The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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H. N. Putnam, of Portland, Is
Purchaser of Washington
V Oregon Holdings.
All Records Broken at Govern
ment's St. Louis Sale.
3 C
(01 -8
to IB So
I 1 1 " - 1 tzzza r
Water and Railway Systems In
cluded in Transfers Which Will
'Jo to New Company and
j Creditors Will Bo Protected.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. SO. (Spe
cial.) All of the properties heretofore
owned and operated toy the Washington-Oregon
Corporation, wETch has
headquarters in this city, were sold at
foreclosure sale at Chebalis, Wash., to
day and wero purchased by H. N. Put
nam, of Portland, for $1,500,000.
The sale was made in the case
brought by the Fidelity Trust Company
of Philadelphia, trustee for the first
and consolidated mortgage bondholders,
against the Washington-Oregon Cor
poration and others, R. W. Childs, of
Philadelphia, and Elmer M. Hayden, of
Tacoma, Wash., bringing the action on
behalf of the trustee in the United
8tates District Court for the Western
District of Washington.
The properties involved include the
water system and street railways of
this city, the local and interurban rail
way system at Centralia and Chehalis,
the electric and water systems of Hills
horo and other cities in the Tualatin
Valley, Oregon, electric transmission
lines running- from Kalama, Wash.,
northerly to Tenino, and southerly to
Woodland: with electric, distributing
systems in the towns of Bucoda, Teni
no, Chebalis, Kelso and Kalama, Wash.,
and Rainier, Or. The company alBO
wholesales power to certain other pub
lic service concerns, and to the City of
Centralia, Wash. It is expected that
these properties will be transferred by
Mr. Putnam to the North Coast Power
Company, a Washington corporation
recently organized, and that the latter
company will operate them.
The North Coast Power Company was
organized in pursuance of a reorgan
ization of the properties mentioned
above, and heretofore owned by the
Washington-Oregon Corporation. Hold
ers of the old bonds of the company
are to receive general lien bonds of the
new company to the extent of 40 per
cent of their claims, and preferred
stock of the new company to the ex
tent of 60 per cent of their claims, be
sides interest. The general creditors
will participate In the common stock.
The officers of the North Coast Pow
er Company are as follows Clarence
M. Brown, president; H. I Harries,
vice-president; L. J. Morris, secretary
and assistant treasurer; B. -F. Donahue,
assistant secretary and treasurer.
Evaporating Company at The Dalles
.. Preparing to Build.
THE DAH.ES. Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
The work of removing the old build
ings from the new site of the local
evaporating plant of the Dri-Fresh
Company was commenced yesterday.
Started here a year ago, the evapo
rator proved such a success that the
company found it necessary to triple
the size of Its plant. The uaiies busi
ness Men's Association offered to pur
chase a new location for the company
in view of the enlargement and bought
property west of Jefferson street and
north of the O.-W. R. N. Co. tracks.
which was formerly the site of The
Dalles Box & Lumber Company, which
was wiped out of existence a few
years ago by Are.
The Dri-Fresh Company dries all
kinds of fruits and vegetables. It
recently received an order from a Chi
cago concern for 35 carloads of dried
apples. It will operate its new plant,
which will be 150 feet by 75 feet, all
year, employing from 100 to 300 per
sons, depending on the kind of fruit
or vegetable which is being evaporated.
Late Mrs. X. N. Smith Came to Tilla
mook in 1889.
TILLAMOOK, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
- Mrs. Nancy Narcissus Smith, who
died at Blaine. Tillamook County, Octo
ber 23. at the age of 74 years, was born
in Kentucky in 1841. and spent her girl
hood days in Kansas, where she was
married to William Smith in 1873. In
1877, with her husband and one child,
she crossed the plains, locating in
Spokane County, Washington, where
she resided for 11 years, and then came
to Tillamook.
She leaves a sister, Mrs. C. W. Sears,
of Blaine, Or., and a brother, Joseph
Cable, of Seattle, Wash. Her . surviv
ing children are: Fannie and Henry
Smith and Mina Booth, of Blaine;
George Smith, of Salem, and Nellie
Ayer, of Tillamook.
