The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Image 47

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PICTORIAL REVIEW Patterns for December. . rJLSrszSSSS S'teSffc
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giving This Month, Christmas Next We Are Ready
Monday the Opening Gun of the Christmas Season Is Fired With Forceful, Strategic, Compelling Sales
Silk Hosiery
Great Sale
This sale embraces the finest quali
ties of Silk Hosiery made. It offers
economies seldom found in hosiery at
these prices. The best American makes
are represented in this sale event.
$2.75 to $4.00 Silk Q
Hose for q 1.10
ut and onra lendl-is nure
thread silk hose of a heavy weight. In
black, white and colors. rully reinforced.
$1.50 and $1.25 Silk
Hose for
Pure thread silk hose in black, white
and plain or clocked in staple colors.
$2.00 Italian Silk
Hose for
The weli-known make Italian silk
hose, made of pure silk, in black only.
And in full sizes. First Floor
New Chin Chin
Hairpins 25c
The most fashionable hair pin orna
ment in jade, amber, shell and Man
darin inlaid effects, in all the new
shapes. Especially attractive when the
hair is dressed low on the neck.
Riviera Pearls
$1.00 the Strand
The most perfect of French filled
pearls, beautiful, lustrous pearls in
graduated size, neck lengths, and with
gold-filled clasps. ,
Sterling Silver
Cream Ladle and Meat Fork
79c Each
Regular Price $1.50
Cream ladles and cold meat forks of
Sterling silver in dainty plain designs,
full size. First Floor
Annual Thanksgiving Linen Sale
A Noteworthy, Painstaking, Carefully Planned Event, That Presages Success
Do You Realize the Importance, the Real Benefit of a Linen Sale, Announced at This Time?
Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Sior-oera
90 J? ID
man wouc ckd vxx
MercUmW of or Merit Only
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 6691
Once in the Linen Store you are immediately impressed with two things, the Vastness and the Full
ness of the stocks. And these are the chief features of this November pre-Thanksgiving Sale of Linens.
Never have we had more or better linens to offer, and never have the sale prices been more attractive
to those economically inclined. Owing to the European market conditions linens are growing scarcer
and scarcer every day, but in the face of this fact we shall hold, as usual, our Annual Thanksgiving
Linen Sale at before-the-war prices.
Table Cloths and Napkins $4.00 Luncheon Sets $2.95
A direct importation of full bleached Scotch Damask
cloths and napkins, of an extra heavy quality with a
beautiful satiny finish. All of the newest circular patterns.
$4.50 Cloths, 2x2 yards, sale $3.50.
$6.00 Cloths, 2x2yz yards, sale $4.50.
$7.00 Cloths, 2x3 yards, sale $5.25.
$6.00 Napkins to match, 24 inches, $5.25
$1.25 Table Damask $1.00 Yard
Full bleached, fine Irish Table Damask of a specially
heavy quality and 70 inches wide. The patterns are
many and are very attractive.
$3.75 Odd Napkins $3.19 Dozen
1 00 dozen napkins of a fine, evenly-woven damask
that is full bleached. A large range of the most desirable
patterns. The size 22x22 inches.
. $2.75 Hemstitched Cloths $1.95
A very attractive cloth of silver bleached, pure linen,
in a medium weight, with a nice hemstitched border.
Size 54x72 inches.
Odd Pattern Table Cloths
Beautiful Irish and Scotch weaves. Because they are
slightly soiled from display or handling we have marked
them from 75 c to $2 less. There are no napkins to match.
$2.50 Cloths, 64x64 inches, sale $1.75.
$4.00 Cloths, 2x2Vz yards, sale $2.98.
$3.75 Cloths, 68x104 inches, sale $2.69.
$4.75 Cloths, 2x3 yards, sale, $3.49.
$6.75 Cloths, 2x3Yz yards, sale $4.59.
$4.25 to $5.00 Luncheon Napkins $3.75 Doz.
Included are hemstitched linen damask napkins, in a
variety of pretty floral patterns, fine eyelet embroidery
and scalloped edges. All are of pure linen with space
for monogram. The size is 15x15 inches.
Odd Scalloped Table Cloths
The linens in these cloths are all exquisitely soft and
fine, with a beautiful satiny finish. Being odd cloths
the prices are considerably reduced. They are all round
in shape.
$4.00 Cloths, 68 inches, $3.25 each.
$5.00 Cloths, 68 inches, $3.75 each.
$6.00 Cloths, 70 inches, $4.75 each.
r.00 Cloths, 72 inches, $5.50 each.
