The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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; Defeat of California Measure
i Leaves Uncertain Impres-
, sion in Washington.
Progressives May Abandon Intention
to Initiate Similar Amendment.
Greater Number of Referen
dum Acts Held Assured.
s OLYMPIA. Wash., Oct. SO. (Special.)
Defeat of the California non-partisan
' election measure may mean the aban
donment by Washington Progressives
;of a plan to initiate a similar amend
?ment next year.
The recent Legislature, in passing
the so-called Whitney bill, a prominent
feature of the Republican election law
:irogramm, provided for greater party
responsibility and Incidentally greater
party power by establishing legal party
conventions and binding all nominees
.to pledge allegiance to the platform
adoptey the convention of their
Governor Lister vetoed this meas
.iire, together with the bills . limiting
the operation of the initiative, refer
endum and. recall. All were repassed
:over his veto, but were held up by ref
erendum petitions.
I Radical Step Is Planned.
J While Democrats started the refer
endum movement, the Progressives in
-effect took the campaign over, obtain
ing three times the necessary number
of signatures through the agency of
'the "joint legislative committee" of the
State Orange, State Federation of La
bor and farmers' unions.
So elated were the leaders with the
ase with which the referendum sig
natures were obtained, that they
planned to initiate two measures, to
come up next November at the same
;1lme as the referred bills, which would
'represent a. radical step in the direc
tion opposite to that aimed at by the
Republican state programme.
These initiative bills were to be a
non-partisan election law and a
"blanket ballot" law. The exact ground
to be covered by these measures had
not been determined definitely, but
general plans were for the non-parti-tan
election law to cover county offi
cials and members of the Legislature,
and for the "blanket ballot" plan to
provide for a single sheet of paper to
' tover the primary candidates of all
Purpose Still In Doubt.
; This was the status of the plan up
to the time that the returns from the
California election came in. Progres
sive leaders have not indicated yet
Tvhether they will allow the substan
tial plurality rolled up in California
against the non-partisan plan to
chunge their purpose.
Whether the non-partisan bill is in
itiated, or not, it is certain that at next
year's election there will be a greater
number of initiative and referendum
measures before the voters of Wash
ington than in 1914. when this state
had its first experiment with direct
For next year there are already on
the ballot l!st one proposed constitu
tional amendment to limit voting at
bond elections to" taxpayers: seven ref
erendum measures, including the three
election bills which were chief fea
tures of the Republican legislative pro
gramme: one initiative measure, the
"hotelmen's" anti-prohibition bill, in
itiated to the Legislature and going?
' row to the people, since the Legisla
ture failed to take any action upon. it.
Ultimate Support Ts Doubted.
Alhough this initiative measure is
rure to go on the ballot, objections to
it have been so numerous that It is
in the last degree improbable that its
original sponsors will put up any cam
paign in its behalf.
Therefore, if the prohibition issue is
to be raised seriously in the election,
another measure must be initiated as
a substitute.
Whatever may be done along prohi
bition lines undoubtedly will be taken
up as a campaign issue. Whether or
not there i3 to be a renewal of the
"wet" and "dry" fight, however, there
will be an ample sufficiency of other
Initiative measures.
Governor Lister has indicated a will
ingness to appoint a commission of
employers and employes to draft a new
"first-aid" bill to be submitted by in
itiative, if the request comes from both
The League of Washington Munici
palities has decided to initiate two
"home rule" bills. Intended to take the
rontrol of public utilities within the
limits of cities out of the jurisdiction
of the Public Service Commission by
placing the corporations solely under
the city legislative authority.
There la a possibility that the State
Federation of Labor may decide to back
an initiative measure to establish a
state system of employment bureaus,
the operation of private bureaus hav
ing been prohibited by an initiative
act passed last year.
Coos Bay Span to Have Electrical
Interlocking System.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Oct. SO. (Spe
rial.) The steam schooner Thomas L.