3 E
READ the news item inserted in the
center of this ad clipped from The
Oregonian, then think of the oppor
tunity now presenting itself to you. Now
you are anticipating the purchase of
Furs, let me insist upon your early at
tendance of this great Fur Sale while it
is a big stock. With the price of Furs
soaring up as they are, the shrewd busk
ers will come first. Then, again, you
must remember I am telling about a half
million people about it today. Come early.
O. W. ELLIOTT, Manager.
Blue Foxes Bring $114, Compared
With $42 Two Years Ago Pair
of Silver Foxes at. Private
Sale Brings $210.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 21. All previous
ecords for prices brought by Govern
ment furs were broken and the prices
of the last Government sales were ex
ceeded by from 68 to 171 per cent at
a Government auction held here today.
No other such sale will be held this
year, the usual London eale being pre
vented by the European war. Traders
and buyers from all parts of the world
were here and European buyers bought
H. M Smith. United States Commis
sioner of Fisheries, telegraphed to
Washington tonight a report which
showed that the Government's 513 blue
foxes had brought an aveSage of
$114.47, as compared with the $42.21
average of the. last sale held two years
ago. Sixty-five Government white fox
skins brought an average of $24.55, as
compared with $14.77 two years ago.
Seventy beavers brought $12.75 each
on an average.
The record price at a sale by private
dealers immediately after the Govern
ment auction was $2610 for a pair of
silver foxes. One hundred and thirty
five others brought from $400 to $900
the pair. A sea otter was sold for $580.
Today's sales aggregated about $150.
000. The auction' will be continued to
morrow. The Government's furs came
from Pribiloff Island, the Government
(arm off the coast of Alaska,
THIS, for reasons of great importance
to its owners, has been turned over
to me to be sold. I am not going to
fool along about it and make it a long
drawn affair by cutting a little at a time
to get as much out of it as possible; that
doesn't concern me, but the selling of
the last Fur in this establishment does
concern me. So Fam going to smash for
the end right nowcut and slash! I will
sell any one piece or all, to store or indi
viduals, makes no difference to me. Mer
chants wanting Furs will do well to attend this sale.
. 0. W.ELLIOTT, Manager. '
$25,000 Stock of Furs at 50c z Dollar-or Just Half Price
Tomorrow morning at 10 A. M. you can come in, select any Fur in this great stock, pay just one-half
yours. If it was $10.00, you pay $5.00 ; if it was $25.00, you pay $12.50 ; if it was $50.00, you pay $25.00,
of Portland's leading Fur Manufacturer is behind every sale.
the regular price and it is
and so on The reputation
Elliott's Sales Agency, Selling
the Fur Stock of S. Silverf ield
SG Morrisoim
Sheridan People Appreciate
New Lumber Rates.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Robertson, Mrs.
and Miss Eva Hutchinson, Sanford
Whitingr, George Lacey, s. G. Haver
ford, James W. Smith, Charles G. "Wal
lace, J. P. Steadall. Mrs. B. P. Campbell
and Miss Gladys Turnbull.
New Federal Building
Ordered Cleared.
Site Is
ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
That the Government intends to be
gin actual work on Roseburg's new
Federal building was intimated in a
letter received here today. Instruc
tions were contained in the letter to
vacate the Federal site within CO days.
The site is at present occupied by two
It is understood that the plans are
now about completed. The building
will be 95x90 feet and probably will be
three stories high. It will house the
ITnited States Land Office. Postoffice,
Forestry Office, Weather Bureau and
Indian Offices. The building will cost
$100,000. exclusive of the site which
was purchased by the Government
about two years ago.
Protest by Portland" Interests
Against Differential to Valley
Mills by Kailways Is
Held Unjustified.
