10 TTTE SUNDAY OTtTCGOXTATT, PORTLAND, OCTOTVEH 31, 1913. OREGON WOMEN BACK MRS. EVANS FOR PLACE WITH NATIONAL BOARD Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles, of Los Angeles,' Is Supported by California for Presidency of General Federation A High Tribute Is Paid Retiring Head of Clubs. Ay rf.-' h--' Jit - - ri J fes- B lfcg v ; -curicart 'c CTj5iTna7, II -a---y - y35-tJ c5V? c- ssri. .X I Pk - N. Vol -,r r - - ill Vx - i Lf' "V . 'tv l1 i!l u : V 7 r-l ! tvV " i ' t J i "I ill- " - V f'&? i ! r r r. J 7- - THE long-awaited etate convention of the Oregon Federation o Women's Clubs is over and the various organizations will settle down to work. As a finalo to her 10 years of service the office of honorary presi dent for life was offered to Mrs. Sarah Evans. This she declined, saying that fhc wanted to step down and work in the ranks. The federation then voted to back Mrs. Evans for a place on the National board of the general federa tion. ill s. Josiah Evans Cowles. of Los Angplesi. is supported by the California federation for .he office of president of the general federation. Thus two Western women will seek honors at the biennial in New York City next May. An artistic and suitable design for a tate federation pin was submitted at the recent state gathering in Salem, und Mrs. Evans appointed a committee to take up the matter of adopting the lln. Mrs. . A. King Wilson was ap pointed chairman and her assistants are Mrs. G. A Hartman, Miss Cosper, Mrs. J. B. BeU. of Prineville; Mrs. E. IS. DeOou. Kugenc: Mrs. L Roy Wil .son, Miss Florence Olson. Oak Grove:: Mrs. J. A. Buchanan. Roseburg. and Mrs. Vonnie 0inps Webb. Seaside. Mrs. C. H. Castner. of Hood River, the newly-elected president, in "her short address after the- installation, vaid tritutc to the ability of Mrs. Kvins. Mrs. Milii" Trumbull reported that the legislative committee recommended that tie matter of. equal pay for men sind women teachers le referred to the educational committee. The auto ride to the various state Institutions provided by the Salem Commercial Club on Thursday was one of the delightful features of the con vention. The w.nien of the Willamette Uni versity presided at one of the interest ing social functions, a reecption at IDator. Hall. Mrs. Robert Berger was judge of election There were 165 accredited liel-gates who voted. Ilrs. W A. Snick, of Roseburg. gave a comprehensive report on motion pic tures and urged the clubs to take an interest in encouraging a high stand ard for picture shows. - . Mrs. A. W. Brt!ett. of Grants Pass, was a strong champion of Southern Oregon. She nominated Miss Marion Towne. of Phoenix. Had Southern Oregon put up and supported a candi date at an earlier hour there is no doubt that they could have had one of the important offices, as there are many able women in Medford. Ashland and other cities of that section. The introduction of a "dark horse" candidate at the last moment is hardly 'Z- jO . j. - fair to the woman brought into an election to suddenly. Mrs. Nathan Harris introduced a resolution favoring training for girls as Red Cross nurses. This was laid on the table. At the state convention Miss Pauline Kline, - Governor Withycombes- ap pointee on the Child Labor Board, gave a short talk regarding the work of her Board as related to the clubs. - . . Superintendent Hale, of the Train ing School for Boys, branded cigarettes as the cause of 75 per cent of the de linquency of the state. . . . Preparations for making the 47th an nual convention the most successful in the history of the National American Woman Suffrage Association are already in full swing at Washington, D. C. The convention will be held from December 14 to December 19, inclusive, with headquarters at the Willard Hotel. . The group of women who have in charge the arrangements for the con vention is representative of the typ of women who "do things," representa tives, the suffragists say. of the women who are working for enfranchisement the country over. Mrs. Winsto.j Churchill is chairman -of the commit tee. The committee boasts of two suc cessful authors among its members. Mrs. Helen H. Gardener and Mrs. Alice Lee Moque. Mrs. Gardener's name has been known to suffragists . throughout the country for 20 years as an active worker and a woman whose literarv gifts were, used to spread their prop- aganda. . With Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she labored for the adoption of the single standard of morals and the rais ing of the age of protection for girle. It may be said. In passing, that. though known to her public and co workers as Helen Gardener, in pri vate and official life she is Mrs. Selden A. Day, the wife of an Army officer.