PHOTOGRAPHER Hi? Cf- ( - Wyoming CoaSfrrZ? ) 'I'-l SECRETARY DANIELS presided at mo laylngr of the keel of tha big ' D&ttieshlp California at the Brook lyn Navy-Yard and made an address on the future of the Navy. . King George of England la an expert horseman and he is accompanied on his morning canters through the nark on most occasions by Princess Mary or uincr memoers ot the royal family. De spite the advance of motor cars, which are une.1 by England's rulers, the horse sun remains In royal favor. Always busy as he has been on weighty affairs of state for President "Wilson. Secretary Joseph Tumulty la finding time to work on the arrange ments of the wedding of President Wil son and Mrs. Norman Gait. Mr. Tu multy has already seen two White House weddings since he same to Wash ington as secretary to President Wil son. Miss Grace Darling, the popular film star, has a most unique and freakish car. The innovation is a - boat body, which resembles an up-to-date river launch. It Is built of alternate two Inch strips of mahogany and white holly, while the deck is finished in blrdseye maple. On the rear portion of the circular radiator is a silver eagle with outstretched wings, while forward of this la a regular ship's bell, also finished in silver. The bumper irons in front are finished to represent silver anchors, while the rear bumpers repre sent oars. Everywhere the nautical idea is carried out to the minutest detail. , m Prominent suffragists of the country were much pleased with the recent stand of President Wilson on the ques tion of votes for women. When he went to Princeton, N. J., recently to cast his vote in favor of the amend ment giving New Jersey women the right to vote, he was warmly congrat ulated by women residents of that place. Impressive ceremonies marked the dedication at Washington, D. C.. of the new $2,000,000 Masonic Temple head quarters of the Supreme Council of Scott Isn Rite Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, which also is called the Mother Council of the World. . The temple Is a marvel of architecture. The stately structure on Sixteenth street, about one mile from the White House. Is fash ioned after the famous mausoleum erected for King Mausolus by Queen Artemesia at Halicarnassus. one of the seven wonders of the ancient world is unique among the many magAficent buildings at the Nation's capital. It has been in course of construction since 1911. Thomas Alva Edison and Henry Ford were shown everything worth seeing while visitors At the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. Among other places visited was the coal mine in me i'alace of Mines and Metallurgy. They were much Interested in the rep lica of the Rock Springs. Wyo.. mine, which Is under the floors of the mines building. In a choppy sea and with half a gale Bweeping over Cape Cod Bay off Prov Incetown. Mass.. the largest submarine ever built In the United States had a severe tept In submerging and in every way came up to the expectations of the officials of the Fore River Shipbuilding Company and the Electric Boat Com pany, of New London. "The M-l" was out in the bay four hours, and when she returned Lieutenant M. R. Pierce, of the United States Navy, who is to command her. said: "She is the best submarine I have ever been aboard.' The builders have guaranteed that the submarine has a cruising radius of 3500 miles, although it is said she can easily cover 6000 miles without replen ishing fuel or supplies. She Is equipped with two T'eisel engines with a com bined horsepower of 800 and two mo tors of 170 horsepower each. She cost $630,000. She has a surface speed of 14 knots an hour and an underwater speed of 11 knots. With safety she can descend to a depth of 150 feet and will be able to remain submerged for a period of 72 hours. NOTED WAR NURSE DIES American Girl Overtaxes Strength, Lives to Reach Xew York. NEW YORK. Oct. 22. Her health undermined by nursing wounded sol ders in a hospital in Paris, Miss Jo bephine Redding, daughter of Joseph D. Redding, well known as a writer, lecturer and student of the drama, is dead, a victim of Bright's disease, at the St Regis Hotel, Her death was di rectly due to the strain of her hospi tal experience. She returned from France to this country only a wek ago. Mr. Redding, who Is a lawyer, with offices in this city and San Francisco, also has a home In Paris. Miss Red ding and her mother