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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1915)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31, 1913. YISITIKG SUNDAY SCHOOL DELEGATES OCCUPY PULPITS TODAY Efficiency and Fellowship Are Aims of Workers Who Will End Conference in Portland Wednesday Clarkson Clothier One of Distinguished Visitors Interesting: Addresses Are Given. 10 i FFICIENCY and fellowship are aims of the missionaries. Church workers and pastors who are attending the third conference of the American Sunday School Union which will continue until late Wed nesday afternoon. The conference opened In the Toungr "Women's Chris tian Association on Thursday with the superintendent. Rev. E. R. Martin, pre siding. One of the features of the opening days was the Scripture leader ship of the Rev. A. L. Hutchison. Two of the most distinguished men present are Clarkson Clothier, vice president of the American Sunday School Association, and Rev. G. P. Wil liams, L. E., secretary of missions, both of Philadelphia. Today several of the visiting mis sionaries will occupy the pulpits of various churches in the city. One of the speakers on Friday waa Rev. II. O. T. Burkwall, of the British and . Foreign Bible Society, of Canton, China. He gave an interesting account of the work in the Orient. Mr. Clothier gave one of the helpful a-ddresses of the conference. This is hit, first visit to Portland, and he is delighted with the spirit of en th usiasm. The American Sunday School Union was established a-s a state society in 1S17 and as a National society in 1824. Jts aim is to have a Sunday school in every community, to distribute help ful literature and to care adequately for the otherwise unreached. The programme for the rest of the conference f ol lows: Monday 9:30 A. M-, devotions; 10. 'A Clear Aim in Sunday School Work" (From the new Teacher Training Book): 11, BiWe lecture; "Hebrews," Dr. Hutchison; 12, luncheon, tearoom. V. W. C A.; 2, devo tions, Daniel Dupertuis, Centra lia. Wash. ; 2:30, "The Man and His Task." Rev. George . Peacock, Biackfoot, Idaho; 3, "Mo tives, Preparation and Rewards In Fishing for Men." hov. It. Elmer Smith, D. D Fortland ; 3:3i, address. Dr. George B. Pratt, Portland ; 4,, round table: The Mis sionary as a Christian," Mr. Pepper; "The , Missionary as a Student, Mr. Smith; ''The Missionary as a Soul Winner," Mr. Tif fany; "The Mifsiouary in His Home and Community," Mr. Allen; "The Missionary; His Means of Travel." Mr. Dupertuis. Tuesday 9:30 A. M., devotions; 10. "In spiration for Sunday School Workers (From the new Teacher Training Book ) ; 1 !, Bible lecture: "Hebrews," Dr. Hutchison; 12, luncheon, tearoom Y. W. C. A.; 2. praise service, Mr. Hillis; 2::H), address, John H. Kudd, ti-state boys secretary Y. M. C. A., Portland : 3, "Shall Our Schools Adopt the Constitution?" Mr. BJxby; 3:30, "Sunday School Conventions for Our Schools, Mr. Jtohrbrough ; 4, round table, Our Sunday Schools": "How 1 Find Needy Places," Mr. Dupertuis; "How I Get a Crowd," Mr. Blx by; "My Message (in the First Meeting)," Mr. Peacock; Introducing Our Literature." Mr. Smith; "How 1 Get Reports," Mr. HllHs. Evening S. illustrated lecture. "The Man of Nazareth," Mr. Martin. Wednesday 0:30 A. M.. devotions; 10, open ; hour; 11. Bible lecture, "Hebrews," Dr. Hutchison; IS. luncheon, tearoom Y. W. C. A.: IT, praise service. Mr. Smith; 2:'-i0. "Keeping Our Work Before the Peo ple." Mr, Crymes; 3, 'DistributIn$; Books and Tracts," Mr. Dupertuis; 3:30, "Com bating isms,," Mr. G. W. Rohrbough. Al bany, or. ; 4. round table, "Evangelistic Meetings." "When and Where," Mr. Allen; "With Whom I stay," Mr. Pepper; "Getting Help." Mr. Crymes; "Pastoral Work," Mr. Hlllls; "What 1 Preach," Mr. Tiffany: "Es tablishing New Converts." Mr. Rohrbough. The Portland Christian announces for the First Christian Church: A workers" together committe has been, formed, whose duties are many and varied. The committee organized by electing Miss Harriet Moorenouse, chairman, and Miss Jeah McCune, secretary. The other mem bers of the committee are: B. C. Darnall, Frank Nase, H. M. Haller, A. H. Averill. F. C. Eelbold, G. H. Grombacher, G. F. Alexander, F. W. Beach, A. E. Meserve. R. C. powell, J. F. Faust, Carl B. Brown. C. J. Wlnchell. R. E. Brlstow. G. E. Baker. D. R Norton. E. S. Muekley. F. G. Kin.;, i O. M." Murphy, Mra. Gus C. Moser, Dr. W. . Flack, Dr. A. E. Kidd. Carl M. Uttle, J. F. Woodard, Mrs. A. J. Fanno, M. B. Meach am. The committee will meet at tho close of the Sunday morning service in the Sun day school room. The newly-elected officers of the Sister hood are: President. Mrs. Gus C. Moser; v t.