The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1915, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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TnEgrrypAY OREGoyiAN,. roRTLAND, :xqve3ibek 7. 1915.
tin TV
Marshfield District Attorney
Concludes Investigation
in Santa Clara Case.
21 IMI
TWO VIEWS F RECKED STEAMER INSIDE COOS BAY. ' bbm. THllWWrWMniTOlgliiiMiB wimii'iiiii mm" -T" lllllllll WIIIMl"
J Furs!
-- - -s L1
Lack of Power to Turn Rudder De
clared Reason for loss of Craft
After Examination of Ship's
Officers and Others.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Nov. 6. (Spe.
cial.) District Attorney L. A. LUJqvist
announced tonight that he had com
pleted a thorough secret investigation.
with the aid of Coroner F. E. Wilson, of
the wreck of the steamship Santa Clara
ana that their findings declare the
steamship was wrecked through lack
of steam power to turn the rudder.
The investigation was conducted
quietly and few were aware- it had been
frolng on until the announcement came.
The number of witnesses examined was
between 15 and 20, including- officers
of the ship, and the evidence was taken
la shorthand by Court Reporter A. B.
district Attorney Liljqvist is having
all the affidavits signed and will turn
thorn into the Circuit Court records at
Coquille City, where he expects they
will probably be used by the next grand
Coroner Fred E. Wilson, -who came
home from San Francisco especially to
make the probe, said: "The evidence
f most of those examined showed the
two small engines from which the rud
der is operated were too light in
power, as several said, to turn the
wheel and the witnesses also agreed
such trouble had been common within
the past two years. In the Columbia
Jtiver X learned the Santa Clara mate
always ordered the pilot to slow down
at sharp curves and this was for the
reason the rudder could not be op
erated properly when the vessel was
under full steam. I will hold no In
quest, for I consider the affidavits we
Have sufficient for whatever we may
decide to do hereafter.
There Is a great hole in the stern of
the Santa Clara, and all the freight has
been removed or washed from the aft
hold. This morning when the members
of the Business Men's Association re
turned to the beach at 4 o'clock to
commence salvage operations, it was
found that the line had either been cut
or broken in the night and the associa
tion abandoned their claims and ef
forts to remove any further nroDertv.
They secured about 25 tons, but it is in
poor condition and the salvaging
process is considered a poor invest
Looting that has been reported has
been almost entirely by persons- who
picked up goods on the beach, or waded
into the sui-f to meet the goods com
ing shoreward. The local officers do
not claim to have any authority to
ttop people from reclaiming things
which come ashore and are not at
tempting to prohibit Ihem. The beach
Is still lined with persons who are find
ing salvage, and several parties have
organized a common pool, and when
the property is turned over to the
authorities, or sold, divide their profits.
Santa Clara Survivor Says Aid Afloat
and Ashore AVas Tardy.
Dr. T- R. Davis, a dentist of Rainier,
the first of the survivors of th
wrecked steamer Santa Clara to reach
Portland, and who helped .extensively
In the rescue work after the steamer
grounded, declares that the life-saving
crew at Coos Bay is a "joke.
Dr. Davis reached Portland yester
day morning. "As soon as the captain
ot tne snip realized the real danger.
said Dr. Davis last night, "he gave the
signal of distress to the life saving sta
tion. It was at least two hours before
any of the members of the life saving
crew appeared and then they came one
by one with heavy vope to assist in the
rescue work. The ship struck about
4 :P.O P. M. and it was after dark before
any of them put in appearance. All
those who were there at the time of
the wreck complained of the delay of
the lifesavers"
Dr. Davis declared that when he got
ashore no one on the shore seemed
to realize the gravity of what was
happening or else were temporarily
stunned, for it was half an hour before
anyone thought of making a fire or
taking much thought of those who
were liable to die of exposure.
Dr. Davis says that with two other
men he started for the nearest tele
phone station. 14 miles away, and when
they got to the road they met four or
five automobiles, the drivers all refus
ing to heed the call for aid. "They
seemed to be morbidly curious and re
fused to take us to town, where we
would -have been able to make pro
vision for those who needed it and
wore not able to care for themselves,"
declared Dr. Davis.
Finally, he said, the machine of the
Southern Pacific Company came and
took a carload of persons back to town.
Thirteen persons were carried on the
first trip and the machine made the
2S-iniIe round-trip three times that
Dr. Davis declared that it seemed for
while as if there were neither sym
pathy nor assistance for any of the
survivors and blames those who might
have helped, and didn't, for being
"morbidly curious."
Vnitcd States Attorney Puts Coos
Bay Case Vp to State.