Wand, which arrived the fore port of
the week from San Francisco, brought
30 tons of paraphernalia and device's
for installation of an electrical signal
and interlocking system for the Wil-
lamette-Pacihc bridge across Coos Bay
and its approaches.
According to the statement of Super
intendent Charlton the system will ex
tend from a mile and a half to two
miles each side of the bridge. When
trains approach the draw, which must
remain continually open except when
trains are crossing, the signals will
advise the bridge operator when two
miles distant, giving sufficient time
in wntcn to turn the draw.
The system is electrically automatic
and on closing of the draw the rails
arc locked so there is no possibility
of their being misplaced or out of
The big draw. 450 feet long, which
is operated by an 80-horsepower gaso
line engine, was turned for the first
time recently and found to be perfectly
President Kerr, at McMinnville
Sleeting, Traces Education Progress
M'MINNVILLE. Or,' Oct. SO. (Spe
eial.) "Educational Ideals for 2000
years after Plato involved nothing
more than the training of the govern
ing classes. Mental culture and polish
were- the supreme ends of education
said President W. J. Kerr, of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, in an address
buora- 3i0 -teacher of Norm T&maUJ
County schools. "In America," Dr. Kerr
continued, "from the founding of Har
vard College up to the end of the Rev
olutionary War. nothing was added to
this ancient curriculum but physics,
chemistry and divinity. A change be
gan with the ordinance of 1787. but it
was not until the passage of the Morrill
act of Congress in 1862 that the real
revolution in modern educational ideals
began. Then came the realization that
public education was a National need,
not for the professional classes only,
but for the industrial classes.
"A longr stride from the older ideals,
which excluded women entirely and
which recognized the needs of the gov
erning classes only, to the new ideals
that include - engineering, scientific
training in agriculture and home
economics, has been made through the
agency of free public education. Yet
even within the past, half century the
fight for- free schools has been fought
and won. Not until 1909 did the Na
tional Educational Association indorse
industrial education for the public
schools. The present ideal, now firmly
established, is to reach all the children
of all the people with the kind of train
ing that will fit them for the kind of
life work that they will need."
Polls County Is Declared ITnable to
Bear Proportionate Cost of
Proposed New Bridge.
DALLAS, Ot.. Oct, 80. (Special.)
The protest of Judge Teal against the
closing of the Saiem bridge, together
with the fact that Folk County would
be unable to raise by general taxation,
without special vote, its proportionate
cost of a new bridge, and the objec
tions of the business men of the city
of Salem who would lose thousands ot
dollars in trade, is said to be responsi
ble for a change of heart on the part
of those heretofore Insistent upon the
closing of the bridge. It is reported
here from a reliable source that the
present bridge will be repaired along
the lines suggested by County Judge
Teal, and that traffic across the same
will be permitted until a new bridge
is constructed.
When the Polk County Court com
menced to do business in January of
1915 it faced a deficit of $30,702. The
first action of the court was to pay
off this outstanding indebtedness. The
levy of 1914 did not raise enough
money to pay off this indebtedness, and
at the same time carry on the extensive
Improvements called for during the
present year, and - hence the county
faces the first of next January with
another deficit, though not as large as
that of the past year.
The Southern Pacific Company re
fused to pay taxes on the land grant
lands in this county, and consequently
receipts were reduced $40,000.
During the past year more road im
provement has been carried on than
during any previous year in the history
of the county. For the first time in
the hiBtory of the county, automobiles
will be able to make the trip during
the Winter from Falls City, through
Dallas, to Salem. For the past few
vears the road between Dallas and Sa
lem has been passable in Winter for
automobiles, only when snow was on
the ground.
County, 'State and Educational Institu.
tions Have Arranged to Display
Numerous Exhibits.
ONTARIO. Oct. 30. (Special.) Ar
rangements for the educational and In
structive "features for the Corn Carni
val to be held in Ontario November 11
and 12 have just been completed by E.