-e-presidents. Mrs. Frank Nase, Mrs. Kate Jtanlz, Mrs. Frank Moore, Mrs. C. W. Mad dux: secretary. Mrs. G. Everett Baker; treasurer. Mrs. Will F. Powell; superintend ent of the cradle roll. Miss Georgia Parker. The Sisterhood Is starting up on a year of great work under these officers. All yountf people are invited to the Hal loween party, which tho Endeavorers will pive on Tuesday evening. November 2. in the church parlors. It will be a masquer ade purtv and a royal pood time Is guaran teed. No one will be admitted who is not disguised. Our Endeavorers have started an Endeav or Society at the Chinese Christian Mission. The organization was effected Friday even ing. October 2'2, by four of the members of our society, meeting with eight young Chinese people. The constitution was read, discussed and adopted. The following of 1 leers were elected: President. Louie Dip; vice-preside nt. DaUy Luck; secretary. Fan nie Lee ; treasurer, Lra Bong. The society will meet every Sunday evening from tJ:30 to t oolock. The subjects of" the sermons at the First Christian Church this morning will be "All Things Are Yours," and in the evening, "Greatness in the King dom." George Darsie, the pastor, will preach. "Homecoming' day will be observed by the First Christian Church, Sunday, November 7. ' An effort is being made to have all the members of the church nt the services on that day. It will be a "family gathering. The Sunday school and the Christian Endeavor So ciety will observe the day. Special programmes and sermons will feature the day's services. At the evening service of "Homecom ing day," Rev. George Dnrsie will begin a series of sermons on the Bible as follows: November 7. "What the Bible Is For"; November 14. "Why the Bible Is True"; November 21. "Why the Bible Is Suf ficient" ; November 28, "How All Can Vnderstand the Bible"; December 5, "Hov the Bible Comforts"; December 12. "Why the Bible will Never pass Away. Sunday. November 21, is the day set aside by the Pope for prayers and of ferings for the sufferers in Poland, When Archbishop Christie returns he will give out the plans for the observ ance of the day. The archbishop was called East recently on account of the illness of his sister. - lirv. 11. C Jennings, head of the Methodist Bok Concern, who addressed the open air Methodist meeting last Sunday. also addressed the Methodist Ministerial A sswociation at the First Church lust Monday. Later In the day he was-the guest of Robert H. Hughes, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, on a tour of the Columbia River High way. ReY. George Mains, also of the Book Concern, was ti guest. He gave the important address at the Minister ial meeting, which was received with appreciation. Among the growing activities of the Christian Universalis Church at Broad way and Kast Twenty-fourth street h. large place must be giver for the work with children and youths. A .1 unior Christian Union has been launched under the direction of Mrs. . D. Corby. The young people are greatly interested in the study, which takes the fo-m of a trip around the world, visiting the various missionary stations iu foreign lands. Robert Bar bour is the president, and has a capa ble corps ot' assistants.. A woman's quartet is one of the new delights in the services, and is greatly enjoyed. The personnel is Miss Ziska Ayres. Mrs. J. H. Barbour. Miss Leon a Mourton and Miss Williams, who is directing: A merry Halloween party was en joyed by .the young folks Saturday, with Dr. and Mrs. Corby as hosts. Novel games and good Units made the EFFIC the chur hours pass quickly. ' " " 1 ft I urX. - jHV A- i t If ': - mu ( s j Left to Illdhf (Standing:) G. W. RohrbuSh, Albany. Or.; Rev. W. hi. Smith, Mrdfordi Rev. V. p. Allen. McMlnnvllle, J. e. Crimea. La tirande; E. V. Hllln. Rev. F n. F-ladley, H. O. T. Burkwtll, Canton, China I A. S. Bixby. Mlddlcton, Idaho) I. Dupertula, Centralla, Wut.g Rev. S. Karl DnBoln. A. Uupertnla. Rev. K, J. Tiffany, Lraliton, Idaho ; Rev. II. E Cox. .Portland. (Seated Rev. Ci. W. Pepper, Seattlei Charlotte Rllaabeth Martin. Ilansh ter of Superintendent Martini Rev. G. D. Peacock, Blackfoot, Idaho; Rev. A. L.. Hutchlnon, Clarkson Clothier. Philadelphia! Rev. K. R. Martin. Su perintendent Vpper Coast Dlatricti Dr. (ieorse P. Wllllama, Philadelphia; Mra. Martin, Mra. I V. Dickey. Rev. A. A. Hurd. Insert Dr. Wllllama. Secretary, and Clarkaon Clothier, Vlce-prealdent, American Sunday School Cnlon. Presbyterian Church Secre tary to Start Work. Richard Randall Xakes Charge of Office Many ISeiv Plana BelnK Laid for Seaaon. THE new assistant. Richard E. Ran dall, will be In his office at the First Presbyterian Church. 