The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 67

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J! Chtldboo-J, bv Million Gorkr. Illustrat
ed. Tlic tentury Co.. New York City.
Russia has the world's spotlight of
inquiry on it now, as if it never had
before. War has quickened a new con
sciousness and examination of Russia
and all our other neighbors. .
What of the Russian people? What
of the Russian peasant? These are
questions often asked.
"My Childhood' is the newest of
interesting books to throw light on the
ptatus of Russian peasantry. The book
is terribly realistic, unhappily grew
ome. cynically humorous. but so
praphic. so interesting that once the
reader finishes the perusal of the first
chapter, it is safe to say that he will
be compelled to read all of the suc
ceeding patefi Just to see what on earth
is jsoinjr to happen next.
Now, Maxim Gorky (his real name is
Alexia Maximovich Fyeshkov) may not
be accepted by Russians as one gen
erally competent to describe Russians
or real Russian character. But Gorky
does not make any such claim. He
just tells the bitter, often unpleasant
etory of his own life, from his earliest
memory up to his 17th year, and pre
sents that story to the world. No sane
person would argue, however, that tho
Jorky household or rather the house
hold of his grandfather and grand
mother is typical of that of the aver
afire Russian family.
Gorky's grandmother is the real hero
ine of the story. She took snuff, got
drunk, was loving, said long prayers,
often spoke familiarly to God, and
"had a nose like a sponge." Gorky's
grandfather was a short, wizened man,
with a bird-like nose and green eyes,
a. cruel monster who brutally beat the
young boys of the household for trifling
The very first paragraph in the book
has a shudder in it: "In a narrow,
darkened room, my father, dressed in
a white and unusually long garment,
J'-ty on the floor under the window. The
toes of his bare feet were curiously
extended, and the lingers of the still
hands, which rested peacefully upon his
breast, were curved: his merry eyes
were tightly closed by the black discs
of two copper coins: the light had gone
out of his still face, and I was fright
ened by the ugly way he showed his
In short. Gorky's father died when
our author was a small boy. and Gorky
and his mother started on a river boat
to reach Madam Gorky's father's home.
On the way as narrated on page 6
Madame Gorky gave birth to a baby
boy In presence " of her elder boy,
whom she called Alexis.
These extracts will furnish readers
with a fair idea of what kind of litera
ture one may read in "My Childhood":
"The longer prayers were generally
the conclusion of a day of trouole. or
a day of quarreling and lighting: and
it was very interesting to listen to
them. Grandmother gave to God a cir
cumstantial account of all that had
happened in the house. Bowed down,
looking like a great mound, she knelt,
at tirst whispering rapidly and in
distinctly, then hoarsely muttering:
' "O Lord, thou knoweet that all of
us wish to do better. Michael, the
lder, ought to have been set up in
the town it will do him harm to he
on the river: and the other is a new
neighborhood and not overdone. I don't
know what will come of it all! There's
father, now. Jaakov is his favorito.
Can't it be right to love one child room
than tho others? He is an obstinate
old man; do thou. O Lord, teach him!'
"Gazing at the dark-featured icon,
with her large, brilliant eyes, she thus
counseled God:
" 'Send him a eood dream, O Lord,
to make him understand how lie ought
to treat his children!
"After prostrating herself and strik
ing her broad forehead on the floor,
she again straightened herself, and said
" 'And send Varvara (Madame Gorky)
lome happiness! How has she dis
pleased thee? Is she more sinful than
the others? Why should a healthy
young woman he so afflicted? And re
member Gregory, O lxrd! His eyes
are getting worse and worse. If he
froes blind he will be sent adrift. That
will be terrible! ' He has used up all
h's strength for grandfather, but do
you think it likely that grandfather
will help him? O lord! Lord!'
"She remained silent for a long time,
with her head bowed meekly, and her
hands hanging by her sides, as still as
it she had fallen asleep or had been
suddenly frozen.
" "What else is there?' she asked her
self aloud, wrinkling her brows.
" 'O Lord, save all the faithful! Par
don me accursed fool as I am thou
knowest that I do not ein out of malice,
but out of stupidity.' And drawing e
deep breath slie would say lovingly
nml contentedly: 'Son of God, thou
knowest all! Father, thou sceet all
things." "
"On SHturday when, after punish
ing the children for lh- transgressions
ft the werk. s'a'H'fathcr went to ves
pers, we had an indescribably happy
tune in the kitchen.
"Tsiganok would get some cock
roaches from the stove, make a har
ness of thread for them with great
rapidity, cut out a paper sledge and
fuon two pairs of black horses were
prancing on the clean, smooth, yellow
tnble. Ivan drove them at a canter,
with a thin splinter of wood as a whip,
mill urged them on, shouting:
" 'Now, they have started for the
"bishop's house."
"Then he gummed a small piece of
paper to the back of one of the cock
roaches and sent hira to run behind the
" 'We forgot the bag.' he explained.
The monk drags it with him as he
runs. Now then, gee-tip!
"He tied tho feet of another cock
roach together with cotton, and as the
insect hopped along, with its head
thrust forward, he cried, clapping his
" "This is the deacon coming out of
the wineshop to say vespers.
"After this he showed us a mouse
which stood up at the word of com
mand and walked on his hind legs,
dragging his long tali behind him and
blinking comically with his lively eyes,
which were black like great beads.
"He made friends of mice, and used
to carry them about in his bosom, and
feed them with sugar and kiss them.
"Mice ure clever creatures." he used
to say In a tone of conviction."
"My father was the son of a soldier
who had worked his way up to be an
officer and was banished to Siberia for
cruelty to his subordinates; and there
somewhere in Siberia my father was
rorn. He had an unhappy life, and at
a very early ago he used to run away
from home. Once grandfather set the
dogs to track him down in the forest,
ns if he were a hare: another time,
having caught hira. he beat him so
unmercifully that the neighbors took
the child away and hid him.
""Do they always beat children?" I
asked, and grandmother answered, qui
etly: ' 'Always.'
"My father's mother died early, and
when he Wits 9 years old grandfather
also died, and he v. as taken by a crors
maker. who entered him on the guild
of the town of Perm and began to
teach him his trade: but my father
ran away from him and earned his liv
ing by leading blind people to the fairs.
mm u an - 'x.
BttJoseph Maqsueen.
"A gentleman is deferential to age, innocence, beauty, skill
and excellence; and the stronger he is himself, the sooner he is
to show this quality of respect toward merit in others." Charles
W. Eliot. .
' x " XX "; Jiw& in
When he was 16 he came to Njini and
obtained work with a Joiner who was a
contractor for the Kolchin steamboats.