After a thorough search of the law
hooks yesterday, Deputv United States
District Attorney Rankin failed to find
anything in the statutes that would
eive the Oovernment jurisdiction over
the alleged looting that has been going
on at the ecena of the Santa Clara
wreck at Coos Bay, and on this account
L'nited States Marshal Montug can take
no official action to put a stop to it.
As the acts complained of did not
occur either on the high seas nor in
waters under either maritime or ad
miralty jurisdiction of the Government,
the Federal authorities have no pow
ers that would justify them in taking
any steps at the scene of the wreck.
It is declared the situation is purely
one in which the state authorities have
To serve the officials of Coos County
with processes in an action in Federal
Court affecting the Injunction hear
ing regarding theSunday closing law
scheduled for Federal Court the mid
dle of this month. Deputy Marshal
Becker will leave today for Coos Bay
and It is expected he will investigate
the looting situation to some extent,
at any rate. He may advise with the
Coos Bay authorities in regard to it,
even though the Government wiil take
no steps.
4 . - Mr'mm'-vKi
Crushed under, the wheels of a South
ern Pacific freight train today when
e ttiiemptea to board it, Clifford
Bussey, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Bussey, this city, was instantlv killed
The lad lost his hold on the grip rods
at the side of a box car and was
thrown onto the rails. He was a stu
dent at the Washington Junior High
School here and acted as yell leader
during athletic contests..
Food Brought to School Will Be
Cooked at Lebanon.
LEBANON, Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.)
The domestic science class of the Leb
anon High School will inaugurate a
new experiment in the school next
week by the establishment of a lunch
counter, where hot drinka and soup will
be served to the students who bring
dinner to school.
Quite a number of the hierli school
students come from the country, some
as far as five or six miles, and others
live too far away to no home fnr iimv.
These lunches will be served at actual
-ui. oi me material, and the students
think they can serve the sniir
drink for about two cents for each
meal. - The domestic science class will
be divided into groups and a separate
group will have charge each day.
Alaskan Line Can Be Completed In
Three Years, Snys Engineer.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov c tu,
Riggs, Jr., member of the Alaska En
gineering Commission constructing the
Government s Alaska railroad, who ar
rived today from Fairbanks, Alaska,
said that if Congress appropriates
$9,000,000 a year, the line from tide
water at Seward to Fairbanks, the in
terior terminus, can be completed in
three years.
Mr. Biggs said that the survey vir
ually was completed and ready for the
onstructors. Eight mils of steel ha
been laid and 30 additional miles of.
roadbed are ready for the rails which
will be laid within the next 30 days.
-ii. niissB sys mat tne section from
Byroad Pass to Fairbanks, which will
open up a vast field of cnal tnr na i
development work, will be easy to cck.
Milwaukee Officials Guests
at Banquet.
Naval Academy Appointment De
pends on Examination at Salem.
SALEM, Or.. Nov. 6. CSre,-l11
even applicants for admission to the
nited States Naval AcadMnv it Annun.
olis, Jld., today took examinations to
ecide which should be chosen. The
ests were conducted at Willamctto
University under the direction of Pro
fessor James T. Matthews. The annli.
cants were examined in spelling, arith
metic, geometry, algebra, geography.
United States history and grammar.
Those examined were: Wiliinm ie.
kins, Eugene: William Kinnev Ainri..
Howard Lamar, Tillamook: Miles Gam
mill, Med ford; Nathan Twining, Os
wego; Carlton Logan, Albany. . and
Lloyd Harrison, Corvallis.
Addresses Wade by Members of En
tertaining Body. Shippers and
l?ailiinoil If -n, - .
jicu . jriea ior Jtair
Treatment Well Received.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Nov. 6. (Special.)
The annual banquet of the Citizens'
Club of Chehalis was held last night
in the vestry room of the Presbyterian
Church. The especial occasion of the
banquet at this time was to celebrate
the opening of the Milwaukee's branch
l'ne the "Puget Sound & Willapa Har
bor to Wallapa Harbor, and the fact
that, beginning Monday, regular pas
senger service will be inaugurated on
Chehalis' fourth transcontinental rail
road. The club had as its guests for
the evening a number of leading North
west officials of the Milwaukee sys
tem. Music was furnished by the
Chehalis High School orchestra.
After a splendid meal a programme
of toasts lasted until midnight.
Dan W. Bush, president of the club,
presided as toastmaster. The principal
local speakers of the evening were Dr.
J. T. Coleman, Mayor of Chehalis, "The
Milwaukee and Its Benefits to Che
halis"; N. B. Cotfman, banker. "Our
Local Industries and the City's Back
ing"; G. L. Thacker, local attorney for
the Milwaukee, "Extending Our Sphere
of Usefulness as a Club"; A, S. Cory,
banker, "Chehalis and Farming."