B. Conklin. who is now in Portland in
charge of the Malheur County exhibit
at the Manufacturers' and Land Prod
ucts Show.
The Congress of Mothers, the Child's
Welfare Association and the Parent
Teacher Association will have their ex
hibits here, attended by a member of
the Congress of Mothers, and assisted
by County School Superintendent Fay
Clark. &
The State Library and the University
will send an exhibit cbnsisting of
books on horticulture, agriculture and
stockraising with the object of show
ing the farmers the literature that
will be helpful to them, which they
can secure free of cost through the
local library.
The state dairy and food department
will send an adulterated food exhibit in
care of Mr. Shrock. The Social Hygiene
boeiety will send their exhibit in
charge of representatives and the lo
cal physicians are very much elated
over securing this feature.
The State Game and Fish Commission
win be represented by our State Bi
ologist, W. L. Finley.
C. D. Huffman, one of the grand of
ficers of the State Grange, will be here
to see that the Grange side of the Corn
show is not overlooked. "Farmer'
Smith has declared his intention of he
ing here for the whole show and will
represent the O.-W. R. & N. system.
Growth In Crab-fishing Industry Is
Expected Wnen Improvement
of Bar Is Completed.
ABERDEEN, Wash Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) After a rather ' late start the
salmon run on Grays Harbor is heavy
now and most of the six canneries are
operating overtime. Packers expect to
nandle between 100,000 and 200,000
cases of salmon here this season. This
pack will comprise the work of three
canneries in Aberdeen, one in Hoquiam
and two tft Moclips.
The run during the past week has
been the heaviest of the season, but
consisted largely of dog salmon. Some
silvereides were taken. Fishermen are
receiving five cents for dog salmon
and two cents a pound for the silver
sides. The packing plants have been
littered with great piles of fish, some
times between 8000 and 10,000 being
heaped in one pile.
Grays Harbor crab fishermen look
forward to the growth of that indus
try here when the improvementct the
Grays Harbor bar is completed. They
say the improvement will permit small
crafts to get over the bar more easily.
The business Is an especially profit
able one, if the crab fishermen are
able to get in many days of fishing.
One crab fisherman usually will aver
age 125 a day for each time ha gets
out over the bar.
Most of the Portland crab buyers
are attempting to sell them locally.
jnese are snipped as far East as Chi
The sum spent for newspaper advertising
In the United Sratea is S25O.000.O00. This Is
40 per cent of all advertising and more than
four times as much as in the second largest
Guy Martin, Once Bull Moose
Candidate; May Be Out
for Attorney-General.
Judge E. A. Walters Suggested for
Justice and James H. , Wise, of
Twin Falls, for Place ol J.
II. Peterson, Wlio Retires.
BOISE, Idaho. Oct 30. (Special)
Lieutenant-Governor Taylor, of Sand
point, will be a candidate for Gover
nor at the Republican primaries in this
state, instead of for Attorney-General.
In fact, it is likely his own county
will produce a candidate for Attorney
General in Guy Martin, Progressive
party candidate for Governor in 1912,
who is being urged by Republicans and
Progressives alike to make the race.
The possibility that Edward A. Wal
ters may enter the Republican Guber
natorial race from the south and the
fact that James H. Wise, of Twin
Falls, is being groomed for Attorney-
oeneral from the same section have
added much interest to recent devel
opments in political circles this week.
Secflonal Lines Objected To.
Lieutenant-Governor Taylor has au
thorized, the following statement:
intend to become a candidate for Gov
ernor but I do not believe that the
time is now ripe to announce my can
didacy. , I don't like the idea of get-
ting into the political game a year or
more before the primaries, but I may
be forced to announce my candidacy
sooner than I would like to on account
of the activities of candidates from
other parts of the state.
"I don't want to be considered a sec
tional man. If nominated and elected
I do not want it said I am from the
north. The Governor of Idaho should
be from all parts of the state. The
fact remains, however, . that if th
north will get together on a candidate
that man can be nominated and
Best Republican Wanted.