were there at th outbreak of the European war. Anxious Secretary Daniels Starts Work on Battleship King George Is Expert Horseman President's V 8- tK J."W to be of assistance. Miss Redtllng ob tained the . consent of her parents to become a nurse and was assigned to the hospital culled Trois Quartieres. where wounded soklie-j trought from the front were treated. Entering upon the task with the en thusiasm of youth, she overtaxed her strength a:.i-i finally suffered a com plet breakdown. Accompanied by her mother, she arrfved in New York on hoard the steamship Espagne a ek ago. Miss Redding was 22 years old and was b.;rn in San Francisco. JUDGE DESTROYS NUDE ART Jurist Orders 400 Postcard Pictures . Torn Up In Private Office. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 22. Four hundred pictures of nude women, con fiscated b aen,ts of tbe ChrisU&a "If . - SNAPS INTERESTING EVENTS AND FOLKS It League ic the store of Leopold da Ben edict, were destroyed by Judge Knowles of the Municipal Court. The judge directed that the photo graphs be torn Into pieces and placed in a wastepaper -basket In his pri vate office, after he had decided that the pictures were not works of art. as contended by counsel for the defense, but things intended to corrupt public morals. The pictures were seixed by A. D. Chjquome, general secretary, and A. J. Klnkade, investigating agent of the Christian Leaguer. Judge Knowles isrued this warning to De Benedict: "The court has decided that these pictures ere not works of art. as you havo contended, but are exposed and Si ld by you in such a man ner at to be contrary to law. The ex hibition has tended to corrupt the youth of our cily. "This court wil prosecute vigorous ly you and others who may be found guilty of o-bibtunf and selling pic tures which appeal to the baser in v5" - a n 1 -N? I f&f I II I I lA? 0 if r- 1 1 Mi v3 f JE? V f 4 3 stincts ot our cilins. I cannot im mj a more cisgurcting trade than thi pcnderlng to the spoliation of the virtue of the American youth." WOMAN REGAINS FACULTY Centenarian Recovers Speech, Sight and Hearing After Age 90. NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Mrs. Anna Caldwell celebrated her 100th birthday at the Baptist Home in Brooklyn, of which she has beon an inmate for 22 years. The attending physicians at the home were especially interested in the event because of the aged woman's remarkable recovery of sight, speech and hearing while under their care. x About 10 years ago Mrs. Caldwell lost her sight and later her speech and hearing, and. greatly to the surprise of the physicians, recovered all three a few months aso. Tha doctors re -' V" , 1 ;.! - r I " 1 ! ' 4 ' I Secretary Always Busy Movie Actress Has Freakish Automobile. 3f - -oi-- -S3- '!rwsji I . 4 r Mil 1 CJr- f JT3js-oJri'y 7esr3j3Zt?a? Jyy?r?yfor? . oe-r-,, gard the recovery as permanent and believe that Mrs. Caldwell may live for several years. Many birthday presents were sent to the centenaian, among them 100 Amer ican Beauty roses and a birthday cake with 100 candles. Mrs. Caldwell greatly enjoyed the celebration and to one of the visitors she said, "I feel like a cen tury plant, today, just ready to bloom." CHARITY AID NOW $19,000 Two Women Whose Names Are Kept Secret Give Another 91000. - WASHINGTON. Oct. 24. Making a total of $19,000 donated from the same source in 1$ years for the aid of wives and children of disabled life-savers and to widows and orphans of those who have lost their lives In the service, the usual annual Christmas check of $1000 has been' received by General Superin 1 v - r 1iV - 1 :-'"?:;;:s. S3,! ----- . . -fiijrTtr- ,ija - - tendent I. M. Kimball, coast guard, from two women who live in New York City. These women sisters, one a widow and the other a spinster have never failed, since their first check was sent in 1S96. to send a similar amount for Christmas distribution in this charity. They conceal their names from the pub lic, although, of necessity, they are known to superintendent K-imball. The two women who donate the an nual sum cf $1000 came into the office of Mr. Kimball a great many years ago, informed him that they wished to make donations to some charity, and that they had been told of distress needing relief among those who had been de pendent upon men of the life-saving service. Mr. Kimball revealed to them conditions as he knew them; the result was that