SHERIDAN, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
The lumber interests and the peo
ple generally in this vicinity heartily
appreciate the new lumber rates es
tablished by the Southern Pacific road
to California points that became effec
tive on the 22d instant, and feel that
now there is. a brighter prospect of
the idle mills here resuming operations.
All over the entire valley lumber
ills have been closed down y rea
son of the discriminating rate, and now
that the Southern Pacific Company has
voluntarily reduced the rate 3h cents
per 100 pounds the mill people feel
they are only receiving what is Justly
due them.
That the Portland mills should object
to the new rate so strenuously as to
bring the matter to the attention of
the Interstate Commerce Commission in
protest, on the grounds that it is unfair
and discriminating, is resented by .in
dustries here. The valley mills claim
that the Portland 'mills have been for
years and still are enjoying a 5-cent
better rate to Eastern Oregon points
and a large part of Idaho, than are
the Valley mills and tne rorwand
mills have a decided advantage in
water transportation that is denied to
the valley mills.
The valley mills also claim tnat a
differential of 7 cents per 100 pounds
exists against the valley mills on ship
ments of lumber to Central Northwest
points, such as St Paul and Minneapolis
Never before has tne Willamette
Valley realized the value of the lumber
industry as it has since the mills
stopped operating, and the communities
are deprived of the benents of the pay
rolls. It is realized now by the weak
ened condition of all classesof busi
ness. The people are of one mind to
do anything reasonable to restore the
milling business to its former activity.
Aberdeen Pastor Thinks Man Should
Be as Pure in Home as Woman.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) Kev. T. M. Simpson, of Aber
deen's First Presbyterian Church, i
graduate of Princeton and popularly
Known here as "The Loggers' Sky
Pilot." bitterly attacked the double
standard of morality in a sermon here
Sunday on "Our Young Men."
"Christ wrote the sins of woman on
sand. he said, "but today we write
the sins of men upon sand and those
of women on eternal marble. A man
ran sink as low as he pleases, and all
he needs is a new suit of clothes to
come back into favor, while the partner
in his tin is closed out into the street
to pice AeK be&rt away,
Membership of 1000 Is Sought by
January 1.
At a recent meeting of the Portland
Social Turn Verein 65 new members
were initiated. It is the object of the
Turn Verein to have at least 1000 mem
bers by January 1, 1915. Tne memDer
shtD is now more than 800.
Professor Richard Gencerowski, who
has charge of the gymnasium, an
nounces that the women's class now
numbers more than 170 active members.
Last Monday night there were 168
women on the floor.
The business men's class has been
active. It met Wednesday night and
an average of 65 members are on the
floor each Wednesday night.
Portland Folk Visit at Hot Lake.
HOT LAKE. Or.. Oct. 30 (SneciaL)
Portland folk are fairly numerous at
the Hot Lake Sanatorium. The follow-
ing are registered there: Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Cummins, ilr. and Mrs. Alt Pearson,
Clarke County Qime Warden
Orchard of 61 Trees.
RIDCEPIELD, Wash., Oct. 30 (Spe
cial.) John M. Hoff, Game Warden of
Clarke County, prune and hopgrower
and who is known also as an English
walnut raiser, owns a large farm at
Sara, nearly seven miles east of this
place, that is operated by his son. Will
iam Hoff. The farm contains an orch
ard of English walnut trees which has
yielded him an unusually good crop
this year. He has about 61 trees 15
years old and has barevsted from them
about 1000 pounds of nuts.
The nuts are of a good size and also
of a splendid flavor. Mr. Hoff has been
ortered ltH cents a pound for this
year's crop and will dispose of them at
this figure, which will bring him about
ioi. ine trees are planted about from
30 to 60 feet apart and are of the
Franquett variety.
Rlghts-of-Way lor Koseburg & East
ern Promised Soon.
ItOSEBCEG. Or.. Oct. 30 lSnacia.1.)
That the turning point has been
reached and that the rights-of-way for
the proposed Roseburg & Eastern Rail
road will be obtained soon, was the an
nouncement made here this week fol
lowing an enthusiastic meeting of the
right-of-way committee.