"The south has the big majority of
votes and Governor Alexander will
undoubtedly get a good vote in South
ern Idaho. -The northern candidate
should get a majority of 6000 votes il
North Idaho.
"You can say for me that I am just
good enough a Republican to consider
Republican success ahead of my own
ambitions. . If I am led to believe that
I could not be nominated, and elected.
I certainly would not hinder the nomi
nation and election of a Republican
who could, be elected and who would
he able to serve the state to the high
est degree of efficiency.
"In such a case I will be the first tc
want to keep out of the race and to
bend all my efforts to working for the
best man."
If Mr. Taylor throws his hat into the
ring he will be the first Lieutenant-
Governor to do so.
(in j- Martin Urged to Run.
Party leaders confirm the Teport that
pressure has been brought from Repub
lican and Progressive party sources on
Guy Martin, of Sandpoint. Mr. Mar
tin made a remarkable run for Gov
ernor in 1912 in a three-cornered fight
and, had it not been for the fact voters
had to write in the Progressive party
Presidential electors he might have
been elected.
While Mr. Martin was enthusiastical
ly supported in 1912, it is questionable
if the Progressives would give him the
same support again, due to his refusal
to be their candidate for Governor i
At the very last moment, almost, in
that campaign Mr. Martin refused to
accept the nomination and the party
leaders were forced to make a hurried
canvass for a substitute. They secured
Hugh E. McEIroy, who made a good
showing, but was defeated.
Judge Walters Vet Doubtful.
George R. Barker. Secretary of State,
will be a candidate for re-election.
Efforts to bring Judge Edward A.
Walters, of Twin Falls, out as a non
partisan candidate for Justice of the
Supreme Court have not as yet been
successful. Many of his friends be
lieve he would be a stronger candi
date for Governor and every effort has
been made to groom him for that of
fice. Judge Walters is noncommittal.
Attorney-General Peterson will not
be a candidate for renomination. Mr.
Wise, of Twin Falls, is looked upon
here as a prospective candidate.
District Attorneys Need Not Prose
cute Foreclosure Suits.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) It
is no longer the official duty of Dis
trict Attorneys to prosecute foreclos
ures brought by holders of delinquency
tax liens, except when the county holds
the liens, according to an opinion ren
dered today by Attorney-General
Brown. The opinion was given in re
sponse to a request of Frederick Stei
wer. District Attorney for Umatilla
Under section 3S97 of Lord's Oregon
laws it was the duty of the District
Attorney to prosecute all actions
brought by holders of certificates. The
last Legislature amended this so that
now County Clerks furnish certificate
holders with the necessary papers upon
payment of 12 for each suit brought.
Mr. Withycombe and Aide Pass
Tbrongh Rosebarg to Fair.
ROSEBURG, Or, Oct. 30. (Special.)
Governor . James Withycombe and his
military aide, who passed through
RoseburgWednesday en route to San
Francisco to be present at the expos!
tion on Oregon day, were informally
entertained during their brief delay
In addition to a number of promi
nent Republicans and business men
Mr. Markee, of the Soldiers' Home, was
present to welcome the state's chief
executive. Governor Withycombe an
nounced that he would return to Rose-
burg soon and Inspect the Soldiers'
Home, which is under the jurislctlon
of the Board of Control.
Cattle -From Four States Entered in
Cascade International Exhibit.
PULLMAN', Wash.. Oct. 30 (Spe-
cial.) Beef cattle and dairy cattle
from the states of Washington.
Oregon, ldaUo and Montana will
be on exhibit at the November
Bhow of" the Cascade International
Stock Association. Oregon breeders
entering the show include George
Chandler, Baker City, Hereford:
Frank Brown, of Carleton, and A. D.
Chalmers, of Willamette Valley. Short
horns; J. B. West, of Willamette Val
ley, Jerseys. Other breeds of dairy and
beef cattle are entered, by D. F. Looney,
of Jefferson, and Arthur Dahmes, of
the Willamette Valley.