454 Alder street, beginning tomorrow. Mr. Ran dall's acquaintance in the congregation already is broad and he enters the work under every promise of large success. Many new plans are in prep aration, to be launched during the sea son, the first among them being the reorganization of the First Presbyteri an Chorus, which operated with such success the past Winter. The final sermon in a series of re markable interest on "The Facts of Life" will be preached on Sunday even ing by Rev. John H. Boyd. D. D., at 7 :B0 o'clock, from the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets. This ser mon is a study of "The Fact of Death and Earth's Incompleteness," and will show the entrance of death and its meaning in nature, its original neces sity and kindliness, its shadow and horror to man, and finally tne ena ot its reign and the triumph of life. It is requested that the congregation be prompt in coming at 7:30 o'clock, so that the interest of the servce need not suffer from interruption. Joseph P. Mulder will sing a tenor solo. "Call- est Thou Thus. O Master?' and tne quartet will sing Morses Deautiiui anthem. "I beheld, and Lo: Tne morn ing service is at 10:30 o clock, and tne pastor will preach a sermon which is of special interest to those who are out in the actual world of today, and are finding the pathway of right living very narrow and difficult. The publit it invited to hear Dr. Boyd on "Christ's Challenge to Every Man's Life." Rev. W. O. Shank to Discuss City Problems in Sermons. East Side Baptist Church Pastor An nounces New Serica of Themea. REV. W. O. SHANK, pastor of the East Side Baptist Church, will preach a series of sermons on Sunday nights during November on the eco nomical and social questions pertaining to Portland and its citizens. The following subjects will be used in the series of sermons: November 7 "Can a Young Man Suc ceed in Portland?" November 14 "Can a Young Woman tfAi,A i : .t in Portland?" --r.vmber 21 "How Can Portland n Unemployed Problem?" November 28 "After the Saloon Goes. At the Baptist state convention, held recently at Eugene. Mr. Shank was chosen chairman of a social service ...MnmKsinn 10 enlist the churches in tho nrnctical side of Christianity. Those addresses will be free to all. The East Side Baptist Church is one nf the most progressive in the city. Dr. Shank is up to date in his ideas nd a. leader.' He has frequently Deen aDDolnted on important committees among the state Baptists. Central Christian Church Has Last Services Today. New Orsanization to Be Operated on No-Debt Basla and Many Activities Are Planned. TODAY the Central Christian Church will hold its last services in the building at Kast Twentieth and Salmon streets. After today the i-ast sKie Christian Church will be formed. The old organization will be discontinued. The church was heavily in debt some time ago and lost its building. The Rev. A. L. Crlm, pastor, in speaking of plans for the future, said: "We will endeavor to keep, out of debt. A heavy weight such as wc had all courage from the members." The Sisterhood of the new church plans a baaaar for the near future to start raising funds. Elaborate plans for this event are being made. ... Sunday school class No. 3. Loyal Workers of the Central Christian Church, met recently with Mrs. R. H. Bennett. Comforters were tied for the bazaar which will be held about November 13. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Cassell. New York Apart ments, on East Seventh and Belmonv streets. .... At the meeting of the Brotherhood of the First Congregational Church to be held Monday night Rev. M. J. ienenga, formerly president of Northland Col lege. Northland, Wis., will, deliver an address on "Christian Education and Community Enlightenment Through Self-Supporting Student Industries." Mr. Fenenga has had success in the de velopment of student industries in con nection with college work. His own history and the history of his success ful administration of Northland College is interesting. Hartridge G. Whipp will sing, and Paul A. Cowgill. secretary of the Portland Realty Board, will enter tain the men with a sleight-of-hand performance. The church services at the Mount Tabor Methodist Church will be in charge of Chester A. Lyon Sunday evening. He will tell of the work he is doing for boys on his farm located at Lebanon, Or. Lantern slides will be used to illustrate the lecture. District Epworth Cabinet Reports on Work. Ily la Arranged for December 2 at Mount Xabor Methodist Episcopal Church. THE District Cabinet of the Epworth League met at the Y. M. C. A. Mon day night. Members from the cabinets of University Park, Woodlawn and Mount Tabor were present. The re ports of the ofTicers show that the leagues are in good shape. The treas urers reported a total up to date of Mo. 50 in the treasury. The district rally will be held De cember 3 at the Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church. The contest for the banner will be final and the winner will be entitled to hold the banner. The average will be obtained by averaging the percentage present and also the ex act number. Each league contesting must send Mr. Chilson. corresponding secretary, the membership by or on No vember id. The chapters are looking forward to an especially beneficial week beginning November 7. "Win My Chum" week means much time and effort if it is to be successful. Trinity. X. niversitv Park Sellwood and Mount Tabor are doing considerable work. Mount