.its CHARITIES IS FOUND ERROR Commissioner Baker Learns Criticism. Is Based on In correct Information. WORK LATER' IS PRAISED Official Tells I. X. Flcibchner That His Ambition Is to Do Greatest Amount of Good for Idle With Money Available. Having: made the statement, through lack of correct information, to the ef fect that 70 per cent of the money col lects by the Associated. Charities wa3 Vent for office expenses. Commission er George I. Baker corrected his re mark in a letter juat received by I. N. i'leischner. president- of the organiza tion. Commissioner Baker's attention wad called by Mr. Fleiachner to the state ment, which appeared, in a newspaper report of an address made by Mr. Baker before a recent church gather ing. The correspondence between the two on the subject follows: My Dear Mr. Baker In a. newspaper ac count of a talk by you before the Westmin ster Prfcsbyterian Church. 1 find you re ported ad saying that out of $l,UuO ol lected by the Associated Charities, $touu was spent for office expenses. For our fiscal year endine October 31. Iftl. our disbursements were as follows: otai disbursements f-i7.ulo.fn -Mat rial relief lu.U-'-I.OU service rtilef , lieneral administration and main tenance Collecting ot funds and accounting Kmployment bureau t . . C. i. Jackson loan fund Legal aid department l'Oan repaid '. .. feudal welfare 'icDartment Of these figures only three Hems can be ci ante a as overneaa: Service relief, which covers the salaries of visitors going into the jiuiTjen oi me neeay aauy, general admlnis iration and tno col.ee ting of funds, a total wi -. i per cent. Jobs Found for 1090. The employment bureau secured -work for 3090 persons and so performed just the service which you have suggested is most The C. S. Jackson loan department was given me society to tide over the needy who wished to secure small loans until the Remedial Loan Society was launched. Loans repaid was for momy borrowed in previous years for relief work. The social welfare- department covers ex penses incurred in the launching of the l'ortlar.d Remedial Loan Association. The directors of our society have viewed ith unusua' interest and hopefulness your constructive, determined way of attacking the problem of the unemployed in the city. May we not hopa to have your good will for our own work, now that the real facts have be en laid before you ? The Chamber of Commerce has recently indorse J our association and further facts regarding our work may be secured from the committee on charity and employment. If you can in any way rectify the state ment In Z ho Oregonlan this morning, the director and rryself will. Indeed, appre ciate it. Sincerely yours, I. FLE I PC UN Bit. President Associated Charities. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, - PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 7, 1913. I - i irrn i i orttun STATISTICS REVEAL EXTENT OF CHARITIES "WORK AMONG NEEDY Th.u,.d. Help.,, , T Str ,,., A,,,i Glni Jo, Fd uesuuite Many Nationa Rsnru..nj ,. - r.wi.iiu:u Auiung Applicants. 2.K42.U0 2.sa4.uu &4ti.oU 515.00 408. 50 sao.oo Mr. t. N. Flelscrmer, President Associated Charities Dear Sir: I am In receipt of jour letter of October IS. with statement of dis bursements of organization, in which letter you call attention to my havlnR mads the tatement that practically 70 per cent of tie receipts covered overhead expenses. My -'-vmu.ii ucu on iniormatlon received from Individuals anil a. published account In one of the Portland naDerx on fiit nnhi-nt I note from the statement which you have -uiuiBiicu mai me percentago is In reality .12.7 per cent, instead of 70 per cent, and I assure you that 1 have no intention of an tagonizing in any manner an organization ijai , Deriving w assist tne destitute, and x -qo not nesitat to retract any statement I made which was based on incorrect infor- inaiian. Moot Good In Object Sought. My wnole Interest and desire is that all the people who are willing to assist in the noble work of providing work for -.nose in dtntresa operate in a manner whereby the iiu3i guou can do accomplished, avoiding the implication or cltorts with similar overhead in uu.'iierous locations, and as I m vitally interested In one side of the issue, mat oi tne unemployed, I have come to the conclusion through experience mil personal investlgaticn that there should be uho cjeanng-nous to nandle the entire em ployment situation, which, if properly and efficiently conducted, will accomplish the results desired and avoid unnecessary ex pense along these lines. On the ither hand, it is my belief that all rasrs ot chsrity should be immediately re- Terrea to tno organizations established for miu.ing or mis class or work, where It will receive proper consideration, and no attempt be made by the bureau of employ ment to contend with this phase of the sit uation. 