A. B. Cook, of Townsend, Mont., will
have at the show 18 Herefords. among
them the progeny of his undefeated
champion bull, Fairfax 16. Other
Hereford breeders are Henry Tieson. of
Sweetwater, Or., and Miles & Thomp
son, of Helena. Mont.
The Shorthorn exhibitors entered
thus far include A. D. Dunn, of Wapa-
to; J. II. McCroskey, of Fishtrap. and
the two Oregon breeders, Chalmers and
Brown, above mentioned.
Guy C. Chapman, A. H. Heubner and
Alex Todd & Son, of North Yakima,
will enter dairy cattle: so also will J,
B. Early, of Grand view; Charles Mead,
Wapato; William Bishop, of Chimacura;
Tieson & McKelheer, of Moxee City,
and A. L. Giles, of Chinook. y
J. W,. Clise, of Seattle, is expected to
enter a strong me of Ayrshlres.
Action la Compliance With Demand by
Governor Lister for Economy
In Department.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 30. (Special)
The Washington Public Service Com
mission has announced the closing at
the end of this month of the last of
the elaborate offices established sev
eral months ago by Chairman Reynolds
the service bureau and the chemical
This action apparently has been
taken by Commissioners Lewis and
Spinning over the protests of Chair
man Reynolds, who insisted until yes
terday that the Seattle laboratory
should be maintained. Engineering
headquarters, which employed more
men than all employes of the Commis
sion in Olympia, were removed from
Seattle two months ago, but at the
chairman's request the service bureau
and laboratory were allowed to re
main for a time.
The service bureau will be consoli
dated with the rate department, under
Rate Expert O. O. Calderhead. Mr.
Dorisey's position as chemist will be
abolished, ' and the testing of samples
of city water will be turned over to
an Olympia expert at a flat monthly
Chairman Reynolds was quoted - a
year ago as favoring the removal of
all offices to Seattle, but disputed the
accuracy of this interview. Shortly
after his appointment large offices
were rented in Seattle, however. Ex
penses of the new arrangement caused
Governor Lister to protest and Insist
upon Deing shown a definite plan for
Access Possible Through Two Rail
roads Much Wheat Is Handled
During: Each Year.
MAUPIN, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
Mauptn, named after the old mount
taineer that killed Paulina, chief of
the Snakes, lies at the foot of the
Ochoko Mountains and in one of the
most fertile valleys in the. state. It Is
the youngest of all Wasco County
Thomas Edison, when he a few years
ago passed through the valley of the
uescnutes River that flows in front
of the town, declared that "you have
a soil wblhc for its fertility beats the
Maupin is served with water from a
clear mountan stream that breaks from
the mountain immediately behind the
town and is reputed to have a maximum
power potentiality of 180 horsepower.
The soil that has made Maupin fa
mous for its productivity is sedimen
tary wash covered with volcanic ash.
The town is accesxble by both the
roads of the Oregon Trunk and the O.
W. R. & N. Co. It is the shipping cen
ter for the southern part of Wasco
County. Last year this town, only a
few years old, shipped 150,000 bushels
of wheat, 300,000 pounds of wool, 65
carloads of hogs. 10 carloads of cattle
and 10 carloads of sheep.
A steel bridge spans the Deschutes at
Maupin and makes accessible the depots
of both railroads.
There are two mercantile houses In
the town and it also supports a church
and a new school building.
Kennewlck to Outline Irrigation
Plans to Senator Jones.
KENNEWICK. Wash.. Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) In response to an invitation
from the Kennewlck Commercial Club,
Senator Wesley L. Jones will speak
here November 8, giving his stereopti
con lecture on the City of Washington.