By the time he was 20 he was a skilled
carpenter, upholsterer and decorator.
The workshop in which he was em
ployed was next door to grandfather's
house in Kovalikh street.
" "The fences were not high, and cer
tain people were not backward," said
grandmother, laughing. "So one day,
when Varia (Madame Gorky) and I
were picking raspberries in the garden,
who should get over the fence but your
father! ... I was frightened, fool
ishly enough; but there he went
amongst the apple trees, a fine-looking
fellow, in a white shirt, and plush
breeches . . . barefooted and hat
less, with long hair bound with leather
bands. That's the way he came court
ing.' "
"We were called up for judgment; in
the kitchen grandfather, grandmother
and mother sat at the table and cross
examined us and 1 shall never forget
how comically Sascha answered grand
father's Questions.
"Why didn't you go to school?
" 'I forgot where it was."
" "Forgot?
"'Yes; I looked and looked
"'But you went with Alexei; he re
membered where it was.'
"' 'And I lost him."
" "Lost Lexei?'
" 'Yes.
"'How did that happen?'
"Sascha reflected a moment, and then
said, drawing in his breath:
" 'There wus a snow storm, and you
couldn't see anything.'
"They all smiled, and tho atmosphere
becran to clear; even Sascha smiled cau
tiously. But grandfather said, mali
ciously, showing his teeth:
" 'But you could have caught hold of
his arm or belt, couldn't you?"
" "I did catch hold of them, but the
wind tore them away," explained
Sascha. '
""He spoke in a lazy, despondent tone,
and I listened uncomfortably to this
unnecessary, clumsy lie, amazed at his
"We were thrashed, and a former
fireman, an old man with a broken arm,
was engaged to take us to school and
to watch that Sascha did not turn aside
from the road of learning. But it was
no use. The next day, as soon as my
cousin reached the causeway he
stooped suddenly, and pulling off one
of his high boots, threw it a long way
from him; then he took off the other
and threw it in the opposite direction,
and ir. his stockinged feet ran across
the square. The old man, breathing
hard, picked up the boots and there
upon, terribly flustered, took me home."
"As soon as she was settled mother
sent me to school and from the very
first 1 took a dislike to it.
"1 went thither in mother's shoes,
with a coat made out of a bodice be
longing to grandmother, a yellow shirt,
and trousers that had been length
ened. My attire immediately became
an object of ridicule, and for the yel
low shirt I received "The ace of dia
monds.' "I soon becamo friendly with the
boys, but the master and the priest did
not like me.
"The master was a jaundiced-looking,
bald man, who suffered from a con
tinuous bleeding of the nose; he used to
appear in the schoolroom with his nos
trils stopped up with cotton-wool, and
as he sat at his table, asking us ques
tions in snuffling tones, he would sud
denly stop in the middle of a word, take
the wool out of his nostrils and look at
it. shaking his head. He had a flat,
copper-colored face, with a sour ex
pression, and there was a greenish tint
in his wrinkles; but it was his literally
pewter-colored eyes which were the
most hideous feature of it, and they
were so unpleasantly glued to my face
that I used to feel that I must brush
them off my cheek with my hands.
"For several days I was in the first
division, and at the top of the class,
quite close to the master's table, and
my position was almost unbearable. He
seemed to see no one but me. and he
was snuffling all the time:
" 'Pyesh kov. you must put on a
clean shirt. Tyesh kov. don't make a
noise with your feet. Pyesh kov, your
bootlaces are undone again."
"But I paid him out for his savage
insolence. One day I took the half of
a frozen watermelon, cut out the in
side, and fastened it by a string over
a pulley on the outer door. When the
door opened the melon went up. but
when my teacher shut the door the hol
low melon descended upon his bald bead
like a cap. The janitor was sent with
me with a note to the headmaster's
house, and I paid for my prank with
my own skin."
"I also began to earn a little money;
in the holidays, early in the morning.
I took a bag and went about the yards
and streets collecting bones, rags, pa
per and nails. Rag-merchants would
give two greevin ("0 kopecks) for a
pood (40 pounds) of rags and paper, or
iron, and 10 or 8 kopecks for a pood of
hones. I did this . work on weekdays
after school, too, and ' on Saturdays I
sold articles at SB kopecks or half a
rouble each, and sometimes more if I
was lucky. Grandmother took the
money away from me and put it uuick-
ly into the pocket of her skirt, and
praised me, looking down:
""There! Thank you, my darling.
This will do for our food. . . . .
You have done very well.
"One day I saw her holding five
kopecks of mine in her hands, looking
at them, and quietly crying; and one
muddy tear hung from the tip of her
spongy, pumlcestone-like nose.
"A more profitable game than rag
picking was the theft of logs and
planks, from the timber-yards or the
banks of the Oka. or on the Island
of Pesk. where, in fair time, iron
was bought and sold in hastily built
booths. . After the fairs the booths
used to be taken down, but the poles
and planks were stowed away in the
boathouses, and remained there till
close on the time of the Spring floods.
A small houseowner would give 10 ko
pecks for a good plank, and it was pos
sible to steal two a day. But for the
success of the undertaking bad weather
was essential, when a snowstorm or
heavy rains would drive the watchmen
to hide themselves under cover.
"Theft was not counted as a crime
in our village; it had become a cus
tom, and was practically the only
means the half-starved natives had of
getting a livelihood. Fairs lasting a
month and a half would not keep them
for a whole year, and many respectable
householders "did a little work on the
river' catching logs and planks which
were borne along by the tide, and car
rying them off separately or in small
loads at a time; but the chief form this
occupation took Was that of thefts from
barges, or in a general prowling up and
down the Volga or Oka on the lookout
for anything which was not properly
secured. The grown-up people used to
boast, on Sundays of their successes,
and the youngsters listened and
learned.' ,
In the la.;t chapter we read that when
Gorky's mother died her weeping life
had at last come to a close Gorky's
maternal grandfather told him to leave,
and so Gorky "went out into the
Gorky became a painter of ikons, a
peddler, land-surveyor, cook, gardener,
baker's apprentice, longshoreman, au
thor, revolutionist and wanderer. Dur
ing the Russian revolution of 1905, he
was arrested for his revolutionary
work, but was soon set free. He went
to live at Capri, Italy, and suffered
from tuberculosis. At the outbreak of
the present war, it is stated that Gorky
recovered his health sufficiently to en
list in the Russian army.