1 sincerely hope that you will not only receive the co-operation of those ho I'ave assisted you In your noble work in the past, but I further hope that numerous others who have not rone so In the past wtl! come to the front this year, as con ditions requite more aid and assistance than In the past. Yours verv trulv GEORGE U BAKER. Commissioner of Public Affairs. I . J rj ' ' " "fAj j)V-- n fOvN. fry. y I LEVERTURNSTRAFFIC Semaphore at Third and Mor rison Aids Policeman. MACHINE GIVEN TO CITY ....... US LU aSK yQU lr j nave an order of groceries. am croinir to wnrir i. Ik. . . cn., ". .uer part, but we are without -..jnnns risnt now. We need bread. coriee. sugar, beans and something to cook them with. Please let me hear iium you- as soon as possible. It is awful to be hungry, especially for the cimaren. In the above words a woman wrote "uua,ea unarities a few days -su tnu ner distress is typical of the hundreds of families who have been .cic to the office during the so v. , year or worK in rortland uosca ucioDer 31. Uurins the past 12 months lfifio riir rerent families. 766 homeless men and " oiiikih women ucr- oae-kH nu nmbe 'Jf lndiv'dals represented was o? fi-f, Vi.ts. a?d 2877 c"lren. a total uiai me association helped. Many Nations Represented. That the -Associated rharitis. . ing relied upon more every year hv citizens and social and civic agencies Is attested by the fact that 620 fam ilies were referred to the office by other agencies and 606 hv iniivM,.,i. and business firms. The nationality of annllrant. follows: GLEE CLUB 15 umvkhmty or CAUFORMA ArPEAn FRIDAY SIGHT. Performance will Be at WashlnKton HlKh Srbool CoIIexlans Are Fa mous at Home and Abroud. The. I'niversity of California Glee Cluh,, which will appear in this city Friday. November 12. at W.ih Hiijh School, holds an enviable record "mo"S American university musical organizations. Jt was the first university gilee club to tour Kurope. That was In 1911. The trip was such a great success that it was repeated in 1914. Concerts were given in the greatest centers of the iu up i ca i worm m Kurope, ' in Berlin. , ' xjvuuon, peiore as severe "lu" . couia te found anyw here, nu mti ail agreed. French German and English, that the groups of col lege men from the Far Western United States ranked with the best male .ui.iuae or me oia world. The club numbers among its mem l" cie-verest and most versatile men in college. Tod Haloy. composer of i.irco ine couese songs and two musi cal comedies: George Baker. yell leader: Roy Turner, the light opera ?-,r;. whoraade such a hit in Kurope: Uliam Rainey, prominent in collee dramatics and a member of the Players Club, of San Francisco; Dick Maddox and Bliss Jackson, the popular enter tainers, and others. Tht programme will include classi cal, popular and humorous sons and Vaudeville skits. Clinton R. Morse, familiarly known " "Brick- Morse, will personally con duct the concert. Farmers to Discuss Roads. GRAXDVIEW. Wash., Nov. 6.SDe rial.i The first of a series of informal farmers meetings to be conducted un dr the auspices of the newly organ ised Business Men's Association wUl r.e held Monday. Road maintenance is to he the topic. The organization of a Ktsau roads association will be dis- Amerfcan Australian . . Austrian ... Kelsian Bohemian Canadian , t'roatia.n Polish Slavonian .. Swiss Dutch Ianlah . .. . . Kngllsh Finn ....... French Greek . .16T"IC!erman . ... 3!Hungarian . 24IRussian . . .. 4tpanlsh . ... 1 Syrian . 17 Icelander .. t Irish 17 Indian 2iltalian . . . . . 5 Montenegrin . ... 5 Luxembourg ... .l'J Mexican ... . . . .8'1'Xorwegian 28Scotch 20 Swedish .... l Welsh . se . 3 . 3 . 1 . TU . 7 . 7l . 1 ...1 . 1 . SH . 46 . 62 1 The-workers of the society In caring for the needy made 3079 visits to homes or elsewhere in behalf nf fam ilies, gave 1059 reports to persons in terested and referred 89 to the charity uisauiaauons or otner cities in locat ing relatives of families in distress nere. Many of the applicants were in need of medical aid and in caring for them 43 were .sent to hospitals, 96 to the rna r ree .Dispensary, . 