Tabor wi have only three nights the first of the week, but these meetings will be led by speakers from the city. This ha3 been an exceptionally busy week In the various leagues, for they have planned some form of Halloween party. The usual gypsies, goblins and spirits are helping to make the even ing enjoyable. University Park. Sell wood. Trinity. Epworth. Woodlawn, Centenary and others are especially noucea. ... The Bethany Chapter of the Epworth Church held a business meeting and so cial at Miss Dorothy Larsen's home, who is the fourth vice-president. Their meeting was marked by the fact that quite a number who are not members of the league were there. They have formed a girls' sewing club and are planning to do practical work. They want to know the names of two or three families who need clothes and food and they will help them. They have decided that the prize li brary will be helpful, so have gone Into the contest with energy and are send ing warning to all other leagues. song3. readings, games and finally re freshments helped to make the evening a pleasant one. The Japanese young people have asked for fraternal privileges in the or ganlzed bpworth League. ... Central Church will be the scene of a literary and musical programme. The Presidents Association has appointed committee to complete the plans. Miss Willard. Mr. Scott and Mr. Gill have chosen November Id for the date. The nst vice-presidents met at the home of Carrol Day. Tuesday night. Any first vice-presidents who are hav ing difficulty at home sihould attend these meetincrs. where the problems are discussed. These meetings are held every fourth Tuesday at Mr. Day's. The institute committee took charge of the league sjrvice at Epworth Sun day night. The meeting was well at tended and about 12 desire to attend institute at Salem. Mr. Schnell talked on the spiritual advantage. Mr. Gill the social side and Mr. Scott the educa tional. The committee will be working at home for three weeks. The usual monthly business and so cial meetings of the federated Bible classes of the First United Brethren Church. East Fifteenth and East Mor rison street, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Zeigler. 1074 East Bel mont street. October 26. The speaker of the evening. E. H. Rosenthal, organizer of the Christian Peace Association, was listened to with marked attention on the subject. "Ob jects and Motives of the Association." Mr. Rosenthal is a forceful speaker and makes a strong plea for his cause A number of visitors were present be sides the regular attendants of the class. Dr. Frank Loveland to Give Sermon of Series Tonight. Review to Be Made of "Hamlet" at . Evening Service While Addresses on Ancient Lyrics of Church Will Be Thursday Klsht Feature. ON Sunday nights Dr. Frank L. Love land is delivering a series whlc.i he terms "Preaching by PulDitless Preachers: pr, Some Sermons by Great Souls." . The third in this series will be given tonight at 7:30. and the sub ject will be "Shakespeare's Weak Soul; or. Hamlet, the Crownless Dane." These reviews of great books, given in nis own language and his own inter pretation, are growing in interest, as is shown by the increased attendance In the morning Dr. Loveland will preach on "The Law of Spiritual Prog ress." Taking the place of the regular mid week prayer meeting. Dr. Loveland has inaugurated a series of addresses; on "Ancient Lyrics, Carols and Hymns of the Church," which he is giving every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The lecture is followed by a social half hour, at which refreshments are served. The first in the series wae given last Thursday evening, and the refresh ments were served by tne Ladies' Ala Society. More than 300 were in attend ance. The subjects for the remaining Thursday evenings, together with the hosts, follow: November 4 "The Hymns of the Reformation"; the Bereans. November 11 "Some Old English Hymns"; finance commission. November 19 "Hymnology of tho Methodists"; Ergatheae. November 25 "Royal Music of the Cathedrals": Winners. . December 2 "Some Hymns by Great Poets"; the "J. O. C.s." December 9 "Some Hymns by Great Women"; the Builders. December 16 "The Hymns Our Mothers Sang." At this last service 12 mothers, dressed in white, will be the hostesses. A "hymnal chorus" of 16 voices will assist in illustrating the above themes. The annual Sunday school meeting of the church was held last Wednesday evening. The banquet was served by the Ladles' Aid at 6:30 o'clock. D. Loveland presided. After the reports of the officers, it was decided to adopt the graded system for the Sunday school and this will be carried out when the new temple is ready for oc cupancy. Officers were elected as fol lows: Superintendent. Professor C. A. Rice. Asistants as follows: In charge of teachers. C. D. Minton; grades. Misa Jessie Skinner: music, R. A. Prudden; visitors, A. King Wilson and Mrs. I. N Garman; records. B. A. Green; cradle