The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 49

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Crowding the Store Will Be a Simple Task Tomorrow
Magnetic Sales Will Be the Attractive Forces. You'USense tta
Millinery Sale
Trimmed and
Untrimmed Hats
For Monday's Selling
Three Models Illustrated
la 12 Shapes.
mart, high-crown shapes, that are
just in the height of their - fashion
career. Close-fitting shapes, and hats
with medium brims, plain or with
narrow ribbon edgings. :
A simple ribbon trimming will
give them that "tailored air," or
flower or stick-up a dressy - appear
ance. Third Floor
Many Style.
If you would have a really good
looking hat, one that you won't see
elsewhere, we are sure you could not
be better pleased than with one of
these silk velvet models, with their
trimmings of - ostrich plumes, attrac
tive novelties, flowers and ribbons.
In black, white, and colors, that
are very sweet. Third Floor
Three Models Illustrated
The Lover of Dainty Undermuslins Will Revel in This Sale
Extraordinary Savings Prices Half and Less
Were 1.00, $1.35. $1.98. $4.00 to $15.75
" Sale 49c, 79c, 98c, $1.48 to $ 7.88
. Were $1.75. $3.50. $5.25 to $21.00
Sale 98c, $1.75, $2.63 to $10.50
r Were $1.75. $4.00. $5.50 to $15.00
Combinations -g ... - . . ,
Sale, 98c, $1.75, $2.63 to $10.50
p . i. Were $1.50. $3.00. $4.25 to $17.50
rnncess sups Sa,e 98c $1.50li $ to $8.75
Drawers Were 65c 85c- $!-75 to $3-00
New Spangled Nets
1 For Evening Wear
" The Moonlight"
" The Sphinx "
" The Peacoc "
J he Iris
Have derived their names from
their wonderful and novel color ef
fects. Stunning combinations of
silver, or colored and opalescent
discs, on black silk net, : or white
nets, some patterns cleverly embroi
dered with colored silks.
Marvelous Oriental - like, and
daintier designs in., flower effects,
may be chosen from these newest
flouncings, which come' from six
inches up for the bodice - trimming,
to 45 inches for. the skirt section.
Priced $2 to $13.50 yard.
First Floor
Sale 39c,
Corset Covers Were
49c, 98c to $1.48
50c 85c $1.75 to $3.00
Sale 39c, 49c, 98c, to $1.48
Boudoir Caps Were $1.75, $2.75 to $3.75
Sale 95c, $1.19 to $1.48
Beautiful crepe de chine, silk messaline and secco silk garments, vie with
the finest of muslin and nainsook underwear, made more lovely with fine
laces, daintiest of embroideries, inset medallions, satin ribbons of narrow and
wide widths, accordion pleated chiffons and messalines. In fact, this is the
most wonderful collection of underwear we have offered in a sale this year.
Many of the boudoir caps or pieces of lingerie would make the most accept
able holiday gifts. The caps are of fine laces, crepe de chine, chiffon, in
every style imaginable, ribbon, lace and rosebud trimmed. Fourth Floor
Curtains and Rugs
To Make Your Home New and Attractive
Priced Lower Than Ever Before
Oar $2.50 and $3.50 Scrim and
Marquisette Curtains Now ....
White, cream or ecru curtains, of excellent qualities of scrim and marquisette,
with attractive lace edges, insertions to match. 40 to" 50 inches wide, 2J2
yards long.
Our $4.00 to $4.50 Lace and $o Q7
Scr m Curtains, This Sale . . P.O Pair,
-greatest variety extra well made. In
Suits for the Miss & Small Woman
New Arrivals
Model Room, 4th Floor
Some adorable velvet suits
were just unpacked yesterday,
and of course they feature the
"very latest" of the nev Win
ter fashions.
Clever touches of real fur,
and the exceptional quality of
the velvet, make these uils most
Then, there are the most charm
ing models of broadcloth and ga
bardine, of whipcord, Bedford cord
and serges, in smart, "different"
styles that girls love. Some that are
trimmed with fur, others with velvet
and trimming buttons, or with silk
The prices are lower than in any previous season, from $15.00, $1 7.50,
$18.50 to $40.00. Fourth Floor
Fine curtains in new Fall patterns-
white and ecru. Very wide and long.
Our $6.00 and $6.50 Irish
Point and Scr'.m Curtains .
Plain, lace trimmed and novelty designs, in white, ecru and cream colors.
40 to 50 inches wide.
Regular 40c and 50c Imported
Scotch Madras, Special Yard .
Madras, direct from a famous Scotch manufacturer. New patterns in floral
and conventional designs. In white and cream, some with colored effects. Full
40 to 50 inches wide. v
Holiday Gifts
Needlework Section
The daintiest of smelling
salts bottles, covered with
cretonne in pink, blue or
black and white effects,
trimmed with ga-
loon, at.? 50c
Cretonne han d k e rchief
and glove boxes, in any
number of pretty colors.
New swell front de-
signs, at ZjC
Fifth Floor
New Importation
Hand Embroidered
' Pure Linen
Regular 25c Quality
Sale 17c
- The greatest variety of sheer,
pure linen and Shamrock lawn
handkerchiefs. Also novelty col
ored bordered effects.
, '. Firs I Floor
Regular 50c Burtgalow Curtain
Nets, Spec'al Sale, Yard .
-Bungalow nets are very new, and these are specially pretty, in filet and mis
sion patterns, 40 to 50 inches in width.
$22.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs $15.85
Full size 9x12 feet. Seamless rugs, in handsome Oriental and conventional
designs. These rugs are really wonderful at our special price of $15.85.
$25.00 Superior Axminster Rugs $17.45
A very choice collection of rugs in small all-over and beautifully toned me
dallion designs. Soft, rich colors are combined with great wearing qualities in
these rugs. Size 9x 1 2 feet.
$45.00 Handsome Wilton Rugs $36.85
A new record price for rugs of this quality. Exact copies of real Oriental
rugs, both in rich colorings, and wonderful designs. Full size for any room.
9x12 feet.
$35.00 Body Brussels Rugs $26.45
Full 5-frame Brussels rugs, in a very choice collection of most desirable pat
terns., in tans, browns and mixed colors. Size 9x12 feet. Remarkable rugs
at. $26.45. - .. ... Fifth Floor
New Wash Suits
Regular Price $2.00 ,
Sale $1.59
A new shipment of the "Billy
Boy" and Middy suits, in gala
tea, braid trimmed.
In white, navy and white,
cadet and white stripes.
Sizes 3 to 7 years.
Fourth Floor
$1175 and $2.00
Rodfs Tivoli
Underwearfor Women.
Grey Wool
Vests and Drawers
Each $1.23
Regular and extra sizes.
Klrmt Floor
Featuring Newest Winter Boots
Special $5.00
Bronze Kid G'psy Boots
With cloth tops, button style.
Bronze Kid Lace Boots
Very smart in effect. ,
Bronze K'd Boots
Button style, cloth tops.
Mat Kid Boots
With cloth tops.
Patent Colt Boots
Button or lace, cloth tops.
All with new Louis-Cuban
heels. Second Floor
ilif vJ
Maii and 1 etc phone Order filled by Expert Shoppers
JurmaivWofl! Sd Co.
J Merchandise cftJ Merit Only-
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 6691
Let Us Shop for You
will assist you in making your
selections, by mail, telephone,
or when you are in the store. .
Call for Personal Service.
Our Tailoring Service
Is Here for Your Helpfulness
Announcing the Permanent Engagement of the Well-Known Tailor,
iHr. Cbmunfc urnej and His Assistants
The Lipman-Wolfe Tailoring Service is intended to give its patrons the
advice and assistance of Mr. Edmund Gurney, the well-known custom tailor,
at a time when such advice and assistance should be most welcome. Mr.
Gurney begins his work Tuesday. Select your materials Monday.
Mr. Gurney will cut skirls without charge, from any rvoolens purchased in our store. He rvill
assist you in the selection of your materials and give you advice regarding style, cut, etc.
Or for a slight charge Mr. Gumey will cut your skirt pattern any style you desire, teach you how
to make and try on the skirts, show the necessary alterations, illustrate on your pattern how to cut dif
ferent styles of skirts, assuring a correct pattern, cut. baste and fit your skirt, making it easy for you to
finish it completely. Dress Goods Section Second Floor
Winter Suitings
$2.50 the Yard
The greatest display of
fashionable, new dress goods
and suitings ever shown in
Portland, and our collection
of Fall and Winter materials
is now complete.
Every piece of goods full
56 inches in width. Every
color now worn will be found
here, in practically any weight
you may want.' x
For the qualities of these
materials, our Special price
of $2.50 cannot be equaled.
econd tloor
A Big Sale
$15.00 Trunks $11.00
Large, 34-inch size, heavy
canvas-covered, slat trunk, heavy
fiber binding, two center bands.
Two cloth-lined trays. Heavily
$7.00 Cowhide Bags $5.68
Extra good quality bag. that
will stand lots of travel. ' Leather
lined. Heavy steel frame, solid
$7.50 Suitcases $4.98
Strapped all around, leather
corners, shirt fold, cloth-lined, A
very fine case, in a good size.
7Ven Trunk Section, 7th Floor
The Baby
Must Have New
$1.00 Knitted Sacques 79c
Of softest wool, knitted
with turn-down collar, tight
cuffs. All-white, or blue or
pink trimmings.
$1.00 Pillow Slips 89c
85c Pillow Slips 69c
Of fine lawn, with hem
. stitched hem and embroidered
designs or colored embroidery.
Were $1.50, $1.75 to $2.25
Sale $1.29, $1.49 to $1.98.
All hand-made with tiny
tucks rand feather-stitching,
French knots and hemstitch
ing, lace edging at neck and
$1.00 Double Blankets 89c
Crib blankets, soft and warm.
Pink or blue edges.
50c Teddy Bear Blankets
in pink or blue 39c
We have no competition this
season in the selling of dolls, for
our store is the only one in the
city, and one of the feyv in the
West that can boast of a com
plete collection of every
kind of dolls, in spite of ex
isting European conditions.
But, please bear this in mind
in the face of these facts, our
prices remain the same as
before war conditions.
Come to the Doll Shop tomor
row pick out your Xmas dolls
early for if you don't, you are
very likely to be disappointed
there will be no more dolls when
these are sold. We have dolls
as low as 5c, and at all the
intermediate prices up to
$25.00. Sixth Floor
Basement Store
If you need a good suit, do not miss this sale
A New Waterproofed
Balmacaan Coat
Very Special $9.85
The kind of coat that is always worn, and
never goes out of fashion. These coats are
made in 47-inch length, extra full.
Of fine waterproof Gray Scotch mixed
cloth. Collar is convertible, the sleeves full
and roomy.
Again We
More $8.95
New Suits
Here arc fine, tailored
suits at just about the cost
of the materials.
Three of the suits on
rale are shown in the pic
ture. Excellent qualities of
wool serges, poplins and .
mixed tweeds in black,
navy, brown and green, in
these suits, which show the
very latest 32-inch jackets
in correct belted, pleated
end flaring styles, others
plain tailored.
Skirts, bclh pleated and
Monday a Sale of
$1.00 Blouses
Hundreds of the newest voile blouses
in embroidered and hemstitched effects.
Never shown before. Made with con
vertible collars, some lace trimmed,
others embroidered. All have long
sleeves with fancy cuffs.
They ate made extra full and
blousey. finished in the best manner.
You never have seen better waists at
our Special Economy sale price, $ 1 .00.
and the variety never was greater at
any price.
Fur Trimmed
New Suits
Very Special
Wonderful suits in any
number of smartest styles.
Fur trimmed and plain mod
els, all man-tailored.
Of poplins and serges, in
black, navy, brown and
Jackets silk lined.
See these suits tomorrow.
Nothing Like These New Suits of
Corduroy, $10.75
Have Ever Been Shown
Remarkable Suits
The woman who does a great deal of vraikmg, or
who must go out in inclement weather, will find these
suits invaluable.
Not only are they remarkably serviceable, but thry
are very fashionable for street wear this season made '
in a very stylish belted model, with collar that can t:
worn open, or buttoned high. Skirt, full, flaring and
with yoke effect at top.
The quality of corduroy in these suits is equal to
that found in expensive suits, and comes in navy,
. brown, green and gray.