Responses for the Milwaukee were
made by R. M. Calkins, Seattle, traffic
manager; R. F. Weeks. Seattle, division!
freight agent; George M. Rice, Ray
mond, chief engineer; Samuel Wilson,
Tacoma. assistant general freight
agent; J. R. Veitch, Seattle, assistant
to the traffic manager, and A, G. Bant
ley, Tacoma. traveling freight agent.
Mr. Calkins made an appeal for fair
treatment to all the transportation
mien, wuicn was received with en
thllslnsm hv all nrenentt '
Other local speakers were George R.
, - ., . . j-. ' 1 1 h . sen
ator J. E. Leonard and W. F. West, who
are among vjnenaiis oiggest shippers.
A verse to the tune of the chorus of
"Sweet Afleline ". whiih KoH k. .
cially prepared for the occasion, was
"S " iiequeni. intervals curing the
evening with a great deal of enthu-
aitisin. ii xoiiowa:
Milwaukee line,
Milwaukee line.
For years and years
For you we pined;
Now that you're here
You give us cheer;
You're our honored guest tonight.
Milwaukee line.
cial.) For the third consecutive sea
son this town is to support a six-performance
lyceura course, the Ellison
hlte Lyceum Bureau to furnish four
this year and the University of Oregon
to supply t o attractions. The sched
ule: Beverley Entertainers, November
12; Wells Musical Company. January
18; University of Oregon Glee Club.
December 3; "Ye Olde Towne Quartet."
February 2; William Hamilton Miller.
lecturer. March 18. The Professor Red
die class in dramatic interpretation will
Rive a play.
Linn Officials Face Issue In Enforc-
ing Sunday Closing.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 6.- (Special.)
May a drugstore sell cigars?
Is it legal for a hotel to operate the
stands in its lobby?
Shall a restaurant sell newspapers?
These are samples of scores of ques
tions which came in all day yesterday
and today to the offices of the District
Attorney and Sheriff here, following
an announcement that the Sunday
closing Jaw would be enforced strictly
in Linn County tomorrow.
But the most puzzling problem put
up to the officers 1 whether or not a
garage is a livery stable. The statute
exempts livery stables.
25c-Cent Bottle of "Danderine"
Makes Hair Thick, Glossy
and Wavy.
Removes AH Dandruff, Stops
T. 1 r - . -
itcnmg 3calp and hail
ing Hair.
Junction City to Get Attractions.
JUNCTION CITY. Or., Nov. S. (Spe-
o f. ;
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f - T . ' !
Salem Student Dies Under Train.
SALEM, or., Nov. 6. Special)
ftS '
A. jf - - 1
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To be possessed oX a head of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy,
wary and free from dandruff is merely
a matter of using a little Danderine.
It Is easy and inexpensive to have
nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get
a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Dander
ine now all drug stores recommend it
apply a little as directed and within
ten minutes there will be an appear
ance of abundance, freshness, Tluffiness
and an incomparable gloss and luster,
and try as you will, you cannot find a
trace of dandruff or falling hair; but
your real aurpria will be after about
two weeks' use, when you will see new
hair fine and downy at first yea
hut really new hair sprouting all over
your scalp. Danderine is. we believe,
the only sure hair grower, destroyer of
dandruff and cure for itchy scalp, and it
never fails to stop fall 4 hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty and
soft your hair really Is. moisten a cloth
with a little Danderir.e and carefully
draw it through your hair taking on
small strand at a time. Your hair w-.l
be soft, glossy and .beautiful In just a
few moments a delightful surprise
awaits everyona who, trie thia-Adv,
All day Saturday great
crowds thronged the
mammoth Fur sale at
g-Onut: Sale
"" hi 1 in 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 L...,....., -1 T'jm.J
Bargain after bargain was
snapped up by the shrewdest
buyers. I am planning great
things for you Monday -in
fact I'm bargainizing every bargain
ON THE DOLLAR will buy
hundreds of pieces and sets
of Furs Monday and nothing
over 50c on the dollar. Folks,
I am closing this stock out.
Delay means disappointment
O. W. Elliott, Sales Manager
Selling the Fur Stock of
ilverf ieW Co,
2S6 Morrison St.
Tells How To Open Clogged Nos
trils and End Bead-Colda.
You feel fine in a few moments. Your
cold in head or catarrh will be gone,
your nostrils and let it penetrate
air passages of your head will clear
and you can breathe freely. No more
dullness, headache; no hawking, snuf
fling, mucous discharges or dryness;
no' straggling for breath at. night.
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a
little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream
in 'your nostrils, let it senetrata
through every air passage of the head;
soothe and heal the swollen. Inflamed I
mucous membrane, and relief comes In
stantly. It is Just what every cold and "catarrh
sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up
anij miaeiabls, Adv
Phone Your
Want A.ds to
The Oregoni an
Phones ;
Main 7070