96 to tne visiting surse Association, 35 to the toumy pnysician. 45 to private physi cians and 10 to the Rotary Club Clinic a total of 225 thus, aided. In providing for children 24 were sent to children's agencies. 13 nired persons were placed in institutions, the oiiiun .nriiiy cared lor 232. Pisgah -luiuc iui ;j ana zo persons were sent io oe carea ror Dy relatives. Other Organizations Assist. One fim of the Associated Charities w secure the co-operation of all agencies possible in raising families to independence. Churches co-operatea in aiding 43, societies and other organ ization . 274, the County ' Board of Re lief 49. benevolent individuals, employ ers and relatives 1542. Although the directors voro., service relief, such as securing employ ment, adjusting families' difficulties, obtaining medical attention, locating relatives and rehabilitating homes through proper teaching and guidance as the more important phase of the as sociation's work. yet. In achieving these results relief was given as fol lows: Groceries, 3238; fuel. 647: rent, 104: loans, 23: telesrrm nt qa- clothing. 1338; meals, 1585, and lodg ings, 324. Many of the families annlcin serit to relatives in other cities or to communities where they were legal residents. In giving such relief h Oregon-Washington Railway & Navl- company, tne tireat Northern the Northern Pacific, the Oregon Elec tric, the Spokane. Portland & -Seattle Railway Companv and tl S3 m,i, Pacific Company granted 107 passes and 190 charity rates. The burden which this took from the munity must be reckoned in the thou- "iiua oi aoiiars. In every instance the Associated Charities in other cities was notified first to ascertain trat families should be sent on. Numbers of Jobs Obtained. The employment bureau under the direction of Mrs. T. V. Carnev secured 1995 temporary places and 1563 perma- j nent places for the needy unemployed. aiue oi tne employment to the vomers nas Deen conservatively esti- matea at not less than J9800, and un- i?ss worK naa oeen secured such ap plicants would have been dependent upon charity. The legal aid department helped 90 applicants. Most of these were cases of domestic relations and collection of wages. fterDert K. Dewart has do nated his services as attorney for the department throughout the year. The confidential exchange, a plan whereby all the agencies in the city may register their families to avoid duplication and bring about united ef fort in caring for the needv, has been placed at the disposal of every agency, and is rapidly becoming one of the most useful forma of social service in Portland. - , Volunteer service has been used to a great extent during the year, more than 25 persons assisting during the past Winter. B Volunteers who have given service are as follows: Miss Arnes Milw -vr-- S. B. Linthicum. Mis Vlre-in- wu ' !fiS "en, Lowe MilIs- MrB- Lewis" .Mills, Miss Jean MacKenzie. Miss Kaih- erme Hart. Mrs. J. W. Mahaffey. Miss '"'e uooaman, .Mrs. John Nisson. Mrs. Mary Trevett, Mrs. Anna Sailor. Miss trances Gile. Mrs. Max Morehead. Mrs Moreland, Mrs.. Willis Dumway. airs- ll Katen. Mrs. Hprman tt t (joIi- x , . :r- " " "ca, anas c-M!X M,ss ssie Jacobs. Miss Gretchen Klosterman. Mrs. M. Hansen. Mrs Morris H. Whitehouse, Mrs. Rich .Un1n SiEs" Paick Cardiff. Miss S" 'te Sheehy, Miss Helen Whit- HayrVyISmit'narenCe R6ameS a"d denteSTarSin,t!le year'S WOrk' the Pl-eai: dent, I. N. Fleischner. says: "Thanks to the press and our many strong sup porters, the Associated Charities has itUiV0nPleted the "ost useful ylar in its history with a deficit of only $2000. We are looking forward to another most difficult Winter and we need the assistance of every citizen able to give even the smallest amount. mun7!t lctors, feel that the com piunity believes in our work and un- Hed thf 1 Sf al work 38 exempli mnr tyh th A'ciated Charities means more than handing out a basket of gro ceries. supplying fuel, clothing, or pay. t. It means wise, tactful peV sons who can deal with the poor with sympathy, who can go into a home and jcimuuuaie ix, settle lamily difficul ties, see to the health of .every member. ocuro tne co-operation of. relatives. -.t--wjrco, u-uurcnes ana every individ ual or agency that can bring the tern wiiy destitute back to a normal life. In this plan the. material relief e.ivcn is out an aia. not an end. me coming winter we are eiruippea as