roll. Mrs. J. H. Watson; beginners. Mrs. J. R Greenfield; primary, Mrs. H. T. Greene; Junior. Mrs. C. D. Minton; senior. Mrs. E. S. Miller: home 1epart ment Mrs. C. F. Strahley; recording secretary. Miss Winnifred Bassett; en rollment secretary. Miss Adeline Smith: corresponding secretary. Miss Edna Sperryi treasurer, Edward Britton: librarian, Helen Witter; organist. Miss Nellie Dickinson. Frank L. Brown. American secretary of the World's Sunday school conven tion, will be In this city on Sunday. November 14. and a big Sunday school rallv will be held at First Church at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. This will be participated in by all the Methodi3i churches of the city. St. James' Lutheran Church Celebrates Today. Reformation Services Will He Held This Morning Sunday School Will Participate. E E FORMATION services will be cele- Church this morning at 11 o'clock. The Sunday school will participate in the services. The Cdlumbia Central Luther League was well attended at St- .James' Lu theran Church last Saturday and Sun day. The local is making' plans for a more active campaign during the com ing year. Miss Mathisen will lead the meeting on Sunday evening, and the monthly business and social meeting will be held at the parsonage on Tues day, November 9. The October meeting of the Young Ladies' Guild of St. James' Lutheran Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fisher, on Lovejoy street, and was entertained by Miss Lardon. The meeting was well at tended and plana were made for the Winter's work. Dr. J. .T. Staub. pastor of the Sunny side Congregational Church, will take for his subject tonight "Wrecked." This is the third in a series of Sunday night discourses on the general theme, "The Voyage of Life." Special music accompanies these sermons. The pub lie is cordially welcome. A chorus concert with a programme of exceptional merit will be given at the Sunnyslde Congregational Church Friday, November 5. in which the choir will be assisted by members of the Rose Festival and Chautauqua chorus. Special soloists and other attractions will make this a great occasion for all music lovers. Lloyd R. Carrick, president of the Portland Christian Endeavor Union, and several of his associate officers and workers will conduct a Christian En deavor conference today from 3 to 5 o'clock at the Third United Brethren Church. corner East Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-first avenue South cast. These workers also will lead the Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 o'clock and conduct the regular evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Archibald Mackintosh, of Se attle, a converted engineer who drove the Scottish Fast Mail, but since his conversion several ye&rs ago has been successful, as pastor and evans.ellst, will begin a series of evangelistic meet ings at the Highland Baptist Church, commencing next Monday. Come and hear him sing at the Highland Baptist Church, corner of Sixth and Alberta streets. Rev. Charles F. Mieir. pastor. Mrs. A. W. DeLong, assistant pastor at the White Temple, will give a series of Bible talks on "Women of the Bible," at the Y. W. C. A., beginning next Thursday, at 10 A. M.. In the Bible-room, and continuing for six weeks on each successive Thursday. All women invited. Men's Club Forms at Central Presbyterian Church. S'tw Organisation Electa Officers and Revises Constitution Used by Predecessor. IN the Central Presbyterian Church on Wednesday night, at East Thir teenth and Pine streets, the Men's Club was formed, of the men's organizations In the old Third and Hawthorne Park Churches, which were combined about six months ago. The joint congrega tion is now known as 'the Central Church. The constitution of the men's club of the old Third Church was adopted with slight changes, and the following officers were elected: Pl-estdent, H. L. Camp: vice-president, J. G. Bennett; secretary-treasurer, K. A. Holloway; associate secretary, Arthur Collis. The next meeting will be held November 16. At the beginning of the recent meeting. Rev. L. K. Grimes advised the club to take up the Big Brotherhood movement. i- Mrs. Florence Crawford opens her work for the Winter tonight at S o'clock. It is planned to have a "Hal loweed evening" in the Tyrolean room of the Hotel Benson, and all "are wel come to -attend. Mrs. Crawford will relate her experiences in California during the Summer. E. P. Rosenthal will give a short address and Mrs. Elizabeth Bond will sing. The place oi tne regular meeting will be an nounced at this time. Economic and social questions per taining to the City of Portland and its citizens will be discussed , during the month of November at the East Stde Baptist Church, Twentieth and East Ankeny streets, by the pastor. Rev. W. O. Shank. The following addresses will be given on Sunday evenings: November 7. "Can a Toung Man Succeed in Portland?" November 14. "Can a