- Mrs. Alice Lee Moque is a newspaper writer, author, lecturer, student of law and medicine and expert photographer; in fact, almost everything, as she says She can reel off society correspondence with a minimum effort and at the same time has been writing for a photo graphic magazine for 15 years. For 25 years she has been a member of the American Authors Guild of New York, an honor that is given only for work performed. She was one of the found ers of the Mothers' Congress and an authority on eugenics. Other members of the committee are Miss Florence F. Stiles, president of the College of Equal Suffrage League, who does editorial work in the division of publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington: Miss Mary O'Toole. secretary of the College League and president of the State Equal (suffrage Association of the District, who is a graduate of the Washington College of Law and a practicing attorney In the city, and Miss Ethel M. Smith, for merly editor of the Bureau of Fish eries, who left the Government service to go into active suffrage work. Miss Smith has done valuable service for Washington. Three years ago, almost single-handed, she organized the Wash ington center of the Drama League, and, as secretary, launched it upon a successful career. The Oregon branch of Collegiate Alumnae will have a luncheon at the Portland Hotel. Dr. Bertha Stuart, of Reed College, will speak. A few brief reports of the activities of the club also will be given." All who are eligible are cordially invited to be present. Any woman is eligible who is not registered as an undergradate, who has taken one year's full academic work and who has received credit therefor, in any college or university having, a four years course and belonging to the associa tion; or In any college or university having a four years course and grant ing the degree of A. B. Academic work should be interpreted to mean any non professional work such as would be credited for one full year's work lead ing to the A. B. degree, although not necessarily taken in candidacy for the A. B. degree. Since it is impossible to reach all who may wish to attend, those who do not receive invitations kindly notify Mrs. W. L. Cooper, 1199 East Hoyt street. Phone Tabor J431. Owing to an unexpected message call ing Mrs. A. A. Bailey to California, Mrs. G. A. Johnson. 643 Sherwood Drive, en tertained the Tuesday Club last week, The programme consisted of the fol lowing topics: "The Reforms of Peter the Great." Mrs. Frank M. Miles: "The Reien of Catherine the Second." Mrs. A. J. Stiles: "Lomonosoff," Mrs. William I- Marshall.- - Miss Hulbert was a guest of the club. 1 The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George L. Boynton. 4417 Forty third street southeast. Take 1:15 F. M. Woodstock car. , The Woman's Christian Temperance Union booth at the Land Show Is pre senting different departments of its work on various days. On Thursday the soldiers' and sailors' department was presented by Elizabeth Dagleish. state - superintendent, and Mrs. D. Munn. of Sunnyside union. On Satur day scientific temperance instruction was demonstrated. Other departments will give demonstrations during the coming-week. On November 6," which is . Woman's Christian Temperance Union day, an entertainment will be given in the theater. One of the fea tures will be the pageant of the states. The National Federation of College Women, as its name suggests, is an as sociation composed of women who have attended a college, at least one year. Its purposes are social, educational and vocational. Through college clubs, as they are called locally, women are brought to gether who have had some training in common and who wish to continue ed ucational work. These clubs are also a means of helping college women into positions for which their training has fitted them. Vocational bureaus for college wom en have been established in New Tork. Chicago. Philadelphia and Cincinnati and many positions have been filled. The New York bureau reports finding 60 types of nonteaching positions for women, most of which are new "jobs." In Los Angeles a college club reports finding positions for 35 women in three months. At the recent convention of tjae as sociation held in California Miss Abbie Wright, of Portland, and many other Oregon women attended. The officers are: Honorary president. Mrs. Phoebe Hearst. San Francisco, Cal.: president. Mrs. William Oxley Thompson Wells). State University Grounds. Columbus. Ohio: first vice-president and chairman of extension. Miss Anne Mumford fVassar). 