Marriage by Conqurot. by "Warwick Deep
ing. $1.5. McBride. Xast Ac Co.. New
Xork city.
Mr. Deeping has won distinction
among the best of the present young
English novelists as a producer of
sterling fiction which is entertaining.
His latest venture, "Marriage By
Conquest." is a story of rustic life in
Sussex, England, at a time compar
atively recent when hard-swearing,
hard-drinking squires held the center
of the stage, read Milton's poetry, and
women were often wooed and won by
force. The story is rich in character
delineation and in bright conversation
and interest in the plot holds the
reader's close attention. As a realistic
love story it is unique.
John Flambard, a scholar, traveler
and. altogether a serious man of 31
years, suddenly finds himself declared
to be the lawful heir to an estate of
oOOO acres, and house, named Chevrons,
in Sussex. Flambard Is really a modern
Puritan in mind and action. His most
interesting neighbor is a beautiful
widow, Mrs. Stella Shenstone, who is
loved and madly courted by a rich,
rough and dissolute aristocrat. Sir
Richard Heron. The latter boasts that
with his sword he will vanquish all
rivals aspiring to marry the fair Mrs.
Flambard comes to love the widow
with a spiritual love and Heron is
surprised to find that Flambard has a
courageous mind, muscles of iron and
a determined will. Flambard visits at
Squire Faindell's house and this Is part
of a description of the drunken habits
of the time.
Squire. Fardell had two dauchters. Sophia
a.d Janet. Rivim up. Anionic the guests
were; Parson Vale, of Rookhurst. a quaklus
jelly of a man, with a piping voice and
round spectacles: and Hal Pelham. of An
dron's Court, broad and phlepmatlo, who
stared at Miss Sophia as though he were
famlr-hed and beheld a. feaat.
Old Fardell paired the bottle and talked.
-What. sir. Sussex farming bad. air?
What book did you tret that out of. Mr.
Flambard? And smuggling's a disgrace to
us is It? I n,' that's funny:"
He burst into a sudden roar of laughter.
In which Hal Felliam and Martin Courtup
joined him.
He disapproves of smuggling! Oh. dear
Lord, listen to it!"
"Ha, ha, ha! Haw, haw. haw '""
"It's a sin to take a hand in cheating
the excise!"
-B'ess my boots
Old Fardell's eyes were moist. He
beamed on Klamlard? through bis tears;
laughter had taken tiie edge from his tem
per. Wlr John Flambard. the spirit there
in the" bottle has never paid a renny of
duty. You have had a nip of it yourself.
ndas for Purson Vale. h- has his keg at
Easier, like a Christian. We all are smug
glers in these parts, bless me, Hodge and
his maater. Wait till the good liquor comes
your way."
He winked at Martin Conrtup. t
-You settle doua ainon us and become
a Sussex man, Mr. Flambard, and keep a
cellar instead of a library. D sir. it
isn't good for a young man t be too-pious.
By your Jaare, parson, but that's sound
Pipes were being filled, a leash of new
"church-wardens" lying on the table. Pel-ham-
-went to the fire, picked up m piece of
glowing wood with t,he tongs and walked
round, holding It to the bowls of the older
men's pipes. Flambard had a bookman's
love of good tobacco, and he chose a pipe;
he could smol;e with these worthies if be
could not share their prejudices.
Jiow'a-the bay mare. HalT"
"Ripe to foal in three weeks. Cramp's
wanting to sell that black stallion of his.
"D n, I wouldn't touch the beast! Wheat
showtn-r up well. Martin?"
, ."Patchy, sir. patcby. A pest on these
wet Winters, I say. Why don't you pra
against 'em, parson?"
"If 1 could please everybody, I would, sir.
I pray for my own parish."
"Haw, haw. old Hogshead's our man.
Soaker! Why confound it, l"d awear our
land is the aoddemst bit in the county, be
cause wcv'e a drunken parson!"
The battle of wits, wills and swords
between Sir Richard and Flambard
has special interest. The widow is
courted with a vengeance.
The author deserves credit for his
faithful portraiture of two different
kinds of "gentlemen."
Sailing Mhipe and Their Stery. by T.. Keble
Chatterton. 1 50. Illustrated. J. B. Llpp
incott Co., New Tork City.
With 130 illustrations, this graphically-written
book It i full and com
plete history of sailing ships from early
Egyptian times to the present, written
not by a "dry-as-dut" Or a book worm,
but by a man who is passionately de
voted to tha sea. There is nothing left
to be desired in the matter of plana,
pictures, bibliography and index, the
text is presented in a brilliant style
as some one has said "it is as interest
ing as a romance, as Informing as an
encyclopedia, and not a single page can
be called dull or dry." To compare the
history of the development of the sail
ing vessel from the rude dugout of pre
historic Nile explorers to tho iron clip
pers of today is a feat of which our
author may well be proud. It is not
only a book that every American boy
will read to his heart's content, but it
Is also one in which his elders will find
abundant interest.
Son r of tbe Weraadav World, by Berton
Braley. $1. George H. Doran Co.?- New
York City.
Seventy flrst-claes poems that ring
true, songs of the miner, cowboy, sailor
and tramp. Many of these verses ap
peared recently in newspapers and
magazines. After years of wandering
as newspaperman and worker from
Panama to Alaska, Mr. Braley has be
come one of the most successful of
contemporary poets because of the vir
ility and melody of his songs. He is
particularly well-known in Wisconsin.
Montana and New York.
Tales From Old Japaaeee Drmmaa. by A la
ta ro lllyamori. i Illustrated. O. P. Put
nam's sons. New York City.
Our author is professor of English in
Keio University. Tokio, Japan. His ad
mirable and interesting book of 403
pages presents in condensed form the
more noteworthy epical dramas of Ja
pan, known as Jorwri. Of special in
terest is an account of the development
of Japanese drama.
Wfaaona of the Campfire. by Margaret Wltid
emer. 1.20. J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila
delphia. A healthful, cheerful story for girls
Is this friendly account of tbe activities
of the Camp Fire Club.
Tbe Apple Tree Sprite, by Margaret Warner
Morley. $1.10. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chi
cago. For boys and girls, this attractive
story of an apple-orchard farm is sure
to win many admirers.
Moonbeams From the Tonger Lunacy, by
Stephen T-eacock. $1.25. John Lane Co..
New York City.