A mass meeting will be held at the
Commercial Club to outline to Senator
Jones the plans of Benton County re
garding the reclamation of arid lands
through the completion of the so-called
Kennewlck extension of the Sunnyside
Senator Jones will be asked to lend
his support to an appropriation , by
Congress for the survey of the exten
sion. At the noon luncheon yesterday the
Commercial Club voted to extend an
urgent invitation also to Representa
tives Humphrey and La Follette to at
tend this meeting.
jr. A. Veness Orders Plant With Ca
pacity of 100,000 Feet.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) J. A. Veness, a Wlnlock sawmill
man, has let a contract to Louis Liv
ingston to rebuild his mill, which was
recently destroyed by fire at Veness
station, a mile and a half south of
Wlnlock. Mr. Veness, It is understood,
will move a mill from Index to Veness,
with which to cut the lumber for
building the new plant.
The plans for the new mill call for
a capacity of 100,000 feet of lumber
dally. This Is expected to employ, in
the mill and the wood. 200 men. and
add 310,000 to the monthly payroll of
Sling Shot Finds Victim.
CENTRAUA, Wash., Oct 30. (Spe
cial.) John Wheeler, a 17-year-old
youth living in the Logan district, is
In a serious condition as the result of
being struck by a stone from a siing
in th hands of Frank Batchelor. The
rock struck Wheeler in the temple,
knocking him unconscious. The attend
ing physician asserts that the youth
is not yet out of danger.
o the
ig, Motor
The tire upon your motor car is a matter of
importance justly entitled to your attention.
It bears directly upon tke appearance o your
car, your personal comfort, your freedom from
accident, your surety of arrival without delay.
Its cost is not a consideration.
Firestone Non-Skid Tires are fashioned ex
pressly to meet the extreme strains involved
in the easy handling, of heavy open and closed
cars in traffic and tour. They are especially
effective on slippery pavements because of
the scientific formation of the tread into road
rippin surfaces. Their rugged inner con
struction renders them as suitable for country
as for city driving. No weather condition
can minimize any point of their service.
Firestone Non-Skid. Tires may be obtained through your
present service connection or from any dealer anywhere.
Polk County Town Rapidly Is
Extending Business Scope.
Influx of Settlers Made to Timber
Regions of Siletz Valley and
Lumber Projects Spurt Ahead.
Varied Orchards Thriving.
FALLS CITT. Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
The extension in busines operations
in this city, an influx of settlers to the
timbered- regions of the Siletz "Valley,
increased acreage In prunes and smaller
fruits, and the introduction of the
dairying Industry into the western sec
tion of Polk County mark the advent
of a new period in the economic history
of Falls City and the vats surrounding
This city, in the heart of Polk Coun
ty. 15 miles west of the Willamette
River, at the falls of the North Luckia-
mute. is one of the logging centers of
Polk County. With the erection of a
mill here in 1905 a growing business
began. Douglas fir from the regions
about Black Rock waa sent here and a
specialty has since been made of the fir
lumber product. Under normal operat
ing conditions the Falls City Lumber
Company employs approximately aoq
Big Shipment Mark Reached.
The average output of the Falls City
mill is 100,000 feet a day, approximate
ly 2,500,000 feet a month. Three years
ago the shipments to outside points
reached a record of zo.uoo.ouo feet.
Trees from 18 to 25 feet in circumfer
ence comomnly are cut and the logs
between Falls City and the biletz ia
sin are of an exceptionally good Qual
ity. .
An enormous value is represented in
the standing timber. Within the bor
ders of Polk County are 152,720 acres
150,000 privately owned and 2720 in the
National reserve. White pine, oak,
larch, hemlock and cedar are found in
considerable quantities, but Douglas fir
is the principal variety.
Falls City activity in logging has
prompted a recent review of the early
economic development of the Upper
Luckiamute Valley. Early-day settlers
left the best lands and built their cab
ins on the barren hillsides where tim
ber had been burned off by the Indians.
Better Roads Soon Built.