never before to render ef fictent service. The directors are ex erting every effort to assist; but with ...vu exceptions tne workers are expert enced graduates of schools of philan thropy. Our clothing and grocery do partments have been equipped to care for hundreds monthly. We invite all interested to call at the office and mure oi tne work we are doi daily. The work of the Associated Charities nas oeen investigated and indorsed by the Chamber of Commerce, so that it hould have the support of every busl- " - uitiii in runiana. JOKE LEADS TO PRISON FRKO A AO CLAinp. rUA.,nciAV -a a. s .Ta T i3 GO TO REFORMATORY, Vancouver Youths, on Fu Bent, Hold up Two Storekeepers at Brash Prai rie and Pay Penalties. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. R K- l)-,JokJn8r ,eads to Prison some times, as has been learned by the bit ter experience of Fred and Claude lhompson, who have been sentenced to the State Reformatory at Monroe for a term of years. vi,IL eSday night they were free oung men as they left Vancouver for ?kTE t Pr,alr!e- Berore they had passed 1 city limits they had begun to joke about holding up some one, and later the joke turned to a more serious turn v,nen they reached Brush Prairie they had determined to hold up at the point of revolvers H. L. Simpson and A- -rlall- These men were just clos tig, the store when the wmiiri-h-. -k bers sneaked upon them and pointing suns at mem. commanded them to mruw up tneir nands. Frightened at resistance, the Thomp oun oroiners retreated, but as they uoihk so. Claude, 20 years old. fired a shot which penetrated Mr Hall's thigh. They escaped then, but Sheriff Ble secker was notified. They traced the .lien iu name liround, and there ar rested them Wednesday morning. Fred Tirst pleaded guilty, and yesterday his brother did likewise. Fred got from two and a half years to seven years in confinement at Monroe, and today Claude was sentenced to from five to 15 years in the same institution. Assistant War Secretary Is' Visitor. SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 6 Assistant Secretary of W ar Henry Breckenridge accompanied by Mrs. Breckenridge and his sister. Miss Margaret Breckenidge. artved last night fom the East, en route to fean Francisco, where Mr. Brecken ridge will attend the convention of National Guard officers November 9. Mr. Breckenridge inspected Fort Law ton and the Coast defense works at the entrance of Pnget Sound today He will leave for San Francisco tomorrow morning. Greater Accuracy and Efficiency Is Xoted in Regulation of Streams of Vehicles Installation of Others Is Considered. Portland traffic which happened to travel by way of Third and Morrison streets yesterday felt the sensation of being regulated with a modern new traffic semaphore. The machine, which was brought here last week by F. W. Vogler. president of the . Northwest Auto Company, was set up in the center of the intersection and presented to the city. It was accepted in behalf of the city by Mayor Albee and H. P. Coffin, chairman of the Public Safety Commission. During the entire afternoon the ma chine successfully regulated traffic by aid of Traffic Policeman W. C. Bender. Autoists and drivers of other vehicles had no trouble in following the orders to "stop" or "go" as "issued" by the automatic policeman. It was a case of watching the signal and stopping when it read "stop" or suing sueau over tne intersection when it read "go." Signal Operated by Lever. The policeman "operates the signal by means of a lever. When he wants traffic to .move north and south he moves the handle and the word "go" looms up in front of the vehicles wait ing to proceed north and south. The same movement automatically places berore the eyes of the traffic moving east and west the word "stop." At night the signals are given by red and green lights, the red indicating the word "stV and the green the word go." "Saved about 200 pounds of wind ' said Traffic Policeman Bender, when he completed an afternoon of success ful operation. "It is a lot better than blowing a whistle to regulate traffic and there is less -danger of a mistake in the signal. Two blasts of a whistle may easily be -mistaken for one blast or vice versa, but there Is no mistaking the signal." Semaphore Is Portable. The semaphore is portable, being mounted on a broad, heavy cast Iron base on which are the words "Portland Police Bureau." The arms and lights are supported ,r" bar- Jhe signals