A series of quietly humorous
sketches, written by a Canadian author
of unquestioned merit.
Mother Believes Pets Help
to Train Children.
VounKlitrra lastrneterl That Life and
Health of Aalnali Are la Their
Hands sad Tnere)is;h Care Giver.
(TALWATS encourage my children to
X keep pets," said a wise mother the
other day. "I know a lot of people are
against the idea they say that birds
encourage mice, and that dogs are a
nuisance in the house, that they tear
up the rugs and run "Up and down
doing a lot of damage.
"Well, some people look on every
thing in general, and pets in particu
lar, as a nuisance. They are quite
wrong, especially if there are children
in the house.
"My eldest boy came to me several
years ago," she went on. " 'Mother,'
he said. 'I want to keep a rabbit. May
I? Please do let me; please!'
I told him to eit down and we
would talk the matter over.
"Now, I said. 'I've got no objection,
and 1 do not think your father will
have, to your keeping a rabbit, but if
you have it you must look after it
yourself not for the first week only,
but for just as long as you keep it.'
"Of course, he promised faithfully
that he would, and so. when his father
came home, I told him what I had
said to the boy. He quite agreed and
the following week end he built a
"The boy was delighted with his pet,
and although he lias had it for many
years now, and a dozen other pets be
sides, I have never known him to nog
last them.
"It's the same with the other chil
dren." this wise mother continued.
"They all have their pets, and they all
look after them. They were quite
plainly told that at the first sign of
neglect heir dogs &nd bunnies and
guinea pigs. etc.. would be taken away,
never to come back again. And. I con
sider I've been wise. I've taught my
children to love animals and birds and
to understand their quaint and inter
esting ways. I've taught them that
the pets depended on them for food
and cleanliness, and I put them on
their honor not to neglect the animals
and birds in any way.
"Yep. I think my -pet' plan is a good
one." she concluded. "If I had my time
over again I should, always let the chil
dren have their pets. 1 feel quite cer
tain that it has played a large part In
the forming of their characters."
Marriage liicenses Issued to Mother
and Son at Same Time.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 14. Romances
of mother and son were revealed by
the issuance of marriage licenses to
Mrs. Louisa E. Kostmayer, 1921 North
Thirty-first street, and Charles B.
Kostmayer. of the same address.
The mother will become the bride of
Professor Gustav H. Luebert, a music
teacher, and the son will wed Miss
Florence Dowdell, 6417 Pemberton
"While friends say arrangements
probably will be made for a double
wedding, the license records show that
Magistrate Morris is to marry-Professor
Luebert and Mrs. Kostmayer and
the Rev. L. Rutherford is to offi
ciate at the marriage of the son and
Miss Dowdell.
Mrs. Kostmayer was introduced to
Professor Luebert by her first hus
band, who died in February. 1911. La
ter the Professor was engaged to give
music lessons to Mrs. Kostmayer"s
daughter, now Mrs. II. Schneider. 303C
Page street. Recently he moved his
studio to the Kostmayer borne.
Sunday Services in City Ckurckes
Continued From Page
Hue. Rev W". C. Kantner. minister :
A. M-. tfundav school, "Roys' Py"; 11
A. M.. "That Boy": 0:.0 P. M. -Christian
Endeavor: 7:30 P. M-, "On the Way to tUe
Better Cltme."
A ik 1 rid on Memorial, East Twenty-ninth
and East Everett Sunday acbool, :&0;
morning service, 11; Christian Endeavor.
tl.tiO; even in c service 7:45.
LaurelTrood, Sixty-second street and Forty
fifth avenue C, fi. Johnson, minister. Morn
ing services, 31; eveninc. S; Sunday school,
10; Christian Endeavor, T.
Waverly Heights. Woodward avenue at
East Thirty-third street Rev. A. C Moses,
minister. Sunday school, 9:45; mom In
worship, 11; 3T. P. 6:SO; eveninc aervic,
7;::o; prayer meeting, Xhursday, 7;SO P. Al-
UnJversity Parte, Haven street, near lou
bard Rev. P. J. Meyer, paator. Sunday
school, 10 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A. M. and
P. M.: Christian Endeavor service, 7 P. M.;
midweek service. Thursday. 8 P. M.
St. Johns raniel T. Thomas, pastor. lO
o'clock. Bible school; II service; tf:3u.
Christian Endeavor.
East Side, East Twentieth and Ankeny
streets Kev. w. O, Shank, pastor. 10, Sunday-
school; 11, preaching- by tho pastor;
:I5, B. If. P. V.i 7:45, preaching by the
Tabernacle 9:45, Sunday school; preach
ing at 11 and 7:80 by Kev. A. J. Ware;
6;b0, B, Y. P U.
Rosa City Park Community Cfturch. Forty-fifth
and Hancock Kev. J. M. Skinner,
pastor. School of religious education, 9:45.
Morning worship 11 ; Young People meet
ing 6:30; evening worship. 7:30.
Sannyside. corner of East Taylor and East
Thirty-second streets. Rev. J. J. Staub. t. X.
pastor Services at 11 and 7:4V, Sunday
school, 10; Junior Christian Endeavor, S;
Intermediate Christian Endeavor. - 4:15;
Senior Christian Endeavor, tt:3J. subjects of
sermons. "The Covenant Bleasings of Our
God," and "W recited"
Highland, East Sixth and PrescotU Rev.
E. S. Bollinger, pastor- 10, Sunday school;
11. "The Christian and Hard Places;" 7:30.
"(tod's Plumb Line" ; a. Junior Endeavor;
:B0, Y. P. S. C. E. , y
First, corner Park and Columbia atreeta
George Darsie, minister. Sunday school at
9:45; men's class in the Y. M. C A. audi
torium at 9:45; young women's class In the
Y. W. C. A. auditorium at 9:4; Christian
Endeavor Society at 6:30; church services
at 11 A. M. and 7::i0 P. M.
Woodlatvn, corner East Seventh and lib
erty streets W. J MllUnger. minister.
Bible school, 9:45; morning worship, 11;
CnrisUan Endeavor. 0:30; evening servica,
7 :S0. ,
Kern Park, Est'8Ity-nInth, corner Forty
sixth avenue Southeast K, Tibbs Maxey,
minister.' Bible sohooU 9:40; morning
worship, 11; Christian Endeavor, :u,
vening services. 7:30; prayer meeting.
Thursday avening, 7:30.
Vernon, corner East Fifteenth -and Wy
gant streets A. J. Melton, minister. Btbia
school, 10; morning worship, 11; Christian
Endeavor, 8:30; evening services. 7:30.