623 Prospect avenue. South Pasadena, Cal.: second vice-president, Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, Oregon Agricul tural Ccllese. Corvallls; third vice president, Mrs. George Alonzo Miller (Illinois Normal University and Northwestern). 1361 East Broadway. Long Beach. Cal.: secretary. Mrs. Roger J. Sterrett Ohlo Wesleyan and Stanford). 4612 Welch avenue. Holly wood. Cal.: burstr. Miss Edna Arm strong Ohio State), 1555 Belmont av enve, Columbus. Ohio: board of direc tors. Dr. Jane Scherzer (Michigan and Berlin), president Oxford College for Women, Oxford. O.; Mrs. Willard Bea han (Cornell), 2213 Bellfield avenue. Cleveland, O.; Mrs. Philander P. Clax ton (Vanderbilt and Chicago). Wash ington. D. C: Miss Martha E. Cilker (California). 1325 West Twenty-third street. Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. I. N. But ters (Simpson), 1720 East Seventh street. Long Beach. Cal. For the 15th annual meeting of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, which met at Salem, October 25-28. 25 delegates and their alternates were ap pointed to represent the Grade Teach ers' Association, the largest women's club in the state. These delegates were: Miss Anna Biesen. Miss Helen Crane. Miss Rose B. Fouts. Mrs. Cora D. Fraine, Miss Pearl Horner, Miss Madge Hill. Miss Nettie Rankin. Miss Mary Jane Rogers. Miss Abbie Wright. Miss Viola Ortschild, Miss Alma Wikander. and Mrs. Ada' Beard. The alternates were: Miss Caro line Redding. Mrs. Maud Darnall, Miss Cora Sullivan. Miss Jennie Limbocker, Miss Harriet Monroe, Mtss Eleanor Mc carty, Mrs. Josephine Lisher, Miss Ger trude Orth. Miss Estelle Hill, Miss Cor delia Murphy, Mrs. Chirington and Miss Edith Ellis. The' Grade Teachers' Halloween party. given at Washington High School, was largely attended. The gymnasium, which was the scene of the festivities, was decorated with Halloween emblems, and refreshments were, served. Misses Katherine Linton and Georgia Wey delighted the audience, the for mer with her wonderful contralto voice and the latter by her beautiful, esthetic dancing. A bright and charming part of the programme was Threo Maids or Lee. sung and acted by Misses Lilah Rogers, Mary Lien and Edith Olson. Miss Nina Greathouse s attractive personality lent an added Interest to her clever rendition of "Who's Afraid, "Mme. Eef" and Mark Twain's "Gold Arm.' The evening, which, ended with a general merrymaking, was a success. The Alberta Woman's Improvement Club will meet on Tuesday night with the president. Mrs. Josephine R. jharp. 10J3 East Twenty-fourth street Worth. Reports of the convention will be given At the state gathering Mrs. Sharps vacant lot report was one of the big things that impressed the women. She urged bringing together two great eco nomic wasters idle men and idle land. This, if carried on consistently, Mrs. Sharp says, will do away with much delinquency and poverty. m In speaking of the invitation from Pendleton for the State Federation for 1916, Mrs. Lee Moorehouse said: "Of course, we want you in Pendleton. You haven t been there for many years. Why not let 'er buck ' ? Mrs. Vonnie Owings Webb, of Seaside, replied: "The convention has never been to Seaside. We can entertain the clubwomen." Mrs J. B. Bell said that although Prineville is ofl the railroad the Com mercial Club would furnish . convey ances. Mrs. Ivanhoe offered the merits of La Grande as a meeting place. The Fortnightly Club will meet to morrow with Mrs. R. A. Bennett, 1229 East Harrison street. The Woman's Political Science Club will meet on Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock. The speakers will be "Women in the Profession." The speakers will be Miss Leah Riker, Miss Lyda O Bryon, Dr. Mary MacLachlan. The public is in vited. Dr. MacLachlan will speak on "Twilight Sleep." The Monday Musical Club has a great treat to offer its members and their in vited guests next Monday at the Hotel Multnomah at 2:30 P. M. Mme. Jomelli, who is a member of the club, will give the entire programme. Her fine voice will assure a treat, and every member is looking forward to the event. Many splendid things are planned for the Winter, but this is one of the most delightful and worth-while of the sea son. Lucien E. Becker will accompany the singer and will play one piano solo, m m m Monday Musical Club classes are planned as follows: German at 10 A. M., French at 11 A. M. Mondays, at Main street: sight reading 11 A. M.. chorus 11-45 A. M., advanced harmony 12:30 P. M., beginners' harmony 1:15 P. M.. Eilers Recital Hall, on Fridays. Mrs. Anton Giebisch is arranging Mon day classes and Mrs. R. H. Tucker Fri day classes. Overlook Woman's Club will meet on Friday with Mrs. C. L. Clausen. 