The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 58

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Successes of Opening Week to Be Excelled and Varied Array of Prizes Is Offered for Benefit of Visitors.
. , VEMBEK l . TO .;.,"'
Monday, vcmbcr 1.
Manufacturers'", ' day. A-'- J.,
King;ley, .chairman; Elks' .night,
K. K. Kubll, chairman: Klamath
Falls, Ashland, Grants Pass, Med
Xord day.
Tnesday, ovemtir r 2.
O.-W. R. day: Salem. Eu- "
Ifene and Albany day, K. H. Cro
ister, chairman. . -
WrdneHday, Novnibr 3. '
Japanese day, Y. Nakaya. chair
man. . Hinriday, vcmbrr 4. ,
Loop day; McMinnville day; .
old-fashioned baby show, Mrs.
Maude Burley. chairman; Mre. F.
Joplin. vice-chairman, and Mrs.
Marlon Dryden. secretary.
. Friday, November 5.
Realty Board day, Clayton Oeh
ler, chairman; Central and East
ern Oregon day.
Saturday, November 6.
Farmers' marketing day. John
F. Carroll, chairman; Multnomah
County day. Rufus C. Holman,
chairman; Orenco day, Frank W.
Power, chairman.
WITH a week of wonderful success
completed, the Manufacturers'
and Land Products Show is en
tering the second week with the ex
pectation of setting still a new record
in Interest and attendance at the big
The first days of the first week were
In a measure consumed in getting tho
exhibits all in place and the show run
ning smoothly In every department.
All of the preliminary work is now
well done and the exhibits- are all at
their best for the opening of the sec
ond week.
The special features of the coming
week will be on a bigger scale and of
still broader appeal to the public than
these of the preceding week, and in
prizes distributed at special pro
grammes alone will - be represented
many thousands of dollars. .
All of the first week the interest
centered about the land products pa
vilion, out tomorrow afternoon the
manufacturers' section will especially
come -nto the limelight.
Tomorrow afternoon is manufactur
ers' day and all of the manufacturers
an? others exhibiting in the show will
participnte in the programme and will
contribute to the list of prizes to be
given out to the public.
Prises for Day "Worth f 10OO.
Distribution of prizes will be tho
feature of the afternoon and night and
all visitors to the show will recetve
coupons. Prizes to the value of $1000
will be distributed to those who attend
the big exposition.,
A. J. Kingsley is chairman for Manu
facturers' day and M. J. Walsh, of the
exposition exhibitors' committee. Three
sets of prizes will be the offering. In
addition to the special articles donated
foi- Monday there will be the daily dis
tribution of prizes from the various
booths at the show. ,
Following is tho complete lineup for
Wonday at the exposition: , ,
Manufacturers lay.
A. J. KniRBley. chairman; T. S. Mann,
Pacific Stoneware Company; W. i. Mc
Munter. V. H. Mc.Monics rfi Co.; P. Fcld
mall. Mount Hood Soup Company; M. J.
Mclspr. Hois:r ind.-n Co.; l- I.. Kulsht.
lintg-ht Packing: Company.
The following . prizes will be dis-trtbuted:-
Deernbeelicr Manufacturing Company,
enu up-to-date dresser; H ii-celi-Weis I'om
fanv. ono canvas hammock; Modern Con
fectionery Company, two boxrs candy; Hur
radon & Sony, two cast's- fancy cakes: Frei
.Ptcklo Works, one case assorted pickles;
"Mount Hood Soap Company, one box Lur
llno soap; Pacific Coast Pyrup Company,
ono gallon Tea Garden JDrips.
Exhibitors' Nlirht.
M. J. "Walsh, chairman; J. L. Duffy. In
dependent Coal & lec Company; i'rauk
Pierce. Pierce-Tomlinson Company.