are about two feet above the head of the traffic policeman's head. The signals can be seen a considerable distance and the operation is silent. The siznal hrn.i,h. about .a noticeable decrease amount of time lost at th in(.M tion by alternating traffic Traffic moved much faster by this means than by the whistle method Pedestrian traffic was aided ma terially also by being able to tell at Kiance tne direction -traffic- moving. Mr. Vogler purchased the semaphore- on a recent trip to Detroit and made it a gift to the city It has been found that it can only be' used on this one Intersection haii r u streetcars on other intersections makings turns, which would necessi tate the removal of h niri.. te?iarS4 PaSS' However, the success .....o ijuc ui signal na sat tr... Albee and Mr. Coffin to flsriirino. some sort of semaphore which can be suspended in the air thus enabling the traffic policeman to get out of the way of cars without having to move his signal. Gevurtz Furniture Co. INC. 185-187 FIRST STREET Offers you a great opportunity to save money on Carpets, Rugs, Ranges, Stoves, Etc. $15,000 stock of. slightly used furniture to select trom; also an immense line of new goods which are close-outs from two big furniture factories. No matter how high-class or inex pensive goods you want to buy, call on us and you will find a great saving on every article. Elegant, slightly used China Closet, Flanders design; origin ally cost $60.00, our price $25.00 4 r 1 I t Fine Davenport, uphol stered in very best black leather; cost, new, $125, our price, 30. Bedroom Suite $47.50 Practically new 3-piece ivory enamel Bedroom Adam design, consisting of Bed, Spring, and Mattress, Dresser and Chair; cost new $90 our price 47.50. Large $65 Buffet 20 Others cheap as 9 Dressers 4 up Chans 50 up Iron Beds 75 up Big line of Heaters 3 up STOVE DEPARTMENT Cook Stoves.. 4 up Practically new Bridge Beach Range S25 Ranges low as...S13.50 Extra Special 35 rolls regular 60c Linoleum, 39 yard Several fine Axminster Rugs from a leading hotel, - 10.00 to 15.00 levurtz Furniture Co. INC. 1S5-1ST FIRST STREET r, . pok fr Our Large Electric Sign . Out-of-Town Orders Receive Prompt Service WORKINGMEN'S CLUB DINES State and City Officials Will Speak " at Anniversary. The twelfth monthly dinner nH ,. first annual celebration of the found- j NOVEL NEW TRAFFIC SEMAPHORE AND MEN WHO DONATED WHO ACCEPTED IT. IT TO THE CITY AND OFFICIALS t ing of the Workingmen's Club will be held at the club headquarters at noon November 16. with Governor Withy combe. Mayor Albee. Ben Selling; the captain j. u. McClelland, the manager, as speakers. Among the 1000 who are expected to be present during the noon hour on that date will be the local city and county officials. Captain McClelland will read a statement reviewing the work of the club and of the free -m. ployment bureau that is nncr. ton j conjunction with the eating-house at " roni street, near Jefferson street A special menu will be prepared for the .occasion. ... ..... What Dyspeptics Should Eat A rfaysician's Advice. I i 1-'' y iL -11. i tde -, I t v;i I 3!3k i-, t t - " - - m-fc , - J ? i : ' ; : - i t 1 - . -tl .!.. ' T ''""-'' '- l, 1 I t i t . j WOODMEN WILL ENTERTAIN Victorious Drill Teams Will Be Honor Guests Wednesday Night. Portland Camp, No. 107. Woodmen of the World, will De host Wednesday evening. Novemoer 10. at the Woodmen of the World Temple to honor the mem bers of their drill team and friends. Portland Camp drill team captured the second prize of $500 at the San Fran cisco exposition and took first prize last week at the Land Products Show. Next Wednesday's entertainment will consist of a musical and literary pro gramme, followed by cards and dan cing. Some of the best local entertain ers have been engaged. This is .going to be a strictly sufragette smoker hut there will be plenty of side orders of Clears xor tne men. "IndiB-eatlon and practically -..". ifuuoii;, about icn, are due Semi-official Spanish oetlmatez place the ,..V n .V' Y,t ,A 1 WJ:lti last year in ex- BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE SAYS AUTHORITY Take a Tablespoonful of Salts to flush Kidneys if Back Hurts. Omit All Meat From Diet if You reel Kheumatic or Blad der Bothers. The American men and women must uard constantlv a r- i . V.iL . anUurbeUSe, TTe eat to much aSS all our food-is rich. Our blood is filled w.th uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out. they