914 Overlook boulevard. Aloha Psychology Club met on Tues day night in room 726 Morgan build ing. Professor J. C. Diamond was the leader. At the next meeting, at 7:45 o'clock on Tuesday, Dr. Lora Diamond will speak on "How to Grow Success ful." For the social service department of the Sunnyside Parent-Teacher Associ ation a silver tea will bo given on Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Edgar Allen. 165 . East Thirty-first street North, with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. R. L. Mc Bride and Mrs. C. P. Jordan as host esses. ' - Chapter A, P. E. O. Sisterhood, met on Monday with Mrs. J. W. Ferguson. Philanthropy was the topic. Reports were heard on the Crittenton Home and the Big Sisterhood. Several guests were entertained. An entertainment and reception will be given in Lincoln High School on No vember 12 with the faculty association as hosts. Miss Emma Wold and Miss Marion Schneider are planning the af fair. "Much Ado About Nothing" will be given in St. David's parish house Tues day night. Among the talented women to appear in the cast will be Mrs. Albert M. Brown, Miss Aileen Brong, Mrs. P. I. Thompson, Mrs. R. E. Jones. Miss Helen Jeffers. Mrs. Anton GiebLech, Mrs. Allen Todd and several others. Emerson Study Club held a Hal loween party on Tuesday. Miss Marie Sommers and Mrs. Elizabeth Bond con tributed to the programme. The club meets on Tuesday nights in the Theo sophical Library, Broadway and Main street. , The Sunday school department of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be the general subject of Wednes day's meeting of Central Union. The superintendent, Mrs. Louisa Nute. will have charge of the programme. She NEW HEAD OF PARENT -TEACHERS AND MOTHERS PLANS NO CHANGES Mrs. George W. McMath Praises Hospitality of Corrallis, but Announces Stand Against Radical Moves in Organi zation Efforts to Be Concentrated to Make Parents' Educational Bureau of Greater Value. BT EDTTJT KNIGHT HOLME;. Ms IIS. GEORGE W. M'MATH. the ewly-elected president of the Oregon Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations, will not Inaugurate any radical changes in the workings of the organization at the be ginning of her term of office. X do not believe in whirlwind re forms. They start with a bluster and soon die down. I shall continue the conservative and economical policy al ready in operation and shall do all in my power to be an efficient president." While at Corvallls. where she was elected to her high office, Mrs. McMath found that the attitude of the leading educators toward the Congress is most satisfactory. State Superintendent Churchill gave a splendid address and promised co-operation. Mtss Viola Orthchild. president of the Portland Grade Teachers' Association. made one of the best talks at the con vention, according to Mrs. McMath. The grade teachers and the congress have gotten on a basis of friendship that promises good work for the best inter ests of the home, the schools and the pupils. Mrs. McMath says that efforts will be concentrated to make the Parents' Edu cational Bureau even more of a worth while institution than It has been In the past. Since last May 6500 persona have visited the bureau and many young mothers have received advice and literature regarding the care of babies. "Our visit to the Oregon Agricultural College was a great treat. Few people n the state realize what a fine insti tution the college is and the opportuni ties it offers," said Mrs. McMath. "The social side of the convention was per fect. Corvallls was royally hospitable. One of the prominent women told me that not one person had refused to help In preparing for the state convention. Harmony was the keynote." So Interesting were some of the re ports that they will be printed and circulated throughout the state. That given by Miss Orthchild will be one of the most popular. The Junior Exposition, opened in the Library on Thursday under the aus pices of the Portland Parent-Teacher Association, is one of the largest under takings of that or any similar organi zation. Every afternoon from 3 to 4 and every night from 8 to 8 o'clock there will