While the right-of-way committee is
working under cover, so to speak, it
was admitted last night that nearly
half of the rights-of-way between
Roseburg and Rock Creek had been ob
tained, in only a few Instances will
it be necessary to go into courts for re
lief. If the plans of the right-of-way
committee mature work on the road
should begin with the opening of good
weatner next spring.
Stevenson School Board Awards
Paving Contract.
STEVENSON, Wash., Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) Thomas Jenney. of Washougal,
has been engaged by the Stevenson
School Board to put in a new concrete
walk on Vancouver street and has just
commenced work. This improvement
will be the beginning of the placing of
concrete walks in the town of Steven
son, lumber having been so accessable
and cheap that it has been in constant
- This new step Is being praised by
the citizens in general, and it is thought
that others will soon follow suit. The
County Commissioners are already con
templating the building of concrete
walks around the Courthouse site.
Pupils to Get Lessons In Thrift.
PENDLETON. Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
Through the co-operation of local
bankers and the School Board, prac
tical lessons in thrift will be imparted
to tne students of the Pendleton public
schools. It is proposed to have each
pupil save pennies and other small
coins, which the banks will accept in
small deposits. The board decided to
send eight girls from the domestic
science department to the Hermiston
show next week to help in judging the
cookery and needlework, and five boys
from thvtock-judglng class will pass
on the merits of the hogs exhibited.
The school budget for the coming year
will be considered at a special meet-
Ins .of the, board on Thursday uihu
Portland Sends 154 to State
City's Contingent Actively Inter
ested In All College Doings,
Including Athletics, Drama,
Music and Editorial Work.
Oct. 30. Special.) Multnomah with
166 students ranks second among the
counties of Oregon in the number of
representatives at the State University
this year. Lane County ranks first.
All except two of Multnomah students
are from Portland. The exceptions
registered from Hillsdale. -
Portlanders are interested in every
branch of collegiate activity. In ath
letics, Anson Cornell, Johnnie Beckett,
William Tuerck and Lloyd Teggart are
on the football team; Ray Staub, Jack
Montague and Robert Langley are mem
bers of the track squad, and Jimmie
Sheehy is on the soccer team. Cornell,
popularly known on the campus as
Nance, Is captain of football and
baseball and member of the athletic
council; Jimmie Sheehy is president of
his class, on the staff of the Oregon
Emerald, the college paper, and is cap
tain of the soccer team. Beckett is
also a member of the athletic council
and acting football captain during Cap
tain Cornell s absence from the game
due to injuries. Langley is a member
of tha college glee club and treasurer
of the junior class.
Max Sommer Emerald Hdltor.
Max JrT. Sommer, of Portland, is ed
itor-in-chief of the Emerald, recog
nized to be one of the highest honors
n the institution. Roger Holcomb is
quarterback on the freshman eleven.
Chester Miller. Echo Zahl and Gene
vieve Shaver are rrfembers of the stu
dent council, which has charge of the
affairs of the student body. Robert
Bean is manager of football and is
assisted by Roland Geary. Jack Dolph
is assistant to Yell Leader Merlin Bat
ley. Roy Stephens Is treasurer of the
senior class. Mandell Weiss, Alex
Bo wen, Echo Zahl, John Dolph and
Robert. McMurray are prominent, in
dramatics. John Clark Burgard Is
auditor of student body finances, one
of the campus' most responsible positions.
It is believed that the mid-year
graduating classes of the Portland
high schools will contribute & good
sized quota, of entering students in
February, when the second semester
opens. The university, recognizing the
needs of the mid-year freshman, has
extended the curriculum so as to per
mit of a broad selection of courses. No
handicap will be suffered by reason of
entering the second semester.
Multnomah List Given.
Following is the list of Multnomah
County students enrolled in the uni
Ellen Anderson. Helen Anderson, Marie
B&dura. Clayton Baldwin, Acnes Baslcr,
Selma. Raumann. Curtis Beach. Kobert bean.