weaken from over! work, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues cglog and the result is kidney troubles bladder weakness and a gen eral decline in health. B n When your kidnevs feel ,., : lead ; your back hurts cr- cloudy, full of sediment , S .fe!ewo or th4e times S5 Fls-p-'Ji when th .otri w"?ve rneumatism nhV..; h"i Kel Irom yur . auuuL lour ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass dLWat6S befre b"akfast Tor a few fine a-?h. J'?Ur kld"eys will then act .1 This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia. and has been used Jreneaions to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys to neutralize the acids ... w.o uiiue oo ii no longer is oi irritation, .thus endin orders. " Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent Iithia-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can' make a mistake by having a good, kidney flushing any time. Adv. . 11 forms of nine times out of tO livn.r.,.d .i . Btnmo-I, ..... . rr . ""r . ' r "., snouid, whenever possible. oJ wh.T that lB acid " nature f ,h'ch by chemical action in the stomach eSmlnP" acidlly- fortunately, such a rule fi. m" foods wn'oh are Pleasant to in blood, flesh and nerve-bui:Jlne properties. t ' " reaso why dyspeptics and s-oinach sufferers are usually so thin emaciated and jacking in that vital enersy which can only come from a well-fed body, ior the benefit of those sufferers who havo been obliged to exclude from their diet all starchy, sweet or fatty food and are trying nS ? UP, a n'"'l'le existence on gluten products. I would suggest that you try a meal of any food or .foods, which you like in moderate amount, taking Immediately afterwards a teaspoonful of bisurated magnesia in a little Hot or cold water. This will neutralize any excess acid which, may ln,ten; W"'Ch mar formed an.! , , ,. 8 USUaI feelin of uneasiness and fullness you will find that jour food agrees with you perfectly. I know of noth ing better than plain bisurated magnesia as a food corrective and antacid. It has . no direct action on tho stomach; but by ' ?enraininh aC'dity f tno ooa con tents and thus removing lh . acid Irritation which inflames the delicate stomach lining, it does more than could ' possibly be done by any drug or medicine Jhan ,UP" 'he "nlng rather l," ,t.h mch contents. As a physician. I believe in the uso of medicine whenever necessary, but I must admit that I cannot see the sense of dosing an Inflamed and irritated stomach with drugs instead or f1'.?, rld..ot ,he "cld the cause of all the trouble. ust a little bisurated niaKneslI from your druggist, eat what you S a? your next meal, take some of the bisurated magnesia as directed above and see if I'm not right." Adv. source bladder dis- To Avoid Common Colds Of all so-called slight ailments, none is more common, and few are more troublesome than a common "cold.1' Somo persons, it is true, do not "catch" cold under conditions where another certainly would, and this we have been accustomed to explain is due to lowered vitality and lessened resistance in some people, as compared to increased vital ity and greater resisting power in oth ers. Uuffy's Pure Malt Whiskey if taken as directed, invariably gives the system power to throw off and resist coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis and lung troubles. It keeps the body in good general health because it is a predi gested liquid food which requires little labor of the digestive organs. Duffy's adds to the power of endurance and is of great assistance in destroying the cold breeding gernia so prevalent at this season. That's why so many peo ple who "Get Duffy's and Keen Wen- are seldom, if ever, troubled with coughs and colds it's a medicine for all mankind which should be added to your family medicine chest today. See that it is. SPECIAL NOTICE "If me . reason your lo cal trade cannot supply you send your order and remittance to The Duffy Malt "Whiskey Co., X71-173 Minna ht., San Francisco, Calif. They will have your order taken care of promptly at the following prices: 1 Bottle, express paid $1.15 2 Bottles, express paid $2.10 4 Bottles, express paid $4.00 Remit by Express Order, Postoffice Order or Certified Check. If cash is sent have your letter registered. Now Is the Time to use Carvers' Cold Tablets. Riving quick relief In Grip. Cough. Colds. Headache. Used by thousands annual ly. Price SSc. Laae-Davis Drug Co Third ana Xamhiii etreeta, -