be a programme. The expo sition will continue until November 6. The programme for this week will include: Monday. November 1 At 3 P. M., a talk by Mtgs Carana, explaining the home crdit systtm; 4 P. M.. story telling hour (pri mary); at f P. M., music, and at 8:30. ex hibit of Camp Fire work. Tuesday, No-raler 2 At 3 P. M.. Mrs. Cady will talk on the methods used in the music school: at 4 P. M-. a children's Dlav: at s P. M., music, and at 6:30 P. M., Camp Kiro exhibit. Wednesday, November 3 At 3 P. M-, Miss Ledyard will talk on kindergarten work: at Slop. Miss Wright will talk on the home has asked Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, state president, to read her convention ad dress at the meeting. Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, In her address Tuesday before the State Federation convention, made many suggestions that will probably be taken up and made a part of the club work of the future. Mrs. Evans spoke from 10 years of experience as president of the organization. She said, in part: For our future work and guidance, I would recommend : 1. That he p.ourd have prepared a plan for Incorporation which shall be submitted j for action at the annual convention In l<t. 2. That we enter a strong protest j against children with contagious and In- I fectious diseases being taken Into public places and public conveyances, and the public health committee be instructed to ; confer with the State Board of Health with , a view to prohibiting this common prac- ; tice. S. That, inasmuch as we have been re- j Ileved as an organization of the responsl- 1 bllity of raising funds for the anti-tuberculosis work of the state, that the Board be instructed to devise some means for raising a fund for the care and treatment of Indigent, crippled children, and that we jileJge ourselves to the promotion of this work until such time as the state will assume the responsibility. 4. That we send a stronr resolution to the Governor, deploring any attack upon tno cnua laoor mw, ana soliciting nis am In maintaining Its Integrity. 5. That an Investigation be begun, at once, through, the proper committee, re garding the feeble-minded who are not properly restrained, with a view to legisla tion which will rtduce the appalling birth rate among this class. . That we indorse the movement -inaugurated by the Council of Jewish Women to Incorporate kindergartens in our public school system. 7. That th plan of the General Fed eration be adopted in forming our stand -in? committees for the state; namely, that the r.h airman only be appointed, and that the club chairmen of the several commit tees in the individual clubs be ex-officio mem Vers of the committee. 8. That all club elections be held In the Spring, and that the outgoing president be considered the legal representative of the club at the state convention next follow ing. . That some definite recommendation be made to the Board from this meeting for a better and more expeditious method of receiving the. club reports. In the report of your president at Eu gene, mention was made of the necessity for preserving: the integrity of our child labor law. We bad no warning at that time of the attack that threatened the ad ministration of the law which came in two different forms In the Legislature. Again, later in the year we heard of foes in the field whose rr actlonary sent t mem as to child labor legislation spelled disaster to our -protection for the child worker. An v lowc-rinr vof our child labor law must b opposed by our clubwomen. The lew as it stands' today- is the child of our rarfirton and "we should protect It most jealously from the Interference of specious rrienoa. A a member of our child labor commis sion since It Inauguration in 1903. 1 apeak with authority on this subject. We know of tts workings at firs -hand of necessity for rigid adherence to the terms of the statute of the etreme danger of discre tionary power, which o many who have riven the subject but superficial thought urire that e put in the hands of the executive officer. This intimate association for 15 years with the enforcement of the child lsbor law fully warrants my insistence that we. as a federation, must oppose any modifica tion of the oresent statute. There la no nroblem before th American people today comparable with thst of the unemployed; It Is one that makes the heart almost stand, still .as we .approach it, and - ;: TrttT s It" credit system; at 4 P. M.. the children of the Peninsula Park playground will show their worlc in