Young Man Make Good In Portland?" November 21. "How Can Portland Solve Her Unemployed Problem?" . November S3, "After the Saloon Goes, What?" A social service commission was or ganized at the recent Baptist conven tion in Eugene to enlist the churches In the practical side of Christianity, and Rev. Mr. Shank was chosen chairman. ... Dr. Howell, who has charge of the Deaconess Asosciation for the United States, will be In Portland Sunday, No vember i. The Epworth League is par tluularly fortunate, for he has prom ised to meet with all young people who are Interested In oeaconess and mission work, and every cabinet officer should attend this meeting. This will be an informal meeting and everyone is asked to bring the troublesome ques tions with him for Dr. Howell to dis cuss. ' . "The Charm of the Sacrificial" wil be Drl Luther R. Dyott's theme in the First Congregational Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. His special theme in the evening will be "God' Strong Man," which is the second ser mon in the series on the general theme. "Lndam-iged Goods. There will be special music rendered by the quartet, morning and evening. The morning service is preceded by the Bible school, which Is held in the church parlors at 9:50 A. M.. with J. L. Bowlby as super intendent. ""Miss Margaret Bates and Miss Adele Dyott have charge of the beginners' and primary departments. The Bible school orchestra, under the leadership of Dr. W. O. Spencer, Is one of the many splendid features of this school. The Christian Endeavor meet ing is hld in the church parlors at 6:30 P. M. Strangers in the city are cor dially invited 'to attend all of these services. The Young ' People's Society ' of the First Congregational Church gave a most attractive Halloween party in the parlor of the church Friday evening. The young people of this society are most active in the social and religious life of their church, and make all young people who are strangers ii. Portland and who attend their Sunda evening meetings or their entertain ments feel welcome. ... At the Y. W. C. A. vesper service Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock Rev. W. J. Beaven. of the Third Baptist Church, will be the speaker. The sub ject. "Home Problems of the Ameri can Church." will be illustrated with the stereoptlcon. Miss Edith Young will sing. Social hour. 5:30. . The all-day meeting of the women's societies of Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Olin Eldridge. 1607 East Stark street. The social hour at noon will give an opportunity for be coming acquainted, and all friends In Sunday Church. Services ADVENTISTS. (Services of this denomination are held on Saturday.) Central. East Eleventh and Everett Elder P. C. Hay-ward, pastor. Sabbath school. 10; preaching-. 11; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, 7:30-8:30; y. P. S.. Friday even Ins". 7:43. Tabernacle. Weit Side. Knights of Pythiaa Hall. Eleventh and Alder H. M. St. John. pautor. Sabbath school. 10; preaching, 11; lecture, 7:45; Sunday evening special servlcea. :4j; district prayer meeting. v eanesaay night. Montnviaa. East Eighttetu ana liverett J. F. Beatty, local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 10: Y. P. meeting. 4; prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7:30; Helping i.and Society. 1:30 Tuesday. Lents, Ninety-fourth street and 1'lity- elghth avenue Southeast D. J. Cliltwood, local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 11 : prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, to. SL Johns. Central avenue and narieston street E. L. Hurlburt. local elder. Sabbaia school. 10; preaching. 11; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, s. M Ta (.nr Kast Sixteenth ana ueimoni C. J. Cummlngs, pastor. Sabbath school, lo: preaching. 11; prayer meeting, vv eanesaay evening. 7:4.". Alblna Grm.n. SKiamore una Manory A. C Schweitzer, local elder. Sabbath school. 10:30: preaching. 11:30: Sunday even ing special services, s; prayer nieewus. Wednesday evetlng. 8. Scandinavian. Tr.irty-nintn avenue "u Sixty-second mreet Uloer O. E. Sandnes. pastor. Sabbath scnool. lo; preacning. . prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, 7:45. ADVANCED THOUGHT. Spiritual Temple, corner sixth and Mont gomery streets Services Tuesday aiternoon 2:3'l P il.. Tuesday evening at s jm-. Sunday morning. 11 A. SI. : special music. Public cordially lnvitea. ASSOCIATED BIBLE STUDENTS. Meetings In Woodmen of the World Hall. East Sixih and Alder 1:43. c:nsa talks: 3. discourse by N. W. Lewton. "The Church's Mathematics;' 4:po, praise ana testimony meeting; 7:15. song service; :3U. pudhc lec ture. "Where Are the Ueud ?" by Norman. M. Lewton. . BAPTIST. First, White Tempi"!. Twelfth and Taylor street?. Rev. W. B. Hinson, u. u.. minister ft:.