Montavilla Or. J. F. Gnormtey, in the
absence of the pastor. Rev. J. c. Ghorraley.
w if fcpeak at 11 A. M. and S P. 1L. CarisUaa
Endeavor. 7 P. M.
Central, corner East Twentieth and Sal
mon, A. 1. Crim, pastor Bible school at 10;
morning service at 11. subject. "The Past";
evening service at 7:30. subject, "Tbe South
Winds Blew Softly"; Christian Endeavor at
Rodney avenue Rev. J. F. Ghormley will
present the following themes: 11 A. M.. "The
B lood of Christ Bcartn s W i tness' ; 7 :30 P.
M., "Th Testln-ony of Martyrdom" ; this
sermon will be illustrated with pictures from
tha mgjiu-s.
First, Everett, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets Services, 11 and 8; sub
ject of le&eon sermon, "Everlasting Punish
ment"; Sitnday school, 9:45 and 11; Wednes
day evening meeting st .
Second, East Sixth street and Hotladay
avenue Services, 11 and 8; subject of les
son sermon. -"Kverlastins Punishment";
Sunday school, II ; Wednesday evening meet
ing at fa. ,
Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets
Services, 11 and 5: subject of lesson sermon,
"Everlasting Punishment"; Sunday school,
11 and 1.15; Wednesday evening meeting
at 8.
Fourth. Vancouver avenue and Emerson
street Services, 11 and 8; subject of les
son sermon, "Everlasting punishment"; Sun
day school. 9:45 and 11 ; Wednesday even
ing meeting at 8.
Fifth. Myrtle Park statiqn Services, 11
A. M. ; subject of lesion sermon, "Everlast
ing Punishment ; Sunday school, 9: -30;
Wednesday evening meeting at S.
Gospel Tabernacle, corner aet Ninth and
Clay streets John E, Fee, pastor. Sunday,
school. 10 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A M.
Prayer meeting Tuesday 7:4u. Bible study
on scriptural healing Friday 2:4& P. M,
Ninth avenue, three blocks north of ear
line in L.ents. corner Eighty-fourth street
and Fifty-fourth avenue, southeast Evsn
gellst 8. O. Pool will hold services each
evening during the week at S o'clock. AU
Dlvina Truth Chapel. Set ling -Hirsch build
ing, corner West Park and Washington
streets Rev. T. M. Minard. pastor. .Cerv
ices 11 A- M. Bible class Tuetoay. 2 P. SC.
St. David's Church. East Twelfth and Bel
mont streets. Rev. H. R. Talbot, rector
7:80 A. M., celebration of holy uucbarist;
9:45 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M... morn
ing sprayers and sermon.
Pro-Cathedral of St.- Stephen tho Martyr,
Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. H.
M. Ramsey, dean. Holy communion, 7:45;
Sunday school, 10; morning service, 11; serv
ice for colored peopie, a; evening service,
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services,
8, 11 and b; Sunday school, 9:45; Good Fel
lowship Society, parish house. Nineteenth
and Davis streets. 7 to 7:55.
Church of St. Michael and All Angels,
Broadway and East Forty-third street North,
Sermon, 11; holy communion, first Sunday,
11; third Sunday, ItiMk.
Grace Memorial, Weidler and East Seven
teenth streets North Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor, vicar. Holy communion, 8. excepting on
first Sunday in tbe month; morning prayer
and sermou, 11; Sunday school, 10. No even
ing service.
St. Matthews, Corbett and Bancroft streets
Kev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. Sunday
school, 10 A. M.. service and sermon. 11
A. M.
All Saints," Twenty-fifth and Savier streets
Sunday school, 10; morning prayer and
sermon, 11; celebration of tha holy com
munion the first Sunday In tha month at
11 and tha third Sunday at 8.
Good Shepherd, Graham street mod Van
couver avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector.
Sunday school, 9:45; morning service, 11;
evening service, 7:80.
fit. Paul's, WoodmefS Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday
of month, 8; evening prayer and sermon. 4
except the first Sunday of month.
St. John's, Milwaukie Rav. John D. Rice,
vicar. 8, holy communion, except on first
Sunday of month; 10, Sunday school; 11,
morning prayer; 7:30, evening prayer; Holy
Communion first Sunday of month.
St. John's. Seliwood Rev. John D. Rice,
vicar. Prayer, ft ; holy communion, s):SO ;
first Sunday of month.
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good
Samaritan Hospital Rev. Frederick K.
Howard, chaplain. Holy communion, 7; ves
pers. St. Mark's, Twecty-flrst and Marshall
streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. Sum
mer schedule: Sunaays, :30 A. M., holy
eucharlst; 9:45, Sunday school; 10:15, maUnsf
11, holy eucharist and sermon. Weekdays:
7 :30 daily, holy eucharist; during August
there will be no evening service on Sunday
or Friday.
Church of Our Savior. Forty-first street
and Sixtieth avenue Woodstock). W. W.
car. Tbe archdeacon in charge. Sunday
service, 11 A. M.
St. Andrews. Hereford street. University
Park, Rev. F. M Baum. vicar Services, 11
and 7:30; Sunday school at 10.
First English. East Sixth and Mark-t
streets Rev. E. D. Hornschuch. paator.
Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school, lu; Y.
P. A-, 7.
The Swedish Evangelical Free Church,
corner of? Missouri avenue and Sumner
street H. G. Rodlne. pastor; Sunday school.
9:45; preaching. 11 A. M. ; young people's
meeting. :45; preaching, 8 P. M.
First German, corner Tenth and Clay
streets G- F. Iteming, Sr., pastor. Sunday
tchool at 9:30 A. M. ; preaching servics by
the pastor at 10:45 A. M. : Young People's
Society services at 7 P. M. and preaching
by the pastor it 8 P. M.
Fun day school at the Latter Day Paint"
Church, corner of East Twenty-fifth and
MatiUon streets Sunday morn in at 10
o'clo.-k: -per vice at 11:4."., and special service
at 7:30 P, M. Everyone invited.
Betliany, Danish, Union avenue North and
Morris street M. C. Jenscn-Enghalin. pastor.
Services. 11 and ; Sunday school and Blbl
class. 10 Young People's meeting, Tuesday.
8: Ladles' Aid will meet in church basement
Wednesday at 2.