drill and danclnc; at 4:30, there will be a story hour for children (Juniors); at 8. muitc, and at S:3i P. M., the Boy scouts will show their drill. Thursday. November 4 At S P. M.. Mrs. Cady will talk on the methods of the music school; at 4 P. M.. another croup of play KTound children will drill; at 4::t0 P. M.. there will be a story hour older children); at 8 P. music, and at 8:30 P. M.. a play by the dramatic club of Jefferaon High School. Frldav. November 3 At 3 P. M.. Miss Talbot will talk on kindergarten work (Mon tessorl); 3:::0 P. M., Miss Blanford will talk on the "home credit system; at 4 o'clock, there will be a children's play; at S P. M., a short concert by a grammar school or chestra, led by Mr. Hunter; at 8:30 P. M.. a repetition of the Jefferson dramatic club piay- Saturdav, November 6 At 3 P. M.. a talk by Miss Uunlap, of the Art museum; at 4 P M., an exhibit of Boy Scouts: at 8 P. M., music; at :30 P. M., drill by Boy Seoul. Mrs. W. TV. Rodwell is president of the Woman's Club of Hood River. She is an interesting and able woman, and a tactful leader. Mrs. Rodwell is inter ested in federation work and inspires her fellow members with the spirit of Its utter hopelessness is aggravated by Its absolute Heedlessness. With our millions of untitled acres; our mineral resources almost untouched ; with trees of the forest dying from old age; with wasto lands whereon to graze un numbered sheep and cattle, our bank bursting with money, and our bankers will ing and able to finance a foreign war. and with the empty markets of the world star ing vi in ihe face, why should the word unemployment' be ever and anon upon thp linn nf th American neoDle? To teed, ciotne ana snener me uucm nlnv1 when thev are In our midst is a deed of mercy, but an evil which will grow and multiplv by feeding on itself. -Thou Shalt eat bread by the sweat of thy trow." was not given as a curse, out as a promise that h who worked could eat bread, and every man' born Into the world has a right to a Job; ana tne man or mierpsn mi .- Riv It to him and yet withholds it is the man upon whom will be visited the wrath to come. To feed, clothe and shelter the idle is like throwing a bone to a hungry dog. who will snarl and bite because it isn't more. Closely allied, with the jirooiem or tne unemployed are two conditions we must face. The immediate one is the closing of the saloons January 1. It was a glad day when the voters of Oregon declared in unmistakable tones that the children of the state should no more have these breedin-r places of vice and corruption flaunted in their faces. But how about the homeless man? the cold, shiver- Inr- unon-nlAvfd man who. for the Price of a drink, could procure a comiortaoie cnair for the evening in a warm, cosy corner, or participate in the love and laughter and sonp of debauchery ? Something must be proviaea lor wnat we ue i,'ii wum im-. though It be for his beet good or we will have a carnival of crime and misery beg gering description. There is no sniraine- our auiy in ini. ur vote was largely responsible for creating the pituation, and the women In every com munity must realize their responsibility In meeting the crisis by providing some social life for the "down-and-outs.' which Is Just as necessary as food and raiment. For several years, tnere nas neen penning In Congress a bill, which has been held 'n ahevnnce bv the same Interests that pro longed the flrrht over the pure ford bill for t-n vwrs. It Is kown as the pure tex tllbll'. Tt would rcnxiire all manufac turers to brand their fabrics so that the consumer would know exactly what she 1s buvlng. We deluded women demand "all wool" goods. little dreaming that th-re I no such thing made. All the wool that is grown would not make one third the ma terlnl that is sold for -"-all-wool. If we did know what we do get ground up In shoddy we would be much more shocked that we ever were at the spec tacular display of conl tar coloring In oi:r food. The passage of this bill would mean thousand t upon thousands of sheep upon the waste lands of Oregon, with woolen mills and faofrIes o use the by-products, with a correspondingly increased labor market. It was the clubwomen who secured the nure food law. Why cm thev not demand that this be passed? Thl Is but one of the nanv ways women could as.lt in talclnc from the; state the reproach of "unemploy-i mftlL" lt m et H firmly lmplantd In onr nnderstandinr that somehow, some way. we -Must contribute to the labor market rather than to the laborer that we must ttrtn