John Beckett. Dorothy Bennett, Lillian
Bohnson. Alexander Bowen. Albert Bowles.
Edythe Bracht, Helen Bracht. Bernard
Breedinic Helen Brown. Clarence Brunkow,
Sam Bullock, John Clark Bui-nurd, William
Bursard. Harold Cake, Don Campbell. Mar.
gar:t Casey. James Cellars. Mary Cellars.
Genevieve Shaver, Genevieve Crispin. Alley
Church. Gordon Clark. Marlon Coffey.
r..nr2p 4-ulton. Georao Cook. Bessie Colmao.
Anson Cornell, Gorce Davis. John Matber
Lulph, Haul Downaru, uorotny uownara,
t'hsrtes Dundore. Mar Dunn. Gavin Dyott,
itauicin i'axlay, Castile caoa. Muu Mv
iruson, Dorothy Flegel Celeste Foulkes, Jay
Fox, Kutb Kraley. William Montgomery,
Jeanie Murdock. Mary Murdock, arl Mur
phy. Ethel Murray, Marlon Neil. Turner
Neil, Charles Newcastle, Herbert Normandin,
Fred Packwood, Vivian Pallett, Florence
Parelius. Lucia Parker, Bert Peacock, Ruth
Pearson, Julia Piatt, Harriettc Polnemus,
Lillian Porter. Emmett Rathbun, Llla
Rhodes. Dorothy Robertson. Kenneth Boo
Inson, I.ucile Saunders. Cord Songstake, Jr.;
James Sheeny, John stieeby, Graham smith.
Myrtle Smith. Paul Smith. Seth Smith. Max
Sommer, Kate Stanfield. Glenn Stanton.
Raymond Staub. Marlorie Stearns. Mildred
Stelnmeta, Agnes Sullivan, Eatello Talmadge,
L.ioya Tefrs&rt, 2&aDel Tilly. Myrtle -tooey,
Alleen Towneend. Ruth Trowbrldsrr. Roy
Stephens. William Tuerck, Ralph Tourtel-
jotte, .Harold iresllgas. vera van scnoon
hoven. Mabel Van Zante. Marsarnt Welch.
Mandell Weiss, George Weldin. Helen Wie-
gana. Mildred rrje. JSdgar uarbaae, win
H. Garretson. Roland Gearv. Ross Qiger.
Oscar Goreczky, Clarabel Grimm. Joy Gross,
marguerite uross. Ada riall, Aiaynara nar
rls. William Haseltine, Lillian Hausler. Ray
mond Hausler, Margaret Hawkins, Cornelia
Hess, Fred Heltzhausen. Bruce Holbrook,
Roger Holcomb. Cora Hosford. Dorsev How
ard, Ho-Sheng Huang, Jennie Huggins, I.u
clle HufTfrlns. Frank Hunt, Jr.; Charles
Johiut, Ai;ne Johnson, Kittio Johnson, Sam
uel Kimball. Robert Langley. David eche.
Louise loiter. Grace x.uiy, Beatrice iooks.
Bernlce Lucas, Edmund Leonard, Grace
Mackenzie. Harvey Madden. Kssla Magulre.
Harold Muison. Huntington Malarkey. Louise
Manning, tjharlea McDonald. Robert Mc
Murray. Robert McNary. Chsster Miller.
Jack Montague. Harry Wilson. Louise Wil
son, Mildred woodrurr. Hermes Wrlgntson,
and Echo Zahl, oZ Portland; Jeannette Mc
Laren and Svlvia Rowland, of Hillsdale.
Auction Day Plans Made.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) Centralia's first monthly public
auction will be held about November
13 under the auspices of the'Commer
cial Club, according to an announce
ment by a committee recently appoint
ed to work out the details of the event.
The purpose of the auctions Is to bring
tne farmers into the city. Any of the
latter having any article of stock or
merchandise to be disposed of will be
Invited to list such, only a small com-
misaion to be charged for the sale.
Dairymen Will Discus Question
Ftrulng Co-operative Calf Mar
keting Association.