Roads were built to the mills and as
the influx of settlers increased the falls
became the logical center of trade. A
postoffice. established one and one-half
miles east of here in 18S1, was moved
to Falls City in 1885. Churches and
schools came. An early Grange was
the first economic organisation which
bound the inhabitants together and led
to Incorporation in 188..
The arrival of the railroad in 1903
marked the beginnig of the second pe
riod in industrial development. The
donkey engine came, logging operations
were extended and the annual output
Thousands of cattle during the past
year have been placed to graze on the
logged-off area of the Falls City coun
try. Tests of stumping methods are
being made, and one process of burning
Non-Skid Tires
the stumps has been adopted by own
ers of email tracts.
The prune industry has taken firm
root in the bills near Falls City, but
the increase in acreage waits on the
clearing of the stumps. Many orchards
are ten years old.
The extension of the dairying opera
tions in the surrounding country since
it recent introduction shows that the
real future of the Falls City Valley lies
in the development of dairying.
A campaign is on for the develop
ment of the tile and brick industry
here. The soil is ideal and farmers are
demanding more of the product.
During the last three years new store
buildings have gone aip in Falls City
and the volume of business has shown
great gains.
Navy Ball at Aberdeen Is Set.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) The setting of Thanksgiving
evening, November 25, as the date of
the annual Navy formal ball here, was
announced today by officers of the
Fourth Division Naval Militia, pf thi
city. The affair will be more elaborate
than ever and-all state officers of the
Naval Militia of Washington will be in
vited. Four-Foot Seal Bagged.
ELMA. Wash., Oct. 30. (Special.)
Asa Mahn and a party of friends from
MeClesry, while on a hunting trip at
If Cross, Bilious, Sick, Feverish,
or Full of Cold, Take
No Chances.
'California Syrup of Figs" Can't
Harm Tender Stomach,
Liver, Bowels. :
Children love this "fruit laxative,"
and nothing else clean -s the tender
stomach, liver and bowels so nicely.
A child simply will not stop playing
to empty the bowels, and the result is
tney tecome tightly clogged with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach
sours, then rout little one becomes
cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat,
sleep or act naturally, breath is bad,
system full of cold, has sore throat,
stomach a:he or diarrhoea. Listen,
Mother 1 See if tongue is coated, then
give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup
ot Figs,' and in a few hours all the
constipated waste, sour bilo and undi
gested food passes out of the system,
and you have a well, playful child
Millions of mothers give "California
Syrup of Figs" becaus- it is perfectly
harmless: children love It. and it never
falls to act on the stomach, liver and
Ask your drug-lst for a 50-ceni bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs." which
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the ittle. Beware of coun
terfeits sold here. Get the genuine,
made by "California Fig Syrup Com
pany.' Refuse any other kind with con
tempt. Adv, .
Oyster Bay the middle of the weak.
shot a seal which measured four feet
in length.
Says Backache Is Sure Sign You
Have Been Eating Too
Much Meat.
Uric Acid in Meat Clogs Kidneys
and Irritates the
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and
clogged and need a flushing .occasional
ly, else we have backache , and dull
misery in the kidney region, severe
headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply roust keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoon! ul in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, conbined with
lithla, and is harmless to flush clogged
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
activity It also neutralizes the acids
in therine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lihtia
water drink, which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thtta avoiding serious com
plications. A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be
lieve in overcoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble. Adv.
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets.
The secret of keeping young Is to
feel young to do this you must watch
your liver and bowels there's no need
of having a sallow complexiondark
rings under your eyes pimples a bu
llous look in your facedull eyes with
no sparkle.
Your doctor will tell you ninety pes
cent of all sickness -comes from in
active bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave
to his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
action, yet always effective.
They bring about that exuberance of
spirit, that natural buoyancy which
should be enjoyed by everyone, by ton
ing up the liver and clearing the sys
tem of impurities.
You will know Dr. Edwards' OHv
Tablets by their olive color. 10c antf
2T.C per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, 0. Adv, .