sent lmen tali tv from every angle or the -croble-i of th unemoloved: that we mill- rili-roiir-are the ft v stem of giving, whether legalised under the name of nenmon or private -philanthropy, and re fVA nnr lovlnr ministrations of sweet eharltv fo the sick, the afflicted and the Ve1iifiK ch l:o Tiefore bidding you my official farewell, T wt-rh to enress mv heartfelt thanks to he rt'firw th committees and to t h cub--K-nmen of Oregon and to exprpss to you all mv deep and sincere appreciation for the solendid loyalty, truat snd confidence yon have annum m for the many kind an urgent letters I have received from V.th nun ' md -women c1th members and the 111 T during the past few weeks for th help f Li- --iJ enthusiasm for club work that has made Hood River Club successful. Mrs. C. W. Evans is president of the Oregon City Woman's Club, a progres sive organization with a large mem bership. The other officers are: Vice-president. Mrs. J. W. Norris: second vice-president. Mrs. W. C. Green; recording secretary. Miss Alma. W. Moore; financial secretary, Mrs. N. M. Alldredge; treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Nash : calendar committee, Mrs. Mary R. Caufleld. Mrs. W. A. White. Mrs. T. K. Beard, Miss Alma Moore. Mrs. I. C. Latourette, Mrs. C A. Nash. Mrs A. Mc Donald and Mrs. Krma L. Jones; audit ing committee, Mrs. Mary Bradley and Mrs. Emma M. Downey; music commit tee, Mrs. Schoenborn, Mrs. Dlla Green and Mrs. S. W. Moody; educational com mittee. Mrs. T. E. Beard, Mrs. Jennie B. Harding and Mrs. Jeanette K. Scott: civic improvement committee, Mrs. J. W. Norris and Mrs. Winnie Mil ler; Bible department, Mrs. Latourette; Shakespeare department, Mrs. J. W. Norris; paMiamentarian, Mary R. Cau tield. you have given me In building up the largest . and - strongest woman s organization in Ore gon. I have endeavored to make the w-ork I have put into it the past ien jeara a conse crated service; I have tried to make the vision of what the clubs of this state could do a reality. But what measure of suc cess I have attained came, not through my efforts, but through ihe kvc. zeal and har mony you have put Into your work. And again 1 tnu.-c thank you for the op portunity for rerite you have given me, and for your patl'.-nce and kindness to mc e Dramatic department of the Port land Shakespeare Study Club will meet Monday morning at 9:45 at St. David's parish house for dress rehearsal of "Much Ado About Nothing." Play to be given Tuesday evening for benefit of St. David's Guild. Kat Side class of Portland Shake speare Study Club will meet Monday with Mrs. Julia C. LaBarre at 1189 Taggart street, end of Waverleigh Kichmond car. At the Coterie Club recently Mrs. E. R. Root read a paper on the Expo sition in San Francisco, giving a de tailed account of the splendid art work. the arrangement and adornment of the various courts and buildings. V The Halloween party given October by the Peninsula Park Lavender Club was a notable success as a re union of old members and a rally of those who have recently joined. Re freshments were served. After the feast the members forgot their years in dancing the stately old figures for gotten by the present generation. Mrs. Florence Crawford will address the Women's New Thought Club Wed nesday, November 3, at the residence off Mrs. A. J. Price. 545 Flavel avenue. All those interested are welcome. The regular quarterly and board meetings of the Portland Women's Union will be held at 2:30 P. M. Mon day, at 610 Flanders street. All mem bers are requested to be present. Portland Shakespeare Study Club will present "Much Ado About Noth ing" on Tuesday in St. David's Parish House. The arrangements are In charge of the dramatic chairman. Miss Aileen Brong, and the coach, Mrs. Kieanor Sanford Large. The cast of characters follows: Don Pedro. Mrs. P. I Thompson; Don John, Mrs. Roy feterson . Anion 10. -m ra. xj. u i -i r-w l.pnnato Mrs. Albert M. Brown: Borachlo. Miss Mma Joy; Conrad. Mlas Helen Jeffers: pri.-at. Mrs. Rodney Hnr.- burt; Cowberry. Miss Aileen Brong; erar, Mr3 R U. Jones; sexton. Miss May BresUn; watchman. Mrs. Rodnev Hurlburt: Benedict; -w-r tv a CArtnr: Claudlo. Mrs. At-tt Todd: Beatrice. Mrs. Ar.ton Git-btsch; Mar garet, M ls Helen Jeffers. and Ursula, Mrs. It. IS. Jones. At the Halloween party given by the Grade Teachers Association in Wash ington High School on Wednesday one of the most attractive features was the fortune-tell ing booth. In which Miss Estc'le Melntyrp and Miss Addle Clark revealed the mysteries of the future.