TILLAMOOK, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
Tillamook County will hold its first
corn show next week, the county being
divided into three districts Nehalem,
Tillamook and Nestucca Valley. Prizes
will be awarded. The question of corn
raising has become quite Interesting,
some of the dairymen making a great
success of it.
It once was considered that corn
would not do well on the Coast, but it
is being demonstrated that it does if
the right kind of seed is used. At the
corn show the question of forming a
co-operative calf marketing association
will be discussed.
Up to two years ago between 5000
and 8000 calves were killed every year,
as It did not pay to raise them. Since
then the calves have been bought and
shipped out of the county: .
arithmetic and rapid calculation, com
mercial correspondence, advertising
and business English.
Klamath Falls Night Schools Near.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Oct. 27.
(Special.) The commercial department
of the Klamath County High School
will begin its night sessions on Mon
day night, November 1. The purpose is
to offer to those past high school age
and those who are employed during the
day an opportunity to study. The
course will include bookkeeping, pen
manshlp. typewriting. commercial
With this 'season come tlie
problems, both old and new, .
of home furnishings and dec
oration. ' ' -
Our new stock and equipment
are at your disposal, and with
. them goes service that counts.
More than ever before, our ..
furniture and fabrics will meet'
your requirements. ..
md Floor
md Wall
M Fifth St., Bet. Oak and Pine
Wenatchee Entertains "Y" Delegates
"WENATCHEE, Wash., Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) Delegates from all parts of:
North Central Washington to the Older
Boys' conference at the Y. M. C. A. are
arriving today by train and auto. Stu
dent Secretary Hollingsworth. of the
Washington State Y. M. C. A., believes
that there will be, at least 65 delegates.
The delegates are registering this aft-:
ernoon and enjoying the gymnasium
ana tanK or tne "T.
Mrs. Porter's Delicious Fruit and
Fig Puddings Honored by Lov
ers of Good Desserts.
This is " Mrs. Porter's Pudding
Week," and grocers and market
keepers throughout Portland are ex
pecting to give every household a
real treat through the introduction
of these delicious new dainties from
a successful woman's kitchen-factory.
Mrs. Porter's Fruit Pudding and
Mrs. Porter's Fig Pudding are of the
same family of purltv products as
Mrs. Porter's Salad Dressing (with
out oil) and Mrs. Porter's Mayon
naise (with oil), which are already
so widely favored in Portland and
all over the Pacific ' Coast, as the
most tasty, appetizing salad condi
ments before the public.
All Mrs. Porter's products have
Just been honored at San Francisco
by the presentation of gold medals
for purity, excellence and flavor, the
family including the salad dressings.
Fruit and Fig Puddings, and, as
well, Mrs, Porter's Plum Pudding
and Mrs. Porter's Boston Brown
Don't let the week go by without
trying Mrs. Porter's Fruit and Fig
Puddings deliciously good, and an
e c o n o mical, always-ready dessert;
just the thing for the regular din
ner, the hurried dessert, the unex
pected guest. You'll keep them all
the time on your emergency shelf.
They come in neat canH of just the
right size to serve four p e r m o n
plentifully 15 cents the can or two
cans for 25 cents at your grocery or
market. Large cans are 2; cents.
Be sure to give yourself and the
family a real treat!
How To Get Relief When Head
and Nose are Stuffed Up.
Count fifty! Your cold in head or
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of your
head -will clear and you can breathe
freely. Ko more snuffling, hawking,
mucous discharge, dryness or headache;
no. struggling for breath at night.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Crean
Balm from your druggist and apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
in your nostrils. It penetrates through
every air passage ofthe head, soothing
and healing the swollen or Inflamed
mucous membrane, giving you instant
relief. Head colds and catarrh yield
like magic Don't stay 8tuffed-up and
miserable. Relief is sure Adv.
Including Uprights. Grands and Players,
And Will Be on Display. Beginning Mon
day. Nov. 1, at the Warerooms of
Tenth and Stark SU.