Bethel Free, Stuben Hall, Ivy and Williams
streets Rw. J. A. fctaley, minister. Preach
ing at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school,
10 A. M,
United Norwegian. Fourteenth and Da via
streets R-cv. Wlthelm Pettersen, pastor.
Services. 11 A. M. and S P. M., alternately
Engl ish and Norwegian ; Sunday school, 10
A. M -
Our Savior, Norwegian. East Tenth and
Grant G-sorge Hendrickson, pastor. Sunoay
school and Bible class, 9:30 A. M. : English
sermon. 10:1a A. M. ; Norwegian service at
ll:4 A. M.
German Evangelical Zlon Missouri Synod)
comer Salmon and Chapman strets, a-srv-ices
10:15 A. M., 7:45 P. M. ; Sunday school,
9:1' A. M- H. H, K op pi em a no. pastor.
St. Paul's German Lutheran, Eaat Twelfth
and Clinton streets. A. Krausc. pastor Ger
man and English Sunday school, 9:30; ref
ormation festival, morning service. 10:50;
confession and holy communion.-7:30; con fir.
mati on classes. Tuesday and Friday. 4 and
7:30; Bible study and Young People's meet
lug Thursday, P. M.
St. James" English, comer West Park
and Jefferson streets. J. Allen Leas, B. I.,
p'tor Services. 1 1 - A. M. and 8 P. M. ;
Reformation services at 11. Evening sub
ject, "A Little Man With a Big Life." Sun
day school it 10 A. 1L; Luther League at
7 r. m.- .
Trinity German Missouri .SynodV Will
iams and Graham avenues, J. A. Rlmbach,
pastor Services. 10:15 A. M-, 7:30 . P, M.;
Sunday school, 9:15 A. M.
First. Twelfth and Taylor, Dr. Frank L.
Love land, minister 10:30, "The Law of Spir
itual progress:; 1:I5. Sunday school: 8:30.
Young People Council ; 7:;iO. preaching,
"Shakespeare's 'Weak Soul, ' or "Hamlet,
the Crow nl ess Dane."
Trinity, East Tenth and Sherman streets
Rev. A. B. Calder, pa tor. Sunday school,
10 A; M.: evening locturc. 6:15. 11, "Work
That . Counts": 7:30. evangelist service;
Berkeley stir vice at 3 P. M. at the club
huuat, conducted ly Rev. A. B. Caldcr.
Ftrst Methodist South, Union" avenue- and
Multnomah street W. J. Fenton, pastor.
Services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday
school at 10 A. M. ; Epworth prayer serv
ice. t:So P, M
Centenary. East Ninth and pine streets
R e v. T. W. Line, minister. Dr. Carl G.
Doriey. president of Willamette University,
will preach both morning and evening; 11
A. M., "Religion and Learning"; 7:30 P. M.,
"The Young Man's Religion'; 9:45 A. M-,
Sunday school, class meeting immediately
after morning sir vice; fc:l P. M., Dr. Dooey
will lead a union service ot the Epworth
.Westmoreland lo. Sunday school ; 11,
preaching. "The Well of Bethlehem" : 7:30,
owning service. "Those Happy Boyhood
Days." C. B. Harrison, pastor.
SunnyMde. East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth
streets R. Smith, pastor. Sunday
.school. 9:50 A. M. : preaching, ll A. M. ;
Epworth Lea-rue, 6:30 P. M. ; people's popu
lar service, 7:4-" P. M.
Rose City Park, Sandy Boulevard and
East Fifty-eighth street North -William
Wallace Younraon, minister. 9:46. Sunday
school: 11 "Tho Holy -Scriptures"; 7:30,
"The War God and Universal Peace."
Eoworth, Twenty-sixth and Savier streets.
C. O. McCulloch. pastor. Sunday school.
9:45 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A. M. and 7:30
P. M.; Epworth League, :30 P. M. .Theme
of the morning sermon. "The Work of the
Watchman on the Walls"; evening sermon,
"The Breadless Quest."
Central, Vancouver n venue and Fargo
street C. C. RaricU. pastor. Sunday school,
9:45 A. M.: morning sermon. "The Making
of a Soul." 11 A. M.; class meeting. 12:15
P. M. ; Epworth League. -8:30 P. M. ; even
ing sermon, "The Sunday Closing Law. or
One Day of Rest in sven," 7:"A P. M.
Mlr-weelc sen-ice. Thursday at 8:00.
University Park C. L. Hamilton, pastor.
Sunday school. 9:45 A. M. Mrs. J. F. Hi
worth, superintendent; preaching, 1 1 A. M.
and 7:;0 P. M. ; Epworth League. 8: SO P. M.;
Morning subject, "After Pentecost"; even
Ins subject. "Taming tha Tongue.'"
Mount Tabor. East Stark and Sixty-fourth
it rests rOlin Eldrldge. pastor. Preaching by
the pastor. 11 A. M-. subject. "A Casket of
Jewels" ; 7 :-5 P. M.. address by Chester
Lyon, subject, "Salvation of the Boy." Sun
day school. 9:45 A. M-; Junior League. 3
P. M. ; Epworth League. 6:45 P. M.; mid
week prayer service. Thursday evening at
S o'clock, subject of pastor's address. "Chris
tianitv a Solvent of the Social Problem."
Woodlawn. East Tenth and Highland
Louis Thomas, pastor Morning subject,
"The Man and His Job"'; evening subject.
"Hyphenated CitisensMp" ; Sunday school.
10 A. M-; Epworth League, -8:45 P. M.;
prayer moellng. Thursday evening.
Lents Rev. W. R. F. Browne, minister.
Sunday school. :4.". A. M.. S. R. Toon, su
perintendent. Sermons by the pastor morn
ing ai.d evening; 11 A. M.. 7:lt0 P. M. Serv
ice at B-n net's chapel. 3 P. M.
First African Zlon Church Rev. W. W.
Howard, D. D., paator. Preaching at 11 aI
M. and 8 P. M. by Rev. E. D. L. Thompson.
D. D. ; Sunday school, 8:45 A. M.; V. C.
Society, 7 P. M.
German, Rodney avenue and Stanton
street T. A. Schumann, pastor.' Sunday
school, 9:45 A. M.; services, U a. Jf. 4S(i
p. M.: Epworth League, 7:15 P. M.
First Norwegian-Danish, corner Eighteenth
and Hoyt O. . T. Field, .paator. Morning
services at 11 and evening services af 8
Young People's meeting every Tuesday
eveniusT at 8; prayer meeting. Tuesday i
V- si- '
Lincoln, Eaet Fifty-second and Lincoln
streets. Rev. G. G. Haley, -pastor Sunday
school at 11:30. Preaching services at 10.0-u
and 8.