The following prizes will be dis
tributed: M. J. Walsh & Company, one beautiful
reading- lamp; Independent ' Coal & loe
Company, one-half ton of coaT; J. C. Eng-
XIB:J$i- 'IWP3JiM iKW , TpoiK County UMl
""Vlltolr: . nW" j t&L& -ItiTrin nmnrtir iTTI.Hiti.Til . T. l-ZVt-.
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i'vX'---- -lA W.; -ml ; -
11 sh Company, one pair andirons; Zan Bros.,
six brooms;, WetnharU's Brewery,. l' non
lntoxluatinff "Amber N-sctar; Fierce-Tom-Unscn
Electric Company, one Hot-Point
electrical Iron ; Lennon's, ono umbrella;
Portland Knitting Company, one sweater
and cap to match; Portland Pure Milk &
Cream Company, two rolls butter: Pacific
Coast Biscuit Company, one box soda
crackers; Pacific Coautt Coal Company, one
haU ion briquettes..
In addition to these prizes. J. O
Znaeker. chairman of the prize com
mittee, will distribute the following
FIcischner - Mayer Compauy, one-half
dozen Mount Hood shirts; Shope Brick
Company, liopo brick for one fireplace ;
Lennon'i, 'me pair phoenix tllk hose for
wtmeu and one pair phoenix silk hose for
men; Knisht Packinsr Company, one pint
assorted pick let; Jobea Milling Company,
150 poundii Vim flour; Union Meat Com
pany, one package pure pork sausage; Oro
tson Fruit Juioo Company, nix nips Pheasant
brand loganberry juice; Enamel Bake Oven
Company, one enamel picture frame; Hazel
wood Company, one roll Hazelwood butter ;
Blumaucr-Frank Drue Company, one jar
manschlno cherries; 1ort Cabin Baking
Company, one pound coffee ; t-ancker Sign
Company, 1 bevel-edge name plate sign,
finished in gold. '
Southern Clans Coming.
Monday will brins delegations from
Klamath Falls, Ashland, Med ford and
Grants Pass, besides the programme of
the Klks of Portland.
Tuesday is O.-W. R. & N. day, and
features delegations from Salem, Eu
gene and Albany. The Albany Pheat
ants, a marching organization, with a
band, will come from the Hub City.
Mayors of Corvallis, Salem, Eugene and
Albany have been invited to be guesta
of the Chamber of Commerce for the
day. The delegations will march from
the depot to the exposition, and Mayor
Albee will grreet the visiting Mayors.
Wednesday brings Japanese day. Del
egates to the first annual convention
of the Western Walnut Association, in
ses.Ton in Portland November 3 and -i,
will attend the exposition, and the ex
hibits of walnuts will be installed n
the show at the conclusion of the con
vention. Thursday features Loop day, Mc
Minnville day, old-fashioned baby show
and the presence at the exposition of
members and delegates of the Oregon
Clay workers' Association. They wiil
spend the evening of Tsovember 4 at
the show.
Friday, November 5. brings the
Realty Board to the exposition and
delegations from Central and Eastern
Oregon. Booster delegations from
Forest Grove have been touring West
ern Washington County in the interest
of the exposition, and a big delegatioa
will come to the land show on Friday
with their own band. Saturday will
be Farmers Marketing day, Multnomah
County day and Orenco day. From
Orenco will come almost all the people
in the town with their band.
O.-W. R. & N. Employes Will Demonstrate Lead Taken in Successful De
velopment of Industry in Northwest Half-Holiday Declared.
View of One Corner of Varied Exhibits In Induatrial Section. 2 Columbia County Exhibit. Wklrt Dreir Much Admiration and Comment. 3 What Polk County Sent to the M.ovr. ,41
Duucr nr. r.n.... ,y r run. nun, in E.S01D11, nam luvaia a similar KxBlbit at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Kranriaco. 5) Houe Built or
Applea by Pierre I.. Trayllo. Reprcaentlna; Elrot Cabin in Portland. ) One Vlerr of the Union Pacific Company'a Offering at the Show. 7) Battery A'a Exhibit. 8) One of the Orriro.i
Agricultural Collesea Exhibits. ......
A SOLID acre of Northwest corn on
the stalk moving over the
Ntreots uf "Portland Thin i lh
rentral feature of the pageant to be
striped Tuesday by the employes of the
O.-W. R. & fx", in connection with tbeir
participation in the Manufacturers' and
Land Products Show, now in progress
at the Armory.
More than 500 employes of the com
pany will carry the 12 and 14-foot
stalks. The company has taken the
lead in the successful development of
corn in the Northwest, and this feature
of Oregon's agricultural greatness will
be emphasized In the Tuesday after
noon procession.
J. D. Farrell, president of the com
pany, has declared a half-holiday, and
the members of the O.-W. K. & X. Em
ployes' Club will be in charge of the
jsre&t demonstration. George F. Koch
is chairman of the committee, and has
for his assistants A. G. Hrown, Harold
"West and A. C. Forrester.
Parade W ill Start at li.TO.
The Tuesday pageant Is to impress
Portland people and visitors in the city
with the interest the O.-W. R. & N. Is
taking in the agricultural and indue
trial development of Oregon and the
entire Northwest.
Promptly at 1:30 o'clock the parade
will leave the Wells-Fargo building,
home of the company. It will be more
than a mile in length. Before arrival
at the exposition the parade will move
from Sixth to Oak, Oak to Third, Third
to Morrison. Morrison to Fifth. Fifth
to Washington. Washington to Sixth.
Sixth to Morrison, Morrison to Broad
way. Broadway to Washington. Wash
ington to Tenth and to the exposition
The. parade will be " lieaded by a
platoon of Portland police, followed by
the O.-W. R. & N. band, led by Steve
Westover. of the company shops at Al
bina. Next will follow the Employes'
Club drill team of 10 men and officials
of the company in automobiles headed
by President Farrell and R- B. Miller,
traffic manager of the company, who
retired November 1. The pageant will
be something of a testimonial to Mr.
Miller, who has taken such a promi
nent part in the agricultural develop
ment in this part of the country and
directed the company's corn campaign.
In this car will also be Farmer Smith,
who has made such strides for the com
pany along agricultural lines and. in
stalled the attractive corn booth at the
exposition, . . .
Floats Will Be Bis Feature.
Following the officials will come the
main body of the employes with the
women in automobiles and the men.
eight abreast, carrying the cornstalks
to represent a moving cornfield.
Floats will be a big feature of the
pageant, and the procession as a whole
will be the most spectacular seen on
the streets since the great fraternal
and industrial parade of Rose Festival
The first float will represent the un
cultivated area of Oregon, as typified
by the sagebrush and the jackrabbit.
Next will follow the float showing ir
rigation, the cultivated land, the grow
ing crop and, last, the cornfield in ma
turity. Section 2 will consist of farming im
plements suitably decorated, donated
for the parade by implement dealers of
Portland, including the International
Harvester Company. John Deere Plow
Company. Parlin & Orendorff. Freeman
& Son, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver. Mo
line Plow Company, Western Fsrquar
Company. R. M. Wade & Co., Fay &
Egan and Oskar Iluber.
Employea to Inapeet Exhibits.
Upon arrival at the exposition the
employes will inspect the exhibits. One
of the features at the show will be a
descriptive lecture of the famous Pen
dleton Roundup, by A. C. Jackson, the
company's advertising agent, and a talk
on corn by Farmer Smith. Motion pic
tures of the Roundup will be displayed.
The formation for the O.-W. R. & N.
parade will be as follows:
Grand marshal. E. E. Clark: maraha! first
rctlon, Forrester: marshal second section.
Koeh: marshals third section. Brown, Greea
wood, White.
I.lnf! of March.
Wells-Fursro bulldinF. " Sixth and Oak, to
Third street, to Morrison, to Fifth, to Wash
ington, to Sixth, to Morrison, to Broadway,
to "Wash inston, to Tontii. to Armory.
Flrac Seetioa.
Poliee platoon. O.-W. R. & X. band, big"
sin. drill team: autoa. officials, J. r. Far
rell. K. B. Miller. C. 1- Smith; shield, flag,
shield: 3tM employe, boys, eifrlit abreast,
with com stalks.
Floats 1. Freeman tractor, sagebrush
float. t
2. Holt tractor. P. fc O. plows, etc.
3. International tractor. Irrigating- plant,
two manure spreaders. pltrter.
Second Bectioa.
l Run tractor, float young corn.
5. Bull tractor, float corn in shocks
(busking beet.
fi. International tractor, silo, silo filler.
T. Tractor, float, hogs and sheep.
S. Road roller, road machinery.
Third Section.
Autos with women.
ed the record will be duplicated again
this year, since many mothers already
have called up the exposition for in
formation. The committee in charge has issued
the following statement giving- the
names of those in charge of the event,
place of making entries and the prizes
to be awarded in the various classes:
Mrs. Maude Burley. chairman: Mrs. F.
Interest High for Baby Show
at Exposition Thursday.
Conditions for Old-Fashioned Con
test Are AnaoMcea by Committee
1st Clsrge.
Don Marquis Proposes Staging His Eccentric Character, Who Always Is in
Forefront of Radicals Following Each "Highbrow" Fad. .
' , i
INTEREST now centers in the old
fashioned baby show at 'the Manu
facturers' and Land Products Exposi
tion next Thursday afternoon.
. Tho baby show last year brought out
more than babies, and it is expect-
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OX MARQUIS, philosopher, poet
and humorist, is thin Winy of
staging "Hermione." -She is the
young woman, product of Mr. Marquis'
brain, who belongs to a "little ffroup
of serious thinkers' which takes , up
with enthusiasm every new fad from to 'the dear Swamis" who
preach Oriental religions, bne is an
admirer of the most radical develop
ment of vers Ubre and she revels in
eugenics, which. the thinks "jubt
sweet. Mr. Marquis conducts a de
part ment of quizzical comment in one
ef New York's papers, but he is better
known in the 1 iterary world as the
author of some deligbtxul verse.
Juplin, vice-chairman; Mrs. Marion Dry den,
Committee from Oregon Chapter. Daugh
ters of Confederacy; Mrs. F. Joplin. Mrs.
K. S. McGulre, Mrs. P. H. Thompson and
Mrs. V. M. Silva.
Committee from peninsula Lavender Club:
Mrs Cornelia Haynes. Mrs. J. B. Reynolds,
Mrs. Marion Dry den, counsellor-at-lurge
Branch. No. 1: Mrs. Maude Burley.' Mrs.
S. H. Ross. Mrs. S. A. Thrall. Mrs.' J. E.
Know, Mrs. C. K Clause it, Mrs. Charles
Entries will be taken from 9 to 1 until
Tuesday. 6 P. M. November 2, by Mrs. W. M.
Copian. Broasway 1400: Mrs. Marien Dryden.
Broadway 4rl(. women s parlor. Cnamoer of
Commerce : M rt. y. J opl I n. East 141; Mrs.
S. A. Thrall, East -'S6: Mrs. K. S. McGulre,
Eaet 4I4o.
Booth for entries has' been installed at
Lipmun. Wolfe A Co. : Thursday. Mrs V.
Joplin and Mrs. K. S. McGutrc; Friday, Mrs.
V. M. Silva.
Classen: Judge, on benuty. blhtne. o
tlvity; either sox under 6 months, two prises:
besr boy. 6 months to 1 year; best Kir., G
months to 1 year; best boy. 1 to 2 j ears;
best jrlrl, 1 to 2 years; best twins, two prizes;
est tripjtr.
A souvenfr. will be civen each baby en
tered, special prises will be given to t he
best ffroup of grandmothers exhibiting not
less than three grandchildren, institutions
exhibiting jrroups of babies in uniform. Man
ufacturers exhibiting specially dressed
exploiting his particular line or. goods, ass
limit, & year. Blue ribbon.
Elk. Will Rule at Land Show
Tomorrow Night.
tsOdgre Dooms Pesalsnlasa to Die aasl
Band Will Aid la Entertainment.
Japanese Day at Land Show
to Be Wednesday.
Special Programme Being; Arransred
and Interpreters Will Explain
Farm Exhibits,
ELKS of Portland propose to make
their presence known at the Manu
facturers' and Land Products Exposi
tion tomorrow night.
"It may be blue Monday," said K. K.
Kubli. "but I have enlisted B. A.
Marshall and Monroe Goldstein In the
cause." he continued, "and we have
promised to stir things up.
"Death is the verdict. Old Mail Pes
simism doomed to di, reads the in
vitation raris belnsr sent out invitins;
all Elks to be present at the show to
morrow nlftht.
"All members of Portland Lodge. N'o.
142. B. P. O. E.. irrespective of rc.
creed, political affiliation or previous
condition of servitude, are hereby
notified to report at the Elks' Temple
in this city at 7:45 P. M.. Monday, No
vember 1. for the purpose of proceeding
in a body to the Manufacturers' and
Land Products Show," continues the in
vitation. The Elks' Band of 40 pieces under
the leadership of Signor Tigano will
head the parade to the Armory and
the musicians in their beautiful uni
forms will be the center of attraction
during- tho evening.
One of the features in the theater
will be the films of the 1912 grand
lodsre. which will be run through at
the request of many Elks in Portland
who have not as yet seen them. Elks
from nearby cities and towns are in
vited to Join in the parade and Elks
from any part of the world in Port
land next Monday are expected at the
APAN will be the first country to bo
onored with a special day at the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
show. Wednesday has been set aside as
Japanese day, ana T. Nakaya is work
inir with the officials of the big exhibi
tion to provide features that will at
tract his countrymen to the show in
great numbers.
The Japanese are fine farmers, and
Japanese interpreters will be about the
various exhibits to explain the meaning
of the many displays. Assisting Chair
man Nakaa will be a committee con
sisting or T. Vchida. S. Sekigucbi, R.
Kohara and G. Somekawa.
At the intersection of Tenth and
Washington streets will hang large
Japanese lanterns to call attention to
the event, and all afternoon Wednes
day and until the teloec of the night
show six Japanese women of the city
will serve tea and rice cakes.
The free theater at the exposition
will be beautifully decorated with lan
terns and flags and it will resemble
cherry blossom time in fair Japan. The
members of the Japanese committee.
j through their associations and publica
tions, arc giving widespread puoucity
to the event, and it is estimated more
than 2000 Japanese will be attracted to
the show.
China nas 5f"H miles ' of railways and
about iiO.OOu miles oi tclvmapil I'iiea.
Bon-in-Law of I'rellcnt Wilson Has
Exciting Experience.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Oct. 33. "VVo
are delighted. Every member of Presi
dent Wilson's family is tremendously
pleased. Mrs. Gait is a most chami
inr woman.''
This was the statement of Franriw
B. Sayre, son-in-law of the President,
in commenting on the ensrapcinent of
his father-in-law to Mrs. Nqrman Gait.
Sayrs wss on hia. way East to Wil
llamtport. Mass.. from Labrador, where
he has been cruising with Dr. W. T.
Grenfeli. lie tells a graphic story how
he rarrowly escaped death there.
"We were coming into Battle Har
bor." said Bayre, "wlhch has one of the
worst channels on the coast. I had
Just teen relieved from my trick at
the wheel.
"As I was walking down the deck l
felt a tremendous shock, which knocked
nie down. We were or the rocks.
"We worked all night to get the boat
off and steamed into the harbor early
next day. all of us thankful to have es
caped. The second time we were near
death was when pinnacle of a great
icclerc broke and crashed down very
near to our vessel."
The Chin-s"i language Is very difficult to
learn, for. althoucn there Is no alphabet, it
i n.oKBry to master about -0.01K) svllablo