the first check was turned over to him as trustee to dispose of as he saw fit. Fifteen years or more ago, another woman, a friend of these regular con tributors, gave Mr. Kimball a (1000 1 check to dispose of as he saw fit in this charity. He called upon her to ask what disposition to make of it, but she would not be induced to suggest any way other than such as he should be induced to take in getting it to the most needy beneficiaries. Last year the fund, amounting to $1038, was distributed among 11a bene ficiaries. The preceding year'' there were 107 beneficiaries, who received a total aid of $1017. Between the two years eight had been dropped from the relief list, one of them dying: sixteen were added. The new cases- grew out of conditions occurring during the year. Pensioners dropped from the list, other than the one who died, had received legacies or by other means been re moved from the necessity of such spe cial aid. Mothers Are Urged to Take Exercise With Children. Japanese One Physical Development to Kratem of Home Training at Play In Knrly Youth. AS a child grows it feels boundless joy In using its fast-growing mus cles. The developing sense of power brought about by movement and exer cise is exhilarating and delightful. 'This, coupled- with the child's Involun tary association of any pleasure with the person who gives it, explains the child's great affection for the teacher of drill and games, for the one helping it more fully to exercise its rapidly growing body. And it is precisely here that mothers 'miss their golden opportunity. Many believe themselves capable of helping their little ones over the thorny paths to reading and arithmetic, and yet think they must leave the physical ex ercises entirely in the hands of others. There,, could be no greater mistake. There is not the least need for the mother to feel "out of it" where phys ical culture is concerned. There is no reason why every mother should not he perfectly "fit" herself and have the joy of seeing her children grow the same under her own loving care. The Japanese mothers have always known this. They have kept them selves and their children in splendid health, and tightened the bond of com mon Interest and sympathy. And where are the parents treated with more tender love and respect than In Japan? The Japanese mother works on a system that has taken more than 2000 years to perfect, a system which has made the little Japanese man more than a match for any of his bulkier neighbors. From 18 months upward the Japanese baby delights in a pur poseful romp with mother every morn ing. No troublesome apparatus is needed, no other little companions; just a glorious health-giving play between mother and baby. This develops a quick and active brain, a ready an swering of the muscle to the will, & perfect physical and mental poise, a supple grace and agility of figure. MORGAN'S "COUSIN" HELD Man Who Says He's Cousin of Late Financier Passes Rad Paper. " ST. LOUIS. Oct. 25. Leonard Pier pont M.organ. president of the Mor gan Consolidated Gold & Copper Min ing Company, of Tucson. Ariz., who claims to be a cousin of the Fate J. Plerpont Morgan, was arrested in his office in the Hose building, Broadway and Pine streets, on a charge of writ ing worthless checks. Morgan told the police that he had. been - In St. Louis for the past six weeks, selling stock In his minimi prop erties in Arizona. He said that he had employed 10 salesmen. The arrest of Morgan was based on a check for $15. which on September 24 last he gave to J. M. Critchfield. 3147-A Neosho street a stork salesman in his employ. The check was drawn on the South Arizona Bank & Trust Com pany, of Tucson. It was cashed by Critchfield at the office of the J. I. Chappell Optical Company, in the Fris co building.' When the check was re turned marked insufficient funds Jessie I. Chappell. president of the company, ordered Morgan's arrest. Before the check had been returned two other checks, both for $20, had been cashed at the optical company by Critchfield. They had been drawn on the same bank and signed by Morgan. Critchfield called at police headquar ters and informed Detectives Aylward. McDonald, Nolan and Collins, who had arrested Morgan, that the checks were given him by Morgan for advance pay ments on stock sales he had made. Morgan told a reporter that he had an account at the bajik, but there was only a balance of $4.