Clinton Kelly. East Fortieth and Powell
J West Thompson, paator. Worship, 11 A.
&,; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. ; prayer meet
ing. Thursday, 7:45, P. M.
Portland Norwegian. 43 Twentieth street.
North Ditman La r sen. pastor. Services al
11 and 7:45; Sunday school at 10.
Vancouver-avenue Norwegian - Danish
Abraham Vereide. pastor. Sunday services
at 10:45 A, M. and 8 P. M. Sunday school
at 9:45 A. M.
Bethel, corner Larrabeo and MMlllen
streets Rev. J. Logan Craw, pastor. Sunday
school, 9:30; Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M.;
sermons, 11 A. M. and 8 :15 p. M. Class
meeting 1 P. M. A cordial welcome to tha
Westmoreland, Milwaukee avenue, be
tween Romona and South avenue Rev. C
B. Harrison, pastor. 10, Sunday school; 1L
7:30, preaching.
Kniphts of Pythias Hall, Eleventh and Al
der streets. 31 A. M-, Rev. Samuel Worces
ter, pastor. , Subject, "The Laws of Divine
Providence and Temporal Blessings." Sun
day school at 10:15.
Temple of Truth, Fliers building. 14
Broadway Jerry Jos. Green, minister.
L-tur at 8. by J'jdge H. H. Benson, on
"The1 Frictionleas Way." Truth school, 11
A. M.
First, Twelfth and Aider streets Dr. Boyd
will preach today at 10:3t A. M. and 7:S0
Pa M.
Sp ok an -avenue. East Sixteenth and Spo
kane J. E- Youel. pastor. Sunday school,
10; worship, 11 and 8 o'clock.
Mispah, Division and East Nineteenth
streets. Rev. Harry Leeds, pastor Services
Sundsy, 11 A. M. and 7:SO P. M.
First Christian, Oddfellows Hall. Bast
Sixth at Alder 3 P. M.. communion;
messages, Ida Stoller; 8 P. M., lsctttra.
Ke nil worth. East Thirty-fourth and Glad
stone avenue. Rev. L. K Richardson, pastor
Bible school, 9:45; morning service, 11;
Young People's Society .Christian Endeavor,
6:30; vesper service. 5 P. M.
Mt. Tabor, Dr. William Graham Moore,
pastor Sunday school, 10, morning service,
11: Christian Endeavor, 4; Senior Christian
Endeavor, 8:45; evening service. 7:45.
Fourth, corner First and Gibbs Henry G.
Hanson, pastor. 10 :30 A. M.. "Christian
Apostlcship" ; reception of members and In
sta-latlon of elders; 12. Sunday school ;
8:30. Christian Endeavor meeting; 7:30.
"The Unpardonable Sin," last in a series of
six sermons on "Sin."
Piedmont, Cleveland and Jarre tt streets
Rev. A. I. Hutchinson, pastor. Topic at 11
o'clock, "Come and See"; at 7:45 the large
chorus choir will give a sacred concert,
whl-b will be worth hearing; Bible school
at 9:45; Christian Endeavor, 6:20.
Central. East Thirteenth and Pino streets
Kev. L. K Giimr, minister. 10:30 A. M.,
"The Prince of Peace:' 12 M-, Sunday
school ; 6 :"0, Christian Endeavor; 7:30,
"God's Love a ParsUlogram.'"
Calvary. Eleventh and Clay streets The
pastor. Rev. Oliver -S. Baum. will preach
10:30. -The Substance of tbe Church'; 7 :3U.
The Conquering Life" : Sunday school,
noon ; C. E. Society, :30.
Hope. Seventy-eighth and Everitt streets
S. W. Seemann, minister. Morning sub
ject. "The Flower of Religion; c-venlng. Rev.
Bondlnot Seeley will preach. The Woman's
Missionary -Society Is responsible for the
service Sunday evening at Hope Presbyterian
churrh. Rev. Seeley will preach and the
mt-inb-rs of the society will sing some of
the old songs and hymn5.
First United. East Trirty-s-venth and
Hawthorne avenue Frank DeWitt Find lev.
minister. Bible school. 10 A- M.; morning
worship. 11 o'clock, icrmon topic, "Tbe Bi
End to Little Th.ngcs"; Christian Endeavor,
6 :K0 P- M. ; topic. "'Christian Endeavor In
crease and Efficiency." leader. W. A. Cur
ri"" ; evening -services. 7:30; sermon topic,
"The World's Kest Dsy."
Vernon, corner Nineteenth and Wygant
streets H. N. Mount, panto r. Sunday school
at 9:4 A. M. ; Junior C. E. at 4 P. M. :
C. at 6:"0 P. M.: public worship, with
?rrmon. at 11 A- M. and 7:30 P. M. Morning
Fubjoct. "The Transforming Power of the
1"; evening subject, "The Spiritual
Kenilworth. East Thirty-fourth and Glad
stone avenue Rev. L. KL. Richardson, pas
ter. Bible school, 9:4; monjinc worship,
11 A. M., "Vicarious Healing"; Y. P. S. C
Ji,6;1,3. leader, Mrs. Read: vesper worship.
5 P. M.. "Jesus Teaching. About tho Home. '
First German. Twelfth and Clay streets
G. Hafner, pastor. Services. 10:45 A M
s11 tp m.M": Sundy schooI 3:3o; v 1
irst Sixth and Montgomery street
; ' - ,efu cd messages by Partridge
and Richard Bishop; 8 P. M. lecture eu-1
messages Mrs. Arthur Wieendan6cr and
- L. Bishop, of Boston, Mass.
S?1".111! Spiritualist. 179 Fourth street
xw M- .,ccu" by Mrs- Zimmerman; S
P. M.. lecture by Ira Taylor and Menager.
Church of the Soul Services at the Audi
torium. 20SH Third streot. at 11 A. M ;
U-dy'ch?01', 1 :30 p- M-: medlpms met-
p" M'; Ieturo by Dr. C. Lambert, S
Church of Our Father, comer of Rroad
waV and Yamhill street. Rev. T bom aw la.
Knot. D. D., minister emeritus: Rev William
G. Eliot. Jr.. minister Services at 11 A. M
and :45 P. M. Morning sermon, "Devo
tion. Evening sermon. "Race Betterment.