A 1 3-piece luncheon set' of pure linen. . Exquisitely
embroidered with a scalloped edge, and in a variety of
gracefully aranged patterns. The set consists of six 6
inch doilies, six 12-inch doilies, and a 24-inch center
piece. Embroidered Scarfs and Centerpieces
Regular $1.25 to $4.00, sale 98c to $2.50.
They are of pure, round-thread linen, with exquisite
embroidery that can hardly be distinguished from real
hand woirk. A fascinating- collection centerpieces 18 to
30 inches and scarfs 18x54 inches.
50c Bath Towels, Sale 39c
Towels of extra-heavy two-ply. twisted yarae, assur
ing long wear. They are made-with heavy nap and very
absorbent weave, extra large size. 26x52 inches. "
25c Hemmed Huck Towels, Sale 20c
Extra heavy hemmed huck towels, closely woven.
They come in all-white or with red or blue bore'ers.
Size 1 8x36 inches.
A Sale of Castleton Sheets.
These sheets are made of extra heavy round-thread
cotton. They are torn before hemming, assuring1 per
fect shape after laundering.
Size 2I4x2V& yards, special 69c.
Size 21ix23i yards, special 72c.
Size 2V4 x 3 yards, special 81c.
Pillow Cases of the Same Quality:
Size 42x381, special 15c. .
Size 45x38Y2, special 16c.
25c Embroidered Pillow Cases 19c
Made from an excellent quality fine cotton, hem
stitched and embroidered in many designs with space
for initial. The size is 45x36 inches.
$1.25 Initial Pillow Cases $1.00 Pair
Hemstitched and embroidered, and of firm, even
weave muslin. The cases are of regular size and there
is a good assortment of initials.
$4.50 Marseilles Bedspreads $3.50
Hemmed and of extra heavy weight, the cotton is
strong and fine and the finish is satiny. For full-sized
beds, and many attractive patterns.
$2.50 to $2.75 Bedspreads $1.95
Exceptionally heavy crochet spreads, extra large size.
and one of the very best spreads we have ever offered at
sale price.
Second Floor.
TWO All-Important Monday Events
A Dress Sale A Suit Sale
Have You Planned for a Velvet
Dress? Have You Been Awaiting
the Opportunity?
It Is Here!
Beautiful New Models
Velvet Dresses $19.75
A Price Without a Precedent
In black, navy blue and brown in two new models
as illustrated.
One model in the new Russian blouse style with
satin collar, cuffs, girdle and sash and satin-bound
The other model is embroidered at the waist, pro
ducing a girdle effect, and fur trimmed, satin sash
finished with fur. - Third Floor
Do You Know Forstman-Huffman
Broadcloths? They Are the
Standard American Broadcloths.
These New Suits
Made From This Fasionable Mate
rial and Fur Trimmed Are
Remarkable at
The very popular and extremely fashionable box
coat model with velvet convertible collar, and the new
est flaring style of skirt are two of the main features in
these suits of finest broadcloth.
In black, navy blue, brown, green and plum colors.
The jackets are trimmed entirely around the bottom
with fur, with fur-trimmed collar and fur cuffs. Lined
with satin. .As illustrated. Third Floor
Thanksgiving Dinnerware and Sheffield Plate
Two Very Eagerly Awaited Events From Our Great Sixth Floor
Lowest Sale Prices
On Practical, Useful Pieces of
Sheffield Plate
Each piece on sale as illustrated.
The very finest reproductions that are made of
Sheffield plate will be found in this sale a sale
planned as a great pre-Thanksgiving event. This
silverware will virtually last a lifetime, and is as
economical as anything that can be used for table
$5.00 Vegetable Dish
Open style vegetable dish. 9J2
inches long. Thread border design.
$6.50 Sauce Boat $4.95
With stand, size SYz inches.
In thread border design.
$6.00 Mayonnaise Dhh
for $4.75
A very graceful pattern, with
thread border design, 714 -inch
size. In style as illustrated.
$7.50 Meat Platter
; Special $5.75
Thread border design,
$8.00 Baking Dish
Special $6.50
With cover arid inside dish. In
thread border pattern. ,
; $11.50 Vegetable Dish $6.75
Covered dish, thread bor
der pattern. Can be used as
two dishes.
$9.00 Syrup Jug, with plate $6.75
$8.00 Salad Bowl, very special $6.50
$7.00 Cream Pitcher, special. . S .").."()
$7.00 Syrup Bowl very special. ..' $o-50
$7.00 Pierced Footed Comport $5.50
$14.00 Water Pitcher, special $10.75
Sixth Floor.
Offerings on
Theodore Haviland Finest
Limoges China Dinner Sets
$35.00 Dinner Set $18.95
1 00-piece sets in an assortment of different deco
rative designs.