-.o Rible schoo:. cusses lor au uau. ii. preaching by Ir. Hinson, theme, "The Great est Question Men Ever Asked or Ood Ever Heard; 1. : 1 o. Baptist loung r-eopie umoii. - .i t nreacn.liff oy ur. runson, memo, a ue Source That Damns IMvorce." East Side. Kast -v.enuein ana Auneuy street Ftev. W. O. Shank, pastor lo. sun day school; 11. -address by Rev. G. L. Tufts, superintendent of One Day In Seven Rest Society and Anti-Cigarette League for the farltlc L uaBi; o:oJ. x. i. . i. . . . . preaching by the pastor, theme, "Jesus and That Woman at Jacob's Well." Arleta. Rev. W. T. S. Sprlggs. pastor 10, Sundav tchool; 11. preaching by the pastor, theme. "Men Whom Jesus Can Trust": 6:0. B. Y. P- C; 7:oO. preaching by tin. naitor. theme. "Tne Second Covenant. Calvary, East Eighth and Grant streeta 10. Sunday school; 11 ud i :J0, preacning oy Rev. A. Lawrence Black, a former pastor; 0:30. B. Y. P. V. Giencoe. East Forty-fifth and Main streets. Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor 0:45, Sunday school- 11. address by Miss Ruby Weyburn; tt:3W. B. Y. P. V.: 7:30. preaching by the pastor, theme. "Beaten Oil Highland, Alberta and East Sixth street North. Kev. unanes r. Jicicr, yaoiui u, Sunday school; 11, preaching by the pastor, . in Irtral Church " : :3l). B. Y. P. C: 7:30, preaching by the pastor, theme, "The Reformation of a Thief." Tabernacle. Forty-second and Holgate streets. W. S. car w:3lt. Sunday school; 11, Sunday school rally, theme, "Finding the Book"; :3C. Junior B. Y. P. U. : :43, B. Y. p l; 7:45. preaching by Rev. Walter Duff, theme, "A King Sinner." Grace. Montuvilla, Her. II. T. Cash, pas tor -43. Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, ureachlng services; :3u, B. Y. P. U. ieutB Rev. J. M. Nelson, ' pastor 10, Sun dav scnool: 11 and 7:3o. preaching by the pastor; :3. B- Y. P. U. Sellwood. Eleventh street and Tacorna ave nue. KeV. X. - - -'- .-u.Junj school : preaching at 1 1 and 7:30; 6:30, B. Y p XT St. Johm, Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor io Sunday school: 11 and 7 ::iO. preaching by the paator: d-oO. B. Y. P. U. f Third Vancouver avenue and Knott street. Rev. V.'. J. Bctven, iastor 10. Sun day school: 11 and 7:HU, preachlns by tne oast.T. :., B. Y. P. V. University Park. Fiske and Drew streets. Rev C I Heskett, pastor ti:o0, Sunday school:" 11 and 7:30. preaching; by tlia pas tor: :30. B- Y. P. U. Mount O'tvet. Seventh and Everett streets. Rev. W. A. Magfett. pastor Services 11 and S; Sunday chool. i2:.i. Fl-st German, Fourth and Mil! treets. Rev. Jacob Kratt. pastor 0:4.". Sunday school; 11 and 7:3o. preaching by the pastor. gAcoDd German. Morris and Rodney 9:4.,, Sunday school , preaching- services, 11 and S; B. Y. P. IT- 7. SU Johns, German. Rev. F. Bueermann. pastor IO. Sunday school; II and 7:30. prea- htna by the. pastor; B. Y. P. V. Swedish. Fifteenth nd Hoyt treets. Rev. F. Linden, pastor Preaching, 10:40 and 7:30- Sunday school, 12 (noon); B. T. P. U.. S. Chinese Vlsslon, 3o Bumslde , street Sunday school, 7. J. G. M alone, superin tendent. Italian Miss'on, Eat Eighteenth and Tlb betta streets. Rev. Francesco Sannella. pas tor 10, Sunday school; 10:30. short sermon the neighborhood are invited to at tend. Strangers are especially wel come. The Good Fellowship Brothers, the men's Bible class of Mount Tabor Meth odist Episcopal Church, will entertain the members and their friends In tho church parlors on Wednesday evening, at 8 P. M. A programme will be given and refreshments served. ... On Wednesday night, at a social en tertainment under the auspices of the women's societies of Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church, the fol lowing programme was given: Pinno ..u. ..uss .Mildred Wright: reading Miss Koark: vocal solo. Mrs E n' Wheeler: reading. Miss McGraff; whist ling solo. Mrs. Edgar Stone: reading ' Lillian Downing; vocal solo. Misa Horence E. Twidwell. ... Dr. Hinson will preach im. mnm;.r n the White Temnl nn -Th r-.- est Question Man Ever Asked, or God Ever Heard." Mrs. Hutchinson will sing as an of fertory "Eye Hath Not Seen." bv Gaul. At the night service Dr. Hinson will preach the sixth of the "Home" series of sermons soon to be published in the Paciric Baptist, and he will take for his theme, "The Force That Damns Di vorce." This sermon will be the in troduction to the question of divorce, which will be discussed for the next two Sunday evenings In the White Temple. In the evening Mrs. Hutchinson will sing again and a choir will render sev eral numbers under the direction of Dr. McMichaol. The ordinance of Be lievers' Baptism will be administered at the close of the evening service. The Bible school, under the super vision oi .Mr. stone with classes for all. begins at 9:30 this morning. The two societies for young people meet at 6:15 P. M. in the Lower Temple and the Ladles' parlor. Dr. Hinson will address both sessions. and Victor Pendergrass will be leader of the Junior League. Dr. Hinson has been called by the, American Home Missionary Society to take the position of division evangelist for the Pacific Slope territory, consist ing of the 11 states of Kansas. Ne braska, North Dakota. South Dakota. Montana. Idaho. Wyoming. California. Utah. Washington, Oregon. Colorado, Nevada and Arizona. The functions of the division evange list will be to promote evangelistic ac tivities on the Part of pastors and churches by personal intercourse, and especially by conferences on evange lism: also to keep this work to the forefront in meetings of state con ventions and district associations and through denominational papers; also to study the need3 of the fields to de termine where evangelistic measures are most needed and may be most hopefully put into effect: to direct pastors and evangelists, an als? con duct special meetings himself. for rngllsh-Bpoaking people: 11. preaching service; 7. pastor's circle tprayer service); a, preachinK service. RuselviHo vMissinn 3, Sunday school; 3:43, preaching service. The Young Men's Class H. Y. M. C.) ot the Highland Baptist Churctt, East Sixth and Alberta streets met at 0:43 A. M-. Sunday, All young men are urged to attend. Goodwill Mission. Fifteenth and Bolss streets 3, address. CATHOLIC. Pro-Cathedral. Fltteenth and Davis streets. Rev. E. V. O'Mara. Mass. 8, 7:15. S:30. 9:45; high mass, 11; evening service, 7 :45. St. Lawrence, Third and Sherman streets. CHURCH NOTICES DUE THURSDAY Church notices for Tb Sunday I Oregonian should be In this offlcs f by Thursday at s p. M. It Is not T possible to assure publication of any notices after that hour. Rev. J. c. Mass, C. 8:0; hisu raa:?a. i0:o; evening service. 7:3o. i$t- Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savier streets. Kjv. fc:. 1 Murphy. Unas. S; hmh mas. 10:u. evening service. 7::.u. est- Francis. East Eleventh and Oaic streets. Hev. J. H. Black. Mas.. S. : hih mass, lO:M0; evening srvie. 7:o0. Immaculate Heart of Mary, W illiams gve. nue and Stnnton. Rev. w. .V. Daly. Mas. 6, S, 9; hitfh mars, 10:30: evtninc sen ice. 7 :30. Holy Itosary. East Third and Clackamas. Rev. C. J. Olson, Mass. 0, 7, b. 9; nisi mass, 11; evening service. 7:30. The Madeline, East Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou. Rev. G. V. Thompson. Mass. 7::u. ; high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:4. St. Andrew, a', Kat Ninth and Alberta streets. R-.'V. T. Kiernan. Mass, 8; iiie mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:30. Ascension, East kamhill and East Seventy-sixth Frncican Fathers. Mass, b; hlfh mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament, Maryland avenue and B.andena street. Rev. B. V. Kelly. Mass. S; hi;h mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard and Vancouver averue. Rex. K. H. Miller. Mm-, ft, S; hitch mass 10;3O; evening service. 7 :3o. St. Ignatius, C2-0 Forty-third street South, east. Jesuit Fathers. Majs, S; l:iKh masi. ll:3u: evening service, 7:30. Holy Cross, 774 Bowdoln street. Rev. . Raymond. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; even Ing service. 7:30. St. Stephens, Forty-second and East Tay lor. Hev. W. Witt. Mass, ti, 8; high mass. lo:MO; evening service, 7:30. SU Philip Nert, East sixteenth and Hick ory. Rev. J. cartwrisht. Mass 8; hlga mas.--. 10:30; evening service, 7:30. Sacred Heart. East Eleventh and Center. Rev. G. RoWL Mass, S; high mass, 10:30; evening service 7::,0. St. Agathii. East Fifteenth and Miller. Rev." J Cummlsky. Ma's, S; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. St. Joseph (German). Fifteenth and Couch strests. Rev. B. Uurrer. Muss, 8; high mass, 10:3O; evening -ervice. 7:30. St. Clare's, Capitol Hill, Franciscan Fathers. tev. Father Modestus Low mass. 7 :30 o'clock; high mass and benediction, l:"i0 o' clack; sermons at both masses. St. StaritKlau (Italian. Maryland avenue and "Willamette boulevard. K;v. F. Mat hew. Mass. S; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:SO. St. Mlchatl (Italian). Fourth and Mill streets. Rev. M. Bales tra. Mass, 8; high mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:30." tit. Clements, Smith and Newton streets. Rev. C Smith. Mass, S; high. mass. 10:20; evening service. 7 :3U. St. Peters, Lents. Rev. P. Buetgen. Mass 8; high mass, 1':30; evening service. 7:."i0. " St Charles, Thirty-fourth and Killings worth. Rev. G. Sniderhorn. Mass. 8; higti mass, 10:30; evenlmr service. 7 :::. St Rose's Church. Fifty-third and Ala meda streets Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, patitt-r. Masses, f and 10 A. M. ; evening devotion. 7:30 P- M. CONORBOATIONAI First Park and Madison streets Eutner R Dyott, minister; 9:50 A. M.. Bible school; rt -30 Y. P- S. C. E. ; Ir. Lyot t's t hemes : 11 A M. "The Charm of the Sacrificial" ; 7:4r. P. M.. "God's Strong Man.' Pilgrim. Shave.- street and Mission ave- f C,-nc1iirtd on Pane 1 1. Column Visit OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKS. BIBLES. TESTAMENTS. MAPS. BUTTONS. CARDS. CERTIFICATES; ETC I5b3.3i. Bilt (To. THIRD AND ALDER STREETS