Goal and Effective Means.' pastor's adult
class at 12 M. Sunday school st 9:45 A. M.
Young People's Fraternity at :30 P. M.
Church of th Good Tidings, Broadway
and East Twenty-fourth street. Rev. James
florbyL PastorWorship with sermon at
1A:4. subject, "The Religion of a Sensible
American"; 7:30, "Whv Untversaltsts Be
lieve Punishment of Sin Win Help &ve
Everybody From Sin": Sunshine Hour Sun
day school tt I,' noon; Christian t'niou
mating at 5 o'clock. Strangers find wel
come here.
First church. Erst Fiftenth snd Morrison
streets. Rev. John D. Ntsewonrier. psctor
Bible school lO to 11 A. M-: "Dollar Dav,"
with speclaT addresses by John E. CrvmVs,
represtntatlvo of the American Sunduv
School Vnlon. Endeavor preach in i;
7:30 by pastor, subject. "Why a Young Man
Is Not a Christian.
Alberts, Twenty-seventh and Alberta
streets, el'nton C. Bell, pastor Public wor.
ehip. U a. M. and T:SO P. M. : Sunday
school. 10 a. M. ; Y. p. S. C. K.. -8:30; pray
er meeting. Thursday, R p. m.
Fourth. .Sixty-ninth street and Sixtv-sec-on
avenue Southeast, Trcmoht Station J.
E. Connor, pastor. Sermons. 11 A. M. and
7:43 P. M. ; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Chris,
tlan Endeavor ti:4 P. M.
Third, corner Sixty-seventh street and
Thirty-first avenue Southeast Herbert F.
White, pastor. Sunday school, lO A. M.;
morning service. 11 o'clock, subject. "Small
Beginnings"; Christlsn Endeavor conference
from t to & P. M.; Christian Endeavor. :30
P. M.; evening service. 7;u.
First Church, corner East Sixteenth ard
Poplar Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:0
P. M. by C C. Poling, paster, subjects,
"Porronality of Power" and "Believer? and
the Blood"; Sunday school at 10 A. M.; C.
E. meeting at 6: SO P. M.
Ockley Green Church, corner Willamette
boulevard and Gay street Rev. J. Boer
sox will preach both morning and evening;
Sunday school at lO A. M. ; C. E. meeting
at 7:30 P. M. The pastor is in the cam
attending the annual board of missions of
tha church.
St. Johns Church Rev. A. P. Lay toft,
pastor. Preaching both morning and even
ing; Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; Christian
Endeavor meeting at 6:30 P. M.
First, -East Thirty-seventh and Hawthorne
avenue Frank DeWitt Find Kay, minister.
Bible school, 10: sermon, 11, Dr. J. H.
White, of Pittsburg; Christian Endeavor,
8:30; sermon, 7:30.
Kenton J. S. Cole, paetor. Bible school,
10 A. M. ; prescblng, 11:45 A. M. , Christian
Endeavor, :3o F. M-; prayer meeting.
Thursday, t;0 P. M.
Swedish services. Oregon City, todsy at
3 P. il., John Ova 11, minister All Scan
dinavians are invited.
Young Women's Christian Association,
Broadway and Taylor street Vesper service
and social hour, 4 :30 o'clock. Strangers
Y". M. C. A.. Sixth and Taylor streets
Dr. W. B. Hlnson, pastor of the Whita
Temp'.e, will speak at 3:30 o'clock on "Tiva
Eternal Question."
Divine Truth Chapel. Selllng-Hirsch
building, corner West Park and Washing
ton streets Rev. Thaddeus M. Minard. pas
tor. Services, 11 A. M. Ex-Rabbl Goldman,
who has been ordained as a minister of the
Truth Church, will speak, subject "The
Inner Light": Bible class Tuesdsy at 2 P.
M. ; study class Thursday S P. M.
Rose City Park Community Church.
Forty-fifth and Hancock street. Rev. J. M.
Skinner, patuor Worship 11 A. M. and 7::".0
P. M.; school of religious education. 9:4";
Tounc People's meeting. 6:30; mid-week
service Thursday, 7:30. Sunday evening the
pastor will speak on -The Negro Problem In
Minister's Friends Would See Ohio
an Wilson's Second in Campaign. .
NEW YORK. Oct. 24. A Washing
ton special to the New York Tribune
Much quiet talk has been heard in
Washington in the last tew days with
regard to the availability of Brand
Whitlock, of Toledo. Ohio, as President
Wilson", running mate next year.
There has been no doubt for soma time
that President Wilson would be a can
didate to succeed himself, despite the
one-term plank in the Baltimore plat
form, so that talk of candidates among
the Democrats centers largely on the
second place.
The reports that Mr. Wilson would
prefer some other mate to Marshall
have been denied, but are persistent
enough so that friends of other pos
sibble candidates feel justified in keep
ing their campaign fforng.
Ohio has the second largest number
of electoral votes, so a candidate from
Ohio, strong enough to put his state in
the "Democratic eclumn. would measure
up to the political necessities of the
situation. Whitlock, as Minister to
Belgium, has been much in the public
Alabama, in .1914 mined l59o,41"2 tons of
corI. worth JLVi.S:i.01il at thu minos.
The Mk that Is maklnr people lauch.
m oll, happy, brava. A moaey-tourde.d crouch
road ft, bow 1. a millionaire of chewful
ness. A crow .yed offic boy. prfct"T
strairht. only he looked crook.d. nd it,
now hi li back clerk. A minister, so d
that whan he Mid grrce It froz. ni. ooff...
read It. now I. prsaehinc to st.ndinc-rrom
only. Hi. church Janitor, a har4-luck loit,
so poor If It rained souo h. didn't have a
bucket to catcb It in. read It. new he la a
salesman at lib per. fieveral maiden, of
hopeless. Impossible ace. rejuvenated their
oorn by It. then married the best mn In
th. world. Make, tho wc-feoted brain "hit
the star-dust trail" of golden nccca. Put.
v,lvet on the salesman, tons-tie and cut, the
ruis .at of Mi. buyer, ear. Show, yon how
to love year relative, and net be mteera.:.
dome It. Fitl. with destre to llv. your
ltfte all over again, though married.
Where It la sold mills hav. started full
time; they're building; hingo.
en cmeterry gates are rusting: undertakers
going ut of biuincti: people quitting th.
dying habit. A unday school teacher smt:
"It beats to. devil. That's its ptirpoee.
A bank president say.: "Sy.ry business
man in the United States should have) your
llttl. book."
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