$55.00 Dinner Set $36.65
Of 100 pieces with green and red chain borders,
mat gold handles.
$48.95 Dinner Set $32.65
Of 1 00 pieces, in delicate rose spray design, solid
mat coin gold handles.
$61.85 Dinner Set $41.25
Of 1 00 pieces, decorated in conventional design
combined with gold.
$71.20 Dinner Set $47.80
Of 100 pieces in exquisite floral-colored designs
with gold trimmings and handles.
$78.05 Dinner Set $51.95
Of 1 00 pieces, decorated with narrow apple-green
border and gold border.
$83.30 Dinner Set $55.45
Of 1 00 pieces, in beautiful design, combined with
mat gold.
$89.50 Dinner Set $59.65
Of 1 00 pieces, in conventional design and heavy
mat coin gold handles.
$187.50 Dinner Set $125.00
Of 100 pieces, bordered with a 5-16-inch etched
coin gold and heavy acid gold handles. Sixth Floor.
You Are The Loser If You Miss This Glove Sale
World Famous, Standard,
Mrs. Chundelah
the expert and well-known
teacher of wool knitting and
crocheting, conducts our free
classes every day from 9 un
til 1 o'clock, in the Art
Needlework SectionFlttlL Fioor
See Third Page Over
This Section
For Another Full Page
Advertisement of Extra
Special Sales Monday
1500 Yards New Silks
Until Tomorrow You Have Paid as High as $2.50
The Silks every woma'n wants silks that are right now at the
height of the fashion. Silks for dresses, gowns, wraps, waists and
for linings. And best of all every yard new.
, Fancy check Cros de Londre. . Striped
Messalines in all the very best shades.
New.'. Scotch Stripe Messalines. Stripe
Taffetas in many colors. 40-inch colored
Crepe de Chine.
And plain black Taffetas, Messalines, Duchess Satin and Peau
de Soie, 36 inches wide. . Second Floor
First Quality Gloves at Prices That Approach the Sensational
Tomorrow the women of Portland will have the opportunity of
purchasing Kid Gloves of the highest standard and quality at prices
that heretofore have never been known.
In this sale we direct attention to the fact that these are all fresh,
new, clean, selected stock gloves. Each one is in its individual wrap
per, just as it came out of the Custom-house.
We especially direct attention to the fact that these are not old
gloves, handled, soiled, damaged, imperfect, or merchandise that
has been offered on bargain tables and mauled over by shoppers.
In conducting this sale we have no desire for crowds who pick and
handle, and often purchase in the excitement of the moment, only to!
find disappointment afterwards. ,
We shall give each customer individual attention in the selection
of these World Famous Gloves.
We know of no sale that offers greater opportunity for the selec
tion of Xmas Gleves than this event, which starts tomorrow.
Imp'ted Chiffon Velvet
The revival of velvets as a fashion has taken the feminine world by
storm this season for all real dress occasions, for afternoons and for
evenings, velvet wraps. 'suits and dresses are now worn by women who are
distinctive in their manner of dressing.
Here is a wonderful opportunity for the women of Portland to secure an
exquisite quality of Chiffon velvet that would sell regularly at $6.00 the
yard. A quality that cannot be approached in the American woven velvets.
These velvets will not crush or spot. Full 40 inches wide. In black only.
Second Floor
$1.75 Russian Kas
san Gloves - .
Fine quality tailor gloves, one
clasp pique style. In black and
white. ;
$1.75 Imported
Lambskin Gloves. . . pl.OO
Pique style, self and contrasting
sewn. In black and white.
$1.75 German , -r
Lambskin Gloves. . .
Extra quality gloves, one-clasp
style, fancy embroidery backs. In
black, white and tan shades.
$1.50 Reynier
Fauchin Suedes . .
Overseam sewn. In broken assort
ment. In black and colors.
$2.00 Genuine Dent
Gloves for ,$1.45
Two-clasp style Dent gloves un
surpassed for general street wear.
$1.75 Royal Gloves,
Very Special
SI. 29
Finest lambskin glace finish gloves,
2 -clasp style, pique sewn. Black,
white and tan shades.
$2.00 Ladimore "
Gloves for . . . 3l'b"'
One pearl clasp, glace finished,
with half welt at wrist, and heavy
crochet embroidery backs. In black. .
white, tan and champagne.
$2.25 and $2.00 Rey-
Gloves .
High class suedes, first quality '
Reynier and Alexandre makes. In
black, brown, tan, gray and mode
2.00 Alexandre and
Maggioni Gloves ...
The finest seal kid gloves, 3-clasp
overseam style. Full assortment of ;
sizes and colors. First Floor.