson, secretary State
Board of Horticulture.
"Efficiency In Orchard and Crop Man
agement.". E. H. Shepherd, editor Better
Fruit, Hood River.
"XltroBen and Apples." E. W. Allen, super
intendent of Umatilla Experiment Station.
"Apple Scab Control In Oregon," H. P.
Barnes. professor of botany and Plant
pathology, Oregon Agricultural College.
"The Possibilities of Diversification for
- -
i "!&. f I
I - t
L?ah Griffith.
Leah Griffith is tho daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Grif
fith, who have just arrived in
Portland from Birmingham, Knsr
land, and are stopping' at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fred
ericks, 503 Fortieth avenue
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith were
booked on the ill-fated Arabic,
but by good fortune they were
late in arriving at Liverpool and
missed the boat by one hour.
They came across on the Saxonia,
a British liner, and while travel
ing in the war zone lifebelts
were worn constantly.
Little Leah is 7 months and
weighs 21 pounds. She was an
attraction at the Baby Show
the Fruitgrower," C. I. Lewis, chief division
of horticulture, Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. "The Hog in the Orchard," I. IX Graham,
editor Rural Spirit-
"A Consideration of the Question of Bulk
Pruning." V. R. Gardener. professor of
pomology, Oregon Agricultural College,
"Centralization of Packing," S. V. Beck
with. " manager ot Mcdford Fruitgrowers'
"Walnut Culture in the Northwest," A. A.
Quarnberg, horticulturist and nut experi
menter. "The Grower as a Salesman." A. T. Har
ris, special editorial writer Evening Tele
gram. "Some of the Handicaps of the Growers'
Council." TV. H. Pauihamus. president of
th Growers Council, PuyaMup.
"Marketing Apples by Auction," ' Arthur
Geary, Portland.
"Complete Co-operation." J. C. Skinner,
editor of Marketer, Portland.
"Fundamentals and Practices in Market
ing," C. A. Malboef, general manager West
ern Oregon Fruit distributor.
"Marketing by the Independent Operator,"
C J. Sinseel, fioise. Idaho.
"Marketing Fruits. j. F. Surgue. Cash
mere, Wash., Northwestern Fruit Exchange.
-Present Horticultural Kaws of OreKou."
Charles A. Park, president State Board of
"Enforcement of Our Horticultural "Laws,"
C T. Pomeroy, member State Board of
"Quarantine Laws." Mr. Mujkcw quaran
tine officer, San Francisco.
"Uniform Horticulture Laws," M. McDon
ald, president Oregon Nurstry Compaiiy,
Hurry. Mother! Remove Poisons
From Little Stomach,
Liver, Bowels.
Give "California Syrup of Figs'
-I. - r t--i
ti unce ir OUious
Attempts During Months to Obtain
W,rk After Discharge From Laun
dry Are Recited. v
'-'I had tried to get work for months
after the laundry discharged sonu. of
its new help, but could And none, and
had no money for room rent, so I
didn't object when Laura stole the
waich." was tho excuse of pretty 19-year-old
Lena Scheel. when brought
before Municipal Judge Stevenson yes
terday ivth Laura Johnson, charged
with theft.
The girls were - arrested after a
dainty handkerchief left in Frank
Fernald's room, across the hall from
their own quarters at 7 North Ninth
street, had been traced by its perfume.
Miss Scheel admitted pawning the
watch, for which she received f-l. Miss
Johnson confessed to' the theft, but
denied finding as much money as was
alleged when she rifled Fernald's trous
eVs as he slept.
The felony charge of larceny from a
dwelling had been placed against both
girls, but on the motion of Deputy
District Attorney Deich was changed
to simple larceny, upon the assurance
that the young women, would plead
guilty to that. Public Defender Robin
son appeared for the girls.
Miss Scheel came to Portland several
months ago from a small town in Ore
gon, and promised the court that she
would return to her folks If released.
Her case was continued for sentence.
Miss Johnson is known to the Bureau
of Municipal Protection for Women as
rather "wild," but her case was con
tinued until next Tuesday for sentence.-
Humphreys' Seventy-seven
For Grip, Influenza,
... .? .at he tonBue. mother! If coat
ea. it is a sure sign that your little
one s stomach, liver and bowels need a
Seie thoro"Kli cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, palp,
doesn t sleep, doesn't eat or act natu
rally or is feverish, stomach sour,
breata bad: has stomach ache, soro
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup ot
Hgrs.' and In a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of its little
bowels without griping, and you have a
well, playful child again.
YOII npHn'i ;, ....
mvn cminren lo
take thip harmless "fruit laxative"; thev
lOVA it HoH..ln..u . .
, 1, ' " 13 wio, ana. it always
makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a GO-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs." whjch
has directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold
here. To be sure you get the genuine,
ask to see that it is made by "California
Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other
kind with contempt. Adv.
The New Discovery for Kid
neys, Rheumatism and Back
ache Will Do for You.
Send 10 cents with name of this
paper to Dr. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. v.,
for a large sample package of "An
uric." It will convince any one suffer
ing from kidney, bladder, backache,
that It Is many times more active than
llthia, and dissolves uric acid in the
system as hot water melts sugar; be
sides being absolutely harmless, tt pre
serves the kidneys in a healthy state
by thoroughly cleansing them. It clears
the heart valves and checks the degen
eration of blood-vessels and regulates
blood pressure. "An-urlo" is an insur
ance agent against sudden death. Send
to Dr. Pierce. Buffalo. N. for free
book on Diseases of Kidneys. Adv.
Exact Dosage.
Six pellets every half hour until re
lieved; then at intervals of an hour
until the Cold is broken.
To get the best results, take "Sev
enty-seven" at the very beginning of
a Cold.
If you wait until you begin to
cough and sneeze, it may take longer.
A small vial of pleasant pellets fits
the 'vest pocket.
25b. and 1.00, at all drussists or mailed.
Hnmphrey'a Homeo. Medicine Co.. li
William Street. New York.
A Home Cars Given by One Whs Had It
In the pr!n of 1893 I wm atucked by
Muscular aud Inflammatory KaeumfttlBm. I
altered m onlj taoto who have It know, for
orer three jean. I tried remedy after
remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such
relief aa I receive! wa only temporary.
Finally, I found a remedy that cured me
completely, and It baa nerer returned. I
hare (riven It to a namber who Were terribly
afflicted and even bedridden with Rheuma
tism, and It effected a cure la every case.
I want every aufferer -from any form of
rheumatle trouble to try this marvelous healing-
power. Doa t send a cent; simply mall
your name and address and I win send It
tree, to try. After yoo have nsed it and
It has proven Itself to be that long-looked-for
means of curing your Rheumatism, yoa mar
send the price of It, one dollar, but, under
stand, I do not want your money unless yoa
are perfects satisfied to send iu Isn't that
fairr Why aufler any longer when positive
relief Is thus oHerod job Xros? Doa't daisy
write today. -
Mark H. Jackson. No tSlBOaraar Bide?
Syracuse, jr. I
New Home Treatment
for Ugly, Hairy Growths
(Boudoir Segrets.)
Here Is a simple, yet very effective
method of removing hair and fuzz
from ti.e face, neck and arms: Cover
the objectionable hairs with a paste
made by mixing some water with a
little powdered delatone. Leave this
on for two or three minutes, then rub
off, wash the skin and the hairs have
vanished. Ko pain or inconvenience at
tends this treatment, but results